Mans Best Friend

By moc.loa@neerGAassiL

Published on Sep 3, 2000


Title Series: A Man's Best Friend Ch 1 Author: Melissa LissaAGreen Disclaimer: This is just fiction. The following story deals with Gay love, domination, and other such fun activities. If you are under the age of eighteen, or find this kind of sexual activity offensive, STOP HERE! Also feedback is greatly appreciated good or bad

This is my first try at this kind of story=) Even though I'm a girl I hope you guys will enjoy it.

It's been a long tiring, emotional day for me. I was just thrown out of my house by my so called parents who promised to always love me no matter what happens. Bull shit! That's why I'm sitting here in half empty donut shop alone at midnight. I'm only nineteen years old.

Yes, your right I should be on my own at this age anyway but I just finished high school. I was gonna take the summer off and travel maybe get a job. But something happened to interrupt my plans.

Well, let me start off my sad tale with introducing myself. I'm Danny Kaufman I'm nineteen years old freshly out of high school. I have short brown hair and blue eyes. I'm about 5'10 and weigh close around 160 lbs. I try hard to look my best. I myself think I'm pretty attractive. A lot of girls wanted to date me, I've got so many offers for the prom most guys would think I'm nuts, but the truth is. I'm gay. I also had a boyfriend.

I was dating the captain of the basketball team. Yes, every high school cheerleaders goal is to do this little did they know Anthony Matonie was bisexual. We had broken up shortly after graduation. It turns out he got his old girlfriend pregnant. I was heartbroken. He gave me all this bull shit that he still loved me but he had to do this. A few days after I decided to tell my parents about what's been going on. I felt depressed and heartache I wanted someone to talk to. I thought my Mom would hug me and tell me everything will be okay, my dad would give a speech about letting it go and love will return to you, but to my surprise they both called my a faggot and threatened me if I ever should return to their home they will call the police for trespassing.

I left all my stuff, my clothes my stereo my computer all of it was there. The only things that I have with me were the clothes on my back and what little money I have.

So that's why I'm at this corner cafe. If you saw it would look like that picture with all the customs on the counter.

I was sitting by myself sipping down what was left of my soda. Half crying half thinking. I had no were to go. I don't have many friends and I don't have any other family around here.

I looked around the cafe. A happy couple were eating ice cream. They were laughing and smiling. I noticed another older gentlemen in the far back of the place. He was reading the newspaper and having a donut.

He stood up and walked over to the counter to pay for what he had ordered. He noticed me and smiled. Which of course got my clumsy side of my to trigger and spill my drink onto my lap?

"Hay buddy you okay?" he asked me and helped my clean it up. His hand traveled down to my laps and whipped up the mess.

"I had better days. I'm sorry, really I'm just a klutz."

That's when the waterworks started pouring down. I'm also a crybaby I guess.

The waitress even looked concerned when I started to cry.

"Don't worry, can we just have two burgers and a soda please? Come on buddy, lets go over to a table so we can talk."

I felt like an idiot. The tears still poured out. I grabbed a napkin from the holder.

"Thank you. I was very hungry, but I don't have much money. I was gonna save it for bus fair."

"No need for thanks buddy. You look like you had a bad day, you wanna talk about it?"

I figured why not. It will be a good chance I'll never see him again so why should I care what he thinks of me. After he finds out I'm a faggot he might just beat the shit out of me, hopefully he'll kill me and it will stop my suffering.

The waitress brought over the burgers. She smiled at me and then walked away. I told him what had happened. His facial expression hasn't changed. He looked directly into my eyes.

"I'm sorry you had to be put through that." He said.

"Yeah. It kills really. I have no where to go. All my things are at home. My parents hate me."

"That's where your wrong Danny. I'm sure they love you very much."

"Yeah that's why they threaten to call the police on me if I should ever return."

"Oh. I didn't know they did that. So you don't have anywhere to go?"

"I was gonna stay at a hotel, cheap one. Maybe get a job there so I could stay there. But no. I don't have anywhere to go."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that tonight Danny, you can stay with me until you figure out where you want to head to. By the way my name is Jason Rezzario."

"Thank you Jason. You really don't have to, I will be fine in a hotel."

"Well, maybe so Danny, but I'm not letting you off here and go home knowing you will be alone in a hotel with no money."

"What can I say Jason? Thank you, for listening, thank you for the burger, thank you just everything."

We drove along the road for a while to talk. I told him about Anthony. I admitted I still missed him and loved him. He said he knows how it feels to love someone who doesn't return the feeling.

He told me he lived alone. The he works for a web deigning company and helps create web sites so he did mention he was kinda wealthy. He said he donates some of his salary for community services.

"Well, I don't really need the money, so I donate a lot of to charities. I helped build the playground over by the Albert Einstein Elmentry. And I also help with a summer camp program during the summer. I love kids as you can tell."

"That's really cool. I like kids too, I mean I know how they think and feel so I can relate to them. Do you have any kids of your own?"

"No, actually I don't. I'm single as a matter of fact."

"I know the feeling."

"Look, Danny, you we're honest with me about your feelings and everything, so I will just announce it to you. I'm gay as well."

I was shocked. Usually my gaydar tells me if the guy is gay or not. I guess I've been to much of an emotional wreck to notice tonight.

But now that I know. I looked him over, studied his features. He was very cute, no cute isn't the word for it, sexy, hot!

"Danny, is that okay with you? I mean I don't you to get the wrong idea about this?"

"Oh, no, sorry, it's fine, I guess I, I mean,"

"It's ok buddy, come to think of it your pretty cute too."

I must have this hug-ass grin on because I could feel my face starting to hurt.

"Thank you." Was all I could say.

The rest of the ride was quiet. All I could think about was what Jason had told me. I was cute! He thought I was cute! Okay Dan, calm yourself your acting like those stupid teenage girls.

Jason led me into his home. it was beautiful! He lived alone, from what it looks like he used to have a dog or something but I didn't wanna ask. He told me to sit on the couch and he would come back and we will talk some more.

He living room was very cool looking. he had a huge wide screen TV I've also couldn't help but notice he had a PLAY STATION set up. No wonder he likes kids so much. He was a kid at heart himself.

He had a stereo and a bunch a CDs piled next to it. I took a look at them. Most of them we're old groups then I came across groups like Aerosmith and Queen and Guns and Roses. I didn't mind those bands as much. They had some cool stuff. I looked around for bit more, I didn't want to seem nosey. I checked out his movies since he had a VCR I was gonna suggest watching something, boy was I surprised when I saw what movies he had. I was expecting Star Wars or Terminator or something, but I noticed a lot of porn movies in stead, not to mention the covers of them. Okay so he's horny, and he has a heart of a child, looks like he used to have a dog, and he into classic rock. Seemed pretty cool. I thought maybe I could help him with the horny party. I smile came across my face and I put the movies back, I didn't want him to think I was snooping.

Soon Jason came back out.

"Sorry about that buddy, I wanted to take a quick shower, sometimes they seem to go longer then they should."

He said smiling and looked down at his crotch. I knew what he meant.

"This doesn't make you uncomfortable does it?" He asked.

He was wearing his bathrobe. the collar hung over to the side just enough to see some hair sticking out from his chest. God he looked so sexy!

"No not at all. You look fine."

"Thanks Danny. If you'd like you may take one as well. After a hard day a shower always makes me feel a lot better. I have some shirts in the bedroom you can wear to bed and I will wash these for you."

"I think I could use a shower. But can we just talk for a while? I mean I guess I'm nervous about being here."

"That's to be expected. Unfortunately though I don't really have any where you would be comfortable to sleep. I mean unless you want my room and I will take the couch."

"No, there's no way I'm putting you out in your house after everything you've done for me. I will be fine on the couch. Besides it's only for one night."

"Okay, if your sure. tomorrow we can go and get some clothes for you if youd like. I mean you are more then welcome to stay here as long as you need. I mean it does get very lonely here, and I'm sure you can use a friend."

He put his around my shoulder when he said friend and pulled me onto his chest. I smelt the aroma of his soap that he used in the shower. I couldn't help it after the first whiff. I started sniffing his chest.

"Easy there tiger,if you want a peek just ask buddy," he said with a smile.

All I could do was nod and he opened his robe. There was a beautiful male body sitting in front of me. Little bits of hair sticking on his chest, smooth pecks two hard nipples sticking out begging to be licked. So I did. I leaned forward and licked one.

"Mmmm my, your not shy at all, go ahead buddy work at that nipple. Yeah suck it baby, bite it."

I went wild as he was giving me these orders. My hand traveled his body and felts around his pecks and his stomach, I herd him moaning loud.

"Yeah baby, work that tongue, come on bite my nipples baby, bite them."

My teeth bite down hard on the pink flesh. I gnawed on it like it was candy. Biting it and sucking on it. I will was involve with his nipple wishing it could give me some milk. I started biting harder on the pink knob.

I pulled the robe over and exposed his throbbing cock. I desperately wanted to touch it. It was begging for my hands, but I ignored it. I kept chewing away on his delicious nipple.

Jason grabbed my hand and brought down to his huge package. It was about 6 or so inches but remember it wasn't hard yet, it was Simi hard. His hand roughly pulled my hand onto his cock and rubbed it up and down.

"Yeah baby, don't act like you don't want that sausage in your hot boy mouth! Tell me you want a sausage baby."

"I want it Jason, please let me taste your sausage."

He pushed me down onto the ground and spread his legs oepn. Roughly he pushed my head into his thigh.

"Suck it!" He demanded.

I loved being ordered around by him. I was so horny and I knew he was also.

I grabbed his man stick and started to suck wildly on it. he thrust his thigh into my mouth.

"Yeah good boy, ooohh yeah, God you have a hot little mouth. Suck the balls too Danny, and I'll give you a special payback."

My mouth went directly from his cock to his two huge dangling balls. they looked like two baseballs they were huge! Full of tasty delicious cum.

"Yeah, your hungry for that weren't you baby. You'been wanting my cock ever since you knew I was gay huh. I had a feeling you did, just by the looks you were giving me. Suck me harder baby, let me cum in your hot boy mouth."

His words of direction drove me crazy! I sucked like mad trying to get his juice to come out into my mouth. His hand pushed down onto my head letting my mouth suck over his huge cock. He held me tightly by their hair. I just looked at him and deridingly smiled. Loved the forceful way he was handling me.

"Oooohh god Danny, I'm cumming! Drink it baby yeah drink it, don't let any of it spill."

I sucked it in, I felt his cum going down my throat. It was so delicious I wanted more of it so I pulled on his balls.

"Yeah baby make more juice for yourself, squeeze my balls harder."

As I squeezed them more little squirts went down my mouth.

"Yeah baby, good boy, oohhh that felt awesome Danny, you have a hot little mouth. I think I'm gonna keep you, if you'd like that is baby, would you like to stay with me? I need a good cocksucker around."

"Yes, Jason. I would love to stay with you. I will do anything you want in return, I don't have much money right now, but I don't mind getting a job and helping out."

Jason was still catching his breath from his orgasm.

"NO! You just got out of high school, you deserve a break baby. You may stay here for free. No charge, how ever, you will become my little pleasure toy. Would you mind that?"

"Not at all Jason. As long as I get at that cock again."

"I'm sure you will. We can talk about the rules and and stuff tomorrow at breakfast. We are also gonna go to the mall and pick up some things for my new toy. You need some clothes and other accessories." He said with a wink.

Turns out this was a great deal I made with Jason. Yes, some of the activities we've done together people won't understand why I stayed with him. They will say it's because I needed a place to stay, when really it was because I was falling in love with him.


Next: Chapter 2

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