Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Sep 9, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 5

"UUUHHH" I heard Chris say in frustration. "What's wrong" I asked. Chris was still standing in my bedroom with nothing on but a towel. I had put on a pair of gym shorts and went and checked on the boys. They were both content with their toys and the cartoons. " I don't have any clothes. I need to go buy the boys some clothes. I just have so much to do and don't know where to start." Chris said. I went to the dryer and came back with his clothes that I had washed. " I am sorry I haven't washed any underwear yet." I said. Chris grabbed a pair of cargo pants and slid them up. Once he zipped them up and spent a few seconds trying to adjust his massive commando package he turned and said. "How is this?" Without thinking I just licked my lips. "Oh I like that response.": Chris said. "What response ?" I asked not even realizing I had licked my lips. " Don't worry I hope to get many more responses like that. " Chris said with a smile.

A few minutes later I walked into the great room. Alex was leaning against Chris and Chris was rubbing his own head as if he were frustrated. "What's wrong Chris ?" I asked. "Just too much at the moment." he replied. "Come on. We need to talk anyway." I said. "O.k. but promise me no bad news. Its my birthday and I just can't take anything else bad." Chris said.

Chris and I went into the den and sat on he couch. "Start talking." I said. "I don't know where to begin." Chris said. "From the start is as good a place as any." I said. " I have to take these two innocent children to a new home and a new life that I am not equipped for nor am I mentally capable of." Chris said. " I understand how you feel. I was handed a 5 day old when I was 15 years old and had to figure it out as a teenager. You are a grown up. Its not going to be as scary as you think. I survived." I said. "You have children? " Chris asked. "No , not biological but i raised them." I said. "What about you ? I know you had one." I said. "No not even one. I never slept with his mother." Chris said. "Well that was mighty noble of you but why ?" I asked. Chris sat there and rang his hands together and a tear fell down his left cheek. "Please promise me that you wont hate me Lee. Please promise. " Chris said. " I don't think that is humanly possible Chris but I promise." I said as I reached to wipe away the tear.

Chris began his story. "Lee I am not sure if you noticed or not but I hope you realize by now that I am gay. I have never slept with a female nor wanted too so accepting him as my son was the perfect cover for me." Chris said. Chris looked up at me to see if there was disgust or hatred in my eyes. " That says a lot about what a loving man you are. And in case you haven't realized. I am gay too. So with that out of the way please continue." I said. Chris and I talked for almost an hour about parts of his life and plans for the boys. His fears were warranted but I from experience knew they weren't as bad as he imagined. Once Chris had said about all that was the heaviest on his mind he looked at me with the saddest eyes. "Please tell me you don't hate me. I couldn't take it." Chris said. I leaned over and kissed Chris on the lips. I could feel him shaking in fear so I just held my kiss for a few seconds until he calmed down. There was no tongue in this kiss but it held even more meaning. "Now did that feel like hate Birthday boy ?" I said.

Chris and I discussed what he needed to do first. We went out and removed the car seats from his car and he left the boys with me and carried his car to get it cleaned. While gone I called a neighbors daughter and asked if she would baby sit for the evening. I hurried and prepared things for the boys and the babysitter. I also took time to prepare myself. "Honey I'm home." came a call from the kitchen door.

Chris came down the hall as I was dressing. "Wow, why so fast ?" Chris ask. "Do you trust me Chris ?" I asked. "Lee if you asked me and the boys to walk off a cliff with you I would trust you all the way down." Chris said, "Good. I have a babysitter. We are going to your house to get you some clothes. We are going to stop and buy the boys a few outfits, and I am taking you out to dinner for your Birthday. " I said. I turned and walked to him and placed a light kiss on his lips. "Now get a move on. Get your shower and put these on. And NO, there is no underwear. " I said with a grin.

An hour later the babysitter had arrived and was in the floor playing with both boys. Chris and I headed out the door to go and get him some clothes. His plan was to leave from my house Monday and go to the office for a few hours. With it being the weekend there was no way for him to find a daycare on such short notice anyway.

I offered to drive but Chris insisted. Once on the interstate headed north Chris placed his right hand on my leg and played with the hair on my leg. My cock was straining against my shorts and was quite uncomfortable. We talked about the boys and about different things in our lives as we drove. It is around an hour from his house to mine. His office is about fifteen minutes closer to my house than his home is. Usually you realize that its an hours drive but it seemed like we had only been on the road for a few minutes when we were already exiting to go to his house. We pulled in the drive and headed up to the house. He has a really nice home but not what I had figured with him being a gay architect in Atlanta. Don't get me wrong it was no slouch but it was a early 90's Georgian style home.

We entered the house and I began to see just how child unfriendly it was. I followed Chris up the stairs to his bedroom where he began to collect some clothes and toiletries. "What are you thinking ?. Are you disappointed ?" Chris asked. "No not by a long shot. All I am thinking is that we still have a lot to talk about. " I said. "When you say that I get worried." Chris added. "Don't worry. Its nothing to worry about." I said. Chris came around the bed and took my hand. He led me to the foot of the bed and sat down and patted his hand beside him for me to set.

"Spill it." he said. "I don't know where to start. I guess my concern is that this has all happened so fast and to tell the truth I have no idea what part I play in all this. To be honest I am scared right now. " I said. "I am concerned that all of this is just a dream and that I am going to wake up and I will be crushed. I know that you will probably walk out of my life in a couple of days and I will remember this forever as the best few days of my life. But I have to protect myself and I hope you understand that. You are an awesome man. Really a dream come true but that's just it. Right now this is a dream for me." I said.

Chris turned and put his hands on both sides of my face and kissed me deeply and passionately. Once he let my head go he looked in my eyes and said. "Better ?" As I started to speak Chris placed a finger on my lips. "Lee let me tell you a short story. When I was traveling back with the boys I thought my world had ended. As we sat at the bar waiting on our order i prayed to God to help me one minute at a time and to show me a sign. I was horrified when the boys ran and I knew at that point this was too much for me. As I turned the corner and saw the boys with you I was trying to figure out how to make you understand that I was not one of those neglectful grandparents. When you looked up and our eyes met my heart stopped. The love already for the boys was coming through your arms and the love for me in your eyes was like darts. If you remember when I got to the table it took me a minute to speak. All that was going through my mind was whether you were gay or straight somehow and someway I was going to make you love me. The next time I looked in your eyes my dick began to grow just as it is now." he said with a laugh and placed my hand lightly on his crotch as proof. "I was so fucking scared that when the food was ready that you would walk out of my life forever. At one point I seriously thought I was going to have a panic attack. When you insisted that we come home with you due to mine and the boys exhaustion I knew then there was a God. I was not asleep on the way to your house. I was thanking God for using my boys to find the love of my life. I promised him on that drive that I would devote my life to you and the boys and to your happiness if he would just give me one chance with you." Chris said.

Chris turned my head towards him. He wiped the tears that were rolling down my cheeks and began to smile. "Lee, do you love me? Wait don't answer me. Lee I love you with all my heart and soul. I don't want to spend a minute away from you. We have known each other less than 24 hours but if you reject me I will still spend my life trying to make you happy. When we got out of the car and I had to take my hand off your leg I felt like my life was ending. You weren't leaving but I was loosing that security of the touch." Chris said. "Chris I know that there are a lot of things that we have to learn about each other and also dealing with the boys. But I also love you with all my heart and soul and will be by your side as long as you will have me. " I said. "Oh and as long as you keep all the hot men at arms length. I don't want to raise the boys alone. " I said and we both laughed. "Alright....quick kiss and you run down and get anything else you need for a couple of days. Chris tried a passionate kiss but I cut him off and sent him on his way.

As soon as Chris started down the step I quickly undressed and pulled the covers back on his bed. I placed the pillows at the head and lay myself down waiting on him to return. Within about three minutes I heard foot steps coming up the stairs. " I think i have everything. I didn't have anything for the boys but I did grab some..........." Chris stopped in mid step and dropped the bag. "Now for your Birthday present." I said. "Happy Fucking birthday to me." Chris said.

Next: Chapter 6

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