Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on May 28, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 78

Life was returning to normal. Josh was in the hospital for about ten days. Keith and Brian were both at his side for most of his stay. They would take turns going home and showering and changing clothes. The nurses were amazed at the love, care and attention that both men gave their son. It became a running joke between a few nurses that one was going to take Keith and the other was taking Brian. They had claimed they did not realize any man could care for another person and even a child as much as those three cared for each other.

Josh was still weak but seemed to be a trooper. He had still taken nothing stronger than over the counter pain relief. "I think he has made a miraculous recovery. As long as he limits his activities he can do almost anything he wants too now. I just need him to do it in moderation for at least another three weeks or so." the doctor said. "Thank you so much doctor. Keith and I can never thank you and the hospital staff enough." Brian said. "Well I know some nurses that are upset that you three will not be here every day anymore." the doctor laughed. "Yeah I heard that I was suppose to be marrying one and Brian marrying another." Keith laughed. Headed out of the doctor's office the men seemed to be very pleased. "Can we go by and see Uncle Kyle ?" Josh asked. "Baby I am sure he is busy trying to feed all those people." Brian said. "Please Dad. We can help." Josh said. "I am not sure you are up to all that." Keith said. "Please daddy." Josh asked.

Arriving at Kyle's kitchen the two men and Josh walked in to see a dining room full of men, women and children. "I never realized they would be this busy." Brian whispered. "This place is packed and there are some setting on the bench by the wall." Keith said. Josh never slowed down headed directly for Kyle. "Hey Uncle Kyle. We are here to help." Josh said. "Hey little buddy. Its good to see you out and smiling. Are you sure you are up to helping ?" Kyle asked.

"Uncle Kyle I have been hungry before. Nobody was able to help me but I want to help." Josh said. All three men were speechless and had a huge lump in their throats. "I tell you what. If you take this little basket and go around and see if any of these people want some more bread." Kyle said handing the little boy a basket. "Is that safe ?" Keith asked. "We don't get the rif raf here. We did for the first couple of days but when they realized this was a safe zone they moved on." Kyle said.

Brian began to help Kyle restock the food supplies while Keith helped where he could but was still able to keep an eye on Josh. All three men watched closely as Josh would stand and talk to all the men, women and children. Some would hug him and some would put their arm around him while they sat and ate and Josh talked. Returning for more bread Josh had a huge smile on his face. "Are you enjoying yourself ?" Brian asked. "Yes Dad. They are really nice people. A few smell real bad but they can't help that. One man told me that he had a grandson about my age but he can't see him. Why can't he see him ?" Josh asked. "There could be many different reasons son. Don't be rude and ask him why though." Keith said. "I wont daddy. He was crying when he told me about it." Josh said.

"You know its amazing how much a child here helping brightens everyone in here's day." Kyle said. "Josh seems to feel like he fits right in with everyone." Brian said. "Well the innocence of a child is amazing. They aren't old enough to realize that most people shun the homeless." Keith said. "See those two men over by the window at that small table ?" Kyle asked. "Those two?" Brian asked looking but not pointing. "Yes. I never realized that there were also gay men on the street. I should have realized it but just never thought of it. " Kyle said. "Are they gay ?" Keith asked.

"They are an inspiration to me. They are a couple. They have been together for twenty three years. They even suffered through the military as a couple." Kyle said. "I wonder what their story is. " Brian commented. "They survived the military's don't ask don't tell but could not survive family and employers. The guy on the left was injured in his last tour. He was released from the military and his partner decided not to re up. When they came out to their families they shunned them both. They both got jobs but were spotted by a coworker of one at a Christmas party. Word got back to both employers and they were both fired. " Kyle said. "That's illegal." Keith said. "Well twenty years ago it was not. They survived as long as they could on savings and ended up on the street. They have been out here for fifteen years. That is a strong love in my book." Kyle said.

"Do you think the legal group that comes here can help them ?" Brian asked. "I talked to them about it but they are so afraid they will be separated they don't want to talk to them. I am still trying though." Kyle said. "I can see them touch hands every minute or two." Keith said. "Paul came to help one day and brought the twins. He was a little nervous to begin with but those two men took as good a care of the twins as Paul and Bob do." Kyle said. Keith reached over and squeezed Brian's arm. Not having to say a word Brian realized that it was just and "I love you." squeeze. "Me too." Brian whispered.

Vera Rice went into the office at their home and picked up the phone. She dialed Lee's number and waited for the phone to begin to ring. "Hello." Lee said. "Lee this is Vera Rice. How are you today and how is little Cody ?" she asked. "He is doing great. They have removed one of the casts and put on a moveable brace. His shoulder is almost healed and you would never know he was hurt to watch him play." Lee said. "I am so glad to hear that. I need a favor. I need to get your Mother's number so I can talk to her." Vera said. "She is here now if you would like to speak to her." Lee said.; "Would you mind ?" Vera asked. "Not at all. Hold on." Lee said.

Mrs. Ruth and Vera had met shortly when Vera and Amos had visited Cody. "Ruth I need to ask a sensitive question." Vera said. "Sure. I may be able to answer it for you." Mrs. Ruth said. "Keith has told Amos and I that they will probably have to move. He is so upset about what happened he said that he needed to meet with you to resign from his new position." Vera said. "Why would he do that ? He had not even started his new job at the time." Mrs. Ruth said. "He is scared that you would not want him working for you after what happened but I think he is too ashamed to talk to you.": Vera said.

"Well the reason I am in town today was to check on Cody. Then I planned to go and see Josh and take Keith his first pay check." Mrs. Ruth said. "I am so glad to hear you say that. I was afraid that I was crossing the line by calling you but Amos and I have no children so we also have no grandchildren. These boys are the closest we have come. I have also bought the house they are living in so that I can insure they get to stay. They don't know this yet." Vera said.

"That's a mighty expensive insurance policy." Ruth said. "Amos and I have done very well for ourselves over the years. I used inheritance money that has been setting in an account for over twenty years. I had no reason to use any of it. I can't take it with me. Keith, Brian and Josh have brought me more joy in a few short months than I have had in years. To me it is money well spent." Vera said. "Alex has been telling me about Nana Vera." Ruth laughed. "Well I hope that does not upset you. Josh started that." Vera said. "I think its great. As long as they don't call you Memaw. I am the Memaw." Ruth laughed. "I feel so much better now that I have talked to you. " Vera said. "Well I plan to go to their house this afternoon. If you would like some support when you tell Keith you have bought the house you are more than welcome to come then. Keith can be hard headed. His pride gets in his way." Ruth said. "I look forward to it." Vera said as they ended the call.

Chris' office phone rang. "Yes Pamela ?" Chris said. "Do you have a free moment ?" Pamela asked. "Sure come on in. " Chris said. Once she was in the office she took a seat in front of Chris' desk. "You have me a little worried. Are you leaving ?" Chris asked. "You can not get rid of me that easily." Pamela said. Pamela told a story of a close friend that owned a small motel which was mainly efficiency apartments. They had contacted her and asked if their firm may have someone that would be interested in buying the property. They were not a five star nor even a two star motel so they had ended up with a lot of undesirables renting rooms. She went on to say that the couple was ready to retire and did not have enough money to renovate.

The motel was in a descent section of Atlanta and someone would probably just want the land. They had hoped to find someone to do some good with the property without tearing the existing motel down. They also did not want to sell to someone that would continue to let the property decline. Pamela did not feel like she should approach any of the firms clients and was asking for help from Chris. "What type motel is it and where is it ?" Chris asked. Pamela told him the name and the location of the motel. "Oh I know that motel. It seems pretty nice from the outside for it being as old as it is." Chris said.

"The couple have owned it and operated it for over forty five years. They know that it is more sentimental but they don't want it torn down if possible." Pamela said. "How much are they asking for it ?" Chris asked. "If they can get an assurance that it will not be torn down they only want someone to take up payments. About ten years ago they borrowed enough money to buy a small house and put some money in an IRA. There is only five years left on the note. They had thought about refinancing it and upgrading but they are at an age they just want to retire. " Pamela said. "Talk to them and get some particulars about the payoff and how much they really want and let me know. I will see what I can come up with." Chris said. "Thank You." Pamela said as she got up to exit the office. "Oh and Chris. No I am not leaving." she laughed as she shut the door. "That's a relief." Chris whispered to himself.

"Well this is a good surprise. What are you up to today ?" Ronnie said as Wayne entered his office. "I had to be in town today for business so I thought I would come and take the hottest doctor in Atlanta to lunch if he is available." Wayne said. "Oh well. I thought you were here to see me." Ronnie laughed. "No the hot Doc. is waiting in the lobby. Yes you nut I am here for you." Wayne laughed. "I am glad you are here. I wasn't expecting to see you for a couple of days." Ronnie said. "Oh do you need to call your boy toy and tell him that you can't make it today?" Wayne asked. Wayne had a funny look on his face as Ronnie pulled out his cell phone and went through his contacts. Moments later Wayne's cell phone rang. "You are a nut." Wayne said as he looked at his caller ID.

"Oh well he didn't answer so its his loss. " Ronnie laughed. "Is my being here a problem ?" Wayne asked. "Not at all. I will be glad when you are here full time." Ronnie said. "I wasn't talking about other men. I am talking about work and other obligations." Wayne said. "You are my main obligation. Can you stay tonight ? " Ronnie asked. "I am here until Friday morning. I will go back to the office Friday and then come back Friday night or you come to my house one. If that's alright." Wayne said. "That's wonderful. The only thing I have is dinner with a couple of friends tomorrow night and they were upset that you wouldn't be there. Oh and I have the health clinic at Kyle's kitchen this week too. Other than that I am all yours other than office hours. Plus now you can go to dinner with me tomorrow night. " Ronnie said.

"Are you sure ?" Wayne asked. "I really didn't want to go since you would not be there. Now I will enjoy it more." Ronnie said. "Well lets go get you some nutrition. I want you to have all your strength for tonight. I want to see what you planned to do with your boy toy if he had answered." Wayne laughed. Ronnie walked over and hugged Wayne and kissed him passionately. "Down big boy. You are starting something neither of us have time to finish." Wayne said as Ronnie had both hands on Wayne's ass cheeks and began squeezing them. "Do I have to wait ?" Ronnie said pouting. "Yes you do. I can't go back to my meeting smelling like a bath house after an orgy." Wayne laughed. "Oh you know that smell ?" Ronnie laughed. "No but I have heard. Come on lets go before this gets messy." Wayne laughed.

Keith and Brian stopped at the grocery store to buy more of the basics that had been thrown out. Keith's phone beeped. "Mom is here and we want to come by and talk and see Josh." the text said from Lee. "Oh shit." Keith said. "What baby ?" Brian asked. "Mrs. Ruth is in town and wants to come by the house with Lee." Keith said. "Baby if you are worried now is as good a time as any to get this over with. Text him back and tell him we will be home in an hour. Just remember. Josh and I love you very much and as long as we are together that's all that matters." Brian said. "Daddy don't worry. I love you." Josh said. "Thank you little buddy. I love you very much too." Keith said as he text the message to Lee. Once at home Brian made Keith go and sit down and gain his composure while he put away the groceries. Josh sat on the couch with Keith hoping that the cartoons would entertain his Daddy as much as they were him.

The doorbell rang and Keith's heart stopped. Brian headed for the door. "I got it baby." Keith said as he headed for the door. Brian was right behind him when he opened the door. "Hello Unca Keith. Can I play with Josh ?" Alex asked. "Sure little buddy. Come on in. He is in the living room watching cartoons." Keith said. "I don't get a hello ?" Brian said as he reached down and tickled the little boy entering the door. "Hello Unca Brian." Alex said through his squeals. "Come on in. Can I get you something to drink ?. Tea, coffee ?" Brian asked. "We are fine for the moment but thank you ." Mrs. Ruth said.

Keith directed Lee and Mrs. Ruth to the living room where Alex and Josh were watching cartoons. "Hello Josh. Are you feeling better ?" Mrs. Ruth asked. "Yes...M... uh.. Mrs. Ruth." Josh said. "That's Memaw." Alex piped up. "Alex is right. You need to call me Memaw." she said. Josh looked at Brian and Keith for approval. Both men smiled and nodded. "Are you my Memaw like you are Alex's ?" Josh asked. "I am your Memaw as long as you want me to be." she said. "Do you boys want to go to Josh's room and watch cartoons so the grown ups can talk ? Josh can show you all his movies." Brian said.

About that time the doorbell rang again. The two men looked at each other as if to ask if they were expecting anyone. Brian answered to door to find Mr. and Mrs. Rice standing in the door. "Hello. Mrs. Ruth and Lee are here to talk to Keith." Brian said in a worried voice not wanting them to think he was putting them off. "We know. We saw her white town car pull up. They are expecting us." Mr. Rice said. "Well please come in." Brian said. Keith looked at Brian and he shrugged his shoulders to tell Keith he had no idea what was up either. The boys got settled in Josh's bedroom and were glued to a spider man cartoon.

"I want to start out by saying that everyone in this room is very special and very dear to both me and Brian." Keith said. "I will go check on the boys." Brian said. "No please stay. This involves you too Brian." Mrs. Ruth said. "Mr. and Mrs. Rice. You have been the best neighbors that Brian, Josh and I could have ever asked for. You accepted us and our son as part of your family just like we fit. We have started looking for another house but we will probably move back to my home town." Keith said. "Why would you do that ?" Mrs. Rice asked.

"Mrs. Ruth. I am so sorry for everything that happened. I am ashamed that I let you down and had planned to meet with you this week to turn in my resignation." Keith said and began to shake slightly. "I am not here for a resignation. Besides you had not even started when all this happened. I am still depending on you to make sure nothing like this happens again. The reason I am here is to see Josh for one thing and the other is to bring you your first pay check. I had the accountant bring it to me instead of mailing it." Mrs. Ruth said.

"But Mrs. Ruth. I was suppose to prevent this from happening. Besides it was apparently all about me and not your family. They just got caught in the middle. I feel like I need to resign." Keith said and slumped his shoulders. "Keith and I have discussed this and I told him that Josh and I would stand behind him in any decision he made and we would move wherever he moved." Brain said. "Keith. According to your contract, number one you had not even started your job. You still had two shifts left on your old job. Plus you were going to be off for at least ten days before you had to take over." Mrs. Ruth said.

Brian sat beside Keith and pulled Keith's hand into his lap. "I nor my family blame you for what happened. I blame my security company and also blame the Sheriff. He, I will deal with later. I am depending on you to review the security companies policies and insure this never happens again." Mrs. Ruth said. "Lee ?" Keith asked. "If I did not believe in you or if I blamed you for what happened I would not be here right now." Lee said. "Did you do this ?" Keith turned and asked Mr. and Mrs. Rice. "No son we are here for a different reason." Vera said.

"I invited them to come while we were here so that we could hear their news." Mrs. Ruth said. Keith and Brian turned and looked at Mr. and Mrs. Rice. "This was you mother so you do the honors." Amos said. "We told you earlier that we had no children and no immediate family left. When you told us that you loved the house and loved the neighborhood and wanted to make an offer on the house I decided to make a few calls. I know your past landlords very well. I made an offer on the house and as of last week Amos and I own this house too. We would like to offer it to you on an owner finance bases. All I will ask is that you pay interest on the loan for the first five years. Mrs. Ruth's and my CPAs have both assured me that at the end of that term Father and I can take our names off the deed and you will not have to pay gift tax." Vera said.

"We can't accept this. That is too much. Besides that is your money and you may need it." Keith said. "Keith and Brian. We have told you both that we have done very well for ourselves. This money was only a part of what I had in an account that I have not touched for over twenty years. To buy this house only took a portion of my inheritance. Father and I have enough money of our own to more than take care of us for the rest of our lives. Our home has been paid off for many years so I will not even know the money is missing. It has never been touched since I put it there over twenty years ago." Vera said.

Brian had tears in his eyes as he got up and walked over and hugged Vera. "We will pay you what we have been paying for rent. " Keith said. "Oh no you will not. I am an old lady. I don't want to have to pay income tax on that much money." Vera said. Mrs. Ruth stood and walked over to Keith and handed him an envelope. Keith's eyes almost popped out when he opened it and saw the amount. "The end of the month is coming soon so your first check is only for just over two weeks. You will get a full check next month." Mrs. Ruth said. "This is more than I made a month with the department and its only a partial ?" Keith questioned. "I pay top dollar for the best. Spend it wisely though." Mrs. Ruth said. Keith could barely catch his breath. Fifteen minutes ago he thought he would be jobless. In less that fifteen minutes he had a major pay raise and the deed to the home he and Brian loved. "This is too much. And I mean everyone." Keith said. "Well I hope that the new addition to the family in a few months calls me Nana just like Josh." Vera said.

Keith was still trying to let everything soak in. Lee had asked if Josh could go with them to play with Alex and Cody and that both Keith and Brian could come to dinner and then pick up Josh. Once the door closed behind the last guest and Brain made sure that Josh was settled in the car with Mrs. Ruth and Lee, he came back into the living room. "What the fuck just happened here ?" Keith asked. Brian walked over and hugged Keith. "I am not sure baby. Was this all a dream ?" Brian asked. "I am not sure. I am waiting for the hammer to drop." Keith said. "I need some air. Its beautiful outside so I am going out to the back yard." Brian said as he released Keith's arm and headed for the back door. "How can I begin to repay all this ?" Keith said to an empty room. He walked to the bedroom and dug through the nightstand before changing into just running shorts and heading outside to find Brian.

Brian stood looking across the yard letting the sunshine warm him and let his mind float. Keith walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around Brian from behind. "Where are you at baby ?" Keith asked. "Just letting myself realize that we are not moving and you are not unemployed." Brian said as he leaned his head back on Keith's chest. "I want you to consider retiring." Keith said. "I can't do that." Brian said. "Babe. My salary just almost doubled. Our rent just went to almost nothing. We have another baby coming in a few months. Josh and the baby will need you home every day. Just think about it." Keith said.

"Are you really sure about this ?" Brian questioned. Keith began to kiss Brian's neck and unbuttoning his shirt. Brian ground his ass back against Keith's crotch. "I see someone is feeling better." Brian moaned. Keith had turned Brian's body so that he was facing the camera. "Please forgive me baby. This is one of many thank you scenes for you Amos." Keith thought to himself. Keith continued to undress his lover facing the camera. Brian could not see Keith's face at this point as Keith would wink at the camera. Sliding Brian's pants and underwear down at the same time Keith removed his next. He was so excited that his cock even made a slapping noise as it sprang free from his shorts and slapped Brian's ass cheek.

"Mmmmmmmm.. " Brian moaned. Keith turned Brian sideways so that there was a side view for the camera. Keith got down on his knees and quickly took his lover's leaking hard cock into his mouth. Brian arched his head back and Keith could hear the moan coming from deep inside his lover that always made him even more excited. Keith took his time with long deep strokes with his mouth on Brian's throbbing cock. "Slow down baby." Brian whispered. Keith pulled off Brian's cock and quickly turned him around and pushed Brian's upper body forward. Brian placed his hands on a small tree to balance himself. Keith quickly spread Brian's ass cheeks and in one swift motion buried his tongue as deep inside Brian as he could get. Brian arched his back as he clawed at the tree trunk.

Keith stood to his feet and turned Brian around for a deep passionate kiss. Turning Brian around again Keith reached for the small travel pack of lube that he had gotten from the night stand. "I am going to wreck my babies ass like it hasn't been done in a long time." Keith whispered in Brian's ear as he opened the pack and began to lube his cock. "Baby I need it wrecked really bad." Brian moaned. Brian grabbed the tree trunk again. Keith moved slowly so that he knew the camera could see as he placed the mushroom head of his cock at the entrance to Brain's ass. "Ready baby ?" Keith whispered. "More than ready." Brian whispered. Keith slid the head of his cock inside Brain's ass. Brian came to this tip toes as if he were trying to escape. Keith turned and smiled at the camera.

Reaching up and removing Brian's hands from the tree Keith stepped back with his cock head still inside Brain. Reaching one arm around Brian's chest and the other around his hip, Keith pulled Brian back onto his cock balls deep. "Uuuuugggghhhhhhh." was the only vocals Brian was capable of. Brian had balanced himself on top of Keith's feet. Keith held Brian tight as he began to piston in and out of Brian's ass. Turning again so that Brian's naked body and bouncing cock were facing the camera it only took moments for Brian to reach the edge. "Oooooohhhhhh ffffuuuuuccckkkkkkkkkk bbbaaaaaabbbyyyyyy....ffuuuucckkk mmmmmee.." Brian shouted as his cock flexed and the camera was focused on Brian's cock bounce. With every thrust Brain shot long ropes of white cum across the yard. Brian's body was stretched tight with his arm around Keith's neck backwards and his toes barely touching the ground. Keith reached down and took the last drop of cum still hanging on Brian's cock and lifted it to his lips. Placing his finger in his mouth Keith smiled and then winked at the camera.

Pulling quickly out of Brian's ass Keith turned him around facing him and picked his still shaking body up. "Hold on tight baby. I need to plant my wad deep inside my baby." Keith whispered. Keith picked Brian up as if he were a feather. Brian reached down and guided Keith's monster cock back inside him. "Uuuughhhhh....I looove that feeeling." Brian moaned. "Not as much as me baby. Not as much as me." Keith whispered. Once buried deep inside again Keith began to thrust up into Brian's ass. Keith was turned so that the camera could clearly see his cock moving in and out of Brian's ass. Keith's thrusts got quicker as Brian put more of his body weight on the cock that he was fully impaled on. Keith would look towards the camera and smile when Brian would place his lips deep in the crook of Keith's neck.

Keith's body began to feel electrified. Reaching around Brain's body and pulling him to his chest as tight as he could Keith tried to maintain his balance. "Ffffffuuuuucccccckkkkk... bbbba aaabbbbyyyyyy.... UUuuhhhhhhh iiiiammmm cuuummmminnnnggggggg..... you feel it baby ? " Keith shouted. Brian held tight and felt his lover's cock flex deep inside him and felt the warmth of ever shot of Keith's seed that he planted deep inside him. Slowly picking Brian up off his cock Keith lay down on the ground and pulled Brian down with him. Keith had Brain straddle his lap and guided his still hard cock back inside Brian. Pulling Brian's face down into his shoulder Keith reached back and took some of his seed that had leaked from Brian and brought it to his lips. He licked his finger and then winked at the camera. Pulling Brian's head up for a deep kiss Keith began to slowly slide his cock in and out of Brian's ass making both men shake. Keith from the still sensitive head of his cock and Brian from his battered prostate.

"That was the hottest thing I have ever seen." Mr. Rice thought to himself. He had been looking on the internet when he saw the small motion detector light start flashing on the back yard camera. "Mother buying that house is the best gift you could have ever given me." Amos thought. Amos reached down to adjust his semi hard cock and realized his boxers were a little wet. "Damn I have never leaked before in my life. " He thought with a smile.

"Please forgive me my love. But thank you Amos." Keith thought to himself and smiled as he held Brian tight and slowly moved his cock in and out of his lover.

Next: Chapter 79

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