Making Money

By Ryan White

Published on Sep 6, 2020



HOLA PEEPS!! I got bored this afternoon so I booted up the old laptop and got writing. Hope you enjoy this one, I was hard several times in writing it lol. Any feedback, please send it to

I love, LOVE hearing from all of you xx

Stay safe, Ryan


"Lucy, how many times do I have to tell you, I can't just drop everything and come to the movies, not even to mention Lizards tonight, I have to work!"

Kyler could actually hear his long time girlfriend scoff inside her throat over this cell phone.

He hated doing this to her and he knew that she often got unnecessary stick from her girlfriends for staying with him for as long as she did, but he always hoped that she would understand his position.

He wasn't as rich as all their mutual friends. He didn't have mommies and daddies who made more in a month than both of his own parents would ever, ever make in a whole year.

The sheer only reason why he was even allowed anywhere near the prestige Richmond High, an exclusive private school in the Cape Town Northern suburbs, was because he had a sports scholarship. South Africa, being the current rugby world champions, obviously had a rich and powerful rugby schooling system, and there was no way that Richmond was going to let such a promising youngster such as Kyler not attend there simply because he couldn't afford it.

Nevertheless, Kyler had a wonderful relationship...or so he thought, with Lucy for two years now, but ever since she had gotten into the elite group at school, she suddenly wanted to go out every night, she wanted to party on weekends, she wanted to get drunk at only the best and most expensive clubs, where the price of ONE beer cost nearly more than what Kyler earned per shift at the local car wash.

It wasn't like he wanted to be a bore... to be at work or at home all the time...He simply couldn't afford Lucy's high demands. How the hell was he supposed to go clubbing or drinking without money? Have Lucy pay for him? Fuck off.

Being as straight as they come, Kyler often appreciated his job more than most teen boys would, because the young girls who bought their expensive and hell cars in for services, just loved seeing the muscular teenage hunk in his white tank top and board shorts.

Getting all wet and sudsy with soap and he did his job the only way he knew how...Kyler wasn't stupid. He and his family might have been scraping the bottom of the barrel every month in their finances, but he knew, he was an exceptionally good looking kid.

If ten or twelve girls and even some older women and in loads of cases, even strange guys all told you the exact same thing, you tend to believe it.

He tried to remain humble and decent as his parents taught him, but that was deemed boring to those fuckers Lucy was hanging out with. And lately, to her as well. Both of them had been dating for two years and they had never, ever fought over money as they did now.

Kyler took a deep breath.

"You go to Lizards. Have fun. Say hey from me to the others. Maybe I'll join you when I'm done here."

Lucy was quiet on the other line before she audibly blew out some air in sheer frustration.

"Fine. Get working on those tips so long. I wanna brag with you tonight. Taking off that shirt usually helps!"

"I" Kyler started to say but he realised he had been cut off.

Damn...he wished with all his heart that he could go out with her tonight...god, she gave the best head he had ever had...having the looks he had possessed, getting his six inch cock blown and getting all the pussy he wanted from her was always gonna be obvious. That's about all he had going for him right now...his looks.

Pity he felt like just like a damn male whore everytime he had to take off his shirt to attract potential customers.

The owner of the car wash was a young woman in her twenties, who had inherited the business from her late father earlier in the year. The moment she had laid eyes on Kyler, she knew he was gonna be her cash cow.

Whilst having no sexual interest in her young employee whatsoever, she knew he would bring in customers, females mostly, but you would be VERY surprised given how much their sales had increased in young men making use of their services.

Kyler looked inside his wallet of how many cash in tips he had made so far ...not bad, not bad at all...but...he needed at least triple that amount if he wanted to spoil Lucy at Lizards.

Asking his parents for money wasn't an option. They worked their fingers to the bone for minimum wage as it was.

Kyler smiled and his eyes lit up as he saw the familiar look of his best buddy since Kindergarten, James, roaring his second hand BMW into the car wash, the music pumping rock hard all over the show. James pulled in so he was right next to Kyler, who smiled as his friend got out of his car.

"Whazzzzup?" James yelled so loud you could hear his voice three blocks down. That's how James had always been, ever since they were little boys. And if you held a gun to Kyler's head, he'd admit that he wouldn't want his buddy any other way.

"Life sucks. Lucy is going out to Lizards tonight..."

"...what, again?" James asked, his face a total frown and he stuck his hands inside his shorts' pockets.

"Again, man. And she's getting fed up that I can't always go with her. James, I dunno what the hell to do, dude. Look at me. I'm not one of those rich fuckers we go to school with. If not for rugby then I wouldn't have even been there. I'm gonna lose her, Jamie. I just know it."

James turned towards the entrance where two cars were waiting upon entry. He didn't see the owner's car parked on its usual spot. The two cars in waiting had majority woman inside of them. He smirked...and looked back at his buddy.

"You're so going to Lizards tonight. Even if it takes you until midnight. It's the weekend, bro! Here, take that top off."

Kyler frowned with confusion as James pulled his own shirt he was wearing over his head and quickly attempted to stop his BFF as he prepared to lose his shorts as well.

"Jamie! Da fuck?" he hissed, looking around nervously to see of any of the other personnel was watching them.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm helping your sorry ass to get enough money together to treat your girl at that posh dig. Come on, you can't say me and you aren't two ready made teenage hunks in waiting, now can you?" James smiled as he removed his shorts, standing around in broad daylight inside a public car wash wearing nothing but his boxers.

" me. Get your kit off!" James whispered as the first of the two cars made their entry.

As their luck would have it, there was two of the nearby university female students inside the flashy Alfa Romeo. Both girl's eyes flashed towards James's sexy young sixteen year old body, complete with his decent set of abs and his well made bulge inside those tight fitting boxers.

Believe you me there wasn't much to the imagination.

"Can we be of service?" James asked the ladies with his killer smile, whilst the other car who had also been waiting to enter, finally did, and inside were two older woman, both in their early thirties, along with one younger male.

It was the driver who saw Kyler first, just as he had finally decided to listen to his buddy and remove his shirt.

Said driver watched as if in awe, how the sixteen year old hunk slowly removed his tank top, his stomach muscles rippling as he did so, his shoulder muscles now fully on show, and his hair dripping sweat over his forehead from his long ass shift.

Within two hours both boys had made stacks and stacks of tips and had gotten the phone numbers of numerous of the girls AND woman who had stopped there car for a wash.

Yeah right. A car wash.

The two boys were stunning, as one gay dude in particular thought, when he made a video on his phone of both James and Kyler, putting it up on his Twitter account, labelling them #schoolhunks and #wetboys. They were truly a sight for sore eyes.

At the end of Kyler's shift, he had more than enough for a great night out at Lizards. He fist bumped James happily, and he knew he was gonna totally make Lucy's night. He wanted to take out his phone and call her, but James stopped him.

" said she's pissed at you, right? Why don't you surprise her? Don't tell her you're coming, and then you suddenly rock up, and trust me, pal, she'll be so piss happy to see you, she'll immediately forget being such a bitch to you."

"Didn't think of that, yeah, that might work! You coming with me? Come on, dude, after what you did for me, this afternoon, I can least treat you to some beers, also."

James looked down at the simple buttoned shirt and shorts he was exactly exclusive wear for a luxury club.

"Can I borrow something from you to wear? We're nearly the same size, anyway. I don't wanna go back home now, my father was already downing his third beer when I left..."

Kyler sighed and placed his hand on the shoulder of his life long buddy.

These rich kids, like Lucy and her new army of skanks...they really didn't know how it felt growing up on the wrong side of the tracks. To them, life was one big party because their parents had more than enough money.

Others like him and James, had to deal with a stuff those fuckers never would ...such as James's dad...who had hit his son viciously, more times than Kyler could count, especially when he had one too many.

"Yeah, I know. Come on, you drive," Kyler said, giving James's shoulder a squeeze, as they made their way too James's car.


"How about this?"

"Nah, man, you're going to Lizards, not the local pub!"

Kyler swore underneath his breath.

His mother was right upstairs and he was raised better than to use foul language around her.

It's just ...all the times he and Lucy had gone to the cinema or to the old club down the street for a night out, he never had to worry about things like this. Lizards, on the other hand, was an exclusive teenage dance club. Only the cream of the crop was allowed in. James was right...a shirt and jeans wouldn't do.

"Buddy, my turn. How do I look?"

Kyler turned around and...well, he was straight, very much so, but he was pretty damn comfortable inside his sexuality to know when another dude had looks.

James looked incredible. He had borrowed one of Kyler's buttoned shirts and complimented that with some ripped jeans he found at the back of the closet. His hair has been gelled to perfection. He looked...really, really good.

"Damn. Trust you who's single to look like that whilst I have no fucking idea what to wear," Kyler hissed in sheer frustration.

"Case closed, lemme help," James said as he literally threw open Kyler's modest bedroom closets.

Within fifteen minutes, the boy had styled his bestie, like said bestie had never looked or felt before ... Kyler had to blink several times in the mirror to make sure that it was actually HIMSELF staring back at him inside his reflection. His mouth was half open...he couldn't believe what James had accomplished.

"What the hell, dude? How..."

James laughed and got hold of the hair gel he had been using earlier. He dolloped a generous amount onto the palm of his hand before turning back to his buddy.

"All natural, believe it or not. And we both know it's not like you're Shrek. I just did to your ass what I would have dine to mine. That...sounded way better in my head...anyway, stand still."

Kyler did as he was told, feeling James lather up his thick hair in a modern manner.

He never felt like this exactly when he did his own hair...he never really cared for hair gel anyway. But having his buddy's fingers so gently rummage through his hair...even though he didn't wanna admit was quite was nice.

It felt special. And why wouldn't it? James and he and been friends since they were five. There was bound to be some form of love and respect there for the other.

James was finally done, and he smiled his cheeky chappy grin, proud of how he had made up his boy.

"Good to go! Okay, so we have money. Fuck about...we have the car, and we have our ID's. Ready to show that girl of yours how hot you are?"

Kyler frowned at that, but he didn't wanna spoil the mood. James was just being, James he guessed.

"Yeah, can't wait to see her. And to show those ass wipes I can be just as full of cash as they are!" he laughed, before first bumping James.

It was two very excited sixteen year old boys who got into James's car and sped off towards Lizards, that night.

Not knowing, that in a few short hours, their whole lives and dynamics would change...forever.


"Dude! This place in insane!" Kyler screamed as both of them had been cleared to enter.

Both sixteen year olds looked like they had just stepped out of Teen Magazine, so it came as no surprise.

James immediately marched up to the bar and ordered a beer for both of them.

"First one's on me!" he screamed out loud so that Kyler could hear him over the loud ass music that was being seemingly pumped through all directions.

"Thanks, but I really wanna find Lucy first!" Kyler yelled back as his eyes drafted over the buckets of teens on the dancefloor.

He looked good, he knew it. James had made sure of that. And just for tonight, just once, he wanted to feel what it felt like to be one of these kids.

These rich entitled bitches with all their parents' money and freedom. To not have to work his ass off all the time to help out food on the table near the end od the month. To not have to worry if his scholarship would be renewed. To have no worries if your girlfriend would eventually leave you for a boy who can treat her like she deserved.

Just ...once.

James was next to him suddenly, and handed him his beer which he gratefully accepted.

Both of them had not had anything to eat that afternoon, as the car wash had kept them so busy, and something inside his head told him that he shouldn't drink alcohol on an empty stomach...but try telling that to a sixteen year old boy who was desperate as fuck to impress his girlfriend and all her new friends.

Finally, both of them spotted Lucy together, and he felt James's hand on his shoulder.

"Go get her, Tiger," he said, his eyes dancing as he did.

Kyler fist bumped his friend's chest, before he made his way over towards his girlfriend...but before he could reach her...she was swiftly joined by another guy.

Older guy...eighteen or so...had to be.

Lucy still hadn't seen Kyler yet. She didn't know he was right behind her.

She grabbed the older boy by his belt and dragged him to her. As the music continued to pulse through everyone's veins, Lucy pounced on the guy, gyrating her hips into his groin area, and started kissing him like he was the last guy on this green earth.

Kyler dropped his beer, but no one noticed or heard it smash to pieces in the deafening music being played.

He closed his eyes and opened them again, really fast.

Still, that did nothing to stop Lucy from attacking the dude's throat with her tongue. She was making out with this jerk, like she had never made out with Kyler before...and it HURT.

"Buddy, come on. Let's get outta here, okay?" he felt an arm pulling his hand firmly, but gently.

He looked around and once more, there was James. Good old, reliable James. Friends, best friends since they were five years old.

After everything that he had sacrificed...upsetting his parents with insults over being poor when they had no money to give him when SHE wanted to go out, after working so many hours at the car wash, that he had actually lost count...after doing EVERYTHING he could to please Lucy...this is what she does?

He was being slowly led out of Lizards like a lamb to a slaughter. He literally had no will to do anything...not to speak...not to laugh...not to that moment, Kyler wished he could just disappear.


Kyler's parents had to be up early in the morning, and they were already fast asleep as the boys arrived there, back from the club.

As they crept into the house and then finally into the basement where Kyler's bed was, both boys were quiet as fuck. None were really in the mood to talk.

The booze that Kyler had drank on that empty stomach was really starting to take its toll, as proven when he slid down the bed as he tried to sit on it. He opened more beers and quietly handed James one as well.

James, not as drunk as Kyler but not sober either, took his beer, and helped his friend lie downwards on the bed, before joining him there. Both boys laid quietly on Kyler's bed as they had done numerous times during sleepovers over the years.

"She did this because I'm not that guy..." Kyler said, his voice hoarse as anything.

"I'm sorry, buddy..." James said, his mind being altered slightly from the alcohol, as he placed his arm around Kyler's.

"Did you see what he was wearing? He has money. I don't..." Kyler sniffed, his eyes tearing up.

He was just a sixteen year old boy after all. One who had just seen the love of his short life cheat on him with another guy.

"Not everything is about money, bro..." James said, holding his friend tighter against him.

He had heard Kyler sniff, which freaked him out to his core...because the last time that either had heard or seen each other cry, was when they were twelve, and they had fallen their asses off in trying to ice skate.

"Did you hear about Bella Thorne?" he asked, trying his best to change the subject.

Shit was becoming to real now, having his lifelong buddy reduced to tears.

Kyler wiped his eyes and leaned into James even more. It felt safe.

"Yeah...she made a million fucking dollars in like a day. Wish I had the guts to do that ..."

James blinked.

"What did you say?" he asked.

"I said.. I wish I had the gits to do what she did. Who would wanna see me and my junk online anyway?" Kyler said, his voice breaking with despair once more.

James sat up and looked down at his friend. In his case, too, the alcohol fused with his brain cells made him say and think things he never would have in his life.

"Have you looked in a mirror lately? You're like the hottest dude in school! No wonder Lucy stayed with you for two years ...fuck, sorry...too soon?"

Kyler sat upwards himself, and he stood up, and walked over to the giant mirror his dad had installed for him down here in the basement.

He looked at his reflection and all the trouble that James had went through earlier before everything had happened.

He was good looking. Exceptionally so. That made him tear up all over again ...just proved that Lucy was after money and not looks and personality, all this time.

"I'm ugly as shit..." he whispered.


An hour had passed. By now, Kyler had removed his shirt, as it was really warm down there. So did James, who had been busy on his phone for some time.

Suddenly James sat up and drunkenly stumbled over to Kyler. The sick, slightly insane look on his face really disturbed his best friend.

"I've opened an OnlyFans account!" James cracked softly, as if it was the most guarded secret on this planet.

"So?" Kyler grunted.

Suddenly his eyes closed up in pain as a bolt of white light flashed upon him and then it was gone as quickly as it came. He looked up at his bestie, in his currently drunkenness state, and saw that the fucker had taken a photo of him.

"Who wants to see my buddy naked...and send!"

"James! What the fuck?" Kyler screamed and grabbed the phone, only for the picture that James had posted to be showed zoomed in on the phone screen in full Technicolor.

"Is that really me?" Kyler slurred as his eyes struggled to remain open.

"Sure is, you sexy fucker..." James said softly, but Kyler didn't hear him.

All he could do was stare at the photo in question, as one by one...several likes and comments on the page began to fly in.

"Lemme see, lemme see!" James said excitedly with childish enthusiasm, as he grabbed the phone and saw all the positive comments that the shirtless shot of Kyler had received.

His made sure Kyler's face didn't show, only his torso, which was glimmering with sweat from night heat and the beer they had drunk.

More and more comments and for some of them, offers to pay for seeing even more came flooding in. James wasn't surprised. He knew it would work...Kyler had no idea what a stunningly beautiful guy he was.

"Fucking hell, there's a guy who wants to see your dick!" James snickered so much, he dropped the phone onto the floor, where it was snatched up by an equally drunk Kyler.

"Wait! He says...what...dude! He says he'll pay good money to see my dick! How sick is this?"

James sunk tot the floor where his buddy was, and punched him slightly on the shoulder.

"I set up an account for you where people can pay to see you strip or even wanna show him the goods?" James asked...when in reality, it was HE...who desperately wanted his best friend naked and hard...

...all these years he had hidden how he truly felt about Kyler...the booze was making it all come out...his brain was not mashed up completely though...he'd never have the balls to tell Kyler any of this out right...

Kyler slowly reached down and started touching his swollen teenage dick.

"Why not? They don't know shit about me, or who I am, right? It's just gonna be a dick pic, yeah?" Kyler slurred, his eyes glassy and his mouth wreaked in a smile.

James watched as if in slow-motion how his drunk best friend, who just so happens to be the most beautiful ass boy he had ever seen, take off his trousers.

"Wait...wait...just a picture of your bulge for now, okay? I dunno man, this is crazy ass shit. Once a pic is online you can't stop it from getting around. Make a pose..." he said, once more grabbing the phone from Kyler, who was trying his drunken best to act like a model, when in reality, he was anything but.

"I know! Lay down!" James ordered, and Kyler did what his bestie asked.

Jesus Christ.

How sexy was Kyler...

He was rock hard inside those boxers of James pointed the camera with incredible positioning...even in his alcohol infused state he captured the lower half of Kyler's torso, and included his clothed hard sick.

"Gotcha! Uploading..."

That was about the last thing that either of the two buddies could remember, as they opened up even more beers.

They drank...and drank...and drank...


"Kyler...dude, wake up!"

"Hmmm fuck off..." Kyler replied as he struggled to keep his eyes open against the ray of morning sunlight that was coming into through the basement windows.

"Kyler, for real, I'm NOT messing around, come and look at this!"

Kyler gave one last yawn, before slowly, ever so slowly, he got up from the bed. He had a racing headache and he struggled to see one foot in front of the other.

As he finally reached James, Lucy popped into his zonked out mind.

"Man, I don't have time for this, I gotta talk to Lucy, maybe we can still clear all this up..."

"I don't think you'll need her anymore..." James said, his face breaking out into a bright smile, as he handed his phone over to Kyler.

Kyler frowned and clearly choked when he looked down...

"R2724! What?? Are you for real? Where did you get this kinda money?"

James snickered and held his own pounding head in his hands.

"Kyler...I think we opened you up an OnlyFans account last night...there's like almost bare nude pics of you on there..."

"OnlyFans? But...but that's where people post...? Oh my god! What the fuck did we do?"

Kyler looked at the content that had been posted on the OnlyFans page in horror...thank god James put down a fake name...and to be fair...viewers could only see his chest, torso and his covered dick.

But god...he never, ever had over R500 to spend in his life...never mind over two grand!

" wanna tell me, that people paid see pictures of me?" Kyler whispered in sheer disbelief.

James nodded, and held out his hand for their traditional fist bump.

"I can't remember most of last night...dude, but if this is what people want, if they are willing to pay for you to do...this...then we can finally make some serious cash! You pose and I take the pics. Win for us both," he said, his eyes sparkling.

Kyler once more looked at James, and then again at the amount accumulated in his OnlyFans account.

This...this was nuts!

Insane even...

But dear god...over two grand for simply laying on the floor with his boxers on?

James's phone beeped. Like a scared little chipmunk, Kyler handed it over.

"Dude...holy fuck, you have so many inbox messages...but there's one here, that just came through. It's from a guy in Australia...geez. He's like, in his sixties or something."

"And? What does he want? Fuck! Does he know my real name?" Kyler panicked, his face as white as a sheet.

"Relax, will ya? He says...dude, he says he'll pay R800 for you to show him your dick, privately. R800 bucks! Just for seeing your junk!"



Will Kyler go through with it? And will he realise how James really feels about him?

Lemme know if you enjoyed it xx

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