
By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Feb 1, 2008


MANUSH by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on November 19, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by acam


"MANUSH" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 11 - The new Romany tribe

The Rogasi tribe was founded and a great party was thrown and Zanko sat amongst the tribal chiefs in his new attire the youngest of them all.

The following day was the day of the solemn procession and everybody admired those nine handsome young men who were dancing and playing music happiness shining on their faces.

After the procession the Baro Mama decided to take a detour on the way back to her caravan and went to admire the beautiful caravans of the Rogasi and then went into one with Zanko.

"Chief Zanko my son this old woman has a favour to ask you..."

"A favour... you ask of me Baro Mama? You can ask a thousand favours and all of us will be ready to give our lives for you."

"I don't doubt it... I have the son of my grand-son a seventeen years old boy called Odisej... You see I think he would be happier living with you than with his family..."

"He too loves men?"

"If my heart and my eyes do not deceive me... it is so. He never told me so. Neither me nor anyone else. He is a very gentle boy and he plays his violin even better than his great-grand-father my man did when he was in this world. But I see him always sad and withdrawn and he seems not aware of the sweet eyes of the girls... Can you see if you can talk to him and if I am not wrong tell him too that there is a place for him in your tribe?"

"Of course Baro Mama. If you were right... we would have the blood of your blood amongst us and this would be a great honour for us. Who do you think, amongst us Rogasi would be the best suited to talk with him?"

"I've been watching you carefully for the last few days... I think that Jojo or Pero... and they are the nearest to his age too..."

"Very well. We will try."

"Thank you. And remember that before you leave I want to see you and your tribe chief Zanko."

"It will be a pleasure and a great honour to come and say farewell to you properly, Baro Mama."

Odisej was slightly built with a dimple on his chin and long straight black hair with a bit of a central parting. When Jojo went to look for him he found him sitting on the steps of his caravan tuning up his violin.

"Odisej dear cousin I've heard about you and I wanted to meet you. I've heard that you are the best lautari of your tribe. I am Jojo of the Rogasi..."

"Ah the new tribe... There doesn't seem to be any other subject of conversation these days in our camp ... Yes I am thought to be a good lautari... The only thing I am good at it seems."

"You are too modest Odisej. Who knows how many other things you might be skilled at."

"You think so? Tell me which ones for instance?"

"Ah dear cousin if you and I could spend some time alone I am sure I could discover more than one..."

"Alone you say?" Odisej asked studying him.

"Yes alone. Because when two people are alone they can open up to each other without worrying about other people... and of what other people might think."

"It is other people's judgement that makes us what we are..." the boy murmured.

"Yes that's right. And that's why we have to choose sympathetic friends so that their judgements will make us what is bacht for us." Jojo said.

"Of me... nobody can made something bacht something good besides a lautari." The boy said disconsolately and went back to tuning his violin.

"Why do you say that cousin? I would be able to do very good and very beautiful things with you I think."

"You? That would be nice but..."

"What's bothering you cousin?"

"Bothering me? Nothing. Why?"

"Because I can't see any joy in your eyes."

"Joy? What is joy?"

"Having a friend who loves us for instance."

"I don't have friends. I don't know what love means."

"All you have to do is look around you Odisej. The world is full of potential friends and potential love."

"No for me it isn't anyway."

"And why not?"

"Because my heart is not clear. It is like the surface of a lake troubled by a bitter wind."

"And why is it like that?" Jojo insisted and smiled at him in a friendly way.

"Because I was born wrong. Nobody could possibly like me as I am."

"And how are you?"

"Bibacht. All my life is bibacht."

"Are you certain, cousin Odisej?"

"I am certain."

"You might be wrong. It might be a mistake to judge yourself so. What was wrong with your birth? And what is wrong about you? Why do you say that nobody wants you as you are? Look for a person or for the people who can accept you as you are... and you will be happy."

"I tried. Of course I tried - what do you think? But all I found was rejection... rejection and derision. Only music gives me a few moments of serenity now..."

"How many times did you try and with whom?" Jojo asked him.

Odisej threw him a challenging glance "Three times; the perfect number. And with friends... and I've lost them."

"Try a fourth time then. With me... and you will not lose me."

"You are not one of my friends... I don't know you."

"But I would like to become one. Try with me Odisej and I will be one. Nobody is born a friend but anyone can become one isn't that right?"

"You don't know what you are asking me cousin. You are not aware of what you are saying."

"Oh yes I am - I'm perfectly aware cousin."

"Do you suppose that you are different from the others? And are you suggesting you are superior to them?" the boy asked brushing his hair off his forehead with his fingers.

"Superior... I don't think I'm saying that and I don't care. Different... yes, I am, at least as much as you are!"

Odisej looked at him with a bitter smile. He put down his violin then looking straight in his eyes said in a challenging tone "Good! I bet my violin against your ring. I will make you a request. If your answer is 'no' you will give me your ring. If your answer is 'yes' I will give you my violin. Are you game?"

"But your violin is much more valuable than my ring..."

"Who cares? I'm certain I will get your ring."

"Alright then. Make you request. I'm ready."

"Think about it cousin. You're about to lose your gold ring..."

"Make your request." Jojo insisted hoping he had guessed correctly what the other was about to ask him.

Odisej stood up and looking him in the eye in a challenging way asked "Very well cousin Jojo. Will you let me take you as a woman is taken by a man?"

Jojo looked at him seriously in silence and didn't answer immediately. Odisej stretched out his hand expectantly and smiled waiting to get the ring. Then also Jojo stood up.

Still very serious he asked "You asked me... to let you fuck me in the arse?"

"Yes you understood correctly. Well then haven't I won your ring?"

"No I'm sorry. You have to give me your violin. Because I will do what you want Odisej."

The boy looked at him dumbfounded "What? Really? Are you sure?"

"Yes I want it. Tell me just where and when..."

"What do you mean you really want it?" the boy asked still not believing his ears. "I... I can't believe it..." then in astonishment added "Do you care so much for that ring?"

"No! I want very much to have sex with you Odisej! I really want it. I would be pleased to do it with you..."

"Pleased..." the boy echoed.

"Yes Odisej because I like you very much. But afterwards I would also like to have a taste of your delightful small arse... but only if you want to"

"Well... you had me on toast! You got my violin. Take it. It's yours."

"Not yet. You have first to take my arse as I asked."

"I warn you I have a rather big one in spite of still being a teenager..."

"So much the better. It will be even more pleasure for me my dear cousin."

"But you... do you love men and not women, Jojo?"

"Yes exactly like you, Odisej."

"But... how did you find out about me?"

"Because I'm like you as I said."

"Devel! I'm not the only one then?"

"No on the contrary we are many..."

"Are you serious Jojo? Aren't you taking me for a ride?"

"If you want I will introduce you to many others like us... but afterwards!"

Odisej started to laugh and laughed and laughed hysterically. And he kept on repeating "I'm not alone... I'm not alone..." and tears poured down his cheeks while he was shaking with convulsive hysterical laughter.

Then he started to calm down and get back his self-control and said to Jojo "I would almost like to do it here... in front of everybody!"

"It's not convenient Odisej... people would condemn us..." Jojo said laughing.

"Where and when then?" The boy asked with blazing eyes.

"Straight away - now in my caravan if you like."

"Will your caravan be safe in day time?"

"Yes of course more than safe. Are you coming?"

"You are not making fun of me Jojo?"

"Just come and you will see."

"May I really... fuck you?"

"You have my word."

"I've never had the chance before ... You would be the first one..."

"It will be good. You will see."

"Have you already done it?"

"Of course I have. That's how I know it will be good."

"Many times?"

"More times than your age and my age together."

"And... you have never been caught?"

"In my original tribe I was. And they mocked me... after having done it with me and had their fun with me. In my new tribe they know and... they do it with me... and we all are happy."

"So that's why you changed tribe then?"

"That's right. We Rogasi have sex only with men. And there are no women with us."

"What a fantastic tribe! You're lucky. But... all of you do it?"

"All of us - really! There are only nine of us at the moment but I feel sure that we will get more members. Others will ask to change tribe and to join us. Oh here we are. Come into my caravan, Odisej. I really want you."

"I do too. He's already awakened you know? And ready and he wants you..."

"Come in..."

"I'm almost glad I lost my violin..." said Odisej following him.

"Here we are. We are alone and nobody will bother us." Jojo said pulling down the bed and closing the curtain "And I'm ready..."

"You aren't yet ready; you still have your clothes on..." Odisej joked, putting his violin on the shelf.

Jojo pulled him down on the bed with him and said "Then undress me. Go on!"

They started to undress each other feverishly excited by their closeness and by mutual desire. The also got a thrill out of the chattering of the people coming and going just outside the window. The sunlight was just seeping through the shutters.

"Oh Jojo you are the first man I have ever been able to touch like this!"

"And the first man you have seen naked?"

"No not that. At times I managed to spy on my older brothers nudity. But only from a distance by hiding. But now I have a man all for myself! You will have to guide me... I've never done this before..."

"Of course I'll guide you. And you'll like it. You have a small but really beautiful body!"

"You haven't seen my little brother yet... He seems to have grown more than me."

"Good I'll welcome him home willingly after when I have met him. I'll let him come in both from the front and from the back door."

"The front door? Which front door - as you're a man?"

"Let me take charge Odisej. I'm the expert aren't I? Oh here is your nice little brother! He's really beautiful and well developed."

"Isn't he too big?"

"Too big? No, not at all." Jojo said and kneeling in front of him took it together with his testicles in his cupped hands and bent down to lick them.

Odisej who was kneeling with his knees just apart pushed his pelvis forward and quivered offering himself up for Jojo's attention. "Oh Jojo, what a surprise!"

"A good one?"

"A good one!"

"But I've even better things in store..." Jojo answered taking Odisej's hard member completely into his mouth and starting to suck it and make it slip in and out.

"Ooohhh... this... I hadn't imagined that... I didn't know one could do anything like that... how good!" Odisej panted looking fascinated at his prick appearing and disappearing between his companion's lips.

Jojo went on back and forth for a long time until he felt his companion's legs starting to tremble and to give way. He slowed down and then stopped. He made it slip out and straightened up. He embraced Odisej pulling him to himself, against his chest, and kissed him intimately hot and deep while stroking his back and buttocks.

He let go for a moment and asked "Do you want me, Odisej?"

"Oh yes!"

"To do what?"

"To put it right into your nice arse!"

"And then?"

"Fuck it."

"How long?"

"Until I come."

"Inside me?"

"Inside you!"

"Do you like this thought?"

"It makes me crazy!"

"Well then play the violin Odisej. Show me your skill lautari!"

"The violin?" the boy asked in stupefaction.

"Yes of course. My arse is your violin and your little brother will be the bow and we will play a nice ballade - the ballade of Odisej's little brother."

The boy laughed "They say I am a skilled violinist."

"Well then show me!"

"But this is the first time I've ever played... with this particular instrument!"

"Do yourself justice then."

"You're a beautiful violin..."

"Play me..." Jojo said. He lubricated himself lay on his back in the middle of the bed and pulled up his legs.

"What do I do?" the boy asked as he moved closer.

"Kneel down; keep your knees as wide apart as you can like this and sit on your heels. Then push your bow forward... so... Now put it in the right position and push it all inside... Push... that's right... go on... all inside..."

"Oh... oh... I'm... go... ing... in... siiiide..." the boy moaned and gave a last push.

"Well that's good... and now play! Put your hands here caress my body brush my nipples... and play. Play... back and forth slow or fast as you like best as long as it's good Romany music!" Jojo said caressing Odisej's chest.

And Odisej began.

"Yes Odisej you're good... yes... go on..." Jojo encouraged him enjoying that powerful tool moving inside him.

Odisej after a few "tuning" strokes threw himself into a long and fiery sonata. Jojo was looking at the expression on his face and saw him transformed, transfigured and then reach ecstasy. When that "music" reached its climax, instrument and bow vibrated in unison and Odisej unloaded totally inside Jojo with a last powerful push and gave a long wavering moan. Then he began to move back and forth again slowly panting and shuddering. He stopped again. Jojo pulled him down on top of him and kissed him on the mouth. The boy greedily returned the kiss.

"You are good, Odisej. With some training you will become a real artist." Jojo said smiling.

"With you as a master..."

"And with such marvellous instruments..." Jojo echoed.

Odisej slowly pulled out. "That would have been worth losing ten, a hundred, even one thousand violins!" the boy said looking at Jojo with a smile and lightly caressed his body.

"Would you like to have your violin back?"

"I don't care. It's yours."

"But would you like to win it back?"


"Just give me your nice arse now Odisej!"

"Oh, yes! And not just for the violin..." the boy readily said and lay down in the same position that Jojo had just been in.

Jojo lubricated him carefully then with a few strong strokes penetrated him. Odisej moaned in a mix of pain and pleasure.

"You're the first virgin boy I have ever taken, Odisej," he said. He was strongly aroused and adjusted himself to get a better position inside.

"You aren't a lautari are you?" Odisej asked.

"No, I'm a fierari..."

"Oh, woe is me! So then you will now beat the anvil with your hammer?" Odisej asked with a smile.

"No... I now want to make love to you my little handsome man. And also make you feel the delight that you just made me feel."

Jojo kept his promise. Odisej gradually felt the sweetness of that union and finally started to enjoy it completely. Jojo soon felt his orgasm approaching.

Then he said "Odisej..."

"Yes Jojo..."

"Why don't you join us?"

"Yes Jojo..."

"Become a Rogasi; it will be... wonderful."

"Yes Jojo..."

And finally Jojo erupted inside him with a last few vigorous pushes and the boy who was masturbating himself reached his second orgasm straight away. They then hugged and relaxed.

Jojo asked him "Will you really ask to change tribe and become one of us?"

"I really think so..."

"I would be glad."


"I like you very much Odisej."

"I like you too Jojo. And you are my first man..."

"And you are my first virgin boy..."

"I'm not a virgin any more now."

"Do you regret it?"

"No, on the contrary... it was high time. Was it good taking a virgin boy?"

"It was really good making love to you."

"But now that I'm not a virgin any more ... will you still be interested in me?"

"I stopped being a virgin ages ago... Are you still interested in me?"

"I understand. Thank you. I like how you kiss. No, I really like everything. How you kiss how you suck how you fuck how you take it... And the next time I'll try to suck you too."

Odisej did ask to change tribe and he got the assent of his people. Then he moved with all his things and the Rogasi prepared a temporary bed for him in the Saint George caravan.

Before leaving Les Saintes Maries de la Mer the Rogasi went to say farewell to the Baro Mama.

The old woman gave Zanko one of her talismans. "All the tribe chiefs have seen this talisman and know it belongs to me. Keep it round your neck chief Zanko my son so everybody will know that you have my protection. I entrusted my great-grand-son Odisej to you. I want to make you a gift to thank you for having accepted him and so that you can build another caravan when you need it..." she said.

She opened a casket she had at her side plunged her hands in it and took out a double handful of gold jewellery.

"Take... I have plenty of them a surfeit even. But don't melt them down - you can sell them to Romanies for a higher price if the buyers know they belonged to the Baro Mama. You may even get two or three times the value by weight. And choose the most beautiful one amongst them and wear it chief Zanko so that you can cut a nice figure in front of the other chiefs."

"It's way too much, Baro Mama..." Zanko murmured moved.

"No, it's way too little if you can make my Odisej happy. Well my sons you are leaving tomorrow at dawn aren't you?"

"Yes Baro Mama."

"I hope to see you all at the next pilgrimage and that there will be many more of you. I will always have you in my heart. Do you see?" she said touching the gold brooch she got from them. Then she indicated that they could go.

They went back to their caravans. Some caravans had already left. They slept there and at dawn they too left. When they reached the Italian frontier they got through without problems - Patrizio's fake documents passed the test. They went on until they reached Levanto where they camped. As they were alone they held the affiliation ceremony for Odisej who was adopted by Tomaso, and Pero was his godfather. While they were staying near Levanto and were touring the surrounding villages performing their show two things happened.

The first one was the arrival of a caravan of Romany Mrzarja, ousari like Dule. He knew them and they warmly welcomed each other. And Dule explained to them that he had changed tribes and was now a Rogasi.

"A tribe without women?" one of Dule's uncles asked frowning slightly.

"Yes we all renounced marriage."

"Like the DacikhanŽ priests?" another uncle asked.

"Yes more or less like that. And the Baro Mama took us under her protection."

"Bah! A Romany without a woman is like a man with only one leg!" another of the uncles said in a tone of disapproval.

Another declared "I knew a man with only one leg and he was much more valiant than all his brothers with two legs!"

"But why did you renounce to marriage?" another of the uncles asked.

"In memory of queen Ana." Dule rashly answered.

"Of queen Ana? But she married." The man objected.

"Exactly. And she begot the nine devils of illness didn't she?" Dule retorted and wondered where that line of conversation would lead.

But to his surprise more than one man seriously nodded in assent and one of them started to talk about illness and so diverted the course of the conversation. They changed subject and asked him for news about the pilgrimage, as they didn't go on it themselves. They told him about the recent marriages and births and of a death that had occurred in their caravan as well of various other happenings.

While Dule was leaving the caravan where he had gone to greet his brother and his sister-in-law a boy of eighteen approached him.

"Hi cousin Dule I'm Mile. You possibly don't remember me. I was just twelve... when you were already an adult."

"You're a man now Mile. Are you engaged yet?"

"Well... that's right... it's about that I wanted to talk with you..."

"You mean?"

"Is it true that you Rogasi don't marry?"

"For a Rogasi it is forbidden to have a woman or to marry."

"Ah. That's interesting. So there are no women in your tribe?"

"Exactly. Didn't you realise that?"

"Yes I did realise. My family wants me to marry..."

"And you aren't keen?"

"No. Women make me feel uneasy... I don't like them..."

"Ah really?"

"Yes really."

"And... have you told your family about this?"

"No it would be the last straw. They would then say that I'm not a Romany. You know how they reason don't you?"

"But we Rogasi are Romany."

"That's it. That is the interesting thing."

"But you... you don't want to marry?"

"No. I thought I could not avoid it but now... if I too could become a Rogasi... I could avoid it; couldn't I?"

"Yes but... Will you come for a little stroll out of the camp with me, Mile?"


When they had gone a long way from the camp Dule said him "Mile I have to talk to you frankly. But we have first to make a pact."

"What pact?"

"Whatever I tell you now you must promise that you will absolutely never tell a living soul... Never ever - whatever the reason."

"Yes alright. You have my word cousin Dule."

"Good. You have also to be totally sincere with me not hide anything at all from me."

"I will cousin."

"Well then; answer me - have you ever had sex with anybody?"

"I..." Mile started to speak then blushed and said "But you too will never ever tell anybody what I'm going to tell you?"

"You have my word, Mile."

"I had sex once, just once."

"With whom?"

"With... you won't be upset with me if I tell you?"

"Surely not. With whom?"

"With your... sister-in-law."

"My sister-in-law? Here at the camp?"

"Yes. She wanted a child but she could not get pregnant... and... and so your brother asked me to... and she now is carrying a child."


"So she says."

"Ah. And... did you like doing it with my sister-in-law?"

"Aren't you upset?

"No Mile. It's a private matter between you and her... and my brother. Well then did you like doing it?"

"No... very little. She had to do everything because I... I wanted to run away."

"I see. And, did you ever had sex with a man?"

"With a man? Are you joking?"

"No I'm totally serious. Did you ever feel the desire to do it with a man or with a boy?"

"No way, no never. How could you get such an idea?"

"And yet there are men who have sex between them. Don't you know?"

Mile laughed. "Of course I know. But it happens only amongst the Gadje the old men say. The Gadje are so weird by the way..."

"Not weirder than us Romany about this matter. Some Romany men make love to each other too."

"But... no! Surely you are teasing me? What's the point? Two men cannot beget children."

"Of course they cant. But sex is not just for begetting children?"


"Of course not. Tell me - my sister-in-law and my brother don't they have sex with each other even though they cannot make children? They didn't stop having sex did they?"

"Of course not; on the contrary! As they can't have children they can do it whenever they want without problems. And I think they do it even more often than the others... And when she wants another child... he looks for a man for... for that. And so at least most people don't know that he cannot make children."

"And why do they go on having sex even though they cannot have children?"

"Because they like it obviously.

"Exactly. So you see one doesn't have sex only to beget children but also because it is delightful and fun. And for two men it can be delightful and fun too."

"Ah, I see."

"Well now what I'm going to tell you is a secret - all we Rogasi have sex with each other."

"You all... you too?"

"Of course me too."

"And... it's good and... delightful?"

"For me and my little brother it's certainly so. Very much so."

"So then if I join the Rogasi I would have to... to have sex with men?"

"That's right."

"Well I must say I never guessed that! But I don't know if I would like it..."

"Then you just have to try it. If you like it, you ask to join us Rogasi if you don't like it, you stay with the Mrzarja..."

"... and then I have to marry. So I have to choose either with a woman or with a man..."

"I'm afraid that's how it is. But tell me - don't you make your little brother dance?"

"Oh yes I do and quite often!" the boy giggled.

"Often? Therefore you like it."

"Hell, don't I just!"

"Good. With a man it can be much better than it is on your own, I assure you. You already tried it with a woman. Now you have just to try it with a man so then you can make your choice."

"But... with whom?"

"You can ask any of us Rogasi. Ask the one you like best. And if he tells you he's game you try it with him."

"Any of you?"


"But I can't go there and say - sorry would you like to screw with me?"

"Why not? Say it like that or in any other way you like. The important thing is just that you make him understand what you want. And it's also possible that one of us would ask you... With whom would you like to try?"

"My goodness... who knows... Possibly... with Marko. He seems really likeable."

"Good. Then try with Marko."

"But if he's not interested in me?"

"Try with another one."

"I also like the one... what's his name... the one who is wearing the deep blue shirt today?"

"Mateo you mean? Of course, ask him too. Do you like Mateo as well?"

"He has bright eyes... and a nice smile." Mile said nodding.

"And if you like you can do it with both of them together as well."

"All together? A threesome you mean?"

"Yes for sure. At times we have a threesome or even a foursome..."

"And could I do it with you too?"

"Yes but the first time I would rather you tried with somebody else."


"Because you need to make an effort - to pluck up your courage and go and try. I'm your cousin with me it would too easy."

"Yes. You are right that it's difficult. I don't know if I will manage to..."

"Well think about it... Let's go back to the camp now. And sort yourself out soon Mile if you really want to make a choice."

Later Mile buttonholed Marko but he seemed not to get to a conclusion. Dule was keeping an eye on him from some distance away. The boys seemed not to find a way to make each other understand what Mile had in mind. But then while Marko was telling him about the Kalderash life Mile interrupted him.

"But I would like to talk to you about something else..."

"Yes? And what about Mile?"

"About... sex."


"Yes sex. You and Mateo would you let me try having sex with you? I never did it with men or boys and I like you both and I tried it with a woman but it was nothing special so now I would like to try with you to see if I like doing it with men and if that gives me a reason I will ask to become a Rogasi or maybe not..." Mile said hurriedly all in one breath looking at his shoes and blushing. Then he suddenly stopped and was silent.

Marko looked at him for a moment smiling then said "Let's go and look for Mateo and ask him."

"But you... would you do it with me?"

"You're a handsome boy. Why not? Let's go to see Mateo come on!"

Dule saw them going away together and smiled. They found Mateo.

"Hey Mateo! Mile here has something to ask you..."

"Oh, hi Mile. Tell me."

"Well I... I never had sex with another man and so... I would like to try it with Marko and you." Mile said. Now he was a little more self-confident.

Mateo looked at him. "Well why not? So much enthusiasm for a trial deserves to be rewarded. Do you want us to go and try now?"

"Yes... before I lose my nerve..." Mile murmured.

"Alright. Let's go to the caravans then."

All three went in and they heard a noise.

"Who's there?" Marko asked from the entrance.

From the Saint George caravan a voice answered "Pero. Are you Marko?"

"Yes Pero. Can you come here a moment?"

Pero came out.

"Are you alone?" Marko asked him.

"Yes I'm alone."

"Well we three want to retire inside and..."

"Ah I see. I'll leave immediately then."

"Why don't you come too?" Mile asked. His tone of voice was half way between cheeky and embarrassed.

Mateo laughed. "Do you want me to call all the others too?"

"No... with you three it will be good... I think."

Pero smiled "Do you like group sex?"

"I don't know... this is my first time..."

"Wow, you do really want to start in a big way! Very good. Let's go into the left hand caravan as I already tidied it..." Pero said and led them inside caravan one.

They pulled down the bed and all four undressed. The three Rogasi already showed good erections but Mile was still soft. He looked at them from head to toe, lingering most on their hard erect members.

"What do I have to do now?" he asked.

"Go on all fours in the middle of the bed." Marko instructed him.

Mile readily obeyed.

Marko went up to him, "Look at this delightful small arse! And the little rose... as a starter I'll lick it nicely boys! A nice little rose button still inviolate..." he said and went down to lick Mile's hole.

Soon Mile's member started to harden and to grow betraying his pleasure.

"He's getting a hard-on boys! It's really a ripe nice fruit, between his legs. I think I'll enjoy tasting it..." Pero said and slipped under him and began to suck it.

Mile shuddered. Marko was very skilled with his tongue and was preparing the boy's anus and when he felt Mile was thoroughly relaxed properly wet with saliva he started to poke it gently with the tip of his tongue pushing it inside a bit. Mile moaned with pleasure and stretched a hand behind, to fondle the hard pole of Pero who was sucking him carefully.

Then Mateo knelt in front of the boy and brushed Mile's lips with his beautiful straight hard pole. Mile parted his lips and took it in his mouth. Marko meanwhile had replaced his skilled tongue with his splendid member and was ready to deflower the little bud glossy with saliva. He penetrated him without difficulty because he was not too big and Mile was totally relaxed and the hole was abundantly lubricated with saliva.

Marko slowly sank inside the welcoming tight hot hole and then started to pump inside it with the right vigour. Mile without ceasing to suck Mateo gave a long low moan of pleasure. Mateo and Marko leaned forwards and kissed starting to tease each other's nipples. After a while Marko came with a strong orgasm and emptied into the blazing channel of the boy now no longer a virgin with a choked groan. Almost at once Mateo unloaded inside Mile's mouth and then Mile himself poured all his tribute into the welcoming mouth of Pero and he in his turn shot his seed in Mile's hand.

Mile had his mouth filled with Mateo's seed and didn't know what to do with it. But when he realised that Pero was drinking all his seed he decided to gulp it down and tasted the curious male flavour and thought it was good. When they finally parted Mile thanked Marko for deflowering him without causing him the least pain.

But all four were aware they felt like going on and so after a short break to relax they started to have sex again. And Mile greatly enjoyed the moment when while he was doing a hot sixty-nine with Marko, Mateo penetrated Marko and Pero penetrated him. Then it was his turn to penetrate Pero while Mateo was taking him and he sucked Marko... When they finally decided to dress again sated at last Mile thanked all three of them with real gratitude.

Pero proposed a celebration and all four moved to caravan 2 to the kitchen and merrily they ate and drank.

As soon as Mile went outside again he went to search for Dule.

"I did it! It's fantastic!" he said. He was radiant with the after-effects. "I'll go immediately to see chief Zanko and ask him to admit me into your tribe! I want to be one of the Rogasi and I'll be a very good one!"

His cousin laughed at Mile's enthusiasm.

So Mile was admitted and asked Dule to be his father and Patri his godfather. On the first occasion after that when they were alone on a camp site, they performed the rite.

Dule also took Mile to work with him as he too was an ousari, and taught him his techniques. Carefully studying the jewellery they had received as a gift from the Baro Mama before selling them they learned new techniques. And selling them or swapping them they got a great quantity of gold as the old woman had foreseen. Consequently they had the materials and so could start to make jewellery and talismans for the Gadje.

The second thing that happened at the Levanto camping site was that Jojo and Odisej came to realise that they were in love with each other and so they more and more often made love alone just between the two of them. The others became aware of their desire to be left alone but they didn't at once understand the real reason for that thinking it might just be a fleeting infatuation. But when Jojo and Odisej were certain about their reciprocal feeling and had avowed it to each other they decided to go to talk with Zanko and to ask him what they could do to consider themselves a steady couple and be treated like that by everyone else.

Then after the vote to accept Mile Zanko one evening proposed the problem to the tribe after they had left Levanto. They discussed it all together and everybody accepted the idea that two could decide to bind themselves together with a special and exclusive bond so they decided to make a "union rite".

This decision kept them busy for several evenings around the fire and also occasionally during the day and finally they had a rite planned, once again drawing on the Romany traditions of their original tribes.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 12

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