Marine Bottom Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 20, 2023


It was about a ten minute walk uptown to the pub where the "study group" met, and as ed walked, a butt plug deeply in his ass, he tried to synthesize everything that had happened over the last week and a half. Clearly, Joel had been waiting for his chance, and when he had it, he took it. Revenge to start, he guessed, but it was more than that now. Joel really seemed to enjoy torturing him - although this wasn't the type of torture they had talked about and trained for in the Marines. There wasn't a mark on his body: no beatings, no burns, nothing like that. And Joel's approach, if ed were honest about it, was tapping into some of his fantasies. Joel almost always gave him a chance to resist. And each time, ed was defeated. Conquered. Joel had even used that word, more than once. He referred to ed as "defeated," "subdued" "captive," all words that came out of a victor/vanquished idea. Ed HAD all of these fantasies, but he was always the winner: the victor. Now that the tables were turned, well. It wasn't always unappealing. Joel seemed to know how to push his buttons. He'd put his finger on "the spot" on ed's balls that just sort of automatically made ed hard, right before he fucked him. And the fucking: yeah, what was going on there? He thought he'd hate it: but there were times, when it felt good. REALLY good. And the regimen that Joel gave him: he kind of enjoyed the challenge of "get home by X or else." And then things like tonight: Joel had told him that if he went to the study group, he had to cancel his date with Polly. He had to spend Saturday with him. He chuckled to himself. Probably, Joel was gonna "bring down the hammer" and he was gonna have to spend Saturday with him anyway. BUT... he DID let him go to the study group, even though he had to put a four inch dildo in his ass for the evening.

"HEY. I remember you. From the gym" He looked up. That big tall guy who wanted to spot for him: Jake was it? Yeah, he was walking with this buff young guy, sort of straberry blond. "Oh yeah, right. Sorry. I was thinking about something else. Ed held out his hand. "Good to see you again. Did I remember to introduce myself? I'm Ed." "Yup, Ed, the biz student. I teach physics here. And this fella is anthony, my lover." Anthony smiled and held out his hand. "Nice to meet you Ed. Jake told me he had met a business student at the gym. I guess that's you." Jake smiled. "I mentioned him sweetie because I thought he was a nice guy." He looked at Ed. "You wanna come over to dinner some time big Ed? Anthony's a fantastic cook." Ed winced just a bit. "I'd love to, but... I'm... I'm seeing someone..." "OH, well bring her, or him as the case may be, or both." Ed blushed, and Jake laughed. "Ed, I really don't care who you're sleeping with, as long as it's not anthony." Ed blushed more. "Oh, I can guarantee that Professor Jake. Nope. Not me." "Well, I don't want to make this more awkward, Ed. Let's keep it as a dinner invitation." He pulled out a card. "Here's my number. Gimme a call. You and your significant, or not so significant other, can come by. We'll talk. " He squeezed the back of anthony's neck. "Now, I'm taking this handsome young man out to dinner, and we don't want to be late. Enjoy your - what do they call it these days - stammtisch? " Ed laughed. "Yeah, Friday night stammtisch." "We used to do it too. Take care. Have a great weekend."

As they walked of in opposite directions, anthony spoke to Jake. "nice looking guy Sir." Jake grinned. "Yeah, I agree. Not as handsome as you, but different. " He paused. "He's got a Dom." "How do you know Sir?" Jake laughed. "He was working out in a tank top, and I could tell: his pits had just been shaved." Anthony gulped. "I'd feel like a girl if you shaved mine, Sir." "Well, you don't have to worry. Shaving's not really my thing. Some Doms do it to make sure their subs know who's boss. I suspect this is a new relationship. " He paused. "You think it'd be fun if I fucked you AND ed at the same time?" Anthony paused. "Probably not Sir, but you know... I've never seen you fuck someone else.." "Hmmm. Good point. You haven't. Think you'd like to see ed fucked by someone, be it me or someone else?" "I don't know about the someone else Sir. Know what I'd like to see? You fucking me. In the mirror." Jake laughed. "I love you anthony . You always bring it back to where it should be. Let's go celebrate. Don't need a reason. You polished the mirrror in the bedroom didn't you? "Yes sir." anthony smiled "Well, let's see what we can come up with tonight. " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ed's study group had deteriorated into just shooting shit by about 10:30. Every now and then, ed would shift slightly in his seat, to move the dildo. DAMN if he wasn't getting hard. He wondered what Joel was doing: was he fucking someone else? He hadn't put a time limit on getting home, or he'd send a clip to Polly. It was all a little new. "eddie boy, you've been upping your clothes game. Looks good." The one out gay man in the group came and sat by him, talking. "Oh, thanks Burt. My roommate's gay, and he gave me some wardrobe pointers. Guess I never learned." Burt laughed. "It's common. You str8 guys tend to get dadbodyitis early on, even if you have great bods. Yours is a-ok, Marine stud." Ed smiled. This was the second gay guy tonight who was letting him know he was hot. Bur smiled. "So , what do we gay guys gotta do to change you to our team?" Ed laughed. "I don't know if I can answer that." "Four beers? Eight beers? Twelve?" Ed laughed. "STOP. I better be getting home." He got up to say goodbye to the guys. He put his white spring jacket on and headed out.

He got to a dark apartment. Apparently, Joel had already gone to sleep. He realized that, if he wanted to, he could go back to his own bed. He could always tell Joel that he didn't want to disturb his sleep. Of course, that might be the wrong thing, and he might get yet more punishment. And then he thought about how good it felt, laying next to Joel. He stripped, and whispered "excuse me Sir. Can I get in next to the wall? " Joel moaned just a bit and then he smiled. "Get in here blondie. I've been dreaming about you." Ed got into position. He felt Joel pull the dildo from his butt and toss it to the corner of the room, before he draped his arm around Ed, his hand landing on Ed's nipple. Ed felt his cock jump. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

Ed woke up the next morning, feeling Joel's finger trace a line back and forth on his butt crack. Very slowly, very lightly. Without thinking, ed began to pump his butt up toward the finger. He felt the tip of Joel's nail just barely scratch the entrance and he heard Joel whisper "Oh. You like that babe, don't you." Ed didn't say anything, he just whimpered. He tried to curl up, away from the finger, but his body betrayed him. His body betrayed him a second way, as his cock began to harden. He felt Joel's morning beard on his ear and heard more whispering "Someone needs a good stiffy up his ass this morning, doesn't he?" Ed didn't answer . He just kept moaning. Joel's hand had curled around his cock now, and he felt Joel start pushing his pelvis up against him. "OOOOOOh. OOOOOOH..." Ed's moans got louder as Joel teased his cock. He felt Joel beginning to flip him over and he resisted, not that it would do any good, but... he knew Joel liked it when he did. It didn't take Joel long to have Ed on his back, his arms pinned to the bed. He climbed up on top of him. "Did my marine boy have a good time last night?" He smiled and nibbled the top of Ed's lip. Joel was fully aware of Ed's hard on. "Yes sir. It was good to see those people." He hesitated before then saying "Two guys hit on me Sir. I think one was a Professor here." Joel smiled as he began toying with ed's nipple. "Well, it doesn't surprise me. I'm surprised you were still unchained before I came along. I'm surprised that EVERY gay guy on campus hasn't hit on you." Ed pushed against Joel's hands, and Joel laughed. "You're not getting up until I say so Ed. We're gonna go over today's plans. It's a big day for you." "It is Sir?" "OH YEAH. See..." He slid to Ed's side and continued his work on Ed's nip. " with guys paying attention to you, I think it's time to do what I need to do. And that's break you. Get your total submission. Adieu to Polly, adieu to women, bien venue to my complete sex slave." "Not gonna happen Sir." Ed fought more strongly, and Joel moved his hand from ed's nip to his balls and squeezed. "I'll have you broken before the day is over. You'll be wearing my slave collar, and you'll be doing what I say. Just like... right now, you're gonna lift those legs, hold them and wait until I fill you with my jizz." "NO WAY SIR. NO FUCKING WAY. OUCH. FUCK... " Joel was squeezing Ed's balls harder. "See, edmundo, my little soldier boy, I don't need these anymore. Neither do you. Soooooooooooooo..... If you wanna keep em, grab your ankles. Hold them up." Joel heard ed sigh, and he smiled. This was not the last time ed was gonna have his cock in him today. He circled Ed's hole with finger "Now, there's the spot, soldier boy. Good to get the day started with some target practice. " Ed closed his eyes, and gritted his teeth. He knew from the morning blow jobs he had to give, that Joel was big, and hard, and thick in the morning. Today was no exception, only today, he was taking it up his ass instead of down his throat. And Joel was clearly horny, from not fucking him the night before. He grabbed hold of ed's legs, and looked down on him , smiling. "Oh, eddie baby. If any of those guys knew just how hot your ass was, they'd be doing more than coming on to you. You could very well be tied down, naked, and being fucked all day. Which, as I think about it, is not a bad way to spend Saturday, COCK SLAVE..." He pushed once, hard, and shot into ed deep. Ed's own cock, stimulated by the pressure on his prostate , was ramrod straight. As Joel pulled out though, he was very clear. "Play with that cock and I'll lock it up for a week, bitch. I want you showered, shaved, and changed. Then, we'll start our day of submission." Ed saw the look of determination on Joel's eyes, and for the second time that week, he thought about throwing a punch. He thought better of it, and muttered "yes sir," before he want off to the shower. He let the water hit his cock, and hoped it didn't trigger him. When he came out, Joel had pulled out what he called ed's "soldier boy whore" outfit: the tight t shirt with the holes at the nips, the red shorts with the slit up the back white athletic socks, his sneakers: and a tight blue jock. "When you're dressed, into the chair. " "yes sir," ed got out, hoping desperately for some relief. He didn't get it. He got into the chair, and Joel roped his wrists tightly, spread his ankles and tied his legs to the chair, and then pulled out a roll of white duct tape, and wrapped it around his mouth. "And here you'll sit. Until I'm ready for you. Oh, of course! Something to keep you busy. How about a movie of a marine being kidnaped and fucked? " He turned on the TV as he went to get his own shower. When he came out , dressed, he swallowed a Viagra in front of Ed. "I'l be back in two hours. And ready for you again.." He smiled and dropped the nipple clamps over ed's neck. "We'll need these later. " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

The first half hour that he was sitting there, tied up, was not that bad. Joel had tied ed up for about that length of time already, usually attaching, and removing, then reattaching the nipple clamps. Ed could see their house clock from the chair, and at 45 minutes, he began to squirm. It did no good, Joel always tied his knots really tight. He tried to scream when he heard neighbors down the hall coming home, probably from shopping. "MMMMMMMMPH! MMMMMMMPH! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!! " It did no good. The gag was tight, and Joel had left the television on, so that after the movie about the kidnapped and tortured marine was over, the noise from children's programming was loud enough to drown out any sound. Ed was helpless, with a hard on. Joel hadn't caged him. He had to believe that was deliberate, so that he'd suffer with his attempts to jerk off.

The phone rang after about an hour. Ed knew there was no way he could reach it, so he just sat back. Until he heard the voice on the phone message. It was Polly's father: "Edward, this is Mr. Moorehead calling. I don't quite know how to put this, but... I'll be direct. Polly is very upset about you ignoring her, and so am I. She spoke to your roommate a while ago, and he said you'd call back, but you never did. And she's called you since then, and gotten no response. If you're seeing someone else, well, that is of course your prerogative, but my daughter at least deserves an explanation. Given the situation, however, I'm sure you'll understand that you working for me this summer, is out of the question. I DO hope that you are well and that you find a suitable position. There's no need to call back. Polly was quite clear to me that she never wants to hear from you again."

Ed fought against the ropes again , screaming so hard his throat hurt. He rocked the chair back and forth, hoping to maybe turn it over and get to the phone. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!" Nothing he did, had any good. "FUCK!" He thought. "THAT SON OF A BITCH FAGGOT BASTARD JUST LOST ME MY JOB AND MY GIRLFRIEND." Unable to do anything, he sat there, trying to regain his strength. Joel was gonna pay for this. His mind moved between anger, and sadness, and he did feel tears form a few times. He was trying, desperately, to come up with a plan. Then the door opened. He saw Joel smiling.

"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFKN BSRD! CKSKR FGGT BSRD!" "And good afternoon to you ed! Did you miss me?" Joel started laughing when he saw ed's face turn angry. "OOOOH. Someone's pissed off. Does someone need some nipple play? " He moved close and began to squeeze ed's tits through the cuts in the shirt. When he did that, ed could only moan. When Joel pushed his knee up against his cock, he moaned louder, and his cock got even harder. He was as close to the edge as he had ever been. " "I bought a present for you eddie boy. Actually , two. One for wearing outdoors, and one for in." Joel smiled even bigger, and pulled out two collars. One was thin, and looked like it was leather. The other was chain, with a lock on it. "Now, you'll get these after you surrender today. They're both slave collars. This little skinny one: it'll remind you of what you are, and any DOMS out there who have eyes on you. This bigger one... is for when we play at home. " A pause. "I wanted to get you two of these, but... wearing this big one outside'll be tough. " He saw the look on Ed's face. "Oh. We have a phone message. You want me to hear it. ?" Joel went over and as he heard it, he smiled. He came over, and began cutting away Ed's gag. "Well, we knew this was coming , didn't we eddie boy? Think of how much anguish she just saved you. Now, you don't have to run home every day to make sure she doesn't get the tape. And... now you can use your newfound hotness to get a job on your own. Hmmmm. I wonder what you'd make if I pimped you out." "YOU FUCKING BASTARD! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU. I AM GOING TO KILL YOU AND GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HERE. YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THIS." He started crying. "Awwww, eddiebaby. You know I'm a sucker for your tears..." He kissed ed's ear. "How about I get the clamps and have you think about something else?" 'I'M GONNA KILL YOU FAGGOT I'M GONNA KILL YOU... OH FUCK... OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" Joel had applied the clamps and pulled them hard. " I do not like that word, marine boy. And you're not gonna kill me, you're not gonna get away, and you're not gonna hurt me, because, sweetcakes. " He paused, pulled the clamps hard, and then dropped them. "I.....................GOT YOU. I'm gonna turn you into such a fucking sub bottom it isn't funny. " "It's not funny NOW. PLEASE JOEL. PLEASE. COME ON. I LET YOU DO ANYTHING YOU WANTED. ENOUGH. ENOUGH. PLEASE." Joel laughed, and smacked ed's crotch. "Never forget soldier bitch. It's SIR. Or MASTER. Don't ever call me Joel again. " He smacked ed's cock again. "Also, you didn't 'LET' me do anything. You thought you'd bully me and you'd get whatever the fuck you wanted. How's that working out for you?" "I told you I'm sorry. I DID." Joel laughed. "Yeah, and you were gonna kill me. That sounded sincere. " He pulled the clamps so hard they came off of ed's tits. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. That hurt. " "Awwww. Poor baby. Did I violate the Geneva convention, marine boy? Ha ha. How about I violate your ass? " "NO. COME ON. YOU FUCKED ME THIS MORNING.' "I did. And I'm gonna fuck you again. But first...." Ed saw Joel putting on the velcro gloves. "I'm gonna have some fun. " He untied the ankle restraints and pulled ed out of the seat. He was still pissed off, and he resisted. "FUCK THIS. YOU"RE NOT DOING THIS ANYMORE" "Blah, blah, blah," was Joel's reply. He reached over to the toys, and picked up the violet wand. He touched it directly to Ed's crotch. "SHIT. STOP." "MOVE, bitch." Joel smiled. "Unless you'd prefer the dog collar, and a leash. He fought Joel's hand on his arm, but ed walked into Joel's bedroom.

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The restraints were still on the bed, and after Joel made ed strip, and get on the bed, he was tied down again. Then, he began slowly, VERY slowly, to stroke his body with the velcro glove. "Heh heh. Should I do your balls ed? How do you think this would feel? "NO NO. PLEASE. NOT THAT." "Well, then we'll just keep this up a bit , before I dig into your ribs." Joel kept up the velcro torment for ten minutes, and then he slipped off the gloves. "NO. NO. NO TICKLING. PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA" "And you know what's gonna happen ed? I'm gonna keep this up until you BEG to get fucked." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. PLEASE. I'm sore. I'm sore from this morning. " Joel slid his hands down to ed's feet. "You know, we didn't try these gloves on your feet, did we? Let's get those sneakers off, and then..." He pulled off ed's socks, and knotted them. "Nothing better than a sock gag, bitch" He gagged ed, and then smiled. "Now , you can shake your head 'yes' when you're ready to get fucked." Joel began sliding his hand back and forth. Occasionally , Ed would rub the fingers of the gloves over one of ed's big toes. He saw that his prisoner was turning red. Then the head shaking began. He pulled out the gag. "You got something to say, ed?" "YES! YES! STOP. FUCK ME. PLEASE FUCK ME" "Are you forgetting a word, ed?" Joel began putting the gloves back on. "FUCK ME SIR. FUCK ME SIR. SIR. PLEASE" "You're gonna be saying that a LOT today soldier boy." Then, Joel did something he hadn't done to ed before: He tied his ankles to the upper part of his body. Then he slipped his cock in and fucked ed harder than he had before. "Know who gets fucked, ed? SUBS. You're gonna be my sub." Ed didn't answer. He just moaned. "Please Sir. Can I cum after you." "Depends ed. You're not gonna cum again until you submit. Wanna submit?" "NO." He felt Joel shoot into him for the second time that day. "That was sweet ed. REAL SWEET. I think you need a rest. I'll be leaving you here until I'm ready for you again. " "Who knows? Maybe I'll give Polly's dad a call and tell him you're with a friend." "YOU FUCK. YOU GODDAMN FUCK." "You're a GREAT fuck ed. " Joel reached down and stroked ed's cock. Precum shot out. "That's enough. I'll see you in about an hour."

Next: Chapter 8

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