Marine Bottom Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 15, 2023


"I know, he's hot isn't he? And finding those uniforms? GOD. That opened up a whole new line of fun." Joel smiled as he talked to one of his friends on the phone. The friend had been at the party where Joel introduced ed as his new toy. ed was sitting in the middle of the living room while the call was going on. He was barechested, wearing his green uniform pants, bound, gagged with a penis gag, and waiting for Joel to come back for the "morning game" as Joel called what they did on Saturday morning. Today it involved tit clamps. ed knew that because he saw them on the table.

Joel didn't use the penis gag often. He preferred cloth. But he had a feeling ed was gonna do some really serious screaming today, and he had to be ready: he was doing weighted nipple clamps.

"Yeah, you're right. Steward called me on the card game so we'll be taking care of that. No worries, I have blindfolds. " There was a pause. "Yeah, come on by. If I can't share with you, who CAN I share with."

He got off the phone and turned to ed, smiling.

"eddie... baby. You know how much I like just seeing you tied up in a chair like that, don't you? I get the thrill of having a REAL serviceman, totally at my mercy. Because I do." "MMMPH. " was all ed could answer. The pants were tight. That's why Joel liked them. In his words "I feel like I could fry an egg on that ass. It's so hot." They were so tight that , fit as ed was, they produced a small roll of his belly at the waist band. Joel LOVED exploiting that. He'd run his finger along it, back and forth, until ed couldn't contain himself, and laughed so hard, he thought he'd split those tight pants. When he made ed wear the cage, it bulged. Even if people didn't know what the cage was, they saw the bulge. The fact that Joel made ed walk with him with his hands behind his back, and wearing the collar, just made things worse. Living here on the Upper West Side, there seemed to be a lot of guys who knew exactly what was going on. They'd salute Joel, and give a WOOF, or just stare at ed with a look of pure lust. When that happened, it aroused Joel even more, and ed would get a particulary rough fucking.

Now, ed approached him "So... marine boi. We haven't used these guys in a while, have we? " Joel brought the nip clamps in front of ed's face. He shook his head "no." "Well, today we're gonna try them with a little twist... See these?" Joel held up a box of fishing weights. "You've gone fishing haven't you?" ed shook his head yes. He had figured out where this was going. "Well, we're gonna see just how much of this your nips can take. So... after I put the clamps on, I'm gonna start adding weight. Just like when you lift. " "MMMMPH MMMMPH MMMMPH" ed was shaking his head no, plaintively, because he knew that it wouldn't do any good. "Now eddie. Just remember. I could be doing MUCH worse to you. And tonight. . MMMM. I can't wait for tonight." Joel put the first clamp on, and then the second one. He pulled them to make sure they were secure, and ed jumped. "Oh, it's gonna get a lot more challenging ed. How's your cock doing by the way? Hard yet? " ed was caged. Joel had locked it that morning. The pressure from the clamps was doing it to him. He was getting much, MUCH harder. "Ok.. Let's start with this one... right in the middle. " Joel took the smallest of the weights, and dropped it in to the chain link right in the middle of the clamps. It pulled both of them. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!! STPPPPPPPPPPPPPPFLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ bellowed ed, and Joel just smiled. "See what that scream did for me, eddie?" He dropped his zipper. ed saw the cock that had mastered him , fully engorged, fully extended, and bright red. He wanted it in his mouth. Joel begin flicking the edges of ed's nips . "How's that feel buddy boi? Feel dominated? Feel owned? Feel like property?" Ed moaned, and shook his head yes. "Then, how you gonna feel with THIS one." Joel took off the weight, and moved to a bigger one. "It's only 2 ounces." 'AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" ed begin to squirm helplessly in the chair. He couldn't do anything and the pain... the pain. But his cock stayed hard. Joel stepped behind him and first ran his morning scruff over ed's ear. He whispered something that ed hated to be called "woman" and then he took the weight, which carried the chain, and pulled it up just a little. "DMGOGLDOGLDODODODODD" ed thought he was going to faint. "How about we go to one more. Just one more?" ed was shaking his head violently, and Joel saw how red his nips were. "Hmmm. Let's get some feeback from eddiebaby." He loosened the gag. "PLEASE SIR. PLEASE. STOP. NO MORE. NO MORE. I CAN'T TAKE IT. " "Ok, eddie baby, I think we can give you a break now... Know what's gonna happen next?" "No Sir. But I think you're gonna fuck me" "Well that's right. But first, we gotta get these off." He smiled. "You're not gonna be happy?" The release may have been more painful than wearing them, and ed screamed. "FFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUFCK." "you know ed, the guys next door know what I do to you. They've asked to come over. So screaming won't do a damn bit of good. "I know Sir. I know. It just helps me a little with the pain." That's all he got out, because Joel shoved his tongue into his mouth. He brought it back and forth teasing ed's mouth. ed wanted badly to pull Joel into him, to take more of the tongue. Tied up as he was, he was helpless. This time, Joel had even tied his pubes up, and they bulged through the rope package. ed had taken pictures, both of ed in full bondage, and close ups of the package. " "I think it's time to get rid of my morning wood." He released ankle restraints from ed so he could stagger to the bedroom . He got ed out of the ropes, and the pants, and the he began running his fingers under ed's balls. "I just wonder... are you ever gonna get to use that cock again?" The finger on his balls was getting ed so excited, he was hyperventalating. "I don't know Sir. I don't know. Not with you. " "Well, not ON me, but I just wonder... if we found the right boi, could we use you as a breeding cow?" "Sir, you want me to fuck another guy... OH SHIT." Joel had just begun tracing circles around ed's hole. "Maybe. I dunno. Not everyone who woofs you wants to fuck you, ya know. Some guys want YOU to fuck them, and then there are guys who want you to fuck THEIR bois, but for now... no worries about that." He pushed ed's legs up in the air. "You ready boi toi?" "Yes sir. Yes. Please. Please fuck my ass." "ha ha. Did you ever even think you'd be saying that, 8 months ago?" "No sir. Never. Not even to a woman with a strap on." Joel paused for a minute. "HEY. You know, maybe I could get back into Polly's graces by.." "OH SHIT" ed thought. Polly used to tease him that she'd do that . Once, when he wasn't aware, she had pushed her finger up his ass, and he shot. She had teased him about it forever: about how he was really a "closet bottom" and needed a man's cock every now and then. As he felt Joel press further inside him, he realized that, instead, he was getting a man's cock EVERY day at least once, frequently twice, and sometimes more than that. In contrast, if he got to use his own cock twice in a week, he was lucky.

As Joel began to speed up his thrusts, he began musing "know marine boi? I know a lot of soldier types who got piercings. Usually their ears, but sometimes elsewhere. I'm really, REALLY thinking about getting that nip pierced." ed grunted as Joel pushed harder. "People already know you own me Sir." "Yeah but the clearer I make it the better. " He pumped faster and faster. He was leaning on a particularly sensitive spot of ed's and ed began to moan and beg for more. He got it. Until the speed Joel was pumping let him know: he was about to explode. And he did. He smiled. "Know something edddie boi? You are just the BEST fuck in the world. " He leaned down to kiss him. ed still couldn't figure out why those kisses got him so excited. Or the nip play. Or feeling Joe's cock against him at night. "I AM gay, aren't I?" he thought." "You get yourself cleaned up boi. I want you spit polish clean for tonight." "Tonight? Are we going out Sir? " "Nope. We're having people over. Some friends of mine. " "Yes sir. Do you need me to cook?" "Nah. We're gonna call in food after we finish having the first part of our little fest. You're wearing dress blues tonight. By special request." ed gulped. If he were going to be in a uniform..."

Joel sent him off to get dressed at about seven. "Gloves too Sir?" "Everything but the hat. I don't want your beautiful blond hair hidden. " The dress blues were tight, and ed had to hold everything in really tight so that he could get into them. As he looked at himself, he thought "Oh geez. If the green pants made his ass look good, the white ones.... " He heard the first doorbell ring. "Let's go answer ed." Ed opened the door, and he felt Joel put his arm around his middle. "HEY GUYS. Some of you met ed already. If you didn't, this is my sub, ed ross. And the uniform is real. He was a marine." "SHIT " said one of the guys. You mean..." "Yup." ed recognized Steward in the bunch. There were six, maybe seven of them. 'ed, get in the bondage chair." "Sir. I don't understand. " "You don't have to. What's the word that begins with P that describes you?" "Property Sir. YOUR property." "THAT'S RIGHT BOI. And I can do what I want with MY property. SIT. " Joel was about to tie him to the chair, but then he asked. "Any of you wanna do it?" ed recognized one of the guys from the party the other week. "Yeah, I'll do it. Hope I don't hurt him." Joel laughed. Has any bottom NOT winced when you tied your knot, George?" George just smiled, and pulled until ed winced. "Now I have something special for tonight. Gotta keep eddie boy surprised. " He produced a blindfold and dropped it over ed's eyes. "Now, because I don't know how he's gonna behave - see this is eddie's first gang bang. ..." Joel pulled out a ring gag. He pressed his knee into ed's locked cage, and when ed screamed, in went the gag. "Not quite the same, guys, but until he gets used to it, solves the tooth problem. Now did you decide? " He put a finger on his lips. They were giggling, and lined up. Tied, gagged, with his lips forced open, and not seeing anything, ed couldn't stop the rape of his mouth. He THOUGHT there were only seven, but.. there were probably at least 12 cocks that went into his mouth. He recognized Joel's so that was 8, but were there others? Or did some guys go twice. When they were done, he heard a voice. "Remember our bet Joel?" Yeah, I do. He knows who you are, so let's ditch the blindfold. You can see the terror in his eyes. "GAGAGGLALALGAAA" the sounds ed made with the ring gag differed from the penis gag. He knew he was about to get fucked by Steward. "DAMN his ass looks so fine. " They untied him, and surrounded by 8 guys, ed had no choice when he got told to get the pants down and on all fours. He saw Steward pull down his pants. "At least he's not as big as Joel," he thought, as he felt Steward enter him. As he did, he realized what a gentle top Joel had been. Steward was rough . VERY rough. ed almost cried from the pain he was inflicting. ed saw the guys taking photos. He heard Steward yelling 'HOT DAMN I'M FUCKING A MARINE."

Then, it was over: for the second time that day, ed had received jizz up his ass. This one though, made him squeamish. "Please sir, can I got to the bathroom?" Steward was laughing "He wants my stuff out of him. Have a good shit, marine boi." Joel looked at him. "STEWARD. You got your payment. Now, enough. You have no business insulting my sub. He took you like a man. " "took me like a manBITCH." "GET OUT STEWARD. GET THE FUCK OUT. YOU WILL NOT INSULT ED LIKE THAT." ed could hear all of that from the bathroom. He wanted to cry , for several reasons, one of them was: Joel was defending him. Little scrawny Joel, was defending his big marine lover. He hear the knock on the bathroom door. It was Joel. "Let me in stud. Look, no one has the right to talk to you, or about you like that." He smiled "except me. Now, you may not like hearing this, but it's the way it is: I can do whatever I want with my property. If I had wanted all of these guys to fuck you, your job is to say "yes sir" and take it. "I understand Sir." "But in return, they respect my property. Steward didn't. He's gone. You can finish up and...he handed ed an enema. "I know these are horrible, but you're done for the night. Purge him if you want." ed looked at him with big, soft doe eyes. "Thank you sir." Then Joel smiled. When you're done, come back out. There's another surprise for you. One you're gonna like." ed sat for a few minutes. He had done some research, and he had read about the lives of a lot of subs, and bottoms. He knew that he had a good situation with Joel: Joel just proved it. And he had a surprise for him? Well....

When he got back in the living room, there was someone new there. A woman. A VERY attractive woman. Red hair. Green eyes. Big tits. She smiled. "Is this my boyfriend for the night? " Joel smiled. "That's right." "OOOOH. And he's a marine. Hi stud. I'm Gloria. Are you ed?" "I AM ma'am." "Why aren't you saluting me, Marine?" "Sorry ma'am." Ed went into full dress salute, and Gloria laughed. "That's not what I meant marine." she stared at ed's crotch and Joel laughed. "Here you go Gloria. He tossed her the key. "It's like a car: unlock it, lock it when you're done, just don't fill it with gas." She smiled and took ed by the hand. "Your Master is a great guy. He's not afraid I'll steal you." "Other bedroom kids." "Sir, it's ok. It's ok." "Yeah, think of it as an early anniversary present." He turned to his friends. "Time to call it a night guys, give the marine a little privacy." ed looked at Joel when the other guys had left. He whispered "Thank you Sir." "Don't be too rough on her, ed." He wasn't. In fact, after three hours, when he couldn't get it up without thinking of Joel, he asked Gloria if maybe they could go out for a drink or something. She smiled. "It's ok big ed. You've got a good Dom. Not many would let you do this. " She gave ed a kiss and dropped him a card. "I'm not gonna lock you. I'm sure you'd rather have Joel do it. Be good to him. He's a good man. " Then she got her coat and kissed him again. "You two make a great couple. Don't fuck it up," and she was gone. ed took a deep breath. He got out of his uniform, what parts of it were still on. He walked into the other bedroom. Joel was sitting there, reading a book. "Sir, can I disturb you?" "Not disturbing me. What's up?" "Gloria's gone Sir. I... I wanted you." He handed Joel the cage. Joel smiled. "Well, I think we can give you a break for what's left in the night." He pushed the blankets aside. "Get in marine boy." ed smiled. "Yes sir." He spooned into Joel, and fell asleep faster than you could imagine. Joel smiled. "He's mine," he thought.

Next: Chapter 14

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