Make Mine to Go

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Jul 19, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Make mine to go" Chapter 83

The party was planned and everyone was keeping a tight lip. "What are you doing babe ?" Chris said as he walked through the kitchen door. "Hey baby. How was your day ? I found out that they are trying to surprise us and make this a wedding reception cook out. I also found out that Keith and Brian snuck off and got married too. So I am making two small wedding cakes. One for Keith and Brian and another for Ronnie and Wayne. So we will have our own surprise for them too." Lee said.

"You are always so full of surprises. How did you find out what they were up to ?" Chris asked. "Inside sources and no it was non of the guys." Lee laughed as he walked over to give his husband a welcome home kiss. "PAPA" Came squeals as Alex rounded the corner running. Not to far behind was Cody grinning from ear to ear. "Yep Papa's home." Lee said as he leaned over and stole one last kiss before Alex and Cody took over.

James and Kyle were in the master bedroom changing from their work clothes. Kyle still naked took both men's clothes to the clothes hamper. As he started back to the bed where he had lay his clothes out he ran into James. James was naked also. Wrapping one arm around Kyle's waist he pulled Kyle to his chest. "Hey lover. How was your day ?" James whispered as he leaned over for a kiss. "Mmmmm.. Much better now. How was yours ?" Kyle whispered after releasing the kiss. "Better now too for me. I have been thinking about this all day." James said as he licked one of his fingers and reached around and circled Kyle's ass ring as he leaned over for another kiss. As his tongue entered Kyle's lips his finger entered Kyle's ass.

Kyle melted into James' arms and moaned. "Baby you know I need a little time to prepare." Kyle whispered. "I know. I am just getting fired up for later." James whispered. "Well sweetheart you can have it anytime you want it as long as I get some notice." Kyle whispered. "Forget the shorts. I want to see my lover naked tonight. I want to be able to reach out and touch him anytime I want." James said. "Well you know I am going to be doing some cooking for tomorrow's party." Kyle whispered. "Exactly. I want to look up and see that beautiful ass anytime I want." James whispered. "Anything for you sweetheart." Kyle said. "Anything ?" James asked winking at Kyle. "I am not sure now." Kyle laughed. "Baby we have talked about getting married too. I want you to seriously consider it. We don't have to talk tonight. We can wait until after the party but I don't want to keep putting it off." James said. "I know. I wanted the others to have their day and not over shadow it but it seems they snuck off. I promise we will talk more about it." Kyle said. James pulled him tighter. As his kiss got deeper so did his finger inside Kyle's ass.

The next morning came early. Every household was preparing food. They were suppose to meet at Keith and Brian's at four that afternoon. Keith sat at the table and smiled as he saw Brian race from one side of the kitchen to the other. " Are you going to help ?" Brain said in passing. Keith set down his coffee cup and met Brian in one of his cross trips across the kitchen. Reaching out and catching Brian, Keith pulled him to his chest. "Baby calm down. Everything is done but some warming. I am going to put out the lights and candles after lunch. You are stressing over nothing" Keith said as he kissed Brian's cheek.

"I know your right. I am just stressed out. I want this to be a surprise and I want everything to be just right." Brian said. "Baby everything will be perfect. Remember this is the guys. Bob has already asked if there will be swimming and if its clothing optional." Keith said. "Your right. If its not perfect they will not notice. We just have to make sure that Josh knows that he can't come home while we have guests." Brian said. "I will handle that with Amos. He said they were taking Josh to the arcade anyway." Keith said. About that time Josh came walking into the kitchen dragging a suit case. "What do you have there little man. Are you running away ?" Keith laughed. "No Daddy. I need all this for Nana and Pops." Josh said. "You will just be next door." Brian said. "I know that Dad but I really need all this." Josh pleaded. "Come on little man. Lets take this back to your room and see what all you have. Do you have any clothes in there ?" Keith asked. "Daddy don't be silly. I will only be next door. I don't need any clothes." Josh said. Both men laughed as Keith helped Josh carry the suit case back to his bedroom.

Bob and Paul left just after lunch headed to help get ready for the party. Bob's parents had came to stay with the twins. "I hope this goes over well baby." Paul said as they headed to Keith and Brian's. "Everything will be perfect. You know we are going to have the first clothing optional swimming party too." Bob said. "I knew you and Keith were up to something." Paul laughed. "Well what I am up to is possibly getting me a little ass in the pool." Bob smiled. "I knew you had some plan in that sexy head of yours." Paul laughed.

"Hey babe. Daddy is always thinking about that sweet tight ass of yours." Bob said. "Down daddy. You can have all the ass you want later." Paul laughed. "I want to see the look on Chris and Lee's faces when they find out this is a reception party." Bob laughed. "Well lets just hope that everyone kept their mouths shut." Paul said. "What do we need to do when we get there ?" Bob asked. "Well if you and Keith can keep from just setting around and talking we need you two to set up the tables and chairs. Then put up the lights and put out the candles. " Paul said. "Damn. Are we going to get to party too ?" Bob laughed. "Oh don't worry lover. You will be well rewarded for all of your hard work." Paul said as he took Bob's hand from his leg and slid it under his shorts leg to the curve of his ass cheek. "Oh now I will go nuts all day. My baby is commando." Bob whispered.

Mr. and Mrs. Rice had asked that Alex and Cody stay with them but Pamela and her husband won out. After dropping the boys off Chris and Lee headed across town to Keith and Brian's. Lee laughed a few times because Chris was trying to drive extra careful with the two small wedding cakes in that back of the Navigator. "Baby they are small and sturdy. They aren't going anywhere unless you start slamming on the brakes." Lee laughed. "Baby those things are absolutely beautiful. I will hate to cut them." Chris said. "Its just cake." Lee said.

"I can't wait to see the look on both couple's faces when they see their cakes." Chris laughed. "Well I have gotten Bernie and Mark to help with that. They would never admit they knew we were suppose to be surprised and I never told them I knew. I just told them since we were all getting together I wanted to surprise the two couples. So they are going to bring the cakes up when the time is right." Lee said. "Remind me not to try to surprise you." Chris laughed. "Well babe you have to really try to act surprised today. I don't want to hurt any of their feelings and think they did all this work for nothing." Lee said holding Chris' hand on the console. "Don't worry. Besides Bob told me that Keith said there would be some clothing optional swimming. For a fun day like that I can act surprised at anything." Chris laughed. "My husband the perv. " Lee laughed. "Only for that sweet tight ass of your baby." Chris whispered.

"Grunt buddy please calm down." Bernie said as they pulled in the drive at Keith and Brian's. "But they are going to think that we told. " Mark said. "No they wont. We can explain that we did for Lee and Bob, just as we did for them, and that was to keep a secret. " Bernie said. "Do you think they will care about that ?" Mark said. "You know I love you and sometimes I love you for the drama you keep going in your head. But this time it is uncalled for. Look at the group of guys. Do you think they would be mad or stay mad even if we did say something ?" Bernie asked.

"I know your right. I have just had to protect us for so many years. I need to be prepared for the worst." Mark said. "Grunt the worst thing that can happen is that we have too much fun and stay an extra hour or so and that means it will be that much longer before I can get you home and show that man pussy a new trick or two with Sgt Major's cock." Bernie said. "Now that I can look forward too." Mark laughed. "Oh by the way Keith said that there would be clothing optional swimming today." Bernie said. "Oh SHIT." Mark gasped. "Finally get to show off my sexy grunt." Bernie laughed.

All the guests had arrived except Chris and Lee. Keith had everyone arrive an hour early. Chris and Lee pulled up. "Remember. We have to be surprised." Lee said. "Mine will be an Emmy winning performance." Chris said as he leaned over and kissed Lee. "The cakes will be fine for now so lets get this started." Lee said. "Good. Now let go so I can show off my sexy husband. Oh and later I really get to show him off. Clothing optional swimming." Chris laughed. "Don't bet on that one husband." Lee laughed. "I am going to get him over his body image issues today if it half kills me." Chris thought. "No baby I am going to get to watch that naked body of yours today so I can get all worked up for an amazing post reception fuck." Chris said and leaned over and kissed Lee. "You know I have no choice but to love you don't you ?" Lee said. Chris just winked and then stepped out of the truck.

All the men had arrived and were socializing and fixing drinks. "Damn buddy you weren't just kidding about the sex after saying I do." Ronnie whispered to Chris. "Well I have had to fight the thought of retiring and just staying in bed with Lee." Chris laughed. "I have definitely had to concentrate at work. All I can think about was the last time and what the next one might be like." Ronnie laughed. "Well I hope for your patients sake that you are paying attention." Chris laughed.

"What are you two over here laughing about ?" Keith said as he walked up with his beer. "Just comparing notes about how much our sex lives have improved. " Chris laughed. "Damn straight buddy. The last couple of months have been off the chart." Keith said. "I bet they have." Chris laughed. Ronnie was still not aware that Keith and Brian had snuck off also and gotten married. "Everyone gather around. The food is ready so lets eat." Brian called out. "Boss has spoken. Lets go guys." Keith said. Dinner was spectacular. They had arranged tables to that no one would be sitting alone.

"Keith and I want to thank everyone for coming this afternoon. We have a little surprise for Chris and Lee. " Brian said as Paul and Kyle came out and put the wedding cake on the table. "As you all know it was suppose to be a secret but in this group that is tough. We all know that Chris and Lee got married a couple of weeks ago. So this was not just a quick cookout and dinner. Since we could not give you a proper reception we wanted to make it as special as we could just among friends. You guys are very special to all of us. If it had not been for you two I doubt any of us would be where we are and as happy as we are tonight." Brian said. "Please raise your glass in thanks and for a toast. May happiness follow this blessed union for many years to come." Brian said. All the men cheered. Lee looked at Mark and Bernie who excused themselves to go get the two cakes. "Speech, Chris." someone shouted.

Chris stood and looked at the group of men. "Everyone here are very special to us. I know that you all expected a big wedding or at least an announcement. Things have been so crazy for everyone that we just wanted to sneak off and have a simple little wedding. Thank you all for this and I need to find out where the leak was that gives up my secrets." Chris laughed. As the crowd clapped Lee stood beside Chris. "There are a few more secrets around here that need to be divulged. Bernie if you will place your cake over here. This cake is for our hosts this evening. It has been very difficult for me not to let you both know that Chris and I knew that you got married a couple of months ago." Lee said. All the men looked quickly at Keith and Brian.

"Well we didn't want to shadow you and Chris but we wanted to be married when the new baby comes." Brian said. "Well my friends this is your cake. I know you did like we did. For your efforts though it doesn't seem fair for you to work so hard for your own reception so Bob and Paul had no idea why but we pooled our resources and are giving you two the money from us to get away for a couple of days." Lee said as he handed the envelope to Keith. "If I had known it was for that I would have chipped in more." Bob said. "Hell we aren't sending them to Aruba." Chris called out. "What's the other cake for ?" Kyle asked.

Chris reached and put his arm around Lee. "When we were having our celebratory dinner the night of our wedding we happened to spot a couple of friends eating in the same place. We were honored the next day to be able to attend their wedding. Ronnie and Wayne buddy I am so sorry that Alex and Cody were in most of your wedding pictures but you didn't seem to mind. Lee made this cake for you. We had thought about waiting until the fourth but decided this might be the best time. So congratulations guys." Chris said as everyone's mouth opened and turned to Ronnie and Wayne.

"Anyone else got any secrets to tell ?" Kyle spoke up. "We do. Well maybe not. What I did to Mark last night needs to stay a secret." Bernie laughed. At that point all the men laughed. "Alright guys. Get you a piece of each cake, AND then its swim time. " Keith said as he pulled his tank top off and then dropped his shorts. "Whew finally." Bob said as he followed suit. Within a couple of minutes everyone was naked with the exception of Lee. "Baby please." Chris begged. "Maybe later." Lee said.

Lee helped put the food up and clean up so that there was nothing left out to clean later. As he stood watching the others swim in the pool Chris walked up and put his hands on Lee's shoulders. Reaching down he began to pull Lee's t shirt over his head. "Chris you know this is not going to work." Lee pleaded. About that time to his surprise Keith snuck up behind him and grabbed his shorts and pulled them to his ankles. Lee almost freaked out. Before he had a chance Chris leaned down and picked Lee up and ran to the pool Setting him down he grabbed Lee's hand and pulled him into the pool with him. Lee's face was blood red. "Baby you have no reason to be embarrassed. You have a beautiful body." Chris whispered as he leaned over and kissed his husband. This was the first time that any of the men had seen Lee naked. Everyone splashed, swam and played as if it was a normal thing. Lee finally relaxed knowing that most if his body was submerged.

Some of the guys took a break from the pool. "Damn buddy. Why does Lee try to keep his body hidden." Bob asked. "He has some severe body image issues. But I love every inch of it." Chris said. "Shit if I had those low hangers I would have them rolling on top of Bob's head while he was down below." Paul said. "Oh believe me. I really enjoy that ." Chris laughed. "Hey guys what's up? Everybody having a good time ?" Keith said as he walked up. "Thank you buddy. I told Lee that I was going to get him naked today one way or the other. I wasn't expecting that though. " Chris laughed.

"Well I know how Lee is about his body issues. I saw the chance and took it." Keith said. "Oh I am sure I will pay for it later." Chris laughed. "I hope not. We are all friends. No one is comparing each other." Bob said. "How did you guys find out about our surprise ? " Brian asked. "I have no idea. You know Lee. He doesn't give up all his secrets. How did you guys find out we were getting married ?" Chris asked. "Well I have no secrets to hide. Breanna told us about it." Brian laughed. "You gotta love that girl. She defiantly loves her Uncle Lee." Chris said.

"Buddy I think she loves her Uncle Chris just as much." Keith said. "Well who wouldn't love this ?" Chris laughed and held up his arms. "Whatever." Keith laughed. "What are you guys laughing about ?" Lee asked as he walked up and took a seat. "Wondering if I will have a job tomorrow after what I did." Keith laughed. "Yes you will have a job but don't expect to get whatever my husband offered to pay you to do that." Lee said. "Me ?" Chris said. "Well you are the only husband I have." Lee laughed.

"Damn grunt. I want to fuck that sweet ass of yours so bad in this pool." Bernie whispered in Mark's ear. Bernie was setting on the steps of the shallow end of the pool with Mark on the next step down with his back against Bernie's chest. "We may have to borrow this pool one day then Sgt. Major." Mark whispered. "Damn I wish I had an ass like Chris, Doc, or Bob. " Bernie said. "I am happy with the ass you have baby. The one I feel sorry for is Brian. I don't know how big that fucker gets that Keith is packing but he deserves a reward for taking that thing. That thing would not come near my ass. Hell Chris' wouldn't get near mine either." Mark laughed.

"Oh so my grunt is checking out the meat huh ? " Bernie whispered. "Just like my Sgt. Major is checking out asses." Mark laughed. "Sure am but there is only one ass here that I want." Bernie whispered. About that time James and Kyle came by headed out of the pool. "Alright you two. Go find a bush to hide behind and get it over with." James laughed. "Boy don't I wish." Bernie laughed. "Hey I am taking this sweet ass shortly over behind those bushes. " James said reaching out and cupping Kyle's ass as it came out of the water. "Serious ?" Mark asked. About that time Keith walked up. "Look guys. We are all grown men here. If any of you need to um.... relieve something current there are plenty of hidden places in this yard and no one will care. Just don't get to vocal. I don't want the neighbors to wonder what's going on over the fence." Keith laughed. "We would never do that to you and Brian." Kyle said. "To hell with that. Shit we have fucked all over this yard. We don't care. This party is to have fun. We just don't expect a full on orgy around the pool." Keith laughed.

The group rested in the shade with each telling their experience with their weddings. The sun was beginning to get low as James and Kyle walked away from the group. Not really noticed because everyone walked around the yard or sat near the outdoor kitchen area when they were not in the pool. Bernie noticed the couple walk off. He and Mark were laying on lounge chairs around the pool away from the other group. "Come on grunt. Lets go for a stroll. " Bernie said. Walking around the pool first, and then in the opposite direction of James and Kyle, Bernie and Mark made their way back in the direction of James and Kyle.

"Baby this has been a wonderful day." Kyle said. "Yes it has babe but I want to make it a little more memorable." James said. The two were on the other side of some large azalea bushes where there was a small setting area. Out of view of the group and the privacy fence and back yard as their view. Kyle walked in front of James. James reached out and ran his hand up the crack of Kyle's naked ass. "Baby they are right over there." Kyle said turning to face James. "I know. Guess I am going to have to see how quiet my baby can be while I fuck his sweet ass." James whispered. Turning Kyle back around facing towards the group James got down on his knees and opened Kyle's ass cheeks. "Mmm.... come to lover." James whispered just before he ran his tongue from the bottom to the top of Kyle's crack. "Uuummmm..." Kyle tried to moan in a whisper. "Whether they find out what we are doing is up to you babe. The more noise you make the more they will know." James whispered. Returning to his intense rim job James almost laughed as he heard the muffled sounds coming from his lover. As he wet his lover's entrance with his tongue he reached around and collected the pre cum leaking from Kyle to apply to his now raging cock.

"Look over there babe." Bernie said aiming Mark's head towards James and Kyle. "Baby we shouldn't " Mark said. "They are looking the other way. Besides it will be hot to watch them while I fuck that tight ass of yours." Bernie said reaching down and sliding a finger inside of Mark. "You will have to be quiet grunt. Remember Mark didn't want the neighbors to think there was an orgy on the other side of the fence." Bernie whispered. "Baby its tough to be quiet with that monster of yours rooting around in my ass." Mark whispered.

"MMmmmmmm... its about time to do some rooting around then stud." Bernie whispered. Bernie pulled Mark to the ground. After a deep passionate kiss he turned Mark around and got him on all fours. Spreading Mark's ass cheeks Bernie buried his face between Mark's ass cheeks causing Mark to almost lunge forward. Bernie laughed to himself inside knowing that his lover's body shaking was his effort to muffle a loud scream. "Watch them baby. Let me know when James is about to shove his dick up Kyle's ass." Bernie said.

James attacked Kyle's ass with his tongue as if it were his last meal. Kyle bit his lip trying not to scream in pleasure. Standing back up and leaning over Kyle's back James kissed his neck lightly as he stroked his cock making sure it was fully lubed with Kyle's pre cum. Placing Kyle's left leg on a bench that was there. "Alright baby. Its up to you. I am about to slide my hard slick cock deep inside your tight ass. If you scream they will know what we are doing over here. So its up to you how much noise you make as I slide my cock inside your wet waiting hole." James whispered as he placed the head of his cock at the entrance to Kyle's ass. James placed his hand over Kyle's mouth as he moved his hip pushing the mushroom head of his cock inside Kyle.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm" Kyle moaned in a whisper like sound. "See baby. They don't know yet that your lover is over here shoving his cock up your ass." James whispered as he pushed to slide more of his cock inside of Kyle. "That's it baby. Take your lover's dick. Damn baby you are so tight." James whispered. Kyle was unable to speak. Afraid if he opened his mouth that the scream deep inside him would escape. "That's it baby. Squeeze my dick. Make sure it stays deep inside you." James whispered.

"Babe its about to happen." Mark whispered. Bernie spit quietly in his hand a couple of times and lubed his cock also. "Watch them grunt. When Kyle's get that cock started in his ass I am going to shove my monster balls deep inside my sexy grunt. So be ready." Bernie whispered. Moving his body up over Mark's back, Bernie placed the head of his cock at Mark's ass ring. Watching the couple in the distance as he wrapped one arm around Mark's waist and the other over Mark's mouth. "Man up and take it like a Marine." Bernie whispered as he lay his head on Mark's back and in one swift move he held his lover's body still as he shoved his raging cock in balls deep. Mark bit down on Bernie's finger as in one second his ass was filled completely balls deep. "Yeah that's my sexy grunt. Taking it up the ass like a real man. " Bernie whispered as he began to move in and out pounding balls deep into his lover. "Yeah baby. I'm going to break this ass in good fashion and then dump my load deep inside it." Bernie growled in a whispering voice. Moving his head and resting his chin on Mark's shoulder his pace quickened as he watched James wrap his arms around Kyle and shove his cock in and out of his ass.

"Fuck baby. This ass is premo. I can't believe that its all mine." James whispered as he slowly moved in and out of Kyle's ass. "Yes... baby... it ... is ...all.. yours." Kyle said managing to get one word at a time out as Kyle moved his cock in and out of his ass. "Yeah baby. I am going to plant my seed deep inside you and let the whole world know that this man and this ass is mine." James whispered. "Baby claim my ass. Please." Kyle moaned in a whisper. "Baby do you think the other guys know that I am over here making love my man ? Do you think they know that they are laughing and talking while I have my rock hard cock up your ass ?" James whispered.

"No baby. They would be jealous." Kyle whispered. "They will definitely be jealous when I empty my nuts and plant a big load up this sweet ass." James whispered. Kyle began to move meeting every slow stroke that James made. "Oh fuck baby. This is too hot. I can't hold out. " James whispered. Kyle took James hand and placed it over his mouth as he leaned back into James. Arching his back and placing his head on James' shoulder Kyle began to spray the bush in front of him with his load. "Fuck baby. I can't hold........... uuuggggghhhhhhhhhhhh..... James moaned into the soft of Kyle's neck as his body shook. His cock flexed and his knees got weak as his cock flared deep inside of Kyle. With each flex his body shook and his cock unloaded stream after stream of seed deep inside of Kyle.

"Oh fuck grunt. James just shot his load inside Kyle. Do you wish it was Keith's cock up your ass or maybe even Chris' ?" Bernie growled lowly. "No Sgt Major just your dick. This grunt doesn't want any monster inside him but yours." Mark whispered. "Good answer grunt. Now take this cock. I am close." Bernie said. as he leaned over. He reached under Mark and began to jack Mark's leaking cock to match his thrusts in and out of Mark's ass. "Does Sgt Major wish he was pumping that fat cock of his up Kyle's ass or Lee's ass ?" Mark whispered.

"Hell no. I trained this grunt. This ass gets all of Sgt's cum." Bernie growled. "This grunt wants that hot baby batter you got. Fill me up baby." Mark whispered. "Uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........fffffuuuuuuuuu....." Mark whispered as his ass clamped down on Bernie's cock and his cock began to spray his load on the ground beneath him. "Ohhhhhh ..... ffffuuucckkkkkk...... " Bernie whispered in Mark's ear as he dug his toes into the ground. His body shook as his cock flexed inside Mark emptying his balls deep inside his lover. Still deep inside Mark, Bernie lifted his head. "Damn baby. That was fucking hot. I think we found something new.... Fuck. " Bernie said gasping for air. "Yeah my baby hasn't had this kind of energy in a long time." Mark said turning his head to kiss Bernie.

"Babe. You know that James and Kyle are fucking behind that bush and Bernie and Mark are up behind that one." Brian whispered. "We are all consenting adults baby." Keith said. "I know. I am just glad they were quiet. I didn't want Nana an Pops to wonder what was going on over here." Brian whispered. "Oh fuck.... cameras " Keith thought to himself and then chuckled. "What's so funny baby ?" Brian asked. "Nothing. Just happy that everyone is enjoying themselves." Keith said. About that time James and Kyle came up the walk way arm in arm. "Hey guys. Having a good time ?" Brian asked. "Wonderful." Kyle said. "Yeah Kyle. You missed a spot there. I guess its better said you let a little leak out on you." Keith said pointing at James' leg. "Shit." Kyle said and turned red. "Hey don't worry. Bernie and Mark went straight to the pool and jumped in when they got finished." Brian laughed.

The crowd began to break up and everyone gathered their things to leave. As the crowd began to load up Mr. Rice walked next door to talk to the group. "I hope you guys had a great afternoon." Mr. Rice said. "It was wonderful." came the comment from almost all the men. Keith stood there and winked at Mr. Rice who looked at him and pulled the collar of his shirt a couple of times as if releasing steam from his collar. "Mother wants Josh to spend the night and go to church with us in the morning if you have no objections. " Mr. Rice said. "I will get him some clothes." Brian said. "No need. Nana bought him some today." Mr. Rice said.

"Well If you need us we will be home." Keith said as he slipped his hand down the back of Brian's shorts resting his finger on Brian's ass ring. All of the men were heading out and thanking Keith and Brian for a wonderful day. All of the vehicles had left except Chris and Lee's. Part of the way down the driveway Chris stopped the SUV. "Strip" Chris said. "Here ?" Lee asked.

Chris pulled a towel from the back seat. Lee removed his clothes and then fastened his seatbelt again. Reaching over the console Chris began to play with Lee's cock and low hanging balls as he drove down the road. "What are you doing ?" Lee laughed. "Oh driving down the road and playing with my sexy as hell husband. Why ?" Chris asked. "Turn about should be fair play." Lee said. "But I am driving. But that's alright. I will let you play all you want when we get home." Chris said smiling as he felt Lee's cock begin to grow in his hand and the first drop of pre cum land on his fingers. "Mmmmm..." Chris said as he drove towards home and lifted his fingers to lick the pre cum.

Next: Chapter 84

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