Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Mar 5, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 63

The next couple of weeks were busy for everyone. Christmas was just around the corner and everyone was busy with preparations. Ronnie and Wayne returned and had not taken the step of moving in together but seemed to be almost inseparable.

Kyle had settled down to a certain degree since he was brought home to James' house. Kyle was finally able to get around on his own fairly easily. James had returned to work at Kyle's request and the other men had helped out also with doctor's appointments and dental appointments. There had been small reminders but nothing major that someone was stalking Keith. Brian had refused to buy a new car until this was over. He felt safer using rental cars that he could swap out every four or five days. Chris and Lee had finally been able to make wedding plans. Though they still were not concrete they were waiting until they had everything finalized before they announced anything to their friends. Chris, Lee and Bob had been busy on a surprise for Kyle and hoped to have it ready before Christmas.

"Honey I wish you would calm down. If not she is going to kick us out before we even say hello." Brian said. "I am trying. I am just too nervous and too excited." Keith said. "Well you need to calm down." Brian laughed. "Well a quickie or a blow job may help." Keith laughed. "Oh that would be nice. Walk in and say. Hi I'm Brian with cum dripping off my goatee. " Brian laughed. "Well it was a thought." Keith laughed. "Alright stud its time to go in and charm so lets go." Brian said. Once inside everyone was introduced and Keith and Brian sat down in the small office.

"So you are the husband in training." Mrs. Gladys said as she looked at Keith. "Yes Mam." Keith said quietly. "Well I expected you to come in here bouncing off the walls just like some of the kids." she said. "Give him time." Brian laughed. "Just be comfortable and be yourself. I hear you are a little high strung and untrained but that's alright too. I like men like that.:" she said to Keith. "Am I that bad ?" Keith whispered to Brian. Brian just smiled and turned back to Mrs. Gladys. "I understand that you guys are having some stalking issues." she said. You could see the blood drain from both men's faces at the shock of her knowing there were issues. "Lee" Brian whispered. "No son. Bob has graciously agreed to do some of our legal work free. By law he has to tell me but he assured me it was not an issue. I did contact Lee and he assured me also. So that has no affect on my decision. I just wanted to let you know that I do know what is going on." she said. "You sure you are not kin to Mrs. Ruth ?" Keith laughed. "Never met the lady." Mrs. Gladys said.

The conversation went easily and Keith was finally able to relax some. They discussed the house and that they had planned to make an offer to buy it instead of looking for another. They discussed their plans to get married but wanted to wait for Chris and Lee to announce their date so they didn't take anything away from them. "Well I already like you two. From what I hear this child will have an entertaining life at least." Mrs. Gladys said as she looked at Keith and smiled.

"I have known Lee my whole life I guess, and he is a super person. I am so grateful to him for the opportunity to at least meet you and have a chance at adopting." Keith said. "I love dealing with Lee's friends. So relax. If a couple of things work out as far as I am concerned you are already accepted. If Lee had any concerns our conversation would have ended and you would have never known." she said. Both men's hearts almost stopped and smiles covered their faces. For the first time it finally hit them that this may really happen. "Well Mrs. Gladys I want to be honest. I love children. If we are accepted and you are pleased I hope that we can be repeat customers. Well repeat parents I guess is the best way to put it. " Keith said. "How many children do you want?" Mrs. Gladys said. "Mam if it was up to him he would put the Walton's to shame." Brian laughed. "I like you Keith." Mrs. Gladys laughed.

The three talked for about twenty minutes and then Mrs. Gladys discussed the cost. Both Keith and Brian had a shocked look on their faces. "Well boys you know babies get even more expensive when you get them home." Mrs. Gladys said. "No Mrs. Gladys. We had budgeted a lot more than that. We thought it would be much more expensive." Brian said. "Yes. That means we can help out a little more in other areas maybe." Keith said. "Whew. I thought you were going to be like some and think there was no costs. You just come and sign up for a baby." she said.

"No Mam. We discussed it with Bob and Paul but they didn't give us figures. They said they paid a good bit extra to help out in other areas. " Keith said. "They were gracious but I don't expect that from everyone. Your case is a little different. We were prepared to look for a secondary sponsor. Due to the circumstances this case was going to cost about three thousand more than some." she said. "No need for secondary. We will gladly cover that." Brian said. "Alright this is the hard part." Mrs. Gladys said.

She went on to explain that the pregnant girl was gang raped. Her mother had died a couple of years back and some friends and family had given her father a moonshine birthday party. She was raped by her father, a number of uncles, her brother and also a couple of neighbors. One of the issues that she faced was that one of her father's coworkers raped her too and he was a black man. Not knowing who the father actually was there is a chance that the child will be mixed. Brian had tears in his eyes thinking of what the girl had gone through. Mrs. Gladys sat quietly for a moment waiting for a response. "And ?" was all Keith said. "Well a mixed child is something you have to consider." she said. "Mrs. Gladys. All babies need love. It doesn't matter to us what color and we have even discussed the possibility of the our baby being a special needs baby. None of these are a concern to us. They will receive all the love we can give." Brian said. "It warms my heart to hear that." Mrs. Gladys said.

About that time there was a knock on the door. "Excuse me Mrs. Gladys. We have a little emergency we need your help with." a young lady said. "Excuse me for a minute Keith and Brian. I will be right back." she said. Keith and Brian whispered to each other showing their excitement over the fact they could possibly be parents in late June or early July. They chatted for about five or six minutes and Keith noticed a small boy about four or five standing in the door. The small boy from a distance seemed to be covered in dirt.

"Hey little man. My name is Keith. What is yours?" Keith asked. The little boy stood silently and just looked at the two men. "You sure are cute. My name is Brian." Brian said as he leaned over to be closer to the little boys height. "What's your name ?" Brian asked. The little boys lips moved but there was no sound. Moments later the little boy broke down and began to cry uncontrollably. Keith moved as if to get up to get the little boy but before he could the little boy ran to Brain and climbed up in his lap and wrapped his arms around Brian tight and continued to cry.

"Baby that's not just dirt. Be careful. That's blood on his clothes." Keith whispered. "He has urinated and pooped on himself too." Brian whispered back. "JOSH .... JOSH ??" came shouts from the outer room. A young lady came through the door and saw the small boy wrapped around Brian's neck. She walked over and began to try to take Josh from Brian. The more she pulled the louder Josh screamed. "Just leave him alone. He is fine." Brian said. "He needs to come with me." she belted. The attitude was more than Keith could take. He grabbed the ladies arm and gripped it tight enough to get her attention. "My husband said he is fine. Leave it alone." Keith said. "I am going to get Mrs. Gladys." she barked. "That sounds like the best idea you have had your whole life." Keith barked back.

Mrs. Gladys came to the door and motioned for Keith to come into the front room. Keith leaned over and kissed Brian on the temple and also kissed Josh on top of his head. "I will be right outside the door Josh. If you need me just shout. I am not leaving. I will be right back I promise." Keith said. Those words seemed to calm Josh to a light sob. Once in the outer room Mrs. Gladys explained to Keith that the Sheriff's department had just brought Josh to them.

They usually only deal with infants and never have them at the office but the Sheriff had no idea what to do with the little boy. Josh was either four or five. They were not sure of his birthday at this point. The Sheriff's office was called to his parents house for a welfare check. ( This is a check to make sure everything is alright because friends, family and employers have not heard from them.) They found Josh laying beside his Mom. Apparently the father had gotten drunk the week before and stabbed the mother to death and then took his own life. The Sheriff had guessed that Josh had been on his own in the house with his dead parents for at least five days.

Keith lost all color in his face and slowly sank into a chair in the lobby. After a couple of moments he looked at Mrs. Gladys. "What can we do ?" Keith asked. "I am not sure what is going on yet. It seems that everyone that has even touched him since he was found has sent him into a screaming fit and he has tried to run." she said. "Call Bob." Keith said. "For what ?" she asked. "He is going with us. No discussion. " Keith said firmly. "I think you need to discuss this with Brian. Plus these cases are not quite as easy as new born." she said. "I don't care what it takes or what it costs. That man in there holding that child would never speak to me again if I did not move heaven and earth to take Josh with us. Besides I could not live with myself either." Keith said. "Are you sure ? You came here wanting the baby due in June. " she said. "Nothing has changed there either. We still want the baby." Keith said. "Are you sure you don't need to talk to Brian." she asked. "Make you a deal. You talk to Bob and the children services lady while I talk to Brian." Keith said. "Let me see if I can find someone that can take Josh while you two talk." she said. "Leave him. We can talk with him there. We are good at communicating quietly." Keith said.

Keith composed himself and entered the room. "See Josh. I didn't leave you . I came right back." Keith said and kissed him on the head again before sliding his chair closer to Brian. Keith leaned his head against Brian's and whispered the situation to Brian. Tears began to stream from Brian's eyes but he was careful not to upset the little boy still wrapped around his neck. Josh by this point had reached even further and had his small hand on Keith's cheek. Mrs. Gladys and the lady from children's services quietly stood in the doorway and watched. "But they are a gay couple." the lady said. "So what ?" Mrs. Gladys asked. "I am not sure this would be a good idea." she said. "Its the twenty first century, get with the program. Besides the big guy is law enforcement. He carries a gun and I promise you I am not about to tell him to give up that child and he likes me." Mrs. Gladys said.

"Well lets get the Sheriff to talk to him and see what he thinks too." the lady said. "I have no problem with that. Besides their lawyer is already working on the legal part." Mrs. Gladys said. "Damn that was quick." she said. "Told you. He is law enforcement and carries a gun. Plus he carries very powerful friends too." Mrs. Gladys said. While the ladies watched Josh lifted his head and pulled himself into Keith's arms and forced his head in between the two men. Now the men sat there with a sobbing little boy with his headed deeply planted between the two. "If they take this baby from me I will never speak to you again. Got it ?" Brian said. "I already told them baby. Not as long as I have breath left." Keith said. "Guess you hear that." Mrs. Gladys told the lady as she turned and headed out of the room.

The Sheriff came back and talked to Keith for a few minutes and also called Keith's boss and chatted with him. The entire time Josh was still wrapped around Keith's neck. "I have talked to the neighbors. They say that Josh is a smart little boy but was not allowed to speak at home. He hasn't said a word since we found him. That may be an issue." the Sheriff said. "He has whispered to us. All he needs is love and he will talk." Brian said.

The morning seemed to fly by but a lot had been accomplished in a very short time. Within three hours the Governor's office of Tennessee had granted temporary custody to Keith and Brian. Apparently there were phone calls to the Georgia governor's office from Keith's boss, Bob and also a certain elderly Georgia lady that is very persuasive. Not knowing that Keith had already told Mrs. Gladys that they still wanted the baby Brian hugged her neck as they started to leave. "See you in June." Brian said. The Sheriff assured Keith that he would have no issue taking Josh the two miles to the Hotel without a car seat. The new unexpected family got into Keith's truck and started out on their new journey.

Stopping at one of the big box stores Keith stayed in the truck with Josh while Brian did some quick shopping for clothes, toys and a car seat. "Am I going with you ?" Josh whispered. "Yes baby you are going home with me and Brian. Does that make you happy ?" Keith whispered. "Uh huh" Josh whispered. "You don't have anything to be scared of anymore. Brian nor I will ever let anybody hurt you." Keith whispered. The only response from the frightened little boy was to squeeze Keith's neck tighter.

Once back at the Motel Keith immediately found cartoons on the television. This seemed to calm Josh enough that he would release his grip and set on the bed. The only issue he had was that if one of the men walked out of the room into the restroom he would jump and run to find them. Once he knew they were still there he would return to the bed and watch cartoons. Brian began to run a tub full of warm water. Josh was still covered in dry blood and reeked of his own excrement. Keith walked into the bathroom and took the complementary bottle of shampoo and emptied it into the tub. "What are you doing Keith ?" Brian asked. "You ever seen a little boy or girl that didn't love a bubble bath? " Keith laughed

Brian went back into the main room and picked up Josh and headed to the bathroom. Setting in the floor Josh allowed Brian to undress him. Both men had to hold their horror at the bruises they saw. For safety sake Keith retrieved his cell phone and took a few quick pictures. The water seemed to scare Josh. Every time Brian tried to place him in the water his grip got tighter around Brian. Keith went back into the main room and dug through the suitcase. Finding a pair of boxer shorts he stripped quickly and put the boxers on. Returning to the bathroom he climbed into the tub and began to play with the bubbles and laugh. Putting bubbles around his mouth and on top of his head and both men laughing softened Josh up. He had turned and was setting in Brian's lap smiling at the antics of his new father. Josh stood and walked to the side of the tub and took some of the bubble and rubbed them on the side of Keith's face.

Keith took a hand full of bubble and blew them on Josh still outside the tub. "You want bubbles on your head little buddy ?" Keith asked. Josh stood there smiling nodding his head yes. "Come here. You can get in the tub with me. I am having too much fun to get out so I will have to stay in here with you." Keith laughed. Josh slowly reached out his arms for Keith to lift him and place him in the tub with him. Placing Josh in his lap so that Josh could feel Keith's body in the water with him the man and boy began to play. Not realizing the whole time that Keith was getting him clean Josh just thought it was fun playing.

After about twenty minutes playing in the tub Josh allowed Brian to take him out of the tub and dry the little boy off. Keith drained the tub and turned the shower on quickly to rinse all the soap suds from his body hair. Keith came into the main room wrapped in a towel. Josh was still wrapped in a towel watching cartoons as Brian sorted through his new clothes. Keith walked up behind Brian and wrapped his arms around Brian. "Strange day baby." Keith whispered. Brian turned so that he was facing Keith. "The second best day of my life baby." Brian said as he lightly kissed Keith on the lips. The kiss was cut short by a laugh from Josh. "What's so funny little buddy ?" Keith asked. "You two kissing." Josh said in a little higher tone than a whisper. "Do you have a problem with two men kissing?" Brian asked. "Nope." Josh said and turned back to the cartoons.

"Well that was easy." Brian laughed. "Alright baby you need a quick shower. Me and our son smell good now. You need a little help." Keith laughed as he lightly squeezed Brian's ass cheeks. "Alright daddy. You have to behave from now on." Brian said. A small voice was heard over the cartoons. "Will you be my daddies please ?" Josh asked You could see that he was prepared for rejection. Not even realizing that he had lost his towel Keith lunged at Josh grabbing him from his towel and landing on the bed tickling Josh to the point he couldn't breath. "If you want us as daddies you got it little guy." Keith laughed. Once the shock and fear was gone Josh was comfortable rolling around on the bed with one of his new dads playing tickle monster. Looking at his naked lover and naked little boy rolling on the bed. "Well I guess the clothing optional at home will still apply." Brian said as he headed to the shower.

Returning from the shower Brain saw his lover laying naked on his back with a small naked boy sound asleep laying on his chest with his head under Keith's chin. Brian removed his towel and slid onto the bed beside Keith. Snuggling up on his side against Keith, Brain lay his arm over Josh and placed his head in the crook of Keith's shoulder. "Happy baby ?" Brian whispered. "This little man needs us baby. I hope you are not upset that I made the decision without you. I just felt like if I hesitated they would take him." Keith whispered. "No baby I love you even more than I did this morning if that is possible for taking a stand and protecting our new family." Brian said. "Family." Keith said with a big smile. "Do you want to spend another night up here ?" Keith asked. "Hell no. Let him sleep for a while and then we will load up. I want my new family in our own home tonight. Is that alright ? " Brian asked. "Family, Home, Me, You, Josh. Music to my ears baby." Keith said.

Josh had calmed a lot by the time he woke up. At first startled not knowing where he was it was apparent to him that with two men's arms wrapped around him and his new daddy Keith holding him to his chest that he was safe. The men dressed and packed. Josh sat in the chair in the room as the truck was loaded. Brian came back into the room to see tears rolling down Josh's cheek. Brian walked over and picked the little boy up and placed him in his lap as he sat in the chair. "What's wrong Josh ?" Brian asked. "I thought this was my new home. Please don't take me back." Josh whispered. "Oh no baby. This was just a motel room. We are taking you home with us to your new home. You will have a bedroom that's all yours and I will tell you a secret as long as you don't tell Keith." Brian said. "A secret ?" Josh whispered. "Your new home has a swimming pool." Brian whispered. "My home ?" Josh whispered. "Yes baby. Your new home. Our home." Brian said. "I like our home.": Josh whispered. "Alright lets get in daddy Keith's big truck and go to our new home." Brian said as he hugged Josh. Josh jumped down and ran towards the door almost getting past Keith trying to get to the truck. "I see somebody is ready to go." Keith laughed.

A couple of hours down the interstate the two men realized that they were not sure when Josh had last eaten. Pulling into one of the fast food restaurants Keith felt sure that every child loved happy meals. Josh had seemed calm during the drive. He had played with the toys and never complained about being restricted in the car seat. "You want a cheese burger, fries and a coke little man ?" Keith asked as he rescued Josh from the car seat. Josh did not comment but had a stressed look on his face. "I have to tee tee daddy." Josh whispered into Keith's ear. "Anytime you have to tee tee or poop just tell me or Brian. You wont get in trouble. " Keith said as he hugged the little boy tighter.

Brian ordered the food while Keith took Josh to handle more important matters. Keith and Josh returned to find Brian already at a table laying out the food. Josh sat beside Brian and Keith sat directly across from him. Brian said the prayer to bless the food and Josh watched as the two men began to eat. "You don't like cheese burgers ?" Keith asked. Josh had been staring at the burger and looked up at Keith and nodded "Yes." "Its all yours buddy so eat as much as you want." Keith said. Josh picked up the burger and took a bite. The gleam in Josh's eye let Keith know that he had a new happy meal buddy.

Josh had taken a couple of bites from his burger and had eaten a couple of fries when a man behind them in the restaurant cleared his throat very loudly. Josh bolted to the corner behind Keith and balled up in as tight a ball as possible with his face buried into the corner. Keith went to grab him but Brian stopped him. Brian got up and moved around so that he could get into the corner with Josh. Fighting the little boy for control Brian kept whispering. "Its just me Josh. Its just me." Finally getting the shaking child into his arms he felt Josh begin to calm. Brian reached up and touched Keith's leg. "Baby go get Josh another pair of pants and underwear out of the truck. We have had an accident." Brian whispered. "We just went." Keith said. "Not that kind." Brian whispered. " Oh I didn't think to ask about number two." Keith said.

Once in the restroom Brian had stripped Josh in one of the stalls and had gotten some wet towels. "I am sorry. I dirtied my new clothes. Please don't hit me. I will be more careful." Josh whispered in fear. "Baby no one is going to hit you. We all have accidents. Plus you will have lots of new clothes so don't worry about these. O.k. ?" Brian whispered. "You promise ?" Josh asked. "I promise baby. You are not in trouble." Brian said and leaned over and kissed Josh on the cheek. "I love you da... uh po.... ummm .. I love you." Josh whispered. "I love you too and so does daddy Keith." Brian said. "Does he ?" Josh whispered. "Yes he does. I will tell you another secret. When you got scared and started crying Daddy Keith cried too because you were so scared." Brian said. "He cried for me ?" Josh asked. "Yes he did baby. He wants to protect you and he doesn't want you to cry. I want to do the same thing." Brian said. "I wont cry no more." Josh whispered. "Baby if you feel like you need to cry then you do it. Crying never hurt anyone. " Brain said.

"I use to get hit if I cried." Josh whispered. "That will never happen again I promise. You wont get hit for laughing, squealing, talking, getting dirty or anything else that I can possibly think of. " Brian said. "Can we go stop Daddy Keith from crying. I love him I don't want him to cry." Josh whispered. "I think he will like that." Brain said as he lowered Josh to the floor from standing him on the toilet seat. As soon as the door opened Josh ran to Keith and crawled up in his lap and lay his head on Keith's chest. Keith looked up at Brian with a questionable look. "later." Brian mouthed. Keith moved the tray and slid Josh's food over in front of the two. Within a minute Josh was happily setting in Keith's lap enjoying his cheese burger and fries.

The rest of the trip home was fairly quiet. Josh played with his toys part of the time and slept the last hour of the trip. Arriving home Brain unlocked the house and turned on the lights while Keith collected the sleeping little boy from the car seat. "Did you get pajama's ?" Keith asked. "No I figured we would get those tomorrow and let him pick them out. Just leave his underwear on. " Brian whispered. "Which bed ?" Keith asked. "For tonight which one do you think ?" Brian smiled. "Thought so. I just wondered which bed I would be sleeping in is all. Tonight I was sleeping where he sleeps." Keith said and leaned over and lightly kissed Brian on the lips. Brian checked the answering machine and found a message from Lee. He called Lee while Keith was getting Josh settled and updated him on the day. Lee offered to come over and help if needed but Brian said that they wanted to introduce him to Alex and Cody tomorrow but it had been a really long day for all of them and they were not sure what the night would bring.

Lee told him that Bob had informed him of the story of Josh's parents and told them that if they needed him any hour to just call. Brian then hung up and called his parents. They knew that he and Keith had gone to talk to someone about adopting but he felt he needed to tell them of the latest so they did not visit and see a little boy in the house or worse than that find out from someone else. "I have one question son. Are you sure ?" Brian's Mom asked. "Mom if you had been there, when Josh ran and jumped in my arms and wrapped his arms around my neck, I have never felt such love in my life. My heart went straight to him. And when Keith stood them down and told them more of less that they would get him out of my arms over his dead body I knew then without a doubt that Keith was my soul mate." Brian said. "I figured that too son but I just needed to make sure. I think my new grand son is going to need lots of patience and love." she said. "We both have plenty of that Mom." Brian said. "O.k. son we will expect you all Sunday afternoon then." she said as the call ended.

Brian returned down the hall and as he entered the master bedroom he saw Keith asleep on his back with Josh snuggled up to his side. One leg and one arm on the bed and the other laying across Keith's chest. "Perfect picture." Brian thought. Returning to the other end and turning out all the lights he couldn't stop smiling. Once in the bedroom he removed all but his boxer briefs and slid in bed with his new family.

"Keith got a kid ??? Oh fuck no." the man thought. "I bet this was Lee and that faggot. Well its time for me to figure a way to silence Lee for good." the man thought as he banged his fist on the dash of his truck.

Next: Chapter 64

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