Marine Bottom Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 12, 2023


Ed hadn't PLANNED to be a sex slave to another man. Far from it. In fact, when he started graduate school, well, you'll find out.

Ed Ross was not your traditional grad student. After he had finished college, he enrolled in the Marines, and spent six years there. Now, finished with the Marines, and looking for what was next, he had applied to business school. He had majored in economics and had done well. That, combined with his time in the military, made him a sure bet for Business School. Once he got the acceptance letter, he in turn accepted the offer, and got set for autumn semester. At 28, Ed could have been a poster boy for the Marines. He hadn't stopped working out after he left them, and he had a solid, muscular body - short cut blond hair, and light blue eyes. He wasn't particularly hairy, but he had a light coating of that blond hair all over his body. He stood at 6'2" He didn't need to shave every day, which suited him just fine. His look was such that Polly, his girlfriend, would jokingly tell her friends that she was dating Dolph Lundgren's younger brother.

It was a comparison Ed didn't dislike. He knew his looks opened up a lot of doors. And that was a good thing because, personality wise, Ed was a creep. In fact, he was a bully.

He had always been a bully. He had been bigger and stronger than any of his classmates in high school, and college, and he used it to his advantage. Instinctively, he always knew who the "weak kitten " was in a group, and that's where he focused his initial energy. Most of his classmates could recall times when they saw Ed put another student in a headlock, and administer "Nukkies" or some other kind of mild physical punishment, that hinted at what could happen if they didn't bend to his will.

His competitive nature was so infused with the bullying nature, that when he tried out for the wrestling team in college, he had been rejected. He couldn't follow the rules. He fought dirty. He cheated, and belittled the other athletes. The coaches, seeing what they had with him, didn't want any part of it, and wouldn't let him compete.

All of that suppressed bullying came out when he was in the Marines. Ed was a good Marine, but the other Marines kept their distance. They learned, real quick, that Ed was a hot head, and getting into a fight with him, almost always meant that they'd get roughed up, before getting the official punishments. Ed didn't seem to mind them. He usually would up without a scratch, and " a night in the brig is paradise," he had said.

Had he seen actual combat overseas, it might have softened his attitudes, but it was peace time, so most of the six years in the Marines he spent doing calisthenics, and doing office work as an analyst in Washington DC. At least he did that, when he wasn't hitting the town, and winning over women for one night stands. To the extent he had friends in the corps, they liked going out with him, because inevitably, the most beautiful women flooded to Ed, and since he rejected well more than 90 percent of them, the other guys were more than happy to be there to accept his "discards." And "discards" is the nicest word Ed used for these women. His words for homosexuals were much less kind than discards.

When he was accepted to business school, it was a school well far away from his home in South Carolina. The University had plenty of housing options, and as an "older student" with "military benefits," Ed had the option of taking an off campus apartment. He turned that down, in order to take a cheaper place. See, among other things, Ed was a cheapskate. If there were a way to get something cheaper, he took it . He didn't really want a fancy place to live, just a bedroom. If it meant he would have to take a roommate, so be it. Ed was used to being the alpha male, and he intended that this wouldn't change if he had a roommate.

The university gave him an apartment share with a guy named Joel Blake. Ned was also a graduate student, headed to law school. Far from an alpha male, Joel was quiet, and studious. He was shy, but also friendly, if someone approached him. Long hair, big thick glasses, a more than generous nose, and a body that showed he went to the gym a couple of times a week to do cardio, but not much lifting made him look like the nerd he was.

What Joel kept hidden was that he had in fact been a collegiate wrestler, and a good one. He had been the champion in his weight class for 3 years in a row, in the small academic division of which his college was a part. He would have won it four years in a row, except for "the incident." Joel was also gay, and he favored a particular wrestler, who competed for another school. The other wrestler, noticing how Joel smiled at him, and always seemed to be checking him out, was a bit uncomfortable, but decided he'd use that infatuation if they ever were in a match against each other.

The match never happened, because of what happened before a competition. Joel was working out, and Chris, the other wrestler, came out on the floor to work out as well. As Joel was stretching, Chris took a position where he was doing squats, right in Joel's sight lines. Yes, Joel was aroused. All the more so when Chris suggested they have a practice match.

They locked up and it soon became clear that Joel was the better wrestler. Wrestlers can usually judge pretty fairly how many points they've gotten, and how many points their competitors had. After the first two rounds, both wrestlers knew that Joel was ahead of Christ by something like 8-2. Third round , Chris decided to use what he sensed about Joel. He tried to trick him into mistakes by smiling at him, making flirty statements, and allowing himself to be put into positions where Joel was grinding his pelvis into Chris' back. When that happened, for the third time, Chris whispered "why don't you just take me Joel? You know you want it."

Joel misread the comment, and thought Christ meant it. He pinned him, and began to rip off Chris' singlet. That's when Chris began screaming. There were other people around, and before long, they were separated, Chris made a report out, and while there were any number of Joel's team mates who spoke up on his behalf, and any number of Chris' team mates who , when pushed, admitted that Chris was a flirt, the team decided that it would be "more prudent" if they expelled Joel from the team.

It was an incident that Joel didn't forget, but he tried very hard to put his wrestling life behind him.

He was in the apartment when his new roommate, Ed, arrived. "I'm in trouble," thought Joel, when he saw Ed, but he was friendly, shook his hand, welcomed him, and listened when Ed told him about his "rules." He wanted the bathroom first in the morning, he wanted the bigger bedroom, two shelves in the fridge instead of three... the list went on. If he were bringing a girl home, Joel should stay in the library late, as late as possible, and then come home as quietly as possible. Joel accepted all of this, because Ed walked around the apartment, usually shirtless, sometimes in just his skivvies, sometimes with just a towel wrapped around his middle after a shower, and most of all, when he exercised, he exercised nude.

Joel put up with all of this. He knew that law school was competitive, and he just tried to push Ed from his mind as much as possible. He'd study behind a closed door when he was home, although Ed had no trouble with just opening the door, without knocking, and standing there, shirtless, if he wanted something, or needed something. If it happened late enough at night, it gave Joel more than sufficient masturbatory material, because in spite of his obnoxious behavior, Joel had developed a serious, very serious crush on Ed, and he didn't know what to do. By then, Ed had a rather serious girlfriend, named Polly, who seemed to be as obnoxious as Ed was. One morning, when they were having coffee before class, Ed confessed that he really wasn't that "turned on" by Polly, but her dad was a hedge fund leader, and he wanted to get "as far as he could," and if he married her, that would be ok if he got a job in the family business. "Listen Joel. I think I have more experience at this than you do. If you close your eyes during sex, you can imagine anyone you want. Just don't say any names," He laughed, as he gave Joel a shot on the arm.

It kinda worked when he was jerking off, thinking about Ed. Once, maybe twice, he couldn't control himself, and yelled Ed's name. He hoped Ed didn't hear.

Joel's grades were better than average. Ed didn't exactly struggle with business school, but he was, as they would say "in the lower cohort of grades." When they started looking for summer internships , Joel found out how important looks were. He went to interview after interview, and got rejection after rejection. On the other hand, he became used to Ed opening a letter, pumping his fist and yelling "YES!" as he received another offer. Joel was learning, maybe a little later than some of us, maybe a little earlier, that life wasn't fair.

Joel was jealous, but not angry at Ed. That changed, however, over an incident that pushed Joel over the edge. He came home one day, after a long study session, starving. All the local eateries were closed, but he knew that he had left over Chinese food in the fridge. He was looking forward to it. He had eaten a light breakfast, and had skipped lunch, so he was ravenous when he got home. He opened the refrigerator, and reached for his left overs. There was nothing there. In fact, his whole shelf in the refrigerator was empty.

Ed was in his room, door closed. Joel heard music, and he could smell the joint. He knocked on the door. "Hey, Ed?" No answer. He knocked louder "HEY ED?" Still no answer. He tried one more time, and the result was the same.

The door wasn't locked, so he opened it. There was Ed, naked, jerking off to a porn magazine. 'DON'T YOU FUCKING BELIEVE IN KNOCKING SHIT HEAD?" Ed yelled, pulling a blanket up over his cock. "Uh, I did Ed. At least three times." 'WELL FUCKING KEEP KNOCKING NERDBOY. If I don't answer, I don't answer. Get used to it. Now, what the fuck do you want?" "Nerdboy? Hmmm. That was a new insult. Ed had called him a geek, a wimp, a shithead, and a few other ones, but never nerdboy" "Uh, I just wanted to know if you knew what happened to my dinner. I left it there, and, it's gone. So is everything else." Ed sat up. 'YOU KNOW, SOMEONE IN YOUR SHAPE SHOULDN'T BE EATING CRAP LIKE THAT. I took a look at everything in there that wasn't healthy, and dumped the crap. We'll go shopping tomorrow. Healthy food for you from now on." Joel pointed out that Ed's shelf was filled with things like butter, cheese, chocolate - all the things that Ed was now saying were crap." Ed laughed "Yeah. And when you have a body like this, you can eat the way I do. Until you do I'D KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT AND LISTEN TO PEOPLE WHO KNOW BETTER THAN YOU . NOW GET THE FUCK OUT SO I CAN FINISH WITH MS. SEPTEMBER."

Blushing , Joel walked out, closing the door. He was hungry, and he had no food in the house. He checked his room, and couldn't even find a candy bar. The sounds had changed in Ed's room. He came close to the door, and listened. He could hear Ed snoring. As quietly as he could, Joel went back to the refrigerator. He found half of a summer sausage and there was some bread on the counter top. He made himself a sandwich, knowing that he was going to hear from Ed about this. Ed inventoried his food every single day, and was constantly accusing Joel of stealing from him - which he wasn't. After he had finished eating the illicit sandwich, Joel began to think over all of the insults that he had suffered from Ed. Then he added their job hunting experiences. He was pissed. REALLY pissed. Even though he still thought Ed was one of the hottest men he had ever met. He just needed to be taught a lesson.

He thought about his possibilities. He hadn't fixed on any of them, but he decided that he'd rather be out of the apartment in the morning, before Ed did his "inventory. " Being away from the aparment , doing something else, would give him a chance to clear his head and come up with a plan. He packed his books for class the next day, his gym clothes, cash for food, etc, and got out while Ed was still snoring. His first top was the gym and a good workout. He started with stretching, because the night before had left him so tense.

Could he take Ed in a fight? He thought he could. Ed was bigger, and more muscular, but he wasn't trained, and admitted to being out of shape. Joel was deceptive: you wouldn't know from his build that he was a champion wrestler, but he had trained on men as big, or bigger, than Ed, and he was confident he could pull that off. Just how? He couldn't figure anything out as he went through a tougher workout than usual, and then at the local coffee shop for breakfast. It felt good to get food into him.

His class load was high that day. No more of those light Fridays the way he had his schedule in graduate school!. Nope. It was classes 9-3. He took a lunch break with his friend Glenn, and told him he probably wouldn't be able to get together on the weekend.

"Projects, good man. Projects." "Something for the seminar?" "Nah, this one is more personal. I'll see you the week after, howzat?" "Sounds good Joel. By the way, how are things going with your roommate?" Joel smiled. "About to get better."

Joel knew Ed's schedule well enough. On Fridays, he DID finish early. Then he'd usually hang out for a while, and make Polly nervous. He'd get to her place late, after she was pissed off. So it didn't surprise him when he walked into the apartment, and saw Ed, shirtless, sitting in their armchair, reading Joel's porn.

"HEY. WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT WERE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM?" Ed looked up and grinned "You know, some of this stuff is pretty good. Explains why you like sausage so much. " 'GIVE ME BACK THAT FUCKING MAGAZINE RIGHT NOW ED" Ed laughed. "When I'm done. Hope you enjoyed your sandwich." "It gave me gas all night. You'd know that. You eat it all the time." Ed looked up and giggled. "serves you right for taking food that isn't yours." "And it's ok for you to throw out mine?" "GIVE IT UP WIMP. You know I'm right." Joel was silent. Any half formed plans were gone. They were gonna settle this now. "GIVE ME MY MAGAZINE. NOW." Ed laughed. "Take it from me wimp" Joel stared him down hard. Then he grabbed the magazine. He took Ed by surprise and he had it. "Go into my room without permission one more time, and I'll kick your fucking soldier boy ass." Joel knew Ed HATED being called 'soldier boy' he was a MARINE. An ELITE. "HEY FUCKHEAD. You think you can kick a Marine ass? Bring it on." Joel put his magazine down and walked toward Ed. The astonishment in Ed's face turned to amusement. "Ok wimp. I can finish you off, and then get to Polly. " He threw a fist at Joel, and was stunned when Joel moved out of the way of the fist. He grinned "Try again Eddie baby. This time, I won't be so gentle." Frustrated, Ed threw another fist. This time, Joel grabbed it, and using his wrestling moves, twisted Ed's arm behind him. "WHAT THE... LET ME GO BASTARD.." Joel laughed and instead, pushed Ed's arm up further. "OW. FUCKER YOU'RE GONNA BREAK IT. " "Ha ha. What's the matter, tough guy Marine. Can't take it?" Joel grabbed Ed's other arm. Now he had them both trapped. "You're going down blondie." He brought a knee to the back of Ed's and Ed went down hard. Joel followed him, on top. Ed tried to squirm out, but Joel was an expert in these positions. "You ain't going anywhere Eddie baby. Nowhere at all. " He pulled his belt off his jeans and grabbed Ed's wrists. Soon he had them tied, tight. "HEY.. WHAT THE FUCK..." "NICE. REAL NICE. Now let's go get some of those shitty neckties you wear." Joel came back with three skinny ties that were at least 30 years old. He tied Ed's ankles, and then used a second one, to complete the hogtie. Finally, he took the third one, and used it to gag his prisoner. He rolled Ed on his side. The blonde was furious. Squirming trying to scream, just a pissed off man. Joel caught his breath and looked down at him. "Get used to it Ed. First, IF you got out of it, I'm still here, and I guess we just figured out, I can take you . Second, you're gonna stay that way until you agree to a few changes around here. I'll go through them. Third. I'll give Polly a call to let her know you won't make it tonight. " A smile "And, you know, you read that magazine. I got a lot more, and a lot of ideas. He bent down and put his fingers on one of Ed's nips. "Tied up Marines are a big part of my fantasy life. And now... I've got one. "

"MMMPH MJMMMMMP GRPPPMPDPDPDPD" was all you heard from Ed, as Joel picked up his cell phone.

"Polly? No, it's not Ed. It's Joel. Sorry to disappoint you. Ed's been working on a project and he's in the B school stimulation lab tonight, and he's gonna be tied up for , oh, probably the weekend. He left his cell phone this morning - three hour sleep nights'll do that to you. That's why I'm calling. I'll make sure he gives you a buzz if he's free."

He got off the phone and smiled at Ed. "And now, big boy, it's just you.. and ME.." He began pulling off Ed's sneakers, and his socks.


Next: Chapter 3

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