Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Published on Jul 27, 2010


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of erotic writing do not read any further. This part of the story will be about the Marine, Ronny's rehabilitation. Part II of the story may sound familiar to some readers as I wrote an earlier story about a care giver.

To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Marine Home on Leave.

Marine Home on Leave By Randall Rumper

Part II Ronny's Caregiver

Chapter 49: Apology and Explanation

Ronny's brother and Gary continued to rant and rave about Jason being a pervert. Brandon, screaming about how Jason had taken advantage of his brother who was strung up in a body cast while Gary was yelling that he was going to call the police. Ronny and Jason were visibly upset. Ronny was crying while Brandon and Gary continued screaming at Jason. The whole scene was horrific. Jason was trying to calm the two heartless hellions, knowing their outrageous behavior was disturbing his ward. Finally, Jason pulled the sheet up over Ronny's midsection and then looking at his Marine touched his finger tips mouthing good-bye.

"Where the fuck do you think you're goin you fuckin perv?" Brandon snapped.

Jason didn't say anything. He knew his actions had crossed the line and he'd been caught. There was no excuse for his actions and there was nothing he could say to rectify the situation. The caregiver knew it was time to get out before things escalated further. He began preparing to leave when Gary demanded, "So, where you goin asshole?

You gonna leave my brother helpless and all alone?" Brandon yelled.

"Look assholes you all want me to leave; besides, you two are here to look after Ronny after I'm gone," Jason snapped back.

"We got plans for the evening. Get your ass back here and take care of my brother," Brandon commanded, "that's what you get paid to do."

"Fuck you asshole! You didn't hire me; you don't tell me what the fuck to do and neither of you motherfuckers can't fire me!" Jason exploded.

Yelling and cursing was so uncharacteristic for Jason. Normally, he was an even tempered person who seldom lost it, but he'd had it with the two idiot intruders. Suddenly, Ronny began going to spasms. He began gasping, writhing, vomiting and turning color.

"Look what you've done motherfucker. Now my brother is dying cause you wanted to suck his dick, you perv" a rather excited Brandon began yelling.

"Shut the fuck up! Get out of this room and call 911!" Jason yelled back at Brandon, "You get out of here too Gary."

Jason went to work on his charge, clearing the airway, administering oxygen and medication to help calm his patient. Jason thought that Ronny was experiencing a simple anxiety attack. Within a few minutes Jason managed to stabilize his patient. By the time the fire department and ambulance arrived Jason had taken Ronny's vitals and was giving the medics that information as well as what he'd done and briefly how the episode began.

Of course the caregiver left out the part about administering the blowjob to his patient. As the medics were loading the Marine into the ambulance for the ride to the hospital Jason's mom and Ronny's mom arrived. Ronny's mom was visibly shaken seeing her son being transported to the hospital. Jason told her that Ronny had experienced a panic attack and would be okay and probably back home the next day. The boys offered to drive Mrs. Driver to the hospital.

The following days came and went without the Marine returning home. Jason would look in on Ronny every chance he got. Days later Jason would discover after talking to the doctors and nurses at the VA hospital that the Marine had experienced more than a simple panic attack. All the screaming and yelling had pushed the Marine into a very heavy PTSD panic attack. The Marine had experienced a flash back, reliving the hell of the chopper crash while all the uproar was going on in his room.

Jason felt that he was totally at fault; therefore, he sent the family his letter of resignation. After receiving the letter Mrs. Driver asked Jason to meet her for lunch to talk about things and try to get some answers. The caregiver agreed. They would meet at the same little café where Brandon and Gary had met with mother Driver weeks earlier regarding them being a gay couple.

Jason arrived first and told the waiter that he was expecting Mrs. Driver. After a few minutes of sipping coffee while he waited the waiter ushered Ronny's mom to the booth. Jason stood up taking mother Driver's hand whereby she said, "Thank you for meeting me, Jason."

Jason assisted Mrs. Driver into the booth before saying, "I'm glad we are able to have this meeting."

The waiter brought Mrs. Driver a small metal pot of hot water, a cup and tea bag and then refilled Jason's coffee cup before asking if he could take an order. Both parties declined, telling the young man to give them some time.

Mrs. Driver poured some hot water in the cup and then dropped the tea bag in swirling it in the cup of hot water to steep asking, "What the hell went on the other day, Jason. I come home to find my son being taken back to the hospital, two days later I get a letter of resignation from you and I've got Brandon telling me to fire you."

"Mrs. Driver I'm sure you are aware that young men have certain needs -- sexual needs. Anyway, I was assisting Ronny with those sexual needs when Brandon and Gary walked in catching me helping your son with said needs."

"And," mother Driver said seemingly unconcerned.

"The boys started screaming and yelling, calling me a pervert. They were threatening to call the police and all. I think all that was what started Ronny's panic attack. At least that is what I understand from the doctors and nurses I've spoken with about the situation," Jason explained.

The caregiver went on to explain how he discovered the mess that first time his mother and Mrs. Driver went out for some respite time together. Jason tired to explain things in the most therapeutic manner possible to Ronny's mom.

"I suspected as much," Ronny's mom said, "I tried to find out what went on from Brandon and Gary. Neither of them would tell me anything other than they thought you should be fired as an incompetent. That I never believed. I thank you for your honesty, and understand you helping my son fulfill his... Well, his needs."

"Thank you for your understanding, Mrs. Driver. I still want to remain friends with Ronny if you and your family don't mind."

"I think I know what's going on with the two boys, Jason. You know Gary is or was Ronny's best friend for years. Brandon being his brother didn't understand how close you and Ronny may have become over the weeks since you started as his caregiver. I know that you and Ronny are very much buddy-buddy and I don't think they understand how close you two have become. Maybe the boys think you encroached on their territory."

"I think there maybe something else," Jason said.

"The fact that they are a gay couple," Mrs. Driver replied.

"So, you know about that?"

"Yes, Jason. They came out to me at this very café weeks ago. Dad doesn't know and they don't want him to find out. So, I wonder if there was some jealousy going on when they caught you doing, er, well what you were doing?"

"I don't know, but I surely don't want to come between brothers and family, Mrs. Driver."

"Jason, we want you to remain friends with Ronny."

"Mrs. Driver I just want you and your family to know how sorry I am for this mess."

"Jason, I don't blame you for anything. Maybe this episode with Ronny was a blessing in disguise. You have no idea how much I've learned about my sons in the past weeks. I have a gay son who is in love with his brother's best friend. They are running away from the issue moving to Arizona to live and go to school as a gay couple because they can't address the issue with dad. My husband can't understand the whole thing, and he has been diagnosed with cancer. Furthermore, I'm about to loose my mind over the whole damn thing. So, please don't leave me and Ronny over some silly thing like helping my son relieve his, well as you put it sexual needs. We both need you more than ever."

"Wow! I had no idea that your husband was ill," Jason exclaimed.

"We're lucky they caught the cancer in time, but the boys deciding to move to Arizona kind of put a crimp in things. I'm hoping that the stress of the boys leaving will not cause a flare up in the cancer that's in remission," Mrs. Driver said, "not to mention Ronny's recovery."

"I guess the VA wants to keep Ronny as an inpatient a while longer," Jason said.

"Yes, they want him to remain for at least a month or more until they can remove all the casts and then while he is an inpatient he will start mental health therapy for PTSD," Mrs. Driver said.

"That's what I'm hearing and I think it may be the best for him."

"I think this meeting is better to remain between you and me, Jason. At least for now."

"Sure thing," Jason replied, "I'll continue to look in on Ronny while he's in the hospital, if that's okay?"

"I wouldn't want it any other way, Jason."

The two said their good-byes, departing the café in different directions. Over the next few weeks the injured Marine got rid of first one cast and then the other until he was free of all. He began physical rehabilitation therapy as well as mental health counseling. Jason spent as much time as his schedule would allow considering he was still attending college, working at the VA and had a new caregiver assignment two afternoons a week: a soldier that had lost his legs to an IED in Iraq.

There was not that special bond between him and the wounded soldier. Jason wouldn't allow the closeness that had developed between him and Ronny. One day he stopped into visit Ronny and he was gone. Asking where the Marine had gone Jason was told that he had been given a leave to go to Marine headquarters and would be back in a day or two.

A couple days later Jason stopped into see the Marine who was back in his room. When Jason popped into the room Ronny was sitting in a chair with a big smile on his face. The Marine stood up with the assist of a walker, extending his hand to his friend.

"What's the shit eating grin all about Marine?" Jason asked.

"You're lookin at a civilian my man, or at least in a few days. Marine Corps headquarters is processing my medical retirement. I'll be drawing 100% of my pay and all benefits at least for a while. The VA says as soon as I can get the doctors to release me I can start a college program paid for by the VA," Ronny said excitedly.

"That's huge, dude. I got great news too. I just learned today that I passed the MCAT exam with flying colors. I can pretty much pick and choose the medical school I want to attend," Jason said.

"What the hell is MCAT?" Ronny asked, I thought you were going to nursing school.

"MCAT is the exam to get me into medical school. I changed my mind and took the test and did well on it, so now I looking at med schools."

"Congratulation, Jason. Oh, another thing, I'm going home tomorrow. So, why don't I see if mom will whip up a celebratory dinner this weekend for both of us," Ronny said.

"Sounds good."

The weekend proved to be a great family gathering; however, there were two conspicuous absences. Brandon and Gary were not in attendance. Jason didn't question their absence. After a great dinner of Swiss steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, veggies and homemade sweet rolls everyone excused themselves from the table. Ronny who by that time was walking with the assist of a cane wanted to walk around the yard area with Jason after dinner.

After touring the area the two stopped to look into the big three car garage where Ronny flipped on the light switch. There on the far side was what appeared to be a vehicle covered in an auto cocoon. Ronny hobbled over lifting the cover. There was the truck he'd given to his best Gary months ago when he deployed to Afghanistan. Ronny dropped the cover and as the Marine turned around towards Jason he could see a tear filling his eye.

"What's wrong buddy?" Jason asked.

"That's my truck under the cover. I gave it to my best friend, Gary, when I left months ago. I told him it was his no matter what. I guess he doesn't want it or any memories anymore," Ronny said in a disheartening tone, "I guess he doesn't care about me or the truck anymore."

"I'm sure there's an explanation, Ronny. Your brother and Gary just have to work things out between them and then the family."

"You know, I lost my virginity in that truck, Jason. Gary deflowered me in it at my dad's shop late one night before I went to Afghanistan."

"Maybe, one of these days you'll deflower me the same way in that truck."

The two boys laughed as Jason assisted Ronny making his way back to the house for desert. The boys ate desert and watched some television before Jason bid everyone good-night. He then got on his motorcycle and headed towards home.

[I think the next Chapter (50) may be the conclusion to this story unless I come up with something new and exiting. I've just about run out of gas and my emotions are drained writing the story. I have enjoyed writing the story and all the great responses my readers have sent me regarding the story.]

Next: Chapter 35

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