Marine Bottom Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 28, 2023


When Joel came back from ed's room with fresh clothes, he found ed curled up in a fetal position, softly crying. His face was turned to the wall, so Joel couldn't see him. He put the clothes down next to the toys he had already pulled out. He realized he needed to play this very , VERY carefully. He reached out and stroked ed's hair, pushing it back from his face. Ed didn't recoil, or get defensive. Hmmm. Joel had to figure out what was going on. "eddie baby. " He continued to stroke ed's hair, and didn't try to force him to turn around. "Talk to me. What's the matter? You're not hurting physically are you? " He took a chance and stroked ed's arm. Again, no resistance, no fight. More crying though.

"No Sir. I'm not hurting physically. Not at all. It's the first time I've ever lost a fight, without anyone punching me, or beating me up, or anything. But I lost. You won. You won fair and square. I'm not used to losing. But there's more. "

"Before you go on ed, let me ask you something. Did you want to lose? You knew what I had in mind, and of course, you knew what I had been doing to you. Did you just give up, or did you want to give up?"

That produced more crying, and finally, the answer: "I WANTED to give up Sir. I... I... I didn't know that what you did to me, would feel so good. I LOVE being helpless. It's so , it's so different from what I grow up with. I thought you were a sissy but... DAMN. You could take any Marine in the business , Sir. " Joel smiled a little and let the compliment sink in. "Well, then, why don't you let me know what's REALLY bothering you then?" "Sir... I'm being selfish. I KNOW I am, but I can't help it. I didn't expect to have to work to get a job after I'm done with school. I mean, I liked Polly fair enough, but I didn't LOVE her... I was doing her, so that I could have a job in her father's company. And now, that's gone. And... when he spreads around the story that... that Ed Ross is gay... NO ONE is gonna hire me."

AH! Now things made more sense. He may have surrendered sexually, but there was still more than a fair amount of arrogance around ed. Joel smiled to himself, because it meant that there was more fun ahead. But for now, he had to work to calm down his new sub. He didn't know if what he was about to do was the right thing, but he got into bed, next to ed, and wrapped his arms around him.

"eddie. Listen to me, ok ? First and foremost, we're in this together now, stud. That's a future attorney and a future MBA. Sounds like an unstoppable combination to me. And now, think about this eddie. You've got this HUGE load off your chest, your mind, everything. You've accepted yourself. With that gone, it's gonna be much, MUCH easier to study. MUCH easier to get fucking good grades. And you know what? I'd bet you that if an employer had a choice between a handsome MBA with good grades and one who's "Ok" looking and has mediocre grades, who's gay and who's not, is not gonna matter very much. So... " Joel laughed as he kissed ed's ear. "If you think I was a disciplinarian about things so far, wait until you see how I can get about your study habits." Ed chuckled a little at that. "Well if you whip me half as badly as you did already, I'll get straight A's." "I'm gonna whip you three times as much." Ed laughed and rolled over himself, to look at Joel. He stretched out a hand to Joel's cheek. "You'd do that? You'd make sure I stuck to it and worked harder?" "Consider it done, stud. We're in this together." "Really? Together. " Something else clikced in Joel's head. "Listen up, marine boy. From the first day you walked into this apartment, as my new roommate, I thought 'he's so fucking fine. I want that hottie. I want him BAD." And I still do. Defeating you was hot, and I won't forget conquering you ever. But studmuffin, if I hadn't been interested in you, trust me. I'd have made it so hard for you to live here, you'd be shacking up with Polly in some YMCA bunk or some crap like that. Yeah. We're together. " He paused and smiled. "And you better damn well say that sex with me is better than with Polly." "MUCH better Sir. I mean it. You know, you don't know how many times I've been sitting in class, thinking about what you did to me the night before, or the morning, and found myself getting embarrassingly hard. I never knew. I just never knew... But when you asked me the question about cowboy shows before, I realized 'holy shit.' All those times I'd check out the other marines when we were changing after our maneuvers, or ... oh God, so many things, Sir. I mean, I knew women found me attractive, and I never let myself enjoy women who wanted to dominate me. I thought it was wrong: that's not how it works... But..." "When I dominated you, you liked it." "I LOVED it Sir. " "Well, you're gonna get more of it. Now, what I want you to do is wash off your face, get cleaned up, and then we're gonna get dressed you and I. We're going out. You've been introduced to gay sex big time, you've been exposed to domination. Now, you're gonna learn a bit about your new world.

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When ed came back from the shower, wrapped in a towel, Joel just stared at him. "DROP THE TOWEL SOLDIER BOY." "YES SIR." ed did what he was told, and got his hands behind his back. His cock was standing at attention. "DAMN. I didn't expect to have to deal with that. The towel is on the floor in front of you. Jerk off. Jerk off NOW. Tell me what you're thinking of. And you better hope it all falls on your towel, cause you're gonna have to lick up every drop that doesn't." "YES SIR. THANK YOU SIR." Ed did need relief. He need the release of jerking off. "I'm thinking about how you edged me Sir. How you brought me to the brink, and then pulled me back. I'm thinking about the first time I felt you tie my wrists. GOD that was so fucking hot. I remember your fingers on my nips. I never felt anything like that. You tickling me. OH SHIT. THE TICKLING. OOOOOO" The jizz started shooting out. All of it landed on the towel. "Too bad," thought Joel. "But it's a good start." "Come kiss me eddie boy. Gimme your sub mouth." "Yes sir." While they were kissing, Joel realized that this was the first time they had kissed this way, without ed tied up. Ed noticed too. And he did nothing, just push forward to offer Joel more of his mouth. "Clean up your crotch. Then come back here. We gotta get started." "Yes sir." Joel smiled as ed trundled off. Light on his feet, he wasn't. Everytime he heard ed pad around the apartment, usually barefoot, he thought of a big, floppy puppy. YEAH. Ed was like his big golden lab.

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"Now, let's get you ready, muffin. First." Ed groaned, because he hated the cock cage, but he was wearing it tonight. Joel locked it on him securely. "You know, marine boy, if I were a REAL bastard, I'd use a smaller one. Might be fun to see you navigate with your cock really crammed into a small space." "Please Sir. I haven't done anything to deserve that." Joel looked up at him. "You don't wanna go there. You're not wearing it because I don't wanna use it." "I understand Sir." "Now bend over. Shove your ass out in the air." Ed was going to ask what Joel was going to do, but he thought better of it. He felt the butt plug going in. "We're gonna be spending time out tonight, and I want you to remember, on ALL levels, what you are now." The butt plug was not nearly as big as Joel was, but it reminded ed that his ass belonged to Joel now. "And... finally.. You know, for a man with such a big closet, you don't really have much that's sexy to wear . But I found a few things. And I think tomorrow, we're gonna have to go shopping." "You don't like my clothes Sir?" "They'd be ok if they were tighter. You're a sub now. I want to be proud to have you on my arm. You'll dress the way I like." Ed wasn't really sure what that meant. He gulped. "Yes sir." Still, when he put on the blue flannel button down, which WAS a bit snug, and the tighter pair of jeans he had, he had to admit: Joel had an eye. He looked sharper than usual. MUCH sharper. Joel opened his second button and whispered "Every day eddie babe. Two buttons. So I can sneak my hand down if I want, and so anyone who cares, can see: you're collared." Ed's pale complexioned reddened. He had forgotten that he was wearing Joel's collar. Burt would recognize it right away. "OH SHIT," what was class gonna be like? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx

"Ever been to a gay bar, eddie boy?" Joel asked as they headed out. He had his hand on ed's ass. Ed grimaced. He remembered how he used to do that to Polly, and how much she hated it. He hated the idea of being treated like the woman in the relationship, but he had to admit: it felt good. "Uh, yes sir. I don't think you want to know about it though." "OH, but I do. " Joel grinned as he put ed in a cab and got in. "Tell me about it." "Down in South Carolina..." He paused. "Don't punish me for this Sir, please. A few friends and I... we went, and when we had picked up a guy, we beat him up pretty good." Ed looked down. "You proud of that ed?" "No Sir. I was probably drunk." "You know, in everything that happened, I never left a mark on you. You never got hurt. Shame on you." "I know Sir. I don't know what else to say." "Well.... " Joel slipped his arm around ed's shoulder, found his nip and squeezed it. "I don't know who the guy is you beat up, but I'm gonna tickle the shit outta you this weekend to remind you what happens if you every pull shit like that again." "I won't Sir. You have me on a pretty tight leash." Joel laughed. "You have no idea." They stopped in front of the bar. Ed saw it was filling up with men, some pairs, some single. "This is my favorite place. Some of the other folks at school go here, but not a lot. My Dom buddies show up with their subs. About time you got shown off." "I'm a trophy," ed thought. "I'm his trophy boy." He wanted to be upset, but he felt his cock bump up against the cage. "Whaddya drink ed? I'm buying." Ed asked for a beer on draft. He looked around as Joel went to the bar. It seemed that about a third of the guys were looking at him. A few licked their lips, and one threw him a kiss. Interestingly, when he held up his face, and his collar was visible, that stopped. Apparently, these guys didn't mess with someone else's property. "Hey. I remember you. The gym. At school." The dark, wiry guy with the mustache came over. He was with a muscular blond guy, who kept his hands behind his back. "Oh yeah. I remember. Hi. Haven't seen you in a while. " "Yeah , scheduling. I'm Jake. Jake Gold." "Ed Ross. Nice to meet you." Jake smiled. "I'd shake your hand but I can see: you're someone's sub." He pointed to the collar and ed blushed. "Subs don't touch other men without their Doms permission. RIGHT anthony?" anthony smiled a little. "That's right Sir." "anthony's my boi . We've been together less than a year, more than a few months. How about you and your man? "Just a few weeks Sir." Jake smiled. Clearly ed had picked up how to talk to Doms. "Hey. Making new friends already. I told you." Joel came back with his drinks. "Hey, I'm Jake." "Yeah. I recognize you. Professor Gold. I watched your tv shows. Nice to meet you." He shook Jake's hand firmly. "You've got a hot boy with you." Joel smiled. "Yeah, it took some work to get him, but he's mine now. Aren't you ed?" Ed blushed again. "Yes sir." Jake looked at anthony and shook his head yes. "it's hard at first ed. You have to get rid of every idea you had about being independent. But if your Dom is a good one, you'll begin to appreciate it soon. Weeks? He smiled. "you'll be fine. You're doing fine already." "Why don't the two of you talk? I wonder if I can speak to Joel privately for a minute or two." "It'd be my pleasure." anthony slid into the seat opposite ed. Ed noticed that all of anthony's clothes were tight, and he was wearing a collar too. "So, Joel" Jake smiled. "I don't know if ed told you: I'm the guy who came on to him at the gym." "He did. " Joel smiled back. "It must've been the shaved pits." "Ha ha. Spot on. That's the day I picked him out. He looked so scared, and I didn't make it any better." "Yeah, he was kinda freaked at the time. It's ok though. He's gotta understand what he is, and if a guy like you checks him out, that's cool." "Well, I wonder if something else is cool, Joel. I've got enough experience to know... the beginning is hard, so not now. But I fancy ed. Had I known he was taken, I wouldn't have approached. Now that he is... would you consider a tradeoff sometime? You take anthony for a night, I take ed?" Interestingly, anthony didn't do much for Joel. He was pretty, but he didn't have the edge he wanted. But he wasn't going to say that. "You're right Jake. Ed's still acclimating. I have to toss most of his wardrobe so that he dresses to suit me, and there's a LOT more to learn. He's plugged tonight so that he's used to feeling fucked all the time." "Does he take cock well?" Joel smiled. "You're gonna make me hard thinking about it. Slides right in. Easiest one I've ever had. " "GOOD FOR YOU. I bet you tenderized, trained." Joel laughed. "You're a busy man, but one day, if you have time, I'd love to come by and share stories on how we got our men. My story is more conquest, than anything else." Jake's eyes got bigger. "That's a story I DO want to hear. You took down that hunk. I'm impressed." "I'm gonna get him home. I can see the look. He's getting a little freaked." "And you're horny Joel." "Damn right." Jake smiled, and smacked Joel on the shoulder. "FUCK HIM GOOD. I'm gonna give anthony the ride of his life in a few minutes." "He looks like he loves it." "Trust me.. He does." They walked back to the table. "So, ed, we're gonna head home now. Unless you want another drink. " "I think I'm good sir. " He turned to anthony. "nice to meet you anthony." He looked at Jake. "Sir, if it's ok with you ,and with you Sir." He turned to Joel. "We were making plans to have some coffee or something soon. With your friend John?" "Good with me," Joel said. He smiled. "If this guy shows up... either call me or don't come home." Jake laughed. "No worries, Joel. I respect another man's property." "Another man's property." Ed let those words roll in his head . "That's what I am now."

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On the ride back, Joel was in a good mood. "YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING STUD. You have any idea how many guys wanted to know if you were available?" "No Sir." "OH GEEZ. At least seven. Jake wants you too. He wanted to trade me anthony for a night." The thought of being underneath Jake, who was so physically different from Joel, excited ed. Butl.. "I don't think anthony would be happy about that Sir. I don't think I've ever met anyone so much in love with his partner." Joel kidded ed. "Including yourself." Now ed was quiet. He saw the trap he was in. Joel laughed. "It's ok edmundo. These things take time. You were straight a few weeks ago. Now you're a bottom sub. You gotta catch up to that. " When they got back to the apartment, it wasn't too late, and Joel had plans. When they got in, and the door closed, he whispered to ed. "Get your hands behind your back. " Ed sighed, and he felt his wrists being tied. Then he felt Joel putting one of his gags into his mouth. Joel turned him around, and faced him. "When you're tied up like this, soldier boy, you always point out your nips." Ed shook his head yes, and pumped out his chest. Joel's fingers went on them immediately, and moans escaped from ed's gag. "Tell the truth, eddie. You wish I didn't know about your nips?" Ed paused for a second, and slowly shook his head yes. "But I do. And they're an easy way to keep you in line. Spread your legs. " Ed got into that position, and Joel went behind him, resting his chin on ed's neck. "DAMN would I LOVE to send you to class with a love scratch on your neck, haha. "MMMPH MMPH MMPH" came out of ed with a "No" head shake "Aw ed, it'd be cute. The topic of much discussion. He leaned forward and whispered to ed. "one of us is gonna get fucked tonight. Any questions as to whom it's gonna be?" Ed shook his head no, and Joel whispered again. "You wanna get fucked blondie?" "MMMPH HMMMM." Ed was signalling yes. The butt plug, while small, had kept him stimulated all night. He wanted it bad. Ed untied him. "Naked stud. All the way down to the cage." Ed reached up for the gag, but Joel stopped him "LEAVE THAT IN. Gonna be a new experience for you." He decided to take ed doggie style that night, and after he pulled out the plug, he had ed get in position on the floor, not the bed. "Gonna RIDE my beautiful bond steed tonight. YEE HAW. HAHAHAHAHAH" Joel laughed, as he began to slide his cock into ed. "MMMMMMMMM" came out of ed's mouth. He was enjoying this! His cock was growing, and... he pushed back to get more cock. Joel noticed it, and said nothing. "Shoulda put the leash on ya boi. That way I could pull you backwards. Get in even DEEPER. " Ed was thinking "you're in pretty deep now," Indeed, Joel had gotten to a place he hadn't before. It was some kind of trigger point, because ed's brain began to fill with sensation: the kind of sensation he got when he was running, or exercising hard. It didn't last long, because all of a sudden, Joel shot into him. And it was a BIG one. He fell on top of ed, who fell to the floor. Joel flipped him over, and pulled off the gag. "DAMN you are a GREAT FUCK Ed Ross. " "Thank you Sir. That felt good. " "You want some more? I need to recover a bit, then I'll be ready ." "OH GOD SIR. If you get that spot again.. FUCK..." Joel smiled. The rest of this was gonna be great fun. It took two hours, but he fucked Ed again that night. He couldn't get hard enough to hit the spot, but it was still one hot fuck. They fell asleep, with ed still in the cock cage.

Meanwhile, a little further north of Joel and ed, anthony was biting down on the balled up sock in his mouth, as Jake pounded his ass. It was one of the hardest fucks he had ever gotten. anthony was experienced enough to know: seeing Ed has stimulated his man. That was ok. He had no doubt: ed was a passing thought. He was Jake's boi. He knew it from the way Jake kissed him when they were done. "Damn you're a pretty boi anthony. I wanna keep you tied up all day." anthony smiled. He wouldn't mind, but it wouldn't happen. But... did he have to do anything to make clear: Jake belonged to him? He blushed. A sub thinking about owning his Dom. Then he thought: "why not? " His agile mind got to work.

Next: Chapter 10

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