Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Dec 7, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Male mine to go" Chapter 43

All the men were still gathered in the waiting room. Brian had returned with Lee when they took Keith to run tests. "Baby, I love you." Lee whispered to Chris. "I love you too." Chris whispered. Wayne was setting on the other side of Brian with his hand on his back as Brian leaned over and cupped his face in his hands. Trying to sob but his body just would not let him. He had cried so much and his stress level was so high his body just would not give in and let him cry anymore. "He is going to be alright buddy. Ronnie is good at what he does." Wayne said. "I know he is. I am sorry that you got dragged into this and have to be here with him." Brian said. "Don't you worry about that. This is not about me and Ronnie. This is about you and getting Keith well." Wayne said. Brian turned and hugged Wayne tight and his body finally allowed him to cry again.

Ronnie entered the room and everyone stood quickly as if the President had walked in. Wayne stood with his arm around Brian sensing how weak Brian was from the stress. "We have finished the tests and I have reviewed them. " Ronnie said. "How is he Keith ?" Chris asked. Ronnie began to explain about Keith's injuries. There was no sign of internal bleeding. His brain had swollen slightly but that was to be expected. The blood from his nose and ears was caused from his nose being broken and his ear due to the pressure on his brain causing a blood vessel in his ear to burst. The seat belt had dislocated his collar bone and had severely bruised three ribs. The lap belt had bruised and fractured Keith's hip. Ronnie explained that they had him on an antibiotic but no other medication. The shock to Keith's body and the swelling on his brain was apparently the reason for his temporary coma. They would not give him pain medication until he wakes hoping that pain would help him to wake sooner. Those words almost made Brian collapse.

Wayne was able to steady Brian before he fell. "We are moving him to a semi ICU ward. He will be in a private room and not in ICU but the nurse there will only have two patients and it has the same equipment as an ICU if needed. His heart rate is a little elevated so we are going to keep a close check on that also. Brian, its all up to him now." Ronnie said. One of the officers walked up to Lee. "Same protocol ?" he asked. "Yes, but inform the Sheriff of everything you are doing and why." Lee said. "What was that ?" Chris whispered. "We pay for the room across the hall and it has to be the two rooms at the end of a hall so that security can control it. " Lee said. "Oh." was all Chris could think to say. "He will be in his room in about fifteen minutes Brian so a nurse will come get you once he is settled. I have also ordered a recliner and sofa bed to be placed in the room for you." Ronnie said. Brian walked slowly to Ronnie and reached out and hugged him as tight as his weak muscles could. "Thank you so much for bringing Keith back to me. I owe you my life now." Brian said.

The nurse came in about ten minutes later and ask for Brian. She led Brian, Wayne, Chris and Lee to Keith's room. "His heart rate has been around 130. He is not in danger but we are monitoring it. We don't want it higher. We hope that it goes below 100. If he is having any pain at this moment it will cause his heart rate to be higher, but that may help him to wake up sooner." she said. Brian pulled the recliner to the side of the bed. The nurse moved it slightly. "This will give us the room so you don't have to be disturbed and also give you access." she said. "Thank you." Brian said. Chris and Lee stood against the wall with Lee leaning back against Chris. This had become almost automatic for the two. Wayne stood in the doorway leaning against the door frame.

Ronnie walked up behind Wayne and leaned his weight against Wayne's back. Wayne had recognized the cologne and even the body heat before Ronnie ever touched him. Ronnie slid his hand into Wayne's back pocket cupping one of Wayne's ass cheeks. "You alright baby. I am really glad to see you." Ronnie said. Wayne turned his head and kissed Ronnie on the cheek. "Thank you." Wayne said. "Well I am just doing my job. You are the one to be thanked. You dropped everything to help them. It shows just how much love you have bottled up inside." Ronnie said. "Yeah. love that nobody wants. " Wayne said as he moved away from Ronnie and moved to the other side of the bed. "Did you see that ?" Lee asked Chris. "Sad isn't it? I have noticed both of them quite a few times. When Ronnie walked up and leaned into Wayne it looked like they both glowed." Chris said. "You did see then." Lee chuckled. "It is sad though. Have I told you in the last two minutes that I love you ?" Lee said. "Nope." Chris laughed. "Well I have to make up for lost time. I love you with everything I am." Lee said. "Ditto sexy." Chris said.

Keith lay there not able to open his eyes. "God this pain is too much. I didn't have time to react. I could have minimized this but that truck pushed Brian. Where is my baby ?" Keith thought. Brian sat in the recliner. Scared to touch Keith. Ronnie walked up and placed his hand on his shoulder. "You can touch him. Talk to him. We don't know if he can hear you or not but you may be able to help." Ronnie whispered. Brian reached out and took Keith's right hand into both his hands. It almost felt like static electricity. "God what was that ? It was a shock but it felt good." Keith thought. Brian lightly kissed Keith's hand. "Baby its me Brian. You are going to be fine. Please stay strong. I need you." Brian whispered. "Oh shit. I hear his voice. Where is he ? He is alright. He is talking to me." Keith thought. Keith could feel his hand being rubbed and kissed. "Thank you Lord my baby is here and safe. " Keith thought. Ronnie watched the monitor as Keith's heart rate began to lower. "Keep talking to him." Ronnie said. After a couple of minutes Keith's heart rate had lowered to almost 100. "Can we try something ?" Ronnie asked. "Sure you are the Doc." Wayne said.

"You know he is here and you know he is safe. Leave him for a couple of minutes and let the others talk to him. I need to see something. " Ronnie said. Brian let go of Keith's hand and stood. Keith's boss walked in and spoke to Keith for a second and then allowed Chris, Lee and Wayne to speak. Within about two minutes Keith's heart rate was back up to 130. "Now set back down and take his hand and talk to him again." Ronnie said. Brian took Keith's hand and leaned over and lightly kissed Keith on the lips. I am here baby. Wake up for me baby." Brian said. He leaned over and whispered in Keith's ear. "I have your super tight ass that needs your attention sexy." Brian whispered. Within a minute or so Keith's heart rate had began to lower again. "My babies here. Where is he ?" Keith thought. "See. He knows you are here. I think he will be fine but talk to him as much as you can. You both need to rest though. " Ronnie whispered to Brian.

"Hello." Bob said as he answered his cell phone. "How are you Mrs. Ruth. I heard about your accident." Bob said. "I am fine son. I am just a little angry at the moment." she said. "Uh, we didn't know anything until the phone calls came. Chris, Lee and the boys are fine. I just got off the phone with Chris and he says they think Keith will be fine too." Bob said "I am not angry with you. I want to thank you for keeping a cool head. How are those precious babies ?" she asked. "They are fine. Paul is a little bit of a wreck though." he laughed. That drew a punch in the ribs from Paul. "I know that you just got home today but I would like it if You, Paul and the babies would come to Lee's tomorrow until we have this threat sorted out." she said. "I will talk to Paul about it. I don't know that he will want to interrupt them though. " Bob said. "I can fully understand that and you will have security there as long as you need it but I at least need to have a short meeting with you tomorrow before lunch if that is possible." she said. " That will not be a problem plus I will discuss your other proposal with Paul." Bob said. " I have some important papers that I need taken care of tomorrow." she said. "What time will be good for you ? " Bob asked. "Well I will be dismissed around eight a.m. so would ten be too soon for you ?" she asked. "Not at all. I will see you then." Bob said. "I appreciate you doing this on short notice. If you don't bring Paul and the babies then at least bring me pictures. " she said. "I will see you at ten sharp Mrs. Ruth. You get some rest. " Bob said. "What was that ?" Paul asked. Bob explained to Paul what Mrs. Ruth had asked. "Well baby I wanted to get them settled here but until I know we are all safe I had rather be where I know they can be guarded better." Paul said. "Well no need to unpack their things then." Bob laughed.

The men had left the hospital and headed to their homes. Chris and Lee had demanded that Wayne spend the night at their house instead of driving back south that late at night. They had also asked Ronnie to come to the house for a cup of coffee. When they arrived they were surprised to see Alex cuddled up in one of the officers laps asleep. "He just walked in here half asleep and climbed up in my lap and said "thank you police man". I didn't want to chance trying to put him back to bed." the officer said. Lee took the sleeping Alex and headed upstairs to Alex's bedroom. "Its Pop stinker. I have you now." Lee said. "I'm not a stinker. The nice police man let me sleep in his lap." Alex whispered. " I hope you didn't mind." the officer told Chris. "He has had a rough short life buddy. I am sure he has slept many times in an officers arms so he feels safe." Chris said. "Hey I am finally seeing some of the things that Lee talks about." Chris thought. Once Lee was back down stairs Ronnie was standing to bid his goodbye's. He had gotten a few angry texts from his partner. His partner had looked at Ronnie's calendar and saw that he was not on call. He was accusing him of ignoring him and putting everyone else in front of his wishes and he was not pleased. Ronnie didn't want to leave. He did not want to leave Wayne and defiantly did not want to go home to all the drama. Chris and Lee left Wayne and Ronnie standing at the back door as they said their goodnights and headed upstairs.

Chris and Lee were both exhausted from the days events. While Lee packed a few things for their trip in the morning Chris took a quick shower. Once he was finished Lee took his turn. They both knew the other was too tired to shower together and get each other too excited. Chris put on a pair of shorts and went for one last check on the boys. As he headed back to the master bedroom he saw Wayne coming up the stairs. "You alright buddy ?" Chris asked. "I am fine. I am just glad that everyone will be alright." Wayne said. Chris waited for him to reach the top of the stairs and pulled Wayne into a hug. "Thank you for being such a good friend. You will never know how much that means to me. Sweet dreams buddy." Chris said. "Sweet dreams to you too." Wayne said as he headed to the guest bedroom.

Once back in the door Chris dropped his shorts and headed across the room. Lee was standing there naked looking out the window. Chris walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around Lee. Chris loved the feeling of the hair on his chest and the hair on Lee's back weaving together as if to make a sweater. As Chris reached around and placed his hand on Lee's chest he could feel the moisture and then felt a tear drop land on his hand. Chris slowly turned Lee so that he was facing him. Lee had finally realized that everything was calm and everyone safe and had allowed the emotions of the day take over. "What's wrong baby?" Chris asked as he wiped the tears from Lee's eyes. "I am sorry baby. I am sorry that you got involved in this crazy ass life of mine. I fully understand if you want me to leave and you never see me again." Lee said.

Chris pulled Lee to the bed and pulled the covers back. "Lay down here. I need to tell you something." Chris said. Lee lay down while Chris crawled in behind him and pulled him tight to him. Lee's body flinched thinking that Chris was going to tell him he could not take the stress. As Chris pulled Lee as tight as he could he leaned over and kissed Lee's cheek. "Baby do you remember what you said about moving heaven and earth and turning hell inside out for me ?" Chris asked. "Yes." Lee said. "Well i may not be able to do that but for you my love I would fight the devil himself bare fisted. Are you planning on leaving me and the boys ?" Chris asked. "Well your life would probably be easier." Lee said. "Well if you plan too then you need to pack more clothes because as I told you before the boys and I are going with you." Chris said. "Baby I know that you are exhausted but I need to feel you as close as you can be." Lee said. Chris rolled over and grabbed the bottle of lube from the nightstand. When he rolled back he guided his hard cock directly at Lee's ass. The head popped in with some effort which brought a gasp from Lee. "Damn baby you are stressed. You have never been this tight." Chris whispered. In one strong motion Lee pushed back on Chris' over sized cock letting a loud grown escape from his chest. Once Lee's breathing had calmed Chris kissed Lee's neck. "My baby feel better now ? " Chris asked. "Oh yes. I have your magic wand inside me now." Lee whispered. "You amaze me you silly, sexy man." Chris said. Within minutes they were both sound asleep with Chris' cock embedded deep inside Lee.

The next morning went smoothly. Alex never mentioned the events of the night before. Bob and Paul had been escorted earlier so that Bob could keep his appointment with Mrs. Ruth. Arriving at her home they removed the babies and carried them inside. The men could tell that Mrs. Ruth was sore but that did not stop her from holding each of the babies for a few minutes. "Thank you Paul for allowing me to hold them." she said. "Anytime Mrs. Ruth. You are welcomed to see them as often as you like." Paul said. Paul was still very intimidated by the small lady. "May I borrow your husband for a few minutes ? We have some business to discuss." Mrs. Ruth said.

Entering the sunroom Mrs. Ruth pointed to one of the chairs. "Please take a seat." she told Bob. Her personal attorney was present also. "What can I do for you Mrs. Ruth ?" Bob asked. "First I would like to ask a very personal question." she said. " I will answer if I can." Bob said. "So you think that Chris loves my son ?" she asked. Bob felt as if he was out on the spot. "Do not be afraid. You will learn shortly why I ask." she said. "Well Mrs. Ruth I have known Chris for over ten years and I have never seen him this happy. The man almost glows. Plus the incident earlier when Lee was missing almost caused Chris to freak out. I would definitely say he loved him." Bob said. " I feel the same way. I just needed to make sure that I was not overlooking something just so that my son was happy." she said. "I do not think you are seeing something that is not there." Bob said. "Good. All of Lee's life has been surrounded by people that wanted something from him with no regard to him. All I want is my children safe and happy. I think Chris is the one for Lee. Right now I could not be happier." she said.

"Well I have heard Chris tell Lee that if he planned on leaving that he needed to pack enough clothes for him and the boys because they were going too." Bob said. "My first concern is happiness for my children. My second concern is safety as you have probably seen. My husband and I started out with nothing. Over the years and with very shrewd business minds and a lot of sacrifice we were able to build quit a nice little nest egg of money and also business acquisitions. I just hate that he died before we were able to enjoy all our hard work." she said. "Do you mind me asking how long ago he passed away ?" Bob asked. "This year will be twenty five years. We tried everything we could find to fight his cancer and we spent a couple of million dollars out of pocket looking for a cure. I would spend that money again to give him hope even though it was to no avail." she said. "I am so sorry to hear that but I understand. I would do the same for Paul and I know for a fact that Chris would do the same for Lee." Bob said.

The next hour was spent going over a portion of the family portfolio and the changes that she wanted made. Bob and her personal attorney had planned to drop Paul and the babies off at Lee's house and then head to her attorney's office to get the paperwork finalized. She could not stress the point enough that she wanted it completed by early afternoon. Bob tried to hide his surprise at what he saw in the portfolio and then was surprised to learn that this was only a portion. Her personal attorney was not even privileged to all of her holdings. They both found out that her Certified Public accountant did not even know all of her holdings. "Now I trust that this remains strictly between us. My sons have no clue what my worth is. You two as attorneys don't know it all but I think just this covers more than my sons could ever imagine. " she said. "Now let me hold and kiss each of those precious babies again before you men get to work. Oh by the way Bob. This envelope is for you and Paul to open later." she said as she stood, shook their hands and handed the envelope to Bob.

Everyone was loaded and they were headed to drop Paul and the babies off. "What was that all about ?" Paul asked. "I have some paper work to go do. Do not let on but we will have someone freaking out later today. And do not tell Lee and Chris that I met with her. I would hate to have to lie to them" Bob said. "Oh she gave me this envelope for you and I to open later." Bob added. "Open it now. You know it will kill me wanting to know what is in it." Paul said. Bob opened the envelope. Inside was a blank voucher for them to take a two week second honeymoon anywhere they chose with all expenses paid. Also in the envelope were two bank books. One had Leyton's name and the other Addyson's. Each account was started with five thousand dollars each for their education. Paul sat there with his mouth open. "That's too much baby. We have to give that back." Paul said. "If you only knew sweetie." Bob laughed.

Next: Chapter 44

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