By Rampage

Published on Oct 16, 2016



Benson's Department Store has been on Carmichael Street in dis large industrial town of Lydebridge -- which some folks calls a city -- fer 'bout ninety-fo' years, or so Ah have bin reli'bly informed by dem as should know. Mah posishun dere am de Consumer Retail Electrical Appliances Manager (dat makes me de C R E A M of de place! Get it?) Mah name is Byron T. Cabell (de 'T' doan stan' fer anyt'ing, its jus' the American way Ah was brought up in.) Ahm in mah very late twenties, rather good lookin' tho' Ah says it mahself as shouldn't, an' Ah've worked mah way up since leavin' school an' now head one of the biggest departments in de store. OK, let's move it on an' see if'n yo' can find out mo' 'bout me later.

Ah have bin agitatin' senior management for four, five months to get a reli'ble suitably qualified assistant, what wid de increasing demand fer de latest gadgets of all descriptions which seem to be floodin' on to de market from every which-way direcshun. Well, Ah'd heared nuttin' from dem upstairs until Ah walked in to work one wet an' windy mornin' last Feb an' . . . WHOA! . . . de sun was a-shinin' an' de birds was a-singin'! Jermain Washington looked to be in his early twenties, Ah figured 'bout 22, but it was difficult to tell as he looked younger. He was 'bout mah height an' Ah'm aroun' six foot five inches (or two meters, if yo' prefer.) He had an attractively slim well-defined physique, short an' curly dark hair an' dark eyes, smooth skin, sensuous full lips an' a package to die fer. His attributes seemed to grow hunkier de closer dey am studied an' Ah says to mahsel' says Ah, "Shit, man, dere's some interestin' gee-net-ics a-pumpin' up dat big black dick." After dat, whenever Ah could, Ah manoeuvred mahsel' as close up as Ah dared to where he is workin' an' strip him nekked wid mah eyes (if he ain't talkin' to de customers or jest lookin' round, dat is!)

Howsoever, sometimes he'll turn aroun' unexpectedly an' catch me clearly oglin' his shapely ass. Ah always blush a little an' turn away, but not befo' he's flashed me a smile an' dat kin' of look dat used to be called "a knowin' look". Ah sneak away sheepish lahk, jes' as if Ah is a horny teenager ag'in. Back in de seclusion of de little den Ah calls mah office Ah falls to wonderin' if Jermain Washington could be gay. No straight guy should look and move lahk dat!

Now, don' think Ah'm claimin' to have a big ego, but Ah am aware Ah got mo' dan de av'rage pro-po'-shuns tucked away in mah pants. As Ah said, Ah'm in mah very late twenties an' keep in shape doin' a little bit of dis 'ere, an' a little bit of dat dere. Mah main asset is mah enormous cock. Ah mean, mah dick's so big Ah could fuck yo' ass an' stroke yo' froat wid it at de same tahm. Now, dat's what Ah calls an ego!

One day, while Master Washington was still on his pro-bay-shun, Ah came across him attemptin' to organise some merchandize in de telephone section. He was havin' a mite of trouble wid de display shelvin'. "Hm," Ah thought, thought Ah, "dis is de perfec' excuse Ah bin lookin' fer to get up close an' personal wid young Master Washin'ton." No sooner thought than done an' Ah sashayed over dere.

"Ah, Mister Washin'ton," Ah said, polite like, "may Ah assist yo' wid dat?"

He flashed me a dazzler of a smile and said, also polite, "Please, sir, Ah doan know exac'ly how dis t'ing is supposed to go but it ain't goin' where it should no-how an' Robert ain't aroun' today." Ah showed him how simple de task was an' got him to try it a coupla times. "Well, shit, Ah can handle dat!" he laughed. (Bah de way, 'Robert' is Robert Humble, Jermain's sales manager.)

Ah was dat close to him Ah could smell him. His scent made my balls prickle an' dat made me rise up half way and den Ah caught a whiff of de stuff he sprays on his chest an' date made me rise up all de way. Jermain don' wear cheap cologne anywhere; but Ah wears cheap cologne, at least to the office Ah does. And den Ah gave mahsel' away good an' proper.

Ah was standin' behind him, tryin' my bes' to appear regular an' givin' de glad eye to a coupla passin' gigglin' girlies, jes' to make sho', lahk. De pantomime was really fer de benefit of dem spy cameras set up to catch shoplifters an' such. Jermain was bendin' over to pick up another shelf from de pile. His tight black pants was stretched over his mid-secshun an' Ah got a good eyeful at de shape of his ass. No panty lines. He weren't wearin' any underwear. At work? Ah jes' would not have believed it if Ah'd not seen it wid mah own eyes. An' what an ass it were, too! Firm, shapely mounds. Ah could jes' make out de swellin' of his fat, lubricious balls hangin' between his legs. Ah had a mental flash of dem orbs bein' full of delicious man juice, ready to slither down mah froat. He looked up an' caught me lickin' mah lips befo' Ah could recover and rearrange mah clothin' to hide mah con-di-shun. Nervously clearin' mah froat and tryin' to sound indifferent, mah eyes lookin' anywhere but at him, Ah said, "Yo've got de hang of it now, Mister Washin'ton." He grinned lahk a Cheshire Cat and extended his hand fer me to shake. "T'anks, Mister Cabell, sir," he said. Shakin' hands took a tad longer dan was stric'ly necessary and our eyes locked. Ah knew at dat instant he had me sussed. He knew fo' certain Ah was as gay as a T'anksgivin' balloon.

From dat day on, Ah kept our relationship stric'ly professional, man. Ah observed all de unspoken rules concernin' workin' relations between management and lower staff. De mos' important of dese was NO FRATERNIZIN' at any tahm while yo'm in de store. Jermain seemed to take dis personal but soon followed mah lead an' adopted de professional line -- at least while he was at work. As fer me, Ah waited until Ah was at home an' den Ah took to jackin' off lahk Ah was a bitch on heat whenever Ah had de ideah of fuckin' him or havin' his smelly nuts rubbin' agains' mah nose or his greasy tongue lickin' mah asshole an' prisin' it open an' preparin' it fer an obscene invasion. Wid mah eyes closed tight an' mah fist poundin' wildly Ah'd shoot stream after stream of t'ick white juice across de room bespatterin' mah new furniture.

Dis unsatisfactory situation wen' on fer a while, den one Friday night Ah was feelin' so horny it were like a pain in de gut. Ah felt bloated lahk Ah'd eaten too much chicken gumbo. Ah needed to release some tension, to get mahsel' up dere in some tight ass an' fuck it lahk a bunny rabbit. Ah had not been out much lately and somethin' between mah legs was yellin' at me, "Hey, bo', ain't it tahm yo' gotten yo'sel' outta here an' go get a fuck?" OK, massa, Ah'se a-goin'! Ah took a pro--longed shower, made sho' mah ass was clean inside as well as out, got dressed up as much as Ah ever get dressed up an' headed straight fer de Catfish Row, de biggest gay bar in town. It had been named after somethin' in de musical Porgy an' Bess. Catfish Row was de kinda place where anyone could get demselves laid widout even tryin' very hard!

De place was packed wid guys: straights, gays, dem as swing both ways, lesbians, X-dressers an' TVs. In fac', ever'one was welcome to spend their money and drink de beer but it was de gays who was de main patrons. Ah found a nice niche fer mahsel', next to a support column wid a guard-rail roun' it, separatin' us bashful wallflowers from de depraved degenerates on de dance floor. After several beers an' breathin' in de fumes from de funny fags bein' dragged on, Ah began gyratin' to de pulsatin' music. Dat guard-rail felt good ag'in mah crotch and de more Ah jived an' gyrated de mo' Ah pressed mahsel' against it, lettin' it kinda jack me off. Ever' now an' den de odour of someone's sweat would waft over from de dance floor and slap me across mah face, makin' me hump de rail even harder. Dis wen' on fer a while, until Ah couldn't hold it any longer an' Ah had to go take a leak. As Ah was wadin' through de sea of people after leavin' de john an' pretendin' dat Ah was not truly rubbin' up against dem on purpose, Ah caught sight of Jermain comin' at me from de opposite direc-shun! Oh, shit an' fuck! Ah thought, what de fuckin' hell is he doin' here? Has he been brought here by someone else from work? Ah looked aroun' to locate de nearest exit and turned to run.

"Hey, Byron!"

Ah heard him call out mah name an' it made me stop dead in mah tracks. Ah turned aroun' slow, like. Jermain was standin' in front of me, twice as bigger'n life size. Mah heart was poundin' an' Ah was sho' mah gaucheness was apparent to ever'body dere. He put his paw on mah shoulder and said, quietly in mah ear, "Ah didn't suss yo' as bein' gay, Byron?"

"Yo' still don't," Ah shot back at him, tryin' to defend mahsel' but already realisin' dat it was not only a ridiculous t'ing to say but rude as well. Ah wasn't t'inkin' straight.

"Ah've bin wantin' yo' to fuck me in de ass from de moment we was introduced," he said, dead serious. Dat little bomb blew mah defence forces to smithereens. "Let's dance," he added. Ah stared at him dum'founded. Dance? Is he crazy? Mah knees won' keep me up!

Ah was still a mite dazed and t'ankful for de trip to de dance floor as it give me de time to bitch-slap some wits into play. Ah am said to be a good dancer but Jermain's dancin' was just bad enough to be sexy and his funky moves were makin' me hard and lewd thoughts kep' on racin' through mah brain.

After a few frantic jives we took some time out, got a coupla beers and zigzagged through de carnival crowd of queens, dudes, witches and studs. Ah was aimin' to get back to mah original niche an' mah friendly railin'. To mah surprise it was still available when we reached it and we settled right in. Jermain again shook the crap out of me when he wrapped his arms aroun' mah neck and give me a slobbering passionate kiss full on de mout'. His tongue forced itsel' into mah mout', strong an' demandin'. Ah responded wid no inhibitions, de taste of beer in our mouths heightenin' our lust. Out stiffies rubbed together, rock hard. His made me tremble an' Ah opened mah eyes jest to check if any of the carnival folks were givin' a damn. Ah needn't have bin concerned -- dey weren't! Dey all seemed to be havin' their own sexual agenda to worry about an' such scandalous behavious was quite common in dose trenches! When at last out kissin' had to stop, Jermain stood facin' de dance floor wid me behin' him.

To any innocent bystander -- if any such was in dat place dat night -- we appeared to be two guys simply watchin' others dancin'. But. . . like de swans on de municipal pond in de municipal park, dere was much more goin' on under de water, so to speak! Jermain quietly reached up an' took mah hand, guidin' it down and placin' it on his dick. Fer de fust time, Ah held in mah hand what Ah had bin longin' fer ever since he'd arrived at Benson's. It was thick, an' big, jest lahk Ah knew it would be. Ah slowly stroked it through his jeans. His nuts were tight up agin his body. He groaned softly with pleasure. Ah almos', but not quite, fell to mah knees in homage.

"God, dat t'ing is big. . . dat fucker's harder dan stone," was all dat Ah could say. Widout lookin', he reached back and took hold of a han'ful of me, massagin' what he foun' wid strong fingers. Stuff had soaked through mah skimpy thong and jeans (t'ankfully Ah was wearin' a dark pair) an' he 'cumulated some on his fingertips den licked dem off.

"Mmm. . . dat cum of yo's sho tastes mighty fine," he whispered. "Let's go."


"Mah car."

Ah was tryin' hard not to appear to be in too much of a hurry as we left de club but my insides was a-churnin' like dey was tryin' to make butter. It had rained a bit and a light breeze was stirrin' de bushes an' anticipation kept us quiet 'til we arrived at his car. He had picked a great parkin' space next to a tree. Ah was parked closer to de club but his car was bigger -- ever'thing 'bout him was bigger'n me -- an' Ah wondered if he'd bought it 'cos the size was mo' favourable fer better fuckin' space. De glow from a nearby street lamp cast flickerin' shadows of de tree's leaves over de car, creatin' a romantic settin' in de otherwise shambolic parkin' lot.

Ah slid on to de back seat and lay on my back. Jermain got in on top of me, closed and locked de door behin' him an' opened de windows a touch to let de soft breeze come in. De thought Ah had had of someone comin' along an' lookin' in and seein' what we was doin' flew outta dem windows when we embraced and began kissin' again, tastin' each other, smellin', gropin', and undoin' de buttons of our shirts. Draggin' his tongue down my chest and givin' mah nipples a quick nip with his teeth on de way, he unzipped mah jeans and pulled dem off along wid mah almos' nuffin' t'ong. He looked down an' saw mah dick fer the firs' time. He gave a little gasp an' muttered somethin' Ah didn't quite catch an' fer a brief moment Ah felt more nekked dan Ah ever remembered bein' befo'. Dat feelin', tho', dispersed when he swallowed me. Diggin' his fingers into mah ass, he forced me to jam my cock deeper into his maw, makin' him gag and me to pump harder. Oh, man, he took me so good! Lookin' down at him suckin' on mah sugar-stick made me wild an' in almos' no time at all Ah was close to cummin', so Ah pulled mahsel' out of dat horny mouth.

"Oh, babe," Ah begged, "let me suck yo. . . let me suck yo' cock."

Jermain dropped his pants and as Ah had suspected he was not wearin' any underwear. Now it was mah turn to gasp. Seein' his nekked body made me groggy with delight. He was enormous an' as hard as steel. Ah looked into his eyes an' he looked into mine. He knew what Ah wanted. As he positioned de head of his monster in front of mah lips, Ah closed mah eyes and he filled me with hot, throbbin' cock. Ah wanted it so bad dat mah froat had opened of its own accord to let him in.

"Oh, yeah, baby," he hissed, "suck it, baby. . . suck me wid yo' fuckin' mouth. . . suck me wid dat hot mouth yo' got dere."

Suddenly he pulled out and used dat weapon to slap me aroun' a little across de face. Spit from mah suckin' and drool oozin' from his piss slit smeared my face before he shoved it back in. Dis time Ah gagged, which only served to egg him on to greater efforts and he began pumpin' like a crazy man. Mah jaws were achin' wid de pleasure he was givin' me.

"Tek it, Byron," he growled, "tek dat biiig cock. . . suck it. . . suck me off." Ah drove two fingers in to his asshole, twistin' dem roughly aroun', penetratin' as far up his ass as was possible.

"Goddamn! Goddamn!" he yelled, wrigglin' like a worm on a fishin' line. "Stick dem fingers in me. . . oh, deeper babe. . . deeper!" He almos' caught me out wid his next swift move. Somewhere along de line he had kicked his pants right off: he spun aroun' an' in one swoop he impaled his perfec' ass right down on mah hard, pulsatin' black prick. "Oh, shit, baby," he screamed, "oh, yeah. . . dat's it bo', yo've hit de spot. . . Byron, dat's it! Go on, baby, fuck dat ass . . . fuck me in de ass an' fuck me hard!"

Ah lifted his ass off me so as Ah could watch his tight hole open an' close. Dis bitch was horny an' needin' to be well an' truly fucked as hard as Ah could go, no doubt about it. Wid his ass quiverin' in de air, Jermain demanded, "Put it back in me, put that fucker back in an' FUCK ME, Byron!" Ah jes' loved how his mouth was hangin' open like a fly trap from de ecstasy of mah cock fuckin' his insides. After twenty minutes or so of ball-bustin' ass poundin' Ah pulled out again. Ah had to ease down as Ah could feel mah cum was close to boilin' over in mah balls an' dey felt ready to bust any minute.

"Oh, shit, stick it back in me an' fuck me some mo'!" he pleaded.

Instead, Ah grabbed hold of his ass, spread it wide and jammed mah tongue inside. He banged his head against de roof of de car from de force of his jerkin' an' twitchin'. Overcome wid lust, he threw mah legs apart an' sucked on de cockhead while Ah was transfixed watchin' him. His muscles tensed, his face contorted den he spoke in a low, scary voice.

"Do it, Byron, shoot dat fucker -- shoot it in mah face!"

"Jeez, Ah'm a-cummin', Jer. . ." Ah started to say, but was struck dumb as Ah shot mah wad. Sperm spattered on to de seats, de windows and Jermain. He twisted aroun' an' grabbed hold of mah cock an' sucked on de head while Ah was still shootin'. I almos' kicked in a window from mah reflex. He was pumpin' himself an' Ah was transfixed watchin' him. His muscles tensed, his face contorted then he spoke in his low, scary voice once more.

"Here it comes, babe, here it comes. Byron, eat it!"

He emptied his nuts an' jizz flew ever'where. Ah opened my mouth an' he rammed his spurtin cock in deep. Ah felt as if Ah was gonna pass out from its heat or drown in its river of spunk. He collapsed on top of me at the end and we held on to each other until de shakin' stopped an' de breathin' returned to nearly normal. The strong, sharp tang of spilt sperm and sex filled de air in dat car an' no one could have seen inside if dey'd wanted to, through de steam misted windows.

"Mmm. . . dat was good," Jermain said with no emotion.

"Yo' got a great ass," Ah replied.

"Ah bin waitin' to feel yo' big black dick inside me ever since Ah caught yo' havin' a sly look at de bulge in my jeans," he 'fessed up. We giggled like a coupla teenage girlies. Our eyes were full of new questions. After we cleaned up we returned to de carnival in de club, havin' agreed we'd not see each other ag'in fer de remainder of de weekend.

On Monday, he was runnin' late but Ah watched him make a dash from de staff car park. Suddenly, anxiety washed over me. When he came in, he headed straight fer de staff lockers to get his jacket an' did not look at me. Ah thought, "Well, we're not gonna be buddy-buddy after all, jest co-workers wid a secret." Den he looked over in my direction, flashed that beautiful smile of his an' gave me the 'thumbs up' sign.

"Call me!" he shouted.

Watchin' him, Ah began wonderin' if maybe he'd be interested in a flat-share over at mah place. Yeah, dis man is kinda growin' on me.

Laurie Page, October 2016

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