Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Jan 18, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go " Chapter 53

By mid week the men had come off probation for the most part. I think it took Bob a little longer to get out of the dog house than the rest. Both Bob and Chris had talked to Keith and told him that he better not do anything else without the approval of everyone because they were not willing to pay the consequences. Lee finally had to set Chris down and tell him that everything was fine and he had no need to keep trying to make it up. It was getting out of hand. All of the men had decided to meet on Thursday evening. They needed to plan the meal and how things would work plus they needed to discuss Kyle.

All of the men met at Keith and Brian's house so they could help move any furniture if needed. Ronnie was invited to this meeting so that there would be no surprises. "Well guys I think this has been a stressful week." Lee said. "You aren't kidding." Bob said. "I am sorry that I may have caused any stress among you guys this week." Ronnie said. "It wasn't you Doc. It was all me." Keith said. "Well if the truth be told it was really no one's fault. This had to happen eventually but it just all started the wrong way." Chris said. "That's true. I am not upset with anyone. Everyone here by now knows that I have dreams. The reason I was so upset was that my dreams about Kyle have turned real dark. When I say dark I don't mean that I can barely see him but it means that something bad is in the future. I just don't know what." Lee said.

"Well Chris and I have talked about that and we are prepared to step up and do anything possible in the event it does." Paul said. "We are too. Plus Keith and I have discussed moving Kyle into our house if the need arises. We don't have kids so it would be easier on us." Brian said. "Well not yet." Keith said. "Down big boy." Brian said. This got a good laugh out of all the men. Lee was relieved that finally everyone was able to laugh again. "My first question is to Ronnie. How do you think we should handle this Saturday ? You know James and we don't." Lee asked.

"My first concern will be Kyle." Ronnie said. "Thank you." Chris commented. "I have talked to James and he was reluctant but he has agreed to come with me. I told him that you were a great group of guys and that I felt like he would enjoy your company and would fit in quite nicely." Ronnie said. "Have you mentioned Kyle at all to him ?" Lee asked. "I met him for coffee today. I told him that I was trying to help find Kyle. I then asked him what he would do when he found him. He assured me that he would spend his life trying to make it up to him. He said that he knew that he was in love with Kyle and that Kyle loved him but he never realized just how much until Kyle was gone. " Ronnie said. "Is he a pushy type guy ?" Brian asked. "Not at all. I get the feeling that if he finds Kyle and has a chance to speak to him that he will take the time needed to win back Kyle's trust." Ronnie said.

"Well lets hope he remembers this when they meet again." Paul said. "I am not going to try to run different scenarios of what may happen. All I ask is that everyone be prepared for what may happen. We have a babysitter because I can't take a chance on Alex seeing Kyle upset." Lee said. "Both sets of grandparents are coming to spend the night to watch the twins." Paul said. "Yeah means I wont get any Saturday night." Bob laughed. " I would like to find Kyle tomorrow and make sure that he knows his invitation came from me personally." Brian said. "I think that would be great and I am glad you mentioned that. When I invited Kyle he said that he appreciated it but he couldn't afford to bring anything. I told him that Brian was not allowing any of us to bring anything. So I don't want to hear any comments to me or Paul about anything that we may have brought. As far as Kyle is concerned Keith and Brian are furnishing everything. I hated telling a fib but he is a very proud man. I told him that he and I would clean the kitchen and we wouldn't take no for an answer." Lee said. "We want him to just be a guest." Keith said. "Black and White baby. remember ?" Brian said. "Yeah I guess so." Keith said. "You guess ? Do we need to call this whole thing off ?" Bob said. "Don't worry Bob I learned my lesson." Keith said. "Just checking ." Chris laughed. "Well if you don't argue just a little about it he will know something is up. But don't push it too much." Lee said.

The next morning Brian set out to find Kyle. It took about an hour but he found Kyle setting on a bench near one of the parks. "Hey buddy. Care for lunch ?" Brian asked. "I am fine thanks but I will set with you while you eat." Kyle said. "I'm not really hungry. I just wanted to spend some time with you and make sure that you were still coming on Saturday." Brian said. "Are you sure ? I told Lee that I couldn't afford to bring anything." Kyle said. "Nobody is bringing anything but themselves. I know the last one didn't go so well." Brian said. "I am sorry for that. I need to thank Keith for caring enough to try to help." Kyle said. "He knows that." Brian said. "I need to tell him myself. Not too many men would get in a shower naked to help someone he just met. I need to apologize to you too for that." Kyle said. "For what ?" Brian asked. "Well not too many men would appreciate their boyfriend getting naked with another man." Kyle said. Brian just laughed.

"Keith is a true exhibitionist. It didn't bother me a bit." Brian said. "Still I need to apologize." Kyle said. "No need in it. Plus if you noticed he has nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing at all." Brian said. "Honestly I didn't notice. I was so freaked out all I could feel was human arms around me and it was calming me down. Its been a long time since anyone just held me. I didn't realize until that night just how calming it can be." Kyle said. "I did realize that he had a fucking baseball bat for a dick but I am not about to admit that to Brian. If Brian is a bottom my heart goes out to him." Kyle thought. After about two hours of just chatting Brian told Kyle that he had to go home and start cooking. He offered to take Kyle home with him and he could spend the night. "You can keep Keith company while I cook. That way I know it will be ready on time." Brian laughed. "I couldn't do that. You need all the peace you can get before tomorrow evening." Kyle said. "Is he that sincere or that proud ? I guess both." Brian thought.

Alex came running in the living room. "Do me and Cody get to spend the night with Mrs. Pamela tomorrow night ?" he asked. As Chris picked him up and placed him in his lap Alex never lost eye contact. "Do you really want to buddy ?" Chris asked. "Peeeezzz Papa she has pacorn and she plays with me and Cody. We can play anything we want to." Alex said. "We have popcorn here." Lee said. "I know Pop but hers is better." Alex said. "Find out what type she buys." Chris laughed. "We send some in the diaper bag." Lee whispered. "Well buddy Mrs. Pamela wanted you and Cody to spend the night but you have to make sure you pick up all your toys here before we go over there tomorrow." Chris said. "O.k. Papa. I will and I will pick up Cody's too." Alex said. "Suck up." Chris whispered and laughed. Cody was walking better and needed a constant companion to keep him out of things. Cody came up and looked at Lee. "Dink." he said. "What was that ?" Chris asked. "He wants his sippie cup. He wants a drink." Lee laughed. Alex never stopped talking while in the bath about how much he wanted to stay at Mrs. Pamela's and what all games they played. " Sounds like we are all in for an exciting evening tomorrow including the boys." Lee said. It took a little longer for Alex to go to sleep because of the excitement of tomorrow.

While Chris read bedtime stories Lee excused himself to the master bathroom to prepare for what he hoped would be an exciting night for both him and Chris. Lee was pulling back the covers when Chris came into the room. Chris walked up behind Lee and began to run his hands along the hair on Lee's back. "Baby you have no clue how much all this hair turns me on." Chris whispered. Lee reached back and cupped Chris' growing cock through his shorts. "I think this may be a clue." Lee laughed. Lee turned to face Chris He wrapped his arms around Chris and slipped his hands through the waste band of Chris' shorts and cupped an ass cheek in each hand. Chris leaned over and lightly kissed Lee on the lips. As their breath met their mouths opened and the tongue fight for best exploring rights began. Lee began to slide Chris' short down and had to bring one hand around to help Chris' hard cock get past the elastic. Holding an ass cheek in one hand and Chris' throbbing cock in the other. The two men were almost in a slow dance as if it were perfectly choreographed.

"God baby you make me so horny it hurts." Chris whispered. "Just doing my job then baby." Lee whispered. Chris turned Lee around and took one hand and lifted one of Lee's legs and placed it on the arm of the recliner. He leaned Lee over so that he was resting his hands on the back of the chair. He ran his hands over the hair on Lee's back as he worked his way down Lee's body. As he got down on one knee he parted Lee's ass cheeks. Chris blew puffs of warm air on Lee's rosebud to cause it to twitch. "Come to Papa." Chris whispered.

Chris began by reaching under Lee's legs and pulled his cock backwards and began to lick from the tip of Lee's cock back up to Lee's ass ring. "OH baby. I need you inside me." Lee whispered. "MMmmm... apparently I am doing my job. There's lots of honey oozing from my honey." Chris whispered. Chris collected precum on his tongue and licked around Lee's low hanging balls and up to his rosebud a couple of times before darting his tongue inside Lee. The electricity running through Lee's body caused him to move forward. Chris took his hands and pulled Lee back onto his tongue by his hips. Chris went to work on Lee's ass. Licking, sucking and the slurping. The noise itself was driving Lee crazy.

Once Chris felt that he had Lee relaxed and loosened enough he took one hand and began collecting more precum. He spread some on Lee's ass and then took a couple of palms full and applied it to his cock. Chris kissed his way up Lee's back and when he reached his neck he moved his raging cock into place. "Ready baby ?" Chris asked as the tip of his cock slipped into Lee's ass. Lee arched his head backwards so that his head was on Chris' shoulder. "Oh fuck baby. I needed this really bad." Lee whispered. Chris pulled Lee's body tight to his which caused his cock to slide in balls deep. The deep moan coming from deep inside Lee's body let Chris know that Lee was content. "Just doing my job too baby." Chris whispered. The men stood motionless for a couple of minutes with Lee's head sideways in a passionate kiss with Chris. Chris pulled Lee back from the recliner and walked him fully impaled towards the bed. Lee lay forward on the bed then Chris pulled Lee's body further on the bed without removing his cock.

Chris began to slowly move in and out of Lee's ass. Sometimes removing his cock completely and then re entering in a single stroke with no resistance. Chris had his hand under one side of Lee's face pulling it up so he could kiss him as deeply as possible from that position. "Oh baby. I can feel every vein in your cock. Sometimes I can feel your heart beat through it." Lee whispered. Chris moved slightly so that his hips and legs were more to the side. This direction placed even more pressure on Lee's prostrate. Lee felt as though his heart skipped a beat with every thrust.

Chris pulled his cock out and turned Lee quickly onto his back. He lifted Lee's legs and placed them on his shoulder as he slid his cock back inside Lee . Chris leaned over and stared into Lee's eyes. "Hello sexy." Lee whispered. "I wanted to look into my babies eyes when I dumped my load deep inside his ass. " Chris whispered. Lee began to wiggle more which indicated to Chris that he was getting close. The thought excited Chris so much that he could not hold out. One last deep thrust and his body began to shake. Chris stared into his lovers eyes as his cock flexed and began to shoot ropes of hot cum deep inside. The feeling of Chris' cock flexing inside him and the warmth of the cum being unloaded sent Lee over the edge. Lee's cock began to shoot ropes of cum all over his chest while still looking deep into Chris' eyes. "Oh fuck baby. It still amazes me that just me fucking you can make you cum without even touching yourself. " Chris said as he tried to catch his breath. "Only when its right and with the right man." Lee whispered.

The two lovers spooned in bed drifting off to sleep. Both were exhausted from the day and from their love making. Chris almost woke Lee a couple of times because Lee was restless and sometimes his body would shake. Chris knew that the only thing he could do was lay still and hold his lover tight. He didn't dare wake him. Sometime during the middle of the night Chris heard Lee lightly sobbing. "What is it baby ?" Chris asked. "Its nothing sweetie. Go back to sleep." Lee whispered. "I haven't been asleep. You have been having bad dreams. Remember we are a team. Tell me what's wrong. " Chris insisted. "That's just it. I don't really know. It was lots of pain and some very dark stuff. I am not even sure who it was." Lee said. Chris just pulled him closer hoping that his body pressed to Lee's would calm him so that he could sleep.

The next morning was busy in every household. All the men were preparing the dishes that they were carrying to Brian and Keith's. There was a non spoken tension in everyone's mind about what may happen with Kyle. Each man in his own way had to prepare himself for what he may see or what he may have to be prepared to do. Lee had even put an extra set of his clothes out to take in case they were needed.

Brian was in the kitchen preparing some food as he turned to see Keith in the dining room. Keith had decided to clean the light fixture above the table. Keith was still naked and the motion of wiping the fixture and his arms above his head caused his flaccid cock to sway back and forth. Brian quietly moved into the dining room and leaned over and trapped the head of Keith's cock in his lips. "Easy there now. My future husband is in the kitchen. I don't want him to catch us." Keith said continuing his work. "Well if you don't shower and get dressed we will have to call this of until another day. This is not going to be a pool party Thanksgiving." Brian laughed as he released his lip grip on Keith's cock. "Ah man. That was just getting good." Keith laughed. "We'll save that for later tonight. I will make up for the time loss stud." Brian said. "Woo Hoo my baby is giving up that sweet ass tonight for me." Keith grinned.

The guests began to arrive. There were smiles and greetings but also tension in the air not knowing what would happen. Chris had taken the boys to Pamela's and headed to pick up Kyle. Not seeing Kyle in the doorway Chris parked and went into the lobby. " I was suppose to meet Kyle here at five." he told the young man. "Yeah Kyle has been looking forward to this all day. But he hasn't come back in. I figured he would have been back a couple of hours ago. " the guy said. "Any idea where I might find him ?" Chris asked. "No idea dude. You are welcomed to wait for a while if you like." the guy said. Chris waited until six before giving the young man his cell phone number and telling him to call him as soon as Kyle came in.

At the house all the guest had arrived. Ronnie and James were scheduled to arrive last giving them time to get Kyle inside and settled. The other men were on edge when Chris drove up because he was late. When he entered the door he was alone. Lee and Bob looked at him and he just shrugged his shoulders. "Where is Kyle ?" Keith whispered. "Don't know. He never showed up and the guy at reception had not seen him. " Chris said. Lee over heard the conversation and pulled most of the men into the kitchen. "This may be good guys. This will give us a chance to find out a little about James before we decide if we want to do this again." Lee said. Paul went back into the living room to tell the remaining men that dinner would be ready in five minutes. He stopped and whispered to Ronnie what they had discussed. The tension was finally dropped as every man took their place at the table. Lee was sad to see the empty spot that Kyle was suppose to take. The dinner went smoothly and the men got to know James better. They didn't grill him with questions but involved him in theirs.

Dinner was a complete success and the men sat at the table to full to move. "I want to thank you for inviting me tonight. Its been a rough year at my house and I needed this." James said. "A rough year ? How so ?" Bob asked. "Well its a long story and I don't want to drag the party down." James said. "You are among friends buddy and sometimes it helps to talk about it and not try to hold it all in." Keith said. "You all seem to be happy couples so I don't want to put a damper on anything." James said. Chris started out by telling his and Lee's story. It was an abbreviated version but it started with their first meeting up to the point of the night Keith was injured in the wreck. All of the men had heard or experienced the story but non said anything. I think they all realized that this was Chris' way of getting James to open up. Next Keith stepped in and told of how he met Brian that first night when he was assigned to guard Lee's house.

James leaned back in his chair and began to tell his story. First he told of how he met Ronnie. His first memory of the Emergency Room was Ronnie leaning over him telling him that he was in the hospital and that everything would be alright. He then told portions of his recovery. He felt sad that he could not remember most of it. He had to rely on what friends had told him. He told the men about his partner at the time and how he reacted. He also touched on a man that helped him more than anyone. "Tell us about the man that helped." Brian said. "It hurts too bad." James said. "We are all friends here James." Ronnie said.

James continued his story of how he met a man named Kyle that he had fallen in love with. He had a partner at the time so he never acted on it but that Kyle had stood by his side as much as possible even before he got sick. He knew that Kyle was in love with him too but the circumstances just were not right for them to be together. When he got sick he found out from friends later that his partner seldom went to the hospital. He also found out that once he was allowed to go home that Kyle is the one that stayed with him. His partner had been having an affair that he was unaware of and had left him there to move in with his lover. He said that his partner had even told Kyle that he didn't sign up for this and left. It took many months for him to recover and he was unaware of what was going on around him. They say that I knew what was going on that day but then the next it was all a blank again. He continued his story until the point that his partner returned and kicked Kyle out of the house.

The table was quiet for a moment. "How have you dealt with your partner after finding out what he did ?" Paul asked. James continued his story by telling everyone that for the first couple of weeks he thought things were the same. A few friends had come by and seemed surprised to see his partner there. He had not thought much about it since no one really liked him anyway. He sat down at the computer to check his accounts and find out how far behind he was on his bills when he discovered that all of his money was still there but his bills were paid. There were a couple that were missed but they were not major. He told the men that he had asked his partner if he paid them and was told that he did. James went on to tell them that it took him two days to figure out just how much he owed his partner and finally wrote him a check.

"I should have known he didn't have the money and would not have paid my bills." James said. "Why would you say that ?" Lee asked. James described his partner to the men. He told about the greed and how his partner felt that he was entitled. "How much did you pay him if you don't mind me asking ?" Brian said. "It was almost $300 thousand dollars." James said. "Damn." Chris said. "Who paid your bills if he didn't ?" Bob asked. "It was Kyle. He had paid all my bills and I didn't know it. Instead of checking into it I just took my partners word for it and paid him the money." James said. "Did you ever try to pay Kyle back ?" Lee asked. "If only I could." James said. "Well I am sure a little at a time would help." Keith said. James leaned forward and put his face in his hands. "I have the money in an account to give him now. I can't find him." James said. James told the men that friends have come to visit and told him that Kyle was the one that had taken care of him. He told them that Ronnie was the one that allowed Kyle to stay with him in the hospital or he would have been alone. "I have totally fucked up my life with the man that I love and really loved me and I can't find him to make things right." James said with a tear in his eye.

All the men sat quietly for a moment. "Have you tried to call him ?" Chris asked. "When I knew what was going on I thought that since I didn't get an answer from him on emails that he had moved on with his life. It was a month before I found out what really happened and when I tried to call his cell phone it had been disconnected. I guess he changed his number." James said. Bob's cell phone rang and he did not recognize the number. "Excuse me for a minute." Bob said and politely got up from the table. "Hello." Bob said. "Is the Attorney Bob Lasko ?" the voice said. "Speaking. How may I help you ?" Bob said. "Sir this is officer White with the Atlanta Police Department. I found your card in a man's pocket." the officer said. "I practice corporate law." Bob said. "Well I am sorry to disturb you. The man only had two cards on him. One was for an attorney and the other for an Architect. I don't see how he would need any of them though. So sorry to disturb you." officer White said. "Wait. You said an Architect ?" Bob asked. "Yes sir a Chris Hamrick. I may try him next." the officer said. "Wait. he is here too. What happened ?" Bob asked.

"We were called out to investigate a homeless man." the officer said. "Oh fuck.. Kyle.. What happened ? Is he alright ? " Bob asked frantically. "Sir he was beaten and stabbed repeatedly. I have been given the task to try to find his next of kin." the officer said. "Oh NO... He's dead." Bob exclaimed. "Not yet sir but the ER doctor at Atlanta Medical Center asked me to find his next of kin if possible and ask them to come because he may not last long." the officer said. "I am on my way. You said AMC right ?" Bob said. "Yes sir. I will be here for another hour or so." the officer said. When Bob returned to the table he was as white as a sheet. Chris stood quickly and went to Bob. "What wrong ?" Chris asked. "Its Kyle. That was the police. He is dying. He was beaten and stabbed." Bob whispered in Chris' ear. "HOLY FUCK." Chris shouted which startled all the men.

"What's wrong ? What's going on ?" Lee said. "Ronnie, James. You need to come with Bob and I immediately." Chris said. "Baby what's wrong. You are scaring me." Lee said. "Its Kyle. Someone tried to kill him." Bob said. The table shook from the shock all the men experienced. "KYLE?? where ?" James jumped up moving the table as he did. "Come with us. We will explain on the way. You too Ronnie. We may need you." Chris said as he grabbed his keys. "Car seats baby." Lee shouted. Keith tossed his truck keys to Chris. "We will be right behind you." Keith said. "Come on guys. Lets clean this up real quick and get going. " Paul said. "Fuck this it can wait." Keith said. "It wont take ten minutes. By the time we get there the others will be able to get information." Paul said. The men made quick work of the leftover food and dishes and headed to the hospital.

"Officer White I am Bob Lasko and this is Chris Hamrick." Bob said. "We need someone to identify him to make sure you have the right person." officer White said. "Let me." James stepped up. "Let me do it James. I don't know what I will find. Let me make sure its Kyle." Chris said. The nurse carried Chris across the hall and behind a curtain. The nurses and doctors were still working on him. Chris moved around towards the head of the bed and saw the face of the loving man that he had come to know as a friend. "You can speak to him but make it quick." a nurse said. Chris took Kyle's hand and leaned over. "Hang in there buddy. This is Chris and I got your back. I have a surprise for you too so you can't leave me." Chris whispered and then leaned over and kissed Kyle on the forehead. It took all the strength that Chris had to walk back to the other side of the curtain. "I will be out shortly to update you." a young doctor said.

The men could tell from Chris' expression that it was Kyle. James' knees went weak and Bob and Ronnie caught him and helped him sit down. The rest of the men arrived and waited patiently for the doctor. One of the doctors emerged from behind the curtain. "Are you all together ? Oh hey Ronnie." the doctor said. "Kyle is stable for the moment. We are waiting for an operating room to be prepared. The prognosis is not to good at the moment but we will do everything we can. I can allow one of you to visit him until the operating room is ready. That should be maybe five minutes." the doctor said. Everyone turned to look at Lee. He shook his head no and put his hand on James. "You go." Lee said.

James pulled the curtain back slightly and saw a battered man laying on the bed with tubes and bloody bandages all around. The nurse took his arm and guided him to the side of the bed and slid a stool up for him to set on. James took Kyle's hand. "Baby its me James. I am here now. I found you. Baby please don't leave me." James whispered. "I have looked for you for a year. Please don't leave me. I love you so much." James whispered. James felt Kyle lightly squeeze his hand but it was only for a few seconds. "Baby I love you so much. Please don't leave me here alone." James said. Kyle's hand released its grip and the movement intensified in the room. A loud beep rang through James' ears. The nurse grabbed James and pulled him from the stool. "You need to leave. Let us do our work." she said as she pushed James towards the curtain. "CODE BLUE ER.... CODE BLUE ER." rang out over the intercom. The other men watched as James stepped out of the curtain and sank to his knees. People were rushing in and out of the curtain and Bob and Ronnie ran to get James. "I found him Ronnie. I found him and he is gone." James said. All the men stood speechless watching as people hurried in and out of the curtain.

Next: Chapter 54

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