Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Published on Jan 3, 2010


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of erotic writing do not read any further.

To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Marine Home on Leave.

Marine Home on Leave By Randall Rumper Chapter 42: Meeting with Mrs. Driver

I left campus to meet with Brandon and his mom for our secret meeting. As I rode towards the rendezvous with destiny I was again stung by pain in my heart. There was pain I felt for Ronny when he learned about Brandon and me, and then there was the pain knowing that Brandon and I had betrayed Ronny's trust by getting involved and how he was going to react.

Once Brandon and I disclosed our secret to his mom we knew that there was no turning back. We would be out to the female side of the family, at least, as a gay couple, and then at some point down the road it would be about Ronny. I'd never considered myself gay. I just grew up enjoying sex, especially with guys, but there was never any romance involved. Now, those carefree days of promiscuity were over. Finally, it was time to admit that I was in a committed relationship: a relationship with my best friend's brother.

As I arrived at the little café Brandon had chosen I parked my bike where I could keep my eye on it and hung my helmet on the handlebar. I took my time, stalling for time. In a way I wanted this meeting, but in a way I didn't. Once inside I spotted Brandon and his mom sitting in a corner booth. I took my seat across from Brandon with Mrs. Driver in the middle of the curved seating arrangement. The waitress brought me a glass of water asking, "Are we ready to order?" We all ordered a light meal before we began discussing the inevitable conversation.

"Okay boys what's this about? Brandon said that you both needed to meet with me."

Brandon looked across the table at me and I looked back neither of saying a word.

Finally, Brandon spoke up saying, "Mom, Gary and I are..."

Before Brandon could finish his mom said, "Okay, you boys are gay and you're dating. Are you in love?"

We both looked at Mrs. Driver with looks of surprise stuck to our faces. Janie was right about the two of them knowing about us. Mrs. Driver said, "Boys, I've known for sometime, but the timing to unveil this is a strain with Ronny coming home and all."

"Yeah," We both answered in unison.

"Have you two thought about Ronny and his feelings when he finds out?"

"Yes," Brandon replied, "That's why we ask for this meeting with you. We need help from an adult as to how to handle the situation."

"Yes, I'll bet you do, especially Gary."

"Why me Mrs. Driver?"

"Because when Ronny left you two were an item as they say."

"You knew about Ronny and me?"

"Do you think I'm blind?" Mrs. Driver replied, "For Christ sakes boys, I've been around this world for a while. You can try to disguise things, but mothers always know what's going on with their children."

Brandon and I both began to well up with emotions. Mrs. Driver reached over taking both of our hands into hers saying, "Brandon you're my son, Gary you've been like a son to me for a long time and I don't want any of my sons hurt; therefore, I think that over the next few days before Ronny comes home you two need to do some soul searching and come up with a plan as to how you're going to explain things to Ronny."

As Mrs. Driver finished the waitress arrived with our orders. We all ate in awkward silence. Instinctively Brandon and I knew the wise old mother was right and we needed to come up with a plan before Ronny arrived. Before we left the restaurant Brandon's mom told us that our secret was safe with her and Janie.

The next few days were filled with anxiety and guilt, but we managed to come up with a plausible plan. For the most part we were going to play things by ear, see what condition Ronny was in and then at the proper time drop the bomb. In the meantime Mrs. Driver was making arrangements for a Christmas home coming while Brandon and I worked getting the outside lights and Christmas decoration up in preparation for Ronny's homecoming.

The Friday before Christmas the Driver family got word that Ronny was on his way home. Ronny would be transported by way of military aircraft to the airport and then by ambulance to regional Veterans Administration Hospital. Once there Ronny would be evaluated by a team of doctors before anyone other than his parents were allowed to see him. Then after a full examination and further medical procedures he would be allowed to come home. Everything was ready for the day Ronny would be transferred to the Driver home. Ronny's mom and dad had attended previous meetings with the VA medical team and Marine Corps coordinators.

As soon as Ronny was situated in his room at the VA hospital Mr. and Mrs. Driver would be allowed to visit him. The few days before Christmas were filled with joy and sorrow. We were all joyful that our Marine would be close, but we still didn't know if he would be allowed to be with us for Christmas Day. Brandon and I had been somewhat distant with each other since the meeting with Mrs. Driver.

We hadn't engaged in any sexual activities since before the meeting. Both of us were becoming horny and somewhat sharp with each other. We needed to be together, to make love. Finally, Christmas Eve after the family dinner, festivities and midnight church services Brandon and I stole away, using the ploy that we were going to a friend's party. Instead we ended up at my apartment where we made love well in the early hours of Christmas Day, almost dawn.

After we finished sexually satisfying each other we got up showered, shaved and left for Brandon's house where Mrs. Driver would be preparing a sumptuous Christmas morning breakfast. Once we arrived Mrs. Driver was in the kitchen preparing the meal. Brandon and I said hello, grabbing cups of coffee before sitting down at the table.

"So, where is everyone?" Brandon asked.

"Janie and your dad are still asleep," Mrs. Driver said, "Your dad had a tow this morning about two. Drunk driver got pulled over before he could cause and accident, so dad was called to tow the guy's vehicle and didn't get back until almost four this morning."

"Gary and I should have stayed around instead of partying and taken the tow for dad."

"Brandon, you and Gary have done so much around here getting things ready for Christmas. In fact, all you kids have been great helping out. I've so consumed with coordinating Ronny homecoming, getting things ready around here and all the holiday stuff."

"So, what are the plans for today? When are we going to see Ronny?" Brandon asked.

"I figure as soon as dad and Janie get up we'll have breakfast and then open presents before going to the hospital. I thought we'd try to be there with Ronny for the noon dinner," Mrs. Driver said.

"Cool," Brandon replied.

"Oh, I posted a notice at the hospital for a part-time care giver," Mrs. Driver announced.

"Mom, you know Gary and I will help," Brandon said.

"Yes, I know you will baby, but I want you guys to go ahead and attend college and go to work. Your dad needs both of you. Besides, I think either the VA or Marine Corps or both will pick up some of the costs."

Mom Driver sat a plate full of hot buttered Danish pastry in front of us before she sat down with her coffee. After another couple cups of coffee and pastry Janie appeared and shortly thereafter Mr. Driver showed up, wanting to know when breakfast would be ready. We all ate a grand Christmas breakfast, opened a few gifts and then piled in the SUV for the trip to the hospital.

"You kids haven't seen Ronny yet. I don't want you to act surprised by what you see. I've tried to brief you all on Ronny's condition, but he looks worse than he is. He's going to be good as new after a few weeks," Mrs. Driver advised.

"You all treat him just as if he were...," Mr. Driver started to say, but he was choking up.

I'd never seen Mr. Driver cry before, but from the back seat I could see the tear rolling down his cheek. Mrs. Driver reached over patting his face with her handkerchief. Soon we were at the Hospital along with many other visitors belonging to the wounded being cared for inside.

Before going up to Ronny's room Mrs. Driver wanted to check on the notice she'd put. She looked at the bulletin board in the lobby. None of the little tabs with her phone number were missing. Next she went to look at the board at the canteen. That site revealed that three of the little tags were missing. She smiled.

Once Mother Driver had made her rounds we made our way to the Ronny's room. Mr. and Mrs. Driver went in first and then Ronny's mom returned for the three of us. Although Ronny was in relatively good spirits I was overcome with a gamut of emotions by what I was seeing. I felt sorrow looking at Ronny, remembering what he was like before he left. Then I felt pangs of guilt for betraying him. Suddenly, I had to turn and walk out of the room my eyes filled with tears.

Mrs. Driver noticed and followed me out into the hallway saying, "Gary, don't cry. That's the worst thing you can do according to the doctors we've spoken to recently. We all have to be strong for Ronny."

"Yes, I know. I just want to touch him and kiss him," I said.

"I understand and you can kiss him on the forehead, touch his toe or finger tips when you go back in there. Go to the men's room and wash your face up before going back into to see him," Mrs. Driver said sternly, "And then show him how much you love him."

I washed my face up and returned to the room with the family. Ronny was smiling and joking with his family when I arrived. He was thanking them for the care packages sent from home as well as all the letters and e-mails.

He then looked over towards the door asking cheerfully, "Where you been Mopey?"

"In the restroom. So, when you comin home Big Bad Marine?"

"The docs say that if all goes well I may be at the house by New Year's Eve or the week after New Years. They've got a couple of minor surgeries scheduled, but nothing serious that was all done in Germany and the Navy Hospital here in the states."

"Cool," I said, "So, what kind of surgery?"

"A couple of minor skin grafts to cover the burns."

Ronny seemed in good spirits for all he'd been through. "Well, everything is ready and waiting for you when you arrive."

"Yeah, Mom and Janie have told me about everything that's been done. I'm lookin forward to gettin home," Ronny said.

We continued visiting until the nurses started running people out late in the afternoon. Christmas Day with Ronny was over. Before we left we all took our turns kissing Ronny. He was turning a little red with all of us fawning over him. We all rode back to the house except Mrs. Driver. She'd been given special consideration and allowed to stay into the night. One of us would return for her when she called later.

When we arrived back at the Drivers there was food waiting that Mrs. Driver had prepared; there was spiral ham, potato salad, baked beans and other foods waiting to be consumed. After we ate and cleaned up, Brandon told his dad that he'd take any runs for the night.

Mr. Driver turned in while the three of us remained in the living room talking about the day's events. Eventually, Janie went off to bed and Brandon and I set up watching television. About midnight the business phone at the house went off. It was police dispatch. They needed two tow trucks. Brandon and I jumped up heading towards the shop where I picked up the second truck and then sped off onto the freeway. Christmas was over now it was time to clean up the mess and wait for new beginnings.

[Part II will be the next chapters and introduction of a new character to the storyline.]

Next: Chapter 28

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