Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Published on Oct 29, 2008


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further. To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Marine Home on Leave.

Marine Home on Leave By Randall Rumper

Chapter 22: A Date For Saturday Night

At work all I could think about was Lee and me. We seemed to hit it off and truly enjoyed each other that night after taking in a movie and then returning to my apartment. I wouldn't call what we'd experienced that night as love making; more like some good old raw ass sex. As I toiled away the morning after, I was horny and becoming aroused again and again. All I could think about was that night as I bent over the front fender of the vehicle I was working on. With my head under the hood of the truck I was working on my smaller head was straining against the fabric in my shorts for release. What my burgeoning cock really wanted was a warm wet mouth surrounding the glans performing oral sex. I had to get my thoughts back on the job, so my cock could deflate.

The boss yelled at me, "How much longer on that job?"

"Just about done," I replied.

After I finished installing the new alternator the boss told me to go out back and help Sheldon finish washing and cleaning the mud off the big recovery rig. The big tow truck was the biggest one for miles around with a 360 degree rotator boom and dual winches. The damn thing was powerful enough to pull the balls off a bull elephant on a dead run. The yellow recovery vehicle with blue signage and trim was a behemoth sight to behold, especially at night all lit up. The tow truck driver was a large frame man with big hands.

The previous times I worked with Sheldon I speculated about how big his cock was because of his size. I also wondered if his cock was comparable in size to the truck he drove, but soon dismissed the thoughts. As I approached the big environmentally compliant wash pad I said, "Hey Sheldon the boss told me to come out here and help ya clean Big Yeller."

"Grab the hose and finish washin the mud off the undercarriage," Sheldon said as he stood on a ladder using a chammy to wipe the water droplets off the yellow sheet metal.

Sheldon and Mr. Driver had been out all night recovering an overturned tractor trailer rig on the Interstate. As I held the thick hose with both hands washing the mud from the rear wheel wells of the recovery rig I began thinking about what Lee had told me about the size of Brandon's Goliath cock. He had been very descriptive as to its size and shape when fully inflated.

Lee had told me that Brandon's cock was a massive piece of manhood. He said that he'd measured Brandon's cock and it was nine inches in length and nearly as big around as a beer can fully inflated. That is one huge cock; no wonder Lee didn't want to take Brandon's big cock up his ass. Hell, I couldn't close my hand all the way around a beer can and damn sure couldn't fit a beer can in my mouth. Still I was curious. I wanted to see Brandon's cock all bone up in real life, but for now I was satisfied with Lee's average size cock.

As I stood there with the black hose in my hands I felt my manhood coming to life again. Why did that happen when I didn't want it to I thought to myself? Maybe the heavy duty rubber hose I was holding was a metaphor for sex with someone with a huge cock. The two inch thick industrial strength hose was stiff, not pliable like other smaller green garden variety hoses. I envisioned that Sheldon probably had a cock that was gigantic. Probably as big, or bigger than Brandon. I tried to put the thoughts about Brandon and Sheldon's cocks out of my mind. In a few minutes it would be time for lunch and I was hungry.

We finished cleaning the vehicle and broke for lunch. Some of the guys headed for the roach coach, while me and couple others went down the street to a local fast food outlet. I ordered my burger and sat down to eat when my cell phone went off, "Hello."

"Hey it's me," the caller said.

"Hey Lee, what's up Dude?" I answered back excitedly

"Nothin and you?" Lee questioned.

"Lunch and then back to work," I replied.

"What about this weekend Dude? Can we get together?" Lee asked.

"Sure," I said my voice a little squeaky and shaky.

"Cool, see ya after I get off work on Saturday afternoon," Lee said.

"Cool, see ya then," I replied excitement still evident in my voice.

As I sat there eating my burger and fries I was excited about the possibility of another meeting with Lee while my mind slipped back to that night after the movie. Although Lee hadn't fucked me that night I was looking forward to getting that done on Saturday night, if I could talk him into it. I looked at the clock on the wall and it was time to get back to work. Finish work today and then Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning, and then I'd be ready to get fucked by my new friend.

Chapter 23: The Tow Truck Driver's Surprise

After I left work that afternoon I stopped by the drug store to pick up some items to be prepared for Saturday night. I purchased a six pack of Fleets enemas, a new tube of Astroglide and a packet of a dozen condoms. I wanted to be ready for a randy Saturday night session with Lee. I hadn't noticed the guy standing behind me at the cashiers stand.

"Hey kid, ya constipated or somethin?" The man behind me bellowed in a big booming voice as he slapped me on the back with his big hand. Shit, it was the big tow truck driver I'd worked with at the shop earlier in the day.

"No, why do you ask?"

"Cause you got enough enemas there to flush out the radiator of that big yellow Kenworth tow truck of mine," Sheldon said with a big belly laugh.

I was embarrassed. There I am standing in line buying all that stuff for anal sex and the guy I worked with earlier in the day is standing behind me making light of it all. I was glad the cashier had already bagged the Astroglide and condoms before he got in line. I paid for my purchases and exited the store only to hear the booming voice behind me say, "Hey kid, I didn't mean to embarrass you back there. Just funnin with ya."

"No problem," I said in a little irritated tone, "but that was embarrassing." I chalked it up to the fact that Sheldon was normally a boisterous kind of guy around the shop.

"Cone on kid, let me make it up to you. I'll buy coffee or even dinner tonight if you'll let me," Sheldon begged.

Oh what the hell I thought. Sure, I might as well let the big guy buy my dinner, he owed me that much. "Okay, where we were going to eat?" I ask.

There's a deli restaurant where I eat dinner, follow me," Sheldon said.

I got into my pickup and followed Sheldon in his truck. After a few blocks we pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant. I secured my vehicle and walked towards the entrance to meet up with Sheldon.

"Kid, this place has the best food and drink in town. Order whatever you want, it's my treat."

Once inside we seated ourselves at a four person booth in the back. The waiter brought us a couple of glasses of water and menus. I studied the menu as well as the man across the table from me trying to figure him out. He wore his hair in a near military buzz cut and appeared to be about thirty years of age. Sheldon ordered two draft beers before I could say anything. The waiter didn't question my age, probably because of who I was with and then went for our beverages.

A few minutes later the waiter brought our frosted mugs of beers back to the table and asked if we were ready to order. I chose the Wednesday evening special: corned beef sandwich on rye with sauerkraut and Swiss cheese. I also ordered three sides; potato salad, coleslaw and beans. Sheldon ordered a couple of big Bratwursts, German potato salad and beans. While we waited on our orders to arrive we drank our beers and talked.

"So, you got internal digestion problems?" Sheldon asked.

"No, I got to go in for a colonoscopy next week," I replied with a lie.

"You're awfully young for that," Sheldon replied.

Again I lied saying, "My dad and grandfather died of colon cancer. The doctor wants me to have the procedure done every five or six years until later in life when it will be every three years."

"Sorry to hear that. My buddy died from rectal cancer bout a year ago. Probably from taking too many dicks up his ass," Sheldon said with a sadistic laugh.

I replied, "Sorry to hear about your friend." I didn't think Sheldon's comment was funny as I enjoyed taking dicks up my ass.

"Yeah, me and him had been fuck buddies since junior high school," Sheldon said in a matter of fact manner.

I nearly choked on my beer before saying, "So, you're telling me you're gay."

"Naw, Bi maybe. I just like nice dicks. Have since I was a kid, but I like pussy too. Hell, I just enjoy sex."

I sat there stunned by Sheldon's revelation that he was into homosexual shit, not saying a word. I found it hard to believe that the imposing figure of a man sitting across from me was a queer on the QT, but why not, I knew jocks in school that enjoyed cocks.

"Yeah, I was a big jock in high school and being around naked guys in the locker room made me curious and aroused me. So, I developed a couple sexual friendships with guys on my teams."

"Wow!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, somethin about beautiful dicks that I enjoyed, never forget my first dick. I guess ya never forget that first time," Sheldon said.

"Yeah, I think you're right," I replied. I sure remembered my first time with Ronny.

"You know, I caught the owner's kid and his friend, the light skinned black kid, doin each other one night back at the shop."

"Really," I said with shock and surprise, "which one?"

"The younger good-looking kid, Brandon."

"Really," I responded again, acting a little surprised.

"About a year ago, I'd just got back from a tow run. It was a little after midnight. I went in ta use the restroom before headin home when I heard all this wailin comin from the loft area where the room is with the bed. So, I sneaks up the steps ta take a peek. And there they were turn opposite each other suckin each other off," Sheldon said with a smile.

"Damn," I said, "so what happened next?"

"I stood there watching for a while my dick getting all hard. The black kid pulled his lips off Brandon's big fat dick head and finishes him off by hand. That Brandon gots to have one of the biggest dicks I ever seen; almost as big as mine," Sheldon said with a laugh.

"Really, I said.

"Is really all you can say kid?"

"No, but I'm just a little dumfounded by all you're telling me," I said.

"Yeah, the sight got me all hard, so I had to go back down to the restroom ta beat off."

"So, who is your jack off or fuck buddy now that your friend is gone?" I ask.

"No one. Haven't had a JO or fuck buddy since Tommy died," Sheldon said. "So, you straight or gay?"

"Why do you ask?" I replied.

"Curious?" Sheldon questioned, "Maybe I'm lookin for a new fuck buddy to play around with occasionally when I'm horny."

"Well, I'm always horny, 24-7."

"At your age ain't that the truth."

"You know, I'm not sure who or what I am. Like you, I like cocks and have since school days, but I have to be very discreet about who I'm seen with or who I have sex with," I said.

"Same here. No one knows about me and my secret sex life. That's why I never approached the boys; besides they were underage at the time," Sheldon explained.

"Yeah, I hear that, but I'm young too."

"But you're over the age of consent," Sheldon said and then ask, "Does my age make a difference to you?"

"No, not really."

"You ever had sex with an older guy?" Sheldon questioned


I bet after dinner if you're up for it this older guy could take you out and rock your world kid," Sheldon said with a big smile.

"So, you think you're good huh?" I questioned with a wry smirk.

"Try me. It won't cost you anything except a night with an older more mature man."

The waiter brought our orders and two fresh frosted mugs of beer. Beneath the table my pants were tented. I was hard as a rock listening to Sheldon. Damn, the sandwich was huge, piled with sauerkraut and two half dill pickles on each side of the plate. I wasn't sure if I could finish it all. Sheldon asked for more German mustard and horseradish telling me, "Put some of that horseradish on your sandwich it'll clean out your sinuses and pipes too.

After a chuckle from Sheldon we both dove in and scarfed down our meals without another word between us. The horseradish was strong; it did make me weep a bit and my nose run. The big man could definitely put away the food. After we finished Sheldon ordered two more beers. As I studied Sheldon I couldn't believe the big tow truck driver was bold enough to ask me to have sex with him. I was sure he was hung like a donkey and wasn't sure whether I wanted a cock that big to fuck me, maybe play with. I thought what the fuck if I didn't like what I saw when we got naked I'd at least give him a hand job. The waiter returned with the beers and cleared the table.

After the waiter left I looked at Sheldon and ask, "So, where and when?"

"Tonight unless you got other plans. We can go to my place or yours doesn't matter."

"No plans for the night. Let's go to my place," I replied, I felt safer in my own surroundings.

"We don't need to stop off for anything cause you got everything we're gonna need in them two bags," Sheldon said with a smirk on his face.

Chapter 24: Sheldon's Seduction

Shit, Sheldon knew all the time, he'd set me up for this. Wine me, dine me and then fuck me was his plan. We got up and departed the restaurant. I told Sheldon to follow me. As I drove to my apartment my mind was racing. I couldn't help thinking what a slut I was turning into; furthermore, my main concern was how big Sheldon's cock might be, and could my asshole take his mammoth size. I estimated by his imposing size as well as the size of his feet and hands that his cock must be at least ten inches long and thick as the head of a baseball bat with huge low hanger balls. I figured once we got to my place we'd trade hand jobs, maybe blow jobs if I could get my mouth over his big cockhead and then Sheldon would leave. I opened the gate and Sheldon was right behind me.

He immediately found a visitor parking spot. Once he parked he met me as I was securing my vehicle. We walked towards my apartment together. Once inside Sheldon said he had to make a phone call. He called dispatch to see where he was on the law enforcement tow list. In the meantime I sat my bags on the kitchen table. Sheldon hung up the phone and said, "I guess we're good. Doesn't look like I'm up until tomorrow sometime, unless there's a big accident some place."

"Cool," I said.

"Why don't we get ready some sex," Sheldon said matter-of-factly as he took one of the Fleets from the bag and threw it to me.

"Sure," I said, "but what about you?"

"I need to flush you out and shower before we have sex. You do want to get fucked don't ya?" Sheldon questioned.

"Don't you want to get fucked?" I ask.

"Naw, tonight is your night; besides, I enjoy doing the fuckin."

This guy was all about getting the job done, by the numbers. I replied saying, "Okay," as we moved toward the bathroom. Sheldon definitely had more than a hand job or blow job in mind for the night.

In my bedroom we both began undressing, visually scanning each other's bodies as we did so. Sheldon was tall about six foot four inches, definitely taller than me, with a large frame; a tad overweight, but not obese. He had a good physique; big arms, chest, shoulders and legs. He was a little hairy than I preferred, but nothing I couldn't handle. He didn't hesitate dropping his underwear first. I was a little disappointed or maybe surprised. I figured for his size he would be hung like a horse, but he appeared average endowed. His semi erect penis was about four and half inches long and about the thickness of a flashlight battery with a nice looking glans. A size that I felt I could definitely handle, after all I'd taken Ty's big cock up my ass.

"Nice looking cock," I commented thinking that his cock appeared to be very suckable and fuckable.

"Thanks, now let's see the treat waiting for me."

I dropped my drawers for Sheldon to get a looky see. My hard cock sprang from my drawers snapping back the head hitting my stomach. He eyed me with delight from head to toe saying, "All in all excellent body and very nice looking package. I'm going to enjoy sucking that gorgeous dick of yours. Ain't nothing better than young hard dick."

Sheldon had me get on my hands and knees on the bathroom rug, while he administered the Fleets. He played with my hard dick and balls while he did so. After all the liquid was inside me I reached up and played with his cock and balls for a few seconds. His balls were very big and firm. They felt as tough they were full and needed to be flushed out.

"So, when was the last time you had sex?" I ask.

"I normally fuck the gal that works at the place where we ate tonight, but that's been a while. So, just me and my hand for the past few weeks buddy, and I ain't beat my meat in a week," Sheldon said with a smile.

Sheldon's balls were full and ready to be drained. I used the commode to rid myself of waste while Sheldon got into the shower. Once he was done I took my turn. After my shower I returned to my bedroom. Sheldon was lying back on the bed naked stroking a very impressive looking cock. About the same size as Ronny's cock. His cock appeared to be about seven inches of rigid rod with a gentle curve back towards his abdomen and a very nice looking crimson knob on top.

As I lay down on the bed next to Sheldon to admire his manhood he smelled of manly scents. I told him that I wasn't a virgin that I'd been fucked before. I explained to him about my sensitive nipples, asshole and other turn ons. He told me to lay back and enjoy the ride that it would be a ride I wouldn't soon forget. With that he began playing with my nipples. They immediately became hard little pink nubs under his touch, much like and eraser on a number two pencil. As he played with my nubs my cock became as rigid as a steel pipe.

"That baby is really throbbing," Sheldon said as he watched my cock jump with each heartbeat, "I love the head on your dick, so perfect."

I couldn't believe that Sheldon's big hands could have such a light and tender touch as he caressed my hard nipples. I was becoming delirious with desire as Sheldon touched me and whispered in my ear. His face was buried next to mine his goatee tickling the side of my face, telling me how much he wanted to suck and fuck me.

"I'll make you feel like a million dollar baby before the night's over," Sheldon said as he continued touching my body. He had me whimpering like a child under his touch. I was hot to trot. Sheldon's big hands roamed over my young body stimulating me with each touch, bringing moans of pleasure from me. I made an attempt to kiss him, but he rejected my advances saying, "I'm not into all that kissin on the mouth and makin out shit, that's for men and women. Just good old fashion man to man sex for me."

Sheldon continued playing with my nipples, first one and then the other. He then began licking and lightly biting on my nipples. His goatee tickled my chest. His free hand explored my crotch, stroking my cock and fondling my nut sac. I immediately spread my legs wide to give his big hand better access to my taint and quivering asshole. I wanted him to finger fuck me. His finger brushed against my bunghole and I let out sigh of pleasure. That sigh was the go ahead sign for Sheldon to finger fuck me.

Without a word he opened the tube of Astroglide, squeezed a goodly amount on his fingers and began tenderly rubbing it into my ass crack. Once he got my ass all lubed up he broke open a packet and removed a condom rolling it down over his large middle finger saying, "If what I do is painful let me know and I'll stop for a while to let you get used to it."

Sheldon was unaware that I used a dildo, so I was sure his finger would slide in without too much pain. He worked his well-lubed digit around my asshole slowly easing the first joint of his big finger inside me. He worked just the tip in at first opening my sphincter. I moaned with pleasure saying, "Oh yes baby finger fuck me. Ease it all the way in and finger fuck me. I want to feel it inside me. Finger fuck me forever."

Sheldon eased more of his big digit into my asshole saying, "Let me know if you feel that you are about to cum. I don't want you goin off on me too soon."

"Oh yes baby, just finger fuck me. I love to be finger fucked."

Sheldon worked his magical finger inside my asshole while he continued nibbling on my nipples. I was squirming around on the bed whimpering like a bitch under his touch. He'd found my joy button, but didn't work it. He didn't want me to ejaculate prematurely. He moved down to my dick and began licking the head of my cock.

"Oh my," I cooed.

His tongue kept circling my coronal ring. He was playing magical music on the head of my skin flute.

"Oh My God," was all I could say as his mouth worked my cockhead and his finger performed its magic inside my asshole. "Oh yes baby, suck my cock," I wailed, "suck all the juice outa my balls and finger fuck me. Finger fuck me. Oh yes, I want more of your finger up inside me."

Sheldon continued working me over inside and out. I was seeing stars. My heart was hammering inside my chest and the perspiration was running. I felt as though I was on the verge of exploding, so I said, "I think I'm about to cum."

As soon as I said that Sheldon ceased sucking my cock, but left his digit plugged into my butthole. Sheldon repositioned himself to get his furry face down into my ass crack.

"Oh God yes!" I exclaimed. He was going to eat me out. He removed his finger; wiping the excess lube from my asshole with the bath towel. He returned his face to my bottom. I worked with him until we were positioned where he wanted to be. With his face buried in my ass I reached around with one hand spreading my ass cheek giving Sheldon better access to my squeaky clean sphincter. Once in position he proceeded to let his tongue explore my pucker.

The hair around his mouth was stimulating and tickling my taint. I could feel his facial hair on my nut sac. His talented tongue began licking, circling and caressing my hairless pink pucker, bringing about blissful growls of ecstasy.

"Oh yes baby eat me. Oh God yes lick my asshole, eat me."

And Sheldon did just that. I could feel his powerful tongue licking around the circumference of my asshole preparing to make an entrance. Then his tongue began snaking its way up my poop chute. My sphincter was on fire tingling with desire. Oh, I had never experienced such feelings before. All I could growl was, "Oh baby tongue fuck me. Get that hot tongue of yours up my ass."

I was seeing stars and rockets go off in my head. I thought I was going over the edge so I said, "Oh baby you're gonna make me cum if you get that tongue any farther up my ass."

When I said that, Sheldon pulled his tongue from my hot asshole. He looked up and smiled at me saying, "So, how's it going so far?"

"Oh My God, I've never experienced anything like this before."

"This is just the beginning. You got the sweetest ass I've ever tasted bud."

"Thanks," I replied.

"Of course, that's the thing about being seduced by a mature guy like me compared to your teenager partners. I know what to do and how to get it done; you all are novices, just learning."

With that said Sheldon began kissing my inner thighs working his way down to my feet. He began kissing my feet and sucking on my toes as I wailed with delight. My feet were another of my sensitive areas. He had positioned his big body above me, his hard cock within a couple inches of my awaiting mouth. My mouth watered as I took the crimson knob into my mouth and began polishing it. Sheldon was another of those guys that produced copious amounts of precum; it leaked like a bad water spigot. I licked at his piss slit cleaning up the leaking fluid.

Surprisingly, Sheldon's precum didn't taste bad at all. I then began sucking on his balls; massive balls that were big and hairy. I wondered if as I aged my balls would grow and develop a lot of hair on the nut sac. I hoped not as I preferred not having any hair on my balls or in my ass crack. I returned to sucking on Sheldon's cock, while he was still working on my feet to the point they were tingling. Suddenly, he pulled away and turned around in the bed.

As we lay back on the bed our cocks still rock hard he remarked, "You know how to suck a cock buddy."

"You are good at what you do too; no you are fuckin great!" I exclaimed.

"Thanks, I thought you'd enjoy it," Sheldon said with a big smile

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Know what," Sheldon replied.

"You know, that I'd be up for something like this."

"I didn't until I saw you buying the supplies earlier today," Sheldon said, "I've had my eye on you every since you came to work for old man Driver."


"Yep, but I felt you were too young," Sheldon said, "I had sexual fantasies about you and Ronny because you all were inseparable. But when he went into the Marine Corps I dismissed them figuring you guys were straight and just best of friends."

"Yeah, we're just best friends," I lied, "that's why I'm driving his truck while he's gone."

"Too bad the black kid had to go off to college. I would have enjoyed servicing him," Sheldon said with a smile.

"Well, between you and me we serviced each other before he left for college," I said with a bigger smile, "who knows, maybe when he comes back we can all get together for a threesome."

Sheldon smiled back at me saying, "You dog," before he moved down to take my hard cock into his mouth again. He began sucking my rigid rod with great care. He certainly knew how to service a cock. Yes, Sheldon was an accomplished cocksucker. He had me gyrating around on the bed moaning and groaning with pleasure.

"Oh shit, suck me. Suck my cock. Oh baby, suck it. Suck all the juice outa my balls," I went on and on telling the professional cocksucker what to do.

I felt a powerful explosion building within me.

Suddenly, I tensed up; my balls drew up inside me, "Oh man I'm cummin," and began unloading shot after shot of creamy hot spooge into Sheldon's mouth. I could feel him swallowing every drop of it. He nursed every drop of man juice from my deflating cock I lay back totally spent as Sheldon licked all the remaining spooge from my withering wang.

As the man next to me licked me clean he said, "Rest up baby, we're not done by a long shot. The night's young."

Oh yes! I was going to get fucked, and hopefully more than once.

Next: Chapter 15: Marine Home on Leave 25 27

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