Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Apr 2, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 70

The meeting started off very slow. "Chris. You have a question. You called this meeting so please be my guest and begin. " Mrs. Ruth said. "I know that you are not hired to protect Keith and his family. You are hired though to take care of my family. If the threats had just been to Keith we probably would not be having this conversation. My issue is that the threats have landed on both mine and Lee's door steps. One is understandable but as many as we have had and no results. I want you to explain to me why this should not be your last day of employment." Chris said.

The older man of the two began to explain that the person doing this must have inside information or military training. He explained that they knew how to spot and avoid cameras and also how to leave no trace of themselves. "What about the footage that Keith's neighbor provided ?" Breanna asked. The older man turned to the second. "He has been reviewing those so you explain." he said. "I have only glanced over them. They weren't from the property so I will get to them later. I have been focusing on retraining the guys. " he said.

"You didn't feel they were important ?" Breanna asked. "Miss you have no idea how this type thing works. We are the professionals so please don't tell us how to do our jobs." the man said. Chris tensed up and started to speak. Lee grabbed his arm and shook his head "no". "Are you going to let him talk to her that way ?" Chris whispered. "Oh no. But he just verbally attacked Mom's pride and joy. If I had let you speak you would be in the line of fire. Just wait." Lee said.

Mrs. Ruth looked at the group and stood slowly. Taking her hands and wiping away any wrinkles from her dress from sitting she began to walk away from her chair. "Keith. I will let you handle the rest of this as soon as the meeting is over." she said. This brought looks from the two men and Chris. "First off. You dare to come into a home of one of my family members and insult them ?" she asked the young man. "All due respect she is not educated enough in this field to question what I do." he said. "Son my grand daughter does not need to be educated in it when I write the checks. In fact she doesn't have to know the first thing about any of it but you will answer her questions with respect." Mrs. Ruth said.

"First off I am not your son. Secondly just set back an enjoy your money and let us do our job." he said. "Very true young man. You are not my son thank goodness. My sons may not be perfect but I did raise them to be respectful. " she said. "Well silver spoon kids and their parents have no clue how the real world works." he said. "Silver spoon ?" Lee said. "Young man you have no clue about my families past. When my husband and I got married we had absolutely nothing. My children did not grow up with a silver spoon in their mouth. My husband and I worked very hard for every penny we have. We were not from the generation that feels everyone owes them something like you are." she said. "I just hate to be summoned, kept waiting, and then questioned about my job from someone that has no clue how to do my job." he said.

"Well if you knew how to do your job and did it properly we would not be here tonight." Keith said. "Very true Keith. First off Keith has been hired by our family to head all security. He is your new boss. " Mrs. Ruth said to the owner. "I understand." he said. "Uuhhh" the younger man exclaimed. "You have a problem with that ?" Keith said. "What do you know about this shit ?" the younger guy said. Just the one fowl word was enough to close the deal for Mrs. Ruth. "Young man you are no longer needed in this meeting. I would appreciate you waiting out in the car until we are finished." Mrs. Ruth said. "I am a part of this like it or not." he said.

"You were. You are fired." she said. "You can't fire me." he said. "Very true but I can fire your boss and the little rich lady with the silver spoon children gets what she wants when she writes a check." Mrs. Ruth said and pointed towards the door. "Keith ?" Chris whispered. "That was Mom and Breanna's proposal. They let Keith think about the pay and benefits over dinner. He accepted." Lee whispered. "I want those tapes watched and I want answers. If someone gets close enough to my family to do what they did to Keith's I will make sure you regret the day you accepted this job. And I will guarantee you will regret it for the rest of your life. " Mrs. Ruth said and ended the meeting.

"Hey buddy. Any news ?" the man said into his cell phone. "That fucking bitch had me fired." the other man said. "What happened ?" he asked. "Her granddaughter asked me about the tapes. I more or less told her it was non of her fucking business." he said. "Well Mrs. Ruth can be a true bitch." he said. "Well I am glad to be off this job. So I wont be comparing notes any more. Sorry buddy." he said. "Well I appreciate what you have done so far." he said. "Just keep the damn tapes. I have no reason to answer for them so fuck it. I wish I could help whoever it is now." the guy laughed. "I wont mention the tapes. Thanks buddy. Sorry to hear about the job though." he said. "Just do me a favor. Don't let them know if you find anything on them. Let them do this shit on their own." he said. "No problem buddy. I am guessing Keith's faggot buddy and kid didn't survive ?" he said.

"No he is fine and the kid didn't get into it. Keith had him there at the house." he said. "Well stay in touch buddy." the man said. "FUCK!!!!!! Now I need to see if I can win one of the other guys over. I got him the fucking job so he could keep me informed. DAMNIT now I have to be more careful." as he tossed the phone to the passenger seat. "How in the hell did that faggot survive that. DAMN!!! DAMN !!! I guess Keith wont need me tonight. He will soon though." he thought.

The party had broken up and everyone had left. "What do you think about the job ?" Brian asked. "Baby I wanted to talk to you about it before I accepted it but there just was not any time nor privacy." Keith said. "I am not upset about that. I am glad that you took it. In the future, yes we need to discuss major changes though." Brian said. "Well my salary will almost double, I can add you and Josh to my insurance which will save us money and I will get more vacation time." Keith said.

"Well I myself want to welcome you to the company." Chris said. "Yeah you will probably have to get use to your sweetheart being home more." Lee said. "I think I can deal with that." Brian said with a smile. "After I have had the job for a couple of months I will feel more comfortable making an offer on the house." Keith said. "Oh you plan on buying a house ?" Lee asked. "We want to make an offer on the one we are living in." Brian said. "That will be great. It will make play dates with the kids easy." Lee said. "Yeah and a pool will be really close. " Chris laughed. "Yeah you will need the extra salary for groceries." Brian laughed. "You know that if we can buy it that you guys will be welcomed anytime." Keith said. "Don't worry we wont abuse it and we will bring food." Lee laughed. "Speak for yourself. But I will bring groceries." Chris laughed.

" I have a question though. Mrs. Ruth said I would have an office at your office." Keith said to Lee. "I have an office but I never go there. I really don't have to. Mom uses the space and my secretary more than me." Lee laughed. "I just didn't know you had an office. " Keith said. "Well the main thing my secretary does for me is keep up with rent checks, contracts and repairs. The work I do for my buddy I do from home. So I really never need to go to the office." Lee said. "Where is it ?" Keith asked. "The building I own across from the college campus back home." Lee said.

"Oh I know which one. You have owned that for years. I thought it was leased out." Keith said. "No but I have a small company sign outside. I go by when I am in that area." Lee said. "I guess I will still do some commuting. " Keith laughed. "You may have to go by there once or twice a week. Really you will probably only use it for meetings. Most of your work will be by phone and computer." Lee said. "So I can conduct business naked then huh ?" Keith laughed. "For the most part I guess so. Now every time I call I will have to wonder if you are setting at your desk at home naked." Lee laughed. "Well if you hear some heavy breathing you will know that Brian is under the desk taking care of business." Keith laughed. "KEITH" Brian said. "Hey babe. I hope they know that we have sex. I am fairly sure they do too." Keith laughed. "Still" Brain laughed.

All the men had retired to their bedrooms. Chris and Lee lay and quietly chat about the events of the day and the evening. "Do you think that's what your dream was about ?" Chris asked. "Not sure. I hope so because I just kept getting the feeling that someone died. " Lee said. "Well lets hope that Josh's quick thinking changed your dream." Chris said. "I hope so too. I am just ready for this to be over." Lee said. "I know baby. I think it will be sooner now since Keith will have free reign to do what's needed." Chris said.

"Baby all this family stuff does not scare you does it ?" Lee asked. "Yes I am concerned but if you are asking if I regret joining this family, or hopefully joining it soon, I don't regret a minute of it." Chris said and kissed Lee lightly on the lips. "I know baby. I promise we will get back on track with the wedding plans. Lets just get through the fundraiser this coming weekend and the New Years cook out." Lee said. "I will give you those two as good excuses. After that everything else can stay on hold until we are married." Chris said. "I promise. I am looking forward to the minute that you and I say "I do" and I know you are stuck with me." Lee laughed. "No sexy then you are stuck with Papa. I need to get those words out of your mouth before you decide to run." Chris said. "I do. I really do." Lee whispered.

Keith and Brian lay in the bed. Keith had stripped Brian and then himself. They lay there spooned together. "How are you feeling baby ?" Keith asked. "I am just really, really tired." Brian said. "I am sure you are. Its time for your ten to twelve ounces of water." Keith said reaching for a bottle of water on the nightstand. "Do I have to. I feel like I am floating as it is." Brian said. "No option baby. I promised Ronnie that you would and I plan to keep my promise. I am not taking any chances with your health." Keith said. "You know I love you." Brian said. "Yes baby and I love you too but you are still going to drink the water." Keith laughed.

"Are you really serious about making an offer on the house ?" Brian asked. "That is one of the reasons I took the job. My salary will over double and I will feel more comfortable about making a house payment. " Keith said. "We can handle it even on your salary now. I just don't want you to give up your dream for money." Brian said. "I am not giving up on my dream. I will still be doing law enforcement in many ways. This will give me access to equipment I could only dream of and besides my biggest dream is to spend my life making my husband and family happy. This will give me more time and more money to do that." Keith said.

"Babe you know I don't need all the material things. I just need you and our kids." Brian said. "I know baby. If you had wanted material things you would have not agreed to marry me. But this is for our future. The home we want, more time to spend together and also time to spend with our kids so they know they are loved and not daycare kids." Keith said. "Well they will have to go some. I will still need to go to the office part time when I can't do things from home. " Brian said. "Do you want to quit work ?" Keith asked. "No. I enjoy my work plus I want to know that I am contributing." Brian said.

"Baby if you ever want to quit you don't have to ask. We can afford it." Keith said. There was a light knock on the door. "Come in." Keith said. Josh opened the door and stood quietly. "What's up little man ?" Keith asked. Josh stood looking at the floor and ringing his hands. "Come get in bed beside me sweetie." Brian said and pulled the covers back. Without speaking Josh ran across the room and jumped on the bed and curled quickly up against Brian's chest. "Better son ?" Keith asked as he placed his hand around Josh's stomach and pulled both his lover and son in tighter. "Are you better daddy ?" Josh whispered. "Yes baby I am fine. Thank you for helping me earlier." Brian said and kissed the little boy on top of the head. " I was scared daddy. I couldn't help." Josh said. "Baby you called for help. That was helping." Keith whispered.

Bob got the babies settled in their cribs. Paul had taken a shower due to Josh's accident and also one of the babies had spit up on his shoulder. Running his hands over his body in the warm water Paul thought of the events of the day. His thoughts kept going back to the realization as to how lucky he was and the fact that for his sanity he needed his lover's cock deep inside him. Lost in thought he realized just how bad he needed to make love to Bob as he caught himself stroking his raging hard on. Quickly rinsing the soap Paul exited the shower and dried quickly.

Bob was in the den watching the evening news. Paul dropped the towel into the clothes bin and headed down stairs. Walking between Bob and the television as if he were tending to diaper bags his hard on had only gotten stronger. "Hmmmm I see my baby needs some attention." Bob said as he moved on the couch as his cock began to grow. Paul pretended to accidently drop something from the diaper bag over the arm of the chair. Placing one leg on the chair and placing one hand on the arm rest he leaned over to pick it up exposing his hole to his lover. As he reached for it he began squeezing his hole as if it were winking at Bob.

Not knowing that Bob had gotten up from the couch Paul pretended to try to retrieve the dropped item. Without warning Paul felt a sudden finger slide into his ass, palm deep. Paul gasp for air and raised his body to rest his back against Bob's chest. Bob pulled Paul's head around so that they could kiss. Paul still rapidly breathing from the major pounding Bob was delivering with two fingers now. "Bend back over baby. Daddy could use a late night snack." Bob whispered.

Bob removed his fingers and got down on his knees. Spreading Paul's ass cheeks, Bob began slowly darting his tongue out and touching Paul's rosebud. "Damn baby that is driving me nuts." Paul whispered. "Daddy still has his touch then ?" Bob whispered. "Oh yes he gets better and better." Paul whispered. Bob dove in and began rimming his lover. Paul's moans became louder and louder. Bob reached under and began slowly running his fingers up and down Paul's raging cock. Removing his tongue he moved to the inviting globes of Paul's balls that he had lightly massaged with his chin. Sucking one into his mouth and lightly caressing it with his tongue Paul was ready to climb over the chair.

Taking the small drop of precum that had leaked from Paul, Bob began to run his finger tip around the mushroom head of Paul's cock. Releasing one ball and then moving to the other Bob was pleased that the sounds coming from his lover let him know he was doing all the right things. With his tongue as deep as he could get it Bob began to deeply massage both of Paul's ass cheeks. "Enough baby. I need you inside me." Paul said.

Rising to his feet Bob spit in his hand a couple of time to lube his cock. With Paul's neck nestled in the bend of his arm and the other around Paul's waist Bob aimed his raging cock at Paul's well rimmed ass. Bob held Paul tight as the mushroom head popped in through the ring. "Uuugghh " Paul moaned. Bob held tight to Paul because instead of holding there for a minute he slowly but steadily pushed his cock into his lover until he was balls deep. "Better baby. You have all of daddy now." Bob whispered in Paul's ear as he began to chew on the ear lobe. "Almost all of you daddy. When you fill me up I will have you all." Paul whispered.

Bob reached up and slowly lowered Paul's leg from the chair to the floor. Standing with his lover's back pulled tightly to his body and his cock buried balls deep all Bob could think was "He really loves me. I really love him. How much better could life get." Moving slowly Bob turned Paul and headed him towards the stairs. It was very slow movement because Bob was still buried deep inside Paul's ass and would stop every four or five steps and fuck up into his lover a couple of times to insure he remained balls deep. Paul's cock would bounce and sway side to side. The motion itself felt to Paul as if someone was jacking him off.

The staircase is a two part stair case. There are eight steps to a landing and then when you turn there are eight more steps to the next floor. Both men chuckled and moaned as they maneuvered the steps to head upstairs. Bob still buried deep in Paul made the trip to the landing a slow one. By the time they reached the landing both men were on the verge of exploding. Paul stopped and pulled Bob's arm from his neck and pulled Bob with him to his knees on the landing. Bob never pulled his cock out as Paul pushed them to the floor by pushing himself even further onto his lover. "I can't wait daddy. FUCK ME.. fuck me hard. I know you love me but I need to cum and I need to feel you dump your seed inside me." Paul whispered.

Raising himself so that his feet were flat on the floor, his arms wrapped around Paul and his cock buried deep in his lover Bob began a slow motion of moving in and out of his lover. "Harder daddy harder !!! Tear my ass up please and fill it." Paul called out. "Your wish is my command." Bob whispered. Bob began to power drive into Paul's ass. Every down stroke that pushed him balls deep and stretched Paul's ring even wider brought a high pitched "Mmmmm" from Paul. Bob's pace of pounding into Paul's ass was the fastest and hardest he ever remembered. The urge to push hard enough to push his whole body inside his lover was almost over powering.

Paul reached down and grabbed his own cock. It only took two strokes on his dry cock for him to clamp his fist around it. "Harder, harder.. ..pleaseeee.. ..Ffffuuuuuuckkkk..oooohhhhhhhhh..... ....ffuuu.....uuuu....cccc...kkkk" Paul screamed as he began to shoot his load on the floor of the landing. Bob almost lost his balance from both Paul's body almost in convulsions and the fact that during Paul's orgasm his ass ring clamped down so hard that if he tried to pull back he would pull Paul with him. "SSSSSHHHHiiiiiitttttttt babyyyy.... GGGrrrrrrr " Bob shouted as his body began to shake and rested his weight on Paul's back. Even removing his feet from the floor and balancing his weight on his hands and Paul's body as his body shook and his cock flexed with each rope of cum that he shot deep inside of Paul. "Oh shit baby. You and that ass of yours turn me on so much." Bob whispered trying to regain his breath. "Well daddy's dick deep inside me unloading has to be second best to heaven." Paul whispered.

Lee lay in bed with tears running down his cheeks. Chris had been spooned up behind him with his flaccid cock nestled between Lee's ass cheeks. This position had become normal. Neither man seemed to sleep well unless they were in this position. Chris woke sensing that Lee was in some distress. "What's wrong baby ?" Chris whispered. "The dreams have to stop." Lee cried. Chris went to pull Lee tighter when Lee groaned. "Are you hurting baby ?" Chris whispered. "I will be fine." Lee said. "No you wont. Stay right here. I will go get you something to take." Chris said. "I just need you to hold me." Lee said. "No baby. Let me get you something to ease the pain and then I will hold you for the rest of your life." Chris said as he released Lee and began to slide out of the bed. "I will be right back baby." Chris said. Just the movement of the bed caused pain to shoot through Lee's body.

Starting down the hall towards the kitchen Chris was almost to the guest bedroom door when it opened. Keith was slowly coming through the door headed to the kitchen himself. "Hey buddy. Everything alright ? " Chris whispered "Oh hey Chris. Everything is fine. Brian is a little mad because I make him drink all the water Ronnie said he had too but he will get over it." Keith laughed. "Everything alright with you two?" Keith asked. "Its Lee. I am worried. He is still having dreams and when he gets so stressed out over them his joints seize up and he has severe pain. We know its stress but it takes a while for him to get over it." Chris said.

As they entered the kitchen the whispering changed to a low volume talking. "I don't plan on letting you guys down." Keith said as he reached in the refrigerator for another bottle of water. The sight in the kitchen with the two naked men would be any gay man's dream and the envy of most straight men. Chris stood an inch or so taller than Keith but with his chiseled chest coated with black hair and chiseled chin with a short cut black goatee you would think he was Italian. His dime size nipples peaked through the coat of black hair demanding attention. Then stood Keith. Not quite as tall as Chris with crew cut style brown hair. His chest was massive also and coated with more coarse brown hair. Not quite as thick a coat as Chris but the hair almost seemed to curl.

Chris' flaccid cock and super low hanging balls were quite impressive with a bush of black hair as if it were an ornament for the cock and balls below. Keith's legs were thicker than Chris' and his balls were not as low as Chris. They were slightly larger and just the movement of talking and breathing seemed to make them roll inviting anyone to dive in. As Chris reached into the cabinet for headache medicines Keith reached over and popped Chris on the ass cheek. Chris' ass is covered with a beautiful coat of black hair and has a patch on his back just above his ass cheeks that turns Lee on. "Nice ass there bud." Keith said. "Not on the menu there buddy. Plus you have a hot ass down the hall in the bed." Chris said.

"Oh don't worry. I have all the hot ass back in that bed I can handle. Not looking for any action just saying." Keith laughed. Chris turned and looked at Keith. "Well kudos to Brian. That fucker is soft. I don't see how the hell he takes it once its hard. I would need a surgeon. Plus I don't see how he walks for a week" Chris laughed. Keith reached down and flopped his dick up and down. "Well Brian is the only man I have found that can take me. It seems to be natural to him so I don't plan to fuck that up." Keith laughed. "Yeah it seems that Lee and I fit together perfectly. Funny how that is when you find the right one." Chris said.

"Yeah Brian amazes me all the time and I am not just talking about his ass. That's just a bonus." Keith said. "Yeah I can see in his eyes that he really loves you. I see that in your eyes for him too." Chris said. "Thanks buddy. I sure hope so. But look whos talking. I have told Brian I hope he always looks at me the way you and Lee look at each other." Keith said. "I hope he loves me." Chris said. "Oh he does. I can see it in his eyes all the time." Keith said. Both men started down the hall and Keith reached out again and squeezed one of Chris' ass cheeks. "Hey. Watch it." Chris laughed. "Hell I had to get one freebie squeeze. Damn man you could bounce a flying bullet off those damn things. How did you get those fuckers that hard ?" Keith asked. "Lots of in and out motion my friend. " Chris laughed as he passed the room Keith and Brain were sleeping in. "See you in the morning buddy." Chris said. as he opened the master bedroom door.

"Ride that fucking horse dick bitch." the man whispered as he lay on the bathroom floor jacking himself off. "This dick is all the fuck you need. I am going to fuck the mourning out of you. By the time I shoot my load up that cop ass of yours you will forget that faggot ever lived or that brat. Ride it mother fucker." he whispered. "Honey are you alright in there ?" a ladies voice came from the door. "I am fine honey. I will be out in a minute." he said. "I woke up and you weren't in bed so I was worried." she said. "Go back to sleep. I will be out in a minute." he said. "Alright. I love you." she said. "Love you too hon. " he said.

As he heard her walk away from the door. "Fucking bitch." he whispered. "Now stud ride this fucker. Ride it like a good cop." he whispered. Planting his feet on the floor and arching his back. The first shot went over his head. The next four shots landed on his chest and stomach. "FFFFUUUUCCCCCKKKKKK !!!" he whispered as he grit his teeth. "That shot was for you Keith. Don't worry though. You will get the real thing soon enough. Once I shoot my man seed in that ass you will forget all about that faggot and brat. Lee and his two brats too. You wont even care about going to the funerals. All you will want is to ride my horse cock." the man whispered as he lowered his body back to the bathroom floor trying to calm his breathing.

Next: Chapter 71

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