Man Cam

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Jun 15, 2018


This is a fictional story about hot guys from an online chat site It's pure fiction as all the guy are far away Some gay. Some straight and some bisexual But all the guys are hot.

Enjoy. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Man Cam (SamuelRom (3)

..... I had gone to bed that night with images of the perfect creature that was Samuel. I thought to myself that God himself created him by hand. Molded this man into the perfect specimen of maleness for all to long for. This saddened and angered me at the same time.

How could he create this man so perfect for me to behold. Then make him so far away. And allow everyone else to behold him as well.

"Awe fuck" i had said after

What chance did I have to touch this gorgeous man. I wanted him as mine and mine alone. I played with myself in bed for a while. My mind on Samuel. I fell to sleep with dancing dicks floating about my head. And all were his.

When I woke the next morning I got ready for work as I do on a daily basis. Made coffee and drove my usual 12 miles drive to get to the daily grind of employment. There are so many days that I wish just to quit. To pick up my things and just go. Somewhere else. But I knew how foolish that would be.

"Let's see what's on the agenda today" as I looked at my schedule

"Hmm. No meetings"


I hated to go to the endless meetings they held at my employer. But what was I to do when I was part of a team that worked on product placement.

Since I had an easier day I click on my personal e-mail. Just figured I would clear it out. Get rid of some junk mail. If which I seemed to get alot of nowadays.

"I wish they had a better filter" I said to the screen

"Too much spam"

I clicked on several and dumped them into the bin. All just crap in my opinion so I usually just dumped an unknown source, for fear of viruses and such. Then I came across one that didn't look familiar. And as I clicked to dump it to the recycle bin I saw something odd on it. But I didn't immediately notice until I did dump it.

"Samuel r..." I said to myself as I moved to the next batch to dump

"Wait. What!!?" I then shouted out

"Fuck. Was that?"

I quickly went into the deleted mails folder, and there it was. An email from the stud Samuel. I opened it, surprised that it was from him. I figured he hadn't even noticed I was on.

"Hey there sexy" it started

"Saw you in my page"

"Are you new?"

"Very nice picture if you man"

I sat there imagining his gorgeous voice saying all this. My heart was instantly racing in my chest. I couldn't believe he had noticed me.

It went on.

"You are a beautiful guy" he continued

"I can't believe you are so far from me"

I was literally panting from his message. I wanted this God like man. And he took time to send me an email. He asked for more pictures, and there was an attachment he sent that had some pics of him. I opened it and my face nearly fell off.

"Oh my God" I said as I looked upon them.

He had sent me some incredibly sexy pictures if himself. They were mostly face and body shots. But he looked utterly stunning in them. Flexing his muscular arms in some, and posing. Blowing kisses in some and winking. Naked chest and cock out in a few.

In all there were about a dozen pictures. A few of him as he is on the site. Sitting back and holding up his magnificent cock. I was cock out and practically licking my monitor as I jerked myself to him.

"You should be here with me" he ended his message

"I take care of you and love you"

"I Fuck you all day"

I was fishing my dick furiously as I jerked myself to orgasm.

"Ohh my God Samuel!" I cried out as i came.

I sat there panting from my crazy blow. Then tried to find some pics of myself. I had little luck. I hadn't taken a good pic of myself in years. I found a few that I thought were okay, then sent it to him in a message.

"Thank you Samuel" I said to him.

"This is all I could find of me"

"Hope you like?"

Then I sent him the e-mail with and additional note on how utterly gorgeous I believed him to be. And how I wish I was there to feel his magnificent body next to mine.

I tried to keep it as clean as possible. Then I sent it on out.

"Yours" I ended it.................


Next: Chapter 403: Willy Winker Wants 4

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