Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Dec 24, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 48

"Hey guys. Ready to go eat ?" Lee said as he reached the men standing down the sidewalk. Chris was still holding Kyle and just letting him cry. "You guys go. Thank you for the offer but I can't take that again." Kyle said. "Fuck them. They aren't the only ones that serve food." Lee said. As Lee started the group back up the street Charles came running up. "Please come back guys. Dinner is on me. " Charles said. "Is the Queen gone ?" Lee asked. "Well he is my wife's brother but he is the dishwasher now." Charles said. As they approached the front window they saw the same man seating a couple in the window. He just waved at the men, winked and pranced away. Lee looked at Charles and saw the anger in his eyes. "That bitch." Charles said. "Well Charles you need to go back in and enjoy your business while you can still afford to have it. Thank your wife for putting her brother back out front for me." Lee said and kept walking. "What was that all about ?" Chris asked. "Well baby you remember I said I owned some rental property?" Lee said. "Yes." Chris said. "Well you and I own that building." Lee said. "Ah, we need to have a long talk." Chris laughed.

Three doors down was a nice looking eatery with and outside terrace and indoor seating. As they entered the door Kyle began to tense up. "Welcome. How many in your party ?" the young lady asked. "Four please." Chris said. "Patio or inside ?" she asked. "I had rather be in the back." Kyle whispered. "A nice cozy table in the back would be perfect." Chris said. "One moment and let me check." she said and headed to the back. "Guys I can't do this but thanks anyway." Kyle said. "Nonsense. She is just making sure there is a table." Chris said. "She will come back with the manager." Kyle said. Moments later she returned. "Your table is ready. Please follow me." she said.

As the men were seated Chris noticed Kyle grab his side and moan. "You alright there buddy ?" Chris asked. "Fine. Just some sore ribs." Kyle said. The men looked over the menu. Kyle had to hold it close. They were not sure if it was to hide himself or if he needed glasses. "May I get your drink order ?" the waitress asked. "Your the Birthday boy so you start." Wayne said. "Just water will be fine." Kyle said. The other men gave their drink orders and the waitress was off. "See anything you like baby ?" Chris asked. "They have a great menu. I need to decide." Lee said. "How about you Kyle ?" Chris asked. "Just something simple." Kyle said. "Its your dinner. Order the whole menu if you want." Lee said. "I know you guys are trying to make me feel better about this. But its not my Birthday dinner." Kyle said. "Pre Birthday then." Chris said.

Chris glanced at the menu picking out the cheapest things figuring that was what Kyle would order. When the waitress returned with the drinks she began taking orders. Just as Chris suspected Kyle ordered spaghetti with marinara which was the cheapest. Chris motioned for the waitress to lean over. "If you come back in a minute and tell him that tonight that comes with either chicken or steak, a chef salad, and a vegetable there is an extra $20 in it for you." Chris whispered. A couple of minutes the waitress returned and informed Kyle he had ordered the special and she had forgotten to ask what he wanted as add one. "I will pick something else." Kyle said. "Those things aren't extra Kyle. Its just tonight's special." Lee said. Kyle gave his preferences and Chris had the $20 folded in his hand. He figured he needed to give that promise now because he may need her help again later. She smiled at Chris and headed off to place their order.

"Deal time." Lee said. Lee told Kyle about the first night he and Chris met. How it was the two little boys that introduced them. He also told of the party and how he ran. Chris told his side of the story with very few differences. Kyle had tears running down his cheeks. "What's wrong buddy ?" Lee asked. " I was always a die hard romantic but I had to let that go. Well it got snatched from me. I haven't had romantic thoughts in months. I am glad to hear it works for some at least." Kyle said. The waitress returned to check the men's drinks. "Sirs here is the desert menu. The manager said that desert was on the house tonight so when your entree arrives I will take your desert order." she said. Chris and Keith looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.

They did not know that some of the customers that had left the other restaurant because of the commotion had pointed them out and told the manager. They thought that it was just three men wanting to help a homeless man. Different ones had offered to help pay for their meal. Moments later a handsome young waiter in a different uniform appeared at the table. "Mr. Lee this is for you and your guests." he said. Lee immediately recognized both the waiter and uniform. There was a note attached. "Enjoy this wine on us. I have it sorted and we look forward to seeing you soon.". "Wait son. Can I borrow you pen. "Yes sir." he said. Lee wrote a return note and signed it. He then handed it to Chris. "Sign this baby." Lee said. The note read "You may need to keep this one for you and your wife to have when you get your lease revision proposal on Monday.". Chris just signed the note and handed the bottle and the note back to the waiter. "Here buddy. This is for your lost tables bringing this." Lee said and handed him a ten dollar bill.

Kyle just lowered his head and shook it. "What wrong buddy?" Wayne asked. "If he only knew how much ten dollars was. It took me a full month to get just over twelve dollars towards a bus ticket. That meant eating maybe twice a week to save my money. Then it only took two minutes for thugs to relieve me of a months work." Kyle said. "Is that why your ribs are sore." Lee said as he remembered the pain from his dream. "Yes that was last night but I will be fine." Kyle said. "It is him baby. It is." Lee whispered to Chris. "We need to get that checked out." Chris said. "No I will be fine. Besides I would have to go to Grady Memorial and that place scares me." Kyle said. "Well if it needs to be checked we can take you to Piedmont." Lee said. "OH NO. Please I can't go there again." Kyle said with fear in his eyes. "Again?" Chris asked. "Long story." Kyle said.

A nice looking man approached the table. "How is everyone tonight ?" he asked. "Just great so far." Chris said. "Your meal tonight is compliments of our guests." he said. "I can't accept that. We invited our friend for an early Birthday dinner and this bill is on me." Chris said. "They have already contributed." he said. "That's great then. Let all your employees help us celebrate. Divide the money equally between them all." Lee said. "Thank you sir. They will greatly appreciate that." he said. "Tell them it is their bonus for making Kyle's pre Birthday dinner a success." Lee said. " I certainly will. You gentleman enjoy and if you need anything just ask." he said. "This was still a bad idea." Kyle said. "Why do you say that ?" Chris asked. "The lady behind us keeps looking at me and making these disgusting faces. I don't want to ruin her dinner." Kyle said. "Bullshit. I will be right back." Wayne said.

Moments later the manager approached the table and asked the guest to either move tables or leave. The lady left with a disgusted look on her face. "Better?" the manager asked as he stopped at our table. "Much better thank you." Wayne said. Kyle laughed a little. "What's so funny ?" Lee asked. "Well I am ashamed to say it but six months ago I would have not been comfortable with me being at the next table. I wouldn't have shown it but I would have felt uncomfortable." Kyle said. The salads arrived and the men watched as Kyle took only a couple of pieces of lettuce and one tomato wedge and applied dressing to those and ate leaving the rest of the salad. The men were too busy eating to talk much. Kyle took his time taking small bites as if he were trying to make it last.

The entrees arrived. "May I take your salad plates ?" the waitress asked. Everyone let her remove theirs except Kyle. The table filled up and looked like a Thanksgiving feast. "Alright buddy we had a deal. We told you our story now tell us a little about yours." Lee said. Chris watched as Kyle divided everything on his two plated including the left over salad into six separate portions. "Mine is not that interesting. Depressing really but I would do the same again if it came down to it." Kyle said. Kyle ate about two bites of the different things on his plate and then lay his fork down. "Food not good ?" Chris asked. "Oh no its delicious." Kyle said. "Well then eat up." Chris said. "If its alright with you I have had enough for tonight. If they will give me a carry out tray I can make this last more than a week." Kyle said. "I need to go to the restroom. I will be right back." Lee said. Chris watched as Lee went to the hostess and she directed him to the waitress station. He saw Lee pull out his credit card and give it to the manager and then return to the table. "I was paying for this." Chris whispered. "You still are baby." Lee smiled. "This is your pre Birthday dinner. There will be no carry outs tonight so eat up." Lee said. Tears began to fall down Kyle's face. "We weren't making fun of you Kyle." Chris said. "I know that. You just don't realize how long just this that you have bought me tonight can keep me from being hungry." Kyle said. "Well I don't think you will be hungry but please eat your fill tonight and the rest will work itself out i promise." Lee said. Kyle began to eat slowly. Stressing over every bite knowing that would hold him for a full day he began to remember the fun meals out with friends when a carry out tray was not even an option. "I will try to enjoy this. I will survive. I have so far." Kyle thought.

Once the waitress had refilled the drinks Kyle began to seem more nervous. "Well I guess we had a deal." Kyle said. "I use to own a home just south of the city. I met a dentist a few years ago and we eventually fell in love. Before that we had decided to meet and on the way I had a car accident. Someone ran a red light and hit me. I wasn't injured but my car was totaled. We weren't able to meet that night and his Birthday was the next week. Some friends of his planned a dinner for him. They brought a guy to introduce to him. They started dating and within a month the guy he met moved in. He is a real piece of work. My friend is the only one that works now. Plus he has to cook and clean. Well enough of that. We had met and he told me that he hoped that his partner would find someone else and move on. But his partner liked the lifestyle so I knew that he wouldn't. This has been going on for five years. We talked every day by email and twice a week by phone. He finally told me that he loved me and was going to make some changes. I told him that I loved him too and that I would do whatever I needed too. The week after he said that I got a call from one of his friends that I had met. I had met the partner many times too. He really didn't care for me though. Oh well. His friend told me that my friend was rushed to the hospital. I dropped everything and rushed there myself. He had and aneurysm and they had to do emergency surgery. His partner was there playing the full roll of the grieving spouse. The minute the elevator door closed with the last friend leaving he announced he had done his part and that he was out of there. He informed the nurses that they were not to allow anyone in the room unless he was there. He gave them his number and said they were to stall everyone until he could get there and get in the room before them. I stayed in the waiting room for three days. I never left except to go to the restroom. I listened in to the doctors and nurses as they discussed my friends condition. His partner had never returned. No one had visited. There were a couple of friends that came to see him but when they called his partner he said it wasn't convenient and to tell them he wasn't allowed any visitors. The fourth day the head nurse came and asked me who I was there with. I explained the situation. About an hour later she came back and told me that I was free to visit him anytime I wanted. I told her if the partner found me in there he would cause a problem. She assured me that he would be stopped and I would be given time to leave." Kyle said.

About that point the waitress returned with deserts for everyone. "Kyle. I promise we are not kidnapping you. When you get ready to leave we will take you anywhere you want to go but what would you say to getting this desert to go and coming back to the house for desert and coffee." Lee asked. " I would like to take a shower if that would be alright ? That is if you don't mind." Kyle said. "Not a problem. Plus I have some clothes I was going to take to Good Will. I had rather you see if you want some of it first." Lee said. "Only if you were going to give them away." Kyle said. "Done deal. These to go and the check please." Chris said. As the men started towards the door the manager stopped Kyle and handed him a card. "This is a gift card. It has $100 on it. You can use it for eat in or carry out." the manager said. "I can't take that.. Besides on the street someone else would take it from me so thank you anyway." Kyle said. "I will put your name on it and leave it in the register at the bar. You can come in anytime. " the manager said. "Thank you. If I do it will be carry out. Its really nice here but I don't want to upset your customers." Kyle said.

The ride to the house was much like the one the restaurant. The men discussed certain building and what they looked like and would try to guess at what they were designed after. Once in the house the men put the deserts in the breakfast room while Lee made coffee. "Let me run get the babies. I wont be long." Chris said. "Oh I forgot about you two having kids." Kyle said. "You can go ahead and take me back so you can save a trip." Kyle added. "I have plenty of gas so don't worry." Chris said. "Do you mind if I take a shower ?" Kyle asked. "Sure. lets look at some of those clothes real quick and then I will show you where the bathroom is. " Lee said. The men were off to get a couple of outfits. Once in the bathroom with the door shut Kyle leaned against the counter and just let the tears flow. It was not a sob, just strictly tears. Lee returned downstairs to the living room. "You alright buddy ?" Wayne asked. "I am utterly exhausted. That took too much out of me but until I get answers he is not leaving." Lee said. "He seems to be a super nice guy. I can't wait to hear the rest of his story." Wayne said. "I am so sorry buddy. We invited you up to spend time with you and take you out for a thank you dinner and then this happens. " Lee said. "Don't you dare say that. This has been the most interesting night I have had in a long time. Do me a favor though and be patient with Chris. He is still on pins and needles." Wayne said. "Yeah I am sure I will have to calm him down later but right now if I stopped to calm him Kyle would be gone." Lee said.

"Pop, Mrs. Pammla give me some packorn. She let me bring some home." Alex said as he ran from the door into the kitchen. "Give me a kiss buddy. I will fix you this popcorn tomorrow. Will that work ?" Lee said. "Wayne why don't you help me with the boys baths real quick. Kyle should be down in a minute and Chris can keep him company." Lee said. When Kyle made it to the living room Chris was watching television. "Pull up a chair. They are giving the boys baths and will be down in a minute." Chris said. "I thought that might be what all the noise was up there." Kyle said. "Well I haven't heard them down here so it must be a calm bath night." Chris laughed. "Calm?" Kyle laughed. "You look like a different man. Feel better ?" Chris said. "I do thank you. You never realize how much you miss a shower until you can't take one." Kyle said. As Kyle sat in the chair he held onto his side as he sat. "Kyle I wish you would let us have those ribs checked out." Chris said. "You have already done too much. Besides living on the street you have to learn fast to bite your lip through the pain and move on." Kyle said.

Moments later all the noise from upstairs was headed down the stairs. "And the quiet ends." Chris laughed. Alex went straight to Kyle. "Hey Mr. Will you play with me ?" Alex asked. "Moments later Cody was in front of him with his arms out. "up peez." Cody grinned. "Boys leave Mr. Kyle alone." Lee said. "No please. I have a great nephew and niece about their ages and I really miss them." Kyle said as he leaned over to pick up Cody. Chris saw the pain in his face. "Buddy don't let him hurt you." Chris said. "Children are worth a little pain." Kyle said. Alex returned with a small truck. "Wanna see my truck ?" he asked. "Sure." Kyle said. As Alex climbed in his lap you could not only see the pain in his face but in Chris' too thinking of how much it must hurt. The other men watched as Kyle gave his undivided attention to both boys in his lap at the same time. A few minutes passed.

"Alright stinkers its bedtime." Lee said. "Can Mr. Kyle tuck me in and say my pwayers?" Alex asked. "Sure buddy but let me help him get you two upstairs." Chris said. Chris stood and watched as Kyle tucked the boys in and they both wanted a hug. As Kyle started to the door Chris could see more tears in his eyes. Chris reached out and pulled Kyle into a small hug. "It will be fine. I will see you down stairs in a minute." Chris said. as Kyle turned the corner and started down the hall. "Sweet dreams baby. Did you like Mr. Kyle ?" Chris asked. "Papa he needs me." Alex said. "Why would you say that ?" Chris said. "Papa his insides are sad just like Pop's was. He needs me and Cody." Alex said and rolled over to go to sleep. Chris sat on the side of the bed speechless. "Lee's insides were sad ? Can Alex see things like Lee ?" Chris thought.

Chris was still puzzled when he got back to the living room. Lee had served the coffee and put the desert on plates. Chris took his seat beside Lee as normal. "You alright sweetie ?" Lee asked. "Yeah I guess. Tell you later." Chris said. "Kyle I hope you don't mind me asking but what happened to your friend in the hospital ?" Chris asked. "I have no idea how he is now. I know he has gone back to work. I was able to save enough a couple of times to ride a bus close to his house. I watched from behind a dumpster and would see him come and go headed to work. " Kyle said. "A dumpster ?" Wayne said. "Yes its near a stop sign that he has to pass through." Kyle said. "Why didn't you stop him to see how he is ?" Lee asked. "I can't do that. I gave him everything that I had worked my whole life for. Every last penny and then I was asked to leave. I have been on the street since." Kyle said. "Bastard." Chris said. "No Chris. I don't even think he knows what I did ?" Kyle said. "Now you have to tell us the rest of the story. If not I wont be able to sleep." Chris said. "Do you mind telling us ?" Lee asked. "I guess not. Just don't think me to be a fool." Kyle said. "Anything but a fool." Wayne said. "Well I relive those nine months in my mind everyday." Kyle said.

Kyle sat back and began his story. He told the men that the hospital staff let him shower in the doctors lounge and the five or six times his friends partner visited over the three months in the hospital that they were able to get him out before the partner came in. His friend had woken up and was doing better. The problem was that the next day he had forgotten everything from the day before. Kyle said his heart sank the day the doctors told him that his friend was going home. He knew that he would never know how he was doing. He had only been home that day for about two hours when his phone rang. It was his friends partner. He asked if he could come and stay with his friend for a couple of days. His partner had to go on a trip and needed help. Kyle packed a bag and headed to his friends. Four days later he finally got the partner on the phone. The partner told him that he had gotten most of his clothes before Kyle got there. He told him that he didn't have time for a sick man and he had moved on. Kyle asked him about the bills. The partner said that all he did was give Kyle's friends the bills and he paid them. His money was his so he couldn't help.

Kyle said he knew his friends passwords and spent two days researching how and what to pay. He had no access to any bank accounts but he could get in and pay bills and credit cards using the password. He caught up the utilities on his friends house and vacation property. He then caught up the mortgages on both. When his checking and savings ran out he contacted someone about buying his small business. That money lasted about three months and then I was out again. Kyle put his home up for sale. It was almost paid for so he would get almost three hundred thousand to help. That money lasted another three months because insurance and taxes plus also income taxes had to be paid for his friend. His friend was getting better but still never realized Kyle was there. Kyle held his hand during the day. He fed him and bathed him and kept the house. The partner would come by sometimes and bring more bills. Kyle said he was broke again. The only thing he had left to his name was his vehicle. He had saved for seven years to buy one so he had the title.

He sold his vehicle which gave him about thirty thousand dollars. Since taxes had been paid the money he got for the vehicle sustained them for about four months. The day he paid the last money he had other than the couple of dollars in his pocket the partner showed up. The partner had found out from some visiting friends that Kyle's friend should be back to normal in a few days. They had been able to stop one medication and change another which was helping the short term memory loss. The partner showed up and while Kyle was cooking dinner and went in and packed all of Kyle's clothes and when the food was finished the partner informed him that he was back now and Kyle was no longer needed. The partner even refused to carry Kyle to the bus stop. He had to walk. Kyle said he was also informed that if he came back he would call the law.

The men sat quietly all with a shocked look on their face as Kyle finished his story. "Why haven't you tried to talk to him ?" Wayne asked. "Well I still had my cell phone. They turned the service off two weeks later. He never called so I figured he never remembered I was there. Besides if he had been serious about changing his life he would have called." Kyle said."Well he owes you money." Chris said. "No he doesn't. He is fine now and he didn't loose anything. So it was money well spent." Kyle said. "What about your family ?" Lee asked. "They were upset with me selling everything to pay my friends bills. I just couldn't face them. This was my mess not theirs." Kyle said. "I think I would have to say something." Wayne said. "Well when you give nine months of your life and every penny you have built over your life to someone in the name of love and they don't say thank you then you have to wake up and realize that you have nothing left to give. No need in getting hurt even more." Kyle said. "You have a point." Chris said as he squeezed Lee's hand.

Next: Chapter 49

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