Marias Sons

By R.E.M.

Published on Nov 15, 2000


The following is a work of FICTION. That means it didn't really happen!

This work contains descriptions of sex acts between boys/boys, boys/young men, boys/anyone else that may come along during this story's development. If reading such material is disagreeable to your sensibilities or the legal structure of your residence, don't read any further!

This is my first work, so any creative feedback would be appreciated. Moralizing flamers will be ignored, since they'll probably be going to hell anyway.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I would like to first apologize to all of you who I've kept waiting for the continuing adventures of my young heroes. I had intended to continue this and my other story in a much more timely manner, but sometimes the events in one's life don't always allow for one's schedules or commitments.

I would also like to apologize to all of you who wrote and were then kept waiting for weeks and weeks for a reply. I'd promised myself that I would respond to every positive note sent to me as soon as possible. Having failed this, I humbly ask your understanding and forgiveness. I will do better in the future, so please continue letting me know what you think of this work in progress.

My thanks to all of you who wrote in with your very encouraging feedback. With encouragement like that, how could I not continue this story? In fact, I've already started work on a couple of other stories that I hope you'll enjoy as well. Keep `em coming folks! Thanks again!

(from Chapter 3)

Eventually, he grew soft inside me (I wouldn't let him take it out when he offered), and I was able to lower my legs, my hips aching from keeping my legs up and still for so long. I straightened my legs out, running my hands up and down his back, pausing to cup his perfect ass as he lay still on top of me, our bodies glued together with my cream. Lifting his head from my shoulder where it had lain, he looked at me and I at him. His face glowed, his dark eyes sparkling at mine as a small, wistful smile spread across his lips.

"Oh my God," he said, still a little breathless. "That was the most incredible thing I've ever felt. You are so wonderful. I'm so glad that Alex brought us together like this. We'll have to find a way to thank him."

I instantly agreed with him on all of his points. And yes...most definitely...we would have to find a way to thank Alex.

Maria's Sons -- Chapter 4 (Thanking Alex)

I don't know how long we lay there on the bed, his warm smooth body pressing down on mine as we basked in the afterglow of our spent passion. Eventually though our breathing returned to normal, and we reluctantly separated and stood up. I had to pause for a couple of seconds before attempting to follow Jose into the bathroom, because my legs were weak and quivering from Jose's intense fucking.

When I felt steady enough, I walked to the bathroom following Jose. I watched his butt flex and bounce as he walked ahead of me. Even though I'd just had the most intense climax of my young life, I could feel myself stirring at the sight of those two perfectly rounded, smooth brown orbs of flesh. His steps were light and graceful as he went down the short hall and into the bathroom.

Getting there ahead of me, Jose turned on the shower and step inside the stall. Turning, he looked at me invitingly with his huge brown eyes. Reaching out, he gently took my hand and pulled me into the shower with him, wrapping his arms around me and pressing his warm body to mine.

We stood there in the shower, the warm water running down our bodies as we kissed and fondled each other. Even though we'd both just cum, we were already as hard as nails again, his downturned cock pressed against my thigh as mine pressed against his smooth, flat belly. Our hands couldn't leave any portion of our bodies untouched as they roamed and explored every millimeter of smooth, teen flesh.

I picked up the soap from the dish mounted to the wall and began lathering Jose up. I started at his shoulders, my soap-slicked hands moving across and then down his arms effortlessly. I then moved back up his arms and across his smooth chest, my fingertips rubbing and tickling his hard brown nipples. Then down further, my hands reaching around his sides, my fingers gliding over the ridges of his ribcage while my thumbs traced down his firm abdomen, gliding over the taut stomach muscles.

At his waist, I slid my hands around to his back, moving upward quickly to feel the supple muscles, then back down, fingertips dancing along his backbone. Following the curve of his spine, my hands moved inwards as they went down, then curved back out as reached the uppermost portion of his firm, round ass. I massaged and kneaded the strong muscles of his cheeks, my hands gliding smoothly over the hairless skin.

Still holding and caressing one cheek, my other hand slid around his slender waist back to the front. From his shallow navel, I moved my hand down until the fingertips felt the sparse growth of hair at the base of his cock, and then the base itself. Quickly, I wrapped my hand around as much of it as I could, and began soaping the hard appendage.

His skin felt as if it were burning in my grip. It may have just been my imagination, but I could have sworn that the large muscle was actually vibrating as I began soaping its full length slowly. Thick with lather, my hand went from the base to the hanging tip. Then I turned my grip, and moved back up the full 8-plus inches. When I got back to the base, I slid my hand between his legs, cupping and fondling this hairless ball sack and the two jewels inside.

The whole time I lathered Jose up, our lips never separated. His hands were exploring my own body just as freely and sensually as mine were his. His hands were so soft yet strong as they caressed and fondled and teased my smooth, 15-year-old body. His grip on my ass was loving and firm, and as he soaped up my 7-inch cock, he squeezed and released me in perfect time with his strokes. Soon we were both on the edge again, about to go flying out into the void.

That's when we pulled back, difficult though it was. "If we're going to be thanking Alex the way I think we're going to thank Alex, don't you think we should save this for then?" I asked breathlessly. He looked up at me with those deep, dark eyes, his full lips pouting slightly, and I felt a sudden, heavy "thud" in my chest. The moment passed, and he was smiling up at me in the blink of an eye, but still it had been there, and my reaction to it puzzled me. But this was not the time to explore it any deeper. With him smiling up at me, I couldn't help but feel good about everything. Soon we were giggling and horsing around in the shower as we finished getting cleaned up.

After we'd finished and dried off somewhat, we decided to go swimming. We were both still rock- hard, and if we didn't find some other activity soon, we would definitely be at it again. Since we'd both been tossed into the pool fully dressed, we didn't have any swim gear with us. I rummaged around the pool house, but couldn't find any extra trunks anywhere. Finally we decided to just go ahead and skinny dip. Jose's mom, Maria, never came down by the pool area, and pool had high hedges growing around it, so we figured we were safe enough.

Still though, we did wrap towels around our waists before we walked outside, just to be on the safe side. Once outside and we were certain the coast was clear, we stripped off the towels and both took running jumps into the pool. The cold water was quite a shock after the warm shower and hot sex we'd just had. One advantage though, the cold did make us both go soft very quickly as our dicks tried to retreat towards the warmth of our bodies as much as they could.

So for the next hour or so, we swam and splashed and played in the water, enjoying the cool water and the warm sun. Occasionally we would take a breather, hanging onto the side of the pool as we floated, and laid our plans on how to "thank" Alex for bringing us together. Soon we had it pretty well figured out, and spent the rest of the time just talking about nothing in particular.

About the time we were ready to get out of the pool and retrieve our clothes from the kitchen in the pool house, Jose spotted Alex walking down the lawn towards us. We were at the edge of the pool closest to him, so he wouldn't be able to see we were naked unless he stood right over us. With any luck, he would walk right up to the edge of the pool, making our plan all that much easier to implement.

When he finally got close enough for us to hear him, he called out, "Hey kids; I would have thought you'd have had enough of the pool for one day!" He laughed at his little joke, but we just floated where we were, up against the side of the pool, our arms resting on the ledge.

"Hey, I hope you guys aren't sore at me or anything. I was just playing. I had to figure out some way to get you two to relax with each other some. Judging by the look on your faces, I'd say you boys have been doing pretty well in that department." He laughed again, stepping still closer until he was standing right over us.

"'Kids? Boys'?" I said, turning my head to face Jose. "Did he actually just call us kids' and `boys'" I asked Jose.

"Yes. Yes I do believe that he did refer to us in that manner. I don't really think that's really and appropriate title for us, do you?" Jose replied, matching my teasing tone.

"Hmm...well; I think we should do something to correct his error. What do you think?" I asked.

"I really don't know. That is a good question though. But whatever we do, I suggest we do it soon. Preferably now, in fact." Jose answered.



With that last `now', Jose and I lifted ourselves up, bracing ourselves by planting one hand on the edge of the pool. We only used one hand because our other ones were reaching up to snag on the waistband of Alex's cut-offs. Alex never saw it coming, and by the time he figured it out, it was too late. With both of us tugging, pulling him down as we sank back into the water, Alex went down and forward, barely managing to spare himself a belly-flop by trying to curl his body to absorb the impact.

Jose and I watched as Alex came to the surface, splashing, sputtering and blowing water all over the place. The look of surprise on his face was priceless, and both Jose and I were having a good laugh while he took a few seconds to calm down. "You little shits!" he exclaimed, though he laughed when he said it.

"Gee," Jose and I said. "I guess you need to go dry out your clothes, huh?"

Now we were the ones laughing as we swam across the width of the pool to the side closest to the pool house. Once there, we lifted ourselves neatly onto the ground, the water running off our naked bodies, giving Alex a healthy eyeful of our little teen butts. I couldn't resist looking back at Alex as he floated there, a very interested look on his face. I grinned quickly at him and then, without another word, Jose and I walked to the pool house, retrieving our towels along the way.

Alex certainly didn't need a brick wall to fall on him. From behind me I could hear him paddling over to the side of the pool. Another splash and the sound of water dripping onto the cement. Drying ourselves as we went, Jose and I walked into the pool house, and went directly to the coffee table. We turned towards the door and sat on the low table just as Alex came in, still dripping wet. We both looked up towards him, our naked bodies on full display. Already we were both firming up nicely between our legs. For a moment, I glanced down at Jose's crotch, catching a quick look as it pulsed and grew, bending down between his slender legs.

Looking back at Alex, he stood there for a moment, smiling at the two of us. Then he pulled his t- shirt up and over his head, exposing his lean, hard chest and 6-pack abs. The daylight from the windows reflected off of his damp skin, making his brown body glisten and shimmer as he moved his hands down to undo the buttons of his cutoff jeans.

Suddenly I felt Jose's hand slide across my thigh and firmly grip my stiff cock, now fully hard and jutting up between my legs. His hand was cool at first, but quickly warmed as he held my hot member. I slid my own hand across and grabbed Jose's cock, now completely hard also. It was so smooth and hard in my grip as I slowly slid the taut skin up and down the length of muscle underneath. Then we returned our attention to the show Alex was giving us.

Having unbuttoned his shorts, Alex hooked his thumbs behind the waistband and began slowly lowering the jeans. When I saw the base of his cock below the slight bush of his pubic hair, I could tell from its thickness that he was rapidly becoming very hard. He bent over to remove the shorts the rest of the way, briefly blocking our view. When he stood back up though, there was no missing the fat appendage hanging between his legs as it throbbed and grew before our very eyes.

As Alex walked towards us, his cock continued to grow, rapidly getting stiffer and rising up from between his legs. By the time he reached the table where Jose and I sat, it was fully hard, the whole 10 inches sticking straight out from his groin. Sticking out straight towards us. As we watched, it bounced and jumped slightly in time with his heartbeat. After a few seconds, it gave a larger jerk, and we both watched as a clear, thick drop of fluid oozed out of the slit in the end of the large head. In just that short amount of time, he'd already started pre-cumming.

Simultaneously, Jose and I reached up and wrapped our small hands around Alex's rock hard cock. Neither hand would reach all the way around by itself, so we interlaced our fingers around the thick shaft and pressed our hands towards each other. As we slowly stroked his steely length, we could see more and more of the thick, viscous fluid dripping from Alex's tip. Leaning over, I let my tongue flick out quickly to lap up the sweet juice before it could drip to the floor.

Jose joined me at the head of Alex's cock, and soon our tongues were dancing and playing across the smooth surface of his fat glans. I could taste Alex's pre-cum on Jose's darting tongue as we kissed over and across the tip. Then we began moving down, our lips and tongues suckling and dancing on each side of the rigid shaft as we moved down towards the base. When we got there, we headed back the way we came.

Apparently Alex was enjoying the double tongue action, and he began rocking his hips back and forth, sliding the hard meat between our active lips and tongues. Holding onto the backs of our heads, keeping them still while he fucked himself between our warm, soft mouths.

After a while, Jose slid off the table and got to his knees, driving his face in between his brother's legs as he suck one, and then the other, of the 18-year-old's large nuts into his hot mouth. Staying seated on the coffee table, I positioned my head in front of Alex's stiff cock and pressed my lips against the tip. Moving my head forward, I sucked in as much of the huge prick as I could, my tongue sliding along and across the sensitive under side as I took almost half of it into my eager mouth.

Alex release his grip on our heads as he let us work over his most sensitive areas with our soft, young mouths and tongues. I had his shaft gripped tightly between my two hands, jacking the large meat as I bobbed my head frantically up and down as much of it as I could take in. Jose meanwhile was going to town between his brother's legs, suckling and licking at his ballsack, occasionally driving his tongue behind Alex's scrotum to tickle the perineum with his tongue.

In just a short time, we had Alex moaning and crying out with pleasure as we worked him as hard as we could. My own cock was so hard that it ached between my legs. I could feel my own pre- cum dripping down the underside of my shaft and my smooth scrotum. I loved having Alex's fat prick stuffed in my mouth almost as much as I had enjoyed having Jose's there. But I also knew that this wouldn't be enough for me, that I wanted it all, like we had done last week.

Difficult though it was, I pulled myself away from the tasty cock and stood up. Tapping Jose on the shoulder, I motioned for him to move back, so that Alex could move to the low coffee table. They were both more than willing to move to this new position, and in a few seconds, Alex was flat on his back, his monster rod stretching up past his belly button as it lay on his hard, flat stomach.

Jose didn't waste anytime, and dove between the larger boy's legs, his head and tongue moving frantically as he now had better access to the sensitive spots just behind Alex's hanging balls. As for me, I moved around, getting to my hands and knees along Alex's side with one hand reaching across his waist so that my head was directly over his crotch.

Grabbing himself, Alex lifted his hard on so that it was pointing right at my face. Dropping my head, I quickly took the fat head into my mouth, swirling my tongue along the spongy surface. Then, taking a deep breath, I plunged downward, shoving the head past the back of my mouth until it stretched my throat enough to bury itself there. Fortunately, Jose had seen what I was doing and had moved back, otherwise we would have bumped heads as I drove down, taking Alex's full 10 inches all the way into me.

I think I surprised Alex with my quickness and eagerness, and he cried out in surprise and pleasure as my hot, slick throat surrounded his cock. I held him there for a moment, gently squeezing and releasing the hard muscle that seemed to go all the way to my stomach, before I backed off, leaving a thick coating of mucous covering the whole shaft. This made it easier for me to jack him off while I regained my breath, my hand gliding over the slickened skin.

Jose now moved around to Alex's other side, and wrapped his hand around the thick shaft just above mine. Leaning Alex's cock towards his own mouth, Jose began sucking on it, giving me the chance to catch my breath and giving me quite a show as well.

I leaned back and watched as Jose lips were stretched wide by his older brother's thick tool. I thought for sure that Jose, being as small and delicately featured as he was, could never take all of that monster. But I watched in amazement as he continued down the glistening length of Alex's cock, until he bumped to a stop where I was sure the head was firmly lodged in the back of Jose's young, teen mouth.

Then, unbelievably, he continued down, shoving the head past the tight opening of his throat and down it's tight tube. I could actually see his slender throat expand as it was filled with his brother's massive prick. Like me, he held it there for a bit, and I could see the muscles in his neck flexing as he massaged the hard invader. When it was time for air, he withdrew, sliding up quickly. When his throat was no longer blocked, I heard him inhale deeply and the watched as he drove himself back down, this time taking all of Alex much more quickly.

I was surprised at how turned on I was at watching Jose's masterful manipulation of his big brother's massive tool. All of this had been part of our "thanking Alex" plan, but now that I was watching Alex's long, brown cock disappear into Jose's beautiful, delicate mouth, I was about ready to shoot all over myself. After a short while though, Jose pulled away and looked over at me. Leaning over, I kissed Jose deeply, my tongue rubbing against every part of his mouth, as I tasted both Jose and Alex.

Breaking the kiss, I looked into Jose's beautiful eyes. We both smiled at each other as if we shared a special secret. Then the moment passed, this not being the time for exploration, and we returned our attention to the straining snake we now held in our hands.

The time for teasing was over, and Jose and I went to work on Alex in earnest. Taking turns, we were plunging his huge cock all the way down our throats, trading off when we needed a little extra air. The effect on Alex was quite noticeable, he began to writhe and squirm while our teen mouths attacked his straining cock. Very quickly, we both felt Alex's muscles tighten, and we knew he was about to blow.

Just in time we both pulled back. Under our hands, we could feel Alex's cock expand. We both looked down to see it get even longer and thicker as he let fly with a shot of come that would have taken either of our heads off had we still been sucking on him. I watched as it arced up and over Alex's body to land on the floor a good five feet past his head. Then I looked back to watch the rest, as shot after shot of his hot cum started flying everywhere. Underneath us, Alex was gasping and crying out, his face and chest quickly soaked under the barrage of his own cream. His breathing was harsh and ragged as his climax finally began to taper off.

It was the most incredible orgasm I'd ever seen. Judging by Jose's wide-eyed staring, it caught him rather by surprise too. As we kneeled there at Alex's side, we continued to grip his still-hard cock in our two hands. Leaning over, I began suckling on the hard, brown nipple closest to me. Alex yelped and jumped, his whole body tightening up. Though he pushed me away, I still enjoyed his reaction, especially watching his lean, muscular body as he slowly came down from the heights. Every muscle was deeply etched under his bronze skin. His chest rose and fell as he gasped, trying to draw more air. Of all the times I'd watched Alex as he'd worked around the house, this was the best I'd ever seen him; totally naked, awash in post-orgasmic bliss.

I was then distracted by a soft tapping at my shoulder. I looked over to see Jose looking at me. He then jerked his head down, indicating that I should look that way. I looked back down in the direction he wanted, and saw that we both still had a firm grip on Alex's cock. But more important than that, Alex was still very...very...hard. Looking back up, I met Jose's grin with my own.

"Well," he said. "I guess this means we will get to do Phase Two, huh?"

Glancing down again briefly, I answered, "Yes; I guess it does."

Apparently Alex had recovered enough to actually pay attention to what we were saying. "Phase Two? Phase Two of what? What are you guys talking about?" he asked.

Grinning at each other, Jose and I prepared to explain Phase Two.

(to be continued)

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry to leave everyone hanging on this one, but it ran a little longer than I'd originally planned, and I've kept everyone waiting long enough for this much. Hope to have the next part out real soon for all of you, so please bear with me and hang in there. R.E.M.

Next: Chapter 5

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