Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Jun 3, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 79

The next month went by quickly. Josh was a normal little boy again and you would never know that Cody was even injured. Wayne and Lee had both recovered though they still had a couple of tender spots. With so much going on and everyone trying to heal both mentally and physically the planned Valentine's cook out had been skipped. Keith and Brian had decided to have an Easter egg hunt for the kids and a cook out at their home. Vera and Amos had become the best neighbors and Nana and Pops to Josh that anyone could have asked for. Brian and Keith had invited them to the cookout along with Mrs. Ruth, Breanna, Dean and the kids. Vera had offered to help prepare the food and even though Brian and Keith both protested she naturally won. Mrs. Ruth also protested and said that she would prepare food too. Kyle had plans to bring something even though he was told it was not necessary.

Everyone began to arrive on the sunny Saturday afternoon. Keith stood in the kitchen window with the biggest smile as he watched the kids play in the backyard. "So you are getting slack on me huh ? We don't have time for day dreaming." Brian said as he walked up and stood beside Keith. "Isn't that a beautiful sight ? I wish they were all ours. " Keith said. "Calm down big boy. I know you want lots of kids but lets take it one child at a time." Brian laughed and pinched Keith on the butt.

"But we can have a yard full." Keith said. "With that many kids this house would not be big enough and I can guarantee that Daddy wouldn't get much of this ass. It would be too tired." Brian whispered. "Well half a yard full then. " Keith laughed as he kissed Brian on the cheek and headed towards the door to join the kids in the yard. "He seems to be glowing." Breanna said as she came into the kitchen. Brian pointed out the window. "Keith just said that he wished all of those were ours. He said he wanted a yard full of kids." Brian said laughing. "Well you already have two. How many do you want ?" Breanna said. "Well number two is not here yet but it wont be long." Brian said.

"No you mean number three. Number two is the oversized one out there with the little ones. " Breanna laughed. "You got a point." Brian said. About that time both Mrs. Ruth and Vera entered the kitchen bringing more food. "What are you two laughing at ?" Mrs. Ruth asked. "Brian and his two kids." Breanna laughed. "Yes I am about at the point of having Keith call me Nana too." Vera laughed. "Poor Brian." Mrs. Ruth laughed as she headed out the door with the food.

Everyone was gathered at tables in the back yard. Keith stood to get everyone's attention. "I would like to start by thanking everyone for coming and for all the love that is at this table and in the food prepared. I know that the children are ready to eat so they can get on with the festivities planned later. I would just like to tell everyone how much each and everyone at this table mean to Brian, Josh and I. I hope that we have many more gatherings for many more years just like the one today. I look forward to future additions also. With that said I would like to ask Chris to bless our meal so that the kids will stop shooting daggers at me." Keith laughed.

The meal went well and the kids all ate as fast as they could hoping it would hurry the adults and they could hunt Easter eggs. Once the meal was finished and the table cleared the children were gathered in the den to watch some quick cartoons so the eggs could be hidden. Keith and Chris volunteered to hide the eggs. The children sat in front of the television watching cartoons while the eggs were being hidden. Josh got up and went and sat between Lee and Mrs. Ruth. "Daddy said that it was your Mommie that helped me so much when I was hurt." Josh said. With a lump in her throat Mrs. Ruth leaned over and kissed Josh on the top of the head. "She was a very special lady." Mrs. Ruth said. "I heard that she let you talk to your Mommie." Lee said. "She did. My mommie is fine now. It makes me feel better." Josh said.

Reaching over and taking Mrs. Ruth's hand and holding it Vera leaned forward from her chair. "Can you explain what he is talking about ?" she asked. Lee told Vera of the story of his grandmother. He told of her spiritual connection as a Native American. Mrs. Ruth also explained that Lee had been having dreams since he was a small boy. Lee explained as best he could what it was that happens to him. He also told of Alex seeing her in his dreams and she had never been mentioned in Alex's presence. "I don't mean to sound skeptical, but how do you know its real ?" Vera asked. "Its real Nana. She stayed with me the whole time." Josh said. Not realizing that Alex had been listening. "She is real Nana. She comes to see me all the time. I love her long hair. It touches the floor." Alex said.

This brought tears to both Mrs. Ruth and Lee's eyes. "Did she have long hair ?" Vera asked. "Her hair until right before she died would drag the floor like a veil if she ever left it down. In the Indian culture the length of a woman's hair showed her connection to the spirit world." Mrs. Ruth said. "You said right before ?" Vera asked. "A breeze came under he front door and blew her house coat into the fireplace. The house coat caught on fire and she died a week later from the burns. Her main concern was that her ancestors would not accept her because it burned her hair almost up to her shoulders." Mrs. Ruth said and lightly sobbed. "She is fine Memaw and she has all her hair back." Josh said. "Damn." James and Ronnie both whispered at about the same time. Mrs. Ruth did not realize that her conversation with Vera had the attention of everyone in the room.

Chris and Keith were concerned as they entered the room to see everyone in silence and both Lee and Mrs. Ruth with tears running down their cheeks. Kyle walked over and whispered to each about the conversation that they had missed. Keith looked at Chris as if to ask what to do next. "All right. Everyone needs to pick a child and get ready to hunt eggs." Chris announced. Once paired off the children headed to the back yard. Paul and Bob had one twin with Ronnie and Wayne taking the other. James and Kyle were with Alex. Chris was with Kolt while Lee had Cody and Dean and Breanna had Shasta. Naturally Josh was with Brian and Keith. Both Keith and Chris had to promise they would not help their child over the others since they hidden the eggs.

Once the hunt was over the eggs were counted and Keith had to search for the two missing eggs. The children gathered around the table that Mrs. Ruth and Vera sat at telling where they found almost each egg. Once they were all settled Dean brought a small bag out and handed it to Mrs. Ruth. In the bag were seven plastic eggs. Mrs. Ruth placed an egg in each basket. Josh opened his first and pulled out a $100 bill. "Now you have to give your parents the contents of your eggs." Mrs. Ruth said. Each egg contained the same thing. Lee and Breanna had expected something like that but the other men were all in shock. Brian had walked over to Dean and began talking. "I was hoping that Van and Jean would come." Brian said. "Van is still on the shit list. He has not apologized to Chris yet. He was afraid not to apologize to Lee. I guess he thought that just telling Lee would be enough but Memaw told him he also had to tell Chris. " Dean said. "Apologize ?" Brian asked.

"Yeah he was his usual self. He had some comments to make the day of the shooting about Lee's lifestyle. We were all shocked but Memaw set him straight and has more or less shunned him since then. She told him that when he talked to Chris then he could come talk to her. But until then she didn't want to hear anything he had to say." Dean said. "I didn't know there was an issue." Brian said. "Oh Van was just being Van. I think it shocked him that he got reprimanded. Breanna even told him that he could not be around our kids until he changed his ways." Dean said. "I am sorry that things are tense." Brian said. "Oh don't be. I think its funny as hell. Not what he said, but that he got in trouble for it." Dean said. " I knew that Chris, Lee and the boys had not been back down there since the shooting. Not to stay anyway." Brian said.

"That has nothing to do with Van. That is mainly Alex and Lee. Bre and I have discussed buying Lee's house from him allowing he and Chris build another one on the land that Lee owns. " Dean said. "I didn't realize it was that bad." Brian said. "They are coming down tomorrow and Bre and I plan to make Lee an offer on the house. Bre loves the house but Lee has never really liked it. He bought it and some land that was attached to the family property many years ago and the house was already on it." Dean said. "Can you guys live there ?" Brian asked. "Me nor Bre have an issue with the house. Luckily no one from our house was hurt. Sorry. I don't mean to be insensitive." Dean said. "No need to be sorry. I hate that Josh and Cody were hurt but am thankful every day that no other children were." Dean said. "Alright. Leave my man alone. You have your own . You two need to join the party." Breanna called out laughing.

The party began to break up with exhausted children and almost equally exhausted adults. Vera helped Brian with the finishing touches of cleaning the house. Finishing in the kitchen they both returned to great room. Keith was sound asleep in one chair and Josh was cuddled in Amos' lap in another chair with them both sound asleep. "I hope you know how special your family is to both father and I." Vera said as she placed her hand on Brian's arm. "You are going to make me cry. Every time I have a minute to reflect on everything that you and Amos have done for us I can't help but cry. " Brian said. "Nana can I have some juice ?" came the faint sleepy voice of Josh. "Coming right up baby." Vera said as she headed back towards the kitchen. "You are going to spoil him." Keith spoke up. "I thought you were asleep." Brian said. "I was." Keith laughed. Vera returned with a glass of juice. "Nana translated means spoil them as rotten as you can. It also means Dads have no say so in it either." Vera said. "No argument here." Keith laughed.

Mrs. Ruth, Breanna and Dean followed Chris and Lee back to their house. "I really enjoyed today. I am glad that they invited us." Dean said. "I am glad too. I enjoyed the kids, the food, and Vera is an easy lady to talk to." Mrs. Ruth said. "I thought I was easy to talk to." Chris laughed. "You are when you listen." Mrs. Ruth said. " AH SNAP" Breanna laughed. All four kids were spread out in the den taking naps. Chris discussed his plans with the adults for the purchase of the Motel and what he would like to do with it. "We may be able to help with that some." Mrs. Ruth said. "Mom I love you to death but I want to get more business leaders involved in helping the homeless. I have talked to a couple of Public Relations groups and may hire one to approach certain business owners for support. " Chris said.

"That is all well and good Chris but the initial contact should be from you. I know that a lot of companies don't do business old school style like I do. In my many years I have made it a point that if the person trying to seek my help had to be the one that met me in person at least for the first time. Too me and many of the people I deal with that initial visit goes a lot further than being approached by a sales person." Mrs. Ruth said. "I guess you are right. It would go a lot further with me too. " Chris said. "Still use the PR people but get leads from them and at least make the first contact by phone if you can't in person." Lee said. "Don't worry. You will be helping." Chris laughed.

Nap time over Mrs. Ruth and Breanna had convinced Lee and Chris to allow the boys to go home with them since they would be coming tomorrow for lunch. Chris and Dean transferred the car seats from Lee's vehicle to Mrs. Ruth's. "I think Chris is an amazing man. I feel even more so about him with this new project. If the family can help in anyway don't let him get too discouraged. Come to us." Breanna said. "He is so excited about this venture I plan to set back and help anyway I can but I am going to let him take the lead. Since I donated Kyle's kitchen I get the feeling that he feels like he needs to contribute too. I have tried to assure him that it was both of us since I discussed everything with him but since I owned the building I think he felt like he was taking credit for something he had no part of." Lee said. "He is a special man. " Mrs. Ruth said as they heard the children out the door toward the vehicles.

Kyle and James stopped by Kyle's kitchen before heading home. Kyle made his quick rounds to make sure everything was alright. It was almost closing time so the crowd was very thin. James was the first to notice one of the men setting alone at a table in the corner. Without speaking James pulled Kyle to a vantage point that they would not be seen. "What's going on there baby ? Where is his partner ?" James whispered. Both men watched as the man took a bite of food and then took an equal amount and put it in a napkin and placed it in his pocket. "I am not sure but I need to find out." Kyle whispered. Going to the food line Kyle took a carry out tray and began to fill it with food. Walking to the table the man had not noticed Kyle and James approaching. "Hey Mark. How are you doing buddy ? Where is Bernie ?" Kyle asked.

Mark jumped from surprise not realizing they had approached the table. "Do you mind if we take a seat ?" James asked. Mark never spoke he just nodded towards the vacant chair. James pulled a chair from the next table and sat facing Mark while Kyle sat in the vacant chair at the table. Kyle placed the carry out tray in front of Mark. Mark's face turned crimson. His main concern was that he had apparently been noticed as he placed food in his pockets. "Talk to us buddy." James said. "Bernie is real sick. He tries to hide it from me but he shakes all the time. He has had a fever for two days and he couldn't walk this morning. I am really scared. " Mark whispered. Returning to his plate and just pushing the food around instead of eating the men could see true hurt and concern in Mark's face.

"Where is he ? Why didn't he come to the clinic ?" Kyle asked. "He was too proud. I told him he was coming next week though. I am just afraid that will be too late." Mark whispered. "We can get him help. You don't have to wait for the clinic." James spoke up. "The VA turned us away again last month so we don't have another option. He is all I have in this world and I am really scared." Mark said. "Bernie may not like it but the legal group is going to start on you two guys VA benefits." Kyle said. "But today you are going with me and Kyle and we are getting Bernie some help." James said. " He wont go." Mark said. "Well if he can't walk then he can't get away and will not have a choice." James said.

The three men arrived to find Bernie shivering and sweating. There was very little argument as Kyle and James loaded him in the car. Mark stood beside the car shaking. "Come on. You are going too." James said. No words were said but Mark quickly got in the back seat and put Bernie's head in his lap. "Hey bud. I hate to call you at home but we have an issue and need your help. " James said into the phone. "What's up ?" Ronnie asked. James told Ronnie about Bernie and his symptoms. "Take him straight to Piedmont. Tell them in the ER that he is my patient and that I am on my way. Tell Kyle to list the kitchen as the one responsible for the bill. We have a group of doctors that will handle that part." Ronnie said.

"Don't worry. The best is on his way." James said as they headed to Piedmont Hospital. "What's going on baby ?" Wayne asked "One of the guys from the kitchen is really sick. I have to go baby." Ronnie said as he leaned forward and kissed the top of Wayne's head. Wayne was totally relaxed with his legs around Ronnie's waist and Ronnie's semi hard cock still inside his ass as a cork to hold his seed inside that he had just planted. "I need to clean up real quick and run." Ronnie whispered as he felt the cool air around his still wet cock as Wayne moved and he slowly slid out of his lover. "I am coming too." Wayne said. "This may take a while." Ronnie said. "So?" Wayne said. Both men got up quickly and washed off with wash cloths. "You sure you don't need to uummm... empty yourself." Ronnie asked. "Nope I plan to take this with me." Wayne said with a smile. "You will make me blush." Ronnie said. "Nope it will just be a reminder that my tank is only partially full and you need to cap it off later tonight." Wayne said as he squeezed Ronnie's cock quickly and headed to the closet to get dressed.

Back at Chris and Lee's house they enjoyed the peace and quiet. They both busied themselves with a few chores around the house. Chris had gone to the backyard to pick up a few limbs. Lee hurried upstairs and prepared for a night of tease and play. Making sure he was prepared and taking a quick shower Lee headed back downstairs to resume his chores. Chris came in shortly after and walked into the bathroom downstairs that Lee was cleaning. "Got the limbs up so it looks good back there again. Boy you smell good." Chris said. "More than I can say for you there big guy." Lee laughed pushing Chris out of the way. Chris stood and lifted both arms one at a time to see if he hinted any body odor. "Come take a shower with me." Chris said. "Already had one thanks. Run take a quick shower and I will get you a glass of wine." Lee said. Chris went up the steps and then returned about ten minutes later. Fresh and clean he remembered they were home alone so he returned to the living room naked. Setting on the couch he turned the television to the local news. To his surprise Lee came around the corner naked himself with a glass of wine. Lee stood beside the couch and handed the glass of wine to Chris.

After handing the glass to Chris, Lee moved around the couch and sat beside Chris. Leaning over he gently took Chris' semi hard cock into his mouth. It only took a few licks and a couple of deep throat thrusts to bring his lover's cock to full mast. Lifting his head and licking his lips. "Alright that will last me a while." Lee said as he stood to walk away. "Hey. Where are you going ? Chris asked in slight protest. "Just needed a quick pick me up. I have to finish the kitchen." Lee laughed. "Oh I see. Its going to be one of those days huh ?" Chris said.

Back in the kitchen and finishing wiping the counters down. Lee did not hear Chris approach but could smell his lover and feel his body heat as he came up behind him. Reaching over to the counter Chris took the bottle of olive oil Putting some oil on one hand and fingers he walked up behind Lee. With his slick hand he began rubbing his hand up and down between the crack of Lee's ass. With his free hand Chris reached around and lightly stroked Lee's now raging cock. After a few strokes up and down between Lee's cheeks Chris used two fingers and entered Lee's ass. Lee gasp for air and rose to his tip toes. A low deep moan came from deep in his chest.

Chris kneeled down on one knee. Releasing Lee's cock he reached between Lee's legs and pulled the now hard cock backwards. Chris lightly took his tongue and licked the drop of pre cum from the tip and followed the shaft up and lightly licked both sides of the ball sack. Releasing Lee's cock and removing his fingers Chris stood and headed back for the living room. "Hey." Lee called out. "I just needed a little honey to go with my wine. I am fine now." Chris laughed By this point both men's cocks were so hard that they were almost in pain.

Chris sat back on the couch and began watching the news. "This is going to be fun." Chris thought which made his already hard cock twitch. Back in the kitchen Lee stood at the sink thinking about his next move. "Up next fox Atlanta storm team weather forecast." Lee heard. "Ahh." he thought. Applying more olive oil to his ass and wiping his hands Lee went to the living room just as the commercials ended. Walking up in front of Chris and quickly turning around Lee reached back and aimed Chris' raging cock as his entrance as he began to slowly lower his body onto his lover's cock. Finally catching his breath Lee lay his back against Chris' chest. Once Lee was totally impaled he pressed his body weight into Chris' lap so that he could not move in and out of him. "That's my baby. I knew he couldn't resist Papa's dick for too long." Chris whispered

As soon as the weather was finished Lee took Chris' arms that were wrapped around him and playfully pulled them apart. Once his body was free Lee stood quickly causing a loud sucking noise as Chris' cock quickly exited his ass ring and then a wet slap as Chris' raging cock slapped his stomach. "Hey." Chris protested. "I just wanted to see what the weather was going to be tomorrow. I am good now." Lee said as he started to walk away. Chris quickly got up from the couch and began to chase Lee around that floor of the house. Catching Lee in the dining room Chris pulled him back to him and placed his arm around Lee's neck pulling his head sideways for a kiss. While doing that Chris took hi free hand and placed his cock on Lee's ass and with a swift push he had Lee on his tip toes. Pulling out completely he quickly reentered his lover before Lee's ring could stop twitching trying to catch the exiting intruder. Lee broke free causing another loud sucking sound and headed the other direction. "Hmm. Two can play at this game." Chris thought.

Realizing he had to piss Chris went to the bathroom beside the living room. Lee realized that Chris was playing his own game too. Sneaking up behind Chris as he tried to take a piss with a raging hard on Lee crawled up behind his lover. As soon as Chris had painfully finished peeing he reached over to flush the toilet. As he did that Lee reached between his legs and wrapped his hand around Chris' raging cock. A few quick, tight and hard jerks had Chris about to melt. Lee released his lovers cock and stood quickly and exited the bathroom. "You are in for it now." Chris called out. "Oh I am. Too bad there is nothing in me now then." Lee laughed as he headed for the stairs.

As Lee grabbed the rail to turn to head up the stairs Chris had grabbed his hand on the rail. With Chris holding his hand Lee quickly sat on the third step. Chris rounded the rail and started up the steps. Standing on the second step he reached down to pull Lee to his feet. This placed Chris' dick right in from of Lee's face. Lee quickly opened his mouth and took Chris' cock into his mouth and within moments his nose was buried in Chris' pubes. Lee lightly hummed which vibrated against the sensitive head. Chris let go of Lee's arm and placed one hand on the stair rail and the other on a step higher up. Lee held his head still as Chris slowly began to face fuck his lover. Lee reached and began teasing Chris' nipples. Lee knows his lover well enough to know when he is getting close. Lee brought Chris to the edge and quickly removed his mouth.

Chris had his eyes closed and was enjoying the blow job and did not realize that Lee had planned an escape. Lee quickly pulled himself up a step so that he was no longer under his lover. "Uuuuggghhhh" Chris groaned. Regaining his composure Chris moved quickly and caught Lee on the second set of steps. Wrapping an arm around Lee to stop him Chris quickly put one of Lee's legs on the next step and without even touching his cock slid it quickly into Lee's quivering ring. "Papa is going to fuck his baby so hard he will remember it next week." Chris growled.

Planting one foot on the higher step beside Lee's gave him even better access to ram his cock in balls deep. A couple of minutes of quick jabs of his cock deep into his lovers' bowels Chris began to maneuver Lee so that they were climbing the steps. Once they reached the top Chris put his arm back around Lee's chest and leaned him backwards pulling Lee's feet off the floor. With his cock still buried deep inside Lee. He raised up to his tip toes and quickly dropped back to his feet. This caused Lee's body to jar still impaled on Chris' cock. "OOoooooohhhhhh ssshhhhiiiiitttttt.." Lee shouted as his raging cock began to spray his load. The first shot hit the bedroom door. The second hit the door frame and the shorter shots landed in front of the men on the floor. Lee's body was vibrating on Chris' cock Chris almost lost his balance as he put Lee's feet back on the floor.

Removing his cock quickly to gain a better position just the thought was more than Chris could handle. As he positioned his hips to reenter his lover "Uuuuhhhhhhhhh....oooohhhhhh......ffffuuuccccckkkkkk..." Chris shouted as the first shot of his orgasm hit the ring of Lee's ass before he could even get his cock back inside. Quickly sliding his cock in, Chris began to pound into Lee's ass as hard as he could while dumping the rest of his seed deep inside Lee. "Holy shit baby that was too damn hot." Chris whispered and he held Lee's back tightly to his chest as his cock still flexed deep inside Lee. Lee moved slowly. He could feel Chris' cum dripping down his leg and could feel the warmth of the freshly planted seed escaping his ass. Taking Chris' hand and leading him to the bed Lee got onto the bed and lay on his back pulling his lover with him.

Pulling Chris up so that his body was laying on top of him with Lee wrapping his arms and legs around Chris. Chris was still trying to regain his breath. "Papa just fucked the hell out of his baby. Now its time for Papa to make the most tender love to his baby he ever has." Lee whispered in Chris' ear. As Lee's mouth met the nap of Chris' neck the electric charge brought Chris back to a full erection. Moving his head so that he could kiss his lover Chris said nothing. His eyes told Lee all he needed to know. As Chris' tongue entered his lovers' mouth his now re hardened cock slowly slide deep inside his lover. About thirty minutes later Chris looked deep into his lovers' eyes. He could feel the warm creamy seed of his lover on his and Lee's stomach from Lee's second orgasm. As his body shook and his cock flexed as deep inside Lee as he could get it Chris thought to himself how lucky he really was as his second load shot deep inside of Lee. "Save a little for later sweetheart." Lee whispered. "Your Mom is going to wonder why you are walking funny tomorrow and can't sit down." Chris laughed. "She will get over it." Lee laughed.

At the hospital the men sat quietly waiting on word from Ronnie. They could see through the doorway that there was a steady stream of traffic in and out of the exam room that Bernie was in. Mark sat transfixed watching the doorway that his lover was in. "Can I get you something to eat or drink ?" Wayne asked Mark. "I just want Bernie." Mark whispered. Moments later a yellow light and a red light began to flash outside the exam room and nurses and doctors from all directions began to swarm on the room. Mark's heart froze as also did his body. Wayne and Kyle both put their arms around Mark but could feel that his body was almost as rigid as steel. "He is going to be fine. I know he is." Kyle whispered. Quickly pulling his emotions back inside Mark said in a calm firm voice. "You can't promise me that. God has turned his back on us and the sad part is it is up to him now." Mark said with a blank stare. The blinking red and yellow lights seemed to burn a hole in the already battered man's soul.

Next: Chapter 80

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