Manny's Wish

By Art Thomas

Published on Mar 23, 1999



This is a continuing account of experiences I had during my years in the military. My first story, "Billy's Gift" was about my first field assignment at a remote radar site on the Bering Sea. The following story takes place after I returned from my one year tour of duty in Alaska. The places and characters (with some changes) are true but the sex is pure fantasy; what I wished had happened, but alas... Thanks to all who wrote me about "Billy's Gift". I hope the following continues to entertain you as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Manny's Wish - Part I

Thursday Noon

"Bye Mom," I said as she grasped me in her arms and kissed me on the lips. "You be careful, now" she admonished "and don't go picking up any hitchhikers!"

"I won't" I replied as I turned to my Dad who was waiting his turn to wish me farewell. "Call us as soon as you get there" he ordered in his gruff voice and I said that I would. We hugged and I turned to go down the steps to my new Oldsmobile. The last two and a half weeks were very nice at my folk's home and I got plenty of rest. But now I was ready for some action! I had about twelve days left on my 30-day leave and I was going to spend it with my true love!

"I love you," I yelled to my parents as I got into the car and started the engine. It was a very hot July day, noon in Central Texas, and I couldn't wait to check out the air conditioning in my new buggy. It was a sleek Cutlass, pale green with chrome and silver stripes down each side. I was on an all-time high as I cruised down the highway heading for Houston. It would be a little over four hours before I got to John's place and my dick, sensing some action after a long period of no sex, strained in my shorts. Will he still want me after twelve months, I wondered?

I remembered our farewell over a year ago. It was in his apartment and the sex we had was out of this world! We both knew that I would be gone for a long time and we wanted this to be extra special. And it was! The kissing, hugging, licking, sucking, fucking and just about everything else we could do in one night went on until daylight. When John took me to the airport for my flight to Seattle the next morning I was completely shot. I think I slept all the way to Seattle.

Driving through Bryan I thought of the special friend I had at Texas A&M when we were in college several years ago. I wondered where Jim was now. He and I met at a football game when we were juniors and just seemed to be attracted to each other. Although I was going to TCU in Ft. Worth, we managed to get together about every two or three months for some real hot sex. Jim was going into the Army after college and I went into the Air Force so we never saw each other after graduation. I wondered if he had found anyone to come to his bed while he was in the Army. He was kind of shy and, although receptive to my advances, never took the initiative to try anything.

My reverie was broken by a news flash on the radio that Hurricane Belle was in the Gulf and headed towards New Orleans. I hoped it stayed away long enough so that I could get through Louisiana and Mississippi, after I had a few days with John. Or maybe it would come onshore quick like some big storms do and be gone by the time I hit the Big Easy. Well, I'm not going to worry about it, I thought. I've got twelve days to get to my base in Florida, which is plenty of time.

I stopped for gas and a bite to eat in College Station, hoping that I might get a glimpse of some of the hunks who were going to school at Texas A&M. However, since it was summer, I didn't expect to see very many students. At the Dairy Queen, as I sat outside in the sweltering heat eating my burger, I did notice some young studs drive up in their car. They were laughing and carrying on like college kids do. One was really nice and showed a big basket pushing out his tennis shorts as he went to order his food. I leered at him and he looked back at me and smiled. My dick did a jerk and all of a sudden I was in lust! Little did he know how I longed to ravish his body right here. I was that horny, after spending so long in isolation in Alaska. But then he turned back to his friends and they went and sat in their car to eat. Damn! I thought, I'd really like to see more of him. But, they finished eating and drove off after the hunk got out to throw their garbage in the trashcan. He did (I'm certain!) smile at me again as he got back into the car. Oh well, I sighed, another opportunity missed.

Back in my car I continued my journey to Houston, wondering if John will be home. I wrote to him from Alaska saying that I would stop by and see him this week. He didn't answer my letter and there wasn't anything from him at my folk's home waiting for me. I thought about calling him but decided that I'd rather surprise him; I wanted to see the look on his face when he opens his door and sees me standing there!

Reaching the outskirts of Houston, I had to stop and check the map again to be sure of his residential area. I had been to his apartment building many times before but things sure changed in the year I was gone. Mostly road construction and stuff like that. He lived near Rice University so I got on I-610 and headed for his place. Unfortunately, I didn't do a very good job of timing my arrival in Houston and got stuck in the five o'clock rush traffic. It took me almost an hour to get to his apartment from I-610 (I had forgotten what big city traffic was like...almost made me homesick for the remoteness of Alaska...NOT! :) I was a bunch of frazzled nerves when I finally did pull up in front of his building. Walking up to his door, I noticed that the place really hadn't changed much. I wasn't sure that he would be home. John was an investigator in the city's social welfare office and since it was only 5:30 p.m. he might still be at his office. I rang his doorbell and waited. Shortly, I heard the lock click and the door began opening. I was all set to rush into his arms when there in front of me stood the most gorgeous looking Hispanic boy that I've ever seen! I was stunned by his beauty. He couldn't have been more than 15 years old. Neither one of us said a word for what seemed like a long time. Finally he flashed a smile that would melt an iceberg and said, "Hi! I bet you're Tommy."

"Uh, duh, yeah," I stammered, still overwhelmed by this exquisite creature in front of me.

"Come on in" he said stepping aside. "It's cooler in here and I don't want to let the heat in."

"Uh, yeah, thanks" I kept stammering, still not able to comprehend this awesome person. If he had said 'Go jump off the railing' I would have done so without hesitation, even though we were on the third floor! I was so taken with him that I didn't realize that my mouth was still open and drool was sliding down my chin.

"John isn't home yet," he offered, "but he should be coming soon. He works downtown at the welfare office and usually gets home about 6 o'clock," he explained.

"Oh, OK" I said. "Can I wait here?"

"Sure" he smiled that heart-rending smile of his that made me weak and want to faint. "I'm Manny," he said as he offered his hand.

"Uh, hello Manny" I manage to get out and grasped his cool, soft palm. Electricity pulsed through my veins at his touch. My God, I thought, I've got to get hold of myself. Maybe I've had too much sun, I said to myself, feeling weak in the knees.

"Can I get you something to drink?" he offered. "We've got iced tea and soft drinks. John doesn't drink so I can't offer you a beer or anything," he was explaining as I stared at his handsome face and then down to his torso. He was not muscular but was shaped very nicely for a teenager, from what I could tell through his droopy tee shirt. My eyes wandered down to his basket. He had shorts on and they did reveal a slight bulge with slender, hairless legs stretching below the shorts. His skin had a mellow golden sheen to it and his ebony hair came just to his neck. I would guess that Manny was about five seven or eight and weighed about 140 pounds.

"Uh, yeah," I said, "iced tea would be great."

"Have a seat and I'll be right back," he said as he turned to go into what I surmised was the kitchen. As he walked away from me my eyes dropped to his ass, a thing of beauty in itself. It was so round and plump and it took every bit of my energy not to reach out and grope those delicious buns.

Good God, I thought, who is this Adonis and where did John get him? I knew that John liked boys but this was just too much to be real! As I was sitting there with a million thoughts racing through my mind, I heard a key in the door. It opened and in came John, squinting in the darkened room, trying to see his way.

"Manny, I'm home," he yelled out. Then he saw me sitting on the couch and yelled, "Tommy!" He came rushing to me, grabbed me around my waist and gave me the biggest and sloppiest kiss I've ever had (John was always a wet kisser!). "My God," he said as we unclinched "I didn't expect you so soon!" I just kept holding on to him, not wanting to let go. God, he felt so good after all these months!

Manny came into the room carrying two glasses of iced tea. "Tommy, have you met my roommate, Manuel Ortega? Manny is starting at Rice this summer" John said.

"Rice University?" I asked with a little bit of incredulity in my voice, seeing that he was so young.

"Yes," John laughed, "he was an honor student and class valedictorian in high school last year and Rice gave him a full scholarship. He's going to summer school to get a head start on the other freshman," John offered.

"You look so young" I said to Manny. "I thought you would be a freshman in high school, not college!"

"Oh, I'm 19," he said. "I know I look real young. A lot of people think the same as you."

The conversation continued with small, polite talk about how did I like Alaska, where was I going next and do I think I'll make a career out of the military. While we were chatting, my mind began thinking about what happens now. Is John sleeping with this young god? Where do I fit in? Should I just leave, saying I need to get to my next assignment? Where will I spend the night? It's getting late to find a motel room. Damn, I wished that I had called ahead!

"Well, you must be tired from your drive," said John. "Come on and I'll show you to your room. How long will you be staying with us?"

"I, uh, well, I thought maybe a couple of days," I stammered.

"Good!" said John. "If you can stay until Sunday, we'll have some of our friends over for a get-together Saturday night. Manny's brother is in the Air Force and he's home on leave. He'll be here with his roommate."

"Roommate?" I questioned.

"Yeah. Eduardo's roommate is from San Antonio and they're getting ready to return to their base on Sunday. They're stationed at Keesler AFB in Biloxi," he informed me.

"Keesler!" I said. "I'll be going right by there."

"Hey, maybe you can give them a ride," said John. "They were planning on taking the bus. They're only Airmen Third Class and can't afford a car yet. They've been in the service for less than a year. They're going to Radio Operator's school at Keesler."

"Sure, I'd be glad to give them a ride," I said. "When do they have to be back at the base?"

"I think they're due back on Monday," said John. "We can ask Manny. Hey Manny," John yelled back to the living room, "when do Eduardo and Homero have to back at Keesler?"

"Lunes!...Monday!" was shouted from the other room, Manny quickly correcting himself.

John smiled. "We speak in Spanish most of the time around the house. It's Manny's native tongue and helps me to improve my Spanish. But I've told him to speak English when we have friends over." John was moving some things around in the bedroom to make room for me. I leered at his tight ass as he bent over to move some boxes. God, how I wanted to get on my knees and nuzzle that sweet ass! My cock began stiffening in my shorts as he kept presenting me with the view that I have been dreaming about a whole year!

"We kinda use this room for storage so it's sorta messy," he apologized. "Where are your things?" he asked.

"Oh, they're in the car," I replied. "I'll go get them."

"Manny can do that for you," John said. "You'll get Tommy's things out of his car for him won't you Manny?" John shouted down the hall.

"Si...Sure," Manny yelled back. "Give me your keys and tell me which car it is," he said coming down the hall.

I handed him my keys and described my car and he was out the door in a flash.

I looked at John who was grinning from ear to ear. "My God, John," I gasped "where did you find him?"

John approached, put his arms around me pulling me to him. "I had to find someone to keep me warm at night while you were gone," he said grinning and planting another one of his wet kisses on my lips.

I moaned and stabbed my tongue into his mouth. "Oh God I've missed you so much" I said between moans and kisses. He pressed his body closer and I could feel his seven-inch erection scraping against my rigidity.

"Oh Tommy, I've missed you so much too. I'm sorry, I just couldn't face all those nights alone without you. I had to have someone to love and to love me. I found Manny and took him in. At first he slept in the guest room but then things started to happen and we ended up lovers. Oh Tommy, I love you but I also love Manny so very much. He really needs me."

"Well, I sure can't blame you there," I said with wonderment. "He's one of the most beautiful boys I've ever seen. And I'm not saying that just because I've been in isolation so long. You are so lucky to have found him."

"I know," said John. "And I cherish him. Sometimes I think of him as my own son. I need to tell you something about him." My eyes grew wide as I wondered what he was about to say. "Manny was terribly abused by his father, ever since he was eight years old when his mother died. About a year and a half ago, that shithead of a father took him down in the barrio and sold him to anyone who wanted to use Manny for their sexual purposes." I gasped, not able to comprehend how a father could do something like that to his own son.

"Manny was brutally raped, over and over, and if the police hadn't come along at the right time they would have killed him," John continued. "He spent almost six months in the hospital. He was so badly hurt, both physically and mentally, that he refused to speak at all in the hospital, just lying there and slowly dying. The doctor's tried to talk to him but he just wouldn't respond. I was the investigator for Social Services on the case. I would visit him every day trying to get him to respond to me. I guess Manny started trusting me because he finally began talking after my fifth visit. He told me that he would rather die than go back to his father's house. I continued to visit him during his recuperation and when he was released from the hospital I just brought him home with me. The police are still looking for his father but they think he may have escaped to Mexico."

"My God!" I exclaimed. "Is he ok now?"

"Yes, he's making great progress. As I told you, he was an honor student in his senior year of high school and received the scholarship to Rice. Many colleges and universities offered him scholarships but he wanted to stay with me. He's a mathematical genius...some say he's a savant, but he's pretty young for that, I think," John offered.

We walked back into the living room and sat down together on the couch, holding hands. "Well, he certainly is a beautiful boy," I smiled. "Does he know about us?" I asked.

"Yes," replied John "he's aware of our relationship."

"Do you, have," I meekly asked?

"Oh Yes!" John exclaimed. "He's a very passionate young man, like most Latinos!"

"I'll bet he's great in bed" I surmised.

"Like a wild tiger," laughed John "and very vocal. But we do not do anal sex because he is still healing. More mental healing than physical," he explained. "And that's why he needs lots of love and why I want to be here for him."

"Well, I certainly envy you having such a handsome young man to share your bed," I said with a smile. "And knowing you, John, you are the perfect person to give him all of the love that he needs to get better."

"If Manny agrees and you feel like it then maybe you can join us in our bed tonight. I want you so much!" John said with desire.

"What!" I shouted. "You'd share him with me?"

"Well, it wouldn't be the first time. We had a four-way," smiled John. "Eduardo and Homero slept with us the other night and it was awesome!"

"Good God, John, are you running a bawdy house?" I laughed, trying to imagine what it would be like with three young, virile studs laying all over me. I started to get hard just thinking about it.

"You know," said John, "I could call Eduardo and see if they want to come over tonight and then we could really have an orgy!" he laughed.

At that moment Manny came through the door lugging my suitcases. As he started down the hallway to the guest room, John said "I was just telling Tommy that maybe we should invite Eduardo and Homero over to spend the night with us. What do you think?"

Manny stopped still, dropping the suitcases on the floor. As he turned around to face us I saw pain cross his face as he thought about sharing his lover. Then he looked down at the floor and quietly said, "Are you sure? I thought that maybe you and Tommy would want to be alone together."

John jumped up and ran to him. "Sweetheart," he whispered as he embraced Manny, "I want to be with you. I just thought it would be nice if we all got together. Tommy said that he would drive Eduardo and Homero to Keesler Sunday so I thought this would be a good time for them to get acquainted."

Big tears started running down Manny's face as he clutched John to him. "Lo siento, Juan" he sobbed. "Es que no quiero perderte. Pensaba que..."

"Speak English," John said, interrupting him.

Manny looked at me and then said to John, "I just thought that you and Tommy would want to sleep together like you did before and I'd have to sleep in the guest room."

"Oh my sweet boy," said John, kissing his tear stained cheeks, "No, you'll still sleep with me. I will never leave you. Never!"

My own tears started to well up as I witnessed this tender scene between two lovers. "I'm pretty tired from the drive," I said, "so maybe I'll just rest tonight and then we'll see about tomorrow." I really wanted to be with John this night but I didn't want to hurt Manny, who obviously was a very sensitive young man.

John looked over at me with a knowing smile and silently mouthed 'Thank you' and pulled Manny down to the couch with him, setting him on his lap and cradling his head to John's chest. "My baby has had a rough life," John said while planting tender kisses on Manny's face, "and I promised him that I would take good care of him."

I reached over and caressed Manny's arm. "Manny, I would never come between you and John. We have been lovers in the past, yes, but now he has you and I will be leaving soon so don't you worry about him and me. You just take care of him while I'm away."

Manny reached across and pulled me to him, kissing me on the lips. "Thank you, Tommy. I love you," he said. My eyes again filled with tears for this beautiful, loving child.

A long moment of silence ensued, with Manny laying in John's arms and John looking at him with love and compassion. After what seemed like long minutes, John announced, "I'm hungry. I'll bet you are too, Tommy, and knowing Manny, he's always hungry!"

Manny grinned that heart-melting grin of his. "What are we going to eat?"

John looked at me. "I'll bet Tommy hasn't had any good Mexican food in a long time."

"You got that right," I said, my mouth watering at the thought. "I dreamed about eating authentic Mexican food for a year!"

"There's a nice little Mexican restaurant nearby," said John. Looking at Manny, he asked, "Should we invite Eduardo and Homero to join us? It'll be my treat."

"Oh no," I said, "I'm paying half."

"It's a deal," said John, and started to get up, tenderly laying Manny down on the couch.

"Do I have time for a quick shower?" I asked. "I kinda smell after that long drive."

Manny leaned over to me, sniffed the air, and said jokingly, "I was wondering what that stink was!"

"Oh, so you think I stink, do you," I said, grabbing Manny and tickling him as he began giggling and laughing. He was laughing so hard but I kept tickling him and he started gasping for air. My hand brushed against his crotch as he squirmed and I felt his rigid member.

I guess I left my hand on his cock too long because he started squealing, "John, he's trying to rape me!" I knew that he was just playing but I immediately became hard and it took all of my willpower not to rip his clothes off and do just that!

"Ok, you two," laughed John, "you're going to get yourselves into a state and no telling what will erupt!"

I laughed and said "I haven't had this much fun in a very long time. Manny, you are one very sexy dude! I don't mind if I do erupt right'll be worth it!"

With that, Manny reached down and grabbed my raging hardon through my shorts and started to pump. "Oh, my God," I gasped, "don't stop! Whatever you do, don't stop!"

Squealing and laughing, he clutched my prick harder and speeded up his jerking. All of a sudden, I felt the juices rising and I came right there in my shorts.

"Oh God," I cried, "oh God. Oh Manny," I was blubbering now. "Oh man, oh God!" is all I could manage to get out.

John stood there grinning as he watched his baby bring me off. Manny, however, thought that he had gone too far and became scared and started tearing up again. "Lo siento, Tommy," he cried, "I'm sorry."

He jumped up and flew into John's arms, sobbing. "I'm sorry, John," he kept sobbing.

"It's ok, sweetheart," John said soothingly into Manny's ear, "it's ok. I really think Tommy enjoyed that," he said with a very large grin.

I just lay on the couch, completely spent. "Thanks, my sweet friend," I said to Manny. "Now I really do need a shower!" I exclaimed as I touched my cum soaked shorts.

"Well, we'd better get ready for dinner if we're going before the crowd gets there," said John. "I'll call Eduardo to see if they want to go with us and then I'll call for reservations while you take a shower" he said looking at me.

Eduardo and Homero did join us for dinner and we had a wonderful time. The food was some of the best I've ever tasted and it was the most delicious meal I had in over a year!

Eduardo, Manny's older brother by two years, was almost as good-looking as Manny. And Homero, his roommate from San Antonio, was a great big Hispanic youth, muscular and very handsome and packing what looked to be a very substantial amount of male goody! I thought, 'This is going to be a very nice trip to Mississippi with these two to keep me company.' I thought how nice it would be if I could manage to spend a night or two with these studs. Little did I know then that my wish would come true, but in ways that I never dreamed of!

After dinner we dropped Eduardo and Homero off at their place, and returned to John and Manny's apartment where I collapsed in my bed and passed out, I was so tired.

Friday Morning

I awake to the smell of coffee and bacon cooking. I'm starving and can eat anything that is offered at this point. Rising with my usual piss hard on, I slip into the bathroom and let it all drain out with a big sigh of relief. I didn't close the bathroom door and as I flush the toilet I hear a giggle behind me. Turning around without putting my cock back in my briefs, I see Manny staring at my crotch with a big grin on his face.

"Mmmmm," he says seductively, "that's some equipment you have there."

"You better be thankful that John's here to protect you, you hunky stud," I say chuckling, "otherwise I'd take you down right here and fuck your brains out!"

"Promises, promises," he taunts, giggling all the time. "And for your information, Mr. Macho Man, John's not home. He's gone to the office for a few hours!"

With that I roar at the top of my voice and start after him. Manny lets out a loud screech and starts running down the hall towards the living room, laughing and giggling all the way. We dodge and race around the furniture, whooping and crying until tears come. Finally, he runs out of breath and collapses on the couch. As I stand menacingly over him, trying to decide whether I should take this any further or not, he reaches up and grabs my erection that's still poking through my briefs. I am caught off guard and for a second just stand still feeling the warmth of his hand on my cock. I moan and press forward into his soft, warm hand. He starts jacking me and I'm getting close to shooting again, just as we did last night.

"Oh, Manny, I don't want you to stop but what if John ..." I can't finish the sentence. I really don't want him to stop. Manny reaches for my underwear and pulls my briefs down my legs. "Oh, Manny, please, I don't want John to..." but Manny stands up, hugs me, plants a kiss on my eager mouth and says "John told me to take care of you and this is the best way I know how!"

I step out of my briefs and start unbuttoning his shirt. "No, wait," he says. "Let's go to the bedroom."

He pulls me along by my hardness and I follow like a sheep going to the slaughter.

"Are you sure this is what John meant?" I gasp as he continues to massage my meat.

"Oh yes," says Manny. "John said I should do anything to make you comfortable and feel at home."

"Well, I'm not sure he meant that you had to do this," I manage to say between gasps.

"Don't you want to do this?" he asks with a hurt look.

"Oh yes!" I gulp. "I just don't think John would approve of you and me having sex." What am I saying? I cry to myself. Here's this gift from heaven wanting to make love and I'm trying to talk him out of it! I should have my head examined!

We get to the guest room and Manny pulls me inside. "Lay down on the bed" he instructs. Like a dutiful slave I do what he commands. Manny begins removing his clothes, slow and sensuous, like he's doing a striptease. Oh, God, I think to myself, John's going to kill us both. But I am so filled with desire and lust I just don't care. I want to make love to this boy so much and my desires wipe out any hesitation I may have. I watch his every move, drooling with anticipation. My hard cock, dripping precum, is aching for release as I see him remove his boxers and display the perfect body! He is absolutely perfect in every way. He is an angel! No one has ever looked so perfect. His body is all boy, soft and pleasurable. His six-inch cut cock stands straight up out of a dense forest of black hair. His balls, hairless and hanging loose, are a dark gold color. His black eyes sparkle as he approaches me, licking his tongue across his lips. At his first touch I nearly pass out! He easily climbs over me and very slowly lowers his body toward mine. I look straight up into his deep black eyes and wonder why God is being so good to me!

"Don't move," he says. Don't move? I scream to myself. I'm dying to wrap this wonder body in my arms and legs and he tells me 'Don't move!' I lay in utter anguish, writhing in lust, waiting for him to descend upon my body. His penis touches mine and I'm engulfed with fire. I can't hold it any longer and seize him with every fiber of my being. All of a sudden he starts giggling. He squirms in my arms and puts his tender sweet lips to mine. I have died and gone to heaven! We dance our bodies together, our tongues battling for penetration. My muscles shiver as he rides me like a bucking bronco. I feel the juices rising in my groin, my balls pulling up tight to my abdomen. Oh no, I shudder, let it last. The constant wriggling of his body against mine is too much and I blast my cum up across our chests. "Aaaagggghhhh," I scream as my balls empty their contents. My eruption continues as Manny slips and slides across me, causing my cock to continue it's spasms.

Finally, descending from my orgasm, I lay there spent with my chest heaving.

"Did you like that?" Manny says with his boyish grin.

"Good God," I gasp. "That was something." I pull his face to mine and press my lips to his. Our tongues begin a battle for supremacy and his hard cock begins grinding into me again. "Mmmm," I mumble, pulling away from his mouth, "you taste wonderful!"

"Tommy," he whispers in my ear "will you make me come?"

Manny's Wish - Part II

"Of course, my love" I say. I move down his body and smell the aroma of my cum and his boy scent. "Mmmm" I repeat, "you smell good, too!" My mouth finds his young hardness and I begin to lick his penis, down one side and back up the other. His pubic hair tickles my nose and I'm feeling so much love for this child. I move to his tender ballsack and gently lick his young eggs. I suck them both into my mouth, glorying in this exquisite boy. Moving up, my lips kiss his turgid tool, sucking his precum that's mixed with my cum. It's delicious! He groans as my mouth engulfs his penis and he plunges it down my throat. One hand caresses his balls while the other roams across his abdomen, darting here and there, and reaching up to his boyish nipples.

I roll him over on his back, continuing to pay homage to his youthful manhood. My fingers begin probing his soft ass searching for entrance. Suddenly Manny stiffens and cries out.

"Don't!" he yells.

"Oh Manny," I cry "I'm sorry. I forgot. I didn't mean to hurt you, my sweet angel." I'm close to tears, fearing that I had hurt this wonderful child.

"It's ok," he sighs. "I'm kinda sore down there. I had an accident and it takes so long to heal."

My mind tells me that he may be too ashamed to admit what happened so I gently brush my hand across his buttocks and murmur "You are so soft...just like a baby's butt."

He giggles and says, "That's what John says. John loves to kiss and lick my 'baby's butt.' Will you suck me some more, please?" he begs.

I take his cock back into my mouth and commence licking and sucking, careful to not let my teeth graze him. He tastes so wonderful and velvety. My own cock starts throbbing again. As my mouth plunges down till my nose is buried in his pubic hair, he begins jerking and writhing.

"Ah, oh," he gasps "oh Tommy, that feels so good." He continues to buck as I suck and fondle his ball sack. Then I feel his balls start to draw up and I know he is on the verge. "Ungh, ungh" he gasps and lifts his pelvis up and his entire body goes rigid. A stream of sweet boycum blasts into my mouth as he begins his orgasm. "Oh, oh" he yells out, continuing to spew forth from his pulsing cock. Hungrily, I suck and swallow all his sweet juice. It is the most wonderful taste in the world!

As his orgasm subsides, I crawl up to his face, wrap my arms around him holding him tight to my body, and tenderly kiss his full, soft lips.

"You are the most wonderful boy...I love you, Manny" I whisper in his ear. He looks at me with those deep black eyes and then closes his eyelids as I plant more kisses all over his face. I feel so protective of this vulnerable child...I just want to hold him and never let go.

"I'm hungry!" he announces out of the blue.

"Hungry? Is that all you can think of at this moment? That you're hungry?" I say jokingly.

"Well, John told me to fix you some breakfast so I wasn't going to eat until you got up," he says.

"That's very sweet of you, Manny," I say. "Let's take a quick shower and then you can fix me a gourmet breakfast."

We both step into the shower and I get the water temperature set. I wash his back and legs, taking special care around his tender sweet anus. Then I move to his front where I immediately notice his hard member pointing straight up. As I softly soap his cock and balls he moans and presses into me. I continue stroking his cock with my soapy hand and soon he's shooting cum against my face. Opening my mouth, I try to catch as much of his sweet juice as I can, but I get a big mouthful of soap and immediately gag.

"What's wrong?" he says breathlessly.

Still gagging and spitting, I say "soap!"

Manny giggles and says "Well, you shouldn't have used so much soap on my cock." He lets the spray rinse off of his boyhood and presents it to me. "Ok, now it's rinsed off and you can suck all you want to!"

I couldn't refuse an offer like that and took him back into my mouth. The smooth, velvety feeling is something unique to boy's cocks and I don't think I will ever tire of tasting it!

"Oh, Tommy," he sighs, "that feels so good. I wish we could do this all day!"

I release his cock and raise up. "Well, we'd better get cleaned up before John gets home and finds us like this," I said guiltily.

"I told you that John said it was ok, that I should take care of you!" he said with a little exasperation in his voice. "John doesn't mind me doing this, especially with his best friend," Manny states.

"Well, let's not overdo it then," I reply. ""Better save some for John when he gets home."

"Oh, ok," Manny says. "Tommy, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, sweetheart, anything you want," I reply.

"Uh," he hesitates, "don't you want to make love with John like you used to when you were here before?"

I look into that sweet face with water running down his cheeks, thinking 'What do I say? Do I lie and say, no? Or do I tell him the truth and say there's nothing I'd rather do than make love with the one person who I've been loving for so many years?' I opt for the truth and say, "Manny dearest, yes, I want to make love with John so bad that I hurt. I want to feel his strong body pressed against mine and feel his hard cock enter my ass. I won't lie to you. I've been dreaming about that for over a year. But, things are different now. John has a new lover and new responsibilities. I am willing to just be able to hold him and kiss him, knowing that he is taking care of you and you are taking care of him." But in my mind, I weep for the loss of the only true lover I ever wanted; the "Love that I love so well" as Oscar Wilde wrote to his lover. I turn my head aside as the tears begin to fall. Maybe he won't notice since we're in the shower.

But Manny does notice and wraps his arms around me, softly saying "It's alright Tommy. I don't mind if you and John make love. I know that he wants you and you want him. And since my butt is so sore he hasn't been able to, ah, you know, fuck me, and I know he really wants to, so I wish that you and John would make love!"

"Oh Manny," I sigh looking into his eyes "thank you love. I know it took a lot of courage to say that and I really love you for it. But, let's wait until John gets home and let him decide what we should do."

"Oh, ok," says Manny as we exit the shower and begin to dry each other off.

After a wonderful breakfast that Manny cooked (he is an excellent cook!) we watch TV and Manny tells me something about his life with John. He doesn't talk about his ordeal with his father or the hospital, but spends most of the time talking about his life since he came to live with John. It's obvious from the way he talks that he is deeply in love with John and could not exist without him.

About noon, John comes home and says that he heard on the radio that the hurricane is expected to hit New Orleans this weekend. He says that maybe Eduardo and Homero should leave tonight on the bus in order to get back to the base on time. I tell him that I will leave first thing in the morning and that they can still ride with me. I also tell him that when these natural disasters happen that the Air Force always allows some leeway to people on leave and that they will give Eduardo and Homero an extra day or two to get back safely. And, I added, I will be there to vouch for them so maybe an officer's word will help them out.

"I'm sorry, John, but this means that we won't be here for your party tomorrow tonight. I wish that we could have more time together but maybe some other time," I say disconsolately, knowing that now I'll probably not get to make love with him. Manny sees my sadness and goes to John.

"Remember when I was in the hospital and didn't feel like living, and you promised me that if there was anything I wished for and that if you could get it for me that you would?" he whispers to John.

"Yes, Manny, and I meant it. If it is in my power then I will get it for you," John says with a lot of love.

"Then I wish that you and Tommy would spend your last night together and make love like you did before I came here," Manny says with an angelic look on his face.

John gazes into Manny's eyes, at first with questioning, then, as it dawns on him what Manny is saying, he reaches out and pulls Manny to him in a full embrace. "Oh, you are so full of love" he purrs. "I love you so much, my baby. To think that you would want Tommy and me to be lovers again is almost too much to comprehend!"

I jump up and rush to them, becoming a part of their embrace, saying "I love you both so very much! I wish I could stay here forever and we could make love, just the three of us!"

John looks at me with a twinkle in his eye and I knew he was going to say something funny. "Well, maybe we can't to it forever but I think we could for just one night!"

My heart leaped into my throat, and I was at a loss for words. I finally managed to choke out "Oh, John, I do love you so very much. If Manny doesn't mind, I would love just one more night, just like it used to be. But, of course, this time with Manny, too," I say as I kiss Manny on the cheek.

"Ok, then that's settled," says Manny. "We'll have a love session, just us three, and it will be like no other love that's ever been made!"

We stood there, clinging to each other, not wanting to break the spell of this powerful love between three men. Finally, John looks up and says, "I'd better call Eduardo and tell him that you're leaving in the morning. You want to get an early start, don't you?" he asked looking at me. I nodded and John broke free to go and call Eduardo.

"Thank you, my darling," I whisper to Manny as I caress his face with my lips.

Manny and I maintain our embrace, feeling the love swell within our hearts. As I think about the events that took place in the last twenty-four hours, I'm filled with an overwhelming desire to stay there with him and John, thinking 'to hell with everything else.' But, common sense returns to my conditioned mind and I know that I have to leave these two in the morning. John returns from the kitchen and says, "Ok, they'll be ready at seven a.m. I'll have to show you how to get to Luci's house. She's Manny's and Eduardo's older sister and she's living with her family in the house that their father abandoned. It's not hard to find. Eduardo and Homero have been staying there because she has more room," he explains.

I hear a cry and see Manny's face become filled with fear at the mention of his father. John takes Manny into his arms and says, "Do not be afraid, my love. He will never hurt you again, I promise." In spite of the reassuring words, Manny visibly trembles and John again takes him to the sofa to sit and embrace him while his fears subside. My love for this tall, tender man increases tenfold as I realize that he is totally committed to keeping Manny out of harm's way. I think, 'Manny, you are one very lucky young man to have John as your protector.' 'And lover,' I add with just a twinge of envy.

After a few minutes Manny quiets down and stops trembling. John says that he was planning to barbecue steaks Saturday night at the party but since everyone would be gone he might as well do them tonight. He leaves Manny and me in the living room as he goes to the kitchen to begin preparations for dinner. As I sit on the opposite end of the sofa from Manny, he scoots down to me and crawls into my lap, wrapping his arms around my neck and putting his head on my chest. Again, the love for this boy swells within me and I feel a strong sense of protection for him. My arms encircle him and he drifts off to sleep. 'Oh, I don't want to leave this,' I cry to myself. 'Why can't I have someone like this to love and protect?' I silently scream to the heavens. I think about Billy in Alaska and how he became 'my boy' during the remainder of my tour up there. I would love to have brought Billy back with me and kept him with me, just as John has Manny. My reverie is broken by Manny stirring, dreaming. He settles down again and I close my eyes and drift off.

I dream of that first night with Billy. It was Christmas Eve and I caught him jacking off in the crypto vault. We made passionate love that night and I thought, 'What a wonderful Christmas gift he gave me.' I see his love nest, winking at me as I prepare to enter him. My desire is overwhelming as I press to enter his sweet tunnel. Just as I'm about to penetrate his sweet ass, there is a blinding white light. I struggle back to wakefulness and open my eyes to see John taking pictures of us.

Another flash of bright light and John says, seeing that I'm awake, "Boy, that must have been some dream. Look, your about to come in your pants!"

I look down at my crotch and there's a large circle of wetness where I've leaked precum. Immediately I'm embarrassed and try to cover up but with Manny sitting on me I can't very well. Manny wakes with my shifting around and I notice that he too has had a sexy dream as his shorts show a wet spot.

"What I want to know is, did you both have the same dream?" laughed John.

"Not very likely," I grin. "Mine was about a certain young man in Alaska."

"Oh, I want to go to Alaska!" says Manny.

"No you don't," I say. "It's too damn cold up there!"

"Even in the summer?" inquires Manny.

"Well, it's not so cold in the summer," I reply "but the mosquitoes are so big they pick you up and carry you away!"

I see the look on Manny's face telling me that he doesn't believe a word that I'm saying.

"Oh, you're lying," he says. "Mosquitoes don't get that big."

"Well they're bigger than Texas mosquitoes," I say. "And they really bite hard!"

"Ok, you two," says John. "Better get cleaned up because the steaks will be done in about ten minutes."

The dinner is delicious and we have a big homemade pecan pie for desert that Luci sent over. After dinner, we sit and watch the news about the hurricane. It's getting closer to New Orleans and, if it continues on it's present course, should hit the Mississippi River Delta about noon Saturday according to the tv. I'm beginning to think that maybe we should stay here in Houston until it's safe to travel, but I know that Eduardo and Homero need to get back as soon as they can. And knowing hurricanes, anything can happen. It could just turn around and go back out into the gulf or head east or west. They're just so unpredictable.

About ten thirty I begin to yawn and see that John is also almost asleep with his boy draped across his lap. As I begin to get up and go to my room, Manny stirs and looks at me. He climbs out of John's lap and comes to me.

"You are going to sleep with us tonight, aren't you Tommy?" he says with pleading eyes.

I look at John who is now awake and say, "Well, is there enough room in your bed?"

John jumps up and starts turning off lights. "There's always room for one more," he say with a big grin.

The three of us walk down the hall to John's bedroom. He has a king-sized bed that looks like it could hold more than the three of us, but I'm glad that there's just us. As we begin removing our clothes, John comes to me and says "Remember the last time? I took your clothes off of you and you removed mine."

"Yes, I remember," I say. Then I look at Manny, who is already naked, exposing that glorious body, and say "It looks like Manny couldn't wait!"

Manny flops in the middle of the big bed and lays there gazing at us. "Go ahead," he grins "don't mind me. I want to watch you two make love."

John reaches out and begins unbuttoning my shirt, caressing my arms and shoulders as he removes it from my body. I do the same to him, glorying in his wonderful body. John's about 6 ft 2 and very muscular. His broad chest is covered with dense, black hair. I feel his mounded pecks, searching for his nipples in the forest. As my thumbs brush over his erect nipples he emits a low moan and he reaches for my belt buckle. Our undressing begins to speed up, as though we can't wait to fully expose our bodies to each other's hungry eyes and roaming hands. I lean forward to press my lips to John's chest, my tongue searching for his nipple. Licking through the dense mass of hair, smelling his scent I am overtaken with lust for this man who has been the object of my desire for so many years.

"Oh John," I sigh "I want you so much!" I clutch him to me, burying my face in his chest. I lift my face to his and our mouths press together, our tongues searching, hungry for each other. We clumsily, like two inexperienced lovers, grasp and claw at the clothing that's left on our bodies. Tearing his trousers off I grab his boxers and attempt to rip them from his massive frame. I feel a wetness from his precum and it drives me all the more. We manage to peel each other's final remnants of clothing and, still with lips locked and erections pressing together, fall onto the bed.

Moaning and writhing together, unmindful of another presence in the bed, we wrestle to become as one. John's hard seven inch cock stabs between my legs demanding entrance. His groans become growls, like an animal in heat, as he forces me onto my back, spreading my legs.

"Oh yes, oh God yes," I cry, opening up for him to take me. He pushes my legs up and back and forces his cock to my anus. I can feel the hot tip of his monster, ready to plunge into my waiting ass. "Do it," I yell. "Fuck me! Fuck me hard" I demand.

With a force like a knife stabbing into me, he enters my hole. The pain is searing and I nearly pass out. But, I want this so bad and I'm determined to feel every inch of his penetration. It's what I've been yearning and desiring for so long. His thrusts are like a pile driving machine, unrelentless, ramming my chute until he's fully enveloped and I feel his balls banging into my ass cheeks. Looking into his eyes I see an animal lust that I never knew this normally gentle giant could have. But his eyes glaze over and he snorts like a raging bull intent upon the ultimate rape. He pulls out and then rams home with a force that knocks the breath out of me. He does it again, and again, and again, with no letup. My sore anus, trying to cope with the galvanic penetration of his huge cock, begins to numb. I realize that this is how innocent maidens felt when defiled by barbarian soldiers. But, my mind tells me that this is what I have been desiring: to be completely dominated by a sex starved beast who will not be stopped until he is sated. I try to relax and let him have his way, a savage rape that sends shivers of excitement up and down my body. My desires rekindled by his animalistic ways, I press back at his rampaging auger, trying to get more of him into my peristaltic canal. He feels my vigor and increases his jabs into my chute. I feel my own cock become rigid and my balls ache to release their cream. Compressing and contracting my colon, I bring him to the ultimate goal and feel his member swell as he gasps for air. Then, with an ear piercing scream, his entire body stiffens and he unloads his mancream into me. I commence my own orgasm, initiated by this primal rut of my person. His cum fills my passageway while my own ejaculate covers our bellies, gluing us together in an ultimate cohesion of our bodies.

John collapses on me and for a moment I think he has passed out. He lays so still until finally I begin to feel his heart beating. "My God!" he says, "I never had an orgasm like that."

He lifts his head and gazes into my eyes. "You animal!" I say with a smile. "Nobody's ever taken me like that. God, what power!"

As if realizing that what he did was below human conduct, John began apologizing. "Oh Tommy, I'm so sorry. I just lost all control. Did I hurt you?"

"John, you were magnificent," I gushed. "It did hurt at first but then you aroused me so with your animal lust that I was completely caught up in the act. If that's what rape feels like then I love it!"

A movement beside us caught our attention and we both looked over at Manny. His eyes were as big as saucers and he looked like he was in shock. John reached over to pull him to us but Manny recoiled with a look of fear, staring at John as though he had never seen him before.

"Oh sweetheart," says John, "please come to me."

Manny stays where he is, still looking at John with fear and trepidation. "I've never seen you like that." It was almost a whisper from Manny. "You scare me."

John pulls off of me and gets up and goes to Manny, slowly and lovingly taking him into his arms. "I'm sorry, my sweet boy," he coos. "It's the first time in so long that I've had anal intercourse and I just got carried away. I promise that I will never do that to you. Do you forgive me?"

I thought how ironic that John is asking for Manny's forgiveness when it was me that he just got through ravaging! But, I was not going to say anything for fear that he may not do it again! What a slut I am, I thought with a shit-eating grin on my face!

As Manny lay trembling in John's arms, I move to their side and encompass both with my arms. "John made love to me just the way I wanted him to," I say to Manny. "He is strong and forceful with me and that's what I like. But you know how gentle and loving he is when you two are making love. I know that he would never do anything to hurt you, Manny."

The rest of the night was pretty anti-climactic for me, although we did have some very tender and sensual encounters between us until I fell asleep. The last thing I remember is seeing John stroke Manny's penis and saying how much he loved his baby. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you want to comment on this story, send an email to I welcome all criticisms. Manny's Spanish words translate to "I'm sorry, John. I don't want to lose you. I just thought...". The Oscar Wilde quote is from his poem "Apologia."

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