Making of a Kitten

Published on Dec 19, 2016



Authorities, oral, anal, dom, F/FFF...)

This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between a young girl and older women. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

Copyright 2016 Jan, All rights reserved

Please mail to if you have any suggestions for a future story.

Making of a Kitten



I was a college freshman at Boston College when I had my first lesbian experience. I was of Scot-Irish decent and a natural redhead named Louise. As a devout Presbyterian family I grew up in a family that was ignorant about lesbianism. I don't even remember hearing the word until I was in college. I was required to live the first year of college in a female dorm. I was assigned a roommate that was girl of Welsh decent, named Rhianna.

I was a petite 5-foot 2-inch girl, but in truth I added a half inch, where she was a 5-foot 10-inch gal, with dark blonde hair. She was going to college on a track scholarship. When I first met her I was intimidate by her size, but we soon became close friends. After the first year we even found us an apartment off campus to share expenses.

Our relationship became more emotional. At first we were like sisters, but it slowly became more physical. Living in a room no bigger than an average sized bedroom was crowded with two single sized beds, two desks and very little closet space with an adjoining bathroom to service four girls let to a lot of bumping into each other.

After we went to bed and we were under pressure to prepare for tests and turn in papers let to sleepless night. I became aware that Rhianna was masturbating under the covers on her bed. It was a little embarrassing for both of us. Even I had to resort to self-gratification to get some sleep before some troubling classes. With four girls using the same bathroom we could stay in the shower too long, so we could masturbate in there.

One evening while we were naked Rhianna and I bumped into each other while getting ready for bed, and she said, "Sit down on your bunk. We need to talk about this!"

As soon as I sat down she stood in front of me and said, "We are both a horny a rabbits. We know each other is masturbating almost every night. It would be a lot more satisfying if we helped each other out."

I was so naive the word lesbian had no meaning for me, so I hardly understood what she was suggesting. I had never put s name to what I was doing under the covers. It just felt good to rub myself between my legs. In fact I was even embarrassed to be in the same room with her while we were naked, even talking about the subject with her while we were naked embarrassing. After all with me sitting on my bunk, and her standing in front of me with her dark blonde hairy crotch eye level was enough to make me blush.

To insure I understood what she was talking about she reached down and placed her hand right on my red bush and slipped a finger between the folds of my vagina. I instinctually clamped my thighs around her hand to prevent her from doing anything more.

She said, "Calm down honey I'm not going to hurt you!"

I was too embarrassed to even say that what she was doing was wrong. The longer she played with my pussy the wetter it got. It even felt better than when I did it to myself.

Rhianna had the figure of an athlete, but I noticed that she didn't shave her crotch and there were dark blonde hairs growing down the inside of her thighs a little ways. I had noticed before that when she was just wearing her panties that there were hairs showing out from under both legs openings. Her breasts were bigger than mine but compared to her size they were small. At least they wouldn't go flopping around while sprinting down the track.

I stopped fighting her and relaxed my legs. She placed her hand on my chest and pushed me backwards and I and to turn to lay lengthwise on the bunk. Rhianna hovered over me and started sucking on my tits and continued rubbing my pussy. She continued masturbating me until I had a strong orgasm that was more intense than any orgasm I from self-manipulation. She eventually went to her own bed leaving me to struggle all night with my conscience all night.

I didn't get any sleep that night. I felt that what she did to me was wrong, but I had enjoyed it very much. I got up early in the morning and got dressed as quietly as possible, for fear that I would wake her up. I spent the day avoiding running into anyplace Rhianna might be. After my classes I hid out in the library periodical section in the basement. I spent the time using one of the computers looking for periodicals about human sexuality, specifically articles about lesbianism. I was struggling with my own sexuality because I had enjoyed the sex so much. After reading hundreds of articles before I was satisfied that I was in fact a lesbian.

Later that night I returned to the dorm and found Rhianna bent over her desk studying something. I approached her and she deliberately ignored me. I stood behind her chair and placed my hands on her shoulders and bent over and whispered in her right ear, "I'm sorry about my behavior today! I was unsure of my feelings about what took place last night!" Having said that I slipped my hands under her armpits and cupped both of her tits. I gave them a firm squeeze.

Rhianna closed her book, and turned her head towards me. She gave me a wet kiss on the cheek before turning her chair around to face me.

We both tried to speak at the same time, but we ended up just giggling like young school girls. We stared removing each other's clothes and made our way to her bunk. The bed was narrow enough to make it uncomfortable for the two of us to lie next to each other. The obvious solution was to lie on top of each other or between the legs of the other.

It was a totally new experience for me to taste the flesh other my roommate's tit. When she placed her hands on top of her head and applied pressure I knew she wanted me to go down on her. I scooted almost to the foot of her bed and studied her pussy.

Rhianna had a carpet of dark blonde pubic hair. I combed it with my fingertips so that I could inspect her pussy. After all I had never actually seen where the urethra was located. Her hands were still resting on my head, and she pulled my head against her cunt.

For the first time I actually tasted the flesh of another females pussy. I started licking her pussy and my nose was buried in her pubic hair. It took me a little time to get used to the pungent odor of her cunt. I found her hooded clitoris and sucked it into my mouth. Between increasing and decreasing by sucking power and shaking my head around Rhianna had a strong orgasm. The way I could tell she was cumming was her smashing me face against her cunt and clamping her thighs against my ears. When Rhianna recovered she exchanged places with me, and sucked my pussy until I was satisfied.

We became lovers and spent our free time in our room sucking pussy. By the second year we had rented an apartment off campus. We set up housekeeping like a married couple. That year we discovered other girls that were into lesbian sex. We went to parties where we openly had sex with other girls, but it was difficult for me because I felt jealousy pangs. During the winter we were invited to a party of a mutual friend, and we knew there would be plenty of sex.

Because of the cold night everyone had to dress accordingly. When everyone arrived they had to pile all their excess clothes on top of the extra bedroom. We made our way to the kitchen to make ourselves mixed drinks to taste. We greeted friends with a hug and kiss. As we made our way to the living room we spotted Ms. Brooks PhD, the Political Science Department Dean. She was about forty years old, and she was very vocal women's rights advocated on campus.

She was standing in a corner holding court with a half dozen fellow students. She had a cigarette in one hand and a cocktail in the other. Rhianna and I didn't have a class with her, but we were interested in her opinions. As time passed girls came and went as the returned to the kitchen to freshen their drinks.

Eventually I noticed that every couch and chair was occupied. The gals sitting on single chairs had girls sitting on their laps. There was a lot of kissing and feeling of breasts going on.

When Ms. Brooks finished her lecture she managed to place her glass in the same had as her cigarette and placed her free hand on the back of Rhianna's neck and drew her close and kissed her on the mouth, with tongue. After kissing me the same way she led us to the spare bedroom and cleared space at the bottom of the bed for Rhianna and me to sit on, but before she allowed us to sit she had us remove each other's clothes.

She was wearing wool slacks and a blouse that looked like man's dress shirt. When she removed then we saw that her breasts s sagged like empty enema bottles without a brassiere. She was wearing nylon pantie hose for the warmth without panties. Her shoes were fashionable with a nonslip soles, because the ice covered sidewalks are slippery during the winter. Looking at her crotch through the panties I couldn't make out any pubic hair.

When she pulled down the pantie hose I saw why. She was wearing flesh colored latex panties and she reached between her legs and pulled out a flesh phallus that had to be eight inches long. She had Rhianna lay on the bed with her feet dangling over the foot of the bed. She had me lay next to Rhianna too. She spread her legs and drove the dildo deep into her pussy, at the same time she was finger fucking me.

During the time she was taking turns fucking us girls were coming in to retrieving their coats. They did so as casually as if they were simply seeing three women talking.

Rhianna and I were devoted to each other throughout our college years. Upon graduation I was recruited by an advertising agency in Manhattan, and Rhianna was recruited by National Insurance Company based in Boston.

Rhianna and I keep in touch with each other for almost a year. But as our careers progressed we lost touch with each other.

Living in Manhattan was more than expensive, I found a bustling lesbian community. I wasn't ready to commit to a lasting relationship. The city is an ethic and religious melting pot, so I worked my way through League of Nations of young sexy women. I was enjoying dating gals of all kinds of colors and religions. I had sex with a southern black gal, and a dark skinned Egyptian Muslim that wore a hijab.

That was interesting to have sex with a naked brown skinned girl with her head covered all the time.

One time I met a couple of women at the gym I often workout at. One of them had TV program for a while. They were both body builders, and built like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Breasts looked out of place on their extreme muscular bodies. They invited me to visit them at their flat, and I couldn't resist.

Their flat looked like an abandoned warehouse. It had an old, pitted, dark wooden floor, the paint on the walls was peeling, the windows and sills were covered in a gay oily dust so thick it locked the sunlight. There was also a musty smell, and the furniture was Spartan. They did have a workout bench and a complete set of weights.

When they finished showing me around the place they led me back to the living space and demonstrated their weight lifting skills. They encouraged me to lie on the bench and lift a small amount of weight, but when I lay on my back the two of them grabbed my wrists and tied them to the metal rack. Then they tied my ankles to the legs of the bench. They pulled my tits over the top of my sweater blouse and pushed my skirt up around my waist. One of them grabbed the waist of my panties and virtually ripped them from my body, and started slapping my cunt with her big meaty hand.

The other gal started pinching my nipples. It was a new world to me. Pain became pleasurable. They took turns straddling the bench and making me eat their pussies and tongue fuck their assholes.

They both were so hopped up on steroids that they not only were built like men with tits, their clits were rock hard and protruded out of their cunt at least three inches. I was forced to suck them off and they fucked me with them. Their assault lasted so long I eventually couldn't hold it any longer and I pissed all over their floor. They punished me for messing up their floor by canning me until my butt was aflame while I was bound to the wall and completely helpless.

When I was finally allowed to get dressed and leave my ass hurt so much I stood up on the train back to the city because my ass hurt too much to sit. That was the strangest experience I have had to date.

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