Mark and Dannys Easter Weekend


Published on Apr 26, 2021


category: college

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It's coming up on Easter weekend, and I'm staying up at school in my apartment while my flatmate, Doug, goes back home. I'm thinking that I'm going to be alone the whole weekend, and halfheartedly thinking about the kinds of trouble I could get up to, but really mostly just imagining that I'll sleep late and order pizza, and watch a bunch of shit on TV.

The weekend before, Doug tells me that his cousin is coming into town Easter weekend, and wants to crash at our place. I can't understand why this dude doesn't want to go home with Doug, and why the fuck he wants to spend Easter weekend in a college town.

Apparently, Mark, the cousin, is about ten years older than us, getting out of the Navy, and in addition to not really digging Doug's parents (which I could understand, having met them), he graduated from here back in the day and wants to roam around his old stomping grounds. Doug's family owns the condo we live in, and I guess Mark used to live here when he was going to school.

So, fine. I'm not going to be alone for the weekend. At least Doug told the dude I was gay, so that when I head out to the bars and don't come home with a chick I won't get too much shit for it, I hope.

Thursday night rolls around, and Doug takes off for home immediately after classes end. I have a chill night--gym, pizza, TV, and video games. I hit the hay about 1am, and figure I can sleep as late as I want the next day.

Friday morning rolls around, and I get up a bit late, and hit the gym again. I'm in great shape - 6'1", 210, sandy hair and blue-green eyes. I work hard on my body and it shows. My best feature is probably my ass - a bouncy bubble butt, muscular and plush. Dudes lust after it, but I'm pretty damn particular about hooking up. I put in a killer ass workout, figuring that regardless of what this Mark guy gets up to, I'll probably head out to Thumpers tonight to see if I can find someone to hook up with. It's been a while, and I'm feeling the urge.

I've been home ten minutes, and I'm in the kitchen, sweaty and making a tuna sandwich, when someone pounds on the front door. Figuring it's Mark, I head on over to open it.

The door swings open, and holy shit. What I see is a 6'3" stud. Brown hair, blue eyes, scruffy beard growth, and a rangy, muscular build, tats peeking out from under his shirt. He's early thirties, but looks like he was in killer shape in college, and has done a good job of staying in shape. The bulge in his jeans is ridiculous .

He sticks out his hand and says, "Hey, I'm Mark! You must be Dan."

I shake his hand, and do a good job of keeping my chill. "Hey Mark, great to meet you. Yup, I'm Dan. Come on in!"

He grabs his duffel, and comes inside. I lead him over to the sofa and gesture at him to have a seat, while trying to covertly check him out.

"You want a beer?" I ask.

"Fuck, yeah, that would be perfect!" he replies with something akin to relief.

I grab two beers and head back into the living room. I hand one to Mark, and we crack 'em open and clink 'em together, and take a swig. He sits on the sofa, and I sit on the loveseat, and we fall into an easy conversation.

He tells me about the Navy, and what he was doing. How him and Doug are related. The places he's seen and the adventures he's had in the service. A mention here and there about chicks he's banged, and I figure, I get the message, he's straight, but chill hanging with a gay dude. A couple times I've noticed him adjusting his giant package, but I'm making a superhuman effort to keep my eyes locked on his.

I grab us another beer each, and I think I catch him checking out my ass, but I dismiss it. I hand him his beer and I tell him about school, and how Doug and I met in a Freshmen Chem class and bonded and how he invited me to move into his condo. All the usual chitter chatter stuff.

He's starting to look tired, despite the fact that it's only just noon now.

He looks at me and says, "Hey, bud, I'm beat from that long-ass flight. I'm thinking I'm gonna go crash for a couple hours. What kind of trouble are we getting up to tonight? Is the Porpoise still open?"

It's the oldest and most notorious frat bar near campus. If you go to school here, you've been to that bar a thousand times.

I laugh. "Yeah, it's still there, scuzzy as ever. You're guaranteed to find some pussy there tonight."

He laughs. "Sweet! You're coming with me to be my wingman, right?"

I mean, I wasn't planning on it, but why not? "Sure thing, man. We'll find you some sorority puss, and then I'll peel off and head to Thumpers."

His eyebrows shoot up in surprise, and then he gets his face back under control.

"Fuckin' sweet! Sounds good, bro!" He stands up and shifts his massive bulge again, and I can't help but look as he does it. I glance up, and see that he's caught me watching. He's got a little smile on his face, stretches, and shuffles off to where I showed him Doug's room was earlier, with a nod.

"If I'm not up by 5pm, come on in and wake me up. I want to get down there for happy hour wings!"

I hear him go into the shared bathroom and take a huge, long piss, and then he shuffles off to the bedroom and closes the door.

The two beers and the proximity to this stud have my head spinning a bit, but I'm chill, so I just keep doing what I'd planned. I clean up around the apartment, fuck around on the computer, and play more video games while he's sleeping. I kinda forget that he's there as a matter of fact.

Around 4:30 I decide I should start to get ready. If he wants to get there by 6ish, and if I'm really gonna peel off and go look for some dick later, I want to make sure I'm completely ready to go.

I spend some time in the shower making sure I'm clean, and kind of on a whim, I shave my ass crack. I've done it before, and I think it feels fucking sexy as hell. It's a bitch when it grows back in, but shaving it feels hot, and thinking about getting nailed with a shaved hole makes me horny as hell.

I get out of the shower, dry off, and put on the jock I'm going to wear out tonight, and head into the kitchen. I want to take some Immodium and my workout supplements. I'm keeping kind of quiet, because as far as I can tell, Mark's still asleep. It's just 5 now, so I figure I'll give him twenty or thirty more minutes before I wake him up.

I fill up a glass, and as I'm popping open my supplements, I drop a couple and fuck it all, they roll just under the edge of the fridge. I get down on my hands and knees to fish them out, and just as I've almost got the last one, I hear a sharp whistle behind me.

"Hol-lee fuck! Would you look at that sweet fuckin pussy!"

I whip my head around and Mark's standing in the kitchen door, laughing his head off. And, goddamnit, he looks sexy as hell. He's wearing just a pair of baggy sweatshorts, and he's covered with tats. And, Jesus, whatever is swinging around in his shorts has got to be eight or fucking nine inches long already, and it's clearly still soft, with plenty of room to grow.

I get up and try to maintain my dignity as much as possible, and laugh right along with him. I swig my pills and water, and brush it all off by saying. "'Bout time you woke up, Sleeping Beauty."

He grins at me and produces a vape with a flourish. "I just wanted to see if you wanted to get a head start on tonight with me."

"Oh, fuck, yeah. Gimme that - what is it?"

"Indica blend. Supposed to make you feel tingly all over."

We stood in the kitchen and traded a couple of tokes back and forth. It maybe should have felt weird that we were standing there, me in just my jock, and him in a pair of sweatshorts that were practically falling off him, pretty much only held up by the root of his thick cock, but it didn't feel weird at all. After we'd both hit it four or five times, he wandered over to the couch and flopped down.

"So, bud, you ready for tonight?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm just finishing up in the bathroom, I'll be good to go in a bit."

He was laying back half reclining, with his eyes half closed, but I swear I could tell that he was looking at the way my bubble butt popped out of the straps of my jock. And fuck if the bulge in his shorts didn't look even more massive.

"Sweet!" he said. "I'm pretty much ready to go right now." He leered at me and gave his huge dick a squeeze through his shorts.

I kept my head screwed on straight, and just ambled back into the bathroom, half closing the door.

I was brushing my teeth when Mark half-knocked, half just pushed the bathroom door open. He stood there for a moment watching me, and then ambled up to toilet, and just dropped trou.

"Hope you don't mind, gotta piss." he said, and then let loose with a fucking firehose stream of golden piss from his cock.

I couldn't help but look over, and then couldn't help but fucking gasp and say, "Jesus fucking Christ!"

He just smiled over at me, knowing full well that I was talking about the horse dick that he was using to piss with. I swear to god, the thing was as thick as my wrist, and was at least nine inches long. And god help me, it was thickening slowly and getting even longer as I watched.

I made myself look back at the mirror as I brushed my teeth. But I kept stealing glances as his killer body and huge dick, and he wasn't being shy about checking out my body - particularly my ass.

He finally stopped pissing, and stood there for a minute, shaking the piss off his dick - which was continuing to grow. He looked over at me and smiled while wagging his thick dick.

"Danny, you think I'm gonna be able to find a chick tonight who can take all eleven and a half inches of this dick?"

I covered up choking a bit by spitting out some toothpaste, and looked over at him.

"I'm pretty sure you'll find some lucky chick who sure as shit is at least gonna try."

He stepped out of his shorts which were still on the floor, and walked over and stood behind me, looking in the mirror. "I should probably shower, too, and wash this stink offa me." He leaned into the tub briefly, turning on the shower.

I swear to god I could feel the heat coming off of his crotch, roasting my ass crack.

"I gotta brush my teeth, too, bud." He reached around me and grabbed the toothpaste and took my toothbrush out of my hands, and started squirting toothpaste on to it. As he did, I definitely felt the head of his huge dick graze my ass, and I tried, and failed, to supress a shudder of pleasure. I'm feeling the weed pen. My body is on fire with tingles, and his proximity is setting it on maximum.

I was trapped at the sink. I mean, not really, but I felt like I could barely move. I didn't want to move. I was leaned up against the sink with my jockstrap framed bubble butt sticking out a bit, and this tattooed Navy stud was standing right behind me. The slightest move backwards and his giant dick would bascially be in my crack.

He's brushing his teeth, and I can feel his massive dick bouncing around in time, grazing my ass. His eyes are locked on mine in the mirror.

Finally, he stops brushing, and he leans forward and his whole body, from dick to chest, is pressed up against my back. He leans over my shoulder and spits a gob of tootpaste foam into the sink. He leans back, but not all the way. His cock is now nestled in the crack of my ass, hugely thick, and throbbing larger with his heartbeat.

"Can I ask you a question, Danny?" His eyes are locked on mine in the mirror.

I nod. "Yeah, what's up?"

"You shave your pussy?"

Oh, fuck.

My eyes flicker away from his in the mirror, and then I lock back on.

"Uh...yup." I nod, intentionally not breaking eye contact now.

His body shifts forward a bit, and his dick is gigantic, nudging deeper into my crack, like it's sniffing out my hole.

He sets down the toothbrush, and gently places his huge hands on my hips, making me shudder with pleasure once again.

"So when we go out, you're gonna peel off and head to Thumpers later, right?" He's slowly rubbing his palms up my sides.

"That's the plan." I manage to stammer.

"What are you lookin for tonight, Danny?"

What the fuck? Fucking fine. We're playing a game, and it's going really goddamn far, but fine, I'll say it.

"I'm lookin for a hot stud who can plow my ass all goddamn night long." He nods, all serious like.

"Why, Mark, what are you looking for?" He runs his hands back down my sides and grips my waist tightly, like he's testing it for ripeness.

"I just want a hot piece of ass I can fuck all night, Danny." Our eyes are locked in the mirror.

He leans down and kisses the back of my neck, and I literally fucking moan like a whore.

He looks up at me as he pulls my ass into his giant dick, now firmly lodged in my crack, with its head resting on my twitching hole. "Maybe we don't need to go out tonight, huh?"

In response, I back my bubble butt back up into him and grind it against his cock. His big hands grab my ass cheeks, and his thumbs are pulling my crack open, so he can see the slab of his dick next to my hole.

He expertly lines up a giant gob of spit, and lands it directly on the spot where the head of his monster cock meets my hole, and starts gently prodding me open with it.

"You think you can take my whole dick, Danny?"

"Fuck yes, Mark. You think you can fuck me all night long?"

"Oh, hell yes, bitch. I'm gonna fuck this shaved pussy all goddamn night long".

I moan as the fat, blunt head of his dick pops open my hole, and what had been theoretical up to this point suddenly becomes very real. Mark spits again, and begins slowly working his massive cock into my ass, which is on fire with pain and pleasure.

Between the weed and this stud slowly grinding his monster dick into me, my body is on humming with electricity. We're both grunting and moaning, and catching eyes in the mirror.

This isn't remotely what I'd imagined would happen when I opened the door to this guy just six or seven hours ago, but right now, this feels like the best thing that's ever happened to me. And by the big ass smile plastered on his face, I'm thinking that Mark feels pretty much the same way.

He's expertly opening me up with well timed jabs and thrusts, more spit, and his big-assed thumbs pulling my hole ever more open while his hands grip my hips.

Suddenly he pulls all the way out, and I look up at him in surprise. He meets my eyes in the mirror, and then leans down to lick the sweat off my spine.

"I gotta eat this pussy out to open it all the way up, it looks like." He says it matter-of-factly, like a plumber reaching for a wrench.

Before I know it, he's on his knees behind me, and I'm suddenly moaning like a bitch in heat between the feeling of his toungue digging into my ass, his beard stubble rubbing on my already sensitive hole, and his big hands pulling my ass all the way open.

I stick my ass out even further as his tongue rapes and pillages its way even deeper, and I drop my head down onto my arm as I grip the bathroom countertop for dear life, whimpering.

His hands are pawing up and down my body, and I howl with pleasure as his fingers find my nips while his tongue is deeper in me than anything I've ever felt before.

In a flash, he's standing up, rubbing his rock hard cock against my hole, and then holding it open with both thumbs, sliding his monster meat as deep into me as it can go. An animal growl escapes me, and he's looking at me in the mirror again, nodding, and whispering, "There we go" over and over, like I'm a mare giving birth. Which is about how open and how deep his dick in my hole feels right now.

The fat head of his dick hits something up inside me. Something tight and taut, like the skin of a drum. He bangs the head of his dick up against it a couple times like he's testing it - knocking on a door, waiting for access.

I'm a little bit scared, not sure what's happening exactly, but I'm also more turned on than I've ever been before in my life, feeling like I'm not certain I'm in control of my body anymore.

Mark places his left palm flat on the small of my back, and presses down, forcing me to stick my ass out even further, while his right hand slides up my side and locks my right nipple between his fingers. He pinches, hard, and I moan like a slut, forcing my ass back onto his dick, feeling the head bang against that tight drum up inside me.

He slides his right hand up to my face, and forces two long fingers into my mouth, hissing "suck 'em" as he does.

I'm sucking on his fingers like they are water and I'm dying of thirst. He's sliding them deeper and deeper into my throat, and turning my head towards him, so that I'm no longer looking at him in the foggy mirror, but like I'm doing a yoga pose, looking into his eyes over my shoulder, over my turned torso, directly watching his huge dick go into me - but not all the way into me. Impossibly, there are still two or three inches that won't go all the way in.

I'm sucking on his thick fingers, looking at him fuck me, and he pulls all the way out, and then rams his cock home, once - twice - three times.

And then it happens. On the third try, as I'm choking on his incredibly long fingers, the fat head of his horse dick pops through whatever that tight drum was up inside me.

I'm gargling a beast howl of lust around his fingers, and he yells something like "Holy fucking fuck" as loud as he can, while he - finally - drives the entire length of his giant dick into the full length of what I can now only think of as my pussy.

He pulls out and rams it all the way again, popping through that deep, tight back pussy a second time, and as he does, what feels like a fountain of cum and - I don't know - piss? blood? - comes surging out of my dick, soaking the pouch of my jock. My body is writhing in the most profound orgasm I've ever had, and he is pulling out and slamming his whole length home again and again and again.

Right as I feel like I'm about to lose consciousness and collapse, Mark howls, drives his cock home as far now as it's ever been, and proceeds to unload a gyser of steaming hot cum deeper in me than anything I've ever felt.

The next couple of minutes are a blur. Both of us coming down off of the most instense sex rut high I've ever felt, just grunting and half grinding into each other. He keeps his massive dick in me until it finally deflates enough to pop out, and then pulls reluctantly away.

He looks at me for a minute, and we lock eyes again. He grins his wicked grin, and steps into the shower, which has been running this whole time. He yelps at the cold water, and then reaches down, turns the heat up, and after a minute, reaches out, grabs my arm, and gently pulls me into the shower with him.

We spend a couple of minutes laughing, soaping each other up, washing the fuck off of us. He helps me peel off my now completely soaked jock strap - I guess I don't need it any more tonight after all - and I rinse it, and set it on the side of the tub. We don't say anything, and we don't need to.

He gets out of the tub before me, and starts drying off. As I turn off the water and begin to step out, he throws me a towel.

Out of nowhere, he says, "Hey, is that Judy Foo's place still around?"

I'm taken aback, but then I say, "The cheap chinese place? Yeah, why?"

"Sweet! I'm gonna order us a bunch of takeout! I'm fucking starving, and we can chow down and watch flicks while we recharge for round two!" He grins at me, and grabs his flaccid but still horse-like cock and wags it at me before dashing out the bathroom door for his phone.

I laugh out loud, and think that this is shaping up to be a pretty fucking fantastic Easter weekend.

Next: Chapter 2

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