Man-Creature: King Of The Deep Seas Erotica

By VaKuya Zeth

Published on Sep 9, 2022



Here is my latest erotica that I should loosely based on my childhood. One with a twist. I hope you like it the same.


King of the Deep Seas

(Before I start my telling of the erotic tale, I just want to be clear with whoever comes across this erotica. This is an non-cannon tale that which it is not tied with the other mutant/monster/demigod mermen stories. I don't want to bore y'all with the long recap of my foot fetish endeavors with these creatures, particularly mermen. Not the pretty-boy looking ones who are just as good as the female mermaids, with good looks, slim bodies and all of that stuff. No. I'm talking about the fully monstrous mermen. One from the stuff of nightmares (or our darkest dreams). We can all agree that I feel that I don't need to go over on how I had my way with these particular mermen; Travannus, Duncan, Thryax, and many other inhuman mermen that I have tickled thus far. However, this non-cannon tale is separate from the ones I've secretly told. This dark erotica is based on a movie from my childhood, and a recent dream. That movie is called "She-Creature". These two things in which have inspired this dark foot fetish erotica. It's about an offspring of the main antagonist; a monstrous mermaid who terrorize the sea faring sailors aboard the ship. And now, her offspring is her next successor to rule the deep sea, terrorizing everyone who come across his path. But will he be the one who'll satisfy my private desires? Or will he make quick work of my end, just like his mother did with the sailors? Let us find out in the dark tale. So without further ado, let the story begin.)

Several months ago, I was just finishing my night shift over at the Amazon warehouse. As I clock out my time with my badge, I was just about to leave when one of the leading supervisors approach me. She wanted to give me an strange envelope. When I ask her what is in the envelope, she said that she has no idea. All the lady was told is that it is strictly given to a selected few associates. And I happen to be one of the few who is chosen for the unknown task. Even that I have no idea on why I am selected, and what I'm selected for. Although it is not clear on why we are chosen for this unknown task, however, we were told by the leaders that this particular job description pays very well. Sounds convincing enough. After all, I do need the money to pay off rent and some other things. So I accepted the offer and took the envelope home with me.

As I got to my apartment via Uber ride, I finally can get ready for bed. However, my curiosity of the envelope has gotten the better of me. As I stare at the envelope on my living room table, I became lost within my thoughts. Why did Amazon chose me as a select few for the unknown job task which was not entirely explained? I mean, it's been two and a half years since I've started this job. But why randomly just choose me out of the blue? Maybe that is their way of promoting me to the next level of employment or what? Not that I'm complaining about it nor do I care about that. I just want to stay on top of my finances, so I can do whatever I want on my time off days. So whatever it is in this envelope, it's given to me for a reason.

I grab an envelope opener to cut it open. What I found is a bright yellow paper inside. It is a letter from the unknown dispatcher. And it starts off like this....

"Dear associates.

We are proud to inform you that you've been selected to the once of a lifetime opportunity. As an organization that is associated with Amazon, we have receive word from the CEOs and shareholders of the company that we have their permission to dispatch some workers over to the state of California, where you will be working with other associates from all walks of life. The task is quite similar to the jobs that you are familiar with, but then you will be asked to complete some other tasks by your superiors. That way you will gain new skills as you will complete your tasks in an efficient manner, learn proper communication skills, and work in an timely fashion. Also, we want you to be safe in the work environment by following the guidelines of the work attire dress code, safety tips and a five or more days of training. So in the next couple of days, we will send a transportation van to pick you and other associates up from your correct address that you have provided for us. We advise that you mark your calendars for the date and time of your exact departure. And you must be prepared for that day. So if you have any questions or concerns about the dispatch, please contact us by email or call our phone number at the bottom of the letter. We hope to hear from you soon!

Hmmm??? An organization in association with Amazon? Okay! As I was reading the letter, something else from the envelope is poking out of it, in which has caught my eyes. I took out the two things that are stapled together. It turn out to be transportation certificates for the trip, granted from the Amazon company itself. I can't believe this. I am traveling for work! I have never done anything like this before. Not to mention that I get paid on the double, just like everyone else. Isn't that awesome!? And it's only a few months away from now. Which is good, because it gives me enough time to get my preparations done by the time that day comes. But for now, I just gonna head off to bed.

When I got into my room, I put on my sleepwear, turn off the lights, switch on a track of soothing music that'll help me fall fast asleep, and alas I can call it a night.

Fast forward to a few months later, I was getting my things ready from my bathroom, to my clothes and other things, all packed up in my baggage. Now I have to go downstairs to the lobby and wait for the Amazon transportation van. I just set up my security protection code, and then I left my apartment.

I waited outside for the van to show up. After a fewer minutes later, the van has finally shown up, pulling up to the edge of the sidewalk. And it is a big white van too. So it must be them. One of the associates that I knew, came out of the van to help me with my baggage by storing it in the back trunk with the other people's baggages. Then I got into the van and sat at the back with the other associates. Once that I have fasten my seatbelt, the van is now ready to drive off down the street.

It was an long road trip to our destination. Luckily for us, the van has made quite a few stops at certain places, just for us to get out and stretch our limbs. That way so we don't get cramps in our arms and legs. We even get to stop by fast food places, so we can eat to sustain ourselves. Although I don't eat fast food anymore, like I used to. And when night falls, we stayed in at a few hotels for a couple of nights. So we can rest. Once everybody is awake and ready to go, we continue our trip to California.

After a few more days of long restless hours, we have finally had made it to the seaside coastline of Santa Cruz, California. I was astonished by the sunny weather, a couple of business buildings, and a nice view of the beaches. Now I think I'm starting to like traveling for work. The other associates are chatting about wanting to go to the beach on their days off. In all honesty, I could relate. I can use some days off to swim in these crystal clear waters myself. Hopefully, we'll earn it after working hard at the site. Speaking of which, where is that job site that we've been dispatched for?

Well! It looks like I have my questions answered as the van exits the highway, and we're heading towards what appears to be a large cargo ship at the loading dock. I was astonished by this sight of the place. So many cargoes everywhere, waiting to be loaded on the ships. And the one ship that we're going to be on, is sponsored by Amazon itself. I can't believe my eyes! We are going to work on a ship overseas! Now that's never been done before. But hey! I'm not trippin'. Just as long as I get paid well like everybody else, then I'm golden.

The van pulls up at the station near the pier. And we all got out of the van. We unload our baggages from the trunk of the van. Once the van has departed from the area, we all headed inside the building. When we have enter the door, the dispatcher on site welcomes us and he instructs us to have a seat in the break room. Everyone is ecstatic about this new job adventure. Meaningless to say, myself included. I've always wanted to be near the ocean. Must be my inner merman side of my spirit calling. I gaze out at the sea through the window. I also see a lot of people out there at the cargo bay. There's one thing that I have notice about them. And it's the fact that they're all wearing bright yellow vests with an blue smiling logo on them. They must be affiliated with Amazon or something close to that.

Then all of a sudden, a woman came into the break room. She is one of the leading dispatchers who will also be our trainer and main superior for the site. The woman welcomes us to the job site and she then carry on with the proceedings. She informs us about the job aboard the ship. We've been selected for this reason. And the tasks are quite similar to the ones that we all know back at the Amazon warehouse, but only with other people's orders from overseas. The items will be in these cargos, like the ones that we have seen outside. And we will be a part of the team. The other associates were thrilled with the information for that comes along with the benefits, which is optional.

After the briefing, the woman sets the box of bright yellow vests down on the table, alongside with various waterproof shirts, hats, gloves, waterproof pants and waterproof boots. With the correct measurements, everyone went to the locker rooms to get changed into their attire. God! I dread locker rooms. Men's locker room in particular, because of my fetish towards their feet. But I gotta suck it up. I put on my new work attire as well as my long dreadlocks in my Rasta hat, for my own safety. Now I'm ready to join the other associates outside the building.

As everyone is gathered in a big group, the leading woman introduces us to a few team members of the cargo ship. They will be showing us the ropes as we all go. Once everybody is antiquated with each other, it is time to carry our baggages aboard the ship. The other crewmen loads the cargos on the ship's plow. While all of that jazz is going on with the cargo, each Amazon associates is escorted to the quarters, where we will be sleeping in. I have to share one with two other black men and a Latino man. Oh goody! Just what I need. Not that I have a problem with these guys. It's just a personal matter of looking but can't touch. As we all got our baggages settle down in each quarter, everyone is given a tour of the ship.

From the topside of the deck, to each other decks down below. The other worksites has their own departments, quite similar to the warehouse one. There are seven break rooms on each floor, including the main one on the third floor below. Three workshops for the team members work on a few projects on the side. And there is so much more to the ship than meets the eyes.

As the tour has ended, the lead woman told all of us to get acquainted with the environment, so we can be familiar with the departments. Some of us have interacted with the other associates from different locations, different ethnic backgrounds, and a lot of different yet unique personalities. And of course there are those who have shitty personalities. The very few groups of people that I cannot stand myself, due to the fact of how one of them has approached me. A few men on the team came off incredibly rude, and they know it. Seven other women of all different ethnicities are just being catty as hell, especially when they walked up to me. And they would ask me some highly, and inappropriately negative questions about me as a human being. Those things alone is enough to ultimately rub me the wrong way. But despite of the roughly patched start, I brush all of them off and then I went to join my crew.

During the welcoming event, the captain of the ship sounded off on the radio speakers. Thus making his announcement.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!" the captain announced and he went on. "Welcome aboard the ship! I am proud to have every single one of you onboard. And I also would like to inform everybody that we will be departing from the dock soon. So make yourselves feel at home here. Talk with someone, get to know one another, work smarter rather than harder, and most of all, let's have fun!"

The entire crew on the upper deck has cheered joyously. I can't believe how lively it is here. While everyone else is chatting with each other, then all of a sudden, the captain blew the ship's horn, just as the last cargo car was loaded on the topside deck. It is an sign that we are set for departure. I head towards the railings alongside with the other associates, and we all watch the crewmen on the docks below undoing the ropes that binds the ship. Not only that, we can all heard the ship's loud engines revving up from the massive propellers swirling, to the smokes exiting out the pipes. And from that, the ship slowly departed from the docks. Alas we are finally leaving the sunny side state of California.

The ship is halfway out to the big wide open ocean. And it wasn't long before we all went straight to work right away. Wow! What do ya know? It is quite similar to the job duties that perhaps one of us is familiar with. And of course, there's a few different tasks. Which made me feel a little bit nervous about, but with the guidance of the team members on the floor, I think I will be okay for the most part.

After a long day of training, some of our shifts is over. Just as the night has fallen. Some of the other associates are night owls, so they can stay up to work the overnight shift. As for the rest of the crew, we get to sleep in. I was in my cot, reading something off my iPad. All thanks to the satellite above for WiFi. While the three other men were talking to each other about their personal lives, I was just indulging myself with an recent article online. I am fascinated with anything that is not from this world. Anything ranging from crypts, UFOs, the ether, mysticism, and mystery. Not to mention that I am reading an thesis about a couple of myths surrounding an specific rare race of creatures. These said creatures are depicted to have an upper body of a man or a woman, but from the waist down, they don't have legs nor bare feet. Instead, their bodies ends in a tail of a real fish. Those sea creatures are called, "Mermaids and Mermen."

This just in, the Latino cabin mate came up to me.

"Hey! What cha reading, essay?" he asked out of curiosity.

"Who me?" I responded quickly to the man.

"Yes you, amono." said the Latino man.

"Oh! Well...uhh.... just an article online." I answered.

"What's the article about?" the Latino man asked. "Is it about a celebrity? A sports illustrated magazine? Famous supermodels? Or what???"

"Nah! Neither of that." I replied vaguely. "I'm just reading about the lore, the myths, the history and some other things."

"Really???" questioned the Latino man with an puzzled expression. "You're into this whole conspiracy theory thing???"

"Yeah? Why not?" I wondered as I poke my nose to my iPad screen.

"Well take my word for it, chico. I wouldn't believe anything that you read on tabloids." said the Latino man. "None of these things are real. It's all just a bunch of damn nonsense that people make up for clicks and views. Don't buy into that, man."

I was a tad offended by the way he just smiles as he says that. Then suddenly, the dark skinned black man crept up in between us, chiming himself in.

"Yo, bro! Let the brotha be." said the black man. "He's just reading quietly."

"I'm just saying, bruh! He shouldn't believe in things that are not real." the Latino man reminisced. "It's all just make believe bullshit told by crazy folks."

"Okay! True. But still, let the brotha read in peace." said the black man.

He gave the dude an scary glare. And just like that, the Latino cabin mate has left me alone to read my article. But not before I look up at the black man who's giving me a nod out of respect. Then I continue reading the article for a little while. By the time the lights are going off, everybody is going to bed. My other cabin mates are about to go to sleep. So I turn of my iPad, put in my charger, and then I too went straight to bed. I immediately went to sleep along with the three other men.

(Now this is getting way too long and boring, talking about my days working on a cargo ship. So if anyone doesn't mind, let us fast forward to the main plot of the tale.)

The next couple of days are brutal as hell. I have been given tasks that are way different than I expected. And somewhat difficult too. To add the cherry on top, the same group of people that were rude to me earlier that week, are always talking to me with an nasty tone. Especially when I'm working. I really can't stand those loud mouthed miscreants! That one woman of the group almost reminded me of that black woman from my last job two years ago. I would've cussed her out, if that nicer redhead lady hadn't stepped in and told me to ignore them. And that I did. So I'd carry on with my job.

As I took an elevator downward to the fifth floor in order to retrieve some smaller cargo boxes, I came across the break room where the second group of the crewmen were taking their break, talking about something. The older man started spouting tales of the rare sea creatures that lived under the ocean. That immediately caught my attention. I unintentionally eavesdrop on the conversation for a little bit. The old man is telling the other crewmen his story about the time when he was a little boy, he and his siblings were playing on the shoreline. His parents were by the boardwalk, watching over them whilst working on the fishing docks.

They were playing hide and seek. He was it and he has counted to ten. The little boy found his other siblings. However, his younger sister was nowhere to be seen. When they all went to go find her, the boy looks over the rocks. And that is where he found his sister, but she was in the arms of a terrifying creature; a monstrous mermaid. The girl is bloodied all over her sunny yellow dress. The mermaid has murderously eaten her. The boy tremble in fear as the mermaid turn to notice him. Malnourishing her sharp jaws like a shark, she drop the girl's dead body and then charges after him. He would've been killed by the creature, if his older brothers hadn't intervene. But in doing so, they both lost their lives in the claws of the monster mermaid. His eldest sister got him out of there. And they both have ran for their lives. They were crying to their parents when they found them. The parents too were heartbroken to hear about this. They eventually called the police, but not even they cannot find the murderous monstrous mermaid, nor did they believe that she is real. Until that day, he still can't get the horrid image of his siblings' murder out of his head. And the mermaid who is responsible for this senseless massacre.

As the old man finished his story, the other crewmen didn't believe him. However, I secretly believed him. Then the old man turns to notice that I was eavesdropping on the crew.

"Hey! You there, good sir!" greeted the old man as he then asks his question. "Do you believe in mermaids, son?"

"Well, if I ever see one, then I'd believe." I responded vaguely.

The crewmen just laughs at us, but mainly at the old man for they don't believe that mermaids and mermen even exist. I can't help but feel bad for the elderly man. Sure! He may came off crazy, like some people often think they are, but the man is reasonable to an degree. He smiles back at me as a friendly gesture. I return the same back to him. But for now, I gotta get back to work.

The night has fallen. Thus my shift is finally over. Now all I want to do is to head back to my quarters and just lay down in my cot. Thank goodness that the other three cabin mates are working the later shift all night long. Which leaves me free to sleep peacefully tonight. I got changed out of my work attire and into my sleepwear. I turn the lights off in the cabin. And then I got into my cot, cozying myself within the warm sheets. It didn't take long before I immediately fell fast asleep.

Later that night, a growing storm is forming beyond the horizon. Thunder clapped soundly, lightning flashes across the dark cloudy sky, and the ocean grew angrily with waves rising like towers. Thus the cargo ship battle the oncoming storm. The captain and his crew did their very best to ensure the safety of the other personnel onboard, all the while working hard to outrun the stormy seas. But in doing so, the cargo ship is unwittingly heading towards the rocks that appeared out of nowhere. Thus the vessel crash right into the rocks, instantly getting stuck in between them.

Now all of the crew and team members have to work together in order to figure out on how to get the ship unstuck. So everybody got to work immediately.

While they all elaborate on a strategy, little do everyone know that out there from the raging waves, a mysterious creature arose on the surface. That creature has its dark aquatic eyes dead set on the cargo ship. It plans to target any live human onboard the ship, and it can either kill all of them at once, or simply claim a few as its own personal possessions. Alas the creature enacted its plan, diving into the ocean and it is swimming towards the ship

When it has gotten closer to the side, the sea creature use its sharp webbed talons to claw its way upward, climbing to the top deck. Once that its got onboard, it then used the shadows to hide itself. It awaits its chance to pounce on the unsuspecting people who unknowingly came its way.

The crewmen and the team members did everything they can to free their ship, only by unloading the unwanted heavier cargo.

While all of that is going on, one of the crewmen was walking to the other side of the deck. Never knowing that he might be in danger, before it is too late. As he notices the wet puddle in front of him, he can hear an inhumanely growling sounds coming from the shadowy deck. Before the crewman can confirm on the slight possibility, then suddenly, the creature lounges out from the shadows and killing the man.

Then it has retreated inside the ship. Just as the other crewmen and team members successfully drop the last heavy load, freeing the ship from the rocks. Now they can all safely proceed. However, they have another problem to face when one of the crewmen found a dead man's body on the deck. The captain immediately went to alert the entire ship. It appears that there's a killer stowaway onboard. So everyone is immediately on edge as if they were on a lookout for the unknown murderer.

Inside of my quarters, I'm still in bed, although I was already awaken by the commotion earlier before the alarms went off. That startled me a bit. Then I heard that the other associates were screaming outside my quarters, claiming that a killer stowaway is onboard the ship, killing anyone and everyone. Alarmed by all of this, I quickly gotten out of my cot, put my feet in my slippers, and then I ran outside of my quarters.

Just as instructed on the radio overhead, the leaders told the associates to head to the safe room. Which they all have successfully flee to there. But I was just getting to the room where the other people were at. I use an emergency flashlight nearby to see where I'm going, due to the fact that the power is out. And it is very dark in every corridor. Because of that, I have gotten lost quite easily.

When I try navigating carefully through the corridors, then all of a sudden, I can hear the sound of faint footsteps coming from the end of the hallway. I believe that it has to be one of the crewmen, or so I thought it was one of them.

"Um... Hello?" I called out to the darkness. "Is anyone there?"

My heart is pounding in my chest. I slowly proceed quietly to the end of the hall. While I'm walking down the hallway, I cautiously look over my shoulder to make sure that I don't expect an unexpected surprise that could lead to my untimely demise of whoever, or whatever may be present.

I try to find my other associates and other team members, but they were all nowhere to be seen nor heard. Now I have an unpleasant feeling that I'm all alone in the darkness. Afraid, vulnerable and helpless. I don't know what to do. I'm lost in here.

Then from the distance, I saw a shadow of a person from the flickering lights up ahead. I was relieved to see that another person is here in the corridors, presumably as lost as I am. I went towards the flickering lights in order to help that person. But when I am just a foot away as I got near the unknown person, then suddenly, the body drops dead on the floor the minute I tapped the shoulder. The head is decapitated from the body and blood spills over the floor. I was petrified of this horrific sight. Not only that, I just notice the other bodies of decapitated crewmen and a few other personnel, gruesomely gutted in a similar fashion. Seeing all of this makes me want to vomit. Thankfully, I remember that my gut is immune to that.

But however, I don't have time to process it all in as I suddenly can hear an eerie screech echoing from a meter away. Which meant that whatever is responsible for the massacre, may be closer than I think. And I was right! Before I knew it, I can see an silhouette of a massive figure standing on top of the last body it has ripped apart. Now it is staring at me. Then it starts to approach me. I backed away from the thing as it slithers over the dead bodies underneath it.

I tremble in pure horror as the creature has gotten a tad closer to my airspace. With the lights flickering on and off, I could almost make out of the creature's features. But the lights behind it is not enough to enable my ability to see it. So I use my flashlight instead. Now I can see the creature in greater detail.

That thing has a bulky shredded body of a muscular male. I notice every single detail of his monstrous features. He has a head full of thick hair, an vibrant deep shades of red and brown. Same can be said of the clean cut short beard to match, accompanied by the facial fins to his cheek bones. His eyes are dark with reflective lenses, resembling that of a real fish. Large fin-like ears are present on the sides. And his jawline can expand twice the size of his whole head, filled with rows of razor sharp teeth, matching that of a shark or any other predatorily creatures of the sea. From the thick neck down, his entire body is completely covered with bluish green scales, fins on his forearms, webbed hands with sharp finger talons , large spiky dorsal fins on his back, and the lighter green underbelly of his six pack abs. And from the waistline down, his aquatic exterior wouldn't be complete without his long teal green and black fishtail, alongside with multiple fins accompanying the scales, and two large split-end tail fins with a stinger right in between them. That creature happens to be a tall masculine monstrous merman!

Fearful of what he can do to me, just like he did with the personnel, I start to flee. I ran as fast as I can to escape the monster merman. But when I briefly look over my shoulder, I was terrified to realize that he is catching up to me at nightmare-inducing speed. The monster merman has cornered me at the end of the corridor. I tried to escape him by going the other way, but he wouldn't let me get away from him that easily. He use his own long tail to block my advances. Now I'm at the mercy of the monster merman. He has me trapped really good. Then he subdue me with his supernatural strength. I would have screamed on top of my lungs, had not the tall monstrous merman covered my mouth with his webbed hand to silence me. While at it, he can hear the other security personnel coming from the far left. As much as he want to stay and kill as many humans as he possibly can, the merman knew that he cannot take on all of them at once. Since there's so many people onboard the ship, they will easily outnumbered him, thousands to one. That's when he knew that he has to retreat for now. And he's going to use me as either a hostage, leverage, or his own personal prize possession? Unfortunately for me, the monster merman ultimately has decided for all in the above. It's settled for him.

So the tall masculine monster merman drags me with him down the hallway, heading towards the chute.

"Where are you taking me!?" I screamed at the monster merman.

He didn't respond to my question. Once we're at the foot of the chute, the merman wrap me up in between his split-end tail fins. His stinger is pointed at my face. That's his way of warning me and also threatening me. If I make a sound or struggle to free myself from his grasp, he'll kill me. Frightened to the core, I unwittingly complied to the creature's demands. Therefore the monster merman clawed through the chute and climbing upward to the main deck, taking me with him.

Once we've made it topside to the main deck, the tall masculine monster merman dragged me out across the raining floor, while he slithers to the ship's plow. He climbs over the railing whilst holding me in his strong grip. I look out to the storming ocean below us. Oh! He's not thinking what I think he's going to do! I panicked out of fear, because I'm not properly equipped for swimming in the big ocean.

"Oh my god! Please no! Don't do this to me!" I screamed, panicking for my life. "I'm not a strong swimmer yet! PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME JUMP IN THE OCEAN WITH YOU!!!"

Although he is not listening to my pleas, the merman is dead set on jumping off the ship. But he's also not going to let me drown, I hope, anyway.

This just in, the crewmen reach the main deck. They spot the silhouette of the stowaway from afar, and they all hurried to the plow. When they got closer, they were all shocked in sheer terror as the murderous stowaway is revealed to be the monster merman. Lightning flashes across the sky, slightly giving the crewmen a glimpse of his nightmarish appearance, in which easily frighten some of them. A few of them have notice that the merman has me in his muscled claws. And as an act of bravery, one of the crewmen pulls out a handgun and starts shooting at the creature. However, the bullets barely even phased him, let alone, wounded him. Thusly the crewman's futile attempts to rescue me will only make the merman angrier. He covers my ears with his webbed hands, and then he will freely use his deadly weapon, a gift passed down to him by his late mermaid mother; a high-pitched beastly roars.

Alas, the crewmen were all affected by the sound. Ears rapturing by his ungodly roars. And they all fell to their knees, weakened and nearly deaf by this. Once that they're all down, it gives the monster merman the window of an opportunity to retreat to the ocean. I tried to free myself from him, but his grip on me is too strong. One of the crewmen, despite of his deafening injury, gets back up on his feet. He tries to stop the monster merman and save me, but he was already too little too late. The monster merman has jumped off the ship with me in his arm, and he dives into the roaring ocean below.

And he swam away across the ocean, taking me with him. The entire crew glance out to the waves. They plan to go out to the sea and rescue me, but it's no use. It is all for naught. The monster merman and I were long gone.

Although they could have tried to prevent this catastrophic incident, preventing the deaths of a lot of other personnel, but that still hasn't stop the brave men and women from trying to search for me by boat. With their weaponry in hand, the crew went out to the ocean for their search and rescue mission.

I was unconscious for quite some time now. In my slight subconsciousness, all I can see is the monster merman's body closer to mine, as if he was carrying me in his strong arms. Then I can briefly see an bright light on the horizon, before everything went dark again.

During all of that, I was recently dreaming about my high school years. And I am sitting in the empty classroom, all alone with nothing more than my final exam in front of me. Then the teacher said that I need to finish my exam or else I won't graduate. I'll be here forever. But I didn't want that. And second of all, I've already graduated high school thirty years ago. None of it makes any sense. But when I try to do something about it, all of the staff and other students have gathered around so suddenly. And they've cornered me, all because of my exam. They were saying such scornful words as if to taunt me about my future, let alone, my entire life as a whole. I couldn't do anything about it, but just to scream. Alas the dream has ended.

As I came to, I found myself in an watery grotto. The area is surrounded by a pool of saltwater, abandoned but clean furniture, and a lot of other objects in here. The things that people have lost themselves. And also I found myself in a set of clean dryer clothes. I notice that my long dreadlocks is in an nice thick braids. I can't help but wonder though, who braided my dreads? But most importantly, where am I? Before I could get up, I can hear a sound of something splashing in the water. I turn to see a silhouette of a muscular figure emerging from the water. It's that monster merman who abducted me! He crawls onto the dry soil, carrying what appears to be a net full of edible seafood. For him and for others like him. The merman sets his net down to the side. And then he starts to approach me. Out of retaliation, I grab an pole nearby and I defend myself against him. It was no use. I barely did any damage to him due to the bluish green scales on his upper body that acts as his thick armor. The merman is not amused. He smacks the pole out of my hand. Before I can do anything, he grips onto me. I struggle to get his webbed hands off of me.

"Get off of me!" I shouted fiercely to the creature.

The masculine monster merman didn't budge. Try as I might, but he is not letting me go that easily. He just stood there on his own tail, refusing to release his grip on me. Of course I didn't like that. Not at all.

"I SAID GET OFF OF ME!!!" I yelled at him.

The monster merman has had enough of my futile struggles. Therefore he drags me towards the couch and he push me down. I could've fought back, but it'll only anger him. And he will overpower me effortlessly. The tall muscular monster merman sneered at me, as if he was telling me to sit down and be quiet. I did as I was told, that is if only I could understand what he's saying. Then he went to grab something out from the net. It is a large tuna. The monster merman slithers back to me with the dead fish in his webbed hands. And he drops the tuna on the table, right in front of me. Then he went to sit down on the rocks in the middle of the grotto, and he urge me to eat the large tuna in front of him. I just stare at the dead tuna for a few minutes, before I look up at the merman.

"Was that suppose to be for me to eat?" I questioned him.

The tall muscular monster merman nod his head for his answer, "Yes." I felt a little sick to my stomach. I can't eat this, especially when it's not cooked. I turn to spoke my frustration with the monster merman.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot eat fish, especially when it's raw." I said. "Is there by chance that you can have it cooked? That is, if you know how to cook?"

The monster merman just glanced at me with an puzzled expression. That's when I knew that he can't speak like us humans can. Nor does he understand what I'm trying to say to him. But he makes the effort to try anyways. The merman combines sign language with body language together in order to convey his understandings to my suggestion. Although I am not good at reading sign language, but I can try to read his body language to the best of my ability. And he too did the same. Finally! We came to an understanding, but only to an certain degree. The monster merman knows that he can't just let me starve to death. So he lets out an beastly screech, as if he was calling out to something from the water.

Then suddenly, I can see the other two figures emerging from the waters below the soil. Those two figures are both mermen, both human on top and the same lower halves of the different colored, yet similar long fishtails with stingers in between their split-end tail fins. The only one thing that I noticed about the two mermen, is that their upper body features are more normal looking, compared to the merman in front of me. One is Caucasian white, and the other is melanin black.

As the two mermen slither across the floor to our presence, the tall masculine monster merman screech to them, as if he was giving them orders to take the tuna away and cook it. The two mermen carried out his orders and they both took the tuna to the other side. The melanin merman glares intensely at me shortly before the two exited the grotto.

Thence leaving me in here alone with the monster merman. While we waited for our meals to be well cooked, especially mines in particular, I glance at the masculine monster merman. And he too glance back at me. After an short minute of silence, we have finally started our conversation.

"May I ask, why did you bring me here?" I asked the aquatic male creature.

Although he can't speak, but due to his slight intellect, he understands my verbal cues very well. As his response to my question, he uses his unique combination of both sign and body language to communicate with me, the best of his ability.

"I always claim my prize...." the monster merman says through his combined language.

"You thought I was your prize?" I questioned.

The monster merman nodded yes. And I got it right, although I didn't like his answer.

"Well I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but I am not a prize for someone to be won." I sneered irritatedly. "And especially not to something either. You're probably going to be mad at me for that, but I'm sorry not sorry."

I was prepared for him to get upset with me for my response. But surprisingly, he didn't get upset, but rather stunned by my slight rebellion. And he respected that. Thus he converse with me furthermore.

"You had a spark of fire in you...." the monster merman said via sign/body language. "I think I like that.... In fact.... you can be my ultimate finest edition to my precious treasures yet...."

"So I'm one of your treasures now?" I questioned.

He nodded, "Yes" once again. I didn't like his answer for I am nobody's prized possession. Even to an humanoid creature. Despite of my protests, the monster merman is still not upset by this. He just kept his composure as he continues to communicate with me.

"Do... not... be... upset with me..... little human..." the merman commuted. "In due time, you'll grown to like it here, with me..."

"That may be, but I'm still not going to be happy, being someone else's prisoner." I remarked in a harsh tone.

"You are not my prisoner...." says the monster merman via sign/body language. "But you also don't have a choice of the matter...."

"Are you for real?" I asked irritably.

"You'll... remain.... here... in... my... kingdom, until... I.... say different... otherwise...." the masculine monster merman demanded. "And if you dare try to escape, you will not survive out there...."

"So I'm stuck here!? With you!?" I wondered in an angrier tone.

"Like it or not, you'll stay here with me...." said the monster merman via sign/body language, and he concludes. "And try not to get on my bad side with your antics... Or else you will end up like the other humans before you...."

I clearly didn't like this. And I was this close to hating on him for it, especially for what he's done. He has killed so many people onboard the ship, and abducting me during the massacre. So there's no way I will forgive him for that, despite my lifelong fascination with his kind. The most infuriating thing about this, is that the monster merman is pretty much aware of how I'm feeling about it all. And it seems like he doesn't even care.

I just sat there, quietly glaring at him. He remains unbothered by this entirely. This just in, the two mermen came slithering into the grotto, whilst carrying cooked tuna in their webbed hands. They set the big dish onto the table. And then they both dive back into the saltwater. The monster merman clawed his first piece of the tuna meat, and he ate it whole. After finishing licking the juice of the tuna off of his finger talons, the merman turns to me.

"Eat...." the monster merman demanded through his language.

But I didn't eat a piece of cooked tuna. I refuse to eat it now. I would rather starve to death, than to be this sea monster's plaything, let alone, his personal slave. Irritated by my refusal, the monster merman vows to make me eat it, even if it means that he will have to force the sea food in my mouth. In which he has. Thus making me hate him even more in every second of it.

Never in my whole life have I ever hated on a specific kind of mermaid and/or merman, but however, he did it. This monster merman really takes the cake!

Just as we both have finished our feast, the monster merman has locked me up in this grotto, the minute he exits out of it. Now I really feel like a prisoner of this place, whatever it is. Or wherever in the world is here. It looks like I'm gonna be here for, only god knows how long. Possibly days, weeks, months, or god forbid! Even years. I hope that's not the case.

As a few days have gone by, I've been planning my escape for quite some time now. I can only hope that I could be successful at my desperate endeavor. But whenever I try to make my escape from this place, my plans will always backfire. Especially that one time when I thought that I can made it out alive. But only to find out that I'm on an rocky-like castle surrounded by a vast ocean, in the middle of nowhere no less. Not only that, I found myself in the lagoon, where the pod of mer-people with similar tails, were all wading in the water. As they all saw me, they all have glowing blood red eyes. And being the vicious creatures that they are, the merfolk slithered out of the water and they tried to attack me. Fortunately, I carefully evade them whilst I'm running for my life, despite of their incredible speed on dry land.

During the pursuit, I quickly hid behind the earthly rocks. And I waited for them to pass me by. I hold my breath whilst covering my mouth, hoping that not a single sound would give me away. Then I can hear the horrid sound of the screeching merfolk fading away into utmost silence. I think that they all have gone away, down the hallway. The coast is clear, or so I thought. As I poke my head out to see if they really gone, I crept out of hiding to continue my escape. But my escape plan has been thwarted by a massive figure when I turn to run into it. It's the tall muscular monster merman himself. He is not very pleased with the fact that I'm trying to escape from this place. In his wrath, he subdued me yet again with his strength.

The monster merman has thrown me back into the grotto once more. And this time, he has a few mermen to guard the grotto. On dry land and underneath the water. If I try to escape again, they will eventually kill me. So my efforts has been for naught. My fate has been sealed. I'm never getting out of here, alive that is.

I was feeling angry and sad at the same time. I could never be truly happy with the fact that I'm a prisoner in halfway submersed rock-like castle. Everyday I'm visited by the mermen guards who brought me cooked food for me to eat. The monster merman would hate to have me starved to death. So he orders his mermen to bring me food three times a day. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Plus some snacks. Although I'm grateful for the food, it's not enough to change how I feel about being imprisoned in the grotto, let alone, forgive the monster merman for what he's done all in the above.

Days has turn to weeks. And then weeks has slowly turn to months. Inside of the grotto, every single time I've wasted in here, has lead me into despair and depression. I felt that there's nothing I can do about my predicament. So I have suffered alone in this ghastly wet place.

Not only that, when the monster merman has been keeping a close watch on me on daily basis, he could now see how saddened I am of all of this. That's when he realized that I can never be happy, being an prisoner inside of this grotto. He knew that he could never undone the senseless massacre that he, himself has wrought back on the Amazon cargo ship. And abducting me from the ship in the first place. He cannot take it all back. However, he vows that he'll try his very best, to do right by me. With or without my willingness to forgive him.

The next day comes. I was sleeping on the couch, due to my depression. Then suddenly, I have awoken to the sound of the rusty door opening. There the two mermen guards stood on their own split end tails. I was confused by this sudden situation. From the looks of those mermen's expressions, I can tell that they're letting me go. Well.... not completely. But I am free to roam around inside the cavernous palace on my own free will. The two mermen guards were just following their orders from the monster merman himself, that I'm somewhat aware of. Just as long as I don't plan my escape right from under their noses, then I will be good on their terms. Although that was originally my first thought, but I didn't went through with it. Instead, I took them upon their silent terms. And alas I roam down the hallway.

As I explored every inch of the lair, I stumbled across a chamber. In my slightest bit of curiosity, I poke my head into the chamber's doorway. I saw a silhouette of a muscular male creature's shadow coming from the light. I quietly snuck my way inside the chamber. I was astonished by a lot of things in the room, from the rarest treasuries, to the nicely renovated furnitures. I can see the king-sized bed on the platform, surrounded by a small circling moat of saltwater. Then I turn to notice that in the corner of the chamber, lies an small vanity area, where the tall masculine monster merman is sitting by the mirror on the counter. He is grooming his brownish/bright red hair. I just stood there and admire him for a millisecond.

As I watch him tend to his personal care, I suddenly felt the urge to just walk up to him, and then feel him. Although part of me doesn't want to forgive him for the massacre of the crewmen and my abduction, but then again, part of me just want to get close to him. That is if only he allows that at all. I hesitated for a brief moment, before I suddenly summon my courage to go near the monster merman from behind his dorsal finned back. I was being careful not to step on his long tail.

The monster merman didn't even notice that I'm right there behind him. While he is finishing up trimming his red beard, I slip my hands through the chair in order to feel his muscular body. Although it startled him a little bit, but the merman calms down for he is so relaxed by the touch of my hands. After a few long minutes of me caressing his body, the monster merman turns around to noticed me touching him. I thought that he was going to throw an hissing fit at me for sneaking into his chamber, let alone, sneaking up on him and touching his body. But to my surprise, he actually didn't mind it. And despite that I'm a human male feeling onto his body, he also didn't mind it either. The monster merman glance up at me with his dark fishy eyes.

"Why.... did.... you... stop?..." the monster merman asked, using sign/body language.

"Oh!? You don't want me to stop?" I questioned him.

"No.........." says the monster merman, communicating with his eyes.

"You like it when someone caresses you all over your body?" I wondered.

"Yes........" the merman commuted. "Please..... keep.... going..... if you like....."

"Oh! Okay then." I replied as I then continue to feel every inch of the creature's body.

He lets out a loud, yet a subtle sigh for he has never had a human get so close to touch him, let alone, another male of an different species at that. But he doesn't mind it. In his long life in the deepest ocean, he had his fair share of desirable female mermaids swooning over him due to his status, ranking, heritage, and power. But to my utmost surprise, he is also fair enough to allow some other mermen who desired to be his lucky playable subordinates. See!? He is not all bad as he appears to be. Well, except for the massacre on the ship. I really can't stress that enough. As much as I want to despise and loathe him for all of that, but it seems that I can't find myself to stay mad at him for so long. The monster merman is just too damn charming in his own right, despite of his monstrous appearance.

As I continue to rub his muscles, the monster merman suddenly gets up from his chair and he turns to face me, standing tall on his own long split ended fishtail. And then he proceeds to return the favor by running his webbed hands onto my body, underneath my robes. Thankfully, he was being careful to not cut me by accident with his finger talons. I stood there paralyzed and overwhelmed by his otherworldly touch. During that moment, it didn't take me long enough to figure him out, by the fact that he fiddles with men as much as with women. However, the monster merman has never been this close to doing such activity with a human man before. So for that, it makes me the first male human being to ever do so with him. In which we'll get to the next best fun part in an moment, as the tale progresses.

While the monster merman is caressing my back in return, I unwittingly just happen to notice a picture frame on his counter. It's a old portrait of him and the mermaid holding him in her arms. He was so small in the picture as if he was very young back at the time.

The tall muscular monster merman notices that I am staring at his picture frame. And then he broke the silence with his combined language.

"That mermaid is my mother...." he commuted. "The... queen... of... the... lair..."

"Oh! That's your mother, huh?" I responded softly.

"Yes......" the merman commuted with his webbed hands.

"But where's your father?" I asked. "I mean, do you have a father?"

"I do have a father..... A merman like no other...." the monster merman replied via his silent language. "But he was killed..... by human fishermen...."

"Ohhhh...... I'm sorry to hear about that." I uttered softly.

"Which is why I vow to slaughter any human who came after my kind......" says the monster merman via sign/body language. "I have to avenge my father.... and now my late mother......"

"What happened to her? Was she killed by them too?" I asked him.

"Yes......" the merman nodded silently.

The monster merman shed a little tear from his eye. I take it that he must've missed his parents so much. Now I understand why he was terrorizing sea faring people and beach goers, if I've guess it right, for a long time. Although he is in the wrong for the senseless manslaughter, but it is somewhat justified on both accounts. Out of revenge and out of feral instincts.

During the sentiment, the monster merman's sorrow turns to rage. He was about to go ballistic and tear his furniture apart, but he then calms down and kept his composure instead. All he did was to hold me in his arms, and he resume caressing my body.

"I'm.... sorry......" he commuted.

"Sorry? For what?" I questioned.

"Sometimes.... my... rage... against... the.... humans... has... gotten... the... better... of... me...." the monster merman said via his sign/body language.

"Oh....." I responded in a seldom manner.

"I'm sure... you'd understand..." said the monster merman in his combined language.

I turn to look at him in his pleading eyes.

"So if you strongly feel this way about us humans as a whole, then may I ask why did you kept me alive?" I asked my question. "Why choose me in the first place?"

"It's because you are different from the rest...." the merman silently answered.

"I'm different???" I wondered quietly.

"Yes....." the merman commuted with his language. "Which is why I chosen you... to come with me.... to my kingdom's lair...."

"Is that so???" I wondered.

"Yes...." said the monster merman through his combined language. "And you... are... not... the only one.... For I have others that... came... before... you..."

"You mean, you abducted them too?" I questioned.

"Yes.... I have..." the monster merman commuted as he continues. "But In due time, some has grown to like it here.... And some others.... I've chose to let go."

"Oh! So this means that you'll let me go, if I so choose to?" I asked.

"Yes... But only if you choose to go...." the merman replied.

I can't believe what I'm reading from his language. The monster merman has undergone an complete one eighty. He went from a vicious creature, to a colossal jerk, and then ultimately to an really decent guy. Well, sort of.

Then the monster merman realize that he need his privacy, to be alone with his thoughts. So he escorts me out to the open door. There I stood halfway out of his chamber. I turn to him as he gaze at me.

"I need some time to think...." says the monster merman via sign/body language, and then slowly close the door. "I... will... see... you... later...."

I just stood there, feeling puzzled by his sudden mood swing. I have no idea what was that all about? This merman has become a completely different character. At first, he was an asshole way back then. But now, he is suddenly being a lot more nicer to me. So maybe he has a change of heart? Who knows?

So I just went strolling along down the hallway.

As the next few days has passed, I was pacing around in the grotto back and forth. Logically, I put two on two together. The picture of the monster merman's mother, the queen of the lair, happens to be the mermaid who slaughtered the sailors that abducted her centuries ago. And she psychologically impregnate that one lone woman on the ship, which it doesn't make any sense. But then, she met a merman. A unique one, first of his kind. He is a full fledged monstrous creature, the ultimate terror of all. So that's where the monster merman got his monstrous features from. And that's when it hits me! It has come to my realization that the merman is the offspring of the two merfolk parents. Thus he has grown to become a manly creature. Wait! That's it! I thought of a name for him.

From now on, I will call him, "Man-Creature, King of the Deep Seas".

The next following morning has arrived. I was taking a stroll all over the rocky seaside castle, admiring the waves crashing on the rocks. I can see the pod of mermaids and mermen gathering around in the lagoon below. They were all preparing to set out at the wide open ocean, on a hunt for food to feed their young children. And not a moment soon, they all disappear into the ocean. I just watch them swim away, before I leave the balcony.

I continue strolling down the cavernous hallways. The entire palace is completely quiet, due to the mer-people's departure for this hunt. No loud screeching sounds. Just peacefulness and silence, with the exception of the sound of waves crashing outside the palace. I could get use to this, somehow.

As I was halfway through the halls, then all of a sudden, a silhouette of huge figure came out from the light at the end of the hallway. I paused for a brief moment when the shadowy figure comes closer. Then I recognize the figure's monstrous features as it strolled down the hallway itself. I was relieved by this familiar face. It's just Man-Creature himself. He seems to be in a better mood today, than he was a day before. He greeted me with a good morning gesture. And I greeted him back. Man-Creature smiles gleefully and he continues strolling along the halls.

However, I just noticed something completely different about Man-Creature, especially from his lower half of his body. His long tail is not present. Instead, he has grown a pair of walkable limbs that we all called legs. Completely covered with the same teal green colored scales and multiple fins around the waistline, and on the meaty thighs and calves. And don't get me started on the very thing on any grown man, whether he is human or not, that turns me on quicker than anything else; the merman's big masculine, black scaled, fishy webbed bare feet.

Now I've seen him in his full humanoid glory. And since I saw his feet now, I suddenly felt the urge to go after him. Somehow. Maybe I could get him when he's not busy or simply not doing anything serious at the time. Usually, I just wait patiently for the right moment to get him. But since time is of the essence, I cannot wait any longer than that. I must get at Man-Creature's bare feet right now, before they fuse back into a merman's tail.

So it's a game plan then. All set in motion. Therefore I went to find him, somewhere in the palace.

I search for him all over the place. And I easily gotten lost yet again, due to the confusing hallways for it is a big cavernous palace in the middle of the ocean. I was so frustrated with the twist and turns in the hallways, that I almost had given up. But I didn't. I was so determined to have Man-Creature all to myself, while the time is fresh. So I didn't give up yet. I just continue my search for the masculine sea creature in the castle.

After a few long minutes of my frustrating navigation, I suddenly stumble upon a room that appears to be an sacred royal oasis. In the said oasis, there are numerous large formations of rocks surrounded by a big pool of saltwater. And there he was. Man-Creature is sitting on the huge rock which is shaped like a throne. He is the king of the lair. And I totally called it, days before!

With all of the other merfolk gone, hunting for food, Man-Creature is just sitting on his throne rock, all alone and probably bored. And he is still in his walkable two-legged form. Well Well! Just my luck! Now all I have to do is to persuade him into doing the foot fetish thing with me. I can only hope that he'll let me do it to him. I hesitated for a little bit at first. But then, I remember that day when I snuck into his chamber, and I felt his muscular body. And the merman didn't mind it at all. So it settles it then! If he doesn't have a problem with me touching his body, then I'm sure that he won't have an issue with what I want to do with him. I hope, anyways.

So there I go! I summon my courage to march into the sacred royal oasis, and ask him.

While I'm stepping onto each earthly platform across the water, Man-Creature snaps out of his boredom and he notice that I am approaching him. The tall muscular monster merman sits up firmly on his rocky throne, and he awaits for me the minute I'm at the foot of his presence. Damn! He is bigger than me, even when he has legs, let alone, sitting down! Although I'm nervous like hell to ask him for this kind of fun, I went for it anyways.

"Umm... Hi there." I uttered nervously.

"Do you.... need... something, little... human?..." Man-Creature commuted with question.

"Well... uh... I hope that I didn't bother you at the wrong time." I said to him.

"You... didn't... bother me..." he replied via his language. "I see... that... you have... seek... an audience.... with... me... am I right?..."

"Why yes.... I do. In a matter of fact." I remarked.

"I can tell that you are here for something....." says Man-Creature via sign/body language. "Well???... Come on..... Out with it..."

I took a deep breath, and then I spoke up with my request.

"Well... remember that thing that we kinda did in your chamber, the last couple of days?" I uttered.

"I always remember....." said Man-Creature through his language. "What of it?..."

"Well there's something that I wanted to do for quite some time now." I said, trying not to sound so nervous. "But for that, I would like to have your consent."

Man-Creature raise his eyebrow out of slightly puzzled expression.

"You... want... to... have... my... consent???..." questioned Man-Creature via his combined language. "May I ask.... what for???..."

"Just a round two of this Teensy-weensy thing that I want to do with you." I remarked with a little grin.

This subtle kind of request is quite surprising for the tall muscular monster merman, for no human, let alone, another man who has ever approached him and ask him for intimacy of some sort. He leans forward towards my face, making such weird feral sounds, as if he was both puzzled and intrigued by my sudden requests. And then he converse with me about it.

"Are you suggesting....that you want to get intimate.... with me???....." questioned Man-Creature as he looked me in the eyes.

"Well.... kinda...." I responded, although I'm not trying to choke on my words. "But can we work our way there, whenever we get to that?"

"Sure!.... As you wish...." said Man-Creature through his combined language and he then questions me yet again. "But enlighten me here.... What is it that you really want to do with me???...."

I glue my eyes downward at the merman's webbed bare feet for a few seconds, before I looked back up at his face.

"What I really want to do with you, is this...." I answered in a sly tone.

Without a slightest chance of hesitation left in me, I knelt down to the ground by the monster merman's rocky throne. And then I grab onto his ankle, gently pulling it towards my direction. Man-Creature became completely confused as I set his big masculine right bare foot on my lap. Before he could comprehend it, I started it all off by giving him an nice long minute foot massage. Thus it relaxes the monster merman king.

He sat comfortably on his throne for he found himself enjoying this foot massage. To him alone, no one has ever dared to approach him like this in a way, and then touched him. Let alone, offering him a foot massage. This thing has completely caught him off his guard for he was not expecting it at all, especially from a human man like myself. But to my surprise, he secretly allowed it. And so I continue the foot massage for a little bit longer.

I just love the feeling of touching the merman's bare foot. I run my fingers across the slimy surface of his black scaly top, the webbing fin in between his abnormally long sexy toes, and then underneath his smooth, wet, large leathery sole. For an terrifying vicious creature of the sea, I think I found him to be quite sexy, especially with legs, in his monstrous humanoid form no less.

I believe that he gets his traits from his father. No doubt about it. That would explain on how he is able to maintain his monstrous form, even out of the water. Nevertheless, I secretly like him the way he is. And I never want him to change for anything else in the world.

During the long minute foot massage, Man-Creature turns to glance down at me with an satisfying grin. Then he lifts his other leg up and he puts his left foot in my lap. He urge me to work on his left foot now. And I did just that. I massage the monster merman's left foot for another long minutes. From the strange sounds that he is making just now, I guess that he likes having his feet massaged. That's how I know that I'm doing something right.

As I then massage both of his feet, it didn't take Man-Creature that long to figure me out, the minute I rub his long webbed toes.

"I take it that you like feet..... don't you?..." says Man-Creature through his combined language.

"Yes. I like a man's feet, all my life." I answered.

"Oh!.... well.... that explains it much...." he commuted.

"Do you like it?" I asked the masculine sea creature.

"I do, actually......" said Man-Creature, using his hands. "For a mere human, you have such nice hands......"

"Thank you. I get that a lot." I said, blushing softly.

"You.... really.... do...." Man-Creature commuted gratefully. "All the reason why I've chosen you back on the human ship...."

"Yeah. I see." I said in a moderate tone, trying not to think about the horrible manslaughter. "Should I keep going?"

"If you so desired to.... then you may...." Man-Creature answered with his body language. "This.... feels.... so...... good....."

Therefore I continue to massage the monster merman's bare feet for quite a long minute. And he just sat there and let me rubbed his soles down.

After these moments has passed, the monster merman is relieved of his stressful burdens as I worked my hands on his feet. He became so relaxed, that he nearly had fell asleep on me. But that's okay. It happens all the time. However, this gives me the opportunity to go in on him. Starting with his feet. The minute Man-Creature closes his eyes due to the relaxing foot massage, I believe that it's time to make this masculine sea monster laugh.

So therefore I gently set his left foot aside for now. And then I sat down on the right side of his throne, ankle-locked his ankle, and I began to slowly, and playfully, tickle tease his large wet leathery sole. First, his long webbed toes begins to spread out, wiggle, and twitch. Then his whole large foot started squirming around in my arm. What followed the foot's reaction to my fingertips, is that Man-Creature is making that strangest beastly sounds I have never heard. It sounded like as if he was laughing. Judging from his reactions, it turns out that the mighty monstrous merman, king of the lair, is very ticklish.

Just how I expected him to be, let alone, wished for it. Alas I have him all to myself, right here in the kingdom's lair.

I tickled the monster merman's right foot for at least five to six minutes straight. Not once had Man-Creature ever thought of fighting back to free his foot, nor did he even try to escape my grasp, despite his height and sheer size over me by comparison. Instead, all the tall muscular monster merman did was to just sit there on his throne and laughs like the inhuman beast that he is.

During all of that, I crept over to the other side of his throne, grab his other ankle, and then I started tickling his left foot. Man-Creature resumes his monstrous laughter as the result. While I was tickling his foot, I found myself getting turned on from the way the merman is wiggling and twitching his sexy masculine long webbed toes. Thus I tickled his left foot for another six minutes.

Man-Creature struggles to maintain his composure on his throne rock. He glanced upon me whilst laughing. From the looks of his facial expression, it seems like his is enjoying this sensual torment as much as I do. After six minutes of barefoot tickling, I finally stopped this. So the masculine sea creature can catch his breath, feeling relieved. And then Man-Creature turns to me with a faint smile on his face.

"That...... tickles....." says Man-Creature through his combined language.

"Oh! It tickles, doesn't it?" I asked the monster merman king.

"Yes........ it.... does....." commuted Man-Creature.

"Hehe. I figure that you would be ticklish." I remarked slyly.

"Yes..... I am....." says Man-Creature, using his hands to communicate. "So you like to tickle me...... don't you???..."

"Perhaps I do." I replied to his question. "But only if you would allow me to."

"Oh..... I see....." Man-Creature commuted.

"Did I forget to mention that you have really big sexy feet, by the way?" I uttered softly whilst blushing.

"Oh???... So you think... that I.... have... sexy... feet???..." Man-Creature silently wondered.

"Yes. I think they're very sexy." I complied. "And ticklish too. Which makes it even more hotter. Well, for me at least."

"Hotter???...." questioned Man-Creature, raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean by hotter???.... Are you..... implying.... that.... I'm burning up???..."

"What? No! I didn't mean that. Honestly." I reassured him. "What I meant is your attractive attributes. From head to toe. Or the tips of your tail-fins."

"Oh!!!..." uttered Man-Creature as he scratches his brownish bright red beard. "So are you saying that you're attracted to me???...."

Well, on land, yes." I answered, feeling quite embarrassed. "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable right there."

Man-Creature reaches out to place his webbed hand on my shoulder. And he smiles at my face.

"No...... you didn't make.... me.... uncomfortable..... Not at all....." Man-Creature replied with his hand. "In fact, I was surprised by this...... actually.... I mean.... no human has ever approached me like this...... and ask me... to... partake... into... something like this...."

"Oh. I see." I uttered quietly.

"Tell me this.... little human....." says Man-Creature through his combined language as he asks his question. "When you tickle my feet...... is that... your.... way.... of... getting intimate with me???...."

"Uhh... yes. Well, kinda." I answered in a nervous chuckle. "It's how I bonded with someone in a private kinky way. With other males in particular."

"So you bonded with other males...... through tickling???...." asked Man-Creature.

"Yeah......" I replied, making a sheepish facial expression. "But only with their consent, should I do it with them."

"Just like.... you did... with me.... when you have..... my... consent???..." Man-Creature asked via his language.

"Yeah. Just like that." I replied, nodding my head.

"I see......" says Man-Creature.

"I hope that this is okay with you." I uttered softly, feeling even more nervous than before.

Man-Creature, being the platonic, yet powerful sea king that he is, comforts me in his strong arm, assuring me that it is all right with him.

"Look at me, little human....." commuted Man-Creature via sign/body language as he went on. "You don't have to feel this way around me...... I claimed you for a reason.... So I don't want you... to feel like.... you're gonna offend me in a way.... or displeasure me in a slightest..... I should be honest with you upfront..... that.... I kinda like it when a human touches me....."

"Oh! Really?" I wondered.

"Yes...." says Man-Creature, using his body language along with his hand. "I never tell..... this.... to.... anyone...... in the ocean..... but I will let you in.... on.... my...... personal...... secret....."

"Which is what?" I asked the monster merman King.

The tall muscular monster merman grinned as he is about to reveal his deep dark secret. One that he never shared with his own mer-people. But only to me for I'm the first human that he has ever found interest in, maybe in his whole life.

"I have a fetish for humans touching me, however they please......" Man-Creature commuted as he reveals his secret fetishes.

I was utterly surprised by the creature's personal revelation. Not only did he choose not to tell any one of his mer-people about his secret fetish, but to only let me in on his confession. A mere human being no less. However, when I come to think about it, I can recall that one time where he just allowed me to feel his muscular body inside of his own chamber. So why should this moment in the sacred royal oasis be any different?

Nevertheless, I have known the truth now.

I took a short break from the tickling, to allow Man-Creature to tell me about his personal life story. Through his combined language, of course. He expresses to me that he has his fair share of mingling with a few desirable mermaids and also a few gay mermen in his lifetime. However, none of those pleasurable encounters are enough to satisfy him, despite of his sexual experiences with his numerous subjects. His heart is dead set on finding a rare human being, regardless of gender, race or sexual orientation, to experiment his personal fetishes with. Although the masculine monster merman has been holding a grudge against the humans for years, especially towards the fishermen that are responsible for the death of his parents and so forth, but deep down inside his heart, he really wanted to fulfill his fetish fantasies with a special human person someday. And I guess that I happen to be one of the very few who is going to do just that with him. Right after this kinky session in the sacred royal oasis.

After Man-Creature finished his story, I am completely astonished by his revelation tale. Thence I playfully caress the black scaly tops of his feet, which made him slightly chuckle a tad bit. He knew that I want to continue tickling his feet, and he is totally fine with that.

"So.... do you want.... to.... tickle..... me... some more, huh???...." questioned Man-Creature.

"Yes. I would like to continue this with you." I replied. "If that's alright with you."

"Sure!!!.... By all means...... go... right.... on.... ahead...." Man-Creature commuted as he adjusts his comfort on his throne rock.

He places both of his feet in front of me. I grab hold onto his ankles and then I resume tickling his feet. Man-Creature lets out his monstrous sound of laughter once again. I stroke each of my fingers underneath the monster merman's large, wet, smooth and leathery soles. Man-Creature clawed his talons onto his rocky throne, leaving a few scratch marks on where he rests his arms. I just love the way I make his long toes curl up when I tickle underneath them. Thus the barefoot tickling ensued for nearly seven minutes straight. Almost an hour long, all day.

And after all of that, I finally stop tickling the tall muscular monster merman's bare feet. Man-Creature sat on his throne, panting out of breath. Although he was relieved of the ticklish torment, but he is far from finished. Let alone, exhausted from all of that laughter, or completely satisfied. He wanted to do some more with me. And maybe, he is thinking about giving me something similar in return.

Before I could aim for his upper body, Man-Creature stops me for a little bit. My hands in his, and it felt a little fishy on his palms.

"Mm-mmm.... don't tickle me please....." says Man-Creature via sign/body language.

"Huh? Why?" I asked in confusion.

"Well at least, not while we're in the sacred royal oasis......" Man-Creature says with his hands.

"Why?" I asked.

"My merfolk will hear me......." says Man-Creature via sign/body language. "I will.... unintentionally.... attract them.... back here.... if they.... hear... my laughter...."

Then the tall muscular monster merman gets up from his throne. There he stood tall, towering over me. And then, he knelt down to my level and took my hand in his own. Alas, Man-Creature communicates with his slight ultimatum.

"Why... don't... you... follow... me.... to... my.... chamber...." said Man-Creature with his sign/body language. "I'll let.... you... do... some more... there...."

"Oh okay." I nodded responsively.

Therefore I follow Man-Creature from behind, exiting the sacred royal oasis.

After strolling down the long hallways of the cavernous palace, we arrive at his chamber's door. The monster merman invites me into his chamber. Once we both have entered the chamber, Man-Creature shut the door behind him. Now we are both alone in here. Just how I liked it to be. And I'm sure that Man-Creature has felt the same way too. He escort me to his large king-sized bed, surrounded by a small moat. There he sat down on the edge of his bed. Then the monster merman pulls me closer to him, and he undone my robes, stripping me down to bare nudity. But I didn't mind it as much. Just as long as I get to have my way with Man-Creature, then I have nothing to regret for.

With the merman's arms around me tight, I am overwhelmed with excitement and compassion as Man-Creature looks directly at me with his dark hypnotic eyes.

"What do you want to do???....." asked Man-Creature with his body language. "Do you.... want.... to.... tickle me more..... Or do..... you.... want... to.... get right down.... to...... the..... nitty gritty???......"

"I still want to tickle you." I answered the creature's question. "From the feet, to your whole body. And if you play nice during that, I might give you a nice warm, happy, finishing award in the end. Would you like that?"

"Definitely......... Yes please......." Man-Creature replied via sign/body language. "However, I have .... a.... condition.... that.... I want... to.... propose for you....."

"Hmmm? What's that?" I questioned.

Then Man-Creature has made his proposal for his condition beforehand.

"Let me please you...... whenever you're done tickling me........" said Man-Creature, using his hands to commute. "Now would that..... be.... alright..... with you???...."

"Yes, sire. I would love that very much." I complied.

"Very good......." says Man-Creature via sign/body language. "And you don't have to be formal with me....... little human...... Just treat me..... as your..... play partner...... Understood???....."

"Oh! Okay. I understood." I replied, nodding my head.

"Good....." commuted Man-Creature as he then seduces me by caressing his long wet webbed toes on my legs. "If you want my feet........ come and get them......"

I grinned deviously as I waste no time at all, going down by the edge of his bed, grabbing his ankles, and I started tickling his foot soles. Man-Creature lies back on his bedsheets and begins to laugh once again. The barefoot tickling went on for five minutes straight. I stroke each of my fingers all over and underneath the monster merman's bare feet, leaving no inch of his feet untouched. I tickled him from the heels, to the high arches, to the balls of the feet, and underneath his twitching long webbed toes.

Man-Creature buries his face in the palm of his hands whilst laughing out loud. I will admit that he makes the strangest sounds that I have never heard, ever coming from an inhuman creature. But then again, one does one expect? He and his kind are only partially human. So I'm used to it by now.

After tickling his masculine fishy soles for a good long minutes, I gave him a short break. So he can catch his breath. Man-Creature just lies on his dorsal finned back, panting and mildly sweating. Despite of his relief, Man-Creature is still anticipating for what I'm going to do next upon him. He looks directly at me, awaiting for another round of his kinky torment. I guess that he likes being tickled as much as I like to dish out on him. Alas I did just that as I crept upward to his body, caressing his scaly legs as I go. That got a little chuckle out of him. I climb onto the merman's bed, right in between his legs. And then I begin to tickle his abdomen. Man-Creature starts to laugh for his light green six pack abs are very ticklish. Who knew that the self-proclaimed king of the lair is very ticklish on his feet and his abdomen? However, I have yet to explore everywhere else on his body.

I then tickle his sides to his ribs. He is slightly ticklish there, but not as much. And then I climb on top of his torso, and proceed to tickle his underarms. Thus Man-Creature starts making a howling sound of monstrous laughter. Turns out that his armpits are just as ticklish as his feet. Go figure! Although he could've fought back to get me off of him, but he still chooses not to. The tall muscular monster merman just has his arms up, exposing his smelly wet armpits to my fingertips. He gaze at me whilst laughing his hot monstrous ass off. I am not afraid of the sight of Man-Creature's sharp teeth when his jawline expands widely as he laughs. Although I should be, but I'm not. For some reason, I just find him to be adorable, especially when he's looking at me whilst being tickled. So I just tickle his armpits for like about six minutes. And Man-Creature just lies there and took the kinky torment like the tough alpha-male king that he is.

After the armpit tickling, I moved onto tickling his thick neck. That made him giggle like a girl, although he sounded a little eerie. Somewhat cute and a tad terrifying.

Then I put my hands on his pecs. And Man-Creature decides to put on a little gun show, only exclusive for me. Mainly because I just happen to be his favorite special human now. Man-Creature sits up to flex his monster muscles, just to please and entertain me. The way he move his pecs up and down has gotten me so flustered. He knew that he is charming me without even trying so hard. It's no wonder that a few desirable mermaids and a few gay mermen are easily swooning over him, despite of his overall monstrous appearance. However, none has captured his utmost attention quite like I surprisingly did. A mere human being at that.

He even lets me touch his biceps. I took my precious time feeling every inch of his body. Man-Creature smiles for he clearly doesn't mind it at all. It is what he wanted anyways. To have me all to himself, just like I do.

After that, the gun show is over. Now time to get back into the next fun part of our sensual playtime. Man-Creature lies back down on his dorsal finned back. And I climb back onto his torso. As Man-Creature expect the unexpected of his eager anticipation, I proceed to tickle his light green nipples. That'll get him all horned up. To my surprise, it made him laugh and moan soundly, for it kinda tickles and feels so good at the same time. It's like his second sweet spot, that I'm now aware of. But I can roll with that. So Man-Creature allows me to tickle his nipples for nearly three minutes. And he just lied there and enjoys it simultaneously. The more I tickle his nipples, the hornier he will get.

Surprise! Surprise! It is working for I've notice that his lower region is oozing out precum from his reproductive slit. Now I know what to do from here. And Man-Creature is well aware of what I'm going to do with his body. Because after all, he gave me his consent to do so.

So I climb off of his muscular torso and right in between his legs. Then I started it off with a little erotic massage to the slit, rubbing his oozing clit. Man-Creature lets out a soft feral sigh of lust as he watches me rub my hands onto another one of his sweet spots. The tall muscular monster merman king is enjoying this overwhelming feeling of lustful pleasure that he is receiving from me. Well, he wanted to explore his fetishes with a rare human who isn't afraid of him in his whole life. So this one of them. I continue to use my techniques to put a little pressure on the merman's fishlike clit, which I've learned from a masseur years ago. Thus making him moan even soundly. When Man-Creature is succumbing to this kind of erotic pleasure, that is when I know that I'm doing something right. But of course I didn't stop there.

As I continue to rub him there, I slide my fingers inside of his slit, gently tickling his warm wet walls. It cause Man-Creature to make a lustful sound. He has never had anyone done anything like this to him before. Let alone, even allowed them to get too close and touch him in certain parts of his body, which makes me the first one to do so. Simply because he allowed it.

I slid my fingers further into the merman king's slit, until I felt something. Turns out that I am touching the tip of the monster merman's cock head. I wiggle my fingers inside him, encouraging his hardening cock to come out. Alas it did. His huge cock arose from the slit. So pinkish like flesh, so thick and throbbing, veins everywhere, and all covered in oozing fishlike substance. So who needs lubricant?

Man-Creature blushed out of slight embarrassment for this is his first time doing this with a mere human being like me. But in the same time, he's feeling rather excited about it. And it shows. With his long strong legs spread further apart across the bed, Man-Creature sits up to glance at me, smiling and eagerly awaiting for his pleasure. Now I know that he's asking for it.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked the monstrous sea king.

"Yes......." says Man-Creature, using his hands to communicate whilst nodding.

"Alright then. Here we go." I uttered.

I place my hands on his slimy huge cock, and then I start to stroke him off. Slowly and firmly, but gently. Man-Creature laid back down on his bedsheets. He is making such strange sounds as a result of the feeling of his cock being worked on by a human. He sounded like as if it was feral yet lustful. Turns out that he likes it. The tall masculine monster merman king puts his muscular arms up behind his head, enjoying his pleasure. I continue to stroke his cock for an hour.

During that moment, I use different techniques that I have learned from a few LGBT friends a while, to give Man-Creature the best sensual experience of his aquatic life. And it is working for Man-Creature is making such arousing noises, ever fitting for an masculine alpha male of a watery beast. I used one hand on the shaft, and the other hand on the head. Plus a slight tickle on his huge balls for good measure.

Man-Creature sits his head up and gaze at me, smiling for he likes the feeling that I'm giving him. He can't wait to return the same for me, right after I finish him off. While I'm doing this to the merman, I turn over my shoulder to look at his big masculine webbed feet. I just love seeing the way how I make his long toes curl. Such an arousing sight for sore eyes indeed. Thus the merman's cock milking continues for the rest of the hour.

In the last few minutes, Man-Creature begins to make loud ferocious grunts, as if he was getting closer to busting his nuts. I can notice that by the way his whole body shifts continuously. His muscles tightened, webbed hands balled into fists, his legs stretched out on each ends of his bed, his feet arched like a ballerina, his long toes curled, his eyes squinted shut, and he bared his clenched teeth. That's when I knew it. Man-Creature is about to reach his limit.

Then suddenly, he lets out a menacing ungodly roaring cries of lust, all the while he was blasting a massive load of seamen all over the place. Even on my dreads. He was roaring so loud, that the entire seven seas could hear him. Leaving the marine creatures and the sea faring people shook by the echoing sound. It was heard everywhere.

Back inside of the chamber, Man-Creature sits up right, gazing at me with relief in his dark fishy eyes. And then he lies back down on his bedsheets. However, he is slightly unaware of what's going to happen after the fact, for I am not done with him just yet.

While he is lying there comfortably, yet exposed himself openly, I aim to tickle his genitals since his cock become very sensitive to the point where it is as ticklish as his ballsack. Thus making Man-Creature resume his laughter, but only more hysterical than before.

"Does that tickle, your majesty?" I asked the monster merman with the utmost of sarcasm.

He nodded his head to my answer whilst laughing like the inhuman beast that he is. I thought so as much. The evidence is clearly showing right at my fingertips. Therefore I continue to tickle the merman's genitalia for three minutes. Although it tickles him there, Man-Creature still didn't even try to fight back to escape from his sensual torment. All he did was to just lie there and allow me to have my way with him. He is doing this, not only just to prove his unchallenged toughest masculinity, but rather that he is enjoying his own personal fetish with me. And it all shows.

After all of that, I stopped tickling his big cock and balls. All covered in his wet warm sticky seamen. I give Man-Creature a little break to catch his breath, before I can resume the final tickle torture.

As he thought it was over, I sneak in an tickle attack to his underarms. And Man-Creature resumes his laughter once more. I took my sweet precious time tickling the tall muscular monster merman for the last remaining hours, going from his large fin like ears, to his thick neck, to his whole torso, to his exposed huge pinkish genitals, and down his strong merman legs, ultimately to his big masculine webbed bare feet.

As when the sun has set outside on the horizon, the monster merman king's erotic tickle torture has come to an end.

Man-Creature just lies there in relief, panting heavily out of breath. His genitalia has softened and is now returning inside his slit. I just gave him time to recover his stamina. I put my hand on his chest, feeling his beating heart. He put his hand on mine. He turns to look at me with a satisfying grin on his face. I return the same mutual feeling for him as well. Then I get up from his bed to fetch some clean towels, or something to wipe up the mess from the merman's crotch, and my dreads. He makes a soft screech to get my attention and he points at the chest next to the corner of the chamber. I went over to open the chest and found a few pieces of clean fabrics that'll substitute for towels.

I went back to the bed with the fabrics in my hand. And I handed a few over to Man-Creature. So he can wipe his lower body parts clean. I too wipe the merman's bodily mess off my dreadlocks. Once that we're done, Man-Creature sets the fabrics aside for now.

And then he suddenly wraps his arms around my body. I didn't resist him for I knew that he has yet to fulfill his part of the promised session. He turns my head to face him. His eyes met mine as he then caress my lips gently with one finger. Before I knew it, Man-Creature makes a subtle feral sound. He is going to get me off now.

"It's...... my...... turn.... to...... please...... you...... now........." Man-Creature commuted with his eyes. "So.... brace..... yourself....."

The monster merman king turns me around and makes me sat down at the edge of his bed. He then sat down behind me. My back touches his abdomen. And his legs stretched out to the floor. Believe it or not, he is inhumanly tall compared to my normal size alone. I immediately became overwhelmed by the way he caress my body. The monster merman moves my long braided dreadlocks to the side. When he starts to play with my nipples, in a similar way I did with his, I felt overwhelmingly turned on by his slight touch. Just like I did with him, Man-Creature proceeds to tickle my nipples with his big webbed hands. That really feels good. And he is pleased to know that I like the way he touches me there. The more he does this, the hornier that he'll make me become.

In the heat of the moment, Man-Creature can see that my dick is hardening and throbbing. He knows what to do from there. The merman king reaches one hand down in between my legs to grab hold of my genitals, mainly my hardened dick. And with the help of his slimy substance, Man-Creature begins to jerk me off. I laid my head back on his pecs, feeling overwhelmed by the pleasure I'm receiving from him. Man-Creature is pleased with my body language as he continues to rub every inch of my cock with his wet bare hand. He holds me closer to his body while he's at it. My eyes are watering with lust, because he has me hypnotized when he touches me in certain areas of my body. One hand tickling my neck, nipples, and balls. And the other hand is treating my cock like inside a woman's vagina. All thanks to the fishlike substance and the merman's firm yet gentle grip.

After a hour later, I felt that I'm getting closer to my limit. Man-Creature can tell that I'm getting close, by the way I grip firmly on his arm. That made him smile a little bit for he knows that he has to finish me strong in the end of the session. So he did just that, going a tad faster to make me bust my nut. Alas it is working for I am reaching my finishing limit. My continuously shifting body language tells it all. And Man-Creature knows it all too well as he finishes me off with his hands.

"Okay!.... Here it comes....." I uttered softly. "I'm cumming!!!......"

Man-Creature made a sound as if he is acknowledging my subtle warning. And alas I blasted a massive load of seamen all over the place, creaming inside the palm of his hand. Now I'm completely drained with satisfaction. And being the freaky alpha male monster king that he is, Man-Creature proceeds to lick my seamen off from his webbed hand, all the while he glances down at me. He gave me a sexy charming smile. For a terrifying sea monster, he can sure get his freak on behind closed doors.

And who doesn't love a scary monster with a freaky side to them?

The tall muscular monster merman grabs a piece of clean fabric, dosed it in water from his small circular moat, and he gave it to me, so I can wipe my mess off of my genitals.

Now that the mess is taken care of, I wondered of how much time has passed since we've engaged in this kinky sensual fun time. Man-Creature took out an old-fashioned pocket watch. I'm surprised that the watch still works, even in the twenty first century. It is a quarter of eight, Atlantic time zone. The merfolk should be back from their hunt by now. So I quickly got myself dressed back into my robes. Man-Creature watches me get dressed in amusement. Then he can hear the sound of his mer-people coming home to their submersed kingdom. He turns to me one last time and he invites me to accompany him to the great feast tonight.

"Come..... You should.... join me... to.... the.... great feast...." says Man-Creature via sign/body language.

"Oh? Are you asking me to join you for dinner?" I asked the monster merman king.

"Yes....... join me...." Man-Creature answered with his language.

He lends his hand out to me. Well to be fair, it will be rude of me to refuse his offer. So I made my decision to take him upon his offer, and then took his hand. Man-Creature escorts me out of his chamber. And once we've exited out from there, we both made our way down the hallway.

We arrive at the dining lagoon, where all the merfolk has brought back the food with them from their hunt. They set the food down on the rocks in the middle of the water. Once they've turn to see me by their king's side, they grew angry with displeasure. They don't like the thought of a human roaming inside the palace, let alone, joining them for the great feast. One of the mermen would've gotten up to end my life, if Man-Creature had not commanded him to stand down. The merman would have been defiant out of prejudice and arrogance, but fear instills within him for it's not wise to challenge Man-Creature's monstrous wrath. So he has backed down. Therefore I joined him by his side at the rock table.

The mermaids brought the food to the earthly table. Man-Creature remember that I want my food to be cooked thoroughly and well done. So he ordered his mermaids in waiting to cook my food as requested. And they carry out his orders. A few minutes later, the mermaids in waiting have return to the lagoon with cooked food on the seashell dishes. I can't believe I'm starving, the second they place the dishes in front of me. Now it is time to feast.

During the feast, the merfolk were all glaring at me with the utmost distaste. None of them has ever been so welcoming to me since the day Man-Creature had brought me here. However, none of them would dare to attack me, as long as I'm under their monster merman king's custody. So they'll have no other choice but to respect their king's decision. His word is law. Thus we all continue to feast for the rest of the evening.

An hour has passed after the great feast. And all of the mer-people has disbanded. Thus returning back to the salty sea. So it's just me and Man-Creature strolling down the cavernous hallways by ourselves. I was about to head back to the grotto, since it's the only place that I have to sleep in. But Man-Creature suddenly has stop me with his hand on my shoulder. He has another suggestion to make. One that I cannot possibly refuse.

"Why don't you..... sleep.... with.... me.... in.... my..... chamber tonight???...." Man-Creature suggested with his hands.

"Why is that?" I questioned the creature.

"The grotto is..... too cold.... in.... the.... dead of night...." said Man-Creature via his sign/body language. "So sleep with me.... in.... my.... chamber tonight.... I'll be.... willing.... to.... share.... my.... bed.... with a..... human.... like.... you....."

Needless to say, he does kinda make sense. Besides, anything is better than having to sleep in the cold wet grotto, many nights before. So I just took him off by his offer once again. Alas we head towards his chamber.

Once we've arrived at his chamber's door, we have entered his room. Man-Creature shuts the door behind him. Now it's just the two of us, alone in the chamber. Man-Creature took my hand and then he lure me to his ultra king-size bed.

I climb into his bedsheets before him. And after he dim the lights down, Man-Creature climb into his bed beside me. He proceed to wrap his arm around my body, pulling me closer to his brooding chest. The tall muscular monster merman looks down at me with tired eyes. He gently caress my face and then kiss my forehead.

"My precious little human......" Man-Creature says with his eyes. "Thank you.... for.... sleeping.... with..... me.... in here.... tonight...."

"No problem, my king." I responded tirelessly. "I'm glad that you offered to have me sleep in here with you. Beats having to sleep in the cold wet grotto. Just like you said."

"Yes... that's true..." says Man-Creature via his eyes and hands. "Are... you... warm???..."

"Yeah. I'm all warmed up now." I answered. "Thanks for asking."

"That's good....." said Man-Creature via his sign/body language, smiling.

"Can I request something before we doze off?" I asked.

"Yes, you may...." said Man-Creature, communicating with his eyes. "What.... is..... your.... request???.... Tell me....."

"I would like another round of tickle sex with you, first thing in the morning." I replied. "I hope that's okay with you, sire."

Man-Creature, although tired, just smiled softly for he is more than happy to satisfy his own personal human treasure's desires. So of course it doesn't take him long to agree with my kinky request.

"Yes!!... Of course.... my little human....." the merman king replied with a ferocious yawn. "We can do that.... in the morning......"

"Okay, my king." I yawned softly. "Goodnight, Man-Creature."

"Man-Creature???.... I never heard that before...... but okay then....." said Man-Creature via sign/body language and he too yawns for the last time. "Goodnight, little human....."

I fell asleep in the monster merman's arms. He too has fallen asleep. And as for the rest of the submersed kingdom, the mer-people has fallen asleep in their small cavernous homes, all the while those who are night owls, are going out for the night hunt. As the moon is lighting up the nighttime sky, the tides are rising and splashing on the rocks, everybody has slept so soundly throughout the night. And by the time morning comes, the next chapter of fun shall begin.

The End of Part One

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