Marine Bottom Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 1, 2023


Ed did occasionally say things, or do things, that Joel noted as showing that he still had a good amount of arrogance and feistiness in him. That pleased Joel immensely. One thing that characterized his former relationships with subs, was that the minute they became too subservient, he lost interest. He had a feeling that from all of his years as being used to being an alpha male, ed wasn't going to lose that attitude for a while. Yes, he could keep it under control for periods of time, but like poking a bear, if Joel pushed just a bit more than usual, the arrogance would come out. And then Joel could break him again.

The night they had gone out, to the bar, and then to the party, was one time. After they had left, Joel told ed to walk with his hands behind his back, like a proper sub. ed had refused: he told Joel it was uncomfortable. Joel got his way when he reminded ed that he was still in the cock cage, and he could stay in it for another two weeks if his attitude didn't improve. When they got back to the apartment, Joel grabbed a small stretch of rope, and tied ed's hands behind him. "Point out your tits subboi." ed sighed, and did it. He knew he was gonna lose. Joel started playing with his nips through the blue flannel shirt - one of his favorites, because the fabric irritated ed's nips just enough. "So, did you enjoy the party?" "No sir. I felt like everyone was staring at me." Joel smiled. "They were. They're not used to seeing such a fine specimen like you as a sub. And they're wicked jealous of me. I think sometimes I'm gonna come home and find out you've been kidnaped and there's a ransom note." ed said nothing. He didn't know if being another man's prisoner would be rougher than being Joel's. He was trying to resist what happened every time Joel played with his nips - and he was losing. "Let's face it eddie boi. If I didn't know about these, you wouldn't be in the position you are." "That's correct Sir." Then Joel smiled. "All those gay men saw you at the bar . At the party. I wonder what would happen to you if, oh, they knew that the way to get into ed ross' pants was through his nips." "They'd have to be pretty strong Sir. I'm not that easy to take down" "Yeah , you were a challenge, but it can be done. " Joel smiled. "Ever hear of a gang bang, edmundo? I think even you would have trouble defending yourself against six guys." ed began to think about that. Getting fucked by Joel was one thing. Having four, five , or six men at him , was another. "I understand Sir. I'll try not to disobey you."

And he did. But the arrogance was there. He simply couldn't completely accept Joel as his complete DOM. Joel saw it again , the next day. He had told ed he was taking him clothes shopping, and he did. At the store, he told ed they had to find his correct size. "I know what my correct size is Sir. It's the size of the shirts I wear to school." "Nah, that may be what YOU think is the correct size. I want you in things that flatter your gorgeous body more." ed sighed. "Please Sir. They're not as comfortable. I have to suck in my gut, and..." "and your tits point out. Like a bimbo bitch." ed blushed. That's what he was thinking , but he didn't want to say it. "Try on this shirt. And then this one. I'll decide what your size is." It was one of the rare times that Joel let ed wear an undershirt: it was the only way the store would let him try on different sizes. So he did, and when he put on one where it was clear that he had to suck in his gut to button it, Joel smiled. "THAT'S YOUR SIZE. Now it's time to get colors." ed was a plaid flannel kinda guy. That was what he liked. Not Joel. So they came back with a slew of pastel cotton shirts: white, ecru, ed's thinking was that he would put on one of the shirts Joel liked, then change at school, and change back again before he got home. That was before Joel went through his closet, and cut up every shirt he didn't like . ed steamed. He thought about trying to take on Joel again, but stopped. He knew he'd lose. Especially with the cage. A knee to his crotch would totally immobilize him. Joel had thought of everything.

Shopping for pants went the same way. Joel was watching. If ed could close the pants easily, they weren't coming home with them. If ed had to suck in his breath, and squeeze, they were. "Pants like that give you just that little bit of roll of your belly over your pants, eddie boy. I LOVE that in you. " Joel proved it that night: with eddie wearing a very pale tan pair of new pants, and a white oxford, he tied ed to the chair and set a timer for thirty minutes. "At the end of the timer, you're getting fucked. Period. And you're getting tickled for every minute you can't get out of the ropes. Thirty minutes later, still helpless, ed sighed. "You win Sir. I give up. " And he did . He gave up his ass, and he gave up his ribs and pits. While Joel was tickling him, he saw that ed's hair was growing back. Hmmmm.

Joel backed off with baiting ed for a while, but then.. his wicked mind came up with some ideas. First, one night, while they were hanging out after studying, Joel pulled out an album. It was from college. He turned to a picture. It was from the wrestling team spread. "See that dark haired guy? The big tall one." "Yes sir. He's handsome." "Well, he was my sub for the last two years of college." ed's eyes bulged "HE WAS SIR?" Joel laughed. "Hell yeah. See, Tom was undefeated as a wrestler. We were in different weight classes, so we didn't complete. But I had figured out tom's achilles' heel: he had a pressure point, right where his neck met his shoulder. And I used to go right for it. Every single time, I'd get him, and he'd be on the floor, under me. If he tried to block me, he'd leave the rest of his body open, and I'd just mow him down." "You really have a wicked mind, Sir." Joel smiled, and ran his fingers across ed's tit. "You have a problem with that?" "Uh, no Sir. I don't think so. Can I ask Sir? How did you learn about my nips?" He laughed. "You were yelling at Polly once not to touch them. You gave it away." "So.. you were thinking of taking my ass that long ago, Sir?" Joel kissed the top of ed's head. "Sweet stuff, I was planning on making you my sub from the day you walked into the apartment with your bag and your attitude I had at least one other plan to do it. I was gonna grab you when you came in the door, put you in a sleeper, and then tie you up and break you. But then you threw the first punch. I defended myself. " He stuck his fingers into ed's left pit. "And as they say, the rest is history." He began tickling ed, mercilessly, until they were on the floor. He pinned ed down and kissed him, until ed was actually trying to get more tongue. That's when Joel found another hotspot on ed. For now reason at all, he began very gently chewing on ed's chin. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" came the reaction from ed, followed by "Sir. Please unlock me. I can't handle it anymore. " "You get fucked first. Deal? " "Deal Sir, but please.." He didn't have to add "Deal." Anytime Joel said he was going to release ed, he did. And that night he asked "You wanna do it yourself, or have me do it?" "Please Sir . Tonight I have to prove that I can do it myself."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx The time that he conquered ed's arrogance that made Joel most proud, however, was still to come. Joel came home one day, to a letter from one of the biggest law firms in NY, and a phone message. He had a job offer. A GOOD one. It was a summer job, and it paid close to 1800 a week. Joel had never thought he'd earn that much money in his life. It meant a few things. First, it meant a non-university apartment was an option. And it meant... well... Ed came home from classes that day, and put down his books. He was wearing a light blue shirt and white khaki pants: he looked gorgeous. (at least two women had told him that). He assumed that Joel would want to play with him, the way he did almost every day when he got home. In fact, Joel did. "Sit with me on the sofa ed. I need to talk to you about something important. " "Am I in trouble Sir?" Joel laughed. "Nah. Not this time. You didn't forget your choker, you dressed like I told you, and you weren't late. All is good. I got some info that can change our lives a bit. I got a job offer today." "HEY CONGRATULATIONS SIR." ed go up to start stripping, and Joel stopped him. "No no. Not yet. You know how that damn bed is really too small for us." "Yes sir, it is." "Well, with that kind of money, we can move into another place. Bigger.

With more room." ed was silent. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... if I can turn this job into a permanent offer, for after graduation, you my pretty, won't even have to work. You can stay home and be, essentially, my wife." (Now , Joel didn't mean any of the stuff about ed staying home. He just knew it would rile him. And he loved sex after he conquered ed. The moving? He meant. ). "Uh, you want me to give up the MBA program? " Joel knew he had gotten to ed. He had forgotten the "Sir." "NO. Not at all. But I think the idea of someone with an MBA who basically is your wife, does the laundry, cleans the house, tends to your needs, and makes himself available whenever you want.. that's fucking hot. " ed was silent for a minute. "You know, I'm not even sure I'm gonna live with you at the end of the academic year." (Now, Joel had already decided that ed had no choice in that one. And he had a feeling ed WAS sure he was gonna live with him). Joel looked at him, sternly. "WHAT THE FUCK MAKES YOU THINK YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY ABOUT THIS?" "I'm an adult . I'm a FUCKING ADULT JOEL. I can make my own decisions. You think you fuck me because only YOU want to. NO. You fuck me when I want you to." Joel laughed. "All the time?" ed blushed. Joel knew he was getting angry. "You know, you're awfully fucking confident Joel" He laughed some more. "Why shouldn't I be? I took down this big hunky ex marine who now says 'semper cock' instead of 'semper fi." ed stood up. "I'm not putting out for you anymore." Joel stood up too. "You're putting out RIGHT NOW. " "FUCK YOU" Joel laughed. "You fucking me. That'll be the day." THAT turned the switch, and ed charged. All the pent up frustration came out. He had forgotten the rule: never fight when you're angry. You're out of control. And he was. Joel had no trouble getting him into a submission hold: something that some would call an abdominal stretch. He had ed begging for mercy in less than ten minutes. "FUCK. I just can't win." "Tell you what soldier boy. Let's keep it going. Whoever wins has to win with a submission, a pin, and a sleeper. So I'm up 1-0. I need two more. You need three." Joel slipped off his shirt. "You ready?" ed was so ready he nearly popped the buttons on his shirt. "You're on." This time, he wrestled more carefully, but Joel was cagey. He knew that if he got ed frustrated and angry, he'd be easy pickings. So he teased. He taunted. He'd poke ed, make fun of him, slip out of his way, and then, when ed finally charged, Joel responded. ed had charged wildly, and it wasn't difficult at all for someone as experienced as Joel to get his shoulders pinned to the floor. "Two down ed. You're going down." "FUCK YOU. I'm not gonna fall into one of your sleepers. " Then he did. He felt Joel's fingers pressing into his temple, and he felt his strength going. "AW FUCK. AW FUCK. AW....." He was out like a light. Until Joel finished tying him spread eagle to their table, and smacking his face to wake him up. "DAMN IT. LET ME THE HELL GO." "Not till I get what I want. And it ain't your ass . I'm gonna get that anyway." "What the fuck you want?" "First, I want a promise you're living with me." "GO TO HELL" ed would long regret saying that. The chastity cage left his balls unlocked, and open to attack. And attack is what Joel did. He grabbed. He twisted. He pulled. "Whaddya say ed? " He saw the level of pain on ed's face. GOOD. The punk needed to learn. "Whaddya say?" "Ok, Ok . we live together. We live together. FUCK. Let me go. " "Not yet edmundo. You gonna be my wife?" "FUCK NO." Joel disappeared and he came back with the electric toothbrush, and the hitachi wand. "You sure?" Joel had used them both on ed, but never at the same time. He began to sweat. He didn't answer Joel's question. Joel turned on the wand, and touched it to the cage. That's when ed realized he had never been in the cage for the wand. Now he knew why. "MOTHER FUCKER. MOTHER FUCKING FUCKER..." He began to whimper. Joel had a free hand, and he took the toothbrush, and began running it over ed's feet, while the wand was still on. The combination almost made ed pass out. It was like the day Joel made him submit, only worse. He couldn't take it. "OK OK. YOU WIN AGAIN. You want a wife, I won't work. I'll be your housebitch. I'll be your housewhore. Anything you want Sir. ANYTHING YOU FUCKING WANT." Joel turned off the wand. He turned off the toothbrush. He got a cool rag, and wiped down ed's sweat. He touched it to the tears. "You think I'm that much of a bastard, ed? You think I'd tell you you can't work?" "I... I thought you just did Sir." "No, you dumb blond. What I said was: if I asked you to it. I expected you to. I'm the DOM, you're the sub. You do what you're told." "Then, you're not telling me to give up working?" "FUCK NO. I LOVE the idea of you being at the office, in your suit and tie, locked in a cage, a butt plug up your ass, wondering when you can get home and get the real thing from me." He bent down and kissed ed "You wanted the MBA for longer than I wanted you. You get that MBA. You get a great job. And you remember who's boss." "Yes sir. Fuck me Sir. Fuck me with the cage on. Fuck me harder than you ever did before. " Joel got to work. He didn't know if it were harder than he ever did, but he gave it his all. "Please Sir. Tonight, instead of sleeping spoon, can I lay on your chest? PLEASE?" That was not a problem.

Two days later, ed had a job offer. It was at a business two blocks from the firm that had given Joel an offer.

Next: Chapter 11

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