Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Apr 6, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 71

"Oh my." Ronnie said. "Good Morning lover. Don't worry I will change the sheets since I am off work today. " Wayne said as he felt some of Ronnie's newly planted seed leak out onto the sheets as Ronnie's cock softened and slipped from Wayne's ass. "Good morning sexy." Ronnie said. "You like your pre breakfast treat ?" Wayne laughed. "I think I will call in today and stay here and enjoy my treat all day long. " Ronnie said as he lightly kissed Wayne's neck. "You are silly. Besides I am suppose to go stay with Brian for a while after he gets back from his visit to you." Wayne said. "UGH... If it were not for Brian I would call and cancel all appointments." Ronnie said.

"Don't be upset with him. " Wayne said. "Oh I am not at all. I am anxious to make sure that he is doing alright and there was no damage." Ronnie said. "Well then lover boy we need to get up from here and I will fix your breakfast while you shower. If not we will never leave the bed today." Wayne said. "That a promise ?" Ronnie said as Wayne jumped from the bed quickly as Ronnie tried to catch him. "UGH" Ronnie said as he buried his head in the pillow. "Well I knew your next move. I am partially filled with baby batter now. I promise you can finish filling and then cap off this ass tonight." Wayne laughed as he walked to the master bath.

Brian seemed to be feeling much better as he entered the kitchen. Lee and Chris seemed to be doing a organized dance in the kitchen as breakfast was prepared and the three small boys had plates placed in front of them. "DADDY." Josh screamed and jumped from his chair and ran to hug Brian. Keith was feeding Cody so that Chris and Lee could finish with breakfast. "Morning stud. How do you feel ?" Keith asked. It seemed that everyone stood still and waited on the answer. "I feel much better. Just a little sore is all." Brian said. "Time for more water baby." Keith said getting up from the table to get a bottle. "Do I have too ?" Brian said with a whine. "Yes." Chris said and turned back to the eggs on the stove.

"See you can't be mad at just me." Keith laughed. "Daddy Brian you have to do what Daddy Keith says so you are not sick anymore." Josh said with a mouth full of toast. "Yeah Unca Brian." Alex chimed in. "Any comment Cody and Lee ?" Brian laughed. Cody sat in his high chair and bobbed his head up and down as if to agree with the rest. "See Cody agrees." Keith laughed. "Looks like you are out numbered. They don't need my help." Lee laughed. "We have an appointment with Ronnie first thing. Then I am bringing you back here so I can run to Bob's office and sign some contracts." Keith said. "We can't put all this on Lee. You can take Me and Josh home. " Brian said. "Maybe later. Besides Wayne called and he will be here when you get back from the doctor. " Lee said.

"Mother what's on your mind ?" the elderly man asked. "I am worried that after all that has happened that the boys will move now." she said. "Keith told me that they were going to make an offer on the house. They said they wanted to raise their family there. He told me the other night that he and Brian hoped to get some things in order this year before they made an offer." he said. "Father I have done nothing with my inheritance. It has sat there for over twenty years. I want to buy that house and offer it to them." she said. "Well dear you don't have to use that. I told Keith if they decided to buy it that you and I would help if they needed help." he said. "Father I think I know Brian well enough and Keith also that they would not accept that type of help." she said. "They might. I told him that we had nothing to do with our money and we had done well." he said. "And what did Keith say ?" she asked. "He thanked me and said that he and Keith could figure it out themselves and if they could not buy it then it was not meant to be." he said.

"Exactly." she said. She picked up the phone and her personal phone book and walked down the hall towards the home office. About an hour later she emerged from the office. "Father we have bought the house next door." she said. "What do you have up your sleeve mother ?" he said. She explained that she called the owners of the house and they had told her that the rent did not even cover the payment. They had offered to sell her the house for eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars. She counter offered for payoff plus ten thousand dollars. "I bought the house for seven hundred and eleven thousand." she said. "Are you sure you want to do that ?" he asked. "That is not even a quarter of the money I have just setting there that we will never spend. I also talked to our attorney and CPA. They both suggested that until we were more comfortable about them staying that I owner finance it to them. That way I can secure my money and they will not have to pay gift tax on the house." she said.

"I have no problem with that. I had planned to take it out of investments." he said. "Well I know Keith still has a payment on his house in his home town. At this point I had rather just leave that alone. I did instruct the lawyer and CPA that in the owner financing that I wanted the first fifteen years to be interest only payments." she said. "Dear do you realize how old we will be at that point ?" he asked. "Well at the end of five years I can write my name off the deed and they will not have to pay tax on it. Plus I told the lawyer that I wanted my will changed and I want my portion of our estate and my inheritance to be put into a trust to be divided among their children. Josh and the new baby coming may be their only two but I have a feeling that we will have the joy of children in our house for the rest of our days." she said.

"Well mother if that's what you want I have no problem. What we need to do is set down and do something similar for our entire estate. This year I will have spent fifty years married to the love of my life. What she wants she will get." he said with a smile. "I want them to understand though that we are not looking for someone to take care of us when the time comes." she said. "I will let you explain all this to them yourself when the time comes. So what's our first step." he asked. "We have an appointment with the attorney at two pm." she said.

Keith and Brian arrived back at Chris and Lee's house. Wayne had arrived and was in the floor playing with the three boys. "DADDY" Josh shouted and ran to hug both men. "Hey little man. Did I tell you today that I love you ?" Brian asked. "Yes Daddy. Did Unca Ronnie say you were better ?" Josh asked with concern in his voice. "Yes baby. Uncle Ronnie said that I will be just fine." Brian said. "Did you have to get a shot ?" Alex asked. "No baby. Uncle Brian didn't have to get a shot." Keith said. "See Josh. I told you Unca Ronnie was not a mean doctor. He only gives shots if you really need one." Alex said and turned to head back to the toy pile. "I love Unca Ronnie too. He made you good again." Josh said. "We love Unca Ronnie and Unca Wayne too." Brain said. "Unca Wayne ?" Josh said looking puzzled. "Yes baby. You know how we told you that Uncle Chris and Uncle Lee were getting married. And that your Daddy and I were getting married ?" Keith said. "Yes Sir." Josh said. "Well Uncle Ronnie and Uncle Wayne love each other like your Daddy and I do so they will probably get married too." Keith said.

"What ?" Wayne said turning quickly after hearing the statement. "Oh give it up buddy. You know that will happen." Lee laughed. "Lets not put the cart before the horse." Wayne laughed. Josh released Brian and walked over to Wayne. Wrapping his arms around Wayne's neck. "I love you too Unca Wayne. I will be glad when you and Unca Ronnie go and buy a marry." Josh said. All the men laughed knowing that Josh was trying but had no clue what marry meant. "I love you too little buddy." Wayne said with a tear in his eye as he leaned over and kissed Josh on the cheek. "Guess we need to call Ronnie and tell him the good news." Keith laughed. "You better not." Wayne laughed.

Chris stopped by Kyle's kitchen to see how the work was coming. "Looks like you are going to be ready." Chris said. "Yeah it went faster than they planned. The major cleaning crew is suppose to be here day after tomorrow." Kyle said. "Are you ready for all this ?" Chris asked. "Well I have to be. The vendors start delivering on Monday." Kyle said. "No. Are you ready for the challenge ?" Chris asked. "I am tired but very excited. I am so stoked about being able to give back. I had a couple of the other restaurants on the street offer some of their left overs every day. I was shocked. I figured they would not appreciate us being here." Kyle said. "Well Lee and I talked to all of them. Once we explained that this would not be just some run down soup kitchen they all agreed that it would help them in the long run. They would still have some of the beggars because they want money for alcohol or drugs but the ones that were just hungry would be well taken care of." Chris said.

"I am looking forward to the fundraiser. From what I hear everyone that has any influence in Atlanta will be here." Chris said. "Don't make me more nervous than I am." Kyle said. "Well Mrs. Ruth called last night and said to add the Governor to the guest list. She has also "invited" ( Chris said in a forceful manner ) all of the company heads that she deals with. So I am sure it will be a great evening." Chris said. "Well I am here to meet the inspector. I plan on getting the certificate of occupancy from him today so we can request your health inspection. Once those are done you will be good to go." Chris said.

"I can never thank you all enough for the opportunity to give back and help the homeless community." Kyle said. "No buddy. You may not see it our way but we can't thank you enough for opening our eyes to just how big an issue this is. If it had not been for you Kyle' s kitchen would never even been a thought." Chris said. After a couple of arguments and Chris reminding the inspector that he was an architect and he knew what he was doing Chris emerged from the storage room. "Here you go bud. Here is your certificate. Now call and see if you can get the health inspection before the fundraiser." Chris said as he headed to the door.

Keith had left the men and boys and arrived at the Sheriff's office. He was nervous because the department had been very good to him over the years and he hated leaving but he could not pass up the offer Lee's family had given him. "Come on in buddy." the Sheriff called out. "Hey Boss. How are you today ?" Keith asked. "Boss huh ? I didn't figure you would still call me that." the Sheriff laughed. "What do you mean ?" Keith asked. "You are the boss now." the Sheriff laughed. "You know ?" Keith asked in shock. "Mrs. Ruth and Breanna came to me last week and discussed it with me. I told them that I felt that was one of the best decisions they had ever made about their security." he said. "Why would I not realize that she would have talked to you." Keith laughed.

"Well I am really happy for you. I am sure you will be happy when you get your first pay check. I am sure if I saw it I would be jealous." the Sheriff laughed. "Well Boss I just couldn't turn it down. You know I love this department but the opportunity and the money was too good to turn down. Plus you know how special that family is to me." Keith said. "Well if you had turned it down I would have had you committed to Central State Mental Hospital for evaluation." the Sheriff laughed. "I am excited. I just want to get this current mess fixed so we can all move on." Keith said. "Well you have lots of vacation time built up so you can leave anytime. I do need you to cover one shift for me if you don't mind." the Sheriff said.

"Not a problem at all. I was planning on working my schedule for two weeks anyway." Keith said. "No need in that. I do need the one shift though. Everything else is covered. Plus we will still be working together. You are the one I will talk to instead of that prick the security company hired. He didn't like me because I turned down his application last year. " the Sheriff said. "Well he got fired last night. Mrs. Ruth handled that one. Wait. He applied here ?" Keith asked. "Yeah he was recommended but I couldn't take his attitude. I had to bite my lip when I found out he was working for them and I would be dealing with him." the Sheriff said. "Interesting." Keith said.

"DAMN!!!....DAMN!!!! ...DAMN!!!!. That little faggot wont win this next time. I can't believe Keith is back at work this soon. That's alright. I will take care of them all once and for all." the man huffed as he pulled away.

Keith went back to the house before heading to get Lee and Josh. He wanted to make sure that all food products had been removed. The preliminary tests were back and the poison was found in the yogurt containers and juice boxes. So far it was not found anywhere else. Keith and Brian had agreed that none of that food would come back to the house though. Noticing the neighbors car not at home as he pulled in Keith went into the house. Everything was sparkling. "Damn I don't think there is even a dust mite left in this place." Keith whispered to himself. Making sure everything was alright Keith sat on the couch and began to softly cry. This was the first moment he had alone to realize exactly what he almost lost.

After a couple of minutes Keith composed himself and saw the walkie talkies setting on the table. Keith had no clue how to even begin thanking his new neighbors. Remembering he needed to get the tapes the man had given to the security company he remembered moving the cameras. There was a slight chill in the air but not really cold. Keith went to the bedroom and grabbed a bottle of lube. Walking out the back door to one of the lounge chairs that was in the sun. "Forgive me Brian. You told me that you had better never catch me jacking off. That was your job. I think you will forgive me for this one." Keith thought. Keith slowly stripped facing that direction of the camera. Laying in the sun for best lighting Keith lay down on the chair. Closing his eyes and day dreaming of Brian being there with him his cock began to grow.

"Oh fuck baby. Come wrap that beautiful tight ass around my ass wrecker." Keith whispered and he applied lube to his now raging cock and began a slow but seductive jack off session. Just the thought of being able to slide his cock inside his lover. "God baby you are so tight." Keith whispered as he imagined Brian riding his cock in the back yard. Keith had to slow his pace because of the intense emotions over the last day it had him wound tight. Just the thought of being able to make love to Brian almost caused him to shoot. Keith made a fist with both hands and lay with his eyes closed imaging that his fist was Brian ass and he was fucking up into his lover. After about ten minutes Keith could not hold out any longer. He arched his back and lifted his ass cheeks off the lounge chair. "FFFFFUUUUUUU UCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!" he shouted as the first shot of cum shot over his head. The remaining five shots almost made his body convulse. The veins in his neck bulged and his face turned bright red. Once he was able to catch his breath he lay in the chair with one foot on the ground and the other in the chair. His now deflating cock rested on the side Keith smiled towards the camera and took his fingers and wiped up some of the cum on his chest and put his fingers to his mouth and licked them clean. He winked at the camera and then blew a kiss to it. "Its not much my friend for what you have done for me but its a start." Keith thought to himself.

Ronnie called Wayne as he was leaving the office. Wayne was still at Lee and Chris'. Since Lee had convinced Brian and Keith to stay one more night so they could spend the next day restocking the pantry Lee and Brian fixed a lite dinner for everyone. Keith had arrived but felt guilty for what he had done for the neighbor but the more he thought of what they had done for him he began to calm down. Once Ronnie was in and sat down Josh came over and climbed up in his lap and lay his head on Ronnie's chest.

"What's up little buddy. Did you have a good day ?" Ronnie asked. Josh put one arm around behind Ronnie's back. "Unca Ronnie you fixed my Daddy." Josh whispered. "Your Daddy is fixed little buddy. He will be just fine in a couple of days." Ronnie said stroking the hair on Josh's head. "I love you Unca Ronnie." Josh said. Ronnie leaned over and kissed Josh on top of the head. "I love you too little man." Ronnie said. "I am glad too that you and Unca Wayne are going to go and buy you a marry." Josh said.

Wayne heard the comment and his head shot around to see Ronnie's reaction. "You will be. Where can I go buy one ? " Ronnie asked. "I think you can buy one at Wal Mart, They have so many toys they have to have a marry there." Josh said. "O.k. little buddy I will have to check Wal Mart and see if I can buy one there." Ronnie said and kissed Josh on the head again. "I guess that got pushed up a notch. " Lee whispered to Wayne. "We have not even discussed anything close to that." Wayne whispered. "Sounds like Josh is not going to give you a choice. Good luck at Wal Mart." Lee laughed.

Kyle arrived home and almost collapsed on the couch. "How was your day baby ?" James asked as he came in and sat beside Kyle. "Very busy. I will be glad when its open. Believe it or not it will slow down then." Kyle said as he moved to lay his head on James' chest. "Give me a minute babe and I will start dinner." Kyle said. "Its simple but its almost done. Lee invited us over there for dinner but I told him that you would be too exhausted." James said. "Thank you. I don't think I could have made it. I am so sorry. I didn't want you to cook. That's my job." Kyle said. "Baby your job is to be part of this relationship. Its not your job to cook every night and keep the house clean. We will do that together. Besides I enjoy cooking for my man sometimes." James said.

James could feel Kyle's breathing begin to slow. Recognizing that as Kyle falling asleep he reached down and placed his hand under Kyle's chin. "Oh no mister. You are not falling asleep until I get at least one kiss and you eat something." James said. Kyle just squeezed James tighter. The kiss came first and then dinner. Within an hour James was in the shower holding Kyle in a tight embrace. Kyle was almost like a limp rag. " I am so sorry baby. I can do this." Kyle whispered as James soaped his lover up. "And deny me the chance to wash this beautiful body. Not a chance." James whispered.

Within minutes Kyle and James were cuddled in bed with Kyle asleep on James' chest. James looked toward heaven and thanked God for bringing Kyle back to him. He lightly took his hand and rubbed it over the areas he could reach of Kyle's naked body. It was not a sexual situation but to James it was just a type of connection.

Ronnie waited at the garage door for Wayne to get out of his vehicle. "Aren't you sweet. Holding the door for me." Wayne laughed. "Do I get desert for that ?" Ronnie said as he reached out and squeezed Wayne's ass cheek. "Anything you want big boy." Wayne said as he started up the steps. Watching the mounds of Wayne's ass shift as Wayne walked up the steps caused Ronnie's cock begin to grow. At the top of the steps Ronnie took Wayne and turned him around and pulled him to his chest. Before Wayne could even stop moving Ronnie had planted his lips on Wayne's. Reaching his hands behind Wayne he slid both hands down the back of Wayne's pants. "Ah my commando baby. I like." Ronnie whispered.

As the kiss resumed Ronnie brought Wayne to his tip toes and he slid a finger inside Wayne's ass. "Mmmm. I love the fact that just that causes you to start leaking. It is so sexy. " Ronnie said. "Baby just the sound of your voice causes me to leak." Wayne whispered into Ronnie's mouth barely breaking the kiss. "I hope you realize just how hot you get me just thinking about you. Much less seeing you and touching you." Ronnie said. "I am glad I am not the only one." Wayne laughed. "Oh damn." Ronnie said looking into his lovers eyes while his finger was still buried deep in Wayne. "What baby ?" Wayne asked. "I forgot to stop at Wal Mart to buy us a marry." Ronnie laughed.

Caught off guard Wayne tried to escape Ronnie. "I swear I had nothing to do with that. I am so sorry. That was all Keith. He was trying to explain to Josh that you and I were a couple." Wayne said trying to get a better vantage point to see Ronnie's expression. Pulling Wayne back in tighter and inserting a second finger. "Well baby I can't disappoint my new nephew. We have four nephews and a niece now that we have to make happy. Oh and a new one on the way." Ronnie said. "Please believe me. I didn't have anything to do with that. Please believe me." Wayne said with fear in his voice. Ronnie pulled one hand out of Wayne's pants and reached around to unbuckle and unzip Wayne's pants. Falling quickly to his ankles Ronnie never removed his fingers from Wayne's ass as he got to his knees.

Leaning forward a licking the tip of Wayne's now growing cock. Taking the tip into his mouth and sucking the semi hard cock in burying his nose in Wayne's pubes. "Baby?" Ronnie asked. Not getting a response he took Wayne's cock back in his mouth and took the now hard cock deep into his throat. Coming back off Wayne's cock. "Baby?" Ronnie asked again. "Yes ?' Wayne said. "Will." (then Ronnie took Wayne's cock back deep into his throat.) "You ." he said as he released Wayne's cock before taking it back down pubes deep. "Marry" was the next word before taking Wayne's cock back in his mouth. Ronnie had began furiously finger fucking Wayne at this point. "Slow down babe I am close." Wayne whispered. "Me." Ronnie said as he sucked Wayne's cock in one last time. Wayne held on to Ronnie's shoulders as his body began to shake..

"YYYYyyyyeessss. ...Ohhhhh Oohhh ffuuuuuckkkkkk." came from Wayne's mouth as he began to spill his load deep down Ronnie's throat. Ronnie let Wayne's cock go and licked his lips as he stood up. "I take it I heard a yes." Ronnie said. Wayne still trying to catch his breath. "We can talk about it." Wayne said. "I thought I heard a yes. I need to try again." Ronnie said as he began to lower himself back to his knees. Wayne grabbed Ronnie by his shoulders and pulled him back to his feet. After a deep passionate kiss Wayne looked in Ronnie's eyes. "Under once condition. " Wayne said. "That is ?" Ronnie asked. "That you don't dare tell anyone how you proposed. " Wayne laughed. "Well can I at least tell them what happened after you said yes ?" Ronnie said. "After ?" Wayne questioned. "You will see in just a minute." Ronnie said as he quickly picked Wayne up in his arms and toted him down the hall to the master bedroom. Wayne still had his pants hanging onto his ankles.

Ronnie dropped Wayne on the bed and both men laughed as he bounced. Ronnie fought with Wayne's shoes to remove them while trying to undress himself with the other hand. Finally removing his shirt Ronnie took a deep breath like it was a victory. Wayne's eyes were fixed on Ronnie's huge hairy chest. "Come to Papa" Wayne thought. Grabbing the bottle of lube as he stepped out of his pants Ronnie was quickly back standing between Wayne's legs. As he opened the bottle he leaned over and once again took Wayne's leaking cock into his mouth. "UUUGGHH" Wayne moaned. Ronnie quickly lubed his cock and reached under and applied a large amount to Wayne's ass. "FUCK baby hold on. I have got to get inside of this sweet ass." Ronnie growled.

Wayne lifted his legs to his chest. Trying to refrain Ronnie placed the mushroom head of his cock on the entrance to Wayne's ass. One quick push and the head popped in. Wayne thrashed on the bed as it took his breath. Ronnie's body was almost twitching with excitement. Ronnie was trying to remain still so that Wayne could adjust. Wayne had other ideas. He pulled his legs down quickly without Ronnie realizing and pulled Wayne quickly into him. Ronnie almost lost his balance and fell forward forcing his cock all the way into Wayne balls deep.

"OOOHHHHHHH FFFFUUUCCCCCKKKKKKKK !!!!!!" Wayne screamed as the passion and intensity had already brought him to the edge. Wayne's ass ring clamped down on his lover like a vice. "Shit baby that was fucking hot." Ronnie said. He leaned over and kissed Wayne. With his cock still buried balls deep he used his hands and also his cock to slide Wayne further on the bed. Wayne felt like he was about to have a second orgasm. Electric volts shot through Wayne's body. "Damn baby you are a wildcat in bed." Ronnie whispered. "With that hot cock up my ass I can't help but go wild." Wayne whispered still gasping for breath.

Ronnie lowered his body onto Wayne's and leaned in for a deep sensual kiss. "Fast baby... Fast" Wayne begged. Ronnie began to pound into Wayne's ass. "Ohhh Ohhhh... OOHHHH." came the moans from Ronnie. Looking deep into his lover's eyes Ronnie kept the fast and furious pace. Wayne could tell as Ronnie's cock began to grow even stiffer inside him that Ronnie was on the edge. Wayne clamped tightly down on Ronnie's cock on a down stroke. Ronnie lost his balance and put his full body weight on Wayne as his body began to shake.

"FFFFFFFuuuuucc ccckkkkkkk.... Uuuuhhhh Ooohhh... ....fffuuuuccckkkk.... " Ronnie shouted as his body shook and his cock flexed inside of Wayne dumping his seed as deep as he could. Ronnie's hands were cupped on top of Wayne's head pulling Wayne down and he pushing his cock inside his lover as deep as possible. Ronnie lay his head beside Wayne's ear as he tried to catch his breath. "Damn baby. Like Beyonce says. "If you liked it you should have put a ring on it." Well that's exactly what I plan to do." Ronnie whispered. "This ring ?" Wayne chuckled as he clamped the ring of his ass on Ronnie's still sensitive cock. Ronnie's body shook. "That ring too baby. Don't think I can get one of those at Wal Mart." Ronnie laughed. "Are you really serious ?" Wayne whispered. "Baby you squeeze my dick one more time like that and I will follow you around like a puppy the rest of my life. Uuuuhhh." Ronnie said and then laughed as Wayne clamped down on his cock again. "Well big boy. You are not telling the guys about this either." Wayne laughed. "Well damn." Ronnie laughed.

The elderly man sat in his office. His wife had gone to bed already. Pleased with his wife's decision earlier in the day he looked over papers that they had brought from the attorney and the CPA. Turning the monitors on to his security system and backing the tape up to earlier in the day. He glanced at the papers while he had the tape on fast forward. Since Keith and Brian were not at home he was double checking to make sure there was no activity. He recognized Keith's truck and watched to see it leave shortly after. Seeing no other activity he reached to turn the monitor off that showed all screens

As he reached he saw the secondary camera was not on "0" any longer. He pressed the button on his computer to bring up that camera. "OH MY" he whispered. Appearing in front of his eyes was Keith stripping. The man watched in amazement as Keith performed just for him. His heart raced when he saw the heavy white ropes of cum shoot from Keith's cock. "I wonder if he forgot ?" the man thought. As it ended he watched Keith take some of the cum from his chest and lick it off his fingers. Keith then winked at the camera and blew a kiss. The man paused the camera and reached out towards the screen like he wanted to touch Keith's body. "Thank You Keith. Mother I like your decision even more." the man said as he could feel his cheek beginning to blush.

Next: Chapter 72

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