Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Published on Jan 26, 2010


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of erotic writing do not read any further. Part II of the story may sound familiar to some readers as I wrote an earlier story about a care giver. This part of the story will focus on the Marine's rehabilitation and his caregiver.

I want to thank my readers of this storyline and all the compliments on my writing, but most of all to my readers who stuck with me and have enjoyed reading the story MHOL. As you have read to this point Ronny has been wounded and is on his way home. Part II is the beginning of a new era to the story. Although Gary and Brandon as well as some of the other characters will remain an integral part of the new storyline Part II will focus on Ronny's recovery and rehabilitation and Ronny's care giver.

To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Marine Home on Leave.

Marine Home on Leave By Randall Rumper Part II Ronny's Care Giver

Chapter 45: Jason's First Day

Jason Cox arrived early on the designated Friday morning to begin his new job as part-time care giver to a wounded Marine, Corporal Ronny Driver. Before arriving Jason had reviewed the Corporal's chart at the VA hospital in detail on different occasions, so he was aware of the injuries the Marine sustained and his recovery process thus far. He had also visited with the Marine's family on numerous occasions since being retained by Mrs. Driver as a part-time care giver for her on Ronny. Jason was looking forward to working with the injured Marine, helping him work towards a full recovery.

According to everything Jason had read and heard the young Marine was lucky to have survived the chopper crash and be alive. The Marine along with other crew members had been thrown from the helicopter when it went down. As the CH-46 rolled over after the crash it pinned Ronny and another crewmember beneath the fuselage.

When help got to the crash site the rescue personnel on the ground didn't feel initially there was much hope for any of the injured to survive; however, all did, do to the quick response of rescue and well-trained medical personnel. Although Ronny suffered a concussion, broken bones and burns as well as abrasions and lacerations he survived and was medevaced along with the rest of the crew of the Sea Knight medium-lift helicopter.

At the in-country hospital where the full extent of the crew's injuries were evaluated it was decided to stabilize the Marines for further evacuation. The injuries Ronny suffered were multiple simple fractures to his arms and collar bones, as well as broken ribs and vertebrae in his back; however, the worst of the broken bones were right leg and ankle. The tibula and fibula were compound fractures with bones sticking through the skin when help arrived. Ronny also had broken ankle bones. All the fractures in the leg and ankle were going to require extensive rebuilding by orthopedic surgeons.

Within twenty-four hours of the crash all the Marines were transferred to Germany where there were better facilities to handle their injuries. The doctors at Landstuhl Medical Center put the Marine's leg and ankle back together using titanium hardware. From all accounts Ronny had been lucky the surgeons were able to save his leg and even luckier that his injuries weren't worse; however, considering everything his prognosis was good.

Once he was transferred to Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland there were more surgeries as well as skin grafting. Basically, all the Marine's injuries were taken care at the Landstuhl facility and Bethesda before he was released to the VA hospital for continuing recovery care and rehabilitation. Jason had read a doctors note that the Marine should eventually make a full recovery with minimal neurological problems or scaring after plastic surgery, but his days in the Marine Corps were in question. More than likely he would be medically retired.

The Driver's doorbell rang breaking Jason's thoughts and the conversation among all gathered awaiting Ronny's arrival. Jason looked at his watch and it showed ten after ten. He couldn't believe the group had been visiting for over an hour. Mrs. Driver excused herself to answer the door. It was the home health nurse from the VA. She entered the kitchen and immediately recognized Jason saying, "Jason, I heard you were going to be working with Corporal Driver and the family."

She turned to Ronny's mom saying, "You made an excellent choice Mrs. Driver."

"That's what I've been told many times."

The Home Health Nurse assured Mrs. Driver that Jason was a great choice as a care giver and would need minimal training or supervision. Jason had an outstanding reputation at the VA hospital. They all went into Ronny's room to make one final check. The nurse wanted to go over everything one last time with Jason and family members. The VA nurse wanted to cover duties such as taking temp and blood pressure readings as well as noting the vitals in his chart with Jason and the Driver family members.

Finally, Brandon with Gary close behind entered the quasi-hospital room, announcing that the ambulance had arrived. Jason pulled on a pair of heavy-duty blue nitrile gloves and began walking out of the room towards the medical transporter parked under the portico to help bring the Marine inside. Once inside the EMT personnel and Jason made sure the transfer from the gurney to the hospital bed went smooth. As soon as the Marine had been transferred to the hospital bed Jason slipped off the gloves and put on another pair of gloves. The medical team stepped aside letting Jason began his duties checking Ronny's vital signs making him comfortable while all stood back monitoring Jason work.

"Hey, big guy how was the ride over here?" Jason asked.

"No siren," Ronny answered with a grin, "I'm sure glad my leg ain't all strung up in the air like it was at the hospital."

Ronny was in a new leg cast from his knee to his foot with only his toes exposed; however, he was still in the awkward cast on the upper portion of his body and arms. His fingers stuck out from the cast. After the vital signs were noted on the chart the nurse wanted to show Jason where and how to apply the topical on the scars to help them somewhat disappear. Once that was done Ronny requested some privacy; he needed to take care of personal business. He asked his mom and the nurse to please leave him alone and let Jason help him.

"What do you need to do Ronny?" Jason asked.

"I need to take a crap," Ronny said shyly.

Before pulling the privacy screen around the foot of the bed Jason turned asking the nurse, "Use a bedpan or the bedside commode?"

"I'd like to see Corporal Driver try to get out of bed with your assistance and use the uplift commode assist," the nurse replied, "He's used it at the hospital."

"What do you think big guy?" Jason asked, "You trust me?"

"Let's do it," Ronny said, "Semper fi! Do or Die! Before I crap all over the place."

The nurse stepped around pulling the privacy curtain behind her. She then began explaining to Jason what he was about to do and how he was going to place the Marine on the adjustable commode. Jason slipped the white sheet back making sure that the Marine's private parts were covered. He then lifted Ronny forward turning him and then moving him to the edge of the bed. Once at the edge of the bed Jason lowered the bed so Ronny's feet were flat on the floor. He then put a hospital slipper on Ronny's left foot, making sure to keep the front of the gown down covering Ronny's private parts. Once Ronny was on the commode he asked, "While you're taking care of business can I put a new pad down, or would you prefer I leave to give you some privacy?"

"Sure, go ahead do what you need to do. I've crapped in front of other guys before in the Corps."

Jason laughed a little as he placed a new white absorbent pad in the area of Ronny's buttock on the bed. He then went to the bathroom to fill the plastic wash pan with warm water and then returned to the room. When Jason returned Ronny said, "That's the next step for me, learning to get to the bathroom."

The nurse chirped in saying, "That's right and Jason will be right beside you. Now I'm going to step out I think you two have everything under control in here."

Once the nurse stepped out Ronny said, "Jason, I'm done."

"Okay," Jason replied as he stepped in to raise Ronny up off the potty.

In a soft emotional voice Ronny said, "I'm sorry Jason."

"Sorry for what?"

"What you're doing. Hell of way to make a living and I'm sure it's as embarrassing for you as it is for me."

Jason began wiping the Marine's ass something he'd done a hundred times before for other veterans at the hospital. In fact, that was his main job; that and bathing patients, so he was used to wiping asses and washing guys around their private parts. Jason finished by bathing Ronny's ass crack and then began to position him on the edge of the bed. Before laying Ronny down he powdered his back and buttock area. He then easily reclined Ronny onto his bed mattress turning him into position.

Once all was done Jason pulled the white sheet back up over his patient to keep him warm, and then went about the cleanup chores. Jason emptied the waste bucket, wiped the commode down with antiseptic wipes and got things ready for the next time Ronny needed to relief himself.

Ronny looked at Jason saying, "Thanks buddy."

Jason excused himself from the room to see what was going on with the others. The EMTs were gone, but the nurse told Jason he'd done an outstanding job and was noting it in her report.

Mrs. Driver asked, "Anyone wanted a cup of coffee, tea or soft drink?"

"I'll take a cup of coffee if it's no trouble," Jason replied.

The nurse begged off saying that she needed to get back to the hospital. All went well for the rest of the day. Come dinner time Mrs. Driver invited Jason to take dinner with them. He accepted, calling his mother to tell her he wouldn't be home for dinner. Then he returned to see how Ronny was doing.

"Hey, big guy you need anything? Maybe something to drink?"

"No, I'm okay."

"Your mom invited me to stay for dinner. Is that okay with you?"

"Hell yes, you're probably gonna be eatin here a lot and if you don't watch out my mom will put some pounds on you," Ronny said with a laugh, "Go on get the hell out here I'll yell if I need you."

Dinner with the Drivers came and went. Ronny had to pee once so I held his urinal while he did his business. By 7 PM Ronny was out like a light bulb. I asked if there was anything else I could do. Mrs. Driver and her husband told me that I done enough to get some well needed rest. I went outside got on my crotch rocket and took off for home, thinking about Ronny as I rode.

Next: Chapter 30

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