Man Cam

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Jun 25, 2022


This is a fictional story about hot guys from an online chat site It's pure fiction as all the guy are far away Some gay. Some straight and some bisexual But all the guys are hot.

Enjoy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Man Cam (Carnival 19 (1)

I met Joey online. There in one of those hot chat n cam sites that are on the net. The ones where you can watch and chat as some hot guy or girl or couple that had a show to present for others to watch and comment on (live). I met him there in that site. Joey was bi per his profile. But whatever the case, all I knew was that this hot guy was perfect in looks and body proportions to get my loins and desires to kick into high gear. This average tall guy with the great athletic body. Hairy chest and legs, and a great cock (uncut) that shot out some great loads. Some great heavy and thick white loads of delicious looking cum. And I wanted it and I wanted him. I remembered when I first laid eyes in the very hot man from the EU. I was glancing at some of the hit guys on the site. Clicking from one to another as I watch them playing with themselves for the followers staring at their pages. And Joey was one of those pages. A page for all voyeurs to gaze at him as he lay there in bed. The camera showing off his hot body. From head to his upper legs. Just below where his hand was stroking at the nice big cock he had in hand.

"Ohh my. Fuckk!" I huffed as I saw his page "Fucking gorgeous body"

I stopped dead in my tracks as I reached the guys page. Then just sat there and watched him as he played with his big beautiful cock. The head pulling in and out of the foreskin as he drew back the flesh as he stroked. It was just the best sight to see when I was horny. That big delicious cock getting played with. Something I would myself love to play with. His dick was truly a stunning thing

"Man. That is a great looking dick" I decided to type out

Yes I was sending this hot dude a message. Something I rarely dis in here. Mostly because the chance of hooking up with a hot guy from the chat site was little to none. Most of these guys were just show and not much else. Not that I minded. I loved witching a gorgeous guy playing with his dick online. It kept me entertained as well as released some pent up tension I might have. Also I did not have to worry about commitment or issues with a partner. This was just online fun. And I relished in it. Well I was surprised that Joey sent me a message back. The man saw what I said decided to type a message back to me. Thanking me mostly, but letting me know that he appreciated my comment.

"Hey man. Glad you like" he said "You should show yourself." "Can chat in private if you like"... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Next: Chapter 748: Scuba Steve 2

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