Marine Bottom Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 10, 2023


(Gentle Readers. One of you, Sam, gave me the idea for the story about Parents Day. If you enjoy the story, let me know, and I'll pass on your comments to Sam. And thank you Sam. So glad to have you as a reader)

Summer internships were over, and Jay and ed had registered for their final years at school: 3rd year for Jay, 2nd year for ed. They commuted to school now, because of the new apartment, which was fine with both of them. The apartment they had was big enough for their antics, and if they wanted to, they could . They had both received offers from their summer employers to join as full timers. They just had to decide on whether to accept them or not. ed, completely "domesticated" as he sometimes called it, and completely "conquered" as he also called it, had discussed it with Joel. "Do you want me to work Sir?" Joel had smiled. It was the kind of question he expected ed to ask these days, and there would be punishment if he hadn't. "Well, the answer is no. I get a kick out of having marine boy as my live in bitch, ready to take care of me when I come home, but you know... I don't like the idea of you being home all day," ed pushed his luck. "I think Professor Jake's boy stays home, Sir." Joel looked at him. "Then maybe you want to go and live with them. You could always be the beta sub" "Beta sub?" Joel looked at him. "We're gonna have to give you some books on remedial gay, marine boy. Beta sub takes orders from both of them. I don't think for one minute, given what anthony has to take every day, he's gonna let you muscle in." Then he smiled. "Unless of course I ask Jake if we can trade subs for a week. Now THAT might be fun." "NOOOOOOOOOOO. Please Sir. You could figure out something else to do to me. Please. That guy gives me the creeps." Joel came over, and looked ed in the eye. While they were gazing at each other, he pulled ed's wrists behind his back. "you, soldier boi, are going NOWHERE. If you go ANYWHERE, it's gonna be in my bed. Yes, I have the fantasy of an at home sub to take care of my needs - but I won't be here. For now, things'll stay as they are, once May comes around. Don't let the idea of a house get away from you though. I love the torment board, but a dungeon... OOOH. Now THERE's a dream worth happening.

A few days later, Sunday morning, they were hanging out on the sofa for a bit. They were going to go out to get shirts for ed later. He continued to work out, and that, and Joel's cooking, had pushed him to the point where his buttons were popping. They were reading some magazines. Joel had his leg thrown over ed's, and his arm around his shoulder. His fingers dangled just next to ed's pierced nip. Joel started to laugh.

"HEY. You're gonna get a kick out of this! I'm reading the university newspaper. Guess who got married?" "Who Sir?" "Jake and anthony. LOOK" There were pictures with the title "Famed university professor ties the knot with his partner." "WOW. I had no idea. Especially after that Sunday. Geez. If I had been anthony, I woulda run away as fast as I could have." ed said that just as he felt Joel's fingers on that nip. "No you wouldn't. You might TRY to run away, but I'd recapture you. Hmmm. Maybe.... There's a game Doms play with their subs. I give you a ten minute headstart, then come looking for you. Depending on how long it takes before I recapture you, that's your torment. The longer you can escape, the easier the torment.' ed smiled. "What if you don't catch me Sir? Remember, I have Marine training." "Oh, I'll catch you. We'll put it on the agenda." He kept toying with ed's nip and now, it was beginning to get ed to squirm. "Oh, how could I forget this? Parent's day is coming up. My mom comes every year. Wait till you meet Hannah. She's a hoot." He looked at ed. "What about your parents?" "I wasn't planning to ask them Sir." "Why not?" ed blushed. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what was going on in his head, so Joel spoke. "edmundo. At some point they ARE gonna have to learn about us. Don't you think sooner is better than later." Joel hadn't stopped playing with ed's nip, and he had begun to moan. "Please Sir.. Just fuck me. Let's not talk about this." "No ed. We're gonna talk about this. Because if you don't do it, I will, and I'll call and introduce myself as your lover, and tell them I'd love to meet them." ed sighed. He knew Joel would do it too. "At least you won't tell them what you do to me, will you?" Joel smiled. "Depends on how good a blow job I get before we go shopping." "I'm on my knees Sir. I need a haircut too. Lots of hair to grab. There was. And ed gave it "the old business school try" as he got to work. As he sucked, Joel was smiling. He and his mom were like best friends. She knew all about the relationship. He knew that she and ed would hit it off. She ALWAYS hit it off with his boyfriends. Sometimes, better than he did.

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Parents' Day was three weeks off. Joel's mother lived just across the river, so there was no trouble with her getting to their apartment. When ed had called his parents, he asked Joel if he could be there for support, and he was. While ed had the phone in one hand, Joel was holding onto the other one. "Hey, Dad, it's ed junior here." Joel could hear the call. "ED. We were wondering if you were still alive! How are things going? " "Just fine Dad. I'm living off campus now, the summer internship went well, and... I have an offer." "WELL THAT'S JUST WONDERFUL SON. CONGRATULATIONS. You still keeping in shape?" "Yes sir. I think you'd be satisfied." "Ha ha. I think I can probably still beat you at bench pressing. " "You may very well Sir. We'll have to try it. Maybe on parents day, or parents weekend." "Yeah, we got that notice. Mother and I looked, and thought that it was probably not something you wanted us to attend, so we didn't ask." "Actually Dad, I'd like it very much if you could attend. I'd like you to meet someone very special to me." Joel squeezed his hand. "I think I may be ready to settle down." "A student, son?" "A law student." "Well, that'll be great. We don't have any lawyers in the family. I mean, you know I have issues with women as professionals, but I guess... it is what it is." "Should I make arrangements at the hotel you like Sir? Your favorite suite?" "Of course. Unless you want mother to do it." "No, that's ok Sir. Mom works hard. You folks will meet my special someone's mom too. " "Well, this is just great. Maybe we can have a dress up dinner. You know, you and I both get to wear our uniforms. " He laughed. "It'll impress everyone for our dates to be at the table with two Marines. "Two ROSS Marines Sir!" ed smiled. "SEMPER FUCKING FI" yelled his dad. "As soon as we have travel arrangements, I'll let you know."

When ed got off the phone, he looked at Joel. "I think I'm going to puke." "Relax. Your father's an ex marine too? Is he as hot as you?" ed ignored the second question. "Yes, that's why I'm a Marine. He decided that I was going to be one when I was four. Started drilling me after school. " "GEEZ. He's a piece of work. Women shouldn't be lawyers?" ed faked a southern drawl. "We're dealing with the deep south here JOE - el. " Then he changed. It's gonna be hard enough for them to deal with my lover being a man. Being Jewish as well? Oi vey." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx

Joel's father had died about ten years earlier. His mom, always a force of nature, became a greater one. Her reaction, when she learned her son was gay was to respond by saying "How does this change the rules? Clean underwear, brush your teeth, and choose wisely. Now, get me that book with that organization... what's it called? PFLAG? Silly name, but ok." Within three weeks, she was president of the local chapter. Within 6 weeks, she was chairing the subcommittee on BDSM . Joel remembered coming home one day to find her reading "The Leather man's Guide." "Mom, why are your reading that?" "Because I want to learn. Now sitzt bei mir." (She would slip into Yiddish, or German, at random). "What are these things? " She was looking at pictures of nipple clamps. At 16, Joel was explaining BDSM equipment to his mother. "You think they could use better quality leather? I mean, Joel... IF someone were going to use these on me - God bless them if they found MY tits - I'd want the leather to be from Milan. "

Joel would walk around sometimes thinking "You CAN have too much of a good thing."

His mom had a very distinct knock: she would beat the first line of "Hava Nagila" . It was their secret code. So when he heard it on the door, he knew. He turned to ed. "Hurricane Hannah is here. DON'T say you weren't warned." He opened the door to a very diminutive woman with clearly newly henna'd hair, and an extremely large pair of glasses. "MOM!!!!! OH, How could to see you!" He threw his arm around this little tiny lady. "Oi. JD. You're gonna crush me. And I can't see your boyfriend/lover/fiance'/whatever." She looked over Joel's shoulder and saw ed smiling. "Oi gevalt! What a handsome one. You're Ed, aren't you? I'm JD's mother." "So nice to meet you Mrs. Blake." He held out his hand. She moved hers to her hips. "ED. A couple of things. First: we don't shake. We hug. You may be my son in law someday - not that I'm hinting JD - and second, Mrs, Schmizzes. My name is Hannah. Use it." "Ok, Hannah, now about that hug." She was right - they hugged. "Oi. Your muscles have muscles. GOOD. We need some heft in this family. Look at JD. You'd think I never fed him." "I'm sorry Hannah, but you keep on calling Joel JD?" "MOM........." He saw Joel begin to redden. "OH. You don't know the story? Didn't Joel tell you his middle name?" "Uh, no." "Joel's father was a professor of literature. His favorite author was Dante. So, your boyfriend is Joel Dante Blake, and we called him JD" "MOM........................" Ed began to laugh. "Sorry, but soon, he'll be JD the JD. " "JD squared," Hannah added. They began to laugh. Joel mouthed to ed "you're gonna get it. OH are you gonna get it." "So Ed, tell me about your folks. I'm gonna meet them ?" "They should be arriving tomorrow." "So what are their names. Wait... Let me guess.. You look like you're from the south. " "That's right ma'am. I mean Hannah." She smiled. "Oh, I wouldn't begin to try to guess their names. Tell me." "Well, I'm Edward William Ross the third." "The TOID? OI. Fancy schmancy." Joel was trying not to laugh. This was his mother, straight up." "And Mom is Sally Jayne. Two syllables in Jayne." She shook her head. "Ok. Now, Joel told me, they didn't know you were gay?" "No Hannah. I didn't know I was gay until I met Joel. " "So my son is your foist... Joel.. another one?" "Another one?" ed asked. "We'll talk when he's out of the room, you and I Ed. I'll tell you his whole embarrassing story." "I am NEVER leaving the two of you alone. NEVER." Joel was reddening again. "Actually Joel, you are. Because momma has to figure out with Ed, what's the best way to get his folks on board. Not to defame you and get sued JD squared, but you really can't help with this. No matter how good you are, they're gonna hate you, unless someone intervenes. That's why Mom is here. Now, let me get to work. Foist. The two of you. On the sofa. Arm in arm or something. Momma needs photos." Joel and Ed took seats. "RELAX ED RELAX. Stop looking like he kidnapped you or something." Joel whispered "That comes later," and Ed laughed. THAT's when Hannah got her pictures. "And I heard that Joel. Yes, save it for after parents' weekend, please. And maybe you could put the bondage board somewhere so they don't see it?" "You know about bondage boards, Hannah? "DO I KNOW ABOUT BONDAGE BOARDS. HAH! With my back, I need to stretch. I've been on them. I tried to forget what JD told me they were for. OI are they could for spasms. " She paused. "Ever notice how he cleans them so carefully after each use? " "Uh, yeah. " "I got that from her," Joel added. "Ok, so this is what's gonna happen. Listen up boys. Tonight, you're taking me to dinner. Then, tomorrow, you're going to class, and then you're going to a show. Hamilton. Mom got the tickets. Because the parents are gonna chat. And then I'm gonna text you and tell you when it's good to come back home. Trust Mom on this. Joel, did you make a reservation at that sushi place I like?" I did. Ed doesn't like sushi though. She looked at him. "Edward. You've had other raw things in your mouth." Now it was Ed's turn to blush. "You think I don't know what my son likes? You'll try my salmon. It's good for you. I'm sure they can get you yakitori or something like that, but come on. Take it raw. " Now SHE blushed. "Oh dear. I think I heard YOU say that once JD." She smiled. Joel began to think: "How am I gonna get through this weekend?"

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After they had dinner, and Joel and ed had kissed Joel's mom goodnight, she went off to her hotel. She had found a place in the neighborhood that met her standards, and she'd be staying there, because "I have mom hearing. I can hear everything. EVERYTHING." As they walked home, Joel turned to ed: "Ok, things back to normal for a while, marine boy. Behind your back." "Yes sir. " ed locked his hands behind his back, and felt Joel put a finger through his belt loop. When Joel did that, for whatever reason, it got ed hot. "Can we... sir..." "Like fucking rabbits. I got a LOT of tension to get out." When they got back to the apartment, Joel had a look in his eyes. "I forgot to shave you last weekend. On the bed. NOW" "Sir, it's..' "ON THE BED or the cage stays on an extra week." ed gulped. "YES SIR." Joel immobilized him, and then got out a straight edge. He normally kept ed smooth now, so there wasn't much hair to take off. The electric clipper would have been too much. But with careful use of the blade, Joel had ed smooth and sensitive. He began working his nips. "You know, marine boy? At first I just liked using you. I just liked treating you like my property. Now, though... DAMN IT..." He leaned down and kissed ed. "YOU HAVE FUCKING GOTTEN UNDER MY SKIN. I didn't realize it until Mom was here, and she had us sit on the sofa. I want more photos with you. TONS of them. "Dirty ones Sir?" "NO. REAL ONES. Pictures of two lovers, living their lives. Kissing. Walking. Making dinner. All the things we do that the world sees. NOT the things we do in private. We can get those pictures, but.. no... I want an album like a real pair of lovers. " ed's heart began to melt. He knew that Joel appreciated his body, his submissiveness, his sense of play. He NEVER thought he'd hear words like this from him though. "Sir... do I have to stay tied up?" "No, but you gotta roll over. I wanna take you from behind tonight. BIG TIME." "Yes sir. I'm your lover, but I know my role." "What's that eddie boy? " Joel asked as he spread ed's ass cheeks and rubbed his cock along the space it created. "I'm your BITCH. Your hole. Your fuck toi. HELL YEAH." He screamed while Joel pushed inside of him. That's when he realized what Hannah meant about not staying, because she heard everything. "DAMN RIGHT YOU ARE. MY PUSSY MARINE. BOTTOM SOLDIER BOI. SUB BOI."

He slid back and forth, and when he didn't hear ed moan with a thrust, he thrust harder. ' "FUCK. You're so big tonight Sir. FUCCCCK." "It's for you teasing me in front of my mother. TAKE IT MARINE BOI.'' "Yes sir. Give me more. Give me all that I can take... OOOH YEAH. I love it when you're fast and hard." Joel was pumping, getting closer and closer to climax and then, in a rush, he shot into ed. ed smiled at thinking he was the ONLY man getting that wonderful stuff from Joel. He wanted it to be that way, always. Joel didn't have a lot of body hair, but ed found a spot on his chest, and fell asleep there, smiling."

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Hannah was at the apartment when Ed Senior and Sally Jayne arrived. "Oh, I beg your pardon ma'am. I must have the wrong apartment? " Ed Senior was wearing a hat, which he doffed. "You must be Mr. Ross. You're at the right apartment. Please come in. And you must be Mrs. Ross. So nice to meet you. Please sit. Coffee? Tea? I believe the boys have a few alcoholic beverages. In fact...." She went to the kitchen and pulled down a bottle of bourbon, and three glasses. "It's always good to celebrate new meetings with a little something special." "Oh, I don't drink before 6 Mrs.... " "Blake. But please call me Hannah. I'd prefer it. " "Well, ok, Hannah." Hannah smiled. "You know, Mrs. Ross, it's after 6 somewhere." Ed's father laughed. "She's right dear. Have a small one. It was an uneasy flight." "You'd think they'd get that right by now, wouldn't you, Mr. Ross." She poured. "Here's to new beginnings, and new meetings." As they sipped he asked. "Hannah, I'm sorry, but I don't think I heard who you are. You don't live here, do you?" "Oh NO. LOOK at the place? It's borderline pigsty. You think I'd put up with that? Two guys living together, what do you expect?" They laughed. "So, you must be Ed's roommate's Mom?" "Ah. Now I know where Ed gets his perceptiveness. Yes, I'm Joel's mom. " "So I'm surprised that Ed wasn't here to meet us." Hannah took a deep breath. It was time to go into FULL PFLAG mom mode. "Mr. Ross... Mrs. Ross... Ed didn't want to be here because... he was afraid how you'd react to what I'm going to tell you." They looked at each other. "Is he alright? Is our son ok?" She smiled. "Mr and Mrs. Ross, Ed is absolutely fine. He's healthy, he's happy, and you have yourselves an extremely handsome son. " "Well thanks, Hannah, but... then why isn't he here. " "Ed told you he's dating a law student, didn't he?" "Yes, he did. I never had much for women law students, but." Then he paused. He had figured it out. "Wait... Ed never said her, or she, or gave me a name.." He began to blanch. "Is my son a FAG?" "That's an ugly word Mr. Ross. Your son is gay. Just like mine. My son is the law student he's dating." The parents looked at each other. "I don't understand," Mr. Ross shot out. "He came to NY a nice normal man." "He still is Mr. Ross. He's perfect." "DAMN RIGHT HE IS WOMAN." "Ed, calm down.." Sally spoke.. "Can you explain some more, Hannah? I mean, how this happened?" "I'm afraid I can't. I don't know. What I DO know is that... well, Ed and my son are VERY much in love. Can I show you some pictures." Mr. Ross got up. "I don't wanna see FAGS kanoodling." "I'd love to Hannah." Sally took Hannah's phone. She looked at the photos and smiled. "Your son is very handsome too Hannah. They look good together. AWWWW. Look at how they're staring at each other." She began to cry. "I HATED that Polly woman. " "You can say the word Mrs. Ross.' "Sally please, Hannah. Ok. I HATED that... BITCH!" "I've only known Ed a day or so, Sally, so we haven't gotten to Polly yet, but Joel told me , yes, she was... let's say not well matched to Ed." "How do you know about all of this, Hannah?" Ed's father came over. "Because my son came out to me when he was 15. And it didn't change how I felt about him. And honestly, Sally, Mr. Ross, it shouldn't change how you feel about Ed. He's a successful young man, he pays his bills, he's healthy, no drugs." She paused "And he takes care of the person he loves most in the world." Sally began to cry harder. "Hannah... OH GOD. He was afraid to tell us, wasn't he? " "I think he was more afraid of disappointing you. " "DISAPPOINTING US? He was a Marine, he paid his own tuition, he did so many things... HOW COULD HE DISAPPOINT US?" Hannah was silent. This is where she wanted things to go. Sally looked at her husband. "YOU'RE DISAPPOINTED? YOU ARE DISAPPOINTED? YOU WHO COME HOME DRUNK AT LEAST A NIGHT A WEEK, WHO BANKRUPTED TWO COMPANIES. YOU'RE DISAPPOINTED BECAUSE OUR SON LOVES SOMEONE YOU WOULDN'T. YOU SIT DOWN AND EXPLAIN THIS TO ME" "I... I had plans for Ed. " "WELL HE HAD HIS OWN PLANS AND YOU BETTER GET USED TO THAT EDWARD BECAUSE... IF YOU DON'T. and she dropped her voice. "I've read about his Hannah. Is it true. Parents reject their kids and they never see them again?" She shook her head. "More often than you would think." "So they were afraid to tell us." Hannah smiled. "Well, to be honest, Ed was. Joel didn't care. He's much more 'in your face' than Ed is, so I had to calm him down." "Are they nearby?" "I'll text them." "No Hannah. I will." Ed's father spoke. "LET ME SEE THE TEXT BEFORE YOU SEND IT" Sally commanded. "Yes dear." She read it out loud "Son, I meet your boyfriend's mom. She told us a lot. Please come back home. We want to see you. All our love. Mom and Dad." "Now, let's the three of us go have some dinner. My treat. " She smiled . "I learned last night Ed doesn't like sushi so I assume you don't." "That's right Hannah. And please call me Bill. It's my middle name. Hard to keep two Ed's in order." "I LOVE sushi," Sally piped up. "YOU DO? " "Yes, dear, you just never asked." "Sushi it is. Bill, last night, Ed had sushi for the first time. You can't let him one up you like that."

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Ed saw the text at intermission. "Should we go?" "Nah. Right now my mom is introducing your dad to sushi. We can see the end of the show." "I won't enjoy it Sir." Joel was ready to say "SIT," but thought better of it. "You'd be more comfortable going home?" "Yes sir. I really would." "Ok. The show will be here when we can get to it. " They were waiting when the parents came in "EDDDIE!!!!!! " His mom ran to him. "OH, You look SO GOOD SON." As she was hugging ed, Joel went up to the father. "How do you do Sir? I'm Joel Blake. You've already met my mom." As he shook the father's hand, he was thinking "DAMN. Dad's HOT. Both of them... BEHAVE JOEL" "I'm so pleased to meet you Joel. I wish I had known more about you." "There's time for that Sir. How long are you in New York?" "Four days. We leave on Saturday morning." "Can I talk you into staying another day? Maybe Ed and I can take you to a show." "Oh, that's sweet but Hannah gave us tickets to Hamilton on Friday." He looked at his Mom. He said nothing. "Well, Hamilton isn't the only show on Broadway, Sir. And I think it might be good if all of us had a celebration at the end of the week?" Hannah was looking at her son with pride. Mr. Ross smiled. "I think we'd like that Joel."

There was a little more chatting that night, and much more in the days to come. But after Hannah had ushered them out, ed looked at Joel. "Sir, I think that went much better than it could have." "Much better marine boi. And know what? Your dad is HOT. Maybe better looking than you." "HEY. Then go sleep with him. " "I don't wanna sleep with him. I wanna sleep with marine boi." MY marine boi." Joel squeezed ed's crotch, as he kissed him. "I want you in bed, right now. with your legs on my shoulders." "Sounds good to me Sir." Was it the release of tension? Was it the thought of sleeping with TWO marines: father and son? Was it the thought ed had that he could be with this man forever? Who knows? What we do know is that after Joel had pummeled ed's ass for about half an hour , he pulled out. He necked with ed for another fifteen minutes. Then he fucked him again, this time from behind, for another half hour. And then, finally, he rolled him over once more, and shot big time into the big blond. "You deserve this eddie boy. " He unlocked ed's cock. "Mom says 'you have to put everything in your mouth at least once.' He then went down on the surprised, and rigid ed, who shot almost immediately. They slept like two spoons that night, and slept through the alarm. It wasn't until Hannah called and said "I love happy endings," that they got up.

Next: Chapter 18

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