Man Cam

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on May 12, 2021


This is a fictional story about hot guys from an online chat siteIt's pure fiction as all the guy are far away Some gay. Some straight and some bisexual But all the guys are hot.

Enjoy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Man Can (MachoMichael Strong (3)

... I sat there, surprised and shocked by Michael's comment. After my declaring I wanted him. Saying I wanted him to come here and have me, he plainly said yes to me. A huge shock to hear him say that he would come and see me. This gorgeous guy that could have any guy he wanted. He said yes to seeing me. Then he suggested we have a private chat on the site. He said he wanted to see me more. So I clicked on the 'private chat' button. I then turned on my camera to link to him so he could see me as he wanted. Hoping he liked what he saw.

"There" I said to him now "Now you can see me stud"

I saw the handsome.fuy smile as he looked at me. So it was apparent that he did like what he saw. And I was glad for that. He then said Dr me to get completely naked kike he was. I was self conscious of that because I was far from muscular and hot like him. But I did as the hit man asked and got completely naked. I watched as he stood there stroking his did as I pulled off all my clothes. My eyes not wanting to leave the beauty of his body. He was slowly stroking his dick before me. As I looked at his hand moving up and down his cock. Licking my very hungry lips. As I knew I wanted to be on my knees before this hunk. I wanted to take that dick and pull it into my very hungry mouth and suck on his cock for him.

"Man. I want to be there" he said "That dick looks so good" "We should suck each other off" "Yeah. I agree" I said "But will have to wait until we meet"

He laughed as I said that. Know the obviousness of the statement. But it seemed to turn the guy in. He started to tug more on his cock. And it was looking really delicious on my end. It had me doing the same. Stroking dick Then I moved closer to the camera and suggested he do the same. That I wanted to see his cock up close. To 'imagine it here for me to suck'. Well he gladly did as I asked and stepped close to the camera. Holding his gorgeous cock up to it. Giving me that close up of his hard dick I wanted so. I could see the skin and the vein under them as he pulled on it. The head had a slick dew on it from stroking

"Yes Michael" I stated to him "It is a freaking beauty"

I stuck out my tongue to say how much I wanted his dick lying on it. Telling him how much i wanted to pick the precum off of the head. He brought a finger to the tip and pooled up a dab of that precum. A long clear string of it coming off the head. I wanted to push my face through the screen if possible to get at his hard dick. But all I could do is lick my hungry lips and tell this hunk how incredible his dick looked to me.

"My God. I want that cock man!" I said to him.

He then stepped back and told me to do the same as he had just done. So I did. Anything he wanted I was willing to do. So I pulled my cock close so he could see it too. His handsome face on the other side if the screen. Mouth opened in wait for my dick. Just like i had been.

"Yes man. We do need to get together" he then said "Gotta have at you" "And i, you" I said back to him."

We jerked off to orgasm for the rest of the private chat. But cumming almost simultaneously. I watched him and he watched me as we burst. We again discussed his coming here to meet with me. I knew that I needed to get with him soon or go mad.... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Next: Chapter 656: Jonny Sans Ayana 4

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