Marine Bottom Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 23, 2023


Gentle readers: all good things must end, and we're getting to that point with our story. I am SO appreciative of the fans of this story, who have been RABID SUPPORTERS. THANK YOU. I'm seeing an end point now, and I have other stories I want to tell too. So, this may be the next to last installment, or two from the end, but there aren't going to be more than three in total. Enjoy. And if anyone wants to pick up the story when it's done, please feel free. I'd be flattered.


As the bar exam got closer, Joel got more and more tense and edgy. He knew it, and didn't deny it. When he got that tense, however, the first thing that disappeared, was his libido. He and ed still slept together, but it was a rare day when he was aroused enough to take ed. Instead of obsessing with ed's clothing, or what spot was most ticklish that day, he began obsessing about things like the "rule against perpetuities," or "the statute of frauds." To Joel's credit, he realized what was happening and had unlocked ed "for the duration:" the cage would go back on when the bar exam was over. Joel was so exhausted that he clumsily told ed that if he wanted to spend the night away and screw some woman, that was fine. He didn't even have to tell Joel. THAT was one that got ed a little upset. "SIR, DO YOU THINK I WANT TO BE IN BED WITH ANYONE BUT YOU? NO. I DON'T. NOT A WOMAN, NOT ANOTHER MAN, BUT YOU. " ed grabbed Joel, hugged him, nuzzled him, and tried, desperately, to stimulate his cock to at least a blow job. Joel played with ed's hair. "Sorry marine boy. it's just not happening. Not now anyway. I'm sorry. I promise you 100 inches in the six weeks after the exam though. " He smiled. "And a thorough shaving." "Oh, I've been taking care of that Sir." Joel smiled. "I know. but that's a DOM's job, and I've been derelict in my duties. That'll change. "

So, "pro tem" as Joel had taught him, ed had to be satisfied with Hannah. It wasn't an all together bad choice. They weren't doing anything sexual, but anytime he met Hannah for lunch in Manhattan, or took the train out to Brooklyn to have dinner with her, ed learned more about his lover, and his lover's family. And, as Hannah had promised, Jewish food. One night, over brisket with horseradish, Hannah put down her fork. "Ed." (she almost always used Eddie, so he knew this was serious), "I consider you my third son, you know that?" "Of course I do Hannah. And there are times I think of you as more of my mom than my real mom." "NEVER SAY THAT AGAIN ED. NEVER. YOU GET ONE. JUST ONE. I'm here to help my two boys. Get better with your mom. And if I can, I'll help." Her head dropped at the "If I can." That worried ed. If there were one person more headstrong, more convinced they could do more than anyone else, it was Hannah. "Mom, what's wrong?" "Promise me you won't tell Joel? He'll be angry I didn't tell him, but there's no way I'm going to tell him this during the bar exam prep." "She's dying," thought ed, and he began to tear up. Hannah laughed. And now, Eddie, you've experienced Jewish guilt. NO, NO NO. It's not as bad as you think it is. At least I don't think so. " She sighed. "It's been a while since a woman exposed herself to you, isn't it Ed?" He didn't answer. He had an idea where this was going, but..." She opened the silk blouse (which she had been proud to tell him she bought at half price at an outlet sale), and showed him the scar where her left breast should have been." "THAT Joel knows about. What he doesn't know about, is the lump they found in my good tit." "OH, HANNAH..." "No no no. No weeping and gnashing of teeth like you shiksa types say. I had a biopsy. They think the margins are good, and that the structure of the thing says benign." She laughed. BENIGN. STUPID WORD FOR THIS. " But... when the results come back, if it IS benign, this is going too. What does an old bird like me need tits for? " "She's more up front than Joel is. GOD DO I LOVE THIS WOMAN." "Now, I'm gonna have it done. Right after the bar exam, cause I'm gonna be there with you when he comes out of the exam hall. So do me a favor Eddie: don't tell him. Just do whatever your people do to try to guarantee something goes right. Top my son if you have to, screw some woman, light some candles, whatever. Do them all. Just be my rock for a while. Not my Rock Hudson - you're that for Joel. Just be there for me. And... one other thing. A BIG favor. I'm asking you for a BIG mitzva. If you boys decide to do the house on Long Island place, you think maybe there could be a maid's room or some place for me? I'm getting too old, and too tired to do this myself." She smiled. "I promise, the titless lady isn't going to interfere with whatever you do. " Ed reached out and took her hand. "I'm overwhelmed that you shared with me like this Hannah. " "And I'm overwhelmed that you make Joel so happy. Every day. EVERY SINGLE DAY" ed didn't take the subway home that night. He could cry to himself in a taxi. When he got in, he heard Joel's snoring. He had fallen asleep over his study books. ed came by and gave him a gentle kiss on the top of his head. "Sleep well, my Prince, my Sir, my man. You're gonna conquer this the way you conquered me. " Joel stirred. He smiled. "It doesn't have nipples marine boy" ed laughed. "you'd find them if it did." "Go to bed, eddie boi. I need to put in another two hours." "NOPE," ed answered. "At the risk of NOT being punished, I'm taking you to bed. NOW." He grabbed Joel around the middle, and this time, HE tossed JOEL over HIS shoulder and took him to the bedroom. "Gonna get you undressed, and naked, and in that bed. Plenty of time to study tomorrow." Joel was zonked out by the time ed got to his jeans. And he was up and at the books when ed got up at 6 to go to the gym. "How long have you been up, Sir?" "Two hours. That's pot of coffee number two." "PLEASE take care of yourself, Sir." ed came over and put his hands on Joel's shoulders. "I don't have to. I have you and Mom taking care of me. A delivery came late last night. There's brisket and horseradish sauce in the fridge. It's a specialty for her. Odd that she made it. She used to prepare it only for birthdays, and weddings. " He shook his head. "Moms. Can't live with them, can't shoot em either."


"Once you say A, you must say B" is a line out of the story "Yentl," and if law school was "A", the bar exam was "B." Two days in a row , six hours each day. Joel was in a civic auditiorium, with about 1200 other over prepared law school graduates. He had asked ed NOT to come the first day, and of course, ed didn't listen. He wore the silver sateenbaseball jacket Joel had given him, and a lavender shirt . He remembered to leave two buttons opened. "You came anyway." Joel came over and fell into his arms. "Someone was probably gonna need some help getting home, Sir. If you'd rather I let you be." "NO. I'm glad you're here." More crying from the Blake clan "GOD THIS IS SO HARD." "Hey, Joel. Look around. Look at these people. What did you tell me? The pass rate is about 70%." "That's right. " Joel let the use of his name pass. He may not have even noticed it. "You're gonna tell me you're not smarter than 30% of the people here? That's bullshit. " He grinned. "You picked me. That means you're really smart." Joel collapsed in his arms. "IT IS SO FUCKING HARD ED. SO FUCKING HARD." "I know the feeling babe. And it's gonna be my turn when I sit for the CPA exam. And you'll do everything for me that I'm trying to do for you." Joel looked at him. "You're gonna stick around?" Ed smiled. "Like a fucking barnacle. Sir."

The first day was essays and 50 short answers. The second day: 300 multiple choice questions. For Joel , it was agony. Normally decisive (he knew what he wanted at restaurants bfore he got there: he checked out on line menus), Joel found himself wavering, and almost guessing, on a bunch of the questions. He could usually knock the choices down to 1 out of 2, but beyond that... "this is worse than day 1. I'm gonna fail." But he plugged away. He finished about ten minutes before the proctor called time. As he filed out of the arena, all done, he looked for ed's shiny jacket. There it was. And Joel's mom was standing next to him. "ed? MOM? MOM? WHAT THE..." "My son passes the bar exam I can't be here for it?" "But, you said.. you said it would make you too nervous so..." He looked at a smiling ed "I am beginning to see the signs of a conspiracy here. Two spokes on the wheel. And Hmmm. I've never had you up on a wheel, eddie.." "ACH. NOT FOR MY EARS. NOT FOR MY EARS. " Hannah dramatized. ed had been keeping his hands behind his back. He pulled out a huge bouquet of flowers. "Your mom told me you love white roses. " He pressed them into Joel's hands, and then he gulped. "And your mom told me NOT to do this Joel, but I'm gonna go out on a limb." ed got down on one knee. He pulled out a small blue box from Tiffany. He opened it in front of Joel. "Marry me, my love? Marry me? Please. Please make me the happiest man in the world." ed had even kept this secret from Hannah. "Oi gevalt " she thought. Here comes trouble. ed went on. "I know the history. I know your family history, Joel. I'm not like that. You know that. And I never will be. PLEASE JOEL. Marry me" A crowd had gathered and had started changing "SAY YES/SAY YES/SAY YES." And again, Joel cried, as he smiled. "Yes. Of course. ALWAYS. " He handed the roses to his mom, and kissed ed. One of the pictures made it into the popular press the next day. It made it into one of the magazines the Marine Corps produced. And the Columbia alumni magazine. "Moms are never wrong. How did I miss this? " Hannah was thinking, as Joel took back the roses. "Mrs. Blank, I PROMISE. I PROMISE I will NEVER do anything to hurt your son. I will love him the way he loves me. Totally, and with every cell of his being." "Damn right you will, eddie. You don't want an old Jewish lady after you. Now can we go eat? Mom's starving."


So the bar exam was over, and ed had done something that surprised everyone. Joel essentially slept non-stop for two days. Then he made up for lost time with ed. It began with a full body shaving. Then, he told ed he had two hours to jizz , because he was going to put him back in chastity, until he got the results of the exam. He fucked ed, at least twice every single day for weeks. Two weeks after the exam, ed sat him down. "Joel, again, I'm not using Sir, because, well, there's important stuff to talk about. First... are you still interested in that house on Long Island?" Joel looked up. "I am. Are you?" ed smiled, and pulled out a real estate section, with properties highlighted. "And I got the names of three gay brokers on the Island. And..." He smiled as he pulled out a reservation confirmation. "No, it's not Fire Island. But there are plenty of pretty boys on the North Fork. Long weekend. You and I. Antiquing. Maybe we'll find that wheel." Joel looked up, speechless. "I JUST FUCKING LOVE YOU ED ROSS." "Now, something important. Something very important. And you have to promise: you're not going to get angry at me, or your mom." "FUCK. Is the cancer back? Is she dying?" ed shook his head "What is it with you Jews? GEEZ, it's always the worst possible situation." "Well my fine studly aryan marine boy, we're usually right." "No, she's not. But she's having an operation. And... if we get a house, she's asked if there's room for her." "OF COURSE you said yes." "OF COURSE I DID" "I'll get back to you. I need to give Mom another call." That one took a while. Joel raised his voice, more than once. Then he put down the phone, and took a deep breath. "Now... in terms of getting back to you..." he tied ed down to the chair they always used, and would for years. He pulled out two of his smaller hitachis, and put each one on one of ed's pecs, tying it there with velcro. He formed a spider web of bondage over ed's body, such that his pubes stuck out like a thick triangle. Then.. you name it: fingers, tongue, nipple clamps, violet wand. they all got put into use. So did ed's ass, which got plundered that night the way no town had ever been plundered.

"Hey Sir.. Did you see this? That guy ed? He proposed to Joel. It's on your magazine cover." "SONOFA..." Jake said to his husband. "I honestly didn't think he had the balls. " "Never underestimate us subs, Sir. We go after what we want. " He advanced on Jake, and when he got close, he turned so his ass was up against Jake's crotch. "And we don't stop until we get it." anthony got it that night.

The next day, Joel opened the envelope congratulating him on passing the NY Bar. And Hannah's oncologist called to tell her that the tumor was benign, but she did recommend "excission." "As soon as possible, Doctor. I have a wedding to plan. " "Oh, can I ask who?" "My sons." But I thought Samuel was married and Joel was gay." "Right on both counts." "But..." "Join me for lunch gorgeous. Momma Blake will explain it all to you."

Next: Chapter 20

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