Marine Bottom Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 16, 2023


After Joel and ed got through parents day, they would see the three parents again at graduation, which came up faster than they thought it would. They both had jobs set up: Joel just had to get through the Bar Exam, for which he began studying right away. They planned to wait until the exam was over, take a vacation outside of the United States, and then, well, read on. The irony of their situation was that , at least for a while, Joel was going to be the "house husband." The Bar Exam was tough, and he was studying for it full time. Since a vacation without Joel was unthinkable to ed, he had time on his hands. He asked if the people he'd be going to work for full time in September would be willing to take him on part time. They were more than happy: apart from ed's good looks, and his work ethic (thanks to Joel), they increased their diversity numbers by having a "former serviceman" on their staff. Their days pretty much followed a pattern: they'd get up, and Joel would pick what ed would wear for the day. Then, after breakfast, ed would head out. He'd button one of the two buttons Joel left unbuttoned, head to the office, and work until about 5 (the late hours would happen when he was a full timer). He'd head to the gym on the way home, but not shower after his workout, because Joel would decide whether he wanted him sweaty or clean as part of his "study break" before dinner. Sometimes, he had two of those a night, which ed didn't usually mind.

When he left the gym, ed was careful about reopening his shirt. NOT having two buttons opened, was a reason for punishment from Joel, and while ed might have baited him at other times of the year, with the bar exam, well, he wasn't sure how much punishment Joel could dole out, and if he could take it. There was no question: ed had fallen in love with Joel. At work, he missed him. He didn't feel comfortable texting or calling too often, because essentially, Joel was trying to memorize three years of law school, plus NY law, in the space of six weeks. He kept a photo of the two of them on his desk. Somehow, someone had managed to get a photo of the two of them in a decent, uncompromised position: Joel with his arms around ed's shoulders, ed smiling. It was from a Fire Island trip. ed remembered because, right after the picture, Joel had thrown him on his back and fucked the hell out of him. That memory made him smile, too.

"Hey ed... " it was a colleague "Oh, hi Paul. Sorry. Day dreaming." Paul smiled. He saw the photo on ed's desk. "May I?" "Sure, go ahead." Paul turned around the picture. "Cute. Your boyfriend?" "Wellll.... more than that I'd say." "Lover?" "Yes, but more." "Husband?" ed laughed. "No, not yet. It's hard to say exactly where we are, relationship wise. Let me just say, I can't imagine being without him." "That's sweet ed. You give hope to all of us guys who are looking." Paul was a straight guy, who was, as he called it "a serial dater." ed liked him. He didn't want to break Joel's studying, so he and Paul had lunch once a week, rather than going to dinner, and ed didn't want to invite anyone home. yet. But Paul had brought up the "husband" word. It's a word he had thought a lot of times. Sometimes he brought it up to Joel, but Joel wasn't having it. "Now, why would I buy a cow when I get all the milk I want? " he would tease Joel, paraphrasing the old joke. ed wasn't particularly happy with that kind of action, but then Joel would drop his voice and say something like. "Come here. Poppa's got a sucker for his boi," and ed would be on his knees, slurping away at Joel's cock, before he was on his back. Or all fours. Or his belly. Still.. It was possible to get married. Why not?

Since they had met, and shared the laugh about "JD squared," Hannah and ed had become very good friends. Joel had no idea how often his mother and ed would speak. "My second son," is how Hannah would refer to ed. She knew he was important to Joel, and while she knew SOME of what their relationship was like, she stayed away from that. With all of that background, ed gave her a call one day. "Is that my son? The son who CALLS his mother instead of ignoring her?" ed laughed. "Hannah, he's studying for the exam" "Call me Mom, eddie." (She was the only other person who got away with that). "What's with this meshugganah bar exam? I've never known Joel to be so nervous, or so testy." "It's the big deal Mom. It's kind of all or nothing. " "He could fail it?" "Probably not Mom. Most people pass it, but... " he laughed. "You have an obsessive compulsive son." "Oi, do I know THAT. I'd like to say he got it from his father but.. guess what I was just doing, eddie?" "Uh, watching TV?" "NO. Daytime TV ? ME? Please. I'll wait for that nice Rachel and that sweetie Kornacki. You know, he's the one I WANTED JD to hook up with, but he did better." "AWWW. I'm flattered Hannah - I mean Mom. Listen, I wonder if I could have lunch with you soon?" "Lunch with an old lady like me? Must be something important." "Well, it kinda is. I think. " "Well, you didn't guess what I was doing so I'll tell you. I was dusting the filigree under the TV stand." ed was flummoxed. He was trying to imagine that. "Mom, no one ever sees that." "That's not the point eddie. What if somebody drops something, it rolls under the TV and they come back with a handful of schmutz?" "Schmutz?" "Dirt . Dust. Oi, you know, eddie, if you're gonna be part of this family, you're gonna have to learn some Yiddish. Let me see... there used to be a REALLY good deli near where you work." "Mom, how do you know where I work?" "You told me the company eddie. Then I looked it up. What if I had to see you in an emergency?" "Fair point Mom." "How about tomorrow?" "I thought you were busy." "I AM busy, not too busy for my son. I'll be there at noon. Don't forget to unbutton your shirt before you go home." ed blushed. "How did you know that, Mom?" "We'll talk at lunch."

When he got home, ed could tell it had been one of Joel's GOOD days. He had made dinner: ed could smell it. When he kissed Joel , Joel didn't break the kiss. And as he held it, he took each of ed's wrists, and put them behind his back. He leaned into his ear. "Guess who's gonna get tied up and edged before dinner?" "Uh, would that be me Sir?" "Brilliant. And guess what's for dessert?" "Uh, Joel sausage." "Two for two. That's you dessert. My dessert is peaches eddie." "yes SIR" ed sat down in their play chair, and after he was tied up, he pushed his nips out the way Joel liked them. He didn't use a gag that night, and ed's moans filled the apartment. At one point, he had wondered what would happen when he became immune to nipple torture. Now he knew it wasn't happening. His cock was getting harder: Joel didn't lock him up when he worked, but come Friday night, the cage went on, and didn't come off again until Monday morning. It only came off if ed begged Joel, and started his day with a "Joel smoothie" as Joel called them. Now, as his dick got harder and harder, he began begging Joel "Please Sir. I thought of you all day." "Yeah? What you think about?" "Lots of things. How I miss you during the day. How I want to be here. How I.." He didn't get finished. Joel shoved his cock into ed's mouth. "Dessert before dinner. SUCK IT" ed was happy to comply. He pulled at Joel's cock, rimming his cock head the way Joel liked, and had Joel moaning too. "Can't. Not right now. Gotta save the jizz. You're getting fucked today marine boi. Just a question of now, or later for your release..." "that's up to you Sir." "Hee hee. I'd love to take half of it and make you hold the rest if you could. But nah. Don't want the eggplant to burn." Eggplant was one of the foods that ed hadn't been able to stomach when he moved in with Joel. Joel's baked "Jewish parmagiana" as he called it, was something special. ed could eat the whole try of it. Sometimes, he had gotten "caught" up at night, stealing forkfuls of left overs from the fridge. If Joel was in the mood when he caught him, it usually meant tickling.

When they sat down to eat, they played footsie under the table. "You know, Sir, I'm having lunch with your mom tomorrow." Joel smiled. "I'm wondering why it took so long. She adores you, you know." "She told me. She told me she thinks of me as her second son." Joel laughed. "Well, I guess I don't have to worry about that with YOUR folks.." He grabbed ed's hand. "Don't take that the wrong way. I'm kinda used to it, and mom has always made clear what she thought of my boyfriends. I think you're the first one she thought of as her son." He smiled. "Maybe she's trying to lure you in, thinking I'm old enough to settle down." "Well, she's right." Joel gave him a look. "I AM settled down. With you. Now finish your plate and get your ass into that bed. Make sure you're naked. " "GULP. YES SIR." If Joel weren't undressing him, that meant he had elaborate plans for them. And indeed, when ed got to the bedroom and he saw the clamps, the tickling wheel, and also... the clippers, he knew. "YOU UNDRESSED YET BITCH BOI?" "Not yet Sir. I'm hurrying. " "I think you LIKE getting punished, boi." ed felt Joel's arm around his neck, and he felt Joel's other arm pull his wrist behind his back. "Uh, maybe Sir. Maybe I do." Joel's teeth went to his ear. "You belong to me , bitchboi. Don't forget that. EVER" "No Sir. " "On the bed. NOW" Joel used the cuffs to tie down ed's wrists over his head, rather than at the sides. "You're SO FUCKING HOT spread out like that marine boy. SO FUCKING HOT. And your pits. Your pits are out there just begging for the clippers. But first..." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. COME ON SIR. I'VE BEEN GOOD HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " Joel dug his fingers into ed's pits. ed should have anticipated this when he got cuffed over his head. Now, he couldn't defend himself at al. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. STOP STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "You pee the bed, big boi, you're in DEEP TROUBLE. "I'LL TRY SIR. I'LL TRY. HAHAHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" "Ok, enough. Let's get them cleaned up. Now sweating, ed felt the sting of the metal on his skin. He smelled it. The smell of the steel had turned into yet another thing that made him hot, since he was with Joel. Joel's knee pressing into his balls didn't help either. "MMMMMMMMMM. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. OH YES. OH YES SIR. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM." Joel kept ed pretty well shaved, so it didn't take long. He moved onto his chest, and took long, slow strokes up and down ed. "you shoulda been a swimmer, marineboi. You've got that kind of build. And those cute little pink tits..." He didn't need a shave around his aureoles, but Joel gave him one anyway . "Now let's see. If I do these pubes, are you gonna lose it? Hmmmmm? " "I don't know Sir. But.... BRING IT ON." "THERE'S THE SPIRIT." Joel smiled. "you know, someone told me they thought your eyes looked like your soul was dead. I don't agree. I think you just need... to find the fight in you." The clippers came down. "Find the fight in me," thought ed. "So you can beat it down and conquer me again. " His cock got harder as he thought of it, and Joel noticed. "What're you thinking about stud? " When ed hesitated, and Joel squeezed, he answered. "SIR. I was just thinking how hot I get when we butt heads, and you win. When I give in. Oh, GOD. That makes me. OH SHIT. OH SHIT SIR. I'M SORRY. " ed pushed his hips up and shot all over himself. He saw the look on Joel's face. "I AM GONNA KEEP THAT IN MIND." Then he pushed ed's knees up, and started pushing in his cock. Even though he had shot already, ed felt stimulated in every nerve ending, as Joel took his time . "SIR. IF FUCKING IS ON THE EXAM, YOU'RE GONNA GET AN A... A FUCKING A." Joel lost it. His cum seemed hotter , thicker than usual, even the little bit Joel shot onto ed's lips to make him lick it since he had cum without permission.

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"ed, there's a woman at the front. Says she's your mom." "Thanks. She is. I'll be out there in a minute." ed checked himself. It was Thursday, so Joel "the original mean girl" as he called himself, had dressed ed in a pink striped shirt, grey flannels, and a tweed blazer. "MOM. You look... wonderful." Hannah had made a last minute appointment with her hairdresser when ed called her, and had gotten a wave and a touch up. She was still not on board with business casual, so she had on a heavy suit that made her look like a cosmetics executive. " Hannah took kisses on both of her cheeks. "So, I'm not important enough to see your office? " ed was used to this kind of thing from Joel. The more he knew Hannah... "This way." He led her to the back. "It's a small office mom. I'm just a beginner." "It'll do for now. OH... is that...." She looked at the picture and smiled. "You two look SO happy in this photo." "We are mom. I never had such a good time in my life" "You know, JD used to hate Fire Island" "REALLY? He seemed to really like it now." She smiled. "Three guesses why." She pointed to ed. "Let's go eat. Oi, I could eat a capon. "

ed had passed by the place she picked more than once. The food kind of scared him. When they walked in, Hannah yelled across the restaurant. "MORT! You don't say hello to your friends? " "I do Hannah. " And he went on with what he was doing. ed looked at her. "Did you two practice that?" She smiled. "We've been doing it for a lotta years." "This way Hannah. It's good to see you again," an older hostess led them to a table. "Sylvia, this handsome man is my second son." Sylvia smiled. "So nice to meet you. Joel picked wisely." She left them with the menus. "Hannah, excuse this question, but... " "Yes eddie, we all know each other. We all know each other's business. And just so you know, as you learned, now we all know yours too." He began to laugh. He remembered all the things his father had said about "those NY Jews." He was REALLY liking the ones he had met. "So, if that's true Hannah, maybe you can explain the button on the shirt thing. You knew about it." "Oh yes. One of Joel's things. You know, when I was still working, men NEVER opened their shirts. ALWAYS a tie. It was risque to loosen it, during work. But then... first business casual and then, fashion. Sexy guys like you with two buttons opened, sort of yelling 'come get me' ed blushed at "sexy guys like you." "So, since he'll never be one, Joel wants every sex object he can, to be forced to realize that's what they are. As often as he can. " "I think of him as a sex object, mom." "Tell the truth. You didn't at first." He paused. "You're right." She grabbed ed's hand. "Let me tell you something eddie. When JD moved in, he called me. It was something like 'mom. My roommate. He's so damn hot. I'm gonna do something stupid this semester if I have to live here. Can we look for someplace else?" "He REALLY said that?" "eddie, at my age, lying doesn't do me any good. Except about my age.

He did. He was in love with you from day one." "Mom, I had no idea." "Well, eddie, maybe it's different for you southerners, but for a NY Jew, who isn't that attractive unless you like hairy intellectuals, you keep that stuff secret. Listen, let's get lunch first. MORT! " "WHAT HANNAH WHAT? I got a restaurant to run." "My son here has never had Jewish food. Matzoh Ball. And pastrami. Rye The sour one. " "And you Hannah." "I'll just pick off his plate. Bring me some soup too. If you're gonna poison me, here's your chance." "Hannah, there's no poison that could take you out." As Mort walked away she whispered "he's right you know." "Yeah, I do." They were silent for a minute, and then laughed. "eddie. I understand more and more why Joel likes you. You know, he always went for the big, stolid, blond types, but he found them boring after a while. You? No. He talks about how you're always a challenge, and always fun." ed blushed. "Mom, I won't tell him you repeated that." "So eddie, before we start eating this scheiss they call matzoh ball soup, what did you want to ask?" "Well, mom. This is kind of an odd question. It's actually more than one. See... " he began to choke up. "I want your permission to ask Joel to marry me. I should've asked sooner, because I've brought it up." "And he cut it off." "YEAH . He did. He said he needed your ok" She started laughing. "He just doesn't wanna talk about why he'll say no. Because he will say no, eddie." He looked stunned. "Why? I thought he liked me. I actually thought .. he loved me." Now, Hannah took a breath. "Ed, would you say JD loves me?" "OH HELL YEAH. I would never want to get in the way of the two of you." She smiled. "Smart man. Now, you know who else said he loved me... my husband." "Yes?" She winced for a minute. "If you ever wonder why I wear long sleeves all the time, no matter what the temperature..." she pushed back one sleeve of her suit and showed him ghastly scars on her arm. "HANNAH WHAT THE..." "That's love, Ed. My husband did that. He threw hot oil at me because he thought I was sleeping with another man." She sighed. "I should have. Anyway, eddie, JD saw it. He asked me later - I still remember "mommy, why did daddy do that if he loves you?" I had no answer, so I told him "Well, sometimes married people show their love differently." Ed was silent, as she went on. "We did NOT have a good relationship Ed. Not a good one at all. The scar you see is the LEAST of the ones I had. And JD saw him give me each one. And every time, I said "it's because we're married." "I'm afraid I spoiled the word for him. So don't, don't, don't... Don't bring it up. He knows you're stronger than him, and he knows that you don't have to be strong to throw hot oil at someone, or hurt them every day." "I'm gonna stop now. MORT! I'm introducing my second son to Jewish food and you serve this scheiss. SHAME ON YOU." "Hannah, I like it." "Of course you like it. It's terrific. The only one better than this is mine. Which you'll have when Joel brings you to the house. You'll meet his sister. Maybe his brother, maybe not." "Joel has siblings?" "You didn't know? Oi, so much you gotta get told by someone else. JD the clam we used to call him. He's the middle child. Sara is finishing up college. She's gonna be the doctor that I wanted Joel to be - don't remind him how he broke my heart when he went to law school. Now, Samuel.... hmmm.. Samuel is a rabbi. A conservative one. He and Joel haven't spoken in, oh, since their father's funeral. " "Hannah, do you have any idea why he didn't tell me any of this?" "Yes. More than an idea. He's afraid if you know too much about him, he'll lose you." "Is there some way I can fix that ?" She took his hand. "We'll work on it together. But do us all a mitzvah - that's a good deed eddie - don't mention marriage again. Wait for him to bring it up. When he's ready, he will. I promise. " "And.. you said 'scheiss?" Her eyes glistened. "What does it sound like to you. Have you ever heard JD say "ACH SCHEISS ". "I learned a lot today Hannah. Thank you." "HAH. It's a mom's job. Invite me back and I'll tell you more. Now, I think you know what you need to do tonight." "Yeah, I think I do." He made sure Hannah was in a cab. After the cab took off and they got near a subway, she got out, and took the subway home.

And when he walked into the house that night, ed had only one button opened on his shirt. That's when he learned about Joel's Chinese finger extenders, and how devilish they were when you tickled a tied up man's ribs while wearing thm.

Next: Chapter 19

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