Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Sep 16, 2016


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"Make mine to go" Chapter 8

The boys wrapped in towels and giggling from all of the tickling going on, Chris and I headed separate ways to tend to each boy. Chris had Cody and I had Alex. Alex is still a little shy with me even though he ran to me in the restaurant. We played as I let him pick out the new pajamas he wanted to wear. I am usually good at getting children to warm up to me and have all the patience in the world for him to take his time.

"UGH damit." came a loud growl from the master bedroom. "Papa just got it again." Alex said and jumped off the bed and ran to the bedroom. Not knowing what was going on I followed. Alex stood there fighting to keep from laughing. Chris had not learned yet that you diaper a little boy from front to back instead of back to front. Chris had just received a golden shower from an infant. I walked over and put my arm around Chris still standing there with his hands out like (gross). I handed him the towel that Cody had been wrapped him. " I didn't realize you needed another bath" I said laughing and about that time Alex burst out into a hysterical laugh. About that time Chris turned around and smiles at Alex saying. "Oh you think that's funny little man. I'll show you funny." It only took seconds for me to hear foot steps running away with Alex squealing and Chris in hot pursuit.

When I remodeled my house it was originally four bedroom. I had a wall taken out and added one of the bedrooms to the master. It allowed me a seating area that I had a fireplace put in. I moved the make shift crib over to that area of the bedroom and carried Cody to the kitchen for a last bottle that would hopefully put him to sleep. I sat in the great room in a rocking chair to help Cody doze off faster. Chris and Alex were tussling on the floor. "Alright buddy time for bed. " Chris said. Alex walked over and kissed Cody on the head and stood there for a minute looking up at me and fighting. "Sweet dreams buddy." I said. Alex came closer and climbed up the side of the chair and kissed me on the cheek and ran down the hall. Chris smiled and shrugged his shoulders. He walked over and kissed me lightly on the lips and followed Alex to tuck him in.

Cody was out to the world so I headed to the bedroom. As I passed the bedroom door that Alex was in I could hear he and Chris talking. I stopped for a moment to listen. "Sweetie I am sure he wont mind. I am sure he would say that is up to you. " Chris said. "Are we going to live here Papa ? " Alex asked. "First off do you like it here ?" Chris asked. "Yes Sir." Alex said. " Is it alright if Lee is around ?" Chris asked. "Yes please." Alex said. There were some whispers that I did not hear and then Chris moved quickly to hold Alex. "Oh my sweet little man. You are mine and Lee's now. We love you and you will never live anywhere that we don't." Chris said. I could hear small sobs coming from Alex. These three are finally rested a little and reality is beginning to set in.

I lay Cody in his crib and place a blanket over him. I hear the water running in the bath room. Chris is standing in front of the mirror with a wash cloth washing the little boy pee off his chest. There was a strange look on his face. One of concern more than anything. I walked up behind him and reached around his waste and ran my hands down the waist band of his shorts. One hand cupped his massive balls the other rested on a now growing cock. "Everything alright ?" I asked. " Chris looked at me in the mirror. "Alex is afraid that we are going to take him back to that crack house. It makes me so furious that he and Cody had to live that way." Chris said. I put my lips on his shoulder for a minute. "Baby its going to take some time. If you notice anytime a door opens he feels he needs to hide. He will get more comfortable. We just have to show him he is loved and that he is safe and secure." I said. "I just want him to realize that he wont ever have to go back to that life." Chris said. "Baby he is three not fifty three. It will take time." I said. Chris turned around with my hands still in his shorts. This left one hand on each incredible ass cheek. He bent down and kissed me. " How can you just flip on in your head the mind of a child ?" Chris asked. "Practice and experience. Lots of it." I said. "Thank you." Chris said. "For what ?" I asked. "Just for being you and walking into mine and the boys lives." he said.

I walked out of the bedroom and started down towards Alex's bedroom. " Be back in a second. " I said. I walked into Alex's room and sat on the side of the bed. "Everything alright buddy ? " I asked. "Yes sir." Alex said. I leaned over and kissed him on the forehead. " Sweet dreams buddy. I love you. " I said. As i got up to walk out. "You do ? You really love me ?" Alex asked. Don't ask me where my heart went. It left the room it was so torn. I walked back to the bed and lay down beside him and pulled him to my chest. "Of course I love you. I love Cody too." I said. " But I splashed water out of the tub. " Alex said and I could feel a tear hit my chest. I pulled him up so that he could look at me. "You told me a secret so now I will tell you one. I spilled some tea on the floor in the kitchen and had to clean it up. You think Papa is going to be mad ?" I asked. " No , he loves you he told me." Alex said. "And my sweet baby I am not going to stop loving you or make you leave because you splashed water out of the tub." I said. "Promise." Alex said. "Make you a deal. If you decide you need to leave. You come tell me and I will pack a suit case so I can go with you." I said. "Deal" Alex said with a smile. With a another kiss this time on the cheek and a very tight hug Alex seemed to relax and was starting to doze off.

As I left his room I had caught the scent of Chris while I was talking to Alex so I was fairly sure he was standing in the door listening. I walked into the bedroom and saw the most beautiful Greek God laying on my bed naked with his massive cock at full mass and a grin on his face. "What a beautiful Birthday boy." I said. Chris laughed slightly. "What's so funny ? " I asked. "Nothing. Just after the last couple of hours I had forgotten it was my Birthday. So come to Birthday boy." Chris said.

I removed my shorts and heard a low "mmmm" come from Chris. I crawled on the bed and up his body so that I was laying on top of him. Chris looked in my eyes and with a tear in his he began to speak almost choking up. " You amaze me. Every minute I don't think I can love you anymore and then you do something that makes me love you even more than before." Chris said. I leaned over and kissed the tear off his cheek. "Alex? " I asked. "Yes and no. I mean not just Alex. For over ten days I have barely made it through every minute of each day just trying to survive. You set at a table waiting on a peaceful meal and that act changed my life from doomed to perfect. Every little drama that comes along you just smile, handle it and move on. You are amazing. " Chris said. " No sweetie you are the one that stepped in and made my life perfect. All I am trying to do is my part. " I said. I reached down and took hold of his massive erection. "Now show me just how amazing you are." I whispered.

Chris and I began a slow passionate kiss. Chris' tongue retraced earlier steps hunting more area to explore in my mouth and even partially down my throat. I reached down and began to fondle his enormous balls. " You ready for your Birthday cake ? " I asked. Chris smiled and reached around with both hands and spread my ass cheeks. He would play with my hole. First one finger from his left and the swap to a finger from his right. I leaned further down and began to nibble his nipples. Low moans were coming from his chest. I could feel his dick trapped under one of my ass cheeks twitching and getting even harder. Chris removed one hand and reached up and started stroking my hard on. I had leaked so much it was making a sloshing sound. He moved his fingers to his mouth and licked his finger. "Damn baby this is addictive. Sweeter than honey." Chris said.

I reached back and moved his cock so that it was resting between my ass cheeks. I leaned back down and began to nibble on Chris' ear. His moans let me know that I was in the right spot. Chris reached under his pillow and pulled out a strategically placed bottle of lube. He reached around and lubed my ass and then his cock. I took my tongue and ran it around his ear and the passion was too much. Chris moved his head so that our lips met. As his tongue entered my mouth his massive cock began to enter my ass. My body began to shiver and I could do nothing but hold my breath. I raised my head slightly and looked into Chris' eyes. They were filled with love, passion, and with a slight smirk on his face he lifted his hips until i was full impaled on his cock. The fullness, the feeling of belonging was about to overcome me.

Chris reached up and pulled me down so that my chest was laying on his and my head was buried in his neck. He began to rub the hair on my back and he slowly raised and lowered his hips only moving about half of his dick in and out. With every movement past my prostrate he could feel my body shiver. "Baby your body feels amazing as I fuck you. You must really love this. " Chris whispered. "More than you could ever know." I said. Chris maintained a slow but steady pace. Each time he pushed his cock back in he would push down my hips to make sure he was completely in me. After about twenty strokes I could feel my orgasm building. I began breathing harder and moaning.

Sensing I was so close I looked into Chris' eyes and saw an evil grin on his face. "Oh no you don't sexy." he said. In one swift motion Chris pulled my whole body forward. It sounded like a champagne cork popping as it dick popped out of my tight ass. I felt like I was in mid air as I grabbed for the headboard of the bed. Without removing his hands from my hips he guided my dick in one swift sucking motion down his throat with his nose pressed into my pubes. I couldn't hold out and began shaking as I unloaded deep in my lovers throat. Chris didn't loose a drop. I had to pull away because his tongue was torturing the sensitive head of my cock. He guided me back down and slid deep inside me. "Honey from my honey. " he said as he licked his lips. I leaned down and as I touched his lips I tightened the lips of my ass ring around his cock. His hips came off the bed impaling me and tried to grunt and moan through the kiss as he unloaded deep inside of me. I was still impaled on his massive cock and Chris pulled my head down to his chest. I could hear a slight whisper of a song. Chris was singing to himself. "Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me." "Happy Birthday Lover." I said as i nuzzled his neck.

As I lay my head on Chris' chest with his softening dick still inside me we both dozed off to sleep. At some point during the night we must have changed positions and I awoke to Chris spooned up to my back. Chris removed his arm from around me and I could hear him whisper. "What's wrong buddy ?" He lay on his back and lifted Alex into bed and rolled with him until he was spooned back up to me and had Alex laying across us. "He's wet." Chris whispered. " I'll be back shortly." Chris said. I reached back and held him still by one of his naked ass cheeks. "Let me do it sweetie. I want him to learn to trust me." I said. Chris kissed me on the neck and I slid out of the bed and pulled on my shorts. I scooped Alex up around the waist with his head hanging down one side and his legs the other. Roughing his hair with my other hand as we walked. "Lets get you cleaned up little buddy." I said.

It had not registered as I stood Alex on the bathroom counter and turned the warm water on that he had not been giggling. With him standing on the counter I had not made eye contact. I removed his pajama bottoms and his underwear and wet the wash cloth. Alex had his hands on my shoulders and I felt him start shaking violently. I looked up and saw fear in this child's face that I had never seen in another. "PLEASE don't make me sleep in the closet and please don't hit me. I promise I wont do it again. I promise....PLEASE. " Alex began crying uncontrollably. He had removed his hands from my shoulder and had moved into a tight fetal positon still on his feet. He was shaking uncontrollably. I reached and pulled him into my chest still in the ball. "AAAAHHHH....I PROMISE I WONT DO IT AGAIN. PLEASE." he screamed. By this time Chris had almost knocked the door down trying to get in. I motioned for him to go back.

I held Alex just as tight as I could hold him. "Sweetie. It was an accident. I wouldn't dare spank you or make you sleep in the closet. Why would you think that ?" I asked calmly. His shaking had calmed some but he was still stiff expecting to be hit. I had not noticed before but I could see discolored places on his sides and his little butt. The type that you get from deep bruises that take months to heal. Just to look they aren't that visible. "Alex sweetie. You will never have to sleep in a closet as long as I am alive unless you decide too." I said Alex loosened up some and lifted his head so that he could look apparently to see if it was love on my face or rage. Sniffling as he spoke. " When daddy couldn't buy me big boy panties like Cody wears and I wet the bed he and Mom would both start hitting me and make me sleep in the closet with no pajamas." Alex said. I could see Chris in the mirror and his face was blood red and full of rage. He started towards us and I stuck one hand out to stop him. I turned my head towards him and mouthed the word "go". Chris looked at me funny and took another step towards us and with anger in my expression I mouth again. "GO".

I was able to calm Alex down enough to wipe him down and took him to his bedroom to get more underwear and pajama bottoms. Alex never loosened his death grip on my neck as I dressed him and walked with him into the great room and sat in the rocking chair. "Feel better buddy ?" I asked. With a little tremble he nodded his head yes against the side of my head. "Can we talk for a minute where you can look at me ?" I asked. I think he even stopped breathing and got stiff as a board. "We have plenty of time buddy. Whenever you are ready and then you can hug me just like this afterwards as long as you want to. " I said. A couple of minutes later Alex loosened his grip and moved around putting his hands on both sides of my face still trembling. It was if he were trying to convince me not to punish him. "Remember our deal from earlier about you coming to get me if you left here." I asked. Alex nodded yes. "Well if you need to sleep in the closet make me a deal that you will come get me so I can sleep in there with you." I said. "Deal ?" I asked. Alex nodded yes but still with fear in his eyes. "If you don't hurt me I will wear my wet sheet tomorrow like I am suppose to and not try to run. " Alex said. My heart froze again. "What has this poor child lived through in his short life" I thought. "Sweet baby I am not going to hurt you. All I want to do is love you. Why would you want to wear the sheet ?" I asked. " When I pee pee in the bed I have to wear the sheet the next day and then you wet it with water and I sleep in it again. I will I promise. " he said. " No little man you wont be doing that. I have plenty of sheets for that bed and you wont sleep in a wet bed or wear a wet sheet at my house.. O.k. ?" I said. "Yes sir." Alex said as he moved back to his death grip around my neck.

I rocked Alex for a few minutes with his grip not loosening. " You want to sleep in the bed with me and Papa tonight ?" I asked. " I may wet the bed." Alex said. "And if you do then me and you both will get up and clean up and go back to bed. We will even make Papa get up if we have to." I said. The grip got even tighter. "No not Papa. He may get mad." Alex said. "Baby Papa loves you. He is not going to get mad." I said. "He might." Alex said. "Tell you what. If Papa gets mad then I will spank him not you o.k. ? " I said. To a three year old that must have been music to his ears. He loosened his grip and leaned up to look in my eyes. "Can I sleep with you and Papa ?" Alex asked. " I thought you would never ask. I will sleep better if you are in bed with me." I said. Alex leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. "I love you little man." I whispered.

Alex's grip was not as tight until we entered the bedroom. Chris saw me struggling to get into bed with Alex around my neck and reached up and guided my hips down. Once settled in the bed Chris put his right arm under my neck having to make room since Alex still had a death grip around my neck. "You feel better now buddy ? " Chris asked. "Yes Papa." Alex said. Chris reached his left hand over to rub Alex's head and back. I am sure he could feel Alex tense up and tighten his grip. "I love you little buddy." Chris said. "I love you Papa." Alex said. " No I love you more little buddy." Chris said and lightly tickled Alex. The toddler started squirming and moved his head to lean over and kiss Chris on the lips taking my head with him. "Alright boys its sleep time." I said.

"Party pooper." Chris said. "Yeah party po..... what Papa said." Alex said with a laugh in his voice. Chris took his hand back and slipped it under the covers and used it to slide my shorts down and off. He then reached around my hips and pulled me against him taking a moment to adjust so that his semi hard cock was resting nestled between my ass cheeks. " You know what little buddy. I have two of the men I love more than life in the bed with me and the other is in the crib." Chris said. Alex dosed off finally loosening his grip. "What was that all about ?" Chris whispered. "In the morning baby. Right now its fine so lets just get some sleep." I said. " I hope you know I meant what I said." Chris said. " I do believe you baby and the three men I love more than life are in this room." I said. Chris slid around a little and slowly humped my crack to make sure he was good and snug before dosing off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 9

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