Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on May 13, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 76

"Hey baby. How are you feeling ?" Chris asked as Lee first opened his eyes once he was moved into the room. "Cody ?" Lee whispered. "He is fine. They had to do a little bit of surgery but he will be fine. We just have to handle him with care for a week or two." Chris said and leaned over and kissed Lee lightly. "Alex ?" Lee asked. "He is fine. He is with Kolt and Shasta. Dean's parents are staying with them right now." Chris said. "Josh ?" Lee asked. "We are not sure yet. He is still in surgery. Wayne went through surgery fine too." Chris said.

"Wayne?" Lee asked. "Don't worry babe Wayne is fine. He is across the hall. He said he wanted to come over and visit once you were awake." Chris said. "What happened to him ?" Lee asked. "Apparently the deputy that shot you also shot Wayne." Chris said. "Wayne didn't have a gun though. Did he ?" Lee asked. "No babe but it was chaos." Chris said. "Did Ben shoot Cody ?" Lee said with tears streaming down his cheeks. "No baby. He got injured in the fall. He didn't get shot but Josh did." Chris said. "Wait, who is with Cody ?" Lee asked finally regaining his voice and waking up. "Your Mom , Breanna, and Dean. Memaw was in the bed with him when I left." Chris said. "Baby I am fine. Go be with Cody." Lee said. "I will shortly. Right now he is being spoiled rotten so he is fine. I need to spoil you for a while." Chris smiled and said.

The doctor entered the waiting room and Keith jumped to run towards him and tripped over his own feet. Back to his feet he arrived at the doctor about the same time Brian and the rest of the group did. They all stood anxious but silent waiting for the doctor to speak. "Josh is out of surgery. He is stable but not out of the woods yet. He lost a lot of blood but he is a strong little boy. We will keep him very closely monitored for the next twenty four to forty eight hours. Those will be the most critical." the doctor said.

"When can I see him ?" Keith almost shouted trying to stay calm. "We will keep him in the ICU recovery for at least the next four hours. We want to wake him up gradually. He has had a major trama and we don't want him to just wake up and not know what has happened." the doctor said. Brian's knees got weak and began to fall. Bob caught Brian and standing behind him pulled him to his chest and wrapped his arms around Brian from behind to be his support.

The doctor began to describe what all was involved in the surgery. He explained all the damage and what had happened. He also explained that Josh was going to need lots of help for his recovery and probably some physical therapy. "Will he totally recover ?" Keith asked. "I have no doubt you will have your same bubbly boy back. It will just take a while." the doctor said. Bob almost lost his footing as Brian lost his legs all together. Paul grabbed Keith's arm and tried to steady him a little as the relief hit him he almost lost his legs. "Thank you. Thank you so much." Brian could barely speak.

Kyle and James arrived just as the doctor was leaving. Keith and Brian had a moment to realize that the worst was over. They were standing there crying almost uncontrollably releasing the hours of built up stress. Kyle's whole body gave way and James barely caught him. As James hugged him tight Kyle began to cry. "No baby please. Its not fair." Kyle whispered.

Paul put his hand on Kyle's back. "He is alright Kyle. The doctor just left. He will be alright. They are just happy and having to relieve the stress." Paul whispered. Mrs. Rice also had tears running down her cheeks. James and Kyle walked over and touched Brian and Keith on the shoulder. Brian grabbed Kyle and hugged him tight and Keith did the same with James. "Thank you so much Kyle. I can never repay you for what you did for Josh." Brian cried. "I didn't do anything. I tried." Kyle said. "They said that if you had not shouted and got Ben's attention when you were running at him that there was no way Josh would have lived." Brian said still crying.

James heard Brian's comment. "Yeah Bro. You have a super man there. Don't you ever forget it." Keith said. "I know that more and more every day." James said. Bob pulled out his phone and called Chris to tell him that Josh was out of surgery. "Hey buddy I am going to put you on speaker phone so Lee and Wayne can hear too." Chris said. Bob had put his phone on speaker also. The crying stopped and a thousand questions from everyone at once when they heard Lee's voice and then Wayne's over the speaker.

"Lee, Lee are you alright ?" Brian shouted. "Wayne and I are both fine. We are just going to be sore. How is my buddy Josh ?" Lee asked. Just hearing Lee call his son buddy caused Keith to begin to cry again. "Sorry I stole your SUV buddy." Bob laughed. "I had no clue but whatever you needed." Lee laughed. "I will drop it off at your house." Bob said. "Keith and Brian are still staying at the house. Just let them take it since it has a house key on it." Chris said. "I am not going anywhere." Brian said.

"Listen to me Brian. Josh is in good hands. He will need you clean and rested when he wakes up. Didn't Bob say it would be a few hours ?" Lee asked. "I am not leaving my baby up here alone." Brian said. "You two go and clean up and rest for a couple of hours. Mother and I will stay here until you get back." Mr. Rice said. "See he wont be alone. I can't go soak in Chris' huge jacuzzi so you need too." Lee said. "You mean our jacuzzi." Chris said. All the guys finally laughed at the comment.

Keith's cell phone rang. "Hey boss." he said. The Sheriff asked first about Josh and then any news on both Wayne and Lee. "I know this is a stressful time but I do have to have a couple of questions answered for the GBI. They talked for a couple of minutes and Keith assured the Sheriff that both he and Lee shot in self defense. "I know you did. I just had to have you say it out loud." the Sheriff said. "I know the drill boss." Keith said. The two talked for a couple of minutes.

"You have to be kidding. Tell her if she pushes that I will reveal all her families dirty little secrets." Keith said. The conversation went on for a few more minutes. "Yes I defiantly want to press charges." Keith said. After the call was over all the men looked at Keith. "Can you believe this ? Ben's wife wants to press charges against Lee for attempted murder." Keith said. "You are kidding right ?" Paul said looking at Bob. "Don't worry. I will take care of everything. If I need too guys I may have to prepare a press release. Is that alright ?" Bob said.

"You can say anything you need to about us and Josh but you need to talk to Lee before using his and Chris' name." Brian said. "We will cross that bridge when needed. Now its time for you two to go and rest for a little while and get a shower. " Bob said. "I am not leaving." Brian said. Vera walked over and took Brian by the hand. "Father and I will stay right here. Josh will need you rested and fresh. He can't see you two with blood still on your shirts. Plus once he is awake you will probably not want to leave." she said. Brian just hugged Vera. "I hope you know how special you and Mr. Rice are to all three of us." Brian whispered. "You are just as special to us Brian. Never doubt that." she whispered.

James and Kyle visited Cody for a few minutes before heading towards Atlanta. "Those poor little three boys." Kyle said. "Alex is fine." James said. "I am not talking about just today." Kyle said. During the drive Kyle recounted the story that he knew about all three boys and what they had been through in their short lives. Once his story was finished the car was silent.

"I understand now. Well I understood at the time to a degree but I understand even more now." James said. "Understand what ?" Kyle asked. "Why you did what you did. I know that you would have done the same even if they had not had such rough lives but I really understand better now." James said. "I am sorry that I scared you but I feel like I can connect to them in a small way. While I was on the street I saw many children. Those children on the street had seemed to have better lives than these three." Kyle said with a tear in his eyes. "I want to talk to my banking buddies and see if there is something we can sponsor through Kyle's kitchen just for the children." James said.

James had to watch the road closely because Kyle almost jumped into his lap. "You would do that ?" Kyle asked. "Baby I will do anything that makes you happy. I get two good karma's from this. I make my baby happy and I also can help babies that can't help themselves." James said. "You surprise me. When I thought I couldn't love you anymore you come with a reason for me to love you even more." Kyle said.

Mrs. Ruth had gotten up and let Chris replace her in the bed with Cody. After Dean returned with the proper type cup Cody seemed to be getting back to normal. "It amazes me that the innocence of children allow them to go through something like this and within hours they seem nothing has happened." Mrs. Ruth said. "I just want this baby and Alex to finally be able to live a normal childhood." Chris said. "We all do son. I know that you feel at this point that you brought them from the frying pan into the fire but I promise we will do all we can to give them a normal childhood. " she said.

"Never think that. You, Lee and your family are the best things that ever happened to me and to the two boys. I know its been bumpy but life is bumpy." Chris said. "Chris I prayed for many, many years for Lee to find someone to love him the way you seem too. God took his time but I know that my prayer was answered. The bonus is I got two special grandsons for my patience." she said. "Until today I felt like a small part of this family. I did feel a little like an outsider. Today took those feelings away. I want to thank you for accepting me and the boys as your family." Chris said. "I want to thank you for not packing up and running. I don't think Lee would have survived that." she said. "Well I told him if he decided to leave to pack for four. He had to take us all with him." Chris said. "It warms my heart to know that I believe you when you say that." she said.

Dean and Breanna had returned to Lee's room before heading home. "I need to talk to Alex. I am sure he is freaking out." Lee said. "I talked to Dad a few minutes ago. He said that Alex was doing alright. There was a couple of times that he went and sat in the corner facing the wall. Dad said it was if he was putting himself in time out but he would send Kolt over to play with him and get him out of the corner." Dean said.

Dean saw the tears forming in Lee's eyes and pulled out his cell phone. "Hey Mom. How are things going there ?" Dean asked. "Everything is fine. The boys are playing and Shasta is taking a nap." she said. "Look. Lee needs to talk to Alex but I need you or Dad to stay close to him while he talks to him. Can you get him to the phone ?" Dean asked. A couple of moments later Dean could hear breathing on the phone. "Hey little buddy. This is Uncle Dean." Dean said. "Hey Uncle Dean. My Papa, Pop and Cody got hurt." Alex said in a trembling voice. "Papa didn't get hurt but Pop and Cody are alright. I have someone here that wants to talk to you though." Dean said.

As he crossed the room and handed the phone towards Lee. "Who is it ?" Lee whispered. "Alex." Dean whispered. Lee held the phone to his chest and took a deep breath. "Hey little man. " Lee said. He could hear sobs on the other end of the phone. "You going to talk to me baby ?" Lee said. "Pop. I tried but I couldn't stop it. I tried to do what Grandma asked but I couldn't. You don't love me now and Grandma either." Alex said. "Oh no sweet baby. You did exactly what Grandma asked you to do. She and I are very proud of you. Papa is too. We all love you very much. That has not changed. Do you believe me ?" Lee asked. "Yes." Alex said in a whisper.

"Baby there is nothing in this world that you could do to make me or Papa not love you." Lee said. "But I couldn't save you and Cody. And Josh got hurted real bad." Alex said. "Baby Cody and I are fine. Josh is a really sick little boy but he will be fine too." Lee said. "Alex you are the bravest little man I have ever met and I am very proud of you and love you very much." Lee said trying to keep from crying. "Are you coming home now ?" Alex asked. "The doctors want me and Cody to spend the night here but we will be home tomorrow. I promise." Lee said.

"Is Papa coming home. I am scared to stay at home by myself but I will be brave." Alex said. "Baby you wont be staying at home alone tonight." Lee said. He looked up to see both Dean and Breanna pointing at themselves saying he would stay with them. "How do feel about spending the night with Kolt and Shasta ?" Lee asked. "Can I ?" Alex seemed to cheer up. "Do you promise to be a good boy ?" Lee asked. "Yes I promise." Alex said. "You can stay but you have to be a good boy and do what they tell you too." Lee said. "I will. I promise." Alex said. "I love you little stinker." Lee said. "I'm not a stinker. I love you too Pop." Alex said.

Keith and Brian arrived at Chris' house. Brian leaned against the sink while Keith filled the huge jacuzzi with warm water. Once he was comfortable with the water temperature Keith returned and put his finger under Brian's chin and lifted it. "You alright baby ? " Keith asked. Brian did not say a word. He began to almost rip Keith's clothes off. "What's wrong baby ?" Keith asked . "I have to know. I HAVE to know." Brian got louder as he stripped Keith as fast as he could. Once Keith was naked Brian stepped back and began to run his hands all over Keith's body. Once he was finished he turned Keith around and began running his hands all over Keith's back and then ass. "I have to know." Brian kept whispering over and over.

He turned Keith back around and kissed him quickly but deeply as if it were desperate. Laying his head on Keith's shoulder while Keith wrapped his arms around Brian. "You are alright. You are alright." Brian whispered and began to lightly cry. "Baby I am fine. I love you so much." Keith whispered. Brian continued to lightly sob. Keith moved Brian still holding him into the tub area. Pulling Brian back a little he was able to remove all of Brian's clothes. "Get in baby. Lets just let the water relax us." Keith whispered. Brian stepped over into the tub and stood waiting on Keith to step in. As Keith stepped in Brian pulled him tight and kissed him again. Lowering himself quickly to his knees he took Keith's semi hard cock into his mouth.

"Baby ?" Keith said with surprise. Brian looked up at Keith. Pulling his mouth off of Keith's growing monster. "I don't want sex. I want safety. I don't want sex." Brian said with fear in his eyes. Brian reached over and took a bottle of conditioner and quickly rubbed some into his ass and then coated Keith's cock well. Turning quickly and placing the head of Keith's cock at the entrance to his ass. "Baby calm down." Keith whispered. "I don't want sex Keith. Now push." Brian said almost as if he were ordering. "Baby calm down. What's wrong ?" Keith said with fear in his voice.

"PUSH." Brian screamed. Not knowing what was going on Keith wrapped his arms around Brian's waist and pushed. "UUUGGGGHHHH....Oh God......uuuhh." Brian shouted. "Baby." Keith said with concern. "PUSH damnit." Brian said and with that Keith sank balls deep inside his lover. Keith could almost feel the stress leave Brian's body. His heart began to slow along with his breathing. "Thank you." Brian whispered. "What's wrong baby? You are scaring me. You scream you don't want sex but...." Keith started. "This is not sex. I have needed to feel safe from the first gun shot. The safest I feel is with you inside me and your arms around me." Brain whispered.

Keith lowered he and his lover into the warm water. Stretching them both out with Brian still impaled on his cock and Brian's back on his chest within moments he could tell from Brian's breathing that he was fading off to sleep. Keith realized at this moment that it was the first time since the beginning that he felt his family was safe and he felt complete. Wrapping his arms around Brian he let the warm water bring much needed sleep to his lover. "Yes I understand. This is not sexy. This is connection and love." Keith thought. "Sleep my prince." Keith whispered in Brian's ear.

Dean and Breanna returned to Cody's room. "Cody. Will you let me stay with you for a while so Papa can go check on Alex ?" Dean asked. "Up" Cody said. "I take that as a yes." Dean laughed. "I am not leaving." Chris said. "Lee just talked to Alex. He needs one of you right now to tell him in person that you still love him. " Breanna said. For the first time Chris' heart sank not realizing what this must be doing to Alex. "Alex is spending the night with us. You, Bre and Memaw go home. When you have gotten a shower and something to eat you can come back and I will go home." Dean said.

"I can't ask you to do that Dean." Chris said. "You didn't ask. I offered." Dean said. Chris got up from the bed and Dean took his place. Cody seemed to be happy that his Uncle Dean was now in the bed with him. "Call me if something changes. I will be back in an hour or so. I need to see Lee first." Chris rambled. "We already told Lee and you need to rest for a little while before you come back. It may be a long night." Dean said. Chris leaned over and hugged Dean. "Alright. Hands off my man and his meat." Breanna laughed. "BREANNA." Mrs. Ruth said. "Private joke Memaw." Breanna laughed. "Still." Mrs. Ruth said and the group left the room.

Ronnie sat in the lounge chair in Wayne's room. Wayne could not tell where his mind was at the time. Getting out of the bed and walking over and setting in Ronnie's lap easily. "Careful baby." Ronnie said. "I am fine. I just needed your arms around me." Wayne said. Putting his arm around Wayne and smiling. "This feels good." Ronnie said. Wayne lifted Ronnie's arm and placed it back around him but under the hospital gown. "Ummm.. are you naked under there ?" Ronnie joked.

"As the day I was born. If that door had a lock on it you would be too." Wayne laughed. "Well you know it will be a few days before you can hang from the chandeliers again." Ronnie laughed. "You mean it will be a while before I can hang from this again ?" Wayne said sliding his hand under him and squeezing Ronnie's bulge. "Careful there sexy. Don't want to start something that we can't finish. " Ronnie said.

"Oh I can finish." Wayne said. "Down boy. There will be plenty of time for that later and I promise we will make up for lost time. Right now you need to heal. I am a doctor remember." Ronnie laughed. Wayne just moaned and groaned as he lay his head back on Ronnie's shoulder. "Damn this feels so perfect." Ronnie thought. "What are you thinking ?" Wayne asked. "Just how happy I am. And more so how relieved I am that you were not hurt more than you were." Ronnie said. "I hope you understand. " Wayne said. "I do baby. Lets just hope I never have to understand again." Ronnie laughed. "I am with you on that one." Wayne laughed as he lay there and felt the relief of Ronnie's arms wrapped around him.

James and Kyle arrived home after stopping by to check on Josh. They only stayed a few minutes since Josh had not been put in a room at that point. Walking in the house James heard Kyle take a deep breath and release it. "Glad to be home baby ?" James asked. Kyle stood there and smiled at James. "What's that smile for ?" James asked. "I hate everything that happened today but walking in here tonight was the first time I really feel like I was home. This is home." Kyle said.

James just smiled and walked over and wrapped his arms around Kyle and leaned in for a deep passionate kiss. "Come on super stud we both need a shower." Kyle whispered. "You don't like my manly odor of dried sweat and over worked deodorant ?" James laughed. "Ummm...No." Kyle laughed as he headed to the master bedroom. Once in the shower each took their time carefully washing their lover's body. "I thought you would be too tired." James said. "No baby. Tired or not. I really need to feel that special connection with you. Then I will know everything is alright." Kyle said. "Everything is alright baby." James said. "I know. I just need a little reassurance." Kyle said as he reached down and squeezed James' already hard cock.

Partially dried off and back in the bedroom James leaned over and kissed James with all the passion he had as he pushed Kyle back onto the bed. Kyle lay on the bed with his feet still on the floor. James began kissing his way down Kyle's body paying special attention to both nipples. Kyle moaned and tossed his head back and forth as his cock began to throb and precum flowed like a river.

James worked his way down until he reached Kyle's cock. Lightly licking the precum that had flowed all down the shaft he took the tip of his cock in his mouth and ran his tongue around just the head. He slowly worked his mouth further down on Kyle's shaft until his nose landed in Kyle's pubes. Kyle's whole body was tingling and he would thrash his head while deep moans escaped from deep in his chest.

"Turn where I can get some of that too." Kyle whispered. "No baby this is your welcome home present." James whispered. James began to lick his way around Kyle's low hanging ball sack. He opened his mouth and lightly sucked in one of the perfect globes. Massaging it with his tongue he could taste even more precum that had leaked and was now running down Kyle's ball sack. Releasing one ball he lightly sucked in the other one and gave it the same treatment. After finishing that one he moved down and lifted Kyle's legs and began to lick from the rosebud up to the small area just under the nut sack. "Baby I can't take much more." Kyle whispered.

"You want me to stop ?" James whispered. "NO." Kyle shouted. "Didn't think so." James laughed On the next pass James darted his tongue inside of Kyle's rosebud. Kyle clung tightly to the bed comforter because he felt like his body was about to rocket away. At that point James dug in as if he were a starving man. Licking then inserting his tongue. He would remove his tongue and replace it with a finger and lean up and lightly lick his way up the shaft of Kyle's cock and the lean back and reinsert his tongue as deep as he could. After about ten minutes he knew from the feeling that Kyle was both turned on enough and relaxed enough that he would have no trouble with his entry.

James reached over to the night stand and took the bottle of lube. Applying just a small amount since Kyle was already wet from his rimming and the precum he lifted Kyle's legs and placed his raging cock at the entrance to Kyle's ass. "Breath deep baby and relax." James whispered. James breached the ring of Kyle's ass and without stopping slowly slid his cock in until he was balls deep. "UUuuuuhhhhhhhhhh" Kyle groaned. Kyle's body felt like it had been struck by lightning with multiple electric charges going off through his body. "Welcome home baby." Kyle whispered.

James began to slowly move in and out of his lover. Still standing on his feet gave him better leverage to fully impale Kyle. Both men's moans became even louder. Kyle's body slide further on the bed with every push. James had one knee on the bed as he twisted Kyle's body only slightly so that he only had one leg cupped in his arm. The new position and pressure caused Kyle's cock to jerk with every push of James' mushroom head past his prostrate. James picked up the pace and the torture on Kyle's love nut was making it hard for him to breath.

"OOohhhhhhhh fffffuuuuucccccckkkkkk.. ....cccuuuummmmmiinnnnggg...... " Kyle screamed as his body tightened and his cock began to spray ropes all over his chest. "Uuuuhhhhhh..." he continued to scream as James quickened his pace pounding into his lover. "Fill me up baby. I need your seed deep inside me." Kyle whispered. James reached up and grabbed Kyle's shoulders and pulled him as far down on his cock as he could possible be. With his back arched and his head thrown back James' body began to vibrate. The one foot still on the floor almost gave way on him as his cock flexed inside Kyle. He was on the verge but could not seem to release. Kyle reached up and pinched one of James' nipples which triggered his release.

" GGGGGGGGrrrrrrrrrrrrr......FFFFUUCCCKKKKKKK......." James screamed as his dick finally released his seed and planted it deep inside Kyle. "Damn baby that was too hot." James whispered as his body started to relax even though his cock was still flexing inside Kyle trying to force out every last drop. James pulled Kyle's loose leg back up and pushed it up so that he could lean over and kiss his lover with his cock still buried deep inside Kyle and flexing. "Baby. Do you really feel at home now ?" James whispered. "Baby it doesn't matter what the structure is as long as you are there with me its home." Kyle whispered. "Do you feel at home right now ?" Kyle asked as he squeezed his ass ring around James' cock. "Oh baby I am more than home. I am in heaven." James said as he leaned down for another deep kiss.

Next: Chapter 77

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