
By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jan 20, 2008


MANUSH by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on November 19, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by acam


"MANUSH" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 8 - Jojo's liberation

The results of the vote were as expected: six red stones.

They struck camp, separated the two caravans and hitched them to their cars. They set off and stopped not far from Catania near the Simeto river where they decide to camp. There were no other groups camping there. And so they could celebrate their rites in solitude as the rite required them to do.

At night they lit a bonfire and gathered near it. Zanko traced on the ground the square and Marko led Fadil inside it. Fadil had his eyes shut and was keenly looking forward to the ceremony. While the others were singing Zanko poured the three dashes of brandy inside the square and added the three bits of bread. He then led Fadil towards the fire and traced the circle around him with the pointed stick and poured the charcoal powder in the groove while singing the incantations. Fadil was lying on the ground in the foetal position.

Then everybody called aloud for Patrizio who approached the circle and took the red scarf from round his neck and put it on Fadil. Then Patrizio lifted him up bodily while Marko put a piece of gold inside the circle. Patrizio carried Fadil inside the caravan and put him onto the bed. While outside the others were celebrating with music songs and dances Patrizio undressed Fadil and made him lie on his side, again in a foetal position according to the rite. This was the first time they were celebrating the complete rite in its entirety. He then undressed lay behind Fadil and pushed his hard prick into Fadil's anus.

"This is how you will become my son Fadil; you will soon have my seed inside you." He said starting to fuck him with determination.

Fadil's eyes were still shut and he was enjoying that agreeable part of the rite.

Patrizio pumped inside him for a good while carefully and regularly caressing Fadil all over - everywhere but his prick as the ceremony required until he unloaded. Then Fadil opened his eyes and stretched. When Patrizio had poured the last drop of his seed inside Fadil's arse he pulled out and made Fadil turn towards him and took his face between his hands.

"Now I will give you breath." Patrizio said and kissed him deeply and for a long time.

"I've generated you with my seed I've given you life with my mouth and so now you are really my son and so you now are Fadil of the Rogasi."

"Yes father." Fadil seriously answered and bent down and kissed Patrizio's member.

They then dressed. Fadil wore new never previously worn clothes and the red scarf at his neck. Patrizio holding his hand took him outside and introduced to him all the others.

"This is Zanko the chief of all of us and your grand-father. These are Mateo and Marko your uncles. This is your first cousin Tomaso and this is Dule your second cousin. And I introduce Fadil my son and your new grand-child nephew and cousin!"

Then they held a party to celebrate his initiation until late that night.

The next day Dule worked the piece of gold into a ring for Fadil. That evening they held second part of the celebration and Fadil gave back the red scarf to Zanko and swore obedience to him and was given his gold ring. Then they all ate drank and celebrated all the night long.

Fadil in addition to playing the violin with Zanko in their shows, increased their repertoire with the music he knew and showed himself to be a wonderful dancer. He also started to learn train to balance on the high wire.

They slowly travelled northwards continuing their performances and earning good money both from the shows and from the sale of gold and of embossed copper artworks and wooden objects carved by Mateo. Fadil also turned out to be a skilled woodcarver with a fantastic imagination.

It was nearly the end of winter when they camped near a group of Lovaro not far from Naples. The Lovaro were fierari and while the older members were forging iron objects according to their tradition the younger ones worked as mechanics. The fierari had very beautiful songs that were accompanied with the zimbalon alone. They were ancient songs with cadences that fascinated Fadil who wanted to learn them.

The Lovaro were very hospitable and there were many of them. They always invited the Rogasi to be their guests at their celebrations or just for evenings around the fire. Very soon the Rogasi started to spend all their free time with them eating their meals with one or another of the Lovaro families and going back to their caravans only at night.

The fierari were strong proud and likeable people. The only exception seemed to be a boy called Jojo who was not yet eighteen years old but looked even younger. He was shabby, ill dressed and taciturn. He had big fawn eyes and a mane of black unruly hair falling over his forehead. He was very helpful and came at once whenever someone called him. "Jojo, come here... Jojo, go there..."

He had a sad expression and seldom smiled except fleetingly. Yet though he seemed to be ignored by the old people the younger folk used his services often. He was always on the go doing something for someone or other. "Jojo, come to fetch water with me...". "Jojo, come to chop firewood..." "Jojo, give me a hand with this..."

Another peculiar thing about Jojo was that he didn't seem to have a family - he ate now with one now with another family and at night he slept in the caravan of an old man he called grandpa but he never ate with him.

It was Marko who became aware of all this and because he was curious started to keep an eye on him. And Then noticed that when it was a young man asking for help it was almost always after dark in a secluded or dark place... This made him suspicious and gave him an inkling about what might be going on though it seemed almost incredible. He also noticed that when one of the young men called him, all he had to say was "Jojo, come..." and the boy stopped whatever he was doing and answered "I'm coming" even before hearing what he was being called for and went off towards the one who called him.

The last thing that made Marko suspect he had guessed right was when he noticed that if the person calling Jojo was one of the unmarried youths other young men might smile knowingly...

So one evening as he happened to walk past Jojo who was alone by one of the fires playing fivestones. Mateo just said "Jojo, come help me to find something..." and heard the usual answer "I'm coming". Mateo quickly walked to a dark secluded place between the bushes and the trees.

When he stopped there Jojo at once undid his old worn out trousers and lowered them bent over put his hands against a three trunk and offered Mateo his bare arse. Then Jojo said quietly "I didn't think they would tell you Rogasi as well..."

Marko felt aroused by the attractive view but didn't open his fly. Jojo turned his head to look at him and then said "I see I have to take it out for you..." and immediately went to undo Marko's fly.

"No..." Marko said trying to step back "wait..." but his pole was already out in Jojo's hand and was rapidly hardening.

"Well are you going to fuck me or not?" Jojo asked wearily.

"Wait a bit... I want to talk to you first..." Marko said trying to control his desire, which had truly been awakened by the peculiar situation.

"This isn't the sort of place to have a chat. It's just for fucking. Didn't they tell you? Ah... surely it must have been Horia who told you about me wasn't it? So do you want what he usually wants from me... You only have to tell me..." the boy said and quickly knelt before Marko and started to suck him with a will.

Marko would have liked to stop him but it was too late - he liked it too much. Jojo was moving his head like a calf having its feed while masturbating himself. Marko was looking at that shadow crouching before him and at his pole now hard as steel, appearing and disappearing between the tight lips and pressed between the moving tongue and the palate and started to shudder with intense pleasure. The boy was really skilled!

"I'm... coming..." he muttered to warn him in case he preferred to pull out but the boy accelerated his rhythm and sucked with even more energy while Marko unloaded in his warm wet mouth and trembled with the intensity of the orgasm. Jojo conscientiously drank it all to the last drop. Then he stopped with Marko's rod still in his mouth and went on to masturbate himself until he too spurted his seed on the ground. Then Jojo stood up and tidied his trousers while also Marko was tidying himself.

"Did Horia tell your other friends too?" Jojo asked.

"No... But listen. I want to talk to you..."

"What about?"

"Do you have time now?"

"Yes..." the boy asked hesitantly wondering what Mateo could still want from him.

"How old are you, Jojo?"

"Seventeen - almost eighteen. Why?"

"And... how long have you been doing... this for the others?"

"What business is it of yours? Didn't I please you?"

"Yes you're really skilled but... how long have you been doing this?"

"Five years..."

"You were just twelve when you started?"

"You seem to be really good at arithmetic..." Jojo said sarcastically.

"And... how did it all start?"

"Well... just so... With my cousins of the same age ... You know we began just touching each other... Then I don't remember who taught us to make our little brothers dance... At first we did it somewhere in hiding but each by himself. The most we did together was seeing who could shoot furthest..."

"Yes we did that too..." Marko smiled. "And then?"

"Then we found it was more fun doing it to each other. Feeling someone else's hand there was better than doing it by oneself. Then we started rubbing our bellies against each other... our description of that was our little brothers were playing between them... it was good. Then one of us thought of putting it between the buttocks of another and sliding it up and down... and that was even better than before ... and when I was thirteen five or six of us did it until we came... We called it making little brother climb. But then I realised that the others had stopped doing it with each other and that everybody wanted to do it with me... And I liked it and was feeling important.

"But once... when there were four of us... they must have planned it beforehand... I felt Hanid when he was lying on top of me, instead of sliding it up and down my crack spread my buttocks wide and put his prick against my hole and rubbed it there... At first I liked the feeling and let him do it. Then Hanid lifted my buttocks and held my waist tight and gave a strong push down. I yelled and asked him to stop and tried to wriggle away but the other two stopped me one holding my legs and the other my arms. They held me still while Hanid was pushing like mad... until he thrust inside me although I was trying to squeeze my arse tight to keep him out...

"As I realised it was useless to rebel I let myself go and relaxed and discovered that the pain was lessening and that on the contrary a new feeling was replacing it a good feeling. It was like a thousand itches all over my body and warmth inside... And the pleasure was even greater when I started to make my little brother dance too and it was now so very hard and brushing against the grass... And the pleasure was increasing while Hanid was going on fucking me and when I felt Hanid come inside me, I too came fiercely.

"When Hanid let me go I told him it had been great and that I now wanted to do that to one of them. But they burst out laughing and told me that they were real men and that a man would never take it in his arse but only fuck other people's arses. I then said that I was a man like them. But again they laughed aloud and said no I was just a half-woman because I had said I had enjoyed being fucked in the arse. And they also told me they intended to fuck me in the arse whenever they wanted as long as they couldn't have a real woman.

"I was furious and told them I would never let them fuck me again. Then Hanid said to the others - let's show him who's the boss round here boys! And they jumped on me and held me down on the grass again and the other two boys fucked me in the arse. And I realised that as my arse was already slippery it was less painful and was also good. And besides my rage at being powerless in their hands I also liked feeling it inside me..."

"At first I had only these three to please. They always came to look for me together... but they soon spread the word and other boys came... and I stopped saying no. But then when I was fifteen the knowledge was so widespread that my father came to know... and he banished me from his caravan... and also the girls began mocking me... Then the old Jonel who was just widowed and alone took me into his caravan because he too wanted to make use of my arse from time to time... but at least I had a home again.

"And then boys younger than me started to call me to get their rocks off and I had to go or else they gathered in a mob and thrashed me... And some even after marrying... some go on calling me at times like Horia who likes getting blow jobs but his wife refuses to blow him because she says it's a sin..."

"But why don't you rebel? Do you like so much being used so?"

"I like it yes... but just with a few not with everybody. But if I said no they would thrash me and beside that who would feed me? Or give me old clothes to wear? Or a place to sleep? What can Jojo do alone?"

"But wouldn't you like to change your life?"

"And how!?"

"Wouldn't you like to live with people that respected you and do it only with people you like? And wouldn't you like to be able to put your little brother in someone's arse or mouth if you both like doing that?"

"Well, yes. Of course! But how?"

Marko didn't answer him but said "If I call you again will you come with me?"

"Sure. You are not as bad as the others... You are rather a handsome boy and I like you."

"Then we will meet again Jojo."

"Alright." The boy answered and went back to the camp.

As soon as he was alone with the others Marko told them Jojo's story. They all were really upset especially Zanko.

"Well who knows how many other Jojos there are in other groups! It's forbidden but they do it at the expense of those like Jojo or also like Fadil. But Fadil was luckier as he had only two people to please..."

"And I could say no too..." Fadil pointed out to them.

"You have to tell him to come with us. Why haven't you told him already?" Patrizio asked.

"Because in my opinion Jojo must first fully understand that things would be different with us. That he would a different life. That he isn't a half woman but a man and a manush too! Therefore I intend to do it again with him but in my way; he and I alone comfortable and safe here in the caravan. When he comes to understand what making love freely means instead of being used then I will suggest that he joins us. I think he would not even ask his people for permission in the end." Marko said with determination.

The next day Marko was about to call Jojo on two occasions but was pipped at the post by two other youths of the Lovara so he had to give up for the time being. But the following morning he left his caravan early and immediately started to wander about in the Lovara camp hoping to meet Jojo. As soon as he saw the boy coming out from the old Jonel's caravan he called him. Jojo looked surprised maybe it was because it was so early but at once followed him. Marko took him back to their caravans. All the friends were already outside working. Marko led the boy inside.

Jojo looked around with eyes wide. "I've never seen such beautiful caravans all carved and painted so nicely..."

"Do you like them?"

"Yes very much. And then the way you connect them together... it's a work of genius!"

"Come on I'll show you all of it..." Marko said and took him in the kitchen then into Dule's workplace then to the bathroom (Jojo found it totally amazing) and finally showed him one of the two beds.

"Do you feel like making love with me Jojo?" he asked.


"No I asked you if you feel like doing it..."

"Why not..."

"If you tell me you would rather not I would abide by that. It would be fine by me. We would just go outside again..."

Jojo looked at him somewhat unbelieving and said "Yes after all I don't owe you anything... But you... you're so kind to me and so maybe..."

"But do you really want to do it with me?"

"Yes come on... Where should we do it? Here?"

Marko pulled down the bed.

Jojo smiled "That's clever! And it is a nice wide one." He said, and started to undress.

Marko undressed too and got onto the bed. Jojo followed him and at once bent down to take care of Marko's prick, which was still soft. But Marko stopped him.

"No wait."

"Ah I see. This time you want to fuck me in the arse?" Jojo said.

Marko smiled "Lie down and be quiet. No not on your belly."

Jojo turned on his back and looked at him with a frown. He didn't understand. Marko felt a great sense of tenderness for him. He was so helpless and sweet natured. He started to caress him all over. He was gentle at first but gradually grew more intimate and erotic and soon Jojo was fully aroused. His prick was hard and pointing upwards like a pole.

Jojo was looking at him with his big eyes wide ... "But... what do you want me to do?" he asked dumbfounded.

"Nothing for the moment. Be quiet and enjoy it..."

"I don't understand..."

"There is nothing to understand. You have just to enjoy it."


"Yes you."

"Can I... make it dance?"

"No just relax and let me do this." Marko said and went on fondling and caressing him.

Then he started to move his lips and tongue up and down Jojo's body kissing, licking, suckling or gently biting him. His mouth lingered above all on his nipples and on other sensitive places. Jojo shuddered with pleasure and his breath got ragged, as he grew more excited. And his big fawn eyes deep as wells grew wider and wider. Going on to caress and tease him skilfully Marko reached the boy's nice erect pole with his tongue and licked it up and down and all around. He then peeled its foreskin down and licked its tip. Jojo jumped as if he had been given an electric shock.

"Oh good lord... what are you doing to me?" he panted.

"Hush..." Marko murmured and licked and sucked his balls and then went back to the rod and to the glans. And at last he slipped the whole thing into his mouth and moved his head slowly up and down squeezing around it with his lips while he caressed his body and brushed his nipples with his hands.

"Oh good lord... oh good lord..." Jojo was moaning taut as a bowstring gripping the sheet with his fingers and twitching. He began to tremble with his whole body rigid from his neck to his heels and his toes were curled up.

When Marko felt that tension was getting too fierce he stopped before Jojo could reach orgasm. He caressed him very gently and moved upwards to lick and suck his lips gently. Then he kissed him deeply playing with his tongue against Jojo's and stroking his face. Then Jojo gently caressed Marko's face too. And Marko lifted his lips off Jojo's mouth and looked into his eyes and smiled at him.

Jojo then asked in a soft murmur, "Why? Why are you doing this to me?"

Because this is making love... and I want to make love to you not just to have a fuck."

"But why?" Jojo asked again. His voice was hoarse.

"Because you are a sweet and beautiful boy. Because I like you."

From Jojo's eyes flowed burning tears that ran slowly down his cheeks. Marko understood they were tears of uncontrollable emotion and gently dried them without saying a word. He just smiled. Then Marko resumed the journey as before starting from Jojo's nipples and ending at his hard prick that he sucked again until he had Jojo's body as tense as a spring ready to go off. He then again stopped and tenderly caressed him.

"I would like you to penetrate me now..." Marko told him with a smile.

"I... I take you?"

"Yes... Wouldn't you like to do that?"

"Yes... but..."

"I really want to feel this nice pole inside me..." Marko said and spreading some jelly on his anus lay on his belly at Jojo's side. Then he turned his head to look at him "Please Jojo... do it..."

"I've to... fuck you?"

"Yes if you want to."

"I would like... yes... but..."

"Well then no 'buts' go on. Take me."

"I can take you?"


At last Jojo moved and got on top of Marko who spread his buttocks with both hands offering himself to the boy. Jojo steered his member with his hand aiming at the hole and let himself go down sinking into Marko with just one stroke.

He lay still on Marko's body and panted "Oh good lord... oh, good lord..." and his young body was trembling all over with excitement.

Fuck me go on!" Marko spurred him on. He was excited by Jojo's extreme excitement.

Jojo slowly raised himself pushing on his arms and slightly relaxing, then pushed on his knees and started to move his pelvis up and down hesitantly at first moaning and trembling. After just four or five strokes he all of a sudden let himself down again limply. He had already reached his orgasm and unloaded inside Marko. He was moaning incoherently and his body was shaking as if he had been given an electric shock.

They stayed like that lying still for some minutes. Then Jojo slowly slipped away and lay on his back at Marko's side. His face was again wet with tears. Marko got on top of him and hugged him and kissed him.

"Was that good Jojo?"

"Good? You ask me if it was good? Why did you do this to me Marko?"

"What Jojo? What did I do to you?" Marko asked, not understanding.

"You have... you have bewitched me" I now... I now belong to you. Body and soul and everything... Oh, good lord! Don't send me away don't let me go away now! Keep me here with you! I'll be your slave... I'll do anything you ask me if you only make love to me like that again ... Your slave forever..." Jojo said upset and then he began to cry.

"Hey Jojo! Jojo calm down! We just made love..."


"Yes love. I like men and you are a really beautiful little man."

"Nooo! I'm just a half-woman... I."

"Nooo!" Marko mimicked him gently smiling. "You are a true man like me and like everybody. Half-women don't exist."

"But I like being fucked in my arse..."

"And you also like to put it in an arse don't you? You liked fucking me, didn't you?"

"It's my first time... and I came too fast..."

"You were too excited..."

"Take me Marko! Fuck me!"

"Another time if you want. Not now. And you will not go out there any more you won't go to... to 'help' the others any more. You will stay here with me and with the rest of us, if you want. You will travel the roads of the world with us."

"And will I have to... to 'help' your friends?"

"No. If you feel like making love to them you can do it. If you don't want you just don't do it."

"But they... you don't have women with you... how do they manage? How do you live?"

"We usually make love amongst us."

"But who is the one fucked by all the others?"

"All of us. We all do what we like best fucking or being fucked sucking or being sucked. And some do more and some do less. We like doing everything amongst us. But none of us ever forces another to do anything. One can ask or suggest it. But each of us Rogasi is free to make love when he feels like it and with whom he likes so long as the other is game too. And if you want you can ask Zanko if you can become a member of the Rogasi and live with us like the rest of us."

"Good lord my head is spinning. I can't understand any more... too many emotions all of a sudden... I don't have to lower my trousers each time one calls me if I come with you?"

"Of course not if you don't want to."

"And they won't be upset with me? Won't they thrash me?"

"Absolutely not of course not!"


"Tell me..."

"Who taught you to make love so beautifully?"

"They did... all of them."

"And will you teach me too?"

"Yes of course. If you want."

"It still seems to me like a dream. No. Better than a dream as I never dreamed of anything so beautiful of anything so special. Tell me I'm not dreaming, Marko."

"No you are not dreaming Jojo."

They talked some more with Jojo curled against Marko who was tenderly embracing and stroking him. After a couple of hours Marko told him it would be better they dressed or else his friends would came to check if they had died of pleasure.

Jojo giggled at that thought and said "Well I almost did die of pleasure."

Marko told him to stay inside the caravan on the bed if he wanted. He would go out to tell the others that Jojo intended to stay with them.

"Come back soon please Marko." The boy asked him begging with his eyes.

Marko kissed him on the mouth and went outside. He looked for his friends. They gathered and Marko told them how it had been.

Zanko then said "Maybe we should strike camp at once and go away immediately before somebody comes to look for Jojo."

"Wouldn't it be better if you instead went to see their chief to warn him that we are taking Jojo with us?" Mateo asked.

"I really don't think so. He would not understand I think... and above all I fear that several of the men would oppose us. After all Jojo was an easy way for anyone to get their rocks off. Now Marko please will you go and tell Jojo to stay hidden inside the caravan while we strike camp quickly and leave."

In less than one hour they were ready. Zanko went to say goodbye to the Lovara chief.

The man asked him somewhat amazed "Why this sudden departure?"

"Sudden? Absolutely not! We told you the day we got here that we would leave today. Don't you remember?" Zanko lied.

"Oh... you're right... I think I remember now..." the Lovara chief said at once to avoid losing face. He wished them a good journey.

Zanko went back to his car and the two caravans with Jojo hiding inside one of them left the camp.

They travelled for hours until they were the other side of Rome and stopped only when they were at the outskirts of Terni. Marko at once went into the caravan where Jojo was hiding.

"Hey lazy bones come on out and help us to pitch camp!"

"I'm one of you now aren't I?" Jojo asked with shining eyes.

"You will be in a while. You have to ask Zanko. Then we all will vote. Then there will be the initiation rite... and thus you will be a Rogasi at last."

"Oh! But... and if the vote says no?"

"There is no danger of that puppy!" Marko said laughing. "Come out and help us to pitch camp. Now hurry up!"

"Are there other Romany groups on this site?"

"No just our group."

Jojo went outside and looked at the others who just waved at him as a simple greeting as if he had always been with them. They pitched camp. Then Jojo went to see Zanko and formally asked if he could become a Rogasi.

That same evening they ate around the fire then Zanko asked Jojo to withdraw and they voted - there were seven red stones. They called back the boy and Marko told him he had been unanimously accepted then he explained that the initiation ceremony would be carried out on the two following nights. The next day Mateo and Jojo went to Terni to buy new clothes for the ceremony and some other clothes too as the boy had nothing but the rags he was wearing. Mateo, who was going to be his godfather went to see a jeweller to buy a small gold object as the offering and from which Dule would then make the new ring.

Late that evening they performed the first part of the ceremony. When Marko took Jojo into the caravan to give him his seed and his breath, while the others outside were starting the party Jojo undressed and got onto the bed and rolled into the foetal position, his eyes shut happily waiting for Marko to penetrate him at last. Jojo knew and understood that it was a rite but he was also waiting with longing for that penetration that in his mind he knew would be the most beautiful and the most desired of all the pleasures he had ever tasted. When the part of the rite inside the caravan was over Jojo kissed Marko's member before putting on his new clothes.

Then he said "Thank you Marko! You are more than a father to me now. I will belong to you forever whatever may happen. You really gave me life you made me a real man. Therefore my life belongs to you. I will belong to you forever."

The following evening he got the ring too. So there were now eight Rogasi.

When they finally went to bed Jojo was in the same bed with Marko, Zanko and Mateo.

Zanko caressed Jojo and told him, "I would like to make love to you Jojo..."

The boy turned towards Marko and asked him in a whisper in his ear "Can I say no to Zanko?"

"Of course you can."

"But he is the chief..."

"It doesn't matter."

Then Jojo turned toward Zanko and said "Zanko... don't get upset with me but... but I would rather not... at least not now."

Zanko ruffled his hair and said "Alright puppy. But I hope that one day it will be you asking me because I like you very much."

"I'm sorry, Zanko but I would like to stick to doing it just with Marko at least for the time being."

"That's fine. I will ask Mateo if he feels like doing it with me..."

And that night on that bed the two couples made love side by side but separately.

The next day during lunch Zanko said that it was time they bought a third car and built a new caravan. They bought the car before the flatbed for the caravan because they didn't have much money and Zanko didn't still want to touch the money hidden in the wheel hub. About a month later while they were near Ravenna they found the flatbed of an old trailer that with a few changes could become the basis for the third caravan. They still had some spare wood and they bought some more and started to build the new caravan. In this one they decided to place a bed at each of the two ends so that they could sleep in pairs two on each bed as that would be more comfortable. It would also give room for new members if they accepted any more. Jojo, who was a rather good fierari and so also a mechanic showed himself to be really useful.

One month later Jojo was still politely refusing advances from all the others and had only made love to Marko. Then while they were working together one afternoon he said "Marko... can I ask you something?"

"Of course son. What?" Marko asked with a wide smile.

"Well you see I... I like Dule very much. Can I ask him if ... if by chance he feels like... sharing a bed with me tonight?"

"Of course you can! And you don't need to ask me for permission Jojo! You are a Romany and a Rogasi therefore you are a manush a free man! You can do whatever you feel like as long as you respect the Rogasi law. So go and see Dule and tell him of your desire and if agrees tonight or whenever the two of you like best go and share a bed with him. And if you don't want anybody in bed with you at any other time you have just to close the curtain; you do know that don't you? And have a good time Jojo! Dule is a tender lover."

"And he has a little brother that I like very much!" Jojo said and went away to look for Dule.

Marko laughed heartily and watched him go away.

Dule was fixing the supper with Patrizio.

Jojo went up to him and asked "Are you very busy Dule?"

"Well rather. Why?"

"If I help you now afterwards can you give me some time?"

Dule looked at him curiously and then said "Alright Jojo and with pleasure.

The boy asked them how he could help and started with a will. Patrizio had guessed why Jojo was there asking for Dule's time. He had noticed how the boy kept glancing from time to time at Dule. After a while he said in a casual tone "I can manage to finish this on my own now. If you have something else to do... you can go and leave this to me."

Jojo brightened. "Thank you Patri. Can you come into the other caravan please, Dule?"

"Yes..." he answered still without guessing what for.

When they were in the caravan with the bathroom Jojo said to Dule "Well I... I would like to pull the bed down and... and also draw the curtain... if you agree Dule."

Dule finally understood and smiled "Of course I agree. Oh yes! Clearly you needed my help to pull down the bed and to shut the curtain... Jojo."

"But I really wanted... I wanted to... to take care of your little brother and ask you if you wanted to take care of mine for a while..."

"Sure second cousin and with real pleasure. And before supper we have still enough time for each other I think."

"I like your little brother so very much... I saw it and..."

"Yes Jojo and I'm sure that my little brother will like you a lot, because I like you very much. Here the bed is ready. Let's get on it now..."

"Will you undress me while I undress you?" Jojo asked while Dule was taking him into his arms and beginning to kiss him. Dule pushed his erection against him to which Jojo at once responded with his own erection.

The others had to call them for the supper. But no-one teased them when they arrived both smiling and with satisfied expressions on their faces.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 9

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