Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Apr 28, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go " Chapter 74

The elderly man sat glued to the television waiting on an update. His wife busied herself around the house. Going into the office she pulled out a couple of business cards. The first number was Lee's. The phone rang and rang. The second number was Keith's . That number also rang until it went to voice mail. Her hands shaking by now she ran across Paul's number. "HELLO" Paul shouted on the second ring. "Paul this is Vera Rice. Father and I are watching the news. Is everything alright ?" she asked with fear in her voice. "Mrs. Vera I am not sure. I am inside with my babies. I can tell you its bad here. " Paul said. "Were any of our guys or kids injured ?" she asked. "Yes but I can't tell who. Its still chaos right now. I have to go. I promise I will call you shortly." Paul said and hung the phone up. Returning to the living room Vera had her purse and a sweater. She also brought Amos his jacket and keys. "What's wrong mother ?" he asked. "I talked to Paul and it is our boys." she said. "Where are we going ?" he asked. "Nowhere yet but when I get the call back you WILL be ready to leave." she said and sat beside him.

"Attention all available units. Officer involved shooting. Life flight helicopters are in route. All access to Lancaster Plantation Road except for residents and investigators is to be detoured. No officer is to approach the scene by order of the Sheriff." the radio blared. Hearing the radio call the Sheriff picked up his phone and called the dispatcher. "This is the Sheriff. What the hell is going on and who gave the order from the Sheriff ?" he asked.

"Sir I am sorry for using your authority. Apparently Ben got drunk and went to Lee's house and grabbed one of Lee's boys and put a gun to his head. I am not sure who all is injured. I know that two of our guys have been shot and apparently at least three others including a child. I didn't have time to call you and ask that everyone stay away except emergency people. I was informed that two life flight helicopters are in route." she said. "I am on my way. You did good. Go back on the radio and tell them that by order of the Sheriff they are reminded "Do not approach the scene under any circumstances." Understand ?" the Sheriff said as he hung up the phone and turned and sped towards Lee's house. "Holy fuck." was all he could think.

As the bodies fell Dean ran to Breanna snatching up Kolt as he ran. "Are you alright ?" Dean said as he took Shasta from Breanna and stood both children in front of her checking for any signs of injury. Breanna was still in shock. Security officers surrounded them. "GET OUT OF MY FACE." Breanna screamed. "Mam we have our orders." one man said. "Oh you will get your orders shortly believe me." she huffed. "Are you alright ?" Dean asked. "I am fine. Scared but fine. Call Dad and get him to come get Memaw and get her back home." Breanna said.

"We can handle that." the man said. "I think you have done enough damage for one day." she barked. "Mam please let us do our jobs." he said. "If you had done your damn job we would still be enjoying our day. The best thing for you to do at this moment is just remain silent." Breanna said and began to shake. "But..." he started. Dean stood and pointed towards the road. "You leave. If you can't take instruction then you get off the property." Dean said. The men backed off and Breanna hugged Dean. "What the hell just happened ?" Breanna asked. "I am not sure honey but now that I know you and the kids are alright I need to go see if I can help." Dean said.

Ronnie stood there in shock as he saw bodies falling and gun shots ring out. "HOLY SHIT" shouted inside his head. Bob ran to Ronnie. "What can I do ?" Bob asked. "We need to do this as triage. Start with the worst and work back." Ronnie said as he ran towards the crowd. "Can someone run into the house and get towels. I need as many as you can get." Ronnie shouted. Paul heard Ronnie's request and ran down the hall and began to grab towels.

Brian ran through the door and met Paul in the hall with the towels. Brian was shaking so bad he could barely stand. Paul dropped the towels and grabbed Brian in a tight hug. "What happened ?" Paul asked. "I don't know. I really don't. " Brian cried. "Here you stay with the babies and I will take these towels out." Paul said. "No I have to get back." Brian cried. "You stay here and calm down for a minute. I will be right back and as soon as you can catch your breath you can go back. " Paul said.

As Brian slumped in the hall Paul realized that Brian had blood on him and even transferred some to his clothes. Paul quickly pulled up Brian's shirt to make sure that it was not Brian's blood. Seeing Brian was not injured Paul grabbed the towels and ran out the door. He ran towards Ronnie but was scanning the crowd to find Bob. As he reached the group Bob stood up to take a towel. Covered in blood himself all Paul could do was drop to his knees in shock. Bob grabbed him and stood him to his feet. "I am fine baby. Take care of the kids and I will be in as quick as I can." Bob said. The sound of Bob's baritone voice brought Paul out of his shock. He kissed Bob quickly. "I have Brian inside but he is not injured." Paul said. "Get him a fresh shirt from Lee's closet. He will have to leave quite quickly." Bob said. "Why ?" Paul asked. "Baby just please get him a fresh shirt." Bob said as he grabbed a towel and headed towards another injured.

Dean had taken Mrs. Ruth by the arm and was leading her back to the house. Thankfully she only weighed about ninety pounds soaking wet because Dean almost had to carry her. "Leave me alone." she shouted. "Memaw its me Dean. Van is on his way to get you and carry you home." Dean said. "I am not going anywhere Dean." she said. "Memaw please. Breanna and the kids are fine. I am sending them to your house too. As soon as we can figure out exactly what happened and what is going on I will come to your house. Right now we need to clear some people out. I can hear the ambulance sirens now. " Dean said.

"Paul, Van is headed over to get Memaw and carry her home. Will you please get her a glass of water ?" Dean asked. Chris came running in the house to make sure that Mrs. Ruth was alright. "Are you alright Mom ?" Chris asked. "Please take care of my family." she cried. "I promise you." Chris said as he turned and ran back out the door. Brian entered the room and walked back towards the door. "Wait a minute buddy. Bob told me to get you a clean shirt." Paul said. "I'll get it." Dean said and ran down the hall towards the master bedroom. The sirens from the ambulances rumbled fear through everyone that was inside the house.

James ran through the crowd until he found Kyle. Kyle was also covered in blood but at quick glance James realized that he was helping and not injured. James pulled Kyle to his feet and hugged him tight. "I am alright baby. We need to help though." Kyle whispered. Releasing Kyle, James got on his knees along with Kyle and began applying pressure to the patient in front of him. On the far side of the group James noticed Alex standing as if he were in shock. "You go this baby ?" James asked.

James got up and went and picked up Alex who finally felt that he could let go. He cried into James' shoulder. "Everything is going to be fine Alex. You were so brave." James said as he headed to the house. As he entered the door Mrs. Ruth saw that James had her grandson. "Bring him to me." she said. "Mrs. Ruth we have a couple of accidents here. Let me take him and clean him up first." James said. "I am coming with you." she said. Seeing blood on Alex's clothes and face she wanted to make sure that he was not injured.

Once in the bathroom they had stripped Alex and as Mrs. Ruth washed him off James went to get fresh clothes. "I am sorry Memaw. Grandma told me to be brave but I couldn't stop it." Alex cried. Mrs. Ruth almost lost her balance hearing Alex speak of her mother. "Baby you did exactly what Grandma asked you too. You were so brave." she whispered. As James came into the room with clean clothes Mrs. Ruth turned to him and whispered. "Cody ?" "I am not sure Mrs. Ruth. But I will find out." James said and lightly kissed her on the cheek.

Lee's family lived on a plot of land that was a little over five hundred acres. There were four main houses on the property. Lee living on one end. Mrs. Ruth's house being in the center and Van's being on the other corner. Breanna and Dean's house was between Mrs. Ruth's and Van's. There was another house in between Lee's and his Mom's.

Van pulled up to the road block and was denied access. Turning his truck around and heading for the nearest property trail he began to fume. "What the fuck has Lee done this time ?" Van said. "We need to wait until we get there and see. We need to get Memaw home and then we can find out." Jean said. Arriving at the house from the back side of the property Van and Jean could see all the ambulances and flashing lights. Just over head he could hear a helicopter hovering. Pulling to the back of the house leaving the fields free for the helicopters, Van and Jean spotted Breanna and the kids. "What the hell happened here ?" Van asked as he walked up to Breanna. Breanna went through a very quick scenario of what happened.

Van and Jean walked into the house through the back door. "Ready to go home Mom ?" Van asked. Mrs. Ruth turned to him as if she could bite his head off because of his lack of concern. Dean had brought Breanna and the kids in the house. "Paul, Everything is calming down. Why don't you let us take the babies to Memaw's house along with ours. You and Bob can come get them shortly." Dean said. Paul looked at Dean with fear in his eyes. "They will be safe I promise. You will know where they are and it will be quiet there. " Breanna said. Paul helped load the babies and supplies in Breanna's vehicle. Taking the farm trails Dean was not as worried about car seats for the others. In Breanna's vehicle they also had Alex, Kolt and Shasta. "Tell Chris we have Alex. I will be back in just a few minutes." Dean said to Paul as he closed the doors.

Mrs. Ruth was in the truck with Van. As they began to pull off Van began to mumble. "What did you say ?" Mrs. Ruth asked. "Lee and his lifestyle. It will be the death of us all. He is so damn selfish." Van said. For once in Mrs. Ruth's life I know that God smiled upon that truck. "SLAP" rang out. "What was that for ?" Van asked as his face stung drastically. "You have hated Lee from the day he was born. You hate him because you think all this should be yours. The land, the money. Who died and made you king. Lee has done more for this family than you ever have. You are my son but right now I am ashamed to say it." she said. "Well him and his queer friends and those kids he brought into the family....." Van started.

"You stop right there. Remember one thing. I am still your mother. I am the one that put your name in my will. I am the one that put your name on the businesses and property. One more comment about Lee or his family and I will show you that it will take me less time to remove your name from everything than it took me to put it on it. " she said. "So precious gets his way." Van huffed. "Precious ? You should look in the mirror. I have overlooked everything you have done to this family over the years. Lee and Breanna both call you "the chosen one". I see now why they say that. Well I may not have that many years left but its not to late for me to start righting some of my wrongs. So the best thing for you to do is just hush and take me home." Mrs. Ruth said as she turned and looked out the window. "They have all told me for years that I favored you over Lee. I guess it takes this for me to realize that I always have. Well that stops today." she said as the truck pulled up to her house.

The Paramedics and EMT's were working with Ronnie's direction. One adult was loaded in an ambulance and another was being prepared for the life flight helicopter. Another helicopter landed in the field on the other side. Ronnie grabbed the small child from the ground and ran to the helicopter. Paul directed one of the parents to the helicopter also. "Don't worry. Help is here. Bob and I will be there as soon as we can." Paul said. A quick hug and the helicopter was loaded and headed to Children's Health Care of Atlanta at Egleston. As the helicopter lifted off Paul's heart sank. "What if that had been me and one of my children ?" he thought. Ronnie walked up and placed his hand on Paul's shoulder. "I know what you are thinking. Now is not the time to think "what if ?". We need to focus on the rest right now." Ronnie said. "Your right." Paul said and headed back towards the crowd.

"What the hell has happened here ?" the sheriff asked himself as he stood and scratched his head. Seeing all the blood all over the place. There were bodies laying around and guns laying around. One of the deputies walked up. "Get some bags from your car and collect the guns." the sheriff said. "This pisses me off. Two of our guys got shot." the deputy said. "We don't know what happened yet so don't jump to conclusions. Get the guns and we will find out shortly what really happened." the sheriff said. "What the hell got into Ben ? Why the hell this family ?" the sheriff thought.

Another ambulance was loaded with an adult and a small child to be transported to a Central Georgia trama center. Another ambulance had arrived and had one more adult headed to the same trama center. The last helicopter arrived and once loaded and lifting off the group that was left stood in amazement trying to rationalize everything they had just seen. "Here I will wash the towels." Paul said beginning to collect them. "Just throw them all away. I don't want them here. " Chris shouted. "Move these cars. I need mine." Chris shouted. Dean had arrived back and took Chris by the arm. "Come on. I will take you. You don't need to drive." Dean said pulling Chris to Dean's vehicle. As he got Chris in the vehicle he pulled up by the Sheriff. "I need a fast escort." Dean shouted. "Got it boss." on of the officers called out.

"Live from the Fox news helicopter we can see that all injured have been transported to area hospitals. Reports tell us that two deputies were injured in the gun fire. There were three adults and two children also injured. One child has been life flighted to Children's Health Care of Atlanta trama center. It is still not clear what happened but sources close to Fox news say that one of the deputies showed up at the residence drunk and either tried to kidnap one of the children or threatened to kill the child. We know at this point that two of the two deputies and one child are critical. The status of the others are not known at this time. Stay tuned for the latest updates. We have a ground crew that is on its way." the announcer said.

The elderly lady stood and picked up her purse and sweater. "Where are you headed mother ?" the man asked. "WE are headed to Egleston." she said as she handed him his jacket. "We don't know who it is yet." he said. "Does it really matter ?" she said with her hand on her hip. "No mother it doesn't. Get my cell phone while I get the car out of the garage." he said and he stood and headed for the door.

"Alright I need to know how to get to the trama center." Ronnie said. Keith came in the house looking for the keys to Brian's Explorer. "F U C K . Where are the damn keys ?" Keith shouted. "Here I will help you look." Paul said. "Babe. Can you handle the babies. Someone needs to drive Keith to the hospital." Bob asked. "Sure you go. We will be fine. I will see you in a little while. Let me know what's going on." Paul said. "I love you babe." Bob said. "I love you too babe." Paul said with a tinge of fear still in his voice. Bob picked up a set of keys and hit the panic button. Lee's Navigator sounded the alarm. "Come on buddy. We have keys to something." Bob said. "GIVE THEM HERE." Keith shouted. "Calm down buddy. You don't need to drive. Let Bob drive you. That way you can make calls that you need to." Ronnie said as he placed his hand on Keith's shoulder.

"I need to apologize to Mrs. Ruth and resign." Keith began to sob. " There will be plenty of time for you to do whatever you need to later. Right now Brain and Josh need you and that is where we are headed." Bob said. As they came out of the house the Sheriff approached Keith. "Keith we need to talk. I need to know what happened here." he said. "Sorry Sheriff but that will have to wait. I need to get him to the hospital ASAP." Bob demanded. "I need to go and see what's up too. I will escort you." the Sheriff said. Bob was relieved to see that Lee's SUV had a full tank of gas as he backed it out of the garage. Finally on the interstate Bob was determined to keep up with the Sheriff. Pushing the peddle on the Navigator Bob was amazed. "Damn this thing has some ass in it." Bob said. "Yeah it has as much power as the patrol cars." Keith said. "Listen to me Keith. This is not your fault. Everything is going to be fine." Bob said. "This is my fault." Keith growled. "No its not. You did what you had to do. Now you need to pull yourself together and let the anger go. They don't need to see that when we get there." Bob said.

"Thank You for driving Bro. I would have never found this place. Now where do we go ?" Chris said. "Well we need to talk real quick. See that building on the right ? That is the building Cody is in. The one to the left is where Lee and Wayne are." Dean said. "Fuck. What do I do ?" Chris asked. "You go and see about Cody. I will go and see about Lee and Wayne." Dean said. "I need to check on both." Chris said as a tear rolled down his cheek. "Just calm down. Lee is a grown man. Cody is a baby. He will be scared not having anyone he knows around." Dean said. About that time Dean's cell phone rang. "Hey Bre. I brought Chris to the hospital." Dean said. "Ah alright. We will see you shortly then. Love you." Dean said and ended the call.

"Alright. Bre has called my parents and they are on their way to come get Kolt,Shasta and Alex. She said that as soon as they got there and Paul picked up the babies that her and Memaw were headed down. So you go see to Cody and once they are here you will have some freedom to move around between hospitals." Dean said. Chris reached over and pulled Dean into a hug. "Dean I hope you know just how special you are to all of us. I couldn't do this without you." Chris said. "Look. Bre and I owe Lee a lot. That man is very special to us and now that you and the boys are in the family you are just as special. Now take your cell and call me when you find Cody. I was informed that I had a matter of minutes to report on all three." Dean said. "I know I have never said it but Dean, I love you buddy." Chris said. "Love you too Chris. Now take a deep breath and go check on Cody. He can't see you upset." Dean said.

A deputies vehicle was gaining on the SUV from behind with lights and siren blaring. "I have this. Whoever that is stand down." the Sheriff called over the radio. "Sorry boss. Keith is still one of us. I got the rear and another unit is jumping on just ahead to break up traffic before you get there. Where is Keith's truck ? " he asked. "He is in the white Navigator on my six." the Sheriff said. "Got it." he said. "Damn Bob this speed doesn't scare you ?" Keith asked. "Been a lot of years but no. I am more scared of facing my husband for not getting you here quick." Bob laughed. "What the hell just happened Bob ?" Keith asked. "Buddy I am not sure. It all happened so fast I was not even sure until I helped Ronnie who was hurt and who wasn't." Bob said. "Damn. It is all just a blur. I remember Mrs. Ruth stepping out and challenging Ben. I thought I was going to shit." Keith said. "The thing that shocked me was Lee came out of the house with a gun. I thought he was Rambo or something." Bob said. "Oh I was glad to see the gun in his hand." Keith said. "Why is that ?" Bob asked.

Keith told Bob the story of why Lee and Breaana were so close. Lee's brother and his then wife who is Breanna's Mom did not have time for their kids. Breanna had an older brother that Lee raised from time he came home from the hospital. When Breanna's brother was eighteen he got killed in a car accident. Breanna's Dad and Mom even grew further apart after that and Breanna was just left out. The couple blamed Lee for their sons' death . They just knew that Lee was a target they could attack because they were so miserable. Lee dedicated his life to making sure that Breanna felt loved and wanted. She was only ten when her brother died so Lee made sure she did whatever she wanted. He paid for softball, dance classes, cheerleading. Anything she wanted to do and was there for every event. When she was fifteen one of her close friends started taking a marksman class. Breanna wanted to do it too so Lee took the classes with her. Lee knew the whole time that she was doing this to try to make her father proud and spend more time with her but he did it any way.

It didn't work but it brought Lee and Breanna even closer. Lee didn't compete because he and Breanna were like twins in shooting. Breanna won the national championship in marksmanship two years in a row. "They are both High Master Marksman. That's the highest you can get." Keith said. "DAMN. Lee is full of surprises." Bob said. "They are a well rounded family. Its rare to find someone that you would want in your corner in a business deal because Lee knows his shit and then once that's over you would want the same one on your side in a gun fight." Keith said.

"I know he is the one that shot the guy that had Cody. I thought it was just a lucky shot because I would have shot him in the head." Bob said. "Oh no. Lee knew what he was doing. Lee could have shot a flake of dandruff off his shoulder and not torn the shirt." Keith said. "I still would have shot him in the head." Bob said. "One thing about Lee's family. Every move is carefully calculated. I could tell from the look on Lee's face that while he was shouting at Ben he was calculation where he needed to shoot and keep Cody the safest. " Keith said. "Are they all that way ?" Bob asked.

"Lee and Mrs. Ruth more so than the rest. One thing Mrs. Ruth and Lee's dad always taught him. Give anyone a long leash. If they hang themselves so be it. If they get to the end and keep jerking you warn them. If that doesn't work then you make sure they remember the rest of their life they were warned and didn't listen." Keith said. "Shit. And I am on payroll too ?" Bob said. "You will learn. But just remember. They are a very secret family. Never talk about their business." Keith said. "Oh I learned that. I do know that Mrs. Ruth doesn't even tell her children everything. Much less a stranger." Bob said.

Paul followed one of the deputies to Mrs. Ruth's house. Not knowing exactly which house was hers had stressed Paul out. Breanna answered the door. "Thank You so much for taking the babies. I felt torn the whole time. I felt I needed to help but I was scared with all the gunfire to leave the babies." Paul said. "Well I needed these two to help calm me down." Mrs. Ruth said. "And Mrs. Ruth, If he had shot you the bullet would have been bigger than you." Paul said. "Well I was scared but not for myself but for my grandson." she said. "Oh I need to let you know. I hope Lee and Chris don't mind but apparently Brian had the car keys in his pocket. Bob took Lee's Navigator to carry Keith to the hospital. " Paul said with a little fear on his face.

"That's fine. If they need to keep it they make more of them every day." Mrs. Ruth said. "Have you heard anything yet ?" Paul asked. "I talked to Dean. He is at the hospital with Lee and Wayne. Chris is next door at the children's hospital with Cody. That's all we know though so far." Breanna said. "Ronnie is on his way there to see about everyone too." Paul said. About that time Alex came running into the room and grabbed Paul by the leg. "I tried to save them like Grandma told me. I tried Unca Paul. That man had Cody." Alex cried. Paul picked Alex up and lay Alex's head on his shoulder. "You did good little man. We are all so proud of you." Paul said. "But Cody is hurt. It should have been me." Alex cried. "No little man. Now is when you need to be strong. Cody is going to need his big brother well to help him get well." Paul said. "You think so ?" Alex said. "I know so little buddy. You know that me and Uncle Bob are so proud of you ?" Paul said. "You are ?" Alex said. "You know it takes a special big brother to step in and save his little brother." Paul said.

Alex raised his head and kissed Paul on the cheek. He then turned around and got down from Paul's arms. "We are waiting on Dean's parents to get her and watch the kids and then Memaw and I are headed to the hospital." Breanna said. "Do you want me to take Alex with me. Both my parents and Bob's are meeting me at the house to keep the babies so I can go and see what is going on at the hospital." Paul said. "Thank you for the offer but Alex said he wanted to stay with Kolt and Dean's parents said they would be glad to watch him too." Breanna said. Paul began loading up the twins. "You are going to be a wonderful father." Mrs. Ruth said. "I hope so. I am going to try." Paul said. "No son. Don't try. With what I saw with Alex all you need to do is let it come naturally. These are two very lucky babies." Mrs. Ruth said. Paul could not resist the urge to turn around and hug Mrs. Ruth.

Bob and Keith arrived at the hospital in record time. "Damn I would have freaked out trying to find this place." Keith said. Entering the Emergency Room both men were greeted by Keith's neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Rice. Mrs. Rice gasp as she saw all the blood on Keith's shirt. Keith walked over and hugged the elderly couple. "So it was Josh ?" Vera asked. Keith broke down and began to cry. Bob went to the desk to ask for any information about Josh. "And who are you sir ?" the nurse asked. "I am both father's and the minor's attorney." Bob said handing the nurse a card. "Ah two dads. We were wondering." the nurse said. "Is that a problem ?" Bob asked. "Oh not at all sir. We normally get mothers flying in on the helicopter not dads is all." she said.

"Sorry if I was a little abrupt there." Bob said. "Oh no. You are the calmest I have seen this shift. Have them follow me and I will carry you to the waiting room Josh's other Dad is in." she said. "Can you tell me how Josh is ?" Bob asked. "All I can tell you is that he is in emergency surgery. The report said that he coded (died) twice on the chopper but they were able to revive him. That's all I know though." she said. "Holy shit" Bob thought. "Come on guys. This nurse is kind enough to take us to where Brian is at." Bob said. The group hurried to the elevators and the nurse directed them to the waiting room. Brain was pacing the floor. It was if he smelled Keith coming or sensed his presence before he even saw him. As Keith rounded the corner Brain almost knocked him down and began to cry uncontrollably. "I am here baby. Every thing is going to be alright." Keith said. "He died twice on the helicopter Keith. He DIED twice." Brian screamed.

Not knowing what Bob already knew Keith's knees went weak and both men sank to the floor. Mr. and Mrs. Rice stood in the doorway in shock and almost unable to breath. "He is in surgery now Keith. I just want to hold my son. PLEASE." Brain cried. "We will soon baby. We will soon. He needs the doctors to work their magic at the moment and then we can hold him all we want. " Keith said with a shaky voice. "Why did he charge at him ? Why would he do that ?" Brian cried. "Baby we are just learning what goes through his tiny brain." Keith said. Vera had walked over and placed he hand on Brian's shoulder. "Brian. Remember your son is strong for his age. We have no clue what he has been through in his short little life. He was strong enough to make it through that and not feel like he was loved. He knows he is loved and that can only make him stronger." she said. "You are right. He is a strong little boy." Brian said releasing Keith and hugging Mrs. Rice.

"Dean. What's going on ?" Chris asked as Dean answered his cell phone. "Ronnie just got here. Both Lee and Wayne are in surgery. What's going on with Cody ? " Dean asked. "They are just taking him to surgery now. They had to sedate him. They said he was freaking out when they brought him in." Chris said. "Well that's a good sign then." Dean said. "Yeah I guess so." Chris said. "Bre and Memaw are about to leave. Oh Bre wanted me to tell you that Bob took Lee's SUV to carry Keith to Atlanta." Dean said.

"He can have the damn thing. Just give me my family back safe and healthy." Chris said. "Yeah Bre said that's what Memaw told Paul. She said they make more of them every day." Dean laughed. "Alright as soon as you hear anything call me." Chris said. "I will and you do the same." Dean said. "And Dean, I hope you believe me, I was serious when I said I love you Bro. I would not have survived this without you." Chris said. "Remember this Chris. What affects you affects all of us including me. Plus if my Uncle, wife and children think you hung the moon who am I to argue." Dean said.

Next: Chapter 75

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