Marias Sons

By R.E.M.

Published on Sep 14, 2000


The following is a work of FICTION. That means it didn't really happen!

This work contains descriptions of sex acts between boys/boys, boys/young men, boys/anyone else that may come along during this story's development. If reading such material is disagreeable to your sensibilities or the legal structure of your residence, don't read any further!

I've only just writing recently, so any constructive input or advice you can offer will be appreciated. Flamers, bitchers and moaners needn't bother replying.

This story became much longer than I had originally envisioned, so I hope you'll be able to stick with it and that it's worth the wait. If you do like this one, check out some of my other writings that I'm slowly introducing around the various archives here at Nifty. Have fun!

Maria's Sons -- Part One Alejandro

Maria had been our housekeeper for as long as I could remember. In fact, she had started working for my parents about five years before I was even born. When I did come along, she took on the double duty of nanny, and she was great at it. I think a lot of my better personality traits came from her.

Born in a small town in central Mexico, Maria had immigrated to the US about 30 years ago while still a very young girl. Being from a small town, she came with a lot of the more conservative, moral attitudes common to her region. After a few years in the states though, she'd learned to temper her conservatism with a healthy dose of pragmatism. This combination made her an excellent surrogate parent for me. Fun loving and affectionate, she could also be the stern but fair disciplinarian when a steady hand was needed.

This worked out well, since my own parents were absent much of the time. As partners in a successful corporation they'd started, much of their time and energy was spent building the fortune and security for all our futures. Unfortunately, the trade off for this success was a lot of time spent away from home. For all the "milestone" events in my life (starting school, being in a play, sporting events, etc.) I would have to say that Maria was there for about half of them, with my parents sharing the other half.

Yes, Maria was one in a million. My early years were filled with her deep, loving voice as she would hum, speak or sing softly to me while I was a baby and then toddler. Early on, much of what she would say would be in Spanish, as she was still learning English. But later on, as I began speaking myself, she would use more and more English, though still with lapses into Spanish when she became upset or excited about something. I don't care what some politicians have to say; a bi-lingual education is great.

Certainly my parents were not unaware of the enormous contribution Maria made to our household. She'd certainly impressed them enough the first few years that she was with them that they sponsored her and occasionally fought with the Immigration Services for her to help her gain her full citizenship. In fact, before she'd come to work for them, they hadn't even considered the possibility of having a child. But with her their, and her citizenship secured, they decided that she would be the perfect person to have around to help raise me while still pursuing their careers.

My parents were so happy to have her as part of the family, that they made every effort to help and support her as she started her own family. When she married, they helped her get a nice apartment in a good neighborhood, and paid the rent for the first year as a wedding present! Later, when she started having kids, they helped move the whole family to their first real house, using Maria and her husband's anniversary as an excuse to pick up the down payment for them. (Fact of the matter was, though the young family didn't know it at the time, but the folks even took care of the financing...with no interest...since their company owned the property).

Yes, Maria was one of a kind. And though I seldom got to see much of my parents, when I did, they did the best they could to try and make up for it, though frankly I probably would have preferred having them there. Maria, though, more than made up for their absence, especially if she caught me brooding about it. There was no denying Maria's love for me and my family, and our love for her. Which made it so much more difficult and painful for me to hide the truth from her; moreso than from my parents.

At a very early age, I realized that I was different from most other boys I knew. Before adolescence hit, it was just a minor thing. I couldn't identify or name what the difference was, but I knew that my interests differed from my peers. When puberty hit with its flood of hormones and changes, I could at least identify what it was that was different about me. While my buddies were starting to take a more adult interest in girls, I was taking more of an interest in my buddies. That was it; they liked girls, I liked guys. It wasn't until a couple of years later that I learned the name for it. I was gay.

That was a pretty scary thing to find out about myself. I knew from the assorted jokes and comments my friends made about gays that they would be of no help to me in resolving this conflict. So over time, my friends and I just sort of drifted apart. We did stop being friends, we just didn't share in the same or as many activities as we had when we were younger. In my loneliness and confusion, I turned to reading. Screwing up my courage, I would go to the library and read all that I could on homosexuality. Fortunately, most of what I found early on was more recent stuff, though I did come across some older and wildly inaccurate material as well.

So, from the time I was thirteen up until my fourteenth year, I studied and reflected on all this information I was taking in. Eventually, I came to my own conclusion about the feelings I was having. They were perfectly normal. Fancy that! When thinking about my friends and their comments, I also learned that "normal" does not necessarily go hand in hand with "acceptable". So my final conclusion by the time I hit fifteen years of age was this; I'm ok, society is a bit fucked up though. C'est la vie.

That is where I was on that summer day of my fifteenth year that I lost my virginity. Having learned and accepted myself for who and what I was, I thought for sure that I would have to wait another three to six years...not until I moved out on my own...before I could actually begin exploring the physical aspect of my sexuality. In a nutshell; I was horny with no relief in sight! Which brings us back to Maria and, more specifically, her sons.

As I mentioned, it was my fifteenth summer when I found myself in this dilemma. I was laying on an inflatable raft in the middle of our pool in the back yard, in a deep funk about the sexual confinement that I thought would be my life for what was to me just short of forever. Sure; I'd jacked off plenty of times, but that just wasn't the same. My imagination and hands could carry me only so far, and I had reached that point.

So I lay there, hands and feet dangling down into the cool water, when my reprieve is broken by the sound of motor approaching. Opening my eyes, I see the lawn mower making another pass up the hill from the pool. It's not the mower that holds my attention though, but what controls it.

Alejandro was Maria's oldest son. During the spring and summer, he would come in with his mother to work around the sprawling lawns of my parent's estate. He'd been coming with Maria for the past four years or so to earn money which he saved to buy his first car when he was 16. Now at 18, he'd been working and saving to help pay some of his expenses for college. He'd gotten a partial scholarship to some East Coast university, and was now trying to earn enough to get him started.

Maria was very proud of Alejandro. He was the first person in her family to go to college. Since Alex (as everyone called him) had been coming to the house with his mother off and on for several years, my parents got to know him fairly well and shared to and extent in Maria's pride and enthusiasm. They had even secured an apartment for Alex at the university, though they hadn't told him about it yet, wanting it to be a going away surprise present.

Three years older than me, I sometimes looked at Alex as a sort of surrogate big brother. When I was eleven and he was fourteen, it seemed that he spent as much time looking out for and playing with me as he did working on the lawn. I don't know, maybe that was part of his job; lawn boy and babysitter. Either way, it worked out fine for me. We had lots of fun just horsing around for the first couple of springs and summers that he would come to work with Maria. I'm sure that it helped Maria too, not having to watch me as closely as she normally would.

Once Alex started high school though, he was less interested in playing with some little kid. He'd already made one goal, his car, by working hard. Now he had an even bigger one and didn't want to be distracted from it. Besides, the interests of a fifteen year old can be worlds apart from those of and eighteen year old.

One thing that interested me though, was Alex himself. From the first time I laid eyes on him, I felt a little flutter of excitement. As we got older and more developed in our own respects, the little flutter blossomed into full-blown lust. Alex was a major hottie to me. During the past couple of summers, he'd taken to keeping his hair cut very short. Even though it was just stubble though, you could see the rich, midnight black that it would be when it grew out.

The thing that captured my heart...and loins...the most though were his eyes. Deep, dark brown eyes staring out from under beautifully formed thick eyebrows. His eyes were so dark that you had to look real close to be able to detect where the iris ended and the pupil began. On either side of these dark windows to his soul, high, prominent cheekbones curving down to a full, artfully shaped pair of lips. Above the lips a slightly wide but not too large nose.

The face alone could have been enough to raise my temperature a few degrees, but when taken in with his body; major meltdown! The years of hard work showed in every curve and bulge of muscle. He was strong and sturdy without being over-built. As he was mowing the lawn, he would usually take his shirt off. His dark complexion pretty much protected him from burning in the California heat. Instead, he turned even darker; to a rich, chestnut brown. His broad chest and shoulders tapered down to a very slim waist. Just above the waistband of his cut-off shorts was a small trail of hair extending up to his navel. The rest of his slim, defined body was totally smooth except for a patch of black hair under each arm.

From that narrow waist were his muscular legs. His thighs were completely smooth and well toned. Below his knees grew dark, coarse hair all the way down to his ankles. Though three years my senior, he was only a couple of inches taller than me. But his body showed much more definition than my own. All in all, a very lean, taut, sexy young man.

I lay there on the raft as he moved on past, pushing the mower from one side to the other. Whenever he passed the pool, I got a great view of what had to be the most flawless ass ever covered by denim. Each cheek was well defined and perfectly rounded, with the seam of his jeans separating each luscious globe.

I lay on my raft for what seemed like hours as this beautiful, bronze Adonis walk back and forth across my vision. Fortunately I was lying on my stomach, because as usual, seeing Alex semi- naked had gotten me hard as a rock.

Before long though, Alex finished his mowing, which happened to bring him to the edge of the pavement surrounding the pool. After cutting off the motor, he whipped his t-shirt out of his back pocket and wiped his sweating brow. Seeing me floating there, he waved and then walked over and sat at the edge of the pool. Kicking off his shoes, he dropped his feet into the cool water and let out a long, contented sigh of relief. Closing his eyes, he leaned his head back. A moment later he brought his head back up and looked at me, smiling.

"Better be careful, little gringo. You gonna burn red like some lobster you lay out there too long."

"Screw you, wetback. I'm surprised you even know what a lobster looks like." I replied with a grin.

This was how Alejandro and me had talked to each other for years. Neither of us took racial or social differences very seriously. When we talked like this, we both knew that we were just joking, sort of thumbing our noses at some of societies conventions and prejudices. Although we did have to be more reserved around his mother. Maria would have pitched a fit at both of us if she heard us talking that way.

After this exchange, we settled down to ordinary conversation. Alex did most of the talking, telling me about all the things he was looking forward to at college and beyond. Having him so talkative was fine with me. Since I didn't have to keep up my end of a conversation, I got to watch Alex.

I drank in the sight of his beautiful bronzed body. The prominent muscles of his neck on either side of the perfect tube of his throat, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he talked. His broad smooth chest, his small, dark brown nipples. From there downward to his rippling six pack abdomen. Even slouched forward as he was, the skin just creased along his musculature. There wasn't an ounce of fat on him. Next his navel with the light growth of hair growing down towards his crotch. My eyes rested on the denim-covered package. It looked to be a pretty good size, and I tried to imagine what it would look like if he weren't wearing any pants; his penis and balls just hanging free between those strong, supple legs.

I was apparently so lost in my own musings that Alex noticed I wasn't even bothering to pretend to listen. I realized this when I became aware I wasn't hearing his voice anymore. "Ok shit," I thought. "How long have I been laying here staring at him like some idiot?"

With a start, I looked up at Alex. He was looking at me with a curious, almost amused expression on his face. "You drift off somewhere, little gringo?" he asked.

"Sorry, my mind just kinda wandered off there."

"Yeah, I guess so." He said. He paused, still looking at me with that curious look, then grinned reassuringly at me and said, "hey, paddle on over here and let's see if you're done cooking yet."

Obediently, I paddled my raft towards him. When it was close enough, he took one corner and pulled it across in front of him, so that I was laying lengthwise, the side of my raft bumping up against his shins. My right hand, which hung over the edge of the raft, brushed up against his hairy calf. I fought the urge to jerk it away in embarrassment. Apparently, it didn't bother him as my palm cupped the large muscle below his knee. The rocking of the raft moved my hand up and down his lower leg.

His fingertips gently brushed down my back as he inspected the results of my sunbathing.

"Yeow," he hissed. "I think we can put a fork in you; you're done. A little over done in fact. Don't you gringo's know you can't be lying out on the water like that. You'll turn into a cinder."

I turned my head to reply, and realized that my head wouldn't turn far enough to look him in the eye. Instead, I was staring just a couple of feet at his crotch again. In fact, I was looking right up one of his pants legs. I don't know if it was a trick of the light or what, but I was certain that I'd seen the fabric covering the leg moved just the slightest.

Alex continued to examine my sunburn. "Does this hurt?" he asked as he lightly brushed his hand up and down my back. I felt a slight stinging sensation from my skin, but wasn't really paying attention at that point. My eyes and thoughts were focused on the developments just a couple of feet from my face.

Now I knew it wasn't a trick of the light. There was something moving along Alex's leg under the fabric of his shorts. I began to see a long, rounded lump stretching away from his crotch and down his thigh. I couldn't believe it. He was getting hard, and not the least bit shy about whether or not I noticed.

Suddenly his hand moved away from my back, and he gave the raft a gentle nudge away from the side of the pool.

"Come on little gringo. We'd better put something on that burn of yours or mom will have a fit."

With that, he dropped down into the pool and swam underwater to the other side. I paddled across, taking my time to let my excitement become less obvious. I only now regretted having worn Speedos instead of something more concealing.

When Alex reached the other side, he shot up out of the water and neatly levered himself up onto the concrete. Standing there, he shook the water from his close cropped hair. The cool water ran down his lean frame in small rivulets, glittering and shining as it rolled of his smooth, brown skin. Jerking his head in the direction of the pool house, he said, "C'mon...let's see if there's something in there for that burn of yours." Alex then turned and walked away. His back was almost as appealing as his front to me; broad shoulders that tapered down in a perfect "V" to a narrow waist. His wet cutoffs now clung to his wonderfully rounded, firm butt, bouncing and swaying as he walked away.

At first I was worried about getting out of the pool in front of him. My arousal was quite evident. Though as I slid off the raft into the cool water, the problem was soon resolved, my excitement quelled by the sudden cooling from the pool. It also made me aware of just how hot my skin had gotten while I laid out there. Sure enough I was going to have a pretty decent burn on my back and legs.

The pool house was completely enclosed. Since my parents sometimes used it for entertaining, they wanted to be able to run air conditioning on hot days down by the pool. The front room ran the entire length of the structure. The wall facing the pool was all full-length glass doors that could be opened for milder weather. Opposite this wall was a small kitchen area, bathroom/changing room and storage room. The furniture was nice, but simple. Alex was over in the kitchen area, messing around with something in front of the small oven.

"Man," he said, "I shouldn't have jumped in the pool with my pants on like that. They were getting all clammy and starting to chafe. Don't let me forget that they're drying in the oven. I wouldn't want to over do them." Then he stepped back, hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts and yanked them straight down.

I thought I was going to faint. Here was the guy that I'd lusted after for years, been raging hard over just moments ago, stripping down to his bare skin right in front of me. As he stood up, I had the perfect profile view of his round, dimpled butt. I also got to see the object that I'd been so curious about just before he had jumped in the pool.

His dick looked large, even in its now flaccid state. A fairly thick tube of flesh dangling about five inches from his pelvis. He had a dark patch of thick, curly black hair at the base, but his scrotum was hairless, hanging behind the impressive meat.

Might throat tightened with desire as he reached over to the counter and grabbed one of the towels he'd gotten from the changing room and wrapped it around his waist. Next he put his wet shorts into the oven and turned it to low to help dry out the soaked denim. Even doing these simple everyday motions captivated me. I watched the interplay of muscle and sinew as he moved effortlessly, almost gracefully about the kitchen area. Next he picked up another towel from the counter and tossed it over to me, breaking my concentration on his graceful form.

"Dry off and lay on the couch, man," he said. "Be sure to put the towel under you so you don't get the couch wet with your swimsuit. I'm going to get the lotion so we can get that burn fixed up."

I was glad he'd thrown me the towel, because once again my excitement was causing things to happen within the confines of my Speedos. I dried myself quickly and vigorously, then spread the towel along the seat of the couch and lay down on my stomach.

Soon he came back from the bathroom with a bottle of the lotion we use for sunburns. Sitting down beside me, his hip touching mine, he squirted a small amount into the palm of his hand, and then rubbed his hands together, making them both slick with the lotion. The smell of coconuts and some sort of tropical fruit reached my nostrils. It was a sweet, relaxing aroma, but nothing at that point could relax me from my excited state.

"Let me know if this stings any," Alex told me, as he reached down and began applying the lotion to my burned back. His hands were strong but smooth as they glided first across my shoulders then down my sides. He then drew them across my waist, bringing them together in the middle, then up along my spine. His hands were large and quickly he'd covered my small back with the slippery ointment. He continued gently rubbing my back, working the lotion in slowly. Beneath me, my dick felt like a piece of hot steel, so hard that it was almost painful.

"Hmmm...looks like your legs got pretty cooked too, little gringo. Better put some of this stuff there too."

Another squeeze of the bottle, and he was soon rubbing and massaging the backs of my legs with his strong hands. Down my thighs he moved slowly, almost teasingly. Down my knees, across the calves, then stopping at the ankles. The trip up was even better, as he moved his fingers in slightly, his hands slowly moving up just barely between my legs. Soon he was back at the top, his fingertips brushing the crease where my legs ended and my small round butt began. Now the outside of my legs, but more slowly this time, almost sensuously. At my ankles, his hand went even deeper between my legs as they slowly moved up, spreading them apart slightly.

When he reached the top of my legs again, his fingertips brush the little cleft of my perineum, causing me to jump in surprise. "Sorry about that," said Alex, but is voice sounded funny to me. Sort of heavy and thick. Turning slightly, I twisted my head around to look at his face and see what might be wrong to make him talk like that. As I did, my butt shifted up under his hand so that his fingertips were now on my cheek, just under the leg band of my swim trunks.

I looked at his face, and was surprised to see a somewhat glassy, far away look in his eyes. He was smiling at me, but in a way I'd never really ever seen before. In some ways the look was almost fraternal, but there was something else there. "Damn," I thought myself. "Is he getting turned on by this as much as me? Could I really be that lucky?"

Glancing down quickly, I caught a glimpse of his towel-covered crotch. There were definitely some major developments in that area. His arousal was very plain to see even while it was hidden under the towel.

Alex didn't miss my quick look down to his swollen crotch. When my eyes darted back up to his, his grin broadened. In that moment, it seemed that we were both thinking the same thing. Alex though, didn't want to be obvious about what was happening between us for some reason. Still playing innocent, he asked, "Did you burn your front too? Better roll over and let me take care of that too."

Any other time, I would have found some way of avoiding exposing myself that way. But at the moment that I realized that what was happening to me, and my feelings, was happening to him also. I was able to relax considerably. My fear of his discovering my longing for him was rapidly evaporating.

So I was only a little nervous as I rolled over, the evidence of my excitement plain to see in the bulging front of my Speedos. Clearly outlined under the taut fabric, my hard on didn't embarrass Alex. Quite the contrary.

"Say...that's a pretty good package there, little gringo. What is that; about seven inches?" he asked, gently brushing his fingertips along the length. The brief contact made me jerk in surprise. I'd never been touched there by anybody but myself. Any lingering doubts about where this was leading vanished. I was more than ready to take things to the next level by now.

"Yeah, just a little over seven. You think that's big?" I replied.

"Sure, for someone your age, it's pretty good." His hand was back, softly rubbing across my bulging swimsuit. It stopped briefly and he gave it a firm squeeze. "You like that man?" he asked.

"Yeah...feels nice. want to see it?"

"Sure man, bring it on out." He replied.

Quickly I hooked my thumbs under the waistband. Lifting my butt off the couch, I yanked the confining material down and off. My bone sprang back, smacking up against my flat belly. I lay back down, now totally bare before this bronze god. He moved his hand back to my crotch and gripped my engorged cock firmly. He began sliding his lotion-slicked hand up and down, my hard pole sliding smoothly in and out of the warm tube formed by his hand.

I could barely keep still under his sensuous ministrations. My breathing grew deeper and heavier with each stroke. My own hand now crept along his leg, moving down under the towel wrapped around his waist. About halfway up his thigh, my fingers met something very warm and very hard. My fingers explored the surface of this hot, hard piece of flesh. My thumb moved along the thick vein running the length of the underside, while my fingers traced the top of the steely appendage. I gripped it as best I could, though my fingers wouldn't go all the way around its thickness, and began sliding the soft skin up and down the hard muscle of his cock. Alex hummed his pleasure, then stood up.

Standing there in front of my prone form, the towel around his waist jutted out dramatically from his hips. Slowly, he untied the towel from his waist, letting it drop to his feet. I almost forgot to breath as I took the sight of him in. His handsome face and dark eyes looked down at me as my eyes wandered over his body. From his smooth, broad chest down his well-defined six pack abdomen, my gaze finally settled on the proud piece of meat jutting out dramatically from between his legs. It had to be a good ten hard inches. Capped with a dark purple head atop the long, thick shaft, it was the most magnificent thing I'd ever seen.

Raising myself to a sitting position, my face was now inches from the huge rod. This close, I could see a thick, clear fluid seeping from the slit in the end of it. Carefully, almost shyly, I reached out a finger and touched the slick pre cum, slowly smearing it around the head, making it glisten in the early afternoon sunlight. I cast a pleading look up to him, and he smiled and nodded his consent, placing his hand on the back of my head for encouragement. Not that I needed any.

Gripping it as best I could, I aimed the tip at my mouth. My tongue darted out carefully, just brushing against the end, giving me a taste of his juices. It was tangy and sweet, not at all like I expected. I knew that I would have to have more, so I made my move.

Opening as wide as I could, I slipped the hard flesh into my mouth. When I felt the head bump the back of my throat, I stopped, sealing my already stretched lips around the shaft. My tongue flickered and danced along the underside of the huge pole as Alex drew a deep breath sharply, releasing it in a long sigh of pleasure.

Within seconds, my mouth was sliding up and down his monster bone, both of my hands wrapped firmly around it while I suckled as much of his length into my hot cavity as I could. He now had both hands on the back of my head, my fine blond hair tangled in his strong brown fingers and he pressed and released my head against him in time with me.

"Oh man.... You got such a hot mouth little gringo. So soft and tight," he whispered for encouragement. "You really like that big prick in your little boy mouth, don't you? Here, lemme lay down and we'll try something else."

Reluctantly, I slid his meat from my suctioning mouth. It bounced up proudly, half of it shiny with my spit. Alex sat, and then lay on his back on the coffee table in front of the sofa. I loved watching his cock as it bobbed and bounced with his every movement. After he had lain down crossways from me, he said "Here man. Climb on top with your head over my cock. See if you can take it all the way down."

I looked at the thick rod doubtfully as his jerked in time with his heartbeat over the flat plane of his stomach. "I don't think I can take all of that Alex. You're so big. I'm doing good to get it in my mouth."

"Oh, I think you can take it man. You'd be surprised how much your throat can stretch. You just have to remember to relax if you feel like you're going to gag. Once you got the gag reflex under control, you'll be just fine. C'mon man, don't you at least want to try. Let's see you work my big cock with that sweet mouth of yours." As further enticement, he grabbed his straining tool and began slowly jerking it up and down, waving it over in my direction.

He looked so hot stretched out on the table like that; there was no way I could refuse his request. Getting onto my hands and knees over him, I grabbed the hard flesh and resumed sucking and licking, still only going down until it bumped the back of my mouth. Then, experimentally, I pressed my head down further, trying to force the fat head past the tight opening into my throat. At first, I started to gag, then remembered his advice and slowed down, making myself relax and breath evenly. Soon I felt that I could proceed, and pushed down some more until I felt the head pop into the confines of my throat.

It caught me by such surprise that I had to back off. But now that I knew it could happen, I had to keep going. I suddenly had this overwhelming desire to bury his big cock all the way inside me. I pressed my head down again, taking him in slowly, pressing his cock head against the back of my mouth like before. Much more easily this time, the spear tip of his prick pierced the tight ring of my throat. I waited for a second, then eased more of him into me. I could feel the thick hard flesh of his cock stretching the tissue of my windpipe. Down and down I went, until to my complete surprise, my chin bumped against the neat bush of his pubic hair and my nose nestled between his walnut sized testicles. I'd done it; I had him all the way down my small, tight throat.

Getting it down the first time was the toughest part. After a few more times, I was soon sliding up and down his full length. The feeling of his cock possessing my throat like that defied description. The feel of his soft skin contrasting with the hardness of the muscle underneath as I drove him in and out of me was incredible. I was totally ready to be his, let him have me any way he wanted, just so long as he filled me with himself.

As I worked my new oral skills on his throbbing cock, he ran his hands all along my body, moaning and whispering encouragement. Soon though, his hands focused their attention on one spot. His strong hands were firmly massaging my round little butt cheek, his fingertips brushing against my tightly puckered anus. Then I felt something warm and wet brush quickly against it. It felt so good that I hoped whatever he'd done he do again soon. I didn't have to worry, as I felt it return, this time lingering long enough for me to realize what it was. His tongue was flickering and dancing around and across the surface of my little pucker.

I'd heard about stuff like that before, but it paled in comparison to the actual experience. As my mouth worked and sucked his cock with increasing frenzy, so too, did he work my ass with his tongue. His strong hands had my cheeks spread wide as he drove his hot tongue against my hole. I was so turned on by what he was doing that I couldn't continue sucking him. I did continue to jack the large brown pole as I squirmed a writhed on top of him, trying to treat my ass to as much action from his tongue as I could. My breathing became harsh and ragged as he worked my little rosebud.

Finally I had to pull away. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to do what I wanted, but I knew I had to try. I wanted him inside me so bad it was a physical ache. My ass felt like a hungry mouth, gaping and needing to be fed.

"Alex," I gasped, "I want you inside me, I want you to fuck me, man."

"You sure, man? I got an awful lot to stuff in this little hole of yours. It's gonna hurt, you know." He replied, emphasizing his point by inserting one of his lotion covered fingers past my tight ring, slowly sinking it in all the way to the knuckle.

The effect was like throwing gasoline onto a campfire. I gasped loudly, throwing my head up and arching my back as his invading digit tickled my prostate. New sensations were coming alive as he slowly worked his finger in and out of my ass. Once I got used to the invader, I began backing up against his hand, wiggling my butt around and down onto his finger.

"Damn man, I guess you do want it little gringo." He got some more lotion and began smearing against my pale little ass, covering it liberally with the slippery ointment. "You'd better start out on top, man. You can control it better that way. Go ahead; turn around and sit that hot little hole down on my big cock, boy."

Eager to comply, I turned around and straddled his waist with my smooth legs. I was still a little nervous about what I was going to attempt, but I knew I had to try. I backed my butt up against his spit-slicked cock, sliding myself up and down against his steely hardness. Then, lifting myself up, I positioned my hole over the head of his cock while he held it still for me.

It was even more difficult than I thought as I began lowering myself onto the spongy head. It was certainly a lot thicker than his finger, that was for sure. I moved slowly, relaxing as best I could as I pressed myself down onto him. When I began to feel the pinch and burn of his penetration, I would stop, holding myself still until the pain subsided. I don't know how long I kept at this, taking him in a fraction of an inch at a time. Soon I was sweating from my exertions, worried that I wouldn't be able to do it. Then finally, it happened.

Without warning, the head popped past the tight ring of muscle. The pain was incredible. I thought I'd torn myself open it burned so bad. I clenched my teeth, gritting them to keep from crying out. I grabbed my ass cheeks in my hands and pulled them apart, trying to stretch my hole a little more to relieve the pain in my spasming ass. It helped some, and I was able to draw a breath again. Soon, it the pain became more manageable.

"You doing ok man? I know it must hurt like hell. You don't have to do this, you know." Alex's concern was real enough, but his eyes were dark with his lust and desire. I looked into those dark pools, concentrating on his beautiful face as I began lowering myself onto him. Now that the barrier had been pierced, it was much easier to proceed. To answer his question, I took half of him into me at once.

It was the most incredible feeling to have him inside, taking his length further and further into me. Slowly I moved up and down that caramel colored pole, going further and with each down stroke. Soon, I felt my butt cheeks rest against his muscular thighs. I'd done it. I had all of him inside me. I'd never felt anything like it as I sat there, impaled on his full ten inches. As I shifted, I could feel him moving around inside of me. Slowly, I raised myself back up until I felt the corona of his cock head against the ring of muscle. Then in one motion, I lowered myself back down all the way, his thick meat stretching my guts wide and deep.

"Oh God!" Alex cried. "Man, you are so tight and hot. Give me that ass, boy. Ride my big rod, baby."

The pain was mostly gone now, replaced by the pleasure of that smooth rod moving inside of me. I began to move up and down faster and faster. Soon, I was bouncing up and down on his hips, sweat pouring off of me in rivers as I gave myself up to the sensations flooding my young body. Alex's hands gripped my waist, guiding me all the way. Then he sat up and pulled my legs around his waist and wrapped his arms around my torso. "Hang on man. I'm gonna move us."

Locking my ankle around his waist, I pulled myself to him as tightly as I could as he stood up. My weight pressed me down onto the cock buried in my ass as he stood up. It was wonderful having my smooth chest pressed against his, my sweat making us slip and slide against each other as he stood. Turning around, he set me carefully down on my back onto the table. Lifting his chest off of mine, he hooked his arms behind my legs and pressed them against my chest, resting his hands on either side of my head as my ass lifted up off the surface of the table.

"You ready now, little gringo? I'm gonna give it to you good and hard now. You ready to have all this cock slamming into you?" he asked.

I was so turned on by the way he was talking to me now, telling me what he was going to do to me. And I replied in kind. "Oh yeah, man. Give it to me. Fuck me hard with that big fucker. Split my ass with your cock."

Slowly, he drew himself back, leaving only an inch or so inside me. Then in one smooth motion he buried himself back inside me, all the way to the base. He didn't waste much time in picking up speed. Within a few moments, he was long dicking me at a furious pace, slamming his hips against the back of my thighs, his heavy nut sack slapping my smooth ass.

I moved my arms between my legs, forcing them as far apart as I could within the confines of his arms. Looking down, I could see what was going on. It was such a turn on as my eyes traveled down his lean, muscular form, glistening with sweat. His hips were bucking and driving his cock into me, and I could see the thick shaft spreading my small rounded ass cheeks as he pulled back, then disappearing as he drove it back in. Seeing it in scale like this, I couldn't believe I was able to take all of him. But there I was; taking his long, wide manhood up my narrow, tight teenage ass.

With my legs spread wide, I encouraged Alex in his work on my ass. Squirming and writhing beneath his onslaught, I clutched and groped every part of his muscular body that I could reach. I ran my hands down his sides, gripped his hips and pulled him into me as hard as I could, moaning and crying out for him to take me, to give it to me hard and deep. Alex played his part as well, telling me how hot and tight my ass and slim body were.

Alex then said that he was getting close, but that he wanted me to cum with him. I was certainly ready, having made sure not to even touch myself during his assault on my ass, knowing I would have shot my load much too soon. I was ready for release in the worst way.

Drawing back from me, Alex removed his huge spear from my aching hole. I felt as though my entire insides had been removed, leaving me hollow and incomplete. Gripping my hips, told me to turn over. I tried to help as much as I could, but my legs felt like Jell-O, weak and unstable. Finally, I managed to get over onto my hands and knees. Reaching around from behind, Alex wrapped his strong arm around my chest, pulling back and me up towards his chest, where my back finally came to rest.

Sitting up like that, with my now gapping ass hanging out over the edge of the table, Alex, on his knees on the floor, maneuvered his fat cock head from beneath. When the sensitive head found my opening, he lifted his hips upward, stabbing the hot pole right into me, feeding it all the way in one vicious thrust. My head snapped back and I let out a yelp, more of surprise than pain.

His cock firmly encased once more inside me, Alex resumed his thrusts, this time driving his hip up and down from behind, both of his dark arms clutching me tightly to him. One of his hands snaked down my slim, smooth abdomen towards my crotch. My hard seven incher was sticking out proudly, and he wrapped his greased hand around it tightly and began jacking my teen hard on rapidly, in time with his own punishing thrusts into my ass.

"Ok, little gringo, " he rasped into my ear. "Let's see that load of yours. Time to shoot the big one, boy."

And he was right. After just a few strokes, I felt that overpowering tingle deep in my gut. My nuts drew up so tight and fast to my body that I thought they pop right out my throat. When the first shot hit, I thought I was going to pass out. My ass contracted and then convulsed on Alex's slamming cock. Suddenly my juices were firing out of my cock like a machine gun, the first few going several feet across the room.

Almost immediately after the first shot, I felt Alex's cock swell inside me. Clutching me even tighter, he shoved himself all the way up my ass and held it there as his cum came boiling out of his nuts and into my ass. I could feel the burning fluid slamming deep into my guts in what seemed like an endless flow of his hot seed. My ass was squeezing hard on Alex's raging cock, trying to milk every last drop of fluid from him.

It seemed like hours went by, our bodies melded together, every muscle drawn tight as piano wire, until the waves of pleasure finally subsided. Still inside me, we both collapsed forward, his broad chest a comfortable weight on my back. We both inhaled deeply at the same time, exhaling in a tired laugh. We had been so overwhelmed in our orgasms that we'd both forgotten to breathe.

Lying there, pinned beneath my bronze god, his cock finally began to soften and withdraw. Eventually it popped out on its own, and I could feel his seed seep out of my ravaged hole and flow down my thighs. I'd never ached so much in my life. My entire body was like a wet rag, totally used up and drained.

Finally, once we'd managed to catch our breath, Alex spoke. "God DAMN little gringo! You are one hot little fuck. I don't think I'll be able to walk straight for a week."

"YOU won't be able to walk straight?" I teased. "I'll be lucky if I can walk at all. I don't know how I got all of that big thing of yours in me."

"Oh shit. I didn't hurt you, did I? I'm sorry man. I just lost control. It was just too hot."

"Don't worry Alex, I was just teasing. I wouldn't have let you stop even if you'd wanted to. I really needed that. I've been wanting you like that for years. Too bad you're leaving for college next month." Remembering that fact, I was suddenly sad, regretting all the years I'd lusted after Alex and never pursued him.

"Hey man, don't be sad. It'll be ok. Maybe it's even better this way. Tell you what; next week I'll bring something that might just make it all better for you. Don't worry little gringo, I think I'll be able to fix things for you."

To be continued...?

Next: Chapter 2

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