Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Published on Sep 24, 2010


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of erotic writing do not read any further. This part of the story will be about the Marine, Ronny's rehabilitation. Part II of the story may sound familiar to some readers as I wrote an earlier story about a care giver.

To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Marine Home on Leave.

Marine Home on Leave By Randall Rumper

Part II Ronny's Caregiver

Chapter 54: Hope

Days had turned into weeks since Jason's accident on the Interstate. The leaves were starting to turn color as the days were moving towards fall. Jason was still in a non responsive coma. After a few days spent in Neuro-ICU Jason had been transferred to the Neuro Floor where the nursing staff had been trained to deal with neurological recovery patients. During this period of time the doctors had suggested many options to Mrs. Hall with regard to her son while all held out hope for a positive outcome.

Every few days the nursing staff would wheel Jason to and from the x-ray department where more CT scans were performed. The pictures showed the bleeding in the brain had stopped and the swelling was subsiding. A week before the doctors had suggested that Jason be removed from the life support systems to see if he could breathe on his own. Surprisingly, Jason kept breathing. Everyone felt this was a good sign and there might be hope after all; however, Jason remained attached to all the intravenous fluids and machines monitoring vital signs.

Of a night Ronny would sit bedside praying for Jason to come out of the coma. The prayers were promises that the Marine knew he couldn't keep, but he prayed anyway. Ronny promised God that if he let Jason live there would be no more immoral thoughts or acts on his part. He would attend church on a regular basis and never take the lords name in vain. He would also give up the pursuit of Jason as his lover, considering that was a sin in the eyes of church and society. The Marine knew the last promise was going to be impossible to keep because he loved Jason so much. The Marine would talk to his friend for hours at a time telling him how much he loved him, hoping beyond belief that his former caregiver would respond.

Even with all the promises there was no response from the former caregiver who lay in a coma. The crisp fall mornings when Ronny left the hospital were bringing changes. The Driver household was also experiencing changes. Mrs. Driver was spending more time with her family, thereby giving Janie a modicum of respite. Mr. Driver was moving forward with the expansion plans for his business. All were beginning to look forward to the next two months of joyous holiday season.

Normally, November and December were supposed to be the best times of the year for joy and family togetherness. Ronny was carrying a full load attending classes at the local college Tuesdays and Thursdays as well as one night class on Wednesday evening. The other days Ronny was working full-time for his father. The Marine was doing well with his studies while holding nightly vigils in Jason's hospital room waiting for his friend to awaken from the coma.

The accident that left Jason in a coma had brought Ronny and his father closer; however there was still an estrangement as far as Ronny, Brandon and Gary. Ronny still had strong feelings for Gary, but he was engaged to his brother. The Marine was trying to mend fences with Brandon and Gary by way long distance, using e-mails and phone calls.

Mrs. Driver was spending more time at home with her husband and family and less time consoling Jason's mother. The family was looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas when the family could once again reunite in joyous harmony. Although Ronny was holding out hope that Jason would come out of the coma and be able to celebrate holiday festivities with them chances remained slim. Ronny thought what a great Christmas gift it would be for Jason's mother and family as well as him if Jason awoke.

As Ronny sat next to Jason conversing with him he suddenly noticed movement in Jason's right hand. Jason's fingers tightened around Ronny's hand. The Marine quickly grabbed the call button with his free hand pressing the button frantically to summons help. The nurse appeared asking what was needed. "Jason has been moving his hand and closing his fingers," Ronny said excitedly.

"What kind of movement?" The nurse asked.

"You know, little twitches in his fingers and hand and then he squeezed my hand," Ronny responded gleefully, "and he squeezed again when I spoke to him. See he did it again."

The nurse watched as Jason's fingers once again tightened around Ronny's hand. She immediately disappeared down the hall without a word and reappeared a couple minutes later with the on call doctor. And then in a matter of minutes another doctor showed up, and then another. Pretty soon the room was filled with doctors and nurses. They were all gathering around the bed doing different things, performing different tests on Jason trying to get some sign their patient might be awakening. While all this was going on Ronny slipped away to call Jason's mom and then his mom on his cell phone to tell them about what was happening at the hospital.

Ronny, told Mrs. Hall not to come immediately but to stand by and he would keep her updated on any new developments. As soon as the Marine hung up his mom was calling Jason's mom to let her know she was on the way to pick her up.

The next few hours at the hospital were a blur for Ronny. Doctors and nurses were coming and going; however, there was no more movement in Jason's hand. After a while the doctors disappeared except for one young neuro surgeon: a teaching fellow. He asked Jason's mom who had arrived with Ronny's mom if he could try some new cutting edge technology. Mrs. Hall told the doctor to try anything that might help her son. The doctor wrote an order for an MRI procedure. Within minutes Jason was being wheeled to the x-ray department.

As Jason was being wheeled away the doctor officially introduced himself saying, "I'm Doctor Tom Thorn. Why don't you all go down to the cafeteria and get something to eat," the young Asian doctor said to the two elderly ladies, "the procedure will take a while. If I hear anything I'll call you or send for you all."

"Thank you doctor," The two women said in unison.

"Oh, young man I hope you will be here for a while," The doctor said.

"I'll call in to work and tell them I'll be running late."

"Good, as soon as the test is done I want to try something with your help," The doctor said looking at Ronny.

"Sure, what ever I can do."

Ronny gave the young doctor his cell phone number and told him that he was going for a walk and would join his mother and Mrs. Hall in the cafeteria later. The two went their separate ways.

Next: Chapter 40

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