
By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Dec 27, 2007


MANUSH by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on November 19, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by acam


"MANUSH" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 2 - The Gadje's conversion

They were in bed together. When Zanko had said it was time to go to bed, he began to lie down fully dressed.

"Don't you undress?" Patrizio asked him.

"No, why?"

"Because your clothes and your body would breathe better. It's healthier."

"You undress before going to bed do you?"

"Yes, always."


"Yes, naked."

"But do you sleep alone?"

"Yes, of course."

"Well but now we aren't alone, are we?"

"Does it matter? We already saw each other naked."

"A good deal more than that! But if we go to bed naked..."

"Surely you can control yourself."

"Does it still hurt?"


They were in bed together in the dark and naked. Patrizio curled round Zanko's body in a half embrace.

"Doesn't skin against skin feel good?"

"Yes Patri it's good, but I'm aroused."

"I am too. But being aroused is nice isn't it?"

"Yes but... if I'm aroused I want to fuck you..." Zanko giggled.

The boy smiled "Well, try to hold back tonight please."

"I promised you. But it's costing me dear." The gypsy complained.

"You know - when you play your violin the music is wonderful. You're like an angel."

"From heaven?"

"Right, yes like that. Not like when you were fucking me."

"But you couldn't see me when I was on top of you. Maybe I could have looked even more like an angel then don't you think?"

"But I could feel you. You kept on and on thrusting into me. I thought you would never stop."

"No, I was quick to come. Because I hadn't given myself any relief for a long time. I really needed it badly."

"Since you were ten have you ever taken it up your arse?"

"Oh yes, when I was fifteen."

"Ah. And did you like it?"

"No. I was raped again."

"Again? And who, this time?"

"Three bastards. You know those people called skinheads I think. I was in Vicenza."

"What the fuck! It all happens to you. And what happened then? Do you feel like telling me?"

"Bah... Well maybe that time I was almost asking for it. Those bastards... I was going back to our camp with my cousin Cajo from a Gadjes' wedding party where we went to play our music. We walked past the front of a place where we could hear laughter and loud music - a lot of noise. We thought it had to be a party. You see at times you can go to a party and play and earn some money and we were beginning to hope we could do that. But then two men came out who started to abuse us and to say that Hitler was right to put all the gypsies in concentration camps and gas us. Cajo said we had better to go away and ignore them. But I answered them giving them tit for tat.

"They started to shout for their mates so then we ran away. But I was incensed. I persuaded Cajo to go back there during the night with me. We managed to find a way in through a window. It was a weird place with nazi flags and symbols and incredible writings. My plan was to steal something precious and to destroy all that bullshit. In a frame I found a golden nazi cross. I took it and gave it to Cajo.

"I was looking for money when we heard a noise at the door. Cajo just had time to climb out of the window and to run away. I was standing on a chair about to climb out but they were already in and jumped on me. They thought I was there alone bent on theft but they found nothing on me. They didn't notice the missing cross. They thought they got there in time.

"But one of them while searching me was feeling me more than I thought he should between my legs so I asked him if he was a faggot. He got angry and said - I'll show you! He took a pistol from a drawer and ordered me to drop my trousers and bend over a table. Then his mate pulled it out and pushed it in my arse. Happily he didn't have a big one; it annoyed me but didn't really hurt. I then told him that he really was a fag. He told me to shut up but I laughed scornfully.

"Then the one with a pistol in his hand pointed it at my forehead and ordered me to pull out his thing and to suck it. And to be careful not to let him feel my teeth or else he would make a hole in my brains. While they were fucking me one at the front and the other behind a third one arrived and said - "What the fucking shit are you doing?" They said "We're just giving this gypsy a lesson. He came here to steal. Then the third one said "Oh well in that case carry on and I'll have a go when you're done." And they each of them fucked me.

"The last one to arrive had the biggest tool but it wasn't bigger than yours. And they were enjoying it like pigs and it was obvious they liked it. Calling it a punishment was just a pretext. Then they threw me out my trousers still round my ankles and happily it was completely dark. They were kicking and hitting me but I managed to pull up my trousers, get up and run back to our camp.

"Cajo was waiting for me worrying. He asked me what they did to me and I told him they had tortured me. You see I wanted to boast a little and also because I couldn't tell him what they really did."

"Why couldn't you tell him?"

"I was not a child any more. And for the gypsies a man who takes it in his arse or in his mouth... isn't a man any more."

"But you don't feel you are less a man for that, do you?"

"I? Not at all. And you?"

"Neither. I just feel I'm a man... who has been fucked in the arse." Patrizio answered and laughed. Then he asked "But did you ever take it in your arse just because you wanted to?"

"No never, not so far."

"Do you think you might, one day?"

"How do I know? I would say probably not - but one of the three who fucked me did it differently from the others and I almost enjoyed it. As far as I can remember now. But I never... I never dared to try."

"Are you afraid to discover that you're a fag?"

"But I am a fag. I already know that, as I only like doing it with men. I think it is only thought bad because since childhood you have been hearing people saying with obvious distaste 'that so and so likes taking it in his arse!' And so you are afraid and think that doing it would make you deserve everybody's scorn."

"Yes, that sounds right. After all we Gadje are not so different from you gypsies in this. In my village there was a man of whom people said that he liked taking it up his arse so everybody treated him as a half-woman and despised him. And yet he seemed to be a nice person a good man - way better than most of the people who despised him."

"Did you ever do anything with that man?"

"No I wasn't a friend of his. I barely knew him. Moreover he was old, forty or more. If he had been a handsome boy who knows... then I could have been tempted to try - once maybe."

"You're a handsome boy..." Zanko said in the dark squeezing himself against Patrizio's thigh to make him feel his erection. Then he said, "Turn on your side. Come on; I want to rub it against your beautiful bum."

"You promised me you would leave me in peace tonight!" the boy protested.

"I promise I won't push it in. Trust me. I just want to rub it against you for a while"

"Alright I'll trust you but don't cheat!" Patrizio said and turned on his side.

Zanko hugged him pulled him close and pushed his hard rod against Patrizio's buttocks and fitted it into his crack and gently stroked it up and down.

"Do you like that?" Patrizio asked.

"Well... yes I like it. And you?"

"It's fine like this. It's hard and warm..."

Zanko stroked Patrizio's chest and tickled his earlobe with his tongue.

"You are giving me a hard-on..." Patrizio murmured.

Zanko felt with his hand "Yes, it's really nicely hard. Will you stay with me, Patri?"

"Possibly yes. If you don't rape me again..."

"Just before you hid by my door I was making my little brother dance and I was really hot for it. And it had been long time since I had come. And then seeing you all naked on my bed... I like you Patri and I don't want to rape you again... But I really would like to fuck you again."

"But not now."

"Not now! I promised. You have to trust me. Even though you're a Gadje and I a Romany." Zanko said continuing to brush against him and to stroke his hard prick with the palm of his hand."

"But if you go on this way. Zanko, we will both come and wet your sheet..." the boy panted. He felt he was getting close.

"Who cares? We can easily wash it tomorrow if we do. Don't you want to come like this?"

"Fucking shit yes... and I'm getting near too..." the boy moaned.

Then Zanko held him more passionately and stroked his chest and belly and masturbated him with the other hand.

"I like you Gadje. You're the first boy with whom I feel I can have sex without problems. Stay with me be my companion."

"I like you too, Zanko..." Patrizio panted in ecstasy. Zanlo's passion was really turning him on.

And the two boys came almost simultaneously moaning aloud. They fell asleep in that position tangled together and both sticky with cum.

The following morning they washed and dressed. Patrizio changed the sheet. Then while Zanko was outside washing the old sheet and some other cloths, Patrizio cleaned and tidied inside the caravan.

Zanko hung out the washing and came in again.

"Hey! I never saw it so tidy in here! Can you cook too?"

"Yes sure. I did all the cooking after my aunt died."

"Good then we will eat better."

"But if I come with you how can I earn my living?"

"You can repair the car you can cook you can keep everything tidy..."

"Hey do I have to be your house maid and then your mistress too?" Patrizio asked frowning.

Zanko burst out laughing. "Well, what's wrong with that?"

"That I'm not a woman! I might stay with you but I want to be an equal not a subordinate. Will you be my woman?"

"But I'm a man."

"And so am I. Never forget it or else I will go away."

"I saw and felt your little brother. I will not forget it."

"Will we really be equals?"

"Well... do you mean that if I fuck you you must be allowed to fuck me too?"

"Of course. And also that I want to earn my share of the money. Equal for everything."

"Well... but I don't know if I would like taking it up my arse..."

"And neither do I. You were badly fucked against your will; and you fucked me badly and against my will. Can't we try doing it nicely?"

"Maybe but it seems me so weird..."

"Zanko this way or nothing - is that clear?"

"I... I don't know. The thought of fucking you excites me, I like it. But the thought of me taking it up the arse... not at all."

"I feel exactly the same way Zanko."

"I understand... Well my friend, we will see."

"And what about my job?"

"Well I can teach you to play the tambourine so you can play the accompaniment..."

"And what's that tambourine?"

"I've two of them in that large case. Wait..."

Zanko took out two tambourines. Then he sang a violin melody and started to play one of the tambourines as a demonstration. Patrizio took the other one and tried to copy him.

While they were travelling East many other proper lessons followed that first improvisation. All day long they worked. Patrizio overhauled the car engine using the few tools Zanko had and it was much better even though not quite perfect. They had cleaned and tidied the caravan thoroughly. And they spent a lot of time practicing. Patrizio was getting to be quite skilled with the tambourines.

When Zanko got ready to play for a party or a celebration he used to wear a nice gypsy costume. So they bought some cloth to make a similar one for Patrizio. Zanko was quite a good tailor.

At night for the first two or three nights they only did what they had both agreed to do since the rape. They just hugged, touched and held each other and tossed each other off. Each time Zanko tried to penetrate Patrizio the boy said "Yes but only if you let me do it first..." so Zanko desisted.

But one day while they were hugging with their erections pressed between them and were gently rubbing each other Zanko said to Patrizio "If you want to try... as long as afterwards you let me do it too... I really need to fuck you I can't resist any more. I'll go crazy if I don't do it..."

"Yes I really want to take you Zanko. Do you have something to use to make it slip inside smoothly?"

"I don't know... what might do?"

"An ointment; a cream maybe... something to lubricate it..."

"The kitchen oil..."

"We can try..."

Zanko got up and took the olive oil bottle and poured some in a glass. Patrizio dipped his fingers in it and spread some on his hard erect member. Then rubbed the finger round his friend's arsehole and pushed his fingertip in and lubricated the inside a bit too.

"Does it bother you Zanko?" he asked feeling him stiffening.

"A little... but also... well no, not exactly pleasure... but..."

"Will you let me go on? Can I help you to get used to it?"

"Yes that might help."

"But don't squeeze your ring tight... If you relax it will be better... I think."

"Yes but... your little brother is bigger than your finger."

"Anyway it isn't as big as yours and yet I took all of that didn't I? Even though it was painful."


Just the thought that in a short while he might be able to penetrate that young athletic man was exciting Patrizio more and more. He would have liked to dive into it all at once but he realised that if he didn't want to risk getting a refusal next time he had to prepare Zanko carefully and try not to hurt him.

"Relax Zanko. You told me that it gets easier after a bit didn't you? Or did you just say that to persuade me?"

"No, no. That's what I heard say."

"Come on! Relax. Is that going a bit easier?" he asked while slipping his finger in and out of the hole, which was now well oiled.

"It's... it's weird. But not really bad..."

"Aren't you feeling any pleasure?"

"Possibly... a little..."

"Are you scared?"

"Zanko scared? Zanko doesn't know what fear is. He's not a child any more!"

"Well then I'll slip all of it inside you Zanko." Patrizio said replacing his finger with the glossy oily tip of his cock.

Keeping it straight with his hand he started to push gently. He met resistance. He increased his pushing but the resistance seemed to be insurmountable.

"Relax Zanko..."

"I can't..."

"If you squeeze your hole tight shut of course it will be painful. Relax come on."

"I'm trying but..."

"Well then... you're scared!"

"No way!" the gypsy said and relaxed.

The boy got his glans just into the sphincter and Zanko instinctively squeezed again.

"No, my friend relax come on..." Patrizio said pushing a bit harder.

"You... You are inside aren't you?"

"Just a little bit... very little."

"I'm trying to relax but it shuts by itself..."

"Now I'll push hard then." Patrizio said gathering his strength.

"Yes try..." the gypsy said stiffly.

"No... I give up..." Patrizio sighed and relaxed.

"Yes maybe we should give up for today..." Zanko answered and relaxed as he said it.

And then Patrizio gave a big push with his pelvis as hard as he could and sank his penis inside Zanko to the hilt. When Zanko squeezed again it was too late; it was right in. They remained still and silent for a while.

Then the gypsy giggled "You cheated!"

"Did I hurt you?"

"Well no... not really." Zanko said and made his anus twitch. "But I'm feeling... as if I need to shit. I'm feeling... invaded... like something alien inside me..."

"Well it's bound to seem alien to begin with. All you have to do is get used to it." Patrizio said caressing Zanko's chest belly and genitals (they were soft again). Then he started to move back and forth slowly in the tight arse of the young gypsy.

"It's getting easier..." Zanko sighed relaxing a little.

Then the boy started to move more freely stroking his prick more and more against the walls of the welcoming arsehole.

"Oh yes! It's getting better..." Zanko panted starting to push back with his buttocks against the thrusts with some pleasure.

"You like it Zanko?"

"A little... Yes you're right... If I relax it's better..."

With each of Patrizio's pushes the pleasure was increasing for both of them so that soon Zanko was erect again. Patrizio increased the speed of his strokes and Zanko realised with delight that it wasn't hurting any more.

The young Romany murmured in surprise "It's good, now..."

Now Patrizio was fondling him all over his body while rhythmically pumping inside him. His breathing accelerated and in spasm after spasm punctuated by sighs and low moans he emptied himself and pushed really deep into the fiery guts of his companion. They remained like that glued together for long seconds until both got their breath back. And finally Patrizio slowly slipped out of him with a long sigh.

"Yes I like that much better than with that old and worn-out slipper-cunt!" he murmured.

Zanko turned and his eyes shone "But now it's my turn..."

"Yes O K. But use the oil and go gently. Try not to hurt me."

"Yes Patri yes. Turn around now and give me your nice little arse..."

Patrizio turned and at once felt the hard penis of his companion touching his buttocks slipping between them and finding the entrance. He then pushed his arse back arching his loins and trying to relax. He felt Zanko seize his hips and push hard.

"God! It seems even bigger than... Push..." he moaned.

A stabbing pain invaded his whole being but he felt that Zanko had managed to enter him and now was slowly, very slowly but relentlessly slipping further in. The pain was decreasing and changing into a sweet warmth pleasant and beneficial. The young man's beautiful hard pole started to slip up and down in his rectum and at each stroke Patrizio's pleasure got stronger. It was increasing with each push. Zanko increased the speed and vigour of his pushes.

"I like you Patri! It's wonderful fucking you like this. Much better than the first time... because I know you're enjoying it, aren't you?"

"Yes Zanko... go on..."

The gypsy's strokes started to get stronger and more violent. He was vibrating shaking and moaning in ecstasy and he soon reached his climax in a wild orgasm. He then pushed himself right inside and moaning like a wounded animal he unloaded in a series of powerful spurts.

Patrizio pushed back against him with pleasure. When he felt that his friend was relaxing he very slowly let him slip out turned and looked into his eyes.

"You're a bull Zanko!"

"Yes I am aren't I?" his friend said enjoying the compliment.

"I think I will stay with you..."

"Do you want to be mine my boy?"

"And you mine of course." Patrizio mischievously answered back.

"Yes alright. I like fucking you better than being fucked but I don't mind the feeling of you inside me... and I'll get used to it."

"I like fucking you better too. But I enjoyed feeling your enjoyment inside me."

"Did I hurt you?"

"Just at the beginning but then it was over. I'll get used to it too I think."

Zanko took a piece of cloth and carefully and gently wiped the oil off the soft penis of his friend. This gesture pleased Patrizio and when Zanko was going to wipe himself stopped him.

"No let me do it..." Then he put away the piece of cloth and said "I want to fall asleep hugging you."

"Yes, my handsome little man. Come here..." Zanko sighed and held him tight.

Both gradually got used to being penetrated by the other and were gradually finding it more and more pleasurable. Their nights of sex were becoming more and more delightful.

At times they stopped to play at parties or celebrations or in a restaurant and afterwards Patrizio used the tambourine like a tray and went round the audience collecting. It was not bad; they were earning enough money for everyday life and they did not have to use the money hidden in the hub of the wheel.

One afternoon while they were repairing their costumes Patrizio asked "Once you said you might explain why you don't live with your tribe any more. Do you feel like telling me?"

"Well yes, all right. I was then nineteen. I was desperate to have sex with a man but I didn't know how. I mean not the sex for money I used to have with the Gadjes but real love making with consideration and with somebody I liked... I thought I was the only one in my tribe to have such desires and I clearly couldn't risk trying it with one of my cousins. I used to relieve myself by making my little brother dance when nobody could see me but it was unsatisfactory. That day I was going from our camp to the village to buy some cigars for my old man, when I happened to pass near a group of Sinti..."

"Sinti? What are sinti?"

"Not what, but who. The Sinti were Romanys a few generations ago. But now they don't travel any more. They live in houses, and they only tour in their caravans when they are with a funfair or with a circus. Moreover they don't speak Romany any more but the language of the place where they live. Anyway there is not so much liking between Sinti and Romanys. The Sinti I saw were with a funfair. As I was passing one of them teased me. I didn't want to start a fight so I carried on without answering. Some of the boys followed me for a while making stupid remarks. I turned back and gave them a black look. After a while there were only three of them left. I looked them right in their eyes. One of them a boy who was thirteen or fourteen spat on the earth in front of me between my shoes. I took out my knife and they ran away.

"I went to the village bought the cigars and went to have a drink and spend some time there as I was not in hurry. Then at dusk I decided it was time to go back and I took the road to our camp. When I was out of the village, between the fields I felt the need to take a leak and went between some bushes at the side of the road to relieve myself. I was ready to go back onto the road when I saw a boy walking towards the village and at once I recognized him - he was the one who spat at me. And he was alone now.

"I waited for him and as he got near me I jumped out. He recognized me too and ran but I was faster and caught him and held on to him. I took out my knife and held it at his throat. He stood still and trembled and begged me to let him go. But I got an idea into my head. I ordered him to come with me into the bushes and he came. I held my knife at his throat the whole time. I told him to drop his trousers. He didn't understand what I wanted to do him and he was scared. I could read it on his face.

He said "Aren't you thinking to castrate me are you? I was just joking..."

"No" I told him "you spat in front of me so now I am going to spit into your arse..."

"Oh Christ" he says, "surely you aren't going to fuck my arse!"

"Oh yes I am! Exactly that, to teach you to treat us Romanys with respect."

He started to cry and said "No please!" But I had decided. So, as he wouldn't drop his trousers I slipped my knife under his belt and cut both it and the trousers at his back and pulled them down. I then cut his underpants at the back to uncover his arse. I pulled my cock out from my trousers and he looked and trembled and asked me to use spit at least.... I shoved my little brother all inside him. It went in really smoothly - a lot easier than I expected. I started to fuck him and felt he was enjoying it. He was pushing his arse back against me with each thrust... I wanted to punish and hurt him, so I was banging him vigorously and he made his hole throb and shook it... Well it was a fabulous fuck and it was clear that the boy was an expert at making a man enjoy his arse. At last I came inside him really bellowing like a bull in heat. And the boy who had been stroking himself came too.

I pulled out and said "You liked it you little pig!"

He looked at me with a weird expression and said "You raped me! I'll make you pay for that!"

I burst out laughing and went away leaving him there with his clothes cut. I went back to the camp as if nothing had happened.

But he went back to the Sinti camp and told them that I had raped him at knife point. The cut clothes and my seed still dripping from his arse were more than sufficient proof. So the chiefs of the Sinti came to talk with the chief of my tribe and told him that either my tribe punished me or they would report me to the police. The police coming to nose in our camp is all we need! They only need a pretext and they will persecute us and make us pay for things we never did! So our chief summoned the Kriss..."

"What's the Kriss?" Patrizio interrupted.

"It is our tribunal and is composed of five men who are thought highly of by everybody for their honesty and for their knowledge of our traditions. The Kriss decided I had to be punished in an exemplary way. The old spellbinder spoke in my favour but her words were useless. They decided that what I did was not worthy of a manush that is of a real man and so they decided I couldn't belong to the tribe any more.

"Oh! For a Romany, being thrown out of his tribe is like death. So I thought it would be better to kill myself. But the old spellbinder understands what I'm thinking and came to tell me that my destiny is different. When I was born she saw the three Ourmes, that is the destiny fairies by my mother's bed and that was the sign that my destiny is to become a chief. And she talked with the tribe's women who decided to give me this caravan and this car. It was the smallest and worst that they had but it's better than nothing.

"So I started to wander all alone. My tribe told me I could never again show my face at their place. The other tribes will receive me as a guest at their camps for a few days but I cannot join them. You see one can only become part of another tribe through marriage. But I don't want a woman or a wife. And anyway no woman would marry a Romany like me without a tribe. So I really don't understand how the old spellbinder could say that one day I'll become a chief... But I have to say she seemed to be quite sure about it."

"But that Sinti boy? You say he enjoyed the fuck but then played the victim?"

"Of course. I think he couldn't tell his people he had liked it. Even though that boy I'm sure he must have taken several cocks up his arse and that he really liked it. If I hadn't cut his trousers and briefs maybe he would have said nothing and not told anyone. But so... It always seems I do the wrong things..."

"Not with me even though you started by raping me too."

"I don't like to go around raping people. No! I know what it means to be raped... But what can I do to find a man? You see now that I have you I don't rape you do I? And I don't feel any need to do it with others, either do I? You see what I mean?"

"Yes I understand you Zanko. You are a good boy. Who knows why two men cannot make love without problems between themselves if they like it?"

"But I am sure that there are others like me be they Romany or Gadje or Sinti... But we all have to hide it. And there are also those like you who don't even know they like doing it with another man until they try it."

"Yes you're right Zanko. But at least we are now together as long as it works so we don't have any more problems. So we don't have to give a fuck about everybody else!" Patrizio said with a smile.

"Well then... you really intend to stay with me Patri?"

"Sure. I can work eat and I've got a lover... what more could I possibly desire? There is only one thing..."


"When you Romanies say 'Gadje' you say it sneeringly..."

"When you say 'gypsy' you say it sneeringly too. But you're a special Gadje not like the rest of them at least for me you are different ... I really don't despise you even if I call you Gadje."

"Not you but the other Romanies... If we stop at a Romany camp how will they treat me?"

"Oh Patri if they treat you badly they will have to face my knife!"

"But there is no way to make a Romany of me?"

"No... each of us is how he's born... But... but we can become brothers - blood brothers."

"What does that do?"

"You and I prick our finger and squeeze them together so that our blood mixes and this makes blood brothers of us."

"And would you do it with me?"

"Yes of course!" Zanko said. He was persuaded.

They performed the small ceremony and each shared a drop of blood. Then they celebrated playing music and drinking and eating outside the caravan by the fire. At night after carefully putting out the fire they withdrew inside the caravan and made love.

They had achieved compatibility and each liked sex with the other. They each had learned to penetrate the other and both of them enjoyed it both ways. Without losing the impetuosity of youth they had learned to couple with tenderness.

They had been touring together for three months and winter was approaching. Zanko decided it would be better to find a Romany camp to pass at least the harder months near another tribe. Not far from Florence they saw a field where the caravans of a tribe had already camped. They were Shiftarija KhorakhanŽ that is Muslim Romanies. While Zanko's tribe was of DacikhanŽ, that is Christians and the organization was matriarchal the KhorakhanŽ had a patriarchal organization. This made it seem less odd that Zanko didn't travel with his woman. And they also accepted that he had with him a Gadje who was his blood brother.

As they weren't part of the tribe they lived a little distance apart from them but they were often invited to the evening fires to drink and sing with the others and their music was deeply appreciated. In particular there was a young man who was soon to be married called Rasim and he was very friendly with them.

One evening Rasim said to Patrizio "The Gadje who want to live like us Romany or with us are really rare. And they usually do so only for a short time because they want to write a book about us or because they are missionaries... But you are really living as a Romany. Why?"

"Because I like this life very much and think it's a good way to live!"

"But... tell me one thing... how do you manage... without women?"

"Well for the moment it's not a problem. We don't miss them."

"Alright you're still young. But you do feel desire don't you? I feel it very strongly and am really longing to be married. At times desire is too strong..."

"Yes Rasim but then... That's when one makes his little brother dance right?" Patrizio answered studying his reaction.

Rasim laughed nodding "Yes, but even the little brother gets tired always having to dance alone!"

"Well yes that's right..."

"It's easy for you Gadje getting a woman to play with you isn't it? You Gadje don't have high moral standards..."

"Yes perhaps. When I was a boy there was a woman who always wanted me in her bed. But I like it better now. She was old and I didn't like her that much."

"I once had a Gadje woman. She was young. But I wasn't her first one you know? Anyway it was good."

"You too had had only one woman?"

"Yes just one."

"And... boys?"

"Boys? No never, Those are things that only Gadje do. No offence. Did you do it with boys when you were living with the other Gadje?" Rasim asked him.

Patrizio smiled - he could answer that without telling lies "No, never. I didn't even touch one!"

Rasim nodded gravely "I really cannot understand what two men can see in having sex together."

"Well... they can make each others little brother dance I think." Patrizio suggested.

"That yes... When I was a kid at times I did it with some cousins." Rasim admitted "But that was not really sex. It was not making love. It was just an innocent children's game. But two men two grown-up men..."

"They possibly put it in each other arse..." the boy said in a casual tone.

"I've heard about it. But I think that must be horrible."

"If anyone does that I suppose they must enjoy it and find it good..."

"Nooo... the arse is dirty. How can it be good?"

"Maybe. I think they wash it first..." Patrizio said with a laugh.

Rasim laughed out loud too amused at the thought and passed the wine bottle to Patrizio "Have some wine Gadje. You're really witty. You're the most likeable Gadje I ever met!" he said and slapped him on the shoulder so that the wine almost went the wrong way...


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 3

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