Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Jan 12, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 51

The colder weather had settled in so the pool was cleaned and covered for the winter. A couple of weeks after the pool party the men gathered at Chris and Lee's house for a small Saturday night dinner. Chris had contacted the Salvation Army and left word for Kyle to be ready at five p.m. and he would pick him up. Kyle stood in the lobby waiting on Chris with his figurine held tightly to his chest. A few days earlier the hotel dumpster was full of gift bags and paper from an apparent wedding reception. He was able to find some tissue paper and a piece of ribbon that was not damaged. "I hate that this is recycled paper but I hope Lee doesn't know that." Kyle thought. Chris pulled up out front and had rolled the rear passenger window down. Kyle could see Alex waving from his car seat. As he entered the SUV he held tightly to his gift. "Hey buddy. The welcome party in the back seat pitched a fit that he had to come with me." Chris laughed. Kyle turned and spoke to Alex. "How are you little man ?" Kyle asked. "You gonna eat with me Unca Kyle ?" Alex asked. "Did he just call me Uncle?" Kyle thought. Kyle looked puzzled at Chris. "Hey he decides who he calls Uncle. Not us. There are a few that are still waiting." Chris smiled.

When Chris and Kyle arrived back at the house Kyle was introduced to all the dinner guest. It was a little over whelming trying to remember names and who went with who. Alex barely got a foot away from Kyle and did most of the introductions. The meal was great even though it was fairly simple. Chris was pleased to see that Kyle ate a fair amount and was not dividing his food to save for future meals. The men all chatted about different things and each one tried at points to include Kyle in their conversation.

Kyle tried to help clean the kitchen but with Alex setting beside him and Cody holding onto his leg as he sat it was almost impossible. "Here buddy. You look like you need one more. " Bob said as he handed Addyson to Kyle. "Are you sure ?" Kyle asked. "Is it alright Alex ?" Bob asked. "Annyson likes Unca Kyle too." Alex said. "Good enough for me. Besides I can help in the kitchen." Bob said. For the first time in over a year Kyle felt both unconditional and non judgmental love with a lap full of children. He had still not taken his eyes off the small gift that he had brought and placed it on a shelf for safe keeping.

The boys were finally in bed and the babies asleep when all the men finally sat down for coffee and dessert. All the men seemed on edge trying not to upset Kyle. Keith being the one in the group that sometimes speaks first and thinks later started things off. "Kyle it has been really great meeting you. We have heard so much about you. " Keith said. All the men saw the fear in Kyle's eyes. "No buddy. They don't know your story. That is yours to tell to whomever you are comfortable telling." Lee said. "Just remember that you are among friends here." Bob added. Kyle sat quietly for a minute and then sipped his coffee. "Well you are all super nice people and I am honored that you consider me a friend." Kyle said as he stood and headed towards the shelf. "We didn't want you to leave." Brian said. "I am not leaving yet but I have a small gift that I need to give Lee and Chris." Kyle said. "You should not have gotten us anything." Lee said. "Well for some reason this just kept drawing me to it." Kyle said.

Chris sat beside Lee as he pulled the tissue paper off. There in Lee's hand was the religious figure that was in his dreams. It was a small figure of the Virgin Mary. Lee clutched it tight as tears rolled down his cheeks. "She is in my dreams." Lee whispered. "Well I am not Catholic but this figurine was all over my friends house and she saw me through a lot of tough times." Kyle said. "I am not catholic either but this is the Virgin Mary and she has been in all of my dreams." Lee said. Chris placed his hand on Lee's shoulder and squeezed before he stood and went and hugged Kyle. Lee could only look at the figurine while the tears flowed.

Kyle took his seat again and looked down towards his lap. "What's wrong buddy ?" Bob asked. "Nothing. I didn't come here to upset anyone." Kyle said. "Oh no. You did not upset me. In fact you could not have given me anything else that would have meant anymore to me. " Lee said. "Why is she so special to you since you aren't Catholic ?" Keith asked. "You really haven't heard my story ?" Kyle asked. "No. We asked but Wayne, Chris and Lee all said that it was your story and that you were the only one that could tell it." Brian said.

The men sat in silence as Kyle began his story. He never looked up fearing what he may see in others eyes. Noticing Kyle's reactions Chris got up and went and sat on the arm of Kyle's chair putting his hand on his shoulder. There were a few low gasps and Paul had tears running down his cheeks while they listened to the story. As Kyle ended his story all the men sat in silence until Paul got up and walked over to Kyle. "You are among friends. Nobody will hurt you again." Paul said as he pulled Kyle to his feet and hugged him. All the men took their turns hugging Kyle. "I hope you don't think I am a fool." Kyle said. "Quite the opposite. It takes a stronger man than I have ever met to do what you have." Keith said. As they carried their cups and plates into the kitchen Kyle would not take no for an answer this time in cleaning up. Brian and Paul were helping when the doorbell rang.

"Hey buddy. Glad you could stop by." Chris said. "Sorry I couldn't stop by earlier but I did want to stop and say hello." Ronnie said. "OH HOLY FUCK" went through Kyle's mind. He stepped back just a little to look down the hall to the front door. His body began to shake and he could barely breath. Kyle bolted to the dining room and around the corner almost knocking Brian down in the process. Paul and Brian were both in shock. Lee had walked into the kitchen hearing the noises. "Where is Kyle ?" Lee asked. "He almost knocked me down when he saw Ronnie trying to get away." Brian said. "What is that all about ?" Paul said.

Lee found Kyle in the corner of the dining room trying to hide on the side of the china cabinet. "You alright buddy ? What's wrong ?" Lee said as he leaned down. "PLEASE he can't see me. He can't find me. PLEASE get me out of here." Kyle said almost frantic. "Ronnie is o.k. You would like him." Lee whispered. "PLEASE NO... PLEASE." Kyle almost screamed in a whisper and his body shook harder, Lee noticed that he had even wet himself. Brian was standing in the doorway watching. Lee motioned for him to come over. "Go tell everyone not to mention Kyle at all to Ronnie. " Lee said. "But why ?" Brian asked. Brian then noticed that Kyle was so scared that he had wet his pants. "I don't know just go. " Lee said. Brian quietly whispered to each of the guests not to mention Kyle. "If I promise he wont come in here will you be alright. I don't want him and the others to come looking for me. " Lee whispered. "Just promise me he wont find me." Kyle said. "I promise." Lee said.

Lee returned to the guests and the first opportunity he had he told Chris that when he could get Ronnie in the breakfast room that he wanted him to go into the dining room and get Kyle upstairs unnoticed. The men stood and talked as Lee moved the conversation towards the breakfast room. "Excuse me a minute and let me check on the kids. I will be right back. " Chris said. Entering the dining room Chris knelt down to Kyle. "Come on buddy. Ronnie is at the other end so I am going to get you upstairs so you feel safer. " Chris said. Kyle reluctantly followed Chris being very careful not to be seen by anyone else. Chris had noticed also that Kyle had wet himself. Chris entered the master bedroom and went to the closet. He pulled out a pair of jeans and a polo shirt of Lee's. "Here buddy go in the master bathroom and take you a shower and clean up. We will be back to check on you shortly. " Chris said. "I am so sorry for this. I just couldn't stop it." Kyle cried.

Chris pulled Kyle into a hug. "You are in my house and among friends. No one will hurt you here I guarantee it. " Chris said. Kyle stood still shaking. "Now you take a long hot shower or even a long hot bath. Here are some fresh clothes and one of us will be back to check on you soon." Chris said. Chris entered the room and all the men looked his way. Still trying not to let on that something was wrong. Chris just smiled and shook his head no as to let them know that everything was fine for the moment. Ronnie stayed for about thirty minutes. As he was getting up to leave Keith walked over and hugged him and excused himself to go check on the babies. His real concern was checking on Kyle. As Keith entered the master bathroom he could hear the water running. "Kyle ? You alright buddy ?" Keith asked. No sound came from the shower but a low whimper and the sound of the water. Keith moved towards the shower and as he turned the corner he saw Kyle balled up in the middle of the shower floor shaking. Not even thinking about it Keith stripped his clothes and stepped into the shower and pulled Kyle into a hug. "He is leaving buddy. Everything is alright. " Keith said.

Moments later Brian came around the corner. "Turn the water off baby it has gotten cold and get us two towels." Keith said. Brian reached in and turned the water off and then went to find towels. Chris appeared in the doorway as Brian was getting towels. Chris got into the shower and helped Keith to get Kyle up and help dry him off. The other men had came upstairs and were in the master bedroom. "Hey guys, go down stairs and wait. We will be down in a minute. Kyle is really shook up and is begging everyone in there to forgive him for what happened." Brian said. "Yeah we don't want him to come out and see us and get even more upset. " Bob said.

Once back in the master bedroom Chris still held Kyle in a hug to try and calm him while Keith and Brian dried him off and started trying to dress him. Kyle stared blankly and had his arms crossed on his chest and couldn't speak. "See everything is alright. Lets get you downstairs and get some coffee in you. That water had gotten cold." Keith said. "I can't face them." Kyle said. "Nonsense Kyle. We told you that you were among friends. If you can't have a moment among friends then who can you have it with." Keith said. "Go dry off and get dressed baby. I will help Kyle while you and Chris get on dry clothes." Brian said. Brian was able to calm Kyle enough to get him dressed and back down to the living room. The others were talking about something that was on the television. Kyle was expecting all eyes to be on him but as he entered the room the guys acted as if nothing had happened.

Once all the men were settled Kyle began to speak. "If you could take me back now I would appreciate it. I am sorry for the way I acted." Kyle said looking down at his lap. "Buddy you have nothing to be sorry for. We just want to help but you have to help us too." Bob said. "I have told you enough. I don't want any pity." Kyle said. "I stepped into that freezing ass water buddy so you get no pity from me." Keith laughed. Brian punched him in the side. " WHAT ? " Keith said. "Sorry Kyle sometimes its tough to take him out in public.:" Brian said. This caused Kyle to look up at the men and smile. "Ronnie was my friends doctor. He use to set and talk to me for hours. He is the last person that came to see my friend before the partner showed up and kicked me out. I haven't seen any of them since and I just couldn't start over again. I have come too far." Kyle said. "That explains you getting upset when I mentioned Piedmont Hospital." Chris said. "I was afraid I would run into Ronnie." Kyle said. "I am just glad that he wasn't here when you, Chris and Alex walked in the door. I am sorry that your evening was ruined though." Lee said. "Oh no my evening wasn't ruined. I am just sorry that you guys had to see that side of me." Kyle said.

Chris and Bob carried Kyle back to the Salvation Army. All the men had tried to get him to stay at their homes but Kyle told them that though he felt safe with them that he needed to be somewhere that he felt comfortable. He also admitted that he really wanted to be under the bridge instead of the rescue center but he could not see the waste of the ten dollars. Chris and Bob met Paul at their house on the way back. Brian and Keith had helped Paul load the babies. "That was some deep shit." Bob said. "Well I have learned a valuable lesson. I use to look at Alex and feel sorry for the little things that set him off. Sometimes I would get upset thinking he should realize that things were better. Now I realize that trauma is trauma no matter how old you are." Chris said. "Well I realized one thing tonight too. I thought I was a strong man. I have no strength compared to Kyle. I don't think I would survive what he has." Bob said. "It makes you realize just how blessed we really are doesn't it ?" Chris said. "Yes and my first act is to kiss my babies and hold and kiss my husband." Bob said as he opened the vehicle door. "Thanks for your help and I will be kissing all of mine in about ten minutes. Good night buddy." Chris said.

"That was a little scary." Brian said as he and Keith drove towards their home. "It wasn't really scary to me. It was very sad though." Keith said. "I was afraid that he would hurt himself ." Brian said. "That wouldn't have happened." Keith said. "Baby you can't protect everyone. " Brian said. "Its not like that baby. Kyle is the strongest man that I have ever met." Keith said. "Why do you say that ?" Brian asked. "It took more strength than either you or I could pool together to even come tonight. Then to open up and tell us his story. That was not looking for pity. That was sheer guts." Keith said. "I guess you are right." Brian said. "Answer this then baby. If that had happened to you would you have survived the streets ? And secondly if you had been in his situation would you be able to look anyone in the eye without breaking down ?" Keith asked.

"I see what you are saying. I would not have made it on the street much less dealing with everything that he has." Brian said. "Yes baby. That's strength. That's more strength than all the men in that room tonight could have pooled together adding all of us together. " Keith said. "You know how much I love you ?" Brian asked. "I will when you say I do." Keith laughed. "Baby I know that look. You need to let Chris and Lee handle this. You can't step in all macho and make things right." Brian said. "Me macho ? My baby thinks I am macho ?" Keith laughed. "Yes I do. But you can't be a cop and just go bursting in and fix things." Brian said. "Well if Kyle had not explained why Ronnie upset him so bad tonight I may have lost my badge." Keith said. "Why would you loose your badge babe ?" Brian asked. "Well I thought that Ronnie may have been the one that hurt him so bad. And if he had done that to Kyle and also Wayne his ass would have been grass." Keith said. "Yeah I was worried for a little while too that it may have been Ronnie." Brian said. "Just promise me you wont put Kyle in a bad situation trying to fix this. This is not a "he man" fix it situation." Brian said. "Oh I would never put him in a bad situation." Keith said. "That doesn't mean that I am done though. " Keith thought to himself.

Chris arrived back home to find Lee already laying in bed. He was admiring the tattered little figurine. "You alright baby ?" Chris asked. "I am fine. I felt so sorry for Kyle though." Lee said. "I just wish I knew more or better yet wish I knew how I could help him better. " Chris said. "I had a feeling that there was a connection to him and Ronnie but was not sure what it was." Lee said. "You had said that they were some how connected. My first fear was that Ronnie may have been the one that hurt him. If that had been so Ronnie would have had issues with me for both Kyle and Wayne." Chris said. "Well that thought never crossed my mind. I didn't see that connection in my dreams so I never thought of that." Lee said. "I hate that we will have to split up our gatherings. I hate not including Kyle in the things we do but I don't want to shut Ronnie out either just for the sake of one." Chris said. " I have a feeling that it will all work out. Not sure how though." Lee said.

Chris had stripped and brushed his teeth. As he headed towards the bed Lee let out a low cat call. "See something you like ?" Chris said as he posed. "Oh I see lots I like there sexy. The sexiest part I can't see though." Lee said. "Need more light ?" Chris laughed. "No silly come here." Lee said as he pulled the covers back. "What did you not see." Chris laughed. Lee placed his hand on Chris' heart. "This my love. The reason I love you so much." Lee said. "Well darn I thought it was my superior body and super hard cock." Chris laughed. "Well I am still trying to decide about those parts. I need some more exploration to make that determination. " Lee said as he kissed Chris on the lips.

Pushing Chris onto his back Lee move to lay on top of him. Starting with a deep passionate kiss and then working his way to Chris' neck. From the neck he moved to Chris' ear lobes. The moans let Lee know that he was hitting all the right places. Plus the fact that Chris' dick was rock hard and pressing against Lee's balls. Lee then moved his attention to Chris' upper chest making sure that he paid special attention to each of Chris' hairy nipples. "Baby you are driving me crazy." Chris whispered. "Still working on my inspection. Be patient. These things take time." Lee whispered. Chris moaned as Lee licked and then suckled on each nipple making sure that he paid each one special attention. Once satisfied there he moved slowly down and paid as much attention to Chris' belly button. "I just love this hairy belly button." Lee whispered. Lee's next target was the small tufts of skin that some would call love handles. He has learned that this is a very sensitive and erotic area for most men. Moving his body further down on the bed he by passed Chris' aching cock and began to lightly lick Chris' massive balls. "Oh shit babe. You can't do that for long." Chris whispered. "Inspections take time." Lee whispered.

Lee began to lick Chris. Starting at the bottom of his nut sack and licking all the way to the tip of his cock and then back down to the bottom of the ball sack. Chris had about all he could take and reached down and put his arms under Lee's and pulled him back up until their lips touched. "You drive me fucking nuts. You know that ?" Chris whispered. "Who me ?" Lee whispered. Chris flipped them over so that he was on top of Lee. He reached down and gathered some of Lee's ample precum. Chris was positioned between Lee's legs. He put one arm around Lee's neck and pulled him into a kiss while he took the one he had gather the precum and reached around Lee's legs and began to finger fuck Lee. Lee was gasping for air while Chris passionately chewed on Lee's neck. "Baby fuck me please." Lee whispered. "In due time baby." Chris whispered.

Chris removed his fingers from Lee's ass which made Lee feel a sudden since of emptiness. Chris licked and nibbled on Lee's nipples and then moved his way down until he was just above Lee's leaking cock. "Mmm.. come to Papa. I need some honey from my honey." Chris whispered. "You silly man." Lee laughed. Chris took the head of Lee's cock in his mouth and began to lightly suck. "Baby please I was close when you walked in the door. " Lee pleaded. Chris took the rest of Lee's cock down his throat resting his nose in Lee's pubes. He began to suck harder and faster as he came back up going all the way back to Lee's pubes on the down stroke. "Baby stop I am close.. please ...UUuuuuhhh......aaahhhhh ... shhhiiittttt...".Lee shook as the first shot if his orgasm hit the back of Chris' throat. Chris dove down on Lee's cock so that each remaining rope slid easily down the back of his throat. Once Lee had settled Chris released Lee's cock and slid back up and kissed Lee deeply. "Better now baby ?" Chris whispered. "For me yes. That was amazing." Lee whispered. "Good now daddy is going to tap that sweet ass, stretch it wide and fill my baby up." Chris whispered. Chris reached over to the night stand and took the bottle of lube. Applying some to both Lee's ass and his cock Chris moved his cock into position.

Chris looked into his lovers eyes as he slowly slid his cock inside him. He could see the glaze come over Lee's eyes just as Lee could see it in him. "Baby I love you so much." Chris said as he lay part of his body weight on Lee. Lee wrapped his arms and legs around Chris pulling Chris' head down so that he could nibble and suck on his ear lobe. This put Chris into motion. What started out as a slow comfortable motion had picked up speed and intensity. "Oh fuck baby your ass feels like a velvet glove." Chris whispered. The harder Lee sucked on his ear lobe the harder Chris pistoned in and out of Lee's ass. "Aahhhh babbbyyy... I am so close again." Lee whispered. "Hell yeah. Daddy going to make his baby come twice tonight." Chris whispered. "Oh shit daddy fuck another load out of me." Lee called out. Holding tight to Chris it only took a few more strokes and Chris was graced with another rope of cum hitting his chin from Lee. As Lee's moaned and tightened his ass around Chris' cock he could only drive in for one last deep thrust as his cock exploded dumping a load deep inside Lee. "Shit baby I can feel your warmth inside me. Every shot." Lee whispered. Chris gave Lee's ass another three or four minutes of hard pounding. "Got to make sure all daddies cum stay deep inside his baby." Chris whispered. " I love you so much." Lee whispered. "Ditto baby." Chris said.

After Lee cleaned both he and Chris up they lay spooning in bed. Lee was still concerned about not fully understanding Kyle and Ronnie's connection. He drifted off to sleep and was pleasantly surprised. The religious figure in his dreams appeared to him and nodded as if to say yes, or thank you. He knew then that the figurine was not just a coincidence. The dream began to turn a little dark. Lee could see that he had touched on the connection from Ronnie to Kyle but the shadows got even darker with Kyle. "What does this mean ?" Lee thought. Ronnie and his situation was more the focus of this dream but every time Kyle would come into the picture it would fade from fair to really dark and then back. This was new to Lee and had him concerned. "How do I find out what this means ?" Lee thought.

Next: Chapter 52

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