Marine Bottom Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 27, 2023


Ed sat in the office of the administrator for university housing. He wasn't smiling. "I'm sorry Mr. Ross," the administrator turned to him "but as you know, demand for housing by students is high. All of the standard dorms are full, and the subsidized apartments are full as well. There's very little we can do. I can suggest you check with departments to see if there are sublets because of professors on leave, or... and he sighed "you can take a look at the regular rental market, which I'm afraid is high at this time of year."

"Yeah, I figured that was gonna be the situation. I thought I'd ask anyway."

"If I may, Mr. Ross, can I ask why you're looking now? According to your file, we had given you a number of options when you signed up, but you rejected them for something cheaper."

Ed halted before he answered. He chose his words carefully. "I guess you could say that my roommate and I have different lifestyles, and they're just not compatible."

"Hmmm." The administrator pulled out Joel's file. "Joel Blake is your roommate, yes?" "That's right Sir." "Well, this is all very strange, because Joel had two roommates last year. You know we ask you to evaluate your roommate before you move out, yes?" Ed shook his head. "Both roommates gave Joel perfect marks. There are comments like 'quiet as a mouse', ' never needs anything' 'wish he were more of a rabble rouser ' 'didn't even say a word when my party got out of control.' " I would be hard pressed to think of better references. I COULD ask Joel to come in and discuss this if you like, or better yet, call you both in."

"NO NO. That won't be necessary Sir. I'm sorry to have taken up your time." Ed got up to shake the man's hand. As he did, he winced from the pain in his backside.

"Are you ok, Mr. Ross?" "Just fine Sir, just fine. Overdid it at the gym." "Well, that's an issue that I don't have. Do take care of yourself, and if you change your mind about my speaking to Joel, please let me know. "

Ed left the office. It was true. He was TRULY fucked. Joel must have been figuring this out for a while: what was he going to do, shout rape? Joel was right: anyone looking at the two of them, would just laugh at Ed. And of course, there were the movies Joel had taken. If Ed left, even to an apartment he found on the open market, he had no doubt Joel would distribute those films, first to Polly, then to professors, and then, if he found out anything about where Ed was applying for jobs, he'd do that too.

"Why did I behave like such an asshole? " he asked himself, thinking about how he had treated Joel when the semester began. He looked at his watch. SHIT. He had ten minutes to get back home according to the deadline Joel gave him. He'd better motor. Last time he was late, well...

He opened the door to their apartment, and saw Joel looking at his watch. "DARN. I thought you were gonna be late Ed. Then I'd have legitimate reasons to punish you." "Sir, can we talk first?" "If you can say what you want to before I gag you, sure. Now get in the chair." Ed was familiar with "the chair. " That's where Joel tied him up before he had his fun with him. He sat down, and put his hands behind his back, the way Joel had ordered him to do in the past. Today, Joel seemed to be using rope, rather than handcuffs. He felt the rope tightening. "Sir Joel, I really, REALLY want to apologize for what I did to you earlier in the semester. I was completely wrong... MMMMPH." While he was speaking, Joel had been ripping a big piece of duct tape from his roll of the stuff. He slapped it across Ed's mouth, and then he added a second one. "Sorry is for sissies Ed. You a sissy?" Ed shook his head. "Good. Then take your medicine like a man. Like a prisoner of war. Because that's what you are." Joel grabbed one, then the other one, of Ed's ankles and tied them to the back of the chair. Now, his legs were spread, and his crotch was exposed, and helpless. Gagged and tied, he had no idea what Joel had in mind for today. "Know what I think might be fun, eddie babe? How about having your pubes shaved? Isn't that something you marines used to do to new recruits. "MMPPPPH MMPHHH MMMMMPH. " Ed was shaking his head violently. Maybe his chest, but his pubes? " "Oh, we gotta convince you then, don't we? Now, how have I done that before? Oh yes. Of course... I'll go and get the clamps." "MMMMPH MMMMPH MMMMPH." More violent head shaking. "Oh? Would you prefer my fingers and my teeth today blondie? I can do that.. " Joel's fingers found Ed's left nipple. It was still sore from the torture Joel had administered last night and that morning. He began to moan almost right away. "Let's give equal time to both, huh? " Joel opened Ed's buttondown, and got the second nip. He began squeezing them both. "You know, you really ARE a hot man Ed. REALLY hot. It would give me SO MUCH CRED to show up at a gay dance with you as my date. You up for that?" "MMMMPH . MMMMMPH . MMMMMMPH. " What was this guy doing to him? He wanted to make Ed look like a faggot? Damn, NO. Joel moved around front. "Actually, you know, I have so much studying to do that I'm not gonna get to a dance for a while. Too bad. MMMM. Salty. You worked out hard today didn't you?" He began nibbling one of Ed's nips while he squeezed the other. Then he switched. "Any interest in a shave handsome?" Ed didn't even try to make noise. He just shook his head NO. "Ah. I know what might convince you. What did we tickle yesterday? Your feet. YEAH, your feet. Not convenient, right now, but you've got sensitive pits, don't you?" "MMMPH MMMPH MMMPH MMMPH MMMPH. " Ed did have ticklish feet, but his pits and ribs were worse. Joel had found that out about two weeks ago. Now, as he unbuttoned Ed's shirt, Ed tried to pull his arms closer to him. "Now, you know that isn't gonna work eddie, don't you? Especially when we have this little meat tenderizer." In fact, it was a small paddle, that Joel used to smack Ed's balls around. He began to rub it back and forth on Ed's crotch. He only used it when he was very angry - at least so far. Ed didn't want to get him angry today. He relaxed his arms, and Joel snuck his hands under his pits. He began to run his nails back and forth, and Ed began to squirm. He was trying to laugh, but it sounded like a whole lot of the farts he used to aim at Joel.

"Oh, my. I'm gonna have to be careful you don't knock over the chair eddie. You're really, REALLY squirming there... Want me to move to your ribs? " It wasn't really a question. Joel's hands were there. Ed was shaking. He was finding it hard to breathe with the gag, and he was covered with sweat. "NMRE NMRO NMRE.PLZ STP. PLZ."

"Do I hear you saying no more, eddie? and please stop?" Ed shook his head yes. "Well, I got plenty of tape, so here's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna rip off that tape, and if I don't hear "please Sir Joel, shave my pubes," the tape is going right back on. Gonna hurt when I pull it off, but you know that... One.. Two.. THREEE."

Joel ripped the tape from Ed's face fast and hard, and Ed winced. He gasped for breath. While he was gasping, Joel just lay the paddle on his crotch. "Please Sir Joel. Please. Please shave my pubes. Please. Please shave my pubes." Joel smiled. You could see the bulge in his crotch. He hadn't done anything but jerk off on Ed... yet. "Well, certainly Ed. I'm not THAT great a barber, but I think I could do that. How's about we use MY beddroom? Your sheets may still be sweaty." They had slept in Ed's bedroom last night, and Ed had, in fact, sweated hard with what Joel had done to his nips, the edging, the scruffing. Joel's bed was equipped with stronger restraints than the ones he had put on Ed's bed, so Ed knew, there was no escaping.

"Wait until I get in there soldier boy." Joel smiled when Ed made a face at the term. "I wanna see you strip. Right down to your cock ring.

(Yes, when he didn't use the cage, Joel made Ed wear a leather cock ring to "keep him honest" as he put it). Whenever he wasn't tied up, Ed thought about testing Joel another time. He remembered that first beating, and didn't think Joel could do it again . But he wasn't convinced. And of course, there WERE the films. "Slowly edward. Slowly. Strip for me little by little. Joel was filming, as Ed stripped his red button down first, then his khakis, then his jockstrap. "LOOK AT THAT. A cockring. Who put that there?" Ed knew how he had to answer. "I did Sir." "Why did you do that?" "Because you're the Master, and you told me too Sir." "WELL DONE SOLDIER BOY. Now, onto the bed." Ed knew that he was supposed to spread out, and let Joel tie his wrists and ankles, and that's what happened. He didn't understand why, but just like the last time, he found his cock getting hard. Maybe it was because Joel hadn't let him shoot in a week, or was it... was it Joel's hand, gently stroking his belly after he tied him down. "You just look so HOT tied down Edward. You're hot, generally. Like some cousin of Dolph Lundgren, but tied down. GEEZ. You're hotter than him. GOD do I wanna tickle you some more." Ed said nothing. He knew he had no choice about this. "Now, a lot of people like to use electric clippers, but I think a good old straight edge and some suds, do a MUCH better job. And my soldier boy deserves the best." Joel smiled as Ed's eyes got big and scared when he saw the straight edge. "Please Sir. Please. Can you shave my chest instead? Please?" "Oh, well, you see ed, I was thinking about doing both, but ya see... I got plans for a photo set of you shaved and shirtless. That's in the future. But for now... since you still need to learn your place, this is better." Joel pulled up his desk chair. "Let me show you how sharp this is, eddie boy." Joel picked up a piece of note pad paper, and used the blade to slice it. "So you see, I think you'll want to keep REALLY still while I do this. I mean, not that you need your cock anymore, but I'd hate to have to take you to the ER while we're having SO MUCH FUN... " He sprayed some foam on Ed's crotch, and rubbed it around. The cold temperature, and Joel's touch, made Ed almost moan. "Ho ho. You like that. Someone may need to cum today. You wanna cum today ed?" "Yes Sir. Please." "Well, let's see if you behave." Joel began to slowly bring the blade down on ed's pubes. Ed could feel the scraping movements, and just barely see the blade moving, but he didn't dare try to lift his head. "Your hair is very fine ed mundo. Sort of like a soft puppy. " Joel continued to work on Ed's pubes. "OH, the hair is coming off just so well. " Ed was trying very hard to keep as still as possible. Every time he saw Joel turn around with some of his pube hair, he whimpered. "Oh, don't be sad eddie boy. It'll grow back. That's the good news. The bad news: it's gonna itch like hell when it does. " He laughed. "you're gonna look like you got crabs. And the good news for me... when it grows back, I get to trim it again." Ed was thrashing his head back and forth, gritting his teeth. "Sooner or later, you're gonna pay for this you faggot." Joel looked at him. "Oh, you're REALLY asking for a little accident aren't you ed? Or maybe, the cage for another week, or something. Are you not getting enough discipline?" "I'm sorry Sir. Slip of the tongue. I'm the faggot. I'm the bitch." "BETTER sweet pea. MUCH BETTER." Joel picked up a wet rag, and cleaned off Ed's pubes. "Now, just give me a minute to untie you. You're gonna see: you look like a new man. Or boy." Just as he went to release the restraints, their common phone rang. "Just one minute Ed. " Joel laughed. "Don't go anywhere." Ed couldn't hear much of the phone call, but when he saw Joel come back in the room, with the scowl on his face, he knew it wasn't good. "Know who that was? The administrator of student housing. He called to say that he had given the housing a second look and still didn't find anything. He thought it would be a good idea if I came in to discuss why you were so unhappy living here." Joel reached down and grabbed Ed's balls and squeezed. "FUCCKCCKCKCKCCKCK" "Yeah. FUCK is right bitch." Joel smacked them. "You'll leave here when I SAY you leave here. When I'm tired of you being my bitch. AND NOT BEFORE. YOU GOT THAT?" Ed sighed, close to tears from the punishment his balls had just taken. "yes sir. " "Now, this is what's gonna happen. We're gonna go and see the housing director together, and you're gonna tell him, in front of me, that we've made up our differences. GOT IT?" Ed was close to tears. "Yes sir." Then he saw the dark glower over Joel's face. "You know, I wasn't gonna do this for a while, but I think, ed... you need to understand fully, your place in this apartment.." He began taking off his belt, and sliding down his pants. Ed thought it was gonna be more of the usual jerking on him, but this time, Joel got the rope of tape and covered Ed's mouth with three or four pieces. Then, he undid the ankle restraints, and pushed up Ed's legs. When ed resisted, he put the straight edge to his balls. "Yeah ed baby. You're about to TRULY become a bitch.. Ed tried to scream, he tried to beg, but it wasn't doing any good. He saw Joel like one finger, and then put it into his ass. Then two. He felt them moving around in him. OH SHIT. He had never felt anything like this before. Was Joel's cock next? It was. He saw Joel grab condom, and lube. "You don't deserve the lube, you CUNT soldier boy. But you'll get it this time. Ed tried to calm down. There was nothing he could do. He had been trained to endure torture, but never SEXUAL torture. He felt Joel's cockhead begin to enter him. "OH MAN THAT IS ONE TIGHT MANPUSSY ED. GOD WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG.' He began to slide in, slowly but surely, taking possession of Ed's chute. The first thrusts were painful to Ed, but as he breathed, he got used to it. It was never not gonna hurt, and when Joel stopped and pushed, HARD, it hurt a lot. He saw Joel's face, smiling. "Know what you are NOW, eddie? You're not just a bitch . You're a BOTTOM BITCH. And in a minute, you're gonna be a BRED BOTTOM BITCH. Google it when you can, because right now... you're gonna take my FUCKING SEED." He saw the look on Joel's face change, and he felt the warm liquid trapped in the condom. He was embarrassed to see: his own cock had grown to a size that he hadn't seen since his last date with Polly. They were probably broken up now, because he hadn't returned her calls. He closed his eyes, and tried to think of her, but all he could think of... was Joel pushing his cock into him. His hips began to buck. He was screaming "NOOOOOO," and then he shot. All over himself. Joel grabbed his cock and stroked it. The stroking made Ed's cock even more sensitive, and he moaned like an animal, as Joel got every drop out of him. "Let's get that gag off. You're gonna do something for me.." He pulled off the tape. Ed was gasping. "You fuck Sir. You fuck. You fuck. " "Yeah, I do. And for the immediate future, the one I'm gonna fuck.. is you... Cause that was AWESOME. " He took some of Ed's cock on his finger, and he put it to Ed's mouth. 'TASTE YOUR OWN JIZZ BOI." Ed tried to push his head away, but Joel grabbed his balls and squeezed. "OWWWWW," and then Joel's fingers went in, pushing the cum down Ed's throat. "Get used to the taste of cum soldier boi. You're gonna be taking mine soon enough." Ed pulled at the restraints. There was no give. "I'm using a lot of tape, but such as it is. I'm gonna leave you here while I study eddie boy. I have about two hours worth of reading to do. Then, we'll decide about dinner, and where we're gonna sleep tonight, ok, hon?" He played with ed's hair, and kissed his cheek. Ed hated it when he kissed him like he was, well, like he was a girl. " "As Arnold once said, studmuffin. 'I'll be back.' " Joel laughed, as he left ed tied and gagged, squirming, on his bed.

Next: Chapter 5

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