Marine Bottom Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 8, 2023


The letters that Joel and ed received were the start of a flood more. Over the next 2 weeks, they each received multiple offers, and wound up taking summer internships that paid, together, just over $3400.00 a week. "It's enough for a new place," Joel announced to ed, and the planning began. They found a one bedroom apartment, about a mile from the university housing, and the moving began. The parts of the place that had Joel most excited was the size of the bedroom - big enough for a real bed - and a larger living room . As he put it to ed "There's enough room to push the furniture out of the way, and wrestle."

Ed decided that, if they were going to be wrestling more, he would work out accordingly, and when the time was right...

While they were packing to move, Joel made ed wear his "marine slut" outfit: the t shirt with the holes cut at the nips, and the tight red shorts. "Gotta keep my energy up while I'm working marine boy. Seeing your ass, thinking about your tits... I get so encouraged. " ed could only answer "yes sir." His big impediment, while they were packing, was the chastity cage ed made him wear. "Just a little longer" ed was thinking. "Just a little longer." And he increased his workouts at the gym.

Joel had humiliated, or in his words "humbled" ed , more than once. The "last straw" for ed came during the move. He was in the "slut" outfit, and there was a loud, LOUD banging on the door. Joel was carrying something out of the bedroom in the back, so ed opened the door. It was Polly. He reddened right away. "Polly. I didn't expect you. " She did not look happy, and when she looked at his outfit: "WELL IF YOU HAD ANSWERED ONE OF MY PHONE CALLS YOU WOULD'VE KNOWN." "Polly, your dad made clear that I wasn't supposed to contact you." She looked up and down at ed "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WEARING? " That's when ed felt Joel's arm around his middle, and Joel's chin resting on his shoulder. "Good morning Polly. We'd ask you in for coffee but, as you can see, well. " "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" "You wanna tell her ed?" ed was silent. "You sure? " More silence. "Ok, then I'll tell her. But I think you figured it out Polly, you're smart. Know what I'm doing to ed? I'm FUCKING him. And I'm doing a better job of it than he did to you." "Well, that won't be hard," she muttered. "HEY. That wasn't fair," ed got out, before Joel told him to be quiet. "Polly, you just gotta understand. See that collar on ed's neck? He's mine. I'm not just fucking him. He belongs to me. Right ed? "Joel reached up and pinched one of ed's nips. "That's right Sir. It's right Polly. Joel mastered me. I'm his property now." "WHAT? WHAT? This is fucking SICK you two. " "Know what's sick? " Joel asked Polly. "Your father throwing a fit over ed not liking women. He figured it out, he just didn't tell you. " He looked at her. "I'm not giving him up. So , either you can help bring something down to the van, or you can leave. " "FUCK BOTH OF YOU. I'M TELLING MY DAD. " "Wow. That's adult Polly. REALLY adult. Get out. Get out now." Then she began to cry "Will you at least give me your new address?" "Look it up on line. Now LEAVE. We've got work to do." Through all of this, Joel had his fingers on ed's nips, and Polly could see the way his face moved when Joel pinched him. She never saw him try to get Joel's hand off of him. She left in a huff. "Why the fuck did you have to upset her, Sir?" "Better now than later, marine boy. And you know what? Having to fight for you, made me hot. Let's take a break." They went off to the bed and Joel fucked ed for the last time on that rickety old thing. They got the last of the stuff out of the apartment, and moved into the new one.


They had about a week and a half before their jobs began. Joel and ed unpacked, threw stuff out, moved stuff around, and of course, every night, tired as they might be, Joel had some kind of sexual "game" for ed. One night it was edging. Another night, it was nipple torture with the clamps. Another, it was the vibrator on his balls while he was tied up. ed never got to protest when Joel fucked him, because Joel had really gotten into gagging ed. He loved the soft moans that came out of ed when he shoved his cock into his ass. Another game he loved, was making ed keep on his "work clothes" until he was home, because Joel usually got back later. Then he'd tie ed down, and undress him himself, little by little. He started making ed responsible for locking up his own cock: he let ed sleep, uncaged, but in the morning, after the wake up piss, he expected to see his boi locked. All of this was making ed fume. And then, that day that Polly came over. He worked out harder and harder at the gym. After they had been in the new apartment for about a month, after dinner, he spoke up.

"Joel," (this caught Joel's attention, since ed hadn't called him Sir), "I'm challenging you." Joel looked up. This sounded like fun. "Tell me about the challenge Marine Boy." "Wrestling. If I win, I can go free. If you win, well...." Joel smiled. "I get to do anything I want and you don't complain." "OK, that's fair." "I'll tell you exactly what I want right now: a full body shave for you. Chest. Pits. Pubes. Even your sexy legs." Ed gulped. Now he'd better win. "You'll let me leave if I win?" "Of course. When do you want to do this?" "Saturday morning." "Sounds good. Tell you what ed. Since I've kicked your ass so badly, so often, I'll put the odds in your favor. You only have to beat me one time. Any way you can. For me to win, I have to take you down three times. One pin, one submission, one sleeper." ed smiled. He felt like he had gotten to Joel . "Deal. Should we shake on it?" Joel held out his hand. "Keep in mind you're still bottoming for me until then. "


They agreed to start wrestling at 11 on Saturday morning. Joel also let ed sleep uncaged, and without any kind of sex, so that he could rest. Their king size bed was ample for letting them sleep separately, while in the same bed. Friday night, ed began to get nervous. He THOUGHT he had gotten to Joel, but he must be pretty confident, if he thought he could take ed in three falls before ed could take him in one.

They began moving the furniture out of the way at 10:30. Then they stripped down. "My my. Just look at all my marine boy's muscles. The gym's been good to you stud. I'm gonna have to get you a bigger leather band when we're done. ed was eyeballing Joel. He didn't really pay much attention to Joel's body, but Joel had clearly been working out too. He was wiry, but his muscles stood out. "Let's go blondie" and Joel got into stance. They were wearing only shorts, and they began circling each other. ed knew he had to pay attention. He was stronger than Joel, but Joel was smarter, craftier. He knew more about wrestling. He had to look for an opening. Joel wasn't giving him one.

"Maybe we should dance, eddie. That seems to be all we're doing? " His laugh pissed off ed, and he lunged. It was JUST what Joel was waiting for, and he tripped ed up, bringing him down to the floor. "FUCK. " thought ed. "He got to me." Laying on his belly, with Joel on top of him, most of ed's strength was neutralized. He couldn't reach around and try to grab Joel, and Joel had complete access to ed's legs, which he then twisted into a complex sort of pretzel . He pulled back on ed's ankles. More and more. "Had enough yet , soldier boy? Joel laughed. "FUCK YOU. AGGGGGGH." Joel leaned back more, putting more pain on ed's legs. "Know what eddie babe? You dont' submit, I'm just gonna keep this up." Now he began twisting ed's legs. "You're gonna have to stand up for the rest of this match. Think about it bottom boi." Joel leaned toward the left, pulling ed's legs with him. He had them crossed at the ankle. Ed began to scream in pain. "OK OK. I submit. I submit. I FUCKING SUBMIT JOEL"

"Heh heh. That makes one for me, none for marine boy. You want a rest before we continue, stud?" "Yes please. Five minutes? "Hah ha. Take ten. Need some Gatorade or something? " ed was trying to get up off the floor, Joel held out a hand to help him. He smiled. "You're gonna lose marine boy." "We'll see about that FUCKER. Yeah, I can use some gatorade." "SURE... Joel went off to the kitchen to pour ed a glass of it. That's when ed started fighting dirty. Joel was so exhilarated from the first fall, he didn't hear ed come up from behind and get him in a choke hold. "Oh, that was clever eddie baby. REAL clever. Cheating. Ok.. Didn't they ever teach you not to get too close when you do a choke hold? It's too easy to take you out.. LIKE THIS" Joel threw an elbow into ed's side. HARD. "FUCK. THAT HURT." ed broke the choke hold, and he felt Joel grab him by the hair and drag him back to the living room. "You gonna wrestle fair now, eddie baby? Or... " Joel could see that ed's legs were a little shaky from the first fall. He dived in this time, and ed couldn't get out of the way. Joel had him on the floor again, this time on his back. "Oh, eddie, this is gonna be too easy. How do I pin you? A roll up? Nah. I think simply..." He grabbed ed's wrists, pullled them over his head and as he squirmed, Joel positioned his knees on ed's shoulders and counted "Just like those bad Lucha Libra shows. UNO DOS TRES." And eddie boy, you're down by two." Ed was shaking his head. "Can we go back to the way things were before the challenge, Sir?" "Hah hah. Nope. And I'm not giving you a break this time. You took advantage, and I DO NOT LIKE THAT. " Now it was Joel's turn to dance. ed knew what he was doing. He was trying to get to a position where he could get his own choke hold on ed. Exhausted, ed moved with him, blocking access. Joel would dart in with his hands, and ed would push them away. Then, when Joel saw ed's arms getting just a bit tired, he grabbed his wrist. "OH SHIT" came out of ed. This is how Joel took him down the first time. ed had gotten stronger, but Joel knew too much about body dynamics, and he had ed's arm twisted behind him. Once that happened, he had no trouble pulling ed in closer to him. ed could feel Joel's hard cock. "It's lights out for eddie." Joel began pushing his thumb and forefinger right at the spot on the side of ed's head where the artery bringing oxygen to his brain was positioned. Had they filmed it, ed's struggles would have been epic, and funny.


When he woke up, ed was on the bed. Joel hadn't stripped him, but he HAD tied his ankles and wrists to the corners. He wasn't in the room but ed could hear his footsteps approaching. "Marine boy. You still belong to me. " Joel had a clipper, and a razor in his hand. "Good thing I didn't let you take the collar off." "Joel, please. Can we talk?" "We talked already eddie babe. This is what you wanted. " Joel ran a finger down ed's mid line, from his chin, all the way to his navel, where that finger circled ed. "MMMM. I just LOVE working on your body, marine boy. Just like a car that I bought." He bent down and kissed both of ed's nips, before he licked at them. ed began to squirm. "You know, you have to look at the good about this eddie babe. The good is... Hmmm. I can't think of any." "PLEASE JOEL ANYTHING BUT A FULL SHAVE." "Negotiating with a lawyer again. REALLY bad idea, given your position stud... " Joel tickled ed's pits . He tried to close his arms on them, but Joel had tied him too tightly. "Nope. Those are mine. They are gonna be SO sensitive when I finish with this." He took out the razor. "It's sharp eddie babe, so try not to squirm." ed bit his lips, because if he laughed, he would squirm. He didn't want Joel to cut him. Joel worked with short secure strokes. "Turn your face eddie boy. I got a mirror. You can see how clean it is." ed began to tear up. He used to give Polly grief about her spending so much time shaving her pits. "Makes you look girlie though." He felt Joel working on his other one. "Fair is fair ed. I TOLD you this is what I was gonna want. You could've backed out. "You're a fucking bastard Joel. You know that?" "Yup. And a Dom. YOUR DOM. And you know what you are? A PUSSY BOI. A former marine, who's a goddamn PUSSY BOI who takes cock up the ass." Joel smiled. "And you're gonna take it again when I'm done." He finished up on the second pit. "Now, I've got a scissor somewhere, don't I? Yeah I do. He began cutting away ed's shorts. He brought them up to his nose. "OH, eddie baby. These smell... well, funky. Sweat. maybe a bit of poo juice. And.. do I smell jizz?" "I doubt it." Joel took ed's now exposed cock and squeezed it. "We'll be going back to calling me SIR now, boi. Got it? " "AGGGGGGGH. Yes sir." "You lost. Again. How many times do you have to lose to understand: you're my bitch. NOW SMELL THIS STUFF AND TELL ME THERE'S NO JIZZ IN IT." Joel pushed the cut shorts into ed's face. He forced him to take a deep whiff. There WAS jizz on it. ed had cum a little when Joel had pinned him down. "I think we can turn this into two, maybe three gags for you. Maybe use one to stuff your mouth, and the other one to tie it in. " Joel grinned. "Let's try it. Pube shaving can be... interesting." He tore the shorts into two pieces. He rolled the smaller one into a ball. "Open your mouth." When ed felt the knee on his crotch, he complied. Joel shoved the ball in, and then tied it in place. "MMMMPH " came out of ed. The smell WAS exciting him, and Joel saw it. "OOOH. Ok. Know what? I'm gonna get something and sop up YOUR jizz and mine. That'll be your next gag. " ed's cock jumped. He couldn't help it. "Ok, marine boi. Gonna make you look like a REAL boi. Nice and slow and easy. He turned on the clipper and ed whimpered as his pube hair disappeared. He tried to watch and Joel pushed him back down. "Next time we'll film it boi. Then you can watch it all you want. " ed could feel his pube skin prickling. He hoped that the only one who would see this, was Joel, but he didn't know what Joel had in mind. "Now, tell you what? Instead of washing this off, you can shower after I ... take my victory fuck." Joel untied ed's ankles. He lifted his legs in the air. "Oh, by the way. Don't jerk off when you shower. We're gonna do that when you're done, so I can get some of your jizz." Then he began pushing his cock into ed. "MMMMMMMMMPH. " ed was particularly sensitive today, and Joel's cock seemed particularly thick. Never overly gentle, Joel was downright rough. "Defeated. Beaten. A MANBITCH. That's what you are, ed" "MPHSR" ed was trying to get 'yes sir" out but he couldn't. Normally Joel was fast when he fucked , but today, ed saw the clock tick more than ten minutes, before Joel began pumping faster, and faster, and then finally... after about 17 minutes of solid fucking , he felt Joel's juice filling him. Joel pulled his cock out at the last minute, so that he could shoot some on ed's belly. "Changed my mind. I wanna see you cum now eddie. " Joel moved up to the top of the bed, and undid ed's wrist restraints. ed was too exhausted, and too defeated to try anything. Joel pushed him up to a sitting position. "I wanna see you jerk yourself boi. While I'm having some fun.." Joel began nibbling on ed's ear, licking it, licking his neck and then scraping morning scruff on ed's neck. His fingers found ed's tits, and he began whispering to ed. "You're such a fucking hot motherfucker. And you're MINE. Conquered, just like a prisoner of war. My ed in chains. MMMM. Sort of like a blond hercules." "FUCCCCK." Comparing him to a blond Hercules, did it. Ed began shooting like he hadn't shot in months. "OH SIR. Hold onto me please. I knew you'd win. I knew it. I just wanted to feel conquered again." "Heh heh. I'll defeat you anytime you want. " Joel took one of the rags, and rubbed it into their shared spunk. He kissed ed on the ear. "A great way to celebrate moving in together. Go get cleaned up."


Gentle readers, this story COULD end soon, or it could go on. You'll agree that the last chapter left things opened. Let me have your views. You wanna know more about our marine boi, or you want me to start another story? I'm gonna take ideas for a week or so. Then, if the vox populi says end it, I'll write a final chapter. Let me hear from ya.

Next: Chapter 12

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