Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Jan 23, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 55

Bob and Paul had made it home and checked on the babies. Both grandmothers were up and had informed them that both babies had just been fed and changed so they should sleep for three or four hours. The men explained what had happened and what the latest update was on their friends condition. "I am so very proud of you son. I credit a lot of that to Bob." Paul's Mom said. "Why is that ?" Bob asked. "Well until Paul met you he was mad at the world. If you were to have mentioned a homeless person to him he would have turned his nose up." she said. "MOM! " Paul said. "Well its true. If you had even seen anyone that you didn't think was your caliber you would look down your nose at them." she said. "Was I that bad ?" Paul asked. "Sad to say son you were. When Bob came into your life you seem to finally take the time to see the people around you and see their circumstances." she said.

"Well I still don't think I was that bad." Paul said. "You were sweetie." Bob said. "Well I didn't mean it." Paul said. "We know that. The only reason I say that is that I want you to remember how you acted when these babies get older. The world is a lot different than when you were growing up so be protective but not overly so. I want my grand children to feel comfortable in this new world." she said. "I will Mom and now that I know it I am sure my husband will remind me if the time comes." Paul said. "Was Bob like that ?" Paul asked Bob's Mom. "Honey if I would have let him he would have brought every stray animal or person home with him. If he was late coming in from playing I would begin to worry and Dad would say "Don't worry that boy is probably keeping some hobo company. He will be here soon." she said.

The house was quiet and Bob had pulled Paul's back into his chest. Both men were tired but still trying to mentally grasp everything that had happened. "You asleep baby ?" Paul asked. "Not yet. What's up ?" Bob said. "I am trying my best not to freak out over what happened tonight. I just can't let some things go." Paul said. "The doctor said that Kyle was strong and was holding on." Bob said. "That I believe. What gets me is all the other stuff. It was too much too fast. I just can't wrap my brain around it all." Paul said. "I know what you mean. Maybe Lee will explain when things calm down." Bob said. "Well its definitely not boring around here anymore." Paul laughed. "Yeah I thought about that earlier. We use to just have group dinners and then every body went home. Now you have to look over your shoulder to see what is going to happen." Paul laughed. "It definitely stays interesting." Bob said.

"My concern thought is Chris. How is he handling all this. You know he was always sort of low key." Paul said. "I think he will be fine. I saw a strength in him tonight that I have never seen. Not even when Lee was missing." Bob said. "Well I never thought of Chris as low key but I see what your saying now. I think those two work perfect together." Bob added. "Yeah the one that worries me is Brian." Bob said. "Why is that ?" Paul asked. "Well Brian has always been quiet and tried to hide. I just never figured he would be comfortable with someone as out going full of life as Keith." Bob said. "Yeah I love Keith to death but I would half kill you if you acted like him sometimes." Paul laughed. "Why it should be fun." Bob said. "Don't you even think about it." Paul laughed. "I did enjoy the naked cook out though." Paul added. "Well I have a feeling you will see more of those." Bob laughed. "What did you think of James ?" Paul asked. "I really liked him and I think that he was sincere." Bob said. "Yeah I think so too but only time will tell." Paul said.

"Baby you are so tense." Chris said. Chris and Lee had returned home. They took a quick shower together and were spooned in the bed. "Just waiting on the bomb to drop." Lee said. "What bomb are you talking about ?" Chris asked. "Baby you have had to absorb a lot in a short period of time tonight." Lee said. "Well if you are worried about me dropping a bomb its not going to happen. I felt more alive tonight than I ever have. When your grandma whispered to me that I had to hold your life so that you could hold Kyle's, I felt alive. For the first time since we met I had the feeling that you needed me and that I could protect you." Chris said. "Babe I have always needed you. " Lee said. "Deep down I knew that but every time something happened I felt helpless. Tonight I felt like I could be the man I needed to be for you." Chris said.

"Baby all I ever needed to know was that you loved me." Lee said. "There is no question about that. I am glad that I got your grandma's approval." Chris said. "Oh I knew that my grandma loved you but it makes it easier for me knowing that you don't think I was insane." Lee said. "Was that her true hair. I have never seen such beautiful long hair." Chris asked. "I wasn't sure if you really saw her. But yes that was her real hair. When she let it down it always dragged the floor." Lee said. "Well I see where your Mom gets her commanding presence from." Chris said. "Neither one takes being ignored to well." Lee laughed. "Well at least now when you mention her I know what she looks like. She told me too that Alex could see her and that when Cody was older he should too. Should I be concerned ? " Chris asked. "She said she loved them and was proud of us so I feel blessed that we have someone with higher authority than us watching out for them too." Lee said. " I guess you are right. I can only handle one dreamer in the family though." Bob laughed.

Brian and James sat patiently in the waiting room. "I love you baby. Call if you need me." was text that came through on Brian's phone from Keith. Brian just smiled. "You are a lucky man." James said. "I am really blessed." Brian said. "Maybe one day I will get those texts again." James said. "Again ?" Brian asked. James went deeper into his story and told Brian that Kyle use to text him almost daily and tell him that he loved him and that if he needed him to just call. He also said that he had never been a morning person until he and Kyle started emailing every day. The first thing that he thought of for a few years was as soon as he woke up he had a email waiting from Kyle. He admitted that for the last year that every morning he would say a prayer before he turned on his computer that this would be the day he would get another email. "I feel so bad that we didn't do more for Kyle before this happened." Brian said.

"I am amazed that you were able to do as much for him as you did. " James said. "Why do you say that ?" Brian asked. "I don't know how long you have known Kyle but he is a very, very proud man. I tried to do things for him when everything was good and he would turn around and out do me giving back." James said. "He always told me that the things that he did for me didn't have a price tag. He did it from the heart." James said. "You now have a second chance. Most don't get that." Brian said. "I have tried to talk to Ronnie about his situation. Maybe seeing this will wake him up." James said. "Keith and I have both talked to him about it too. I hate that Kyle got hurt but maybe it will be a wake up call for him and Wayne." Brian said. "Wayne ?" James asked. "Sorry I said too much." Brian said. "No. I didn't know that you knew about Wayne or especially his name. " James said. "I didn't to begin with. Keith, Lee and Wayne grew up together. Keith and I had met Ronnie when I was injured and then he took care of Keith when he was. Wayne being a friend was here to help and that is how we found out about he and Ronnie." Brian said. "Thank you dear Lord for that." James whispered. "Why do you say that ?" Kyle asked. "If God has brought this small group together in such a strange way then I know Kyle will be alright." James said.

Keith and Ronnie arrived at the same time the next morning. "Buddy I can tell your couple of hours of sleep didn't help too much." Keith said. "Well I didn't get any sleep. I tried but I had too much going through my mind." Ronnie said. "Ah. You must have talked to Lee." Keith said. "Yeah and he told me that I had one more chance with Wayne or he would be lost forever." Ronnie said. "Well I myself would not test Lee." Keith said. "Has Wayne said anything ?" Ronnie said. "Not that I know of. If he had Lee would never tell you. Lee gets his information from a higher source." Keith said. "Yeah he told me things that only my grandmother would know." Ronnie said. "Well I would suggest that you listen then. Buddy, its up to you. If you want Wayne then listen to Lee. If you want you life to continue like it is then just wait and see if Lee is right. I will say this though. I have never known of Lee to be wrong." Keith said. "It may be too late now." Ronnie said. "Not if Lee said you had one last chance. If he had not been told that then he definitely would have said that to you. Lee doesn't play when it comes to that stuff." Keith said.

As they entered the waiting room they saw that Brian and James were still setting in the same chairs they left them in earlier that night. A nurse entered the room just after Keith and Ronnie. "Are you James ?" she asked. "Yes." James said as he jumped to his feet. "We have moved Kyle into the ICU unit. He had a rough night but is stable for the moment. If you will follow me I will take you to him but I can only allow you to stay for about five minutes at this point." she said. "I am suppose to have authority to look at his chart." Ronnie said. "Yes sir you do. If you will follow me too you can look at his chart while James visits." she said. "What about Brian and Keith ?" James asked. "We will be fine. We will see him when he is more settled. You go. " Brian said.

As they started into the ICU unit, James walked beside Ronnie. "Listen buddy. Right now Kyle needs you to be strong. He doesn't need to hear apologies. There will be time for that later. If you love him just tell him that and try not to cry. If he thinks you are upset then it will be harder on him. You need to be his strength like he was yours." Ronnie said. "He may not want me there." James said. "This isn't about you buddy. This is about Kyle. If he doesn't want you there then he can tell you that later when he is able." Ronnie said. "Your right." James said. Ronnie stood in the doorway looking over Kyle's chart. "Holy shit." was all he could think. Ronnie watched as James held Kyle's hand and rubbed his other hand over Kyle's cheek. He watched as James leaned over and lightly kissed Kyle's forehead. He seemed to get lost in watching James and the love that he was showing for Kyle and not paying as much attention to Kyle's chart. The nurse touched Ronnie on the shoulder. "I can only give him another minute or so. Let him know that in a couple of hours if he remains stable that he has been cleared to come and go as he wants and stay as long as he wishes. He will not be restricted to visiting hours." she said. Ronnie quickly scanned the rest of Kyle's chart so that he could walk out with James. "Damn. How is he still alive ?" Ronnie thought.

Lee had arrived and was talking to Keith and Brian when the men came back out. Ronnie had his hand on James' shoulder. Keith walked up and hugged James. "See buddy. Kyle is going to be fine." Keith whispered. James broke down and began to cry. "He looks so bad." James whispered. "Well looks aren't everything. Those will heal." Keith said. "No its not that. I love what's inside him more than the outside. I just hurt so bad for him and feel like all this is my fault." James said. "Its not your fault James. Its not Kyle's fault. You and Kyle both needed to be at this point in your lives so that neither of you would have a doubt about each other." Lee said. "But why so much pain ?" James asked. "I will be honest. I looked at his chart and for everything that he has been through it is a true miracle that he is still alive. He has to know that God was not done with him yet for him to still be with us." Ronnie said.

James just slumped into one of the chairs. "You need to go home and sleep some and get a shower. I will be here." Lee said. "I'm not going anywhere. Plus I called his sister. She should be here shortly." James said. "One of us plans to stay with you too." Lee said. "You don't need to do that." James said. "We do a lot of things that we don't need to so get use to it." Keith laughed. Ronnie pulled Lee off to the side. "I know this is not the right time but where is Wayne ?" Ronnie asked. "He is in Seattle. But don't call him and upset him. That may make him take the job if its offered even if he doesn't want it." Lee said. "I'm not. I didn't sleep last night. I believe you when you say I have one more chance. I am clearing my appointments after today and I am going to Seattle to get him." Ronnie said.

"I think you need to do some house cleaning before you go and try that. If your partner is still there then you will do more damage than good." Lee said. "Don't worry. I plan to have that talk today. He will be gone before I get back. I can't take a chance of loosing Wayne forever. After seeing James and Kyle together I know that more than ever." James said. "As long as you plan on cleaning your house first I will give you the information as to where he is staying. I will tell you this though. If you go out there and you hurt him then you will deal with me. I promise you that you will regret the day you ever met me." Lee said firmly. Ronnie hugged Lee. "No Lee its time to make a lot of wrongs right if Wayne is willing." Ronnie whispered.

The men chatted for a few minutes and as Keith, Brian and Ronnie were getting ready to leave Kyle's sister arrived. All the men were introduced. They were all surprised that James had never met Kyle's sister. They had only spoken over the phone. Ronnie excused himself and went back in to the ICU to make sure he had added Kyle's sisters name to the list. The nurse checked the list and confirmed. "I am glad she was able to make it. This still doesn't look good. He coded on us (died) twice last night. He is a strong one alright." she said.

The thought of Kyle loving James so much that he would hold on and suffer through all he has made Ronnie realize even more that he needed to do something about his own situation. Ronnie returned to the waiting room but felt it best not to mention Kyle's issues from the night before. Once back in the room Kyle's sister was talking to the group. "I wish they could find who did this but the officers I talked to gave me the impression that a homeless man assaulted was not a big issue." she said. "Don't worry we already have people on that. I took care of that on the way over here." Lee said. The men looked at Lee but didn't dare ask any questions.

"I don't know where you keep going but I would have appreciated some breakfast this morning." Ronnie's partner said as Ronnie came in from the garage. "Waffle House is down the street." Ronnie said. "Don't get that type attitude with me." he said. "Well I tell you what. I am leaving tomorrow to go to Seattle for a few days. When I get back I expect you to have all your belongings out of my house. And don't take any of my stuff." Ronnie said. "What the hell ? I am not going anywhere. You owe me." he said. "I owe you ? That's a fucking joke. Speaking of fucking. You can move back to your own house or move in with the guy that you are fucking. I don't really care which." Ronnie said. "He has a partner I have you know. I mean ummm.. what are you talking about ?" he said. "Lets not do this. We are both grown men. Its over and I want you to leave. I am going to Seattle for three or four days and when I get back I expect you to have all your stuff moved out." Ronnie said. "Well I am not going anywhere." he said. "You can go peacefully or you can do it the hard way. That's up to you." Ronnie said. "You can't treat me this way." he said. "Why are you here anyway ?" Ronnie asked.

"I have dealt with a lot over the years. I earned a doctor. I deserve a doctor. You promised to take care of me and never hurt me." he said. "It would be a different situation if I thought I was hurting you. The only thing I am hurting is your life style." Ronnie said. " I will turn all our friends against you." he said. "Our friends ? I haven't been allowed friends. They are all yours. You ran mine off when they saw that you didn't care about me and that you were all about yourself." Ronnie said. "Honey we can fix this." he said. "Too little too late. I am going to take a nap in my room. You can pick another room until you get your things out. I need a real life. Not a life you design for me." Ronnie said. "You can't get rid of me this easy." he said. "Easy ? Its been years of hell. Having you leave will be a breath of fresh air." Ronnie said as he headed up the steps. He could hear his partner pretending to cry out loud. "I will kill myself." he shouted. "Just wait until I leave and don't mess up any of my rugs." Ronnie called back as he turned the corner and shut the bedroom door.

Back at the hospital they had allowed James and the sister to visit with Kyle. They still had him lightly sedated but not fully. James was able to get Kyle to lightly squeeze his hands a couple of times. The mood was even stronger. James and Kyle's sister returned to the waiting room. "He squeezed my hand." James almost shouted as he ran to Lee and hugged him tight. Kyle's sister is named Debra. "I was not prepared to see that." Debra said. "The doctor told us this morning that he thought he would be alright but it would take a while. He said that Kyle was a very strong willed man." Lee said. "That he definitely is." Debra said. "Even before all this happened I had told him that I had never met a stronger person as far as his endurance." James said. "Well he will have to call on every ounce he has left to pull through this I am afraid." Debra said. "I think he has more help than you know." James said. The group sat for a while getting to know each other better. Lee tried to talk James into at least going home and showering and changing. "Maybe later. I just found him. I can't loose him again." James said. "Well I don't think he is going anywhere anytime soon. " Lee said. "Maybe after the next visiting period." James said.

"Morning Moms. Thanks for staying last night." Paul said. "No problem son. The babies are fine. I know you and Bob got in real late. Go back to bed. We can handle this." she said. "Well let me get us both some juice. I will wait on the coffee. We are both pretty tired." Paul said. Paul got a large glass of orange juice and returned to the bedroom. Bob barely woke up enough to drink a little juice and they both fell back asleep for another hour or so. "Morning Lover." Bob said as Paul began to wake up. "Morning stud. Did you get any sleep ?" Paul asked. "I finally got some." Bob admitted. "I did too. I kept waking up listening for the babies and then realized they were not in here and went back to sleep. " Paul said. "I remember hearing one of them cry and as I was trying to get up I heard our Mom's talking in the hall so I went back to sleep." Bob said. "I wonder how Kyle is ?" Paul asked. "Well there were no phone calls or texts and Brian was staying there with James." Bob said. "I think we need to get moving. We don't want to run our baby sitters off after their first night." Bob laughed. "Go get us two coffees sexy while I warm the shower up." Paul said. and kissed Bob lightly on the lips.

When Bob returned with the coffee he could hear the sink running in the bathroom. As he turned the corner he was unable to find Paul. He looked in the shower and tub area. He walked further into the dressing area. "Oh my my. I like this new exercise." Bob said. "Yeah I need some exercise after last night big boy." Paul said. Paul had put a blanket on the floor. He lay there on his back with his legs pulled to his chin. "See something you like ?" Paul whispered. Bob set the coffee down and lowered his shorts. It was obvious he saw something he wanted. Bob got down on his knees and crawled towards Paul. He took his tongue and lightly licked from Paul's puckering whole up to his balls. He began to lick again and suddenly inserted his tongue into Paul's ass. Paul bit his lip wanting to scream. "Do you think my mother in law would approve of what I am about to do to her baby ?" Bob whispered. "Turn the shower on to cover the noise." Paul whispered. "Oh no baby. You have to control your volume this time." Bob whispered. Bob lowered his head and began to rim Paul as if he were a starving man. Paul's head was thrashing back and forth. "Baby please fuck me. I need you inside me bad." Paul whimpered. Bob never slowed his assault.

Bob began to lick his way from Paul's ass, up along his ball and then to Paul's throbbing cock. "No baby. I am too close. I want to wait and cum while you are inside me." Paul said. Bob moved forward and licked his way up Paul's stomach stopping at both nipples to pay them attention and then to Paul's lips. As Bob leaned over and began to kiss Paul deeply Paul reached around and guided Bob's throbbing cock to his ass ring. "Boy my baby is horny isn't he ?" Bob whispered. "No baby. I just need you inside me. I need to feel your love inside me and make me feel secure and whole." Paul whispered. Bob stayed still only kissing Paul while Paul moved his body and pushed himself onto Bob's cock. Paul quickly wrapped his arms and legs around Bob almost screaming into Bob's mouth. "Oh fuck baby that was intense." Bob whispered. "Fuck me baby. Make me yours. Make me feel secure and full." Paul pleaded. "Are you alright baby ?" Bob asked.

"I just need this connection. I need to feel safe after last night." Paul said. Bob reached back and put Paul's legs in the cuffs of his arms. He pushed Paul's legs up so that Paul's ass was higher in the air and Bob matched the height by raising to his tip toes while still kissing Paul. As Bob began to slowly move in and out of Paul's ass. "Faster baby, faster. I need you to pump it out of me." Paul whispered. Bob picked up his pace. Raising his hips high enough to completely remove his cock from Paul's ass and then swiftly going back in balls deep. Paul was biting his lip and then biting Bob's trying not to scream. After about five minutes of hard pounding the sound of skin slapping together pushed Paul over the edge. "Uuuuu gggg hhhhh.. ooohhhh sshhhiiiitt..." Paul growled through his teeth as the first shot of his orgasm landed in his hair. The next shot hit his chin and the following ropes landed from his chest down to his navel. Paul was so worked up and wanted to scream so bad that he clamped his ass ring harder than ever around Bob's cock. On the third stroke Bob pushed with his toes to get as far inside Paul as he could and kissed him deeply as he began to dump his load deep inside his lover.

As both men began to breath easier coming down off their orgasms they heard a voice at the bathroom door. "Paul honey. Where is the washing powder for the babies clothes ?" a ladies voice said. Both men froze. Bob's cock was still buried deep inside Paul. "Mom it is in the pantry. We are getting ready. We will be down shortly." Paul said. "That's alright honey. Take your time. You and Bob go back to what you were doing." she said. They heard the door close and both began to laugh. "At least she didn't come all the way in here looking." Paul laughed. "Well she would just know that I serviced her baby the right way. I wonder how long she was in the doorway?" Bob laughed. "Alright stud a quick kiss and then you need to remove that monster before she comes back and asks about something else." Paul laughed.

Next: Chapter 56

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