Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Jan 21, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 54

Kyle saw the bright light that everyone spoke of. When the light faded some standing in front of him was his mother and father. Also there were friends that he had known and his grandparents. "I guess this means I am dead." he thought. "Not yet son. But that is up to you." a voice said. In front of him stood a lady with hair that flowed down to her feet. "What do you mean ? That's my Mom and Dad and my grandparents. Who are you ?" Kyle thought. "I am grandma." she replied. "I never called anyone grandma." Kyle thought. "I am not your grandma son. I am Lee's grandma. I am the one that sent Lee to find you." she said. "You have a super grandson." Kyle thought. "Yes I do. I am very proud of him. I just wish that I had been granted more time with him so he would understand his dreams." she said. "But I must be dead." Kyle thought. "No son you are at a deciding point. " she said. "Allow me to take your life into my hands for a moment and come walk with me." she said. "I would like to speak to my parents." Kyle thought. "There will be time for that son. They will still be here." she said.

First she carried Kyle to the waiting room. She reached over and touched Lee and he immediately began having stomach and chest pains. The focus left the curtain and went to Lee. "Now my son. Lee is holding you life while we talk." she said. "I can't ask him to do that." Kyle said. "My grandson is strong. Much stronger than any of you realize. He has the strength to hold all of your lives if needed." she said. Kyle knelt down in front of James. He reached out and touched James cheek. "I love you too baby and always will." Kyle said. James felt something on his cheek and reached up which, if in person, would have placed his hand on Kyle's. "You see son. He has a love for you that most men and women only dream of their entire lives." she said. "You see this man ?" she asked. "Yes Chris." Kyle said. "I brought him to my grandson. Lee has lived a hard life when it comes to people taking advantage of him. This man has the soul that is perfect for my grandson. " she said. "I wish I had found that soul." Kyle said. "You did. He is right there praying for you this minute." she said. "He has a life. He has someone he loves." Kyle said. "Come with me son I need to show you something else." she said.

Next Kyle found himself in James' bedroom with Kyle laying in the bed holding James. " I remember this. I tried to give him my life to keep him around." Kyle said. "I know that son. I was sent to you then. I helped hold him on the earth for you." she said. "Thank you." Kyle said. "Don't thank me. It was you that drew me. It was your doing." she said. " I can't relive this." Kyle said. "You will not have to son." she said. The next scene was Kyle walking down the drive after being kicked out. The scene changed to a big argument with James and his partner and Kyle watched as the partner moved out. "That was a year ago son. He has searched high and low for you ever since." she said. "I am so sorry for putting you through that James." Kyle whispered. "No son. He had to live that year so that he realized that it was true love and not just a feeling." she said. " I still hate that I put him through that. I never meant too." Kyle said. "Son you can't take his pain away. Everyone has to live their own. You have suffered enough of his pain to last many lifetimes." she said.

Back in the Emergency Room Ronnie had insisted that they admit Lee and check him out even though Lee protested. Chris began to break. His nerves could not handle the thought of something happening to Lee. Lee's grandmother and Kyle stood watching events when Kyle's father appeared and whispered in Lee's grandma's ear. "I need to leave you for a moment Kyle but your father will stay with you until I return." she said. Bob and Keith were trying to steady Chris as they took Lee into an exam room. Lee's grandma walked up and put her hands on both sides of Chris' face. "My son do not worry about Lee. He is holding Kyle's life at the moment until I can return him. I am proud of you and my grandson. Now I need you to be strong for him. He can handle Kyle's life but if he feels that you are being hurt he may not be able to hold on. I need you to hold Lee's life while he holds Kyle's" she said. "I can do it." Chris whispered. "I know you can son. If not I would not have asked. Go to him. Show him your strength and let him know that you and he will be fine." she said. "I can do that." Chris whispered. Chris immediately stopped shaking and wiped the tears from his eyes. He took a deep breath and told the other man. "He is holding Kyle's life right now. I need to help." Chris said and headed behind the curtain. "What the hell was all that ?" Paul asked. "I have a feeling that Chris just got a touch of what Lee gets." Keith said.

"Kyle your Mother and I are so proud of you." Kyle's father said. "I guess you and Mom know by now that I am gay." Kyle said. "Kyle your Mom and I knew that before you were a teenager." he said. "You knew ?" Kyle asked. "Yes we did son and we have no problem with it. God makes the decision as to who our true love is. Not us." he said. "Dad am I dead ?" Kyle asked. "No son. At the moment your friend Lee is holding onto your life. His grandmother will give you a choice in a little while but I can't help you there." he said. "A choice ?" Kyle asked. "Let her finish and then after you make your decision we still have time to talk with your Mom. Just remember son that we are very proud of you and love you dearly." he said. Suddenly Lee's grandmother had returned. When she took Kyle's hand again he could see James kneeling beside his bed and could hear him praying to God for Kyle's safety as if God had recorded all prayers so that he cold replay it at anytime.

In just a moment they were back in the waiting room They stood beside James and he knelt in a corner and prayed, "Dear Heavenly Father I will give my life and everything I own if you will bring Kyle back to me. Please take my life and spare his. He has paid a higher price for me in his life than any other person." James prayed. "Can you give him peace ?" Kyle asked. "That will be up to you son." she said. Lee's grandmother reached down and placed her hand on James' shoulder. Not a word was said but James looked towards heaven "Thank you. For some reason I know you heard my prayer." James whispered as he replicated a cross on his chest and pulled a cross out on a necklace and kissed it. "You didn't speak to him." Kyle said. "I didn't need to son. God did that and before you ask , no I am not God." she said.

Back in the room with Lee, Ronnie and the ER doctor had ruled out a heart attack and were giving him a light sedative to see if it may have been a panic attack. The nurse arrived with the shot but Chris had taken Lee's hand and whispered in his ear. As soon as he kissed Lee lightly on the lips Lee began to calm. "I am here baby. You can do this. You hold onto Kyle and I will hold onto you." Chris said. Ronnie walked over to Chris and asked if they could give him the shot. "No Ronnie. He has to live through this. I have to live through this." Chris said. Ronnie convinced the ER doctor that they needed to wait. If it flairs back up then they would give him the sedative.

Ronnie returned to the waiting room to let the men know that Lee was calm now. "I don't understand it but the minute Chris took his hand and whispered in his ear Lee calmed down. He said something about Lee holding Kyle's life and him holding Lee's." Ronnie said. "Makes sense now." Keith said. "Why do you say that ?" Paul asked. "Well if Wayne were here he would tell you too. When Chris calmed all of a sudden as if nothing was going on I will bet you that Lee's grandmother was giving him instructions. It also makes sense that the way Lee acted and the pain he was in was that she had handed Lee Kyle's life." Keith said. "I guess when you look at all the aspects it does make sense." Paul said. "Its crazy but makes perfect sense." Brian said. "Crazy ? You mean freaky as hell." Paul said.

"Speaking of Wayne. Where was he tonight ?" Ronnie asked. "Lee carried him to the airport yesterday. He is in Seattle." Paul said. "PAUL." Keith said. "Hey I am a new parent that runs on four hours of sleep a day. Forgive me if I am tired and can't do this cloak and dagger shit tonight." Paul said. "Its alright baby. Its really no secret." Bob said. "Wayne went to Seattle for a job interview. He will be back next Friday or Saturday." Brian said. "An interview ?" Ronnie asked. "Yeah dick head. It hurts to bad to stay around here." Keith said. The men just looked around. "What no. KEITH ?" Keith asked. "No baby I couldn't have said it better myself." Brian said and kissed Keith lightly on the lips. "I will say it again if it gets me another kiss." Keith laughed. "Oh one more thing Bro. The first chance you get to set down with Lee you better listen." Keith told Ronnie.

"Now Son you have a decision to make. I am breaking the rules for a moment and letting you chat with your family before you make the decision. But I am known for breaking the rules." she said. While Kyle talked to his parents his mortal body was being taken from the emergency room up to a waiting operating room. James was allowed to walk holding Kyle's hand until they reached the elevator. James leaned over as the elevator opened and kissed Kyle on the head. "Come back to me baby. I need you and I love you." he whispered. Though James whispered, it rang out like a loud speaker being broadcast through heaven. "Was that James ?" Kyle asked. "Yes son that was him. Now you have to decide. Do you go back and live and full happy life or do you give up and stay here now ?" Lee's grandma said.

"I can't take getting hurt again." Kyle said. "My dear child. That man has no hurt left in him to inflict on you. All he has is love." she said. "Son we are proud of you and will be here waiting on you when it is truly you time to join us. Tell your sister we love her and we are proud of her too." Kyle's mother said. "I love you guys but I have to go back." Kyle said. "Is that your decision ?" she asked. "Yes it is. I want to thank you first for your grandson and for helping me to make this decision. " Kyle said. "The decision was all yours. Remember this. It will be a long painful recovery but at the end you will have a life of love that most only dream of." she said. "If I could handle the streets I can handle this." Kyle said. "I thought so." she said. Within moments Kyle could feel the pain return. He could hear the nurses talking so he knew he was back. "This hurts but I can take it." he thought.

Lee had calmed completely but was exhausted. Chris sat at the edge of the bed and watched his lover. Lee was drifting in and out of sleep. "Lee." she said. "Hey Grandma. Thank you for saving Kyle." Lee thought. "He will be fine my brave son. It is time for you to talk to the good doctor though." she said. "I will." Kyle thought. "Tonight my son. I have his grandmother with me. When you talk to him tell him that he is to listen with his heart and not his head. She says to call him "run run" and he will listen." she said. "Thank you Grandma." Lee said. "Now take your lovers hand. I have something to say to you both." she said. "You can do that ?" Lee asked. "This may be the only time Chris gets to meet me." she said. Lee took Lee's hand and whispered for him to close his eyes for a minute. Chris followed Lee's instructions.

"Hello Chris. I am Ruth's mother, Lee's Grandma. I came to you earlier and asked you to hold on to Lee's life while he held on to Kyle's. I see the love that you have for each other from inside. It is a rare gift from God so you both need to cherish it. I have been granted the authority to do one other thing. Until it is time for you two to join us in heaven you both have the power to hold each others lives if need be. Know if you feel like you are leaving this earth that your lover and soul mate stands beside you holding onto your life so that you can come back. You have a long and happy life ahead of you and Chris please be patient with Lee when I am having to do the spirits work through him. I love you both and the boys too. Alex has met me but Cody is not quite old enough yet. Soon though. They are sweet boys and will bring you years of joy." she said and as soon as her voice ended she was gone. "HOLY shit baby. Was that what i thought it was ?" Chris asked. "You met Grandma. You must be special. " Lee said. "You know I am." Chris laughed. "Boy that was some weird shit." Chris thought. It was almost as if he heard a voice say. "I heard that." "Baby thank you for saving my life." Lee said. "No baby we are each others life. Never forget that." Chris said.

Ronnie came in the room to check on Lee. Still confused with the news that Wayne was in Seattle he was not functioning well. "How is our patient ?" Ronnie asked. "I am fine now. Thank you for getting me help." Lee said. " We didn't do anything. Somehow Chris did it." Ronnie said. "Speaking of that. We need to talk for a minute." Lee said. "I need to leave you guys alone." Chris said. "No baby. You stay. Ronnie may need to hear it from you too." Lee said. Ronnie was totally confused by this point. Lee began to explain the fact that he has dreams. "Yeah I heard about that part." Ronnie said. Lee just looked at Chris. "Sorry babe. It was Keith." Chris said. "Well since you know I will tell you what I see. First off I am suppose to tell you this. Listen with you heart and not your head run run ." Lee said. Ronnie gasp.

"My Grand was the only one to call me that." Ronnie said. "I know. She said if I wanted you to listen I had to say that." Lee said. "Well you have my full attention." Ronnie said. "In my dream I see your avatar. Around you are the people in your life. Your family is there and they love you but they have their heads turned because they do not approve of someone in your life. The person that holds the spot in your love life is a very dark shadow that seems to be choking you. This person has a lover behind them that they hide from you. The gaze that you have for the person that you really love is strong but that figure is fading. " Lee said. "Fading?" Ronnie asked. "They use to be a strong figure in your life but the more I dream the more they fade. You have one last chance to go for that love or it will be lost forever." Lee said. "Are you talking about Wayne ?" Ronnie asked. "I can't answer that. I know that he loves you but the one that you hold in your heart is your secret. I do know that this person is about to be lost to you forever. I was warned that you have one last chance." Lee said.

"After tonight my friend I would not second guess that." Chris said. "Where is Wayne ?" Ronnie asked. Lee stalled for a minute. "He is in Seattle. He went for a job interview. " Chris said. "I thought he loved his job." Ronnie said. "He does. He said that he could not stay around here and see your life slip away. He also said that the pain that he saw in your eyes and in your face was killing him. He had to get away so that he could have some peace in the little bit of life he had left." Chris said. "Little bit of life ?" Ronnie said. "I don't think he is sick but when you reach your fifties you have to realize you don't have as many years left as you use to." Lee said. "I don't know what to think." Ronnie said. "Run run, listen with your heart and not your head. Apparently your Grand knows that you try to over rationalize everything. " Lee said. "Yep that was her you talked to alright." Ronnie said. "Well my friend I need to get up and move around. Remember it is up to you but you only have one more chance. This person, whom ever it is, will not be around if you decide to wait until later. They may not die but you personally will loose them forever." Lee said.

Paul stuck his head inside the curtain. "We are moving to an ICU (Intensive Care Unit) waiting room." Paul said. "I am coming with you." Lee said. "No you rest buddy. " Paul said. "I am fine. I just need this stud here to help me get up." Lee said smiling at Chris. They met the rest of the men in the hallway as they made their way to the elevators. Once in the waiting room Lee went over and sat beside James. "I am so sorry. We had to make sure that Kyle would not get hurt again before we told you that we found him." Lee said. "Its all my fault." James said. "No its not. Kyle knows now that you love him and he is fighting in there right now to stay here with you. You have to be strong for him." Lee said. "How do you know that ?" James said. "Just know that I know this and am not saying it to make you feel better. You seem to be a super guy but my concern is Kyle and I know he will be fine." Lee said. "How did you find him ? I have looked for a year." James said. "Well I had a little help from a higher power." Lee said.

"How could you. I have prayed every night that Kyle be found." James said. "Well you do realize that God does not always answer prayers the way we expect him too but he does answer them." Lee said. "I do owe you a major thanks for finding him. I just hope it was not too late." James said. "Kyle is stronger than you can ever imagine. He has survived on the streets of Atlanta for a year. Until two weeks ago he was sleeping under a bridge. So this should be a walk in the park for him." Lee said. "I put him under a bridge and digging through dumpsters for food. How can he ever forgive me ?" James began to cry. "The one thing I have learned about Kyle is that he is a strong man. He is a proud man. But he is also a man that does not hold the past against someone. " Lee said. "You got to know the true Kyle then. I just wish I had listened to my gut instead of my mind back when I had a chance." James said. Ronnie had been beside them listening. "Well buddy you listened to your heart instead of your head and now you have another chance." Lee said and looked at Ronnie. Ronnie turned his head and looked at the floor.

Bob and Paul came to the group of men. "We are going for coffee or anything else anyone wants. What can we get for everyone ?" Bob asked. "We are fine." Chris said. "Coffee for everyone then. If you need decaf speak now or suffer later." Paul said. "The doctor said this would be a while and he has only been in surgery for three hours. So you will need the coffee sooner or later." Keith said. They all agreed and Keith, Brian, Bob and Paul headed for coffee. "I need a drink." Paul said. "Why would you say that ?" Brian asked. "There has been some weird and heavy shit going on around here tonight and I am too tired to try to make sense of it all." Paul said. "I have to agree with you there but Lee says that Kyle is going to make it so I have to believe that he knows something we don't." Brian said.

"Did you see that shit when Chris was about to fall apart and then the next second he was strong as a mountain ?" Bob asked. "Yes I heard him say that he had to hold onto Lee's life so Lee could hold onto Kyle's." Bob said. "I don't doubt it and if Wayne were here he would tell you the same thing." Keith said. "Why would you say that ?" Brian asked. "Wayne and I grew up with Lee. There was a lot of crazy shit that happened over the years but he was always right. We were always told it was the Indian in him." Keith said. "Well I can't wait to hear this explanation." Paul said. "You may never get it. But now that you know about his dreams he may open up and tell about it." Keith said. "Why wouldn't he tell us ?" Brian asked. "Well he already feels like we think he is a freak." Bob said. "No we don't." Paul said. "Put yourself in his place. If it were you would you go around telling your friends the crazy shit you see ?" Keith asked. "I see your point." Paul said as the door opened to the elevator.

"Baby I am so confused. But we both need a good night sleep before we talk about this. " Chris whispered. "Please don't freak out on me baby." Lee said. "Oh I am not freaking out. Quite the opposite. I think I understand it even more now. I just have some questions." Chris said. "Let me go check on Ronnie." Chris added. Walking across the waiting room Chris went to the area that Ronnie had moved to over in a dark corner. "You alright buddy ?" Chris asked as he sat next to Ronnie and patted him on the knee. "I don't know. Was Lee serious ?" Ronnie asked. "Answer this. How would he know to call you run, run ?" Chris asked. "He wouldn't." Ronnie said. "Secondly. How would he know to tell you to think with your heart and not your head ? And to tell you not to over rationalize what he said ?" Chris said. "There is only one way for him to know all that." Ronnie said. "Well I suggest you take him serious. I learned a lot tonight about Lee and his Indian ancestors. How do you think I knew to go in and take his hand and hold him in this world ?" Chris asked. "That shit was wild. How did you know ?" Ronnie asked. "I was told by the same person that told him to speak to you. That's how." Chris said.

"A ghost told you." Ronnie asked. "I didn't see a ghost. I felt two hands on my face and a voice in my head said to go to Lee and hold his life so that he could hold Kyle's. That is what all the pain was in Lee. When his Grandmother handed him Kyle's life he felt Kyle's pain." Chris said. "What should I do then ?" Ronnie asked. "Just think with your heart and not with your mind. Over analyze it and you will loose. I can just about guarantee that." Chris said. "So you think Wayne is gone ?" Ronnie asked. "I think that is up to you. If Wayne is the one that Lee was talking about then the ball is in your court. You are the only one that can decide if you are going to do the right thing or loose him forever. When Lee said this was your last chance I sincerely believe him. He never says anything that he has not been told. " Chris said. "So act buddy but don't analyze. " Chris said.

The men had been in the waiting room for about five hours when the doctor came in. All the men gathered around in silence to hear what the doctor had to say. "Kyle made it through surgery. He is stable at the moment but it will be another seventy two hours before we know if he is going to pull through. He is a very strong man to have gone through what he has. He crashed (died) on us three times on the operating table but he bounced right back. I personally think he will be alright because his body was so weak and damaged its a miracle he made it through the ER. He had some broken ribs and some internal bleeding from the stab wounds. We were able to reset the ribs. One was tricky. Apparently it was broken a few weeks ago and had punctured a lung and had never been treated. Due to the lack of nutrition his organs are strained. We were able to stop all the bleeding we could find and stitch up the stab wounds. We have had to give him a lot of blood. When he got into the surgery theater we were surprised that he was still alive. He didn't have enough blood in his system to sustain his body but he wouldn't give up and that was a good sign. He is strong so he has a chance." the doctor said.

"Are you moving him to ICU ?" James asked. "He will stay in recovery until the morning. We need to keep him closer to the operating room in case we missed some bleeders but he should be in ICU by breakfast. I am giving Ronnie the forms to add all names that are eligible to visit. Who is James ?" the doctor asked. "I am " James said. "He asked for you before he went under. If you are around when he comes into the ICU unit it will be good for you to talk to him if you are available. He may not be able to respond but hopefully he will hear you." the doctor said. "I will be right here. I will be right here until he comes home." James said. "Well by that time we would have to fumigate the hospital. You are no good to him if you don't rest too." the doctor said. "I brought you the admission forms to fill out Ronnie. Drop them off at the desk in the next couple of days." the doctor said. "I will pay for it all." James said. "No need in that. Ronnie will handle it." the doctor said. "I am going back to check on him and then I will have a nurse come get you when he is in the ICU. I suggest the rest of you go home and rest. He is not going anywhere for a while." the doctor said.

The men all breathed a sigh of relief. It finally sank in that Kyle was still alive and James' knees buckled. Brain caught one arm and Paul caught the other and sat James in one of the chairs. James finally let it all out and began to cry. Lee kneeled in front of him and took his hands. "What's wrong James ?" Lee asked. "He's alive Lee. He's still alive. I have one more chance." James cried. Lee leaned over and pulled the man into a hug and just let him cry. "Well guys there is nothing more we can do here tonight. Tomorrow will be a tough day so everyone needs to get some rest." Ronnie said. "We are not leaving James here alone." Keith said. "We are going to take turns staying here with James and Kyle." Bob said. "You guys go. I will stay until in the morning." Brian said. "I am staying with you." Keith said. "No you are not. You are going home and getting some sleep so you can drive me home tomorrow." Brian said. "Yes baby." Keith said. The other men said their goodbyes. Bob and Ronnie were bringing James' car to the hospital the next day and Keith was returning to get Brian. Lee was coming to relieve Brian and bring James something to eat. It was a long but strange night but for the moment all was well.

Next: Chapter 55

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