Marine Bottom Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 22, 2023


ed sat in the middle of the living room. He was tied in their "play chair, a big red bandana gagging him. It pushed his tongue back, but didn't keep his drool from spilling out.

He was wearing a snug white shirt with blue stripes, and a pair of extremely tight sky blue chinos. Joel had picked the outfit. The shirt was so snug, that it accentuated his sore right nip. That nip had a ring in it, from the piercing he had gotten four days ago. Joel pulling on it with his teeth, and twisting it didn't help. To "balance" the irritation, Joel had put a small piece of velcro on ed's left nip, and when the cloth of his shirt rubbed against it, his left nip felt the mild irritation that was leading to the swelling in his locked cock.

Joel had gone out to get food for dinner. He didn't know when he'd be back, but he'd stay tied there until he did. Then Joel would fuck him. Occasionally ed would drift off , but then the snugness of the collar he was wearing, woke him up. He was asking himself how the fuck he had allowed himself to get into the position he was in now, with the nipple ring, the collar, and yet more restrictions.

It had happened last week. ed had gone to the gym, as usual. He had to be home by a certain time, or the punishment - this week - was to have to run a mile on the treadmill with the fiberglass inserts in his sneakers. When he finished, he noticed that his socks were torn. He had gone to the shop to get a pair and, realizing that he hadn't brought any cash with him that day, pulled out a credit card. "I'm sorry Sir, but that card has been declined." "FOR TEN DOLLARS?" "I'm sorry Sir. I can't change that." ed was no longer used to being called Sir, so that was a shock, but it was more of a shock to have his credit card declined. He was always assiduous about paying those bills, as soon as they came in. "Must be a mistake. Let me give you a second one." It happened again, then a third time. "What the..." he called the third credit card company. "Yes Mr. Ross. We're aware of the denial. No, there's plenty of credit on the card, however, we have an intercept on that card. Every purchase must be approved by a Mr.... Joel Blake." He got the same answer from the two other cards. FURIOUS, he didn't bother to change, but charged into the apartment in his sweaty gym clothes. He SLAMMED the door. Joel, who was in the kitchen cooking, looked out. "My word. That was startling. Did you just slam the door edmundo?" "DAMN RIGHT I DID JOEL" Joel was wearing his glasses and he looked over them. "Excuse me? Did you say Joel instead of Sir?" "DAMN RIGHT I DID FUCKHEAD. I TRIED TO USE MY CREDIT CARD THIS AFTERNOON AND..." "AH. You've now had your first exposure to FINANCIAL domination eddie baby. I figured if I controlled other aspects of your life, it made sense that I should control your finances too." "I DON'T NEED YOU TO CONTROL MY FINANCES" "Of course you don't. Just like you don't need me tying you up and fucking you every night, or keeping your cock locked in a cage. But I own you marine boi. You're my property. And taking control of your finances only makes sense. " "YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME SHIT HEAD." Joel shrugged his shoulders. "Oh well. Must've forgot that day. Gets busy sometime." "YOU TAKE THAT BLOCK OFF MY CARDS NOW." "Nope." "TAKE IT OFF NOW." "soldier boi, are you yelling at your DOM?" ed realized what he had done. He knew it was too far along , so he just pushed forward "DAMN RIGHT I AM. YOU DON'T GET TO DO THAT." Joel came out of the kitchen and started walking toward him. ed backed up, scared now. He was against the wall. "I GET TO DO ANYTHING I WANT TO MY SLAVE BITCH." Joel's hand reached to ed's crotch and squeezed. "ON THE FLOOR. FACE DOWN. NOW..." "AAAHGGGGGGGG. OK OK. I'm sorry Sir. I shouldn't have yelled. " Joel pulled the belt out of his pants, and began cinching ed's wrists . "That's right edmundo, you shouldn't have. And you shouldn't have forgotten to call me Sir. And you shouldn't have forgotten who's in charge here. So.... I guess we're going to have to review." He pulled ed's sweaty gym shorts down. "OH MY. That jock is rank. I know what we're going to do with it. " So did ed, and he gulped. And then he felt Joel's cock driving into his ass. "I hope your ass sweated a lot, edmundo, because that's all the lube you're getting. " The pounding was hard, rough, and fast. He felt Joel's jizz passing into his gut, and thought things were over. They weren't . Far from it. Joel moved up to the top of ed's body. He pointed his cock to ed's mouth. "GET IT CLEANED UP. It's all your juice. LICK IT" "Sir I..." "SHUT UP AND LICK IT. GET IT CLEAN. EVERY BIT OF IT." ed thought he was going to wretch, but he did what he was told. When Joel felt he had done a satisfactory job, he went to the bedroom and came back with his needlenose nipple clamps. "I HATE to destroy another t shirt, but you have this coming, edmundo." He grabbed the t shirt and ripped it down the middle. The clamps were new to ed, and they were tighter, and took a smaller amount of flesh. "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Sir, it hurts. " "Too bad. Something else is gonna hurt too , but you need to be reminded, AGAIN, as to what the roles are here." Joel grabbed the used jock and shoved it in ed's mouth. "Those clamps are gonna make you want to scream very soon, so.... " Then he circled ed's navel with his finger. "And tomorrow after work eddie baby, that right nip of yours? It's gonna start letting the world know, that you're an owned BITCH" He laughed. "I'll take them off when I finish dinner. I'll untie you ten minutes before so you can wash up. " Joel had, apparently, just started dinner, because ed was on the floor for about half an hour. When Joel came back, he pulled the jock out of ed's mouth. "One more thing before you shower, bitchboi. My feet. LICK EM" Joel shoved each toe of each foot into ed's mouth. "MMMM. Maybe we'll turn you into a foot slave. Some money to be made there. " He bent down and untied ed. "GO SHOWER. Make yourself look pretty for dinner tonight, cause I didn't plan to fuck you so soon, and you better make me want to fuck you so goddamn hard I do it before bed." He took the clamps off, and then, ed got cleaned. "Defeated. Humiliated. Again. " ed looked at his closet. What would make Joel get aroused fastest? Not the marine uniform, but it was close. He had a new dark brown flannel shirt. buttondown. Very snug. Olive pants. That should do it. "Is this ok Sir?" ed asked as he came to the table. "HOT DAMN it sure will. I think I know what dessert is." After dinner, he fucked ed again. There wasn't a sexual organ on ed's body that wasn't sore. "Tomorrow, I want you home by 6. The jeweler is open late, and we ARE getting you a tit ring." ed was about to say something, but he remembered the talk about cock piercing too. He just muttered "yes sir." And so, the next day, they were at the jeweler , Joel joking with a guy named Jerry. "JOEL! I heard you had some big hottie. YES you do. HELL-O handsome." "good evening Sir." ed muttered from a position with his hands behind his back and his head lowered. "You've trained him well Joel!" "Not well enough. That's why we're here. We need a tit ring in his right nip. Solid gold. 24 karat. Jerry smiled. "It'll be my pleasure to work on his nips. You can wait Joel?" "I have a good legal brief to keep me company. Take your time. " It was about 90 minutes later that Jerry came out. "Wanna come in and get your boy? GOD did he put up a fight." "Marine training." "HE'S A MARINE? SEMPER FUCKING FI" "Former one. Now he's just a bitch." ed was in the room, looking shaken and crying. "LET ME SEE. SIT UP." ed heard Joel's command and did. "NOW PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK." ed did, trying to hold back the tears. "HOLY SHIT IT's HOT Jerry. Let me pay you. We gotta get home. I can't wait to try it out." And he did. Not that night. That night he let ed cover it with a bandage before he fucked him. The next night though, Joel began fingering it. ed bit his lip until he couldn't take it anymore. And the next night, Joel pulled it slightly with his teeth. "See where your temper gets you ed? I've been wanting to do this, but I held back. I figured you had suffered enough and had learned your place. Clearly, you hadn't. Maybe you did now." "I did Sir. " "No, not quite yet." Joel took off the current collar ed was wearing, and put on one that was tighter. This one was difficult to ignore. He smiled. "Now you're not a slave in training, but a full fledged, owned SLAVE BITCH."

And now, four days later, ed was sitting there , waiting for what Joel had planned when he came back home. He heard the key in the door. He sat up straight and pointed out his chest, the way Joel had told him to do.

"HEY. Look at soldier boi. FINALLY behaving." Joel, all smiles, came over and ran his fingers over ed's nips, through his shirt. "AGGNANANMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" came out of ed. Those nips still hurt. The look on Joel's face as he opened ed's shirt, and began tinkering with the ring, showed it didn't bother him at all. "Let's take the gag off. I wanna hear what my slaveboi has to say." ''Thank you Sir. Can I have some water please? My mouth is really dry." "SURE stud. Gotta get those membranes wet in case some Dom wants to get sucked off." He came back with water. "I'm not ready to untie you yet, so I'll hold it sweetpea. Just sip at your own rate." "Thank you Sir. " ed sipped at the water, and then took it down in big gulps. "I'll get you another glass, studmuffin, but you know, if you drink too much and gotta pee before release time... well..." In a very weak voice, ed asked "Sir, why are you doing this to me?" "eddie boi, we went over this , so ok. one more time." Joel was standing behind ed, massaging his shoulders. It felt good and ed relaxed into the massage. "You decided to try to bully me around the school apartment. I let it go. But you kept on coming . And you got nailed. I still think that was great. THEN, you decided to challenge me a second time and that time, I THOUGHT - I had broken you completely. But NOW... " Joel came around and was sitting opposite ed. He was slowly stroking the inside of ed's thigh. "You decide that you'll take some control back. NOT that I said you could have it. And each time, so you learn, I've taken a little bit more of your most prized possession: your independence, from you. " Joel got up. He saw ed sag. "TITS OUT BABE. DON"T MAKE ME GET THE CLAMPS TOO. " "Now, along the way, let's be honest about what we learned together, edmundo. " Joel smiled. "You like cock. You LOVE COCK. And you love service. You like anything better than having me press against you at night when we sleep?" ed had a hard time admitting it, but he whispered "No sir." "Love getting my cock in you?" Another exalation of breath. "Yes sir." "Being tied up?" "Fuck yes sir. " Joel came up and kissed ed's cheek. "Trust me eddie boy. You're gonna LOVE having that ring. It's gonna remind you, all the time, that you belong to someone who's man enough to keep you in line, to protect you, and to keep you more than sexually happy. " Joel looked at his watch. "Almost time to untie you. And while I was out, I found something. Who knew? You study so hard, you work so hard, and you miss new technology. Look at this: a blue tooth controlled dildo." ed knew that that meant. He wasn't sure if he were thrilled or scared. "I get this into you before you leave for work, or for school, and then, if I feel bored, I just sent a little jolt through it. Give you a thrill. Sounds like fun. " "Yes sir... " ed gulped. "Maybe we'll try it tonight. There was a change of plans too. I know I said I was making dinner, but instead, I made reservations. We're going to Neely's." ed knew about Neely's. It was a very gay restaurant. It was always busy, and a lot of the school community went there. They'd see him with Joel, wearing a slave collar, taking sub positions. He didn't want to go. What choice did he have? No more choice than what to do as Joel untied him and said "get to the bedroom baby. Daddy Joel's cock needs to empty. On your belly this time. " Laying on his belly meant the velcro and the ring would press into his body and aggravate him even more. Or, as was happening, excite him. That's what was happening when Joel came in. "OH DAMN. LOOK AT THAT FINE ASS." He stroked ed's ass cheeks through the light blue pants. "These fit you so goddamn good. They make me wanna fuck you even more. If that's possible. " He pulled down ed's pants, and smacked his ass a few times. "SPREAD EM SOLDER! HEH HEH. GIVE YOUR COMMANDING OFFICER SOME ROOM. " Joel slid in his cock and began a methodic fucking of his bitch. He put a hand over ed's mouth when he was grunting. That seemed to get him even harder. "FUCK. He's HUGE today, " ed was thinking , in between the waves going through him when the velcro rubbed his skin, or the nip ring moved. "OH THIS WAS SO NEEDED YOU FUCKING BIG BLOND STUD.." ed felt Joel rear up on him and begin shooting in deep. Joel began to laugh. "I was just thinking marine boy. I put so much jizz in you, we could probably run a naval maneuver in you. " "Probably Sir," ed whispered. "You got any more?" "OOOH you sexy pig... " Joel leaned down. "Every damn queen in that restaurant is gonna be jealous of me tonight. With good reason."

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Joel had ed clean himself out, and then he put in the dildo. He had the app on his phone, and he gave Joel a quick zap. He heard the reaction and laughed. "OH SHIT. THIS IS GONNA BE GREAT EDMUNDO. Now, let's see what my boi is gonna wear tonight. Hmmm." Joel pulled out a pale blue shirt, and some dark colored slacks for ed. "Can I do just one button Sir?" "No. Two. Or you wear a necktie. YEAH. A necktie. Loosened, top button opened. That shirt is tight enough, that the outline shows. ed looked down. "SHIT. It did!" Every time he dressed these days , he felt a little like a sausage. And he enjoyed it. He wanted to start trying to dress himself, in ways that Joel would like. Maybe he'd ask after dinner. Joel had put on a jacket, and one of his skinny leather ties, with a white shirt. He saw ed break a small smile. "Yeah. Your Dom can look very desirable when he wants to. You gonna be proud to be with me tonight eddie boy?" ed smiled. "Yes sir. I'll try to keep my place." "if you don't, you'll see me pull out my phone. You'll know what's coming." Neely's was not that far from where they lived, and they walked. They got their share of attention: a thin , almost geeky guy dressed mostly in black, with a studly looking blond guy, who kept his hands behind his back. Joel kept his arm locked in Joel's and people were left wondering who did what to whom? It was an image that Joel loved. The restaurant WAS busy: it usually was on Saturday night. "Hey, isn't that the physics professor who came onto you?" Joel saw Jake at a table, eating dinner with his hot blond boyfriend. He waved, and Jake called them over. "PROFESSOR GOLD. A pleasure to see you." Joel shook Jake's hand. "Is it alright if I say hello to your boi?" "We'd be honored." Jake smiled. "anthony. You look very handsome tonight." "Thank you Sir Joel . SIR picked the clothes out for me." "So how are things with you guys. Haven't seen you in a while. " Jake had noticed the outline of the ring through ed's shirt. He smiled internally. "GOOD. Joe's breaking him. Or maybe he's done. I'm pleased." "Yeah, when we got our summer placements, we took a REAL apartment with a REAL bed. " He smiled. "Nothing like what a tenured professor with a book contract gets, but it's good enough for two aspiring professionals." Jake laughed. "I'd ask you to join us, but we're waiting for our friends John and Gunnar. They're running a little late. Come on by before you leave. I think you guys would hit it off. "Sounds good. " He shook Jake's hand again and then anthony's. "Take care anthony. Keep this man honest."

As they walked back to their table, Joel whispered to ed. "Not gonna lie. Having you AND anthony in bed at the same time... FUCKING HOT." During their dinner, Joel took out his phone occasionally. "What an interesting toy. " and ed would feel a zap. So, edmundo... let's see where we're heading this summer. There's about a week between end of placement and school. Ever been to Fire Island? "No Sir. Actually, I've never even heard of it." "Best way to describe it is a gay paradise. Very little clothing, lots of dancing, lots of drugs if you want them, and sex, sex sex. I think I'm gonna introduce you . You're gonna be very popular. " "Thank you Sir." "I think" was in the back of ed's mind. "Now, I thought of something else. I'm surprised I didn't think of this before. You know there's a gay wrestling league, don't you?" "Uh,no, missed that one Sir." "I'm gonna sign you up. They'll weigh you, put you in a weight class, and then when the club meets, there are matches, discussions, beer parties, that kind of thing. The kind of thing you did at B school, only with gay people. ed said nothing. He thought he was going to die. But wrestling... with other men. He didn't know if he wanted to get pinned by any men other than Joel, but pinning someone... Hmmmm." "Ed? Ed Ross? " ed looked up. It was one of his professors. "Oh, hi Professor Gettings. " Professor Gettings smiled at Joel. "You're ed's other half? I suspected he had one. I'm Phil Gettings. Nice to meet you." "I'm Joel Blake. I'm a second year at the law school." "ed, you know, it's not the kind of thing we talk about at school, so I'm glad I saw you here. I have a party at my place occasionally. Only gay faculty and students. Maybe you'd like to come sometime. " ed looked at Joel and Gettings understood the nature of their relationship immediately. "GOOD" he thought "ed can be an arrogant prick. Joel seems to have him under control" "Thank you for the invitation Professor. I'm sure we'd try to come." He smiled. "Would be nice to have you. " As he left for his table he shook Joel's hand. His back was to ed when he mouthed to Joel "good boy." Meanwhile, at Jake and anthony's table, anthony was asking "Are you still hot for him Sir?" Jake took anthony's hand. "The only boi I'm hot for is you. Did you see the outline through his shirt?" "No sir. What was it?" "It's a nipple ring. And he's wearing a slave collar. That's a lot for a newbie in a short time. I may want to look in on him, just to make sure that he's ok." "No sex sir?" "Ha ha. No. Although I think his partner wouldn't say no if you said you were available." "But I'm not Sir." Jake laughed. "Anthony, someone once said to me: 'every man is available. It may be four beers, or a ten inch cock, but we all are." And we'll leave our evening at Neely's. Come back for "what happened next? in installment 15

Next: Chapter 15

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