Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Feb 2, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 57

Wayne was deep in thought as he walked the two blocks back the Hotel. Did he really want to move away and leave all his friends and family ? Was taking a job so far away going to be the answer to his problems ? He fought back the tears of unsurety and fear as he made his way to the Hotel. "I can't stay that close to Ronnie. I can't stay in touch with him and see his life so miserable. It is tearing my heart to pieces. If I have any chance of living a few years in peace then I have to do this." Wayne thought.

As he made his way up the steps to the Hotel he turned to look at the city that may become his new home. "Can I build a happy life in this vast city or can I just blend in and become an unknown by everyone here. I guess I have a lot to decide for my future." he thought. As he entered the lobby he went directly to the receptionist desk. "Hello sir. How was your day ?" the young lady asked. "It was fine. I explored your wonderful city a little. Are there any messages for room 711 ?" Wayne asked. "Let me check. No sir there are no messages. Here is your key card sir. Enjoy your evening and if we can be of any assistance please do not hesitate to call the desk." she said. "Thank you and you have a great evening too." Wayne said as he turned and headed to the elevators. As the elevator doors closed Wayne felt the tears forming in his eyes. "Maybe I can just disappear here." he thought. The doors opened on the seventh floor and brought Wayne out of his deep thought. As he opened the door to his room he surveyed his surroundings. "Another empty room. I am use to an empty house so I can deal with this too." he thought as he stripped and headed to the bathroom for a long hot shower.

"Hello ?" Ronnie said. "Is this Doctor Hoffer ?" the young lady asked. "Yes it is." Ronnie said. "Your party arrived about five minutes ago and took the elevator to his room." she said. "Thank you very much." Ronnie said. "You have a nice evening sir and you need anything just contact the desk." she said. "Thank you. You have a nice evening too and wish me luck." Ronnie said.

Ronnie sat on the bed and began to worry. "What will Wayne do when I knock on his door ? Should I wait until in the morning ?" Ronnie thought. About that time his cell phone rang. "Hello ?" Ronnie said. "Hey." came the voice. "Hey Wayne. How are you sweetie ?" Ronnie said. "Its been a stressful day. I just needed to hear your voice. I am sorry for disturbing you." Wayne said. "Sweetie you aren't disturbing me. Why such a bad day ?" Ronnie asked. "Just a lot of decisions I have to make but I wont get into it." Wayne said. "Can I help ?" Ronnie asked. "Just hearing your voice helps. What I need you can't offer but that's my issue not yours." Wayne said.

"Sweetie you are worrying me. I am sure I can help." Ronnie said. "I wont keep you because I know you are busy. I need a hot shower and relax. Thank you though. You did help with some decisions whether you know it or not." Wayne said. "Sweetie I have plenty of time to talk." Ronnie said. "You are sweet to say that but I don't want you to hang up wishing you had never answered. So I will let you go. I need a hot shower." Wayne said. "Please don't hang up. What decisions are so tough today ?" Ronnie asked. "Nothing for you to worry about. I just needed to hear your voice. Thank you for answering." Wayne said. "I will always answer for you baby." Ronnie said. "Thank you for saying that. Sorry I interrupted your day. We will talk again soon." Wayne said. "Please baby don't hang up." Ronnie said. "I am fine. I just need a shower. Enjoy your evening." Wayne said. "O.k. baby. I love you Wayne." Ronnie said. "Thank you." Wayne could barely whisper as he hung up the phone. Wayne picked up the Hotel phone and ordered a pot of coffee from room service and headed to the shower.

Ronnie stripped and jumped in for a quick shower. While he showered Wayne had waited on room service to arrive. The hotel had furnished all their guest with plush white robes. Wayne put on the robe and answered the door. After the tray was placed and the delivery guy tipped Wayne headed for his long awaited shower. Once out of the shower Ronnie quickly brushed his teeth and combed his hair. From his suit case he retrieved a pair of running shorts and a tank top. Wayne had always complimented him on how hot he was in an outfit like that. Applying cologne he sat on the bed almost in a nervous panic giving what he thought was enough time for Wayne to complete his shower. In the room next door Wayne was relaxing under the spray of the shower. Trying to let the water wash the stress of the day away and hoping to clear his thoughts. "After talking to Ronnie I think I really have no choice. I have to be happy with this move if I am offered the job." Wayne thought. Wayne stood in the shower for another few minutes.

Meanwhile Ronnie had waited as long as he could. He opened his door and walked next door and knocked on Wayne's door. The first knock was not heard. As Wayne turned off the shower he heard a knock on the door. "JUST A MINUTE." he shouted. Grabbing a towel and partially drying quickly and wrapping it around his waist Wayne headed to the door. He figured that room service had forgotten something. As he reached the door he was looking down at his towel trying to tie a knot in the side because he realized he was only holding it together with his hands. Wayne opened the door and stepped back a little. It was at this point that he looked up to see who it was. There stood Ronnie. Wayne's nerves had been so on edge the entire trip that when he saw Ronnie standing there he could not speak. He sank to his knees loosing the fight with the towel and began to shake and sob. "I can't take this." Wayne said.

Ronnie rushed into the room and pulled Wayne from the floor and held him tight and just let him sob. "I am here baby and I am never leaving." Ronnie whispered. Not knowing what exactly was going on and hearing this made Wayne shake even more. He even felt sick on his stomach. He began to lose even more strength. Ronnie picked Wayne up and carried him to the bed allowing the door to close. When Ronnie lay Wayne on the bed he curled into the fetal position. Ronnie removed his shirt and shorts which left him fully naked also and lay down next to Wayne. Ronnie turned Wayne to face him and helped to unfold Wayne so that his head was laying on Ronnie's chest and with one hand on Wayne's back pulling him as close as he could get him Ronnie took his other hand and lightly brushed his hand through Wayne's hair and down his cheek. "I am here baby and if you will still have me I am never leaving you again." Ronnie whispered.

Back in Atlanta Bob and Paul were busy taking care of the twins. "I don't think the Grandma's put either one down the whole time they were here. I think they just swapped out. " Bob said. "Yeah every time I go to put one down they start crying." Paul said. "I guess we just need to talk to them about that. I know they are still really small but there is no way you can hold both of them tomorrow when I go back to the office." Bob said. "It will be an adjustment. Just please don't get your feelings hurt if I snap your head off when you get home. " Paul laughed. "I feel bad about going back to work and leaving you here alone." Bob said. "Baby that was our deal when we first talked about doing this. You said you wanted me to quit work and stay home. I was lucky enough to be able to work mostly from home but we knew that I would be home and you would be at the office." Paul said. "I know but I still feel bad about this." Bob said. "Just be patient with me until they are a little older and be prepared to help when you get home. " Paul laughed.

Bob held Addyson close to lips and whispered in her ear. "I love you little girl with all my heart. Please be good for your other Dad while I am at work." he whispered. "Oh no. No trying to bring her over to your side." Paul laughed. "No baby its not like that. She and I have a secret and shortly Leyton and I will have the same secret." Bob laughed. Both babies were finally asleep and the men moved slowly and carefully down the hall to place them in their cribs. Paul pulled Bob into a tight hug. "Lets hope they sleep for at least thirty minutes." Paul whispered. "I guess that means no Sunday afternoon delight for Bob then huh ?" Bob whispered. "Thank the grandmothers for ruining that this time." Paul whispered. "Time for Grandma rules. The babies will take enough of that time away. I don't need help from Grandma's too." Bob laughed.

"I wonder how things are going with Ronnie and Wayne ?" Chris said. "I don't know. I wish I did. I know Wayne, and I am sure that Ronnie will have to prove something to him." Lee said. "I just hope he is not too harsh on Ronnie. I am not saying he doesn't deserve it but I think he stepped well out of his comfort zone to do this." Chris said. "Yeah I would love to call and see what's going on but this is for them to work out and I just have to wait." Lee said. "Alright stinkers. Bath time and then bed time." Chris said as he stood to pick Cody up and head Alex towards the bath. Once in the tub Cody played as usual but Alex seemed a little distant. "What's wrong buddy ? Are you tired ?" Chris asked. "No Papa. My heart hurts." Alex said. "Are you in pain ?" Chris said with concern. "No Papa. Grandma says that its my heart that hurts." Alex said. "Why does she say that ?" Chris asked. "When she came to see me to tell me that Unca Kyle was going to be fine she said that she would be leaving me soon. I don't want her to go." Alex said with a tear in his eye.

"Hold on. Baby can you come here for a minute ?" Chris called out. Moments later Lee came into the bathroom and Chris told him about Alex's concern. "Baby don't be upset. Grandma will never leave you. She has never left me. I think what she meant was that as you get older you wont need her to visit you as much." Lee said. "Yes I will." Alex said as he began to cry. Lee reached in the tub and pulled the small child to his chest. "Baby do you believe what I tell you ?" Lee asked. "Yes." Alex sniffled. "Well I promise you that Grandma will always be there when you need her. She will never leave you. All you have to do is talk to her and i know she will talk back." Lee said. "So she still loves me ?" Alex sniffled. "Yes baby she always will and she watches over you every day to keep you safe. " Lee said.

The boys tucked in bed and sound asleep, both Chris and Lee retired to the master bedroom. Lee lay there naked with the covers pulled back. Chris looked at Lee's face as he walked towards the bed. "What are you smiling at ?" Chris asked. "Oh just the sexiest man in the world is all." Lee said. Chris looked at the ceiling and then back at Lee. "What ?" Lee said. "I was just wondering when you had mirrors installed on the ceiling." Chris laughed. "Come here sexy. I need to play with Papa." Lee whispered. Chris crawled up on the bed and lay part of his body weight on Lee and leaned down for a kiss. There was no pause in the parting of the lips as both men enjoyed a slow but deep and sensual kiss. Chris reached down between them and collected a small amount of precum that was flowing from Lee. Placing his fingers to his lips and then licking the precum from them. "Damn baby you taste unreal." Chris whispered.

Chris reached over to the night stand and grabbed the bottle of lube. Reaching back and lifting Lee's legs up Chris applied lube to his fingers. As he lowered his upper body to kiss his lover as their tongues touched Chris entered Lee's ass with one finger. "Uuuuhhhh..." Lee whispered. "Like that lover ?" Chris whispered. "Not as much as that cock but yes I like it." Lee whispered. "Oh Papa will get to that part soon enough." Chris whispered. Chris began kissing Lee with more passion than he had in a long time. Removing one finger and reentering with two fingers Lee began to squirm under his lover. "Baby I need you inside me." Lee whispered. Chris raised Lee's legs a little higher and applied lube to his now raging cock.

Chris kissed Lee lightly as he aimed his cock at Lee's waiting hole. He lightly kissed Lee on the lips and would take his tongue and trace Lee's lips as he slowly slid his cock into his lover. Lee seemed to hold his breath as Chris' cock forced its way deep inside him forcing Lee's body to open up and accept him. "All in baby. Safe and sound right where it belongs." Chris said. He leaned down and kissed Lee forcing the base of his cock to stretch Lee a little more. Chris began to move slightly. "Don't move baby. I need to feel as full as I can for a minute or two." Lee whispered. "Everything alright baby ?" Chris asked. "I just need to feel full and protected for a minute. It has been a rough couple of days. When you are inside me I feel safe and secure." Lee whispered.

"I feel like I can take on the world when I am inside you too." Chris whispered. "Baby right now its just me and you. No Wayne and Ronnie. No James and Kyle. Just me and you." Lee whispered. "Make you a deal. We have promised each other that we would never go to bed angry. Lets add to that that in bed its just me and you. Everything else can wait." Chris said. " If they were in this bed I wouldn't be." Lee laughed. Chris slowly began to rotate his hips which caused Lee to moan. "I wouldn't be either sexy. The only one in my bed, the only hole my dick fits, and the only tongue my mouth craves is yours." Chris whispered as he leaned down and slowly began to move his cock in and out of his lover. Chris moved with slow precision. The moans from deep inside Lee were making his cock even harder. "Baby I could spend every moment of my life making love to you." Chris whispered. Lee wrapped his arms and legs around held on tight as Chris began to move faster inside Lee.

Chris lifted his head slightly so that he could look into Lee's eyes as he used quicker jabs. Each jab of his cock was quickly massaging Lee's prostrate. "Ohhhhh.... oohhhh.. shiiitttt...." Lee cried out as his cock began to spray ropes of cum between his body and Chris'. "Oh fuck baby its so hot that you cum without being touched." Chris whispered. Chris reached down between their bodies and dipped his fingers in the warm pool of cum on Lee's chest. Putting his fingers to his mouth and licking his lips. "Fuck baby you taste so good." Chris said. He lowered his head and began to chew on Lee's neck as he raised Lee's hips higher and began to piston his cock in and out of Lee's ass. "Uuhhh... Uhh.... uummm.... " Chris began to moan as his cock moved in and out of Lee's body. "I need your seed deep inside me baby." Lee whispered. Chris began to grunt and moan as he came closer and closer. "Oohhh sshhiiitttttt." Lee called out as his unexpected second orgasm erupted. The pressure on Chirs' cock was more than he could take. A couple of quick deep jabs into Lee's ass and his body began to shake. Even though Lee was coming down off his second orgasm he could feel Chris' cock get even harder and begin to flex inside him. Lee could feel the heat in his gut from the ropes of hot cum shooting deep inside him. "Hhhoollllyyyy Ffuuuucckkkk.... Gggggrrrrrrrr...... Uuuuhhh." flowed from Chris as his body shook with each shot he deposited deep inside his lover. Chris collapsed on top of Lee trying to catch his breath. "Oh fuck baby that was so intense." Chris whispered.

Chris raised himself on his elbows and began to slowly remove his sensitive cock from Lee's ass. Lee took his legs and pulled Chris back deep inside causing Chris' body to quiver again. "Not yet baby. I still need to feel Papa inside me." Lee whispered. "Anything you want lover. Anything you want. " Chris said as he lowered his body back down and lay his head beside Lee's. "Marry me baby." Chris whispered. "Soon lover. Very soon." Lee whispered as they drifted off to sleep. Chris exhausted from their love making and Lee totally content to have his lovers cock still deep inside him.

"Whew. Damn baby that was hot as fuck." Keith said as he regained his composure and slowly began to pull his cock out of Brian's ass. A loud pop and slurping sound came as the head popped out. "Mmmmm sounds like my baby has a well fucked ass." Keith whispered. "Yeah well one that feels kind of empty at the moment." Brian said as if he were pouting. Keith reached down and slid a finger inside Brian's ass and then pulled it out and lightly tapped the ring. "Don't worry I wont be gone long enough for this hot ass to totally recover before I will be back to wreck it again." Keith whispered. "Gone?" Brian asked. "Yeah remember its my turn to stay with Kyle and James." Keith said. "I got so caught up in the love making that I forgot you had to leave." Brian said. "Well I had to give you something to dream about and also something to keep me awake tonight planning my next assault. " Keith laughed.

"I can go with you." Brian said. "No baby. You need to sleep. It may be a long stint of swapping out to stay with them. So I need you rested for round two when I get home in the morning." Keith said. "As much as I would love for you to shower with me you just stay right here and relax. I wont be but a minute. I have to get a move on." Keith said. Keith returned shortly toweling his hair with one hand and a wash cloth in the other. Brian was beginning to get hard again watching his lover walk across the room with his cock and balls swaying from side to side. Keith dropped the towel to the floor and sat on the side of the bed and began to wash the drying cum off Brian's body. " I need to get a shower." Brian said. "Oh no lover. I want the faint scent of tonight's sex still on you when I come home and wreck that ass again in round two." Keith whispered. "You are incorrigible. Did you know that ?" Brian said. "Yep." Keith laughed as he stood and headed to the closet to get dressed.

Keith arrived at the hospital shortly after James. Kyle had been brought back to the ICU and had been settled. They allowed James and Keith to go in at the same time. James' heart sank as he entered the room. He had forgotten how rough Kyle looked. Being in the compression chamber had brought out even more color in all the bruising. Keith stopped in the doorway and used the door frame to steady himself. This was the first time that he had seen Kyle since the incident. "BASTARDS." Keith screamed in his mind Kyle was partially awake for the first time. As James sat beside the bed and took Kyle's hand Kyle tried to look away. "Baby it will all be alright. I am here and I am not leaving you." James whispered. Keith moved around to the other side of the bed. "Hey buddy. I hope the other guy looks worse." Keith laughed trying to lighten the moment.

Kyle looked into Keith's eyes and all Keith could see was fear. Keith stood there for a moment wishing that Lee was there instead of him. "O.k. what would Lee do right now ?" Keith thought. "James. Can you give me and Kyle a minute alone and then I will go back to the waiting room and leave you two alone." Keith said. "Uh I guess so." James said. "Don't go far. I wont be but a couple of minutes." Keith said. James left the room and stood in the hallway. "I know it hurts buddy. I know your body hurts and your heart hurts. Concentrate on the body. I have been around James since this started. Your sister has been here too. She has forgiven him and I think you need to also. Lee and Brian had to threaten him to go home and at least take a shower. He has been here every minute other than that. Dude he has been looking for you for a year. He even hired a private detective. He kicked the bastard out. I don't know about you but that in my book is true love. " Keith said. Kyle made the motions as if asking for a pen and paper. "Hold on let me find something." Keith said. Keith headed to the nurse's station to ask for pen and paper. Returning to the room he handed it to Kyle. His writing was rough but the first note said. "Are you sure ? I can't take this again." Kyle wrote.

Keith sat back looking at the note. "Buddy I can just hope that Brian loves me as much as that man out there loves you. He has said a few times that he should be the one in here and not you. I and the rest of the guys feel that he is sincere. I'll make you a promise. If he is not sincere I will put him in here myself in the next room. But know this. When I get through with him he wont be coming back out of his. " Keith said. Kyle tried in his own way to laugh. "Answer me this. And you don't have to write. Just nod. Did you or did you not meet Lee's grandma ?" Keith asked. Kyle motioned for the paper. "I thought that was a dream." Kyle wrote. "Nope buddy that was no dream. One day when you get all that metal out of your mouth you can set down and talk to Lee about it. It was real though. Did she tell you to trust James ?" Keith asked. Kyle nodded lightly "Yes." "Well I have never known her to be wrong. If I were you I think I would trust her." Keith said.

Kyle began to write again. "Thank you for everything." he wrote. "No need in thanking me. Thank me when I get my hands on the ones that did this." Keith said. Kyle's hands relaxed signaling that he was getting tired. Keith took the pen and paper and wrote "Get Keith in the waiting room." and handed the paper back. "Give him a chance. He feels like this is all his fault and in some ways I tend to agree. But give him a chance and if you need me just hit the nurse's button and hand her this." Keith said. Kyle nodded yes and tried a small smile. "Alright buddy. I am going to the waiting room. I think its time for James to come back in and start his many years of ass kissing for forgiveness." Keith said. Kyle reached and tried to firmly grip Keith's hand as if to say "thank you." Keith headed to the door. "Alright buddy he is all yours. I will be in the waiting room if you need me. " Keith called out to James. As James started in the room Keith took him by the arm and stopped him. "Go easy. He is still confused and still scared. He can't run away so don't try to make up for all those years in one night. Take it slow." Keith whispered. James just nodded his acknowledgement as Keith released him to go into the room.

Next: Chapter 58

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