Marias Sons

By R.E.M.

Published on Sep 20, 2000


The following is a work of FICTION. That means it didn't really happen!

This work contains descriptions of sex acts between boys/boys, boys/young men, boys/anyone else that may come along during this story's development. If reading such material is disagreeable to your sensibilities or the legal structure of your residence, don't read any further!

I've only just writing recently, so any constructive input or advice you can offer will be appreciated. Flamers, bitchers and moaners needn't bother replying.

This story became much longer than I had originally envisioned, so I hope you'll be able to stick with it and that it's worth the wait. If you do like this one, check out some of my other writings that I'm slowly introducing around the various archives here at Nifty. Have fun!

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I would like to thank all of you who've read and responded to this work of mine. The feedback and encouragement has been great. It's e-mail like that that keeps this...and other...stories of mine going (at least until someone starts paying cash). Keep the fan mail coming, and feel free to toss any ideas you may have into the ring while you're at it. Who knows; it could wind up in one of these chapters (with proper acknowledgement to the provider, of course). You folks are great!

(from the end of Chapter One)

"I've been wanting you like that for years. Too bad you're leaving for college next month." Remembering that fact, I was suddenly sad, regretting all the years I'd lusted after Alex and never pursued him.

"Hey man, don't be sad. It'll be ok. Maybe it's even better this way. Tell you what; next week I'll bring something that might just make it all better for you. Don't worry little gringo, I think I'll be able to fix things for you."

Maria's Sons -- Part One Jose

The past week had felt like a year. I spent almost every waking moment thinking about Alex, replaying the wild time we'd spent in the pool house last week. I would replay every act and aspect in my mind, never failing to arouse myself to the point that I had to quickly jack off for relief or go crazy.

I know I probably drove Maria crazy as well. I don't know how many times I must have asked her about Alex and when he would be back. Finally, after a few days of my pestering, she told me, "Aie, Miguelito! You're making me crazy with all this! What's gotten into you? I told you when he would be here, now leave me alone so I can do my work!"

No matter how big or old I might get, I think that Maria would always think of me as "Miguelito"; her "little Mike". It was understandable since she'd raised me as much...if not more...than my parents had. For as long as I could remember she had called me that. Even at fifteen, I didn't mind the diminutive. In fact, I rather liked it. It showed I had a special place in her big heart, and that was a good thing for me.

After her outburst, I did manage to stop bothering her about it every day like I had been. It was tough though. I'd expected the summer break to be nothing special this year. Hang around the house most of the time; maybe go on some trip with one or both of the folks if their schedules allowed. Nothing all that special really.

After last week though, I knew I wouldn't be able to just ease through what remained of my summer vacation. That one encounter with Alex had changed all of that. In just one afternoon, he'd opened a whole world that until then had been one of pure imagination and theory to me. It was as if someone had hooked all of my senses to a huge amplifier and cranked it all the way to full blast. More and more I felt that if I didn't find some release for all that energy, I would explode like a cheap speaker.

During that time I also seemed to be coming more aware of not just my senses, but also my body. I suddenly started spending more time looking in the mirror. I don't know; maybe I was looking to see what a hunk like Alex could have seen in me back then. At that time when I actually looked, I had to admit that what I'd for so long thought of as pretty average was actually pretty decent.

Starting at the top, I would check my hair. I'd always like my hair; loose curls of light brown that had bleached light blond during the summer days spent outside. Because it was thick, the light didn't bleach my hair near the scalp, so it looked frosted. Then down to my eyebrows; thick and dark brown. A sharp contrast between the highlights of my hair and my pale blue eyes.

My nose was a little narrow and turned up slightly at the end. Not really pug, but close. Under that, pale pink lips that I know I had to have inherited from my mother. I'd always thought it was a bit too feminine, the only saving grace being the deep cleft between the upper lip and my nose.

The main thing I really noticed though was my body. For years I'd always been kind of a runt. Short and skinny, I'd always gotten my share of being picked on in school. After my parents had bought the house with the pool though, I'd really developed. I loved being in the water, floating and splashing around. All the water activity had done wonders for me. I was still short, usually the shortest one in class in fact. But not so much skinny as slim and trim now though. I hadn't looked all that closely before, but I really was developing some decent muscle tone. My abdomen was nice and flat; my chest had broadened and grown out so I even had that little furrow down the middle.

My newest pride and joy though was my dick. Alex had said that it was a pretty good size for someone my age. When I looked at it closely though, it looked even larger than its actual seven inches when contrasted with my compact body. The shaft was long and smooth as it extended upward in a gentle curve from the wisp of pubic hair at the base. The end was capped with a dark pink head. I loved tickling the underside of it as I watched it bounce and sway in the mirror.

All the kicking around in the pool had also given me a nicely rounded butt. I even liked feeling it during these little self- examinations of mine. Smooth and firm, I loved to glide my hand over the surface. And after last week, I would go even further, sliding my hand down between the cheeks and even fingering my no-longer-virgin hole.

Damn; I really missed Alex that week.

Finally, it was next week. I was so excited and nervous that I don't think I got any sleep the night before. I kept running through my mind what Alex had said to me before he'd left that day. "Might make it all better for" me. "Fix things" for me. What did all that mean? Make what better for me? The sex? I didn't think that was possible, but then again, last week had been my first time. Fix what things? He was going away to college half way across the country in just a few weeks. How could he fix that for me? Hell, this past week gave me a glimpse of how difficult it would be for me once he was gone. In just seven days I was almost out of my mind.

Just thinking about his imminent departure gave me a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. All those months I thought of being without him, without him inside me, without exploring all the other things my overcharged teenage imagination had contemplated for us. I didn't know if I could stand all that waiting. I think that was the thing that hit me the hardest; the fact of my sexual awakening crashing against the fact that the one who had awakened me was going to be gone before, I felt, we'd barely begun.

Life really sucked at that point. Thank God he was coming over today; at last! Maybe being with Alex again could lift the gloom that kept coming over me.

After a light breakfast, I went down to the pool. It was going to be another hot day, but I still made sure to put a t-shirt on as well as my cutoffs. After last weeks sunburn, my skin had pretty much healed, but I didn't know how long it would be until Alex showed up and I didn't want to risk an even worse burn this time.

So I lounged around the pool. I did check in the pool house to make sure everything we might need would be there for us. I had every intention of repeating last week's performance, and hoped to do even more this time. When I made sure everything was there, I sat down in one of the lounge chairs and started reading.

I don't know how long I sat there, but I know wasn't getting much reading done. I couldn't concentrate on the words and had to keep going back over sections that I'd read just a couple of minutes before. I was about to give up, when I looked towards the house and saw...coming down the hill: Alejandro ... and someone else.

My joy shattered into a million pieces when I saw that Alex wasn't alone. All my longings and desires were crushed. If Alex had someone with him, then there was no way we'd be able to do anything together. Not like we had a week ago, anyway.

As they drew closer, I recognized who the other person was. It was Alex's little brother.

"Hey little gringo, what's up. You remember my little brother Jose don't you?" he said as the two of them came up beside the chair. I stood up and greeted them, trying to hide my disappointment at the ruination of my day's fantasies.

"Hey Jose, how's it going? Long time no see." I said as we shook hands. The first thing I noticed was that I was looking down at Jose, which is a rare thing for me to do with anyone around my age. I remembered that Jose was fourteen, a little less than a year younger than me. But looking at him, he could have easily passed for closer to twelve. As we shook hands, the second thing I noticed was how soft his hand was. Very different from Alex's, whose strong hands had been toughed by years of hard work.

"Hi Mike. Yeah, it has been a long time. Not since last summer. Still hanging out at the pool all the time, huh?" he replied.

" know me. I like to stay wet."

I'd said it before I even really thought about it, but it was too late. Alex stifled a snicker and gave me an almost mocking smile. Realizing what I'd said, I must have turned about 20 shades of red with embarrassment. Fortunately Jose wasn't in on the joke, so he just gave us both sort of a funny look and shrugged as if to say "ok...whatever".

After an awkward pause in the conversation, Alex relieved some of the tension by saying, "hey guys, I running around to do before I can start my work today. Mike; do you mind if Jose hangs out at the pool here with you until I get back? You guys are about the same age, so you should be able to find something to do."

"Sure," I replied, trying to sound somewhat enthusiastic. "Not a problem. I was just sitting here reading anyway."

"Cool man. I shouldn't be more than a couple of hours, then I'll come by and take him off your hands so he can help me finish up a couple of projects I've been working on. See you later little brother." With that, he ruffled Jose's hair, turned, and headed back up the hill. I couldn't help but stare briefly at his broad shoulders and firm buttocks as he walked away. I felt a stirring down below, and then remembered that I wasn't alone.

"Ahem...well...umm...why don't we go sit down in the shade over there. I got some lemonade if you're thirsty," I said quickly, trying to hide my sudden embarrassment. "Sure," he said, "that'd be nice. It is kind of warm out here." I agreed with him, though I knew my warmth was not solely from the weather. As we walked over to the lounge chairs, he picked up the book I was reading and glanced at the cover. "Hey; good book. I've got the whole series," he said.

With that, the ice was pretty much broken. We began talking about the science fiction series of books that we both collected, then on to other topics. School (we both hated but did well in), sports (both preferring individual over team). As we talked, we found more and more in common with each other than I would have thought. There were some differences too, though nothing of the sort to put two boys at odds with each other. Actually, we both found some of our differences rather interesting.

As time went by, we became more at ease with each other, soon laughing and sharing things that normally we might wait much longer before sharing with another person. This was very strange for me, because I'm normally pretty slow to open up to anyone. Jose seemed to be that way too, I discovered and we chatted.

Once we started being more at ease with each other, I started seeing Jose differently than I ever had before. He and I had seen each other off and on over the years when his mother, Maria, would sometimes bring him to the house with her. On those occasions, we'd gotten along all right, but not like two boys of the same age. Maybe I had sort of discounted him as much younger than he actually was.

While we talked though, I realized that Jose was actually a rather intelligent and likeable person. He certainly didn't talk or act like the "kid" I'd always taken him for. His personality aside though, there were other things I was noticing too.

As I listened, I would watch him talk, the rise and fall of his brilliantly white teeth as his full lips hid and revealed them, his small pink tongue dancing in between the clashing enamel. His nose was small and more rounded than pointed at the end. His eyes though were the things that most held my attention. Beneath his very long, dark lashes, his eyes were large, deep and a shiny black. As he talked, I could read some of the feeling that he was putting behind whatever he was saying. Flashing when upset, dancing when he was happy or enjoying his topic, mysterious when his long, shiny black hair would flop down in front of on or the other eye in thick, silky locks, his eyes held my rapt attention more than his conversation.

Supporting this beautiful head was his long, slender neck. For some reason I loved watching the space where the muscles joined at the front at the start of his collar bone, which I could see only when he leaned forward, allowing the collar of his t-shirt to fall forward to reveal this delicate junction of bone and muscle.

I guess delicate was the best way to describe him overall. His soft voice and features, the gentle curve of the muscles in his arms and legs, and even his hands, which were small and finely boned as the rest of him, though still very strong looking under the tracery of veins. It was quite a contrast from Alex, who exuded more "machismo" than his younger brother. Jose was still very attractive though, but in a different way. I guess the easiest way to put it was that Alex is more sexual, whereas Jose is more sensual. At this moment, I was a little ashamed to realize that all this time I'd all but ignored one very beautiful guy.

Also at this moment of realization, another part of me seemed to cast its concurring vote, and so to my mortification, I sprang one very large and very hard erection. I quickly crossed my legs before my situation could catch Jose's attention. Here I was, supposed to be listening to my new friend, and I cop a woody. I was very embarrassed.

Fortunately, I was able to re-focus my attention on the conversation at hand, and soon my problem went away. And none too soon, as it turned out. Apparently we'd been there talking and lost all track of time, because out of the corner of my eye I saw Alex walking down the hill towards us. I couldn't believe that it had been a couple of hours already. A look at my watch confirmed that it was now late morning.

I waved to him as he approached us. "Hey guys, how's it going?" he called to us. We both told him that we were doing fine, and he replied "Yeah, I thought it was about time you two got to actually spend some time and get to know each other." I thought that was an odd thing for him to say. Why would he want us to get to know each other? Before I could ask though, he turned and walked over to the edge of the pool, beckoning for us to follow. Getting up, we caught up to him just as he reached the edge of the pool and leaned over, apparently looking for something.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Your mom asked my mom to have me look at some valve on the pool. She said it was somewhere on this side. See if you guys can help me find it." Standing on either side of him, Jose and I leaned out, scanning the side of the pool in search of the mysterious valve. About a second later, I felt Alex's hand on my back, pushing me out over the edge. Next thing I knew, I was airborne. Out of the corner of my eye, my mind registered that I wasn't taking the trip alone, as Jose and I both made our awkward entry into the pool.

Kicking to the surface, both of us sputtering and splashing loudly, I heard Jose's voice as be began yelling a long string of Spanish at his older brother. I didn't catch a lot of it, but I knew he wasn't saying anything close to "thank you". Since most of the Spanish I knew I'd picked up from Maria, who didn't swear in either language, I knew that Alex was getting a royal scolding from his dunked little brother.

Much as I would have liked to be, I just wasn't as eloquent as Jose. "You ASSHOLE!" I yelled at him, punctuating my words with as big a splash of water as my arms could muster in Alex's direction. Jumping back nimbly, and then landed square on his butt as he fell back, laughing so hard he was holding his sides.

As we floated there, Jose and I looked at each other and silently communicated that, yes, there would have to be some form of retribution on Alex. In the meantime, however, Alex had recovered from his laughing fit enough to speak.

"Oh man! That was so perfect. You two fell for that lame-ass excuse and set yourselves up just perfectly!" he said as he broke of into another gale of laughter. "I'm sorry man, but I just couldn't resist. And you both look so funny all wet and bobbing there in the water like that."

This produced another string of invective from Jose, though this time it seemed a little less vehement. He was apparently calming down some from his initial shock. Not enough though to keep him from making threats. "Damnit Alex! Just wait till we get home. I'm gonna fix your ass for this."

"Calm down, little man. You ain't gonna do shit and you know it. Don't be so sore. I was going to have you working with me today, but you can't do anything if you're all soaked. So go on in the pool house and dry off. I'll go ahead and do the work and then we can go do something afterwards, ok?"

Jose tried a withering glare at Alex, but just couldn't bring it off. I could even see the corners of his mouth twitching as he tried to keep from smiling at his big brother's little prank. Still though, he was determined to get some form of payment from Alex. " about the arcade? You're paying for all the games though!" he said.

"Aw man, the way you play, I'll be broke in five minutes. But ok; I'll take you to the arcade. Now you two climb out of there and go dry off. Throw your clothes in the oven and put it on low. And make sure you keep an eye on them so you don't burn them up." With that, Alex turned and walked back up the hill to finish his work.

I looked over at Jose, who had the oddest look on his face. He was looking at Alex's retreating form with a look that said he had a question he was working on in his mind, but wouldn't say.

Then Jose noticed me looking at him. "What?" he asked.

"Nothing. You just looked like you had something on your mind. Something you were wondering about, I guess."

Jose hummed and then said, "well, sort of, I guess. I dunno. I guess I just feel a little like I'm being set up or something. I don't know. It's nothing. Let's go get dried off." He then turned and paddled to the other side of the pool. When he reached the edge, he lifted himself out quickly. I had a sudden flash of deja vu watching him as he stood at the side. I remembered just last week, when Alex had been the one lifting himself out of the pool like this. This was different though. Where Alex was strong and muscular, Jose was graceful and lithe. As his wet t-shirt clung to him, I could see just how thin he really was. Not skinny, but just very finely built.

In a moment I joined him at the side of the pool and we both went into the pool house. It was cooler inside, and our skin quickly broke into goose flesh as the cool air came into contact with the cold water on our bodies.

"I'll go turn the oven on. You can grab the towels and change in the bathroom," I said.

Jose agreed and headed down the short hall. I went to the kitchen area and turned the oven on to low. Feeling the chill a bit more deeply now, I went ahead and took my shirt off, wrung in out over the sink, and set it on the oven rack. Just to be on the safe side. I left the door slightly opened. When I finished this and began wondering what was keeping Jose, I heard him call from the bathroom. "Hey man, where are the towels?"

I realized I'd forgotten to replace the towels after last week. "Sorry about that. There're some in the linen closet in the hall. Hang on a sec; I'll get them." I hollered down from the kitchen. On the way to the bathroom, I grabbed one of the large beach towels from the closet. Without pausing to knock, I entered the bathroom.

Standing in front of the tub was Jose; stark naked. He'd already stripped off his wet clothes before discovering there were no towels. So there he was, in the middle of the bathroom, shivering in the cool air, his damp hair hanging in front of his face in dark, shiny strands. As soon as I'd turned the knob, he must have covered himself up, as he had both hands cupped in front if his genitals. He looked so cute and pathetic at the same time; like a puppy that had been caught outside in the rain. I felt my heart thump suddenly in my chest as my breathing suddenly went shallow.

Regaining my composure, I shook out the towel. "Damn man; I'm sorry about the towels. You look like you're freezing. Here; let's get you warmed up." With the towel open, I wrapped it around his hunched shoulders. Closing it around the front, I began rubbing his upper arms and shoulders briskly to help warm him up.

"Thanks man. I was pretty cold there. That feels a lot better," he said, reaching up to clasp the towel at his front. As I rubbed his upper body, I'd moved closer too him; practically standing over him. As I worked to warm his shoulders to relieve the shivering, he stood perfectly still, clutching the towel in front of him and looking up at me. I looked down, about to ask him if he was feeling better.

My voice caught in my throat. In an instant I was caught in his gaze. There was a strange look in those big, dark eyes of his. I could almost feel the thoughts and feelings that were flying through his head in confusion. My hands slowed from the brisk, stimulating rub to a gentle rub. I could hear his breath, deep and somewhat labored. Or maybe it was my own breathing that was labored. I suddenly found my chest tightly constricted, the air barely passing the lump I felt in my throat. My hands had almost completely stopped, resting lightly on his shoulders. I don't know how long we stood there, me with my hands on his shoulders, him standing there with the towel clutched around his shoulders.

As we stared at each other, his eyes seemed to grow even larger. It took me a second to realize that they weren't getting bigger, but actually closer. He was moving his head towards mine as he held me with his eyes. Suddenly, I felt his lips brush against mine as he kissed me lightly.

It was brief and light; more of a brush of the lips than a kiss. But in that fraction of a second, I felt as though I'd been plugged into the wall socket. I shuddered and gasped and we pulled back from each other in surprise. Had he felt it too, I wondered. My head was swimming and I reached back to the wall to steady myself. I looked at him and saw fear and confusion and longing all at once cross his face. Then he ducked his head, pretending to resume drying himself, giving us both an opportunity to regain our composure.

Somehow, I managed to speak through the blockage in my throat. "Ahem... ah... oh... anyway; sorry about...I mean,; let me get these clothes in the oven for you so they'll dry." Obviously, being able to speak didn't mean being articulate. I found his wet clothes sitting in the sink. I reached for them, giving him a quick look. His face was a picture of fear and longing, obviously wanting something, but afraid he'd erred in his pursuit. I gave him a small, reassuring smile to let him know I wasn't upset. I then quickly I scooped up his clothes from the sink and scurried down the hall to the kitchen.

As I placed his clothes on the oven rack, I noticed that my hands were shaking. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I couldn't believe how it had felt. His lips had been so soft and warm. And that feeling of electricity; what was up with that? My brain was swimming inside my skull as I tried to regain my composure. To help, I tried concentrating on what I was doing rather than what had happened in the bathroom.

I also noticed that I was getting a chill. Then I realized that I was still wearing my wet shorts. That was the source of the chill. Thinking that, if Jose were feeling half as confused as I was, he'd be in the bathroom at least long enough for me to make another trip to the linen closet, I shucked the sopping wet shorts off and placed them on the rack. Then I heard the light tread of feet behind me.

Jose walked into the kitchen area behind me, the towel still clutched around his shoulders, hanging down to just above his knees, and stopped just within the entryway. I turned, quickly covering myself with my hands. "Oh!" he said quietly. "Sorry, I thought you got us both towels."

"I was just going to run down the hall and get one. My shorts were just too cold to keep wearing though."

In the moment before I started towards the entry, I saw a look in his eyes I'd not seen before. He seemed to set himself, as if he'd just made up his mind about something. I quickly learned just what he'd made his mind up about.

"Well, rather than run around in the cold, you could share this towel with me," he said. Then, holding onto the ends of the towel, he spread his arms, exposing himself to me completely, standing there waiting for me to respond.

My breath caught in my throat as I took in the sight of him. His light brown skin stood out against the background of the white towel draped across his arms and back. His body was small but perfectly formed. From his developing chest down the front his flat stomach there was not an ounce of fat on him. His ribs showed only slightly as they curved inward and down to his flanks, which curved smoothly to his narrow waist. The muscles at his hips bulged slightly as they curved around to his front, a light line of shadow converging towards the inside of his slender legs.

At this point, his perfect proportions ended. From between his legs, beneath a slight patch of black pubic hair, protruded a very impressive cock. It had to be between 8 or 9 inches long, aiming upward from its base, the long muscle then curved downward in a gentle arc. It was very thick, the wide, dark head bobbing up and down in time with his heartbeat. It looked like something that would have been more suitable to someone almost twice his size rather than attached to his slight frame. On his lithe little body, it looked truly magnificent.

I had paused for only a second or two to take in this lovely vision. Then I slowly walked up to him, letting him wrap the towel around us both, encasing us together in the soft, terrycloth. As he joined the ends at the back of my neck, his arms pulled me closer, his head tilted up as he drew me against him. His body was warmer and smoother than anything I'd ever felt before. As my own hands wrapped around his ribs, he raised himself up slightly, his slightly parted lips brushing, and then pressing against mine.

I pressed my own lips down in response, pulling his taut body tightly against mine. His hands began stroking the back of my neck, his fingers running up into my hair as our kiss intensified. Soon, I felt his tongue pressing against my lips, pushing its way past and up against my teeth. I opened my mouth a little, and the soft, warm tongue darted into my mouth. My breathing was fast and deep through my nose as his tongue explored my mouth, searching and then finding my own tongue. Soon, our open mouths were pressed tightly together, our tongues searching and exploring each other desperately.

My knees were shaking as we stood there in the entry to the kitchen. My body quivered, but not from cold any more. I felt Jose's body shaking as well as I held him close, my hands running up and down his smooth back. My left hand then gently moved down further, following the inward curve of his spine, then back outward as it passed onto his firm little ass. The curve of flesh fit perfectly in my hand, and I held it there, gently squeezing the firm but pliant flesh.

His own hand had done the same, moving down my back to clutch at my own smooth butt. Then he was pulling my hips against him, pressing my hips against his, and then gently rocking his against mine. My cock was so hard that it hurt as it pressed against the smooth flesh of his belly. I could feel his fat prick sliding gently between and down my legs. I gripped his butt even harder, pulling him too me as much as I could. Both our bodies were shaking, writhing against on another, our breath coming hard and fast through our noses as our lips stayed sealed together.

From deep within his throat, a low, desperate moan was building. Soon he began to cry out harshly from deep within. Harder and faster he rubbed himself against me. Suddenly, he broke our kiss, gasping raggedly for air as I felt his huge prick expand between my hairless legs. It jumped and jerked and I became distantly aware of the hot, thick fluid shooting against my legs. I was only distantly aware because at that moment, my balls were rapidly emptying themselves against his firm, flat belly. We clutched and grabbed at each other as our orgasm washed over us, dragging us down to the depths of our senses, our muscles drawn tight and rigid as we held each other, his fingernails biting into the skin of my ass.

Slowly, the wave subsided, and we stood there, holding to each other, bonded one against the other with our ejaculate. Our breathing evened out as our bodies began to sag against each other. Our climax now being taken over by exhaustion, we slowly slid to the floor. Still wrapped within the cloth cocoon, we laid on our sides. I looked down at him. His eyes were glassy and far away. Then those deep, black pools cleared and he was gazing at me with the most open affection and longing. I felt a heavy thump deep within my chest as I let his eyes draw me in, a slight smile on his lips.

Then his eyes slowly closed, the long dark lashes coming to rest against his high cheekbones. He then turned his head and pressed it against my chest as I pulled him as close as I could while we lay there. My own eyelids were heavier than I'd ever felt them before. I let them close, feeling warm and secure in a way that I'd never felt before.

To be continued...(and it's only going to get hotter!)

Next: Chapter 3

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