Marine of My Dreams

By moc.loa@rawcigamkcalB

Published on Feb 27, 2006


All legal disclaimers apply. If you aren't suppose to read this then don't and if you find homosexual relationships wrong then don't read this. OK? GOOD. This story is purial fictional. Just one of my many fantasies that pop in my head.

"MMMMMM," I groaned. Still groggy from the nights events. Taking a few minutes to remember everything I realized that a massive arm was laid across my chest. A small chuckle escapes my lips as I stare at the mammoth of a man, that I just recently started to call my boyfriend, lay asleep and content next to me. Geez it only seems like yesterday when we first started talking but in actual reality it was more like a few years ago.

"All right class I have been instructed by the Dean that for anyone that wants to you can choose a soldiers name from a bullentin board that is serving in Iraq right now to send parcels and letters to to try and help them cope with fighting overseas. Now most of the names are for guys that have no one to send them anything. Most are loners that really never talked to no one, and the others are those that HAVE family but they are so oppose to the war that they will not have anything to do with these brave men. Now to any of you that are just going to write to them and bitch at them think again. I have agreed to give this little annoucement because for anyone that has a long connection with their soldier and BRINGS in letters from that soldier will get extra credit. Now I know most......" My literature professor's words just seem to trail off in my head. All I could think about was possibly sending some letters to a hunky marine. Now being a gay man in Michigan isn't always easy and I do have some funky taste but give me a muscled up marine anyday of the week and I will be happy. Even though I wasn't for the war I was still willing to earn some extra credit for a class that I didn't care about just to write some letters to a lonely hunky marine.

"Hey Xav, you going to do this assignment?" asked my best friend Sarah after class was done.

"I dunno. I suppose. Easy extra credit is hard to pass up."

"Yeah it is pretty rare that we can get any kind of this stuff to come OUR way." Now what Sarah meant by 'OUR' way is that we are students at the Detroit Medical School, and having something like this done at a med school is kinda out of the ordinary. "So you think there will be any horny hotties on the bullentin board ready for leave?"

"Gawd Sarah!!! Don't you ever have enough sex? And here I thought I WAS the horny one! HAHAHAHAHA!! I swear I don't know about you sometimes." Let explain a little about Sarah. To say that she is a slut is putting it mildly. If it is a guy, and he is in uniform; she will fuck him no matter what. Hell in our little town that we were from I don't think there was a police officer, firefighter, or even mailman that she hadn't sleep with or at the minimual blown, but I guess being a 5'5" big breasted long blonde hair and blue eyed girl didn't hurt her getting any kind og man she wanted. Myself....well I am quite the opposite. I am 5'8", weigh about 250 pounds, have real short brown hair that looks gray under certain light, and I have hazel eyes that I have inherited from my mother that change color. Oh and I haven't had any kind of sex for over two years. Been hurt one too many times for me to open up to a guy again.

"ENOUGH SEX?!?! Are you NUTS?!?! You can NEVER have ENOUGH SEX!!!" Good ole Sarah. "Well here we are let's see what we have to pick from...DAMN!!! Hasn't ANYONE been here yet?"

"Guess not," I say kinda lethargic. Set up in front of us is a big board with at least a hundred photos with names attached and ALL of the them were still there. "Aren't we like the prof's third or fourth class he has? Surely he has said something to his other classes."

"I dunno. Maybe he forgot. Damn. I hope he did forget. This is kinda depressing now."

"I know what you mean. Sure I am not for this stupid ass war but Damn we should at least give these guys some kind of support."

"I know what you mean Xav. Fuck I am going to take one today but every day I go by here and nobody else has taken a name I am going to take another till they are all gone."

"DAMN Sarah!!! Never knew you ever had such a good heart inside you. Especially after HOW MANY marriages you broke up over a big cock?"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! YOU KNOW DAMN WELL THAT I AM A GOOD PERSON ALL AROUND. And besides it wasn't over a BIG cock...They were over a MONSTER cock. There is a difference."

"WHATEVER," I say laughing hysterically. "So I bet you already have your guy picked out right?"

"Yep and yours," she says kinda matter-of-factly.


"I know you like those big muscle dudes so I found the biggest guy I could for you. Here I think you will like."

"Fine...give me the photo." Now I was not prepared for what I saw. "My god...he...IS...A GOD!!!"

"Oh...I knew you would like. So do you?"


"HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. You are too much. Well I gotta jet. I have to get to my next class. TTYL. Smooches." And with that she was gone down the hall. Now attached to each photo was a name but on the back was all the guys measurements for just in case you wanted to buy them clothes or jewerly and send them something. Now this guy was HUGE. He stood at 6'2", weighed a massive 280 pounds, it went to say how big his arms, chest and thighs were (please note I am not inserting any numbers because I don't know some good balanced numbers) and a 38 inch waist. But what really caught my attention was the fact that he had dark brown hair, almost to the point it was black, and crystal clear blue eyes. I knew I had to get home fast because I was standing there staring at this picture, drooling and getting a hard on. I did NOT need anyone to see me like this. Once I made the short drive to mine and Sarah's little apartment I knew I needed to write to this guy as soon as possible. As I wrote to him, you know the basic for the first kind of letter; weather, events, all that good stuff, his name kept echoing in my mind: Marc Carr...Marc Carr...Marc Carr. Then it started to really freak me out when I started to keep saying Xavier Carr over and over again.

"FUCK WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!?!?! I DON'T EVEN KNOW THIS GUY!!!!" I yelled in my apartment. Now I am not one to believe in love at first sight but this guy was starting to make me believe. "I need a cold shower. A REAL cold shower." By the time Sarah got home from school I had Marc's letter all ready to go to the post office but I figured I would wait till Sarah wrote hers and I would take both first thing in the morning since I start school before her. "So...did anyone else take any other names down before you left, or didn't you notice?"

"Yeah actually. Quite a few are gone now but I told the janitors to watch the garbage cans to make sure some little ass isn't just taking them down and dumping them in the garbages. Hey why don't we not think about that right now and can you help me study for our human anatamoy test tomorrow?"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You?! Need help in human anatamoy? You ARE joking right?"

"FUCK OFF!!! I am fine with a certain organ but I don't have a clue when it comes to any of the bones or veins or nothing really-"

"YOU WOULD if you would quit trying to bang the teacher!!!"

"HA...HA...HA...That was so funny I forgot to laugh. Now are you going to help me or not?"

"ok...OK...I will. Now lets get started. the way...can you have your letter ready by tomorrow morning so I can mail both out?"

"DID you ALREADY write yours?"

"Yeah I don't know but this guy just seemed to call to me...I know it sounds funny-"

" little princess has grown up to all full blown QUEEN! HAHAHHA!"

"SHUT UP! Now do you want help or NOT?"

"OK...OK...OK...I do...I do..." The rest of the night I couldn't get that guy's name or face out of my head. "Well that is enough studing for me...Night Xav."

"Night Sarah."

"Yeah you like it like that don't you? Don't you my little slut?"

"Yes...fuck me...fuck me with that monster you have..."

"Yeah you like it when I pound you..."



"What?! huh???"

"HAHAHAHAHAHA...look's like to me that someone wasn't having a nightmare but more like a 'cummere' hahaha Night and DON'T you scare the fuck out of me again...YOU HEAR mister?"

"Huh? Yeah fine." I had no idea what Sarah was talking about till I felt down my stomach and felt the stickiness of a freshly shot load. "What the...?! I have never had a wet dream before so WHY now?" I asked myself. "What was I dreaming about?" Then it hit me. I was dreaming about the marine I had just wrote to. I had my first wet dream about a guy that I have never even SEEN in person before, but little did I know that over in Iraq somewhere a certain marine was even more preplexed by the exact same dream...

"WHAT THE FUCK?! WHO THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Marc was asking himself as he awoke in his little foxhole. "How in the hell could I have had a wetdream. Especially HERE of all places." To anyone walking by this would have been a sight to see. A special ops marine in a little dirt hole humping the wall to a dream about a person he didn't even know. "I thought I put those thoughts behind me when I joined the marines. And especially when I was chosen to the special opps program. Damn who the hell was that guy anyway? Guess I just need to try to get some sleep."

"HEY MAN. Wake up!"

"Huh? Who the hell are you?"

"Blah. BlaH." Is all the special opps officer heard. All this guy was nothing more than another newby grunt to become nothing more than a statics as far as Marc was concern.

"Listen Kid. Just shut up and tell me what you are doing and how the hell you found me?" Marc said in a very commanding tone.

"Um we are the back up that you guys called for. The look out told us were to find you guys."

"Oh...ok...well get away from me now." As Marc crawled out of his hole, the back up had already set up a base that can be moved at the drop of a hat.


"Ugh...hate these times," Marc said out loud.

"Damn buddy maybe you will get one yet," fellow special opps marine Giannakopolous said.

"Hey Niko. At least you get letters from home. Must be nice." Now a little about "Niko" Giannakopolous. He is your typical greek all around. And so is his family. Now Marc is the only person that can call Niko by that name. Most other people know him by the name of "Aries, God of war" because of the missions Niko and Marc and their fellow marines in the "4 Horsemen" group.

"Hey! HEY! MAN! Watch the real name deal man. Especailly that loud."

"I'm just happy that 'The Proffesor' was able to have all mail sent to him first so that nobody can know are real names."

"You said it man. Well we better hurry. This guys is reading names off in a hurry."

"Johnson...Smith...Hall...Schultz...McDonald...Aries...Ninja..." The mail caller yells in a monotonatic style.

"HEY DUDE! You got a letter!" Aries yells with more than enough enthusiam.

"Yeah but who? I have no family and I left all my friends behind when I joined the elite of the elite."

"Well hurry up and get it." In uncharacterized fashion; Marc, aka "Ninja, The Shadow of Death", runs up to the mail caller to get his letter, and not to his surprise but there was the unmistakable scrawl of Prof's handwritting over the real persons to hide is identity. "So who is it from? HM? HMMMMMMMMMMM?"

"Don't you have like thousands of your families letters to go answer or something? Leave me be. I doubt this is good."

"Damn man. If you insist. But our tent is the largest one. And that is where I am going anyways. So lets go." So the two best warriors of the four horsemen walk to their tent, both with an expliciable sense of joy. As soon as the two men get to the tent they notice something kinda out of the ordinary. "Who the hell put all this girly shit up?"

"I did," a very sudective voice says from the shadows. "You got a problem with it? Little boy." With that last statment out walks a beautiful woman. Only about 5'5 110 pounds with blonde hair down to her butt in a long braid looks like a dwarf standing in front of the 330 pounds 6'6 grecian. But it was actually the Grecian that seemed scared not her. "The name is Cammy Applegate. Code name Temptress, the Beautiful Death. Looks like we should call ourselves the Four horse people, but then again...the four horsemen is deceptive. SO...I think we can keep it."

"So this is the fourth member huh? So we finally meet. I've heard alot about you. So this is the top assasin? So I take it you know all about us huh?" Aries said.

"Will you two keep it down. I am trying to read my one and only letter...EVER. SO SHUT IT!"

"I've heard that Ninja was tempermental. But I had no idea how much so. So tell us who this letter is from?"

"From a 21 year old guy in Michigan. Med student. I...I am I suppose to answer this guys questions?"

"So the rumours are true about you. Nothing but a big gay softy. Let me see the letter. Here take a notepad and some notes. Well the beginning questions are easy. Tell him the truth. All he is asking for is your age and such. Tell him how long you have been in the military. I would leave out this little group of ours though."

"Yah for real man. Remember what happened to Prof's wife and kids?"

"She got them involved. He told them to flee but she refused and by striking one of the assasins, she was fair game. I should know. I had to pull him away from there before they killed him. So do you know what you are going to tell him about your rank or anything?" Tress asked.

"I think I will tell him that I am with a special inflitration unit that consists of a Greek, a Brit, and a Japanese. That is all. So leave me guys alone. I am going to write it."

"OK Ninja. Hey Aries. Lets go out and spar."

"Ok if you are game then."

"One thing I am not going to tell those guys is that I fucked him in a dream I had. I think I just made up my mind of where I am going to go on my extended leave in a couple of months."

"HEY SARAH!!!! I got a letter from my marine man."

"REALLY!? Let's see!!! Let's SEE!"


"WHAT?!?! WHAT?!?!"

"He had a wet dream about me as well. Sounds like the same night I did. Damn he sent some pics as well."

"Let me see. Are you serious though? Did he really say that he came while thinking about you before meeting you?"

"Yep. And here you go...but there are a few you can't see though. HAHAHAHA. Let me tell you what he told me. He is 28. His father was a general and got killed in action so he has been raised in the Army since he was 16. His mother died at birth. Damn. All he has ever known has been the life a soldier fighting for his life. HEY! LOOK AT THIS! He wants to know if we keep talking and what not if it is ok for him to come and stay with me when he gets is extended leave in three months."

"Well look at you. Only one letter and you two are already planning your guys honeymoon. HOW CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE!!!!!!!!!!!"

"SHUT UP! Maybe I will show you his nude pic he sent me. SEE!"

"MY GOD! THAT COCK IS B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!" What Sarah was staring at was a perfect 10.5 inch by 7.5 inch slab of meat on a hunk of man.

"Well I am going to write him and tell him that of course he can come here and stay so I can show him what cilivian life is all about."

"Not to mention a detailed look of the inside of your ass and mouth...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA."

"SHUT UP! If he screws me then GREAT but if he doesn't then so be it." As I sit down to write this letter I have no idea what lies in store for me by getting involved with a member of the most feared military group in the world.

To be continue......

Next: Chapter 2

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